Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 1 - July 1931

From the Bradshaw Family Collection - Edited by Maurice Hobden

The 1931 Barbican cover This is the first issue of the Barbican, a record of the first year of the School, dated July 1931, though it was printed and issued later that year. Here you can read about school events from those very first days in 1931. We bring extracts from this first issue to you thanks to a generous gift from the Bradshaw family of several bound volumes of early Barbican magazines that were in the private collection of Mr. Bradshaw, our first Headmaster.

Barbican No 1 was printed by the boys and staff themselves on a brand new printing press, bought with a handsome anonymous donation to the school. It was kept for many years on the landing outside the Prefects Room above the Staff Room. It might be imagined that a school magazine printed by the boys themselves would be a very amateurish affair but much to our surprise it has a format, layout and quality almost indistinguishable from the subsequent professionally printed issues.

The Headmaster's Letter in this issue is particularly prescient and poignant, given that we are reading his words, written in the first year of the School, more than seventy-five years later. Prescient for his foresight in predicting that old-boys would read the school history far into the future; poignant for his innocent but mistaken belief that the School would flourish indefinitely.

Extracts from the Barbican

Title Page 1931

Contents Page 1931


No.1       July, 1931


We regret that we have no pathetic little verse with which to take leave of this, our first edition (may the years make great its value), and send it forth into an expectant world to be judged upon its merits.

A good magazine should, we consider 'hold up the mirror' to the life of the school, should reflect faithfully its achievements in work and play, its humour conscious and unconscious its individual thought and its communal mind or 'tone'.

At its first attempt, our magazine may fail to do this; if it does, we shall labour to make our subsequent editions approach nearer to our our ideal. But meanwhile, a glance at the present list of contents will reveal that all, or almost all, our school activities (and young though we are, we already do much) have received its attention.

School magazines vary considerably in the literary merit of the work they contain. In this respect our magazine may fall short; but here we think it only fair to ourselves to inform our readers without the school, of a fact that may not readily occur to them in comparing 'The Barbican' with the publications of other and well established schools.

We are a new school in our first year; we have virtually no senior pupils. Our Fifth Form consists of nine boys only, the remainder of our number being juniors for the most part in their first or second year of secondary school life. It is obvious, therefore, that many of our contributions will show signs of maturity, and indicate promise rather than contain merit.

In spite, however, of disadvantages, we have in our first year produced a school magazine - and produced it in the full sense of the word, for, (as again, certain defects may reveal) it has been printed and published by ourselves from our own press at school.

Little else need be said. The 'School Notes' contain mention of most of those small items which are wont to occupy an editorial, so we leave you to read the magazine yourselves, and hope that you will find much pleasure in its pages.

The Headmaster's Letter

With the issue of this magazine, we commence the written record of our School. We are young and have no traditions. As yet no honours boards hang upon our walls to record the achievements of those who have gone before us. We lack the constant reminder of nobility and self sacrifice afforded by a school war memorial. But here in these pages will be preserved the names of all those who pass through this school. Here too will be found the account of successes and our failures.

A school magazine is a unique thing. To the outsider it may be an uninteresting compilation of school activities, broken here and there by a youthful attempt at original composition. But we are not outsiders. We are members of the corporate body; and this is the record of our daily life. Those of us who are here now are creating a living organism. The more we give to it, the greater our share in fashioning it, the deeper will be our interest in its development after we have left.

The Scholars of today are the Old Boys of tomorrow. In years to come each number of magazines will still be read with eagerness by those who have loved their school and helped to make it. How fares the house? Are those who have come after us carrying on the fight?

And in the School Library what a rich store of memories will the bound volumes contain; days in the sun with a bat and ball and the Downs across the valley; muddied figures fighting out the last ten minutes and the mist from the Ouse settling down; a forgotten name on the printed page and the friend of yesterday is before us.

