Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

Welcome !

There appears to be a problem for some members in receiving OLO emails !
If you've not received an email from the OLO for some time,
please    click here    for some suggestions on what might have gone wrong.

There are a number of problems with the website at the moment !
Since the website was migrated to a different server, a later version of the scripting language needs to be used and as a consequence many of the usual functions have been affected; some may not work at all.
Work is in progress to rectify the problems but it will be a slow process
Feel free to try any functions but don't be surprised if they fail. However, an error log will be generated and will indicate to webmaster that a particular script needs attention but a note to him might prioritise that particular problem.

THIS is the website of the Old Lewesians Organisation - an active body of more than one thousand former pupils and staff of the Lewes County Grammar Schools in East Sussex, UK. This collection of panoramic photos, school magazines, history, news items, forums, anecdotes and reunion news will tell you much about these former grammar schools and the current activities of their Old Girls and Old Boys. These pages will bring back many happy memories and reminders of old school friends and long forgotten acquaintances.

If you were at either of these schools before 1969 you can apply for free membership using the online "Join" process (OLO index left). As a member you can log on with your password to gain access to all sections including our secure members only (yellow) list of contact details, forums and reunions. Other visitors with an interest in these schools are welcome to access and search all the public (light blue) sections freely.

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