Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

The Boy's School Prospectus 1934 and 1936

From the original documents provided by Roy Metcalfe

The Front Cover

In the early 1930s the school was known as "The County School for Boys, Lewes", and was built and maintained by East Sussex County Council. The new school chose its pupils, mostly fee-paying day boys but some on scholarships. As part of the process of establishing itself and attracting the best possible pupils it issued a Prospectus for interested parents to inform them about the facilities available.

This page contains extracts from prospectuses for 1934 and 1936, which are identical except for the staff list. These two booklets, about the size of a school exercise book were printed on white glossy paper in an olive-khaki cover and contained five photos, all of which are reproduced here.



Sir G.M.BOUGHEY, Bart., C.B.E. (Chairman)
Sir L.A.SELBY BIGGE, Bart., K.C.B.



N. R. J. BRADSHAW, M.A. (Oxon.).

D. W. S. JARVIS, M.A. (Cantab.), Geography. Second Master.
D. M. AULD, M.A. (B'ham.), Diploma (Rennes). French.
R. A. BOWMAN, M.A. (Cantab.), Science.
R. H. DAVIES, B.Sc. (London), Mathematics.
M. G. DOLDEN, B.Sc. (London), Physical Training & Science.
W. H. EUSTON, B.A. (London), English.
A. C. GOSLING, B.A. (Cantab.), German & French.
H. HOGGINS, B.Sc. (Manchester), Science.
F. J. LARWILL, M.Coll.H., Handicraft.
F. J. O'BRIEN, B.A. (Cantab.), History.
F. H. STEVENS, B.A. (Oxon.), History & English.
H. F. TAYLER, M.A. (Oxon.), Classics & Scripture.
F. E. GEORGES, A.M.C., Art.


N. R. J. BRADSHAW, M.A. (Oxon.).

D. W. S. JARVIS, M.A. (Cantab.), Geography. Second Master.
D. M. AULD, M.A. (B'ham.), Diploma (Rennes). French.
R. A. BOWMAN, M.A. (Cantab.), Science.
M. G. DOLDEN, B.Sc. (London), Physical Training & Science.
W. H. EUSTON, B.A. (London), English.
A. C. GOSLING, B.A. (Cantab.), German & French.
H. HOGGINS, B.Sc. (Manchester), Science.
F. J. LARWILL, M.Coll.H., Handicraft.
P. J. LOCKE, B.A. (Cantab.), French & Music.
F. J. O'BRIEN, B.A. (Cantab.), History.
H. PETT, B.A. (Oxon.), Mathematics.
S. R. N. SMITH, B.A. (Oxon.), Mathematics & Science.
J. A. STRIPE, B.A. (Oxon.), History & English.
H. F. TAYLER, M.A. (Oxon.), Classics & Scripture.
R. GILLAM, A.T.D., Art.

The School is a Public Day School, founded in 1930, and is situated in Mountfield Road, about five minutes' walk from Lewes Station. There are 'bus services to the surrounding district.

The school buildings in the early thirties

The Assembly Hall in the early thirties

The School buildings comprise well-ventilated class-rooms, large Assembly Hall, a Dining Hall large enough to seat 200, Art Room Library, fully equipped Chemistry and Physics Laboratories, with dark room for optical and photographic work etc., a special room with apparatus for teaching scientific geography, a well-furnished Workshop for wood and metal work, and a Gymnasium.

The Pool The Cloakrooms are heated by hot water, the hat and coat hooks being fitted on hot water pipes.There are athletic lockers, also heated by hot water, for athletic and gymnasium clothes.

The class rooms are built along the south side of the school quadrangles, and overlook the playing fields. They are exceptionally light and airy. An excellent swimming-bath, partly constructed by the boys, has been provided by voluntary effort.


The School is organised to educate boys from 10 to 18 years of age up to the standard of the Entrance Scholarships to Oxford, Cambridge, etc., the London University Intermediate Degree Examinations and other professional examinations.

The curriculum of the boys up to the year of the School Certificate Examination is comprehensive, including English, Geography, History, Latin, French, Mathematics, Science, Art, Music and Handicrafts. German is also taught in some forms.