Happy will he be who then can say, 'I was not found wanting.'
THE HEADMASTER. [Mr. N. R. Bradshaw]

School Notes

Lewes County School for Boys was opened by Viscount Gage on Friday, September 26th 1931. There were present the Member for the Parlimentary Division of Lewes, members of the County Council, the Mayor of Lewes, three of his Majesty's Inspectors, the Director and Officials of the County Education Department, Headmasters and Headmistresses of Secondary and Elementary Schools of Sussex, the Headmaster and Staff of this School, and one hundred and forty boys.

At the end of the first term a Parent's Evening was held, a report of which appears on an other page.

Mr. Marshall our physics master left after the first term and was succeeded by Mr.. Ellison.

During the Christmas holidays athletic lockers were built around the hot-water pipes in the senior cloakroom. Each boy has two lockers, one for boots and the one for clothes.

At the beginning of the second term, the school was divided into four houses. In three cases this was happily done on a geographical basis, thereby giving real unity to each house. Thus boys living in the Lewes, Seaford and Newhaven and Uckfield districts became members of the Lewes, Seahaven and Uckfield Houses, while in the fourth case the remaining boys in the School were grouped together to form the Martlets House. Points are awarded to the houses for both work and games and Mrs. Bradshaw has kindly given a shield for competition among them. The house captains, Hayward, Kitchener, Blunden and Hazelrigg have since been made prefects.

Our football team has been very successful this season, winning the majority of its matches.

Owing to the generosity of the parents a beginning has been made with form fiction libraries while the central Reference library is now taking shape.

Towards the end of the second term, we repeated the experiment of holding a Parents' Evening, with great success.

Our summer term opened on April 28th, and in the games sphere, football yielded placed to cricket. Several matches have been played already with fair success, and we have greatly benefitted from the coaching of John Langridge and R S Richards of the Sussex County Ground Staff.

On Thursday, May 14th, seventy scholars, accompanied by two masters, visited the Palace Pier Theatre Brighton, where they saw a matinee performance of Shakespeare's 'Tempest' by Sir Frank Benson's Company.

In the evening of the same day, members of the fifth form saw and enjoyed a performance of 'Twelfth Night' - the play set this year for the Oxford School Certificate.

While cricket continues to engage much of our attention we yet find time to profit by the lesson taught in the fate of Icarus. Every Monday afternoon many of the boys go to Lewes Swimming Baths, where special classes are held for those unable to swim.

In order that we may become citizens of the world, and study social and political history in the making, a newspaper is placed in each form room every morning, where items of interest are pointed out, discussed and entered into a special loose-leaf note-book.

We have had a very successful beginning; have already, we hope, started on the road to achievement worthwhile ; and we are determined that at school and after our inspiring thought shall always be 'AD MELIORA'.


(After many sweets)

Smith minor, on the eve of breaking up day, thought he would have a midnight feast. Being rather greedy, he failed to invite any companions. Having eaten the tuck he fell asleep.

He was awakened by a tap on the shoulder, and looking up, beheld Euclid arrayed in black. 'Follow me,' boomed the apparition, and Smith, in great fear, obeyed. He was led to the bedroom window and commanded to close his eyes. He opened them in a large, well-lighted room filled with Geometry books. Smith was told to sit down on the floor and to learn Theorems 10-15. After a few minutes, Smith tried to look up from his work, but found he could not take his eyes from it. Much to his relief he was able to say the Theorems to Euclid after what seemed about forty minutes. Euclid then departed from the room, which suddenly grew dark.

The room lit up again, and Smith saw, instead of Geometry books, an enormous number of French grammars. Footsteps then sounded outside, and a huge frog appeared, clothed in a gown and mortar-board. He gave Smith paper, pen, and ink, and ordered him to write out twenty French exercises. After what Smith judged to be another forty minutes, 'N'avez-vous pas fini?' croaked the frog. Smith replied negative, and the frog advanced towards him threateningly. Smith fled, he knew not where; the frog in hot pursuit. Suddently Smith tripped and began to fall. Down, down, down, he went. A crash sounded in his ears, and a brilliant light dazzled him. He awoke sitting on the floor, the bell clanging in his ears. He vowed he would have no more midnight feasts.


