Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

Scout Camps 1959-65

From Peter Cox

1959 Derbyshire
Heathylea, near Baslow, near Bakewell, Derbyshire
Postcard post mark 31 July 1959 Arrived at Chesterfield
Letter of 2 Aug 1959
Letter of 6 August 1959
5 Aug 1959 Down Blue John & Speedwell caverns, On 'Free day' going down Peak & Treak mine (but power cut) Camp grub is good
Bakewell show (menu cornflakes and boiled eggs, packed lunch and then stew.
Chatsworth Hall
Experimental cooking day provided a menu of
Breakfast: porridge, 2 sausages and | tomato then later runner beans, fish and chips, fresh fruit and custard.
As I remember transport was by coach

1960 Dartmoor
c/o Mrs V H Palmer, Eggworthy, Horrabridge, Yelverton, Devonshire
Transport was by train to Tavistck, thence in a coach to Eggworthy then cattle lorry to the campsite
30th July 1960 Arrival? (letter)
1 August 1960 Dinner of roast beef, hard peas, runner beans and no cabbage. Hike to Princetown.
Don't like washing 'cos the water is cold

1961 Wales
Lower Cantref farm, Lower Cantref, Near Brecon, Breconshire
29 July 1961 arrival. Camp near tributary of river Usk

1962 The New Forest
c/o Mr R Winning, Holiday Hill Cottage, Lyndhurst, Hampshire
Tea burn't roly-poly slush, spuds overdone, carrots underdone.
Camp covered in bracken
Beavers - Champion patrol and best of the day!

1963 Stübaital, near Innsbruck, Austria
Climbed Wilderfreier 0,500 and so one foot into Italy

1964 Boat hire Normandy, Brittany and the Channel Islands
From IOW to Portsmouth to pick up main party then to Braye harbour Alderney stayed 3 days, to Guernsey then to Lezardrieux (C du N)

1965 Pyrenees Bagneres du Luchon then from Hospice de France over by the porte de Venasque into Spain. Camped near La Renclusa.
Climbed Maladetta

Scout Camp Baslow 1959

From Peter Cox

Scout Camp Dartmoor 1960

From Peter Cox

Mr Stevens en route at Tavistock

(Alan Pett alongside him to our right)

'Beavers Patrol Camp' (many years before pre-Cub members groups were formed)

Scout Camp Brecon 1961

From Peter Cox

Scout Camp New Forest 1962

From Peter Cox

Scout Camp 1962

From Ian Morris

Scout Camp Austria 1963

From Peter Cox

Scout Camp Pyrenees 1965

From Peter Cox