The Gym The School Certificate, which under certain conditions entitles the holder to exemption from matriculation and first professional examinations, is taken by boys in the Fifth Form. After passing this Examination boys specialise in their strong subjects, e.g., mathematics, modern studies or science, with a view to taking the Higher Certificate Examination and proceeding to the Examination for a College Entrance Scholarship when they are eighteen years of age.

The Craft Room All boys are given an opportunity to do wood and metal work. Senior boys are encouraged to make their own designs and execute them under the guidance of the Instructor.

All boys up to and including Fourth Form take courses in Art, including design, nature work in pencil and colour, modelling, wood carving, block printing and other crafts.

All work in the Shop is regarded as being of equal value as a mental training to the more academical subjects in the curriculum, and it is the policy of the school to foster an interest in all branches of craftsmanship. Every fortnight a boy's work is reviewed, and form positions are awarded. Boys also score points for their houses, according to the quality of the work done in each subject.


Boys must be at least 10 years of age at the date of admission. They will be required to pass an Entrance Examination suitable to their age and designed to ascertain their fitness to profit by instruction in the School.

Application for admission must be made on the Form at the end of this Prospectus and the form sent to the Head Master. Parents will be required to sign an undertaking (a copy of which is appended to this prospectus) before their children are admitted to the School that they will remain in attendance at a Secondary School until the end of the school year (31st July) in which they reach the age of 16 years.

A certificate of conduct will be required from the last school attended by the pupil.


Pupils resident in the Administrative County of East Sussex . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£14 per annum.
Pupils resident outside the Administrative County of East Sussex . . . . . . . . . £30 per annum.

The fees are due on the first day of each term and must be paid to the County Accountant, County Hall, Lewes.

All stationery and text books are provided. The latter must be kept in good condition and returned at the end of the school year. Any book lost must be replaced.

Hours of attendance . . . . 9.0 a.m. - 12.45 p.m. and 2.0 p.m. - 4.0 p.m.

The School Year is divided into three terms each of about 13 weeks ; there are about three weeks' holiday at Christmas and at Easter, and about six weeks in the summer.

Regular and punctual attendance is required from all pupils. No pupil may absent himself without previous permission from the Head Master, except in cases of illness or some grave emergency. Permission is only given in very special circumstances.

There is no class work on Saturdays, but boys must be available for House or School matches or for other organised School activities.


Spacious playing fields adjoin the School. Hot and cold shower baths are provided after games. Cricket, and both Association and Rugby football, are played.

In order to foster a friendly rivalry between the boys the School is divided into four "Houses" - Lewes, Uckfield, Seahaven and Martlets. Each of these Houses supplies cricket and football teams and arranges other competitions with the other Houses. Each House has its own House Masters and Prefect.

An Athletic Sports Meeting is held in March, towards the end of the Spring Term. There are Scientific, Debating and Dramatic Societies, a School Orchestra, and a Scout Troop. A School Magazine is issued twice a year.


At the beginning of each Term a Certificate of Health, signed by the pupil's parent or guardian, is required. Forms for this purpose may be obtained from the Head Master. In cases where a pupil has suffered from infectious disease, or has been in contact with a person so suffering, a Medical Certificate is required before re-admission to the School. Parents are asked to notify at once to the Head Master any case of infectious illness. A Medical Certificate may be asked for in the case of any illness lasting more than a week.


School Dress.

The school dress is as follows :-
School cap and badge, school blazer with grey flannel shorts or trousers, grey shirts and stockings, school tie, dark navy overcoats or mackintoshes, black boots or shoes. All boys are required to wear gym shoes in the gymnasium and either these or house shoes in school. School uniform can be obtained at School or at Messrs. Horne Bros., North Street, Brighton.

Games Dress.

Football. Blue shorts, stockings, and blue or white shirts.
Cricket. White flannel trousers and shirts.
Boys are required to bring their own towels on games days.
All clothing must be clearly marked with the owner's name.

Arrival and Departure.

Pupils travelling by bus or train must come straight to School. For the return journey they must not leave the School earlier than is necessary to catch their train or bus. A quiet room for preparation is provided for pupils who wait after School for late buses and trains.