Regarded purely from the point of view of results, it may be felt that our first season has been an entirely satisfactory one. Generally, we were well able to hold our own with our opponents, but, where these were not the 1st elevens of other schools, we must not feel content until we are able to meet them on equal terms. Progress has definitely been made, but in several of the matches the standard of play left a great deal to be desired. Too often the brunt of the work fell on two very willing horses, the backs, Kitchener, and Wickham. Especially by his display against Lewes Town 3rd XI, the former showed himself to be a fearless tackler and a powerful kicker, while Wickham was by far the most improved player of the season, tacking, kicking and following through well. No goalie of outstanding ability developed, but it is hoped that someone will be found amongst the juniors to persevere until this position is satisfactorily filled.

Rabson, Hazelrigg, and Rainbird, the half-backs, are a hard-working trio, but they must remember to help in both attack and defence, to feed their forwards to better purpose, and never give up in despair. The forwards were unfortunate in being deprived of a natural leader in Edwards, who sets a good example to all of persistency and courage on the field. On occasions the line showed its capability of playing well together, Cook scoring many goals, and Watson, in the fore-part of the season, displaying promising form. In all matches, however, there was a marked absence of 'punch' of driving power, and until the team as a whole acquire this and the team spirit of combination they cannot hope to be of anything but mediocre standard.

Amongst those lower in the school who show promise mention must be made of Lockyer. On several occasions he assisted the 1st XI, and showed a good knowledge of the game, and a splendid spirit of grit and determination. In junior house matches, Arnold, Barford minor, Hilton and Lowles displayed encouraging ability. There were others, too, but they must all remember to play not as individuals but as members of a team, and to make a house-match neither a riot nor rout but a house-match.


On Wednesday 28th Jan., the school met Bexhill on Bexhill ground. The mud was rather deep and handicapped our forwards in shooting. Bexhill scored early in the first half, and at the interval were still leading.

On resumption, our forwards made dangerous attacks and after a 'fair tussle' in the mud, Cook equalised. It was not long before Bexhill scored again, after which no further score was made, Bexhill thus gaining the odd goal.


On Saturday 7th February, we met East Grinstead C.S. In the opening stages of the game the sides proved very equal, both teams making various raids on the goal. Cook then opened the score for the school.

After the interval the school had most of the game enabling Cook to score two further goals.


On Saturday March 7th the School team, strengthened by masters, met Lewes Central Old Boys, a much heavier side playing in local league football. There was a strong wind which upset the play a great deal. In the first half although the School appeared to have as much play as their opponents, we were three goals down by the interval.

However in the second half Mr. Jarvis scored, but this did not have the desired effect for the school game appeared to go to pieces, enabling our opponents to add several more goals to their school. Final Score School 1 - Old Boys 8.


On Saturday 14th February we played undoubtedly the best game of the season from the point of view of keenness and speed. The School defence had a hard task in kicking against the wind, and the attack of the Varndean forwards always threatened danger. By the interval no score was made.

After the interval, both teams made various raids, but neither could secure the deciding goal. Both goal keepers were keenly tested, but neither failed in his work.


On this Saturday Feb: 21st, our team proved too good for Bexhill, the School making attacks while only the fine display of the Bexhill goalkeeper prevented from being successful. The School took the lead and did not lose it although Bexhill scored later by a determined attack. The forwards played well, and the score ended 4-1 in our favour.


On Saturday March 14th, we met Varndean at Brighton where both teams looked forward to the game. Play have been in progress for ten minutes when Varndean scored with a drop shot. Watson shortly after equalised.

After the interval Cook scored a fine goal, thus gaining the lead for the School. Ten minutes from the finish the School were still leading when Varndean scored two goals, which rather surprised us. The score remained the same until the close of play, thus giving the game to Varndean.


On Satruday March 21st, we played East Grinstead on our own ground. Cook scored almost immediately, thus obtaining the lead for the School. It was not long before he scored again making our lead more secure. Soon East Grinstead netted owing to a misunderstanding by our own goalkeeper.

