"The Barbican"

No. 3 - Spring 1933


On Saturday and Monday, April 1st and 3rd, performances of Sheridan's comedy "The Rivals" were given in the School hall. Anyone who has read the play will realise that it presents a good many difficulties, especially to a boys' school, and Mr. Bradshaw the producer, is to be congratulated on a very successful presentation. With one exception, the parts were taken by the boys who acquitted themselves extremely well, especially the "ladies," both in their acting and diction.

The Cast 1933

Mr. Tayler who took the part of Young Capt. Absolute made a very attractive hero, particularly in his scenes with Lydia (D. Buller), who gave a really charming performance. Sir Anthony, Jack Absolute's choleric father, was very ably portrayed by J.W. Cosstick, and although physically dwarfed by his son, he succeeded in making us feel his moral superiority. Perhaps the most completely satisfying performance was given by G.Gravett as Mrs. Malaprop. One o£ the most amusing scenes was that in which Sir Anthony and Mrs Malaprop discuss the education of young Iadies, when every 'lapsus linguae' was given just sufficient emphasis.

Among the other principal characters mention should be made of Julia (D. J. Collins) who made one feel that 'she' was much too good for her rather lugubrious lover Faulkland very ably presented by W.S.Eade. R C.Tribe as Bob Acres and D.B.Barker as Sir Lucius Trigger made full use of their opportunites in these 'character' parts, particularly in the duel scene which was highly entertaining. Of the servants, Lucy and Fagg gave the best performances, both of whom showed excellent promise, in fact it was hard to believe that Lucy was not a member of the weaker sex. The cast, which had no 'tail' was completed by C.N.Hall as Thomas, P.Killick, the maid, J.Cull, the boy and C.H.Francis as David whose red hair and waistcoat added colour to the scene.

The staging and dresses were very harmonious and effective, the changes of scene call for special comment as they were quick and silent, not often the case in amateur productions. One would like to congratulate the stage manager Mr. Larwill, and all who assisted with this side of the production. After such a promising beginning, one may look forward with pleasant anticipation to the school's future activities in the dramatic sphere.