HIS wedding photo of the groom with his new bride, taken outside the main door of the School Chapel, also shows the scout guard of honour (with ice axes!) . This was a surprise for the happy couple who were not expecting it. I am on the right with Bruce Upton on the left. I cannot distinguish the other faces. She was on the school staff teaching biology but I cannot recall her name. He, of course taught French at the school for many years.
This photograph was recently found by Steve Shelagh in one of his slide boxes.
He doesn't remember exactly why or when he took the photo but writes :-
"I was at the school from 1963 to 1970 (Priory School for the last year)
Mr Farmer joined after I did, I remember the School Magazine interview where
his reply to the 'Favourite drink?' question was something to the effect of, 'Any
kind of flavoured water' so that would narrow the date a little more.
However, whenever or why ever it was taken it is clearly a picture of him
posed beside his beloved Ford Escort (he used to wax lyrical about its crossflow
cylinder head). In the background, incidentally, is the mini van of the lab.
technician, Bill Tuck. "