After the interval four more goals were added to the School's credit; Watson, Rainbird and Cook being the scorers.


The School visited and conquered Eastbourne G.S. 2nd XI on Saturday March 28th. Our forwards indulged in effective passing and soon the School had two goals to their credit. Soon Eastbourne scored by a low angle shot. Both teams now began to make hot attacks, and had it not been for the excellent play of the Eastbourne goalkeeper we should have scored more heavily than we did.

In the second half our forwards made many a dangerous attack, and were soon rewarded. The game ended in victory to the School with seven goals to Eastbourne's one, Coxon, Hazelrigg, Watson and Cook were the scorers.


Scripta et Audita


A certain junior had listened with great interest to an account of English strategy at Poitiers. Asked to write an account of the battle, he says, 'The English soldiers were the better at Poitiers - they hid behind the hedge. The cavalry went right off out of sight.'


Another historian gives us a vivid picture of the mettle and habits of our Celtic forbears:-
'The Ancient Britons were very unruly; they ran and climbed about like monkeys' - Darwin Anticipated!


A question suggested by the following:-
'Sarah was a desert that even Abraham feared to cross.'


If of herself she will not love, SOMETHING MAY MAKE HER.

A member of the Vth Form writes: 'After pursuing for several hours, a young lady called A Vain Love, the essayist gave up the chase, and made use of the ordnances near Charing Cross.' Is this the same 'beauteous virgin,' we wonder, who dies 'an untimely death' in 'Recollections of Childhood'?


'There was a grinding of brakes; - then a shriek and a car jolted to a standstill.'


Members of the Fifth Form mathematics class have recently been studying the behaviour of 'cyclonic' quadrilaterals.


'A machine is a device to replace ANNUAL labour.'


Lewes House


The Lewes House has started its career in a new school very favourably, since it holds the top position in Football, and the second in work. We finished the football season with great credit to ourselves, gaining fourteen out of a possible eighteen points. Two games only were lost - by the 1st XI - throughout the season, the 2nd and 3rd XIs winning all their matches. The results were as follows:-

Opponents1st XI 2nd XI 3rd XI
Uckfield Lost 3-1Won 4-3Won 4-1
Martlets Lost 2-1Won 3-2Won 6-1
Seahaven Won 6-1 Won 4-1Won 2-1

In the fight for the Work Shield we ran second to the Martlets. We entertain great hopes of changing positions with them at the end of this term. Lewes House has started well; has already demonstrated its superiority in Football; and intends to do the same, and above all, maintain the same, the sphere of Work.

Martlets' House



(1) Martlets I v Seahaven I. Won 4-1

We started the season well with a comparatively easy victory. We were never in danger of defeat. In the first half, Dennis scored the first and Gibbons the second goal for us. Wood managed to reduce the arrears for Seahaven, but a good goal scored by Kitchener from a penalty decided the issue of the game.

(2) Martlets I v Lewes I. Won 2-1

On a soaking pitch, with a slight drizzle during almost the whole of the match, we gained our second victory. Bradbury scored the only goal in the first half. After Lewes had equalised, Kitchener with a successful long shot regained for us the lead which we kept until the final whilstle.

(3) Martlets I v Uckfield I. Lost 0-1

This, our first defeat in the 1st IX, was, I think an unmerited victory for our opponents. Not that they played badly - far from it, but I am sure that the greater part of the game was in our opponents' half. Their one goal, however was thoroughly deserved. French made a magnificent run, and just prevented the ball from crossing the goal line by kicking it towards the goalmouth, where Knowlton quickly flashed it into the net.

Our second and third elevens have, on the whole, done quite creditably. The second eleven's only defeat was against Lewes, while the third lost to Lewes and Uckfield. We are determined to make up these losses through our cricket, and with a little practice, we hope next year to become football champions.

2nd. and 3rd. Eleven Results.

Martlets II1-Seahaven II0
Martlets II2-Uckfield II2
Martlets II0-Lewes II3
Martlets III0-Uckfield III5
Martlets III5-Seahaven III0
Martlets III0-Lewes III6


We have done well in work, and with a little "Study and hard thought" and no slacking, we ought to make sure of the Work Shield. We are already over eighty points ahead of Lewes, our nearest rival.

