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Report of Meeting July 2002

John Davey

On 11th July 2002, the Chapel Trustees attended the Priory School launch of its Arts College Specialist School status. There followed a regular meeting of the Trustees when the Headteacher, Martyn Ofield, was asked to congratulate all concerned with the successful outcome of this exciting new venture for the school.

The Trustees, having undertaken at the last meeting to support the bid to the extent of £6,000, agreed that payment should now be made from the Chapel Fund to the Priory School.

As a direct consequence of the new status, it is anticipated that the use of the Chapel will be extended and it is the Head's intention to make provision for repair and maintenance costs for the Chapel's furbishing from the additional funding now to be provided from the DfEE. Since responsibility for the repair and maintenance of the fabric of the Chapel has, for some time past, been undertaken by the ESCC, it seems unlikely that it will any longer be necessary for the Trustees to act other than in a supporting role for the Headteacher and his colleagues and, perhaps, to meet in order to receive an annual report from the Head teacher and to discuss with him future plans for development and use of the Chapel. Accordingly, it was agreed that the Trust Deed should be reviewed and application should be made to the Charity Commissioners for any necessary amendments to be incorporated.

Terry Steele, Head of Music at Priory School, reviewed the progress made with regard to proposal that the organ might be re-sited within the Chapel in order to improve the quality of its performance and to afford additional seating by more efficient use of the gallery. Although necessary funds are currently available to carry out a full overhaul of the instrument in its present position, it was agreed to defer this for a further 12 months. Within this period of time further advice and costings for the re-siting will be obtained and, at the same time, the Headteacher will explore various means by which this project might be funded.

The Trustees received a brief report of the progress that has been made in developing the Old Lewesian website and the formation of the new Old Lewesians Organisation was welcomed to provide future means of contact and communication for Old Lewesians.

John Davey
12th July 2002