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Report of Meeting Jan 2013

From Paul Hayler


MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD at 2.30pm ON THURSDAY JANUARY 24th 2013 Present - Tony Smith (Headteacher), John Davey (Chair) , Martyn Relf, Paul Hayler, Alan Pett Apologies - Brian Honess)

WELCOME TO ALAN PETT - Alan has accepted our invitation to join the Trustees.

RETIREMENT OF OUR CHAIRMAN IVOR WYCHERLEY - First appointed as Treasurer of the Old Boys in 1938 and asked, in 1942, to look after fundraising for a Chapel to be built as a war memorial, Ivor has taken the leading role for over 70 years and now retires to enjoy a little more time to himself. He will be a hard act to follow and carries our best wishes for a long and happy retirement.

APPOINTMENT OF A NEW CHAIRMAN, HONORARY TRUSTEE AND SECRETARY - John Davey was proposed by Martyn Relf and elected unanimously to the post of Chairman. His first task was to propose that Ivor should become an Honorary Trustee and that he should continue to receive the notes from these meetings and invitations to chapel events. This was agreed with unanimous approval. JD then proposed that Paul Hayler should be elected as Secretary to the Chapel Trustees and he was also elected unanimously.

MATTERS ARISING FROM THE 2012 MINUTES - Brian Honess has received a letter confirming that the Chapel is now officially registered as a War Memorial reference UKNIWM 61304 on the UK inventory of War Memorials. The letter confirming this will be framed and hung in the chapel. It is our belief that this registration as a War Memorial makes the future of the chapel even more secure. Brian was thanked for arranging this. JD confirmed that repainting and weatherproofing of the chapel by J Farrington & Co at a cost of £4779 had been paid for from the fund administered by the Chapel Trustees. The Headmaster thanked the Trustees for their financial help and JD noted that we had also received a kind letter of thanks from Pauline Quinton, the co-Chairman of the governing body.

ACCOUNTS - A summary of the accounts had been prepared by JD. It showed a balance of £8979.87. Following an appeal on the OLO Website, donations to the Chapel Fund of over £1300 have been received. Following the decision the Halifax Bank plc to discontinue charity accounts, the Chapel Account has been moved to HSBC. The new HSBC Community account pays no interest but entitles us to a free monthly statement and a chequebook. It is our intention to register for Gift Aid this year. (After the formal meeting finished PH, JD, MR and AP got together to begin filling in the form required by the Charity Commission)

ACTION PH to get the Chapel Fund registered for receiving gift aid with PH applying for the gift aid refund, but requesting cheques from the Charity Commission to be sent to JD.

REUNION Tony Smith kindly agreed to our request to hold a reunion on Saturday September 6th 2014. Planning is only in the very early stages but permission has been granted for a memorial and thanksgiving service in the chapel and some thought has been given to catering (including a dinner in the evening at the White Hart for those who wish to stay). A request was made to borrow the school minibus on the day and to ask Richard Cherryman if he would be available to drive.

The formal part of our meeting finished at 3.10pm and Ian Fines joined us to lead a:-

WALK AROUND THE CHAPEL - We were very pleased with the repainting and thought the Chapel looked as good as we have seen it for a long time with the new paint and new drapes. Some work repairing or replacing an oak outer door may be needed within a few years.

NEXT MEETING - Thursday March 13th 2014 at 2.30pm. Agenda to follow nearer the day (Action PH after consultation with other trustees)

Paul Hayler
July 2013