The House Cricket day which our housemasters have kindly agreed to endeavour to arrange this term, is, I am sure, preferable to the tea and concert or the ramble at first proposed. It is to be hoped that all the members of the house will be present at this admirable function.

The only other item deserving a mention is the gardening, with which the house is progressing well. We should soon make that patch a credit both to the work of the house and to the appearance of the school.

Seahaven House


Seahaven is the youngest and the smallest of the four houses of which the school consists. Last term there were thirty-three boys in the house, one of whom has since left.

Although at present we find our size and lack of members rather a disadvantage, we are able to look forward to a more prosperous future, owing to the the fact that, unless anything untoward happens, none of our number will be leaving during the next two years. This gives us a decided advantage over most of the other houses, each of which loses at least two of its senior boys at the end of this term.

Last term ended a somewhat disasterous football season for us, as the house gained only two points out of a possible eighteen. We are by no means dismayed, however, for we have the best junior footballers of the school in the house and can look forward to a more prosperous season in the coming year. In two years' time, when size and weight are added to ability, we shall stand a really good chance of winning the Games Shield.

Our present record is as follows:-

1st. XI Seahaven v Martlets
Seahaven v Uckfield
Seahaven v Lewes
Lost 4-1
Lost 2-1
Lost 6-1
2nd. XI Seahaven v Martlets
Seahaven v Lewes
Seahaven v Uckfield
Lost 1-0
Lost 14-0
Lost 5-0
3rd. XI Seahaven v Lewes
Seahaven v Uckfield
Lost 2-0
Won 4-1

The house did not do quite so well in the work last term as was expected, gaining a third place only, for the Work Shield. It must be taken into account, however, that we have fewer numbers than any other house, and that several members were absent for a large part of last term owing to ill health. One thing can be said of the work of the house; we kept a steady third all through the term, dropping once only to fourth place on the chart.

Uckfield House


Uckfield House had a very successful football season last term, finishing second to Lewes with eleven points gained out of a possible eighteen.

The 1st XI won all their matches, but the loss of Edwards was keenly felt in the centre-half position.

The 2nd XI drew, won and lost a match, thereby gaining three points; while the 3rd XI lost two and won the remaining match, obtaining two points.


1st XI
Won 1-0
Won 3-1
Won 2-1
2nd XI
Drew 2-2
Lost 3-4
Won 4-1
3rd XI
Won 5-0
Lost 1-4
Lost 1-4

Goal scorers, 1st XI, Faulkner and Coxon 2 each, Knowlton and Taylor 1 each.

In the competition for the Work Shield we were not so successful, finishing up in the fourth position. Let us not forget that we can combine work and play, and by untiring effort, become leaders in both.

In Cricket this term we have done even better that in the last term's Football. The 1st XI have yet to play a match, but the 2nd and 3rd XIs between them have scored ten points out of a maximum of twelve. The 2nd XI has done exceedingly well, owing chiefly to the work of Hollobon, who besides being a sound bat, recently took eight Lewes wickets for no runs. Good work has also been done by the 3rd XI in winning two of the three matches.

Our points for Work this term show a slight increase and we are hoping to improve our position on the chart in the near future. The name of Uckfield emblazoned on both the Work and Games Shield, is our ultimate aim.

"Two Moods"

I stood upon the barren shore,
I heard the swirling billows roar,
Sea-birds screamed and wheeled around,
Hollow caves the cries resound.

I stood upon the sunlit strand,
Wavelets lapped on the yellow sand,
Blue skies smiled on the peaceful scene,
To me the world seemed most serene.

Knight IIA.

Shakespeare on the Modern Stage


A Criticism by Hazelrigg 3A.

On May 14th on the stage of the Palace Theatre Brighton, an outstandingly good performance of 'The Tempest' was added to the many brilliant productions of the Benson Company.

