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Mr Mould

Our Late French Master

Peter Fellows

John doing his japanese face. I WAS SORRY to hear of the passing of John Mould. What a character !!! He had the mis-fortune to attempt to teach me french... but we had a great time and at the same time I managed to learn the subject. His humour was unforgettable. I still recall his minor brush with the law in Lewes High Street.

John rode an upright green bicycle, and one day decided to take the law into his own hands. A Constable of the local Constabulary, held his hand up to stop the traffic. The motorised vehicles duly obeyed him. However John saw fit to ride straight past the officer, who was not at all happy about the situation. He shouted after John to stop, which he did, but made the mistake of remarking to the offended policeman "How absurd!"

Dear John made the local paper after his appearance in court. The heading in the paper was of course his utterance. I believe that he was fined ten shillings, but was still able to joke about it.