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Keeping the OLO Website Going

THE Old Lewesians Organisation provides a free service to members. There is no membership subscription. However, we have running costs to cover internet hosting charges, postage, stationery and other expenses. Since 2002 they have been covered by voluntary donations from members.

All funds are banked and accounted for to our chairman and are used entirely for maintenance of our website and communicating with Old Lewesians by email and post. We are not a charity; we are an unincorporated non-profit-making mutual voluntary organisation. The School Chapel is supported by a separate charity with its own trustees and fund raising activities for interior maintenance.

In the event of the OLO having to be wound up, it is the intention of the present officers of the organisation that residual funds (if any) would be donated to the Chapel Trustees.

So who keeps this organisation going?

We have a President, Chairman, Webmaster, Membership Secretary, Girls Secretary and a 'Virtual Committee' all unpaid volunteers, who run this organisation for the benefit of former pupils and staff of the former Lewes County Grammar Schools.


Those Old Lewesians who wish to show their appreciation for the services provided by the OLO and would like to make a contribution towards our running costs are invited to send donations by cheque (payable to the "Old Lewesians Organisation") to the Chairman or Webmaster who can in the first instance be contacted by email :-

Webmaster via site       or       Webmaster via Gmail