The play was watched with appreciation, by a large audience, who must have deeply regretted that this would in all probability, be their last opportunity of seeing Frank Benson behind the footlights, as it is announced that he intends to retire from the stage, on which he has made so great a name for himself.

We were somewhat surprised to find that Sir Frank Benson was playing the part of 'Caliban'. One might have thought the more dignified part of 'Prospero' the exiled Duke more suitable to his style of acting; but any doubts as to his versatility were soon set at rest by the amazing skill with which the veteran actor threw himself about the stange in a wonderful imitation of the savage and deformed slave of 'Prospero'.

Although Sir Frank Benson could perhaps have done more justice to the part, 'Prospero' was taken very creditably by E.S. Bailey who was well supported by Jane Bacon as 'Miranda' the daughter of the banished Duke. Adela Mavis played the part of 'Ariel' very prettily indeed, though in some scenes one had the impression that she made rather too angular a fairy. Her acting however was almost faultless, and of her singing, one could only say that one regretted there was not more of it.

Of the rest of the cast little need be said; with the possible exception of 'Trinculo' all were competent and, in places something more.


A criticism by Rutherford V

On Wednesday night, May 14th, the above play was presented at the Palace Pier Theatre, Brighton, on the farewell tour of Sir Frank Benson. The play was curtailed a little but as a whole ran very smoothly.

Of course Sir Frank Benson's acting as 'Malvolio' was one of the oustanding features, but Olivia (Adela Mavis) and 'Orsino' (Meadows White) ran him very close.

'Malvolio's' pompous attitude, admirabley upheld throughout the play, served only to accentuate his fall, and bring home the bitter humiliation of it. With the other two aforementioned players it is hard to find fault, for both in actions and speech they were excellent. The part of 'Viola' (Jane Bacon) was also highly commendable - with the exception of one scene. I refer to that in which Malvolio returns the ring. 'Cesario' ('Viola') receives 'Oliva's ring with humour, instead of, as should surely be, with feelings of pity for the sender. Of Viola's speech we are inclined to think that it was a trifle too feminine for the part she played.

Now let us turn to the sub-plot. Here again the acting was irreproachable. The clown, who indeed had a 'mellifluous' voice, brought out his witticisms in just the right kind of jovial and humorous way. Sir Toby was a good, red round knight, and Sir Andrew a real fool and a coward. These three especially in the revelling scene to which an interesting ending was added, form a really comical trio.

Of other players, little need be said. None of them, except perhaps Maria, took big parts in the play, and it is therefore difficulty to judge their standard of acting. What they had to do they did well, and they helped to make the play what it was - a thoroughly enjoyable evenings' entertainment.

School Officers

The Prefects, who are also the House Captains for the year are:-


School Calendar 1931-32

September 8th. Opening of Autumn Term.

October 7th. Speech Day.

October 30th (noon) - November 3rd (incl). Half-term Holiday.

December 22nd. Close of Autumn Term.

January 13th. Opening of Spring Term.

March 23rd. Close of Spring Term.

April 20th. Opening of Summer Term.

May 13th (noon) - May 17th (incl). Whitsun Holiday.

July 22nd. Close of Summer Term.


We are indebted to all the parents who so generously subscribed to our form libraries; To A. P. Bishop Esq for his gift of a gramaphone [sic], to Miss Sybil Sinfield and Miss C. G. K. Scovell for their donations of books and to the anomymous benefactor who made possible the purchase of a printing press.


A Work Shield, an Athletics Cup, and a Swimming Cup for competition among the houses.

The Binding of Fenris

"Bersten and broken Laeding lies,
Iron from the earth anciently wrought.
Dromi, fast fettering, fell by my might.
Gleipner sole grasper, guile of demons,
Stole all my strength, slenderly woven.
Of freedom forlorn, I, Fenris, am bound."

[Note: In Norse mythology, Fenris, was a terrible giant wolf who was bound to a rock by three mystic chains, Laeding, Dromi and Gleipner, that would restrain him until the final battle at the end of the world - the twilight of the Gods.]