School Dinners.

A hot dinner is provided daily at the School, the present cost being 3s. 6d. per week. Accommodation is provided for pupils bringing their own luncheon at a cost of 3d. per week. Pupils staying for dinner may not leave the school premises without permission.


Pupils who conform with the Education Committee's regulations as regards age are allowed to compete at the Committee's Examination for Special Places, a certain number of which are open for competition each year.

Intermediate Scholarships Class I and Class II are open under certain conditions to pupils in attendance at the School. The latter are open to pupils who have passed the School Certificate, and desire to take advanced courses preparatory to proceeding to a University, University College, recognised Hospital, Technical College, Training College, or institution for higher education other than a secondary school approved by the Committee.

Sixth Form pupils are eligible for the award of Senior Scholarships offered by the Education Committee.

Full information concerning all County Scholarships may be obtained from the Head Master.

Residence of Pupils.

If pupils do not reside with their parents their lodgings must be approved by the Governors and Head Master.

Removal of Pupil from School.

The Head Master may require the withdrawal of a pupil at any time on the ground of unsatisfactory conduct, want of proper progress in studies, or for any breach or non-observance of the regulations. Any further particulars may be obtained from the Head Master.

The Head Master is always glad to meet parents, but an appointment must be made.

(COPY ONLY). Form H.E.374. 31/7/33. NOTE - It is important that parents should carefully observe the terms of this Agreement, which require six weeks' previous notice in writing to be given of intention to remove the pupil from a County School, whether the pupil is to be removed at the end of the school year in which he/she attains the age of sixteen or later.




In consideration of the East Sussex County Council by its Education Committee (hereinafter called " the Committee ") granting facilities for the education of my child. . . . . . . . at the Secondary School for Boys/Girls at . . . . . . . or such other Secondary School as with the approval of the Committee he/she may from time to time attend at fees representing part only of the cost to the Committee of his/her education
I, . . . . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . . in the County of East Sussex being his/her parent/guardian HEREBY UNDERTAKE with the said County Council :

(1) That I will use my best endeavours to secure that he/she attends the said school or schools aforesaid regularly and punctually until the end of the school year (3lst July) in which he/she attains the age of sixteen years (hereinafter referred to as " the said school year ") unless before the end of the said school year I shall cease to have a residence in the said Administrative County.

(2) That I will pay to the said County Council on or before the first day of each term during which he/she shall attend the said school or schools as aforesaid the school fees of £ 4 13s. 4d. per term.

(3) That in addition to any fees payable by me under Clause (2) hereof I will pay on demand to the said County Council the sum of Ten Pounds (£10) or such lesser sum as the Committee shall determine to be payable in respect of the cost incurred by them in connection with the education of the said child.

PROVIDED THAT no such payment referred to in Clause (3) above shall be made :

(a) If the said child attends at and is not dismissed from the said school or schools as aforesaid until the end of the said school year and if six weeks' previous notice in writing shall have been given by me tb the Committee of my intention to remove the said child at the end of the said school year ; or ,

(b) If, the said child having remained at the said school or schools as aforesaid after the end of.the said school year, six week's previous notice in writing expiring at the end of the last term, during which he/she attended the said school or schools, shall have been given as aforesaid of my intention to remove the said child ; or

(c) If by reason of my having ceased to reside in the Administrative County of East Sussex or for other adequate reason advanced by me for the removal of the said child, the Committee have approved of such removal, and I have complied with any requirements laid down by the Committee in connection therewith.

PROVIDED FURTHER that if the said child shall have attended at and not been dismissed from the said school or schools as aforesaid until the end of the said school year, any payment under Clause (3) above shall not exceed the sum of £4 13s. 4d.

Signed (Over 6d. STAMP)..........................................................*Parent or Guardian.
Address ......................................................................................................
Date ............................................................................................................
Signature of Witness ..................................................................................
Address ......................................................................................................
* This undertaking must be signed by the father of the pupil, if available. If it is not signed by the father, the reason must be stated at the foot of the form.

Reason why undertaking is not signed by the father of the pupil to be given below :-

Signature of Parent or Guardian ...........................................................
Date ......................................................................................................