The above lines occurred to my mind the other day after I had been faced with a problem very similiar to that which perplexed the Gods and Heroes of Asgard, when all too unwisely they suffered the wolfish progeny of Lok to grow to his full strength.

Rob, you must know, is my black retriever, who, however much he works in the game coverts during the winter months, finds spending the Spring and Summer in his kennel (though one of generous proportions), a somewhat dull business by comparison, even though the monotony is broken by morning and evening walks.

As a result of his boredom during the daytime, when the world of humans is far too busy to take much notice of him, Rob was wont to vent his feelings by alternately barking and howling, which expressions, though doubtless satisfying to him, proved somewhat annoying to all who dwelt within earshot of his kennel.

A few days ago, I made up my mind to end his dissatisfaction with life by resolving that he should be free to roam the length of the garden, though at the same time be tethered to prevent his indulging in any of the sundry misdemeanours of which he has been guilty on previous occasions, when by canine deception and craft, he has gained an unguarded liberty. You must know that he is not at all averse to stampeding the cows, or slaying an unlucky fowl if he gets half the chance.

My device whereby he should gain this limited freedom was as follows:- I procured fifty yards of stranded galvanised wire, one end of which I tied securely to the upright of his outer kennel, the other I fastened to the trunk of a conveniently placed apple tree. I next took a six foot lenght of wire of the same type, and attached it with a running noose to the line. Then luring Rob to my side with deceitful voice and smile, I secured the free end of the runner to his collar. Good! He was now tied to prevent his ranging at will on excursions of doubtful probity, and yet at the same time he could move for fifty yards in either direction with perfect freedom.

I walked quietly up the line for twenty yards; Rob followed easily, looking in wonderment from time to time at the lead which hissed gently over the line as he moved. Next I bade him sit down and being a dog of breeding and obedience, he did so. I then moved twenty yards down the line from him and outwards ten. Then I whistled in the way I use when I require his immediate presence. He leapt from the ground; the hiss of the running noose rose to a scream, a sudden snap came - and Rob was with me ten yards from the broken line, wagging his whole vast body with intense satisfaction, mouth open, and nine inches of moist tongue hanging out to air!

Laeding had failed, I must try Dromi.

On examination, I found that the line had not broken, but had been wrenched away from the kennel upright. So, I must loosen it from the apple tree, where there were several feet of spare line, and bind it three or four times instead of once around the kennel support. This, I felt sure, would take the strain.Five minutes work sufficed to make all secure again, and once more - still grinning wickedly and with a certain Cerberian gleam in his brown eyes, Rob was captive of limited movement.

I ordered him to be seated as before, and proceeded to walk to a position a few yards beyond the apple tree at the far end. I faced about. Rob was sitting quietly enought watching me. I whistled. In a fraction of a second a black thunderbolt was streaking towards me. The noose screamed, the line vibrated, I waited. Rob reached the tree, passed it, there came a terrific jerk, and he rolled over - free at my feet!

The ebon bundle of muscle arose, shook and wagged himself, and grinning more satanically than ever, jumped up and put his huge fore-paws on my shoulders, and did his best to wash my face with a dozen square inches or so of tongue.

Dromi also had failed and there remained but one further hope - I must procure a Gleipner from the dwarfs.

Legend tells us that the elfish fetters were woven from the intangible and non-existent: but those were romantic days, and I had to be more practical. Quite clearly fifty yards of stranded galvanised wire at the price of 1/9 were useless for the purpose I had in hand. Seventy canine pounds moving at twenty five miles per hour in one direction obviously needed more stopping! I must go and see the ironmonger - so Rob was confined to his kennel for the next hour.

I returned to the scene of my failures with a very practical gleipner. The dealer had recommended a nine strand wire of exception strength at 4/- per fifty yards, in addition to which I brought with me a six foot chain equipped with a strong swivel collar-clip.

A few minutes work saw all in readiness, and Rob was let out of his kennel and clipped to the chain runner. He looked at the line a trifle malvolently, and I fancied - with grim satisfaction - that his tail wagged more slowly and his tongue flapped less confidently.

I moved twenty yards up the line, and at a right angles ten. I whistled, and Rob bounded towards me. The line jerked violently. Rob came a purler, arose, and contented himself with moving up and stopping opposite me. He was still secure; gleipner had survived the first test.

We walked together along the line to the kennel. There I took a small bone from my pocket, showed it to Rob, returning it very obviously to my pocket and sharply commanded him to sit down. He complied, but the sinews on his black skin were tense as he watched me walk to my previous position beyond the apple tree.

I stopped, turned, held up the bone, and whistled. A black object hurtled towards me; a terrific jerk made the tree quiver in all its branches as Rob shot up in the air and crashed over backwards to land at the foot of the tree.

Gleipner was Gleipner; Fenris was fettered.

I made my peace with Rob, gave him his bone, and left him to his own devices while I went into lunch.

My sister has a larger appetite than I, but she eats more quickly, and on this occasion finishing first, she violated good manners by leaving the table to go into the garden. A moment later she rushed in, and addressed herself to mother; "do come and look; that Rob has pulled the side out of his kennel!".

Alas, Gleipner had held; but the rock had not!

Cricket Notes

The School 1st. XI has done fairly well this season, and the coaching we have received from John Langridge and R. S. Richards, professionals of the Sussex C.C., has already begun to bear good fruit. Out of five matches played, we have lost only one; one - that with East Grinstead (away) had to be abandoned owing to weather conditions, and we had two matches yet to play.

Details of our matches are as follows:-


This match played on 30th May on our own ground, resulted in a draw when rain prevented further play at the end of two hours. Lewes won the toss, and batted first, scoring 62 for 7 declared. Eastbourne then went in to make 48 for 8 before stumps were drawn. Watson and Cooke batted well for Lewes, scoring 24 and 13 respectively. The bowling analysis - Watson 2 for 11; Edwards 1 for 10; Manser 2 for 8; and Rabson 2 for 6.


The match against Bexhill 1st XI was played away on the 3rd June. The game ended in an easy win for Bexhill. Lewes won the toss, batted first and were all out for 20. Bexhill then went in to make 111 for 3 declared. Lewes batted again, this time to score 59 for 9 before close of play. Bowling Analysis - Manser 2 for 17; Watson 1 for 9.


The game played against Brighton Grammar 3rd XI on our own ground on 6th June ended in an easy win for the school who were put in first by the opposing captain. Lewes scored 114 for 8 wickets declared, Brighton scored 59 all out. The highest scorers for Lewes were:- Watson 26, Rabson 48 not out, Edwards 23. Bowling - Manser 2 for 7; Watson 2 for 3, Rabson 1 for 13, Rutherford 1 for 14, Hazelrigg 3 for 20.


We played our return match with Eastbourne on their ground on 13th June. The match should have been an easy win for the School, but ended in a drawn owing to some very bad fielding. Lewes lost the toss and batted first, and by steady play by all the team amassed 75 for 8 declared. Eastbourne then went in to secure 61 for 9 wickets. For the School, Cooke batted well scoring 17, while Watson scored a useful 25. The bowling analysis - Manser 4 for 15; Rabson 1 for 8; Watson 3 for 17; Hazelrigg 1 for 15.


The match against East Grinstead at home on 20th June ended with a win for the home team who lost the toss but were put in first scoring 102 for 3 declared. East Grinstead went in after tea and were all out for 40. Faulkner and Rabson batted very well for Lewes scoring 37 and 42 respectively. Bowling analysis - Watson 2 for 8; Rabson 3 for 11; Hazelrigg 5 for 8.


As we go to press we are able to record a victory against East Grinstead 1st XI while our 2nd XI has opened its career by a victory over Bexhill 2nd. XI. An account of the Parents' match will be found on another page.

"The Seasons"

Behold the Herald of the Spring,
Dance lightly o'er the Plain!
'Tis now that lambs begin to frisk,
And buds turn green again.

Now Summer's here and still full blithe,
The birds their raptures sing,
The sun shines brightly on the flowers,
And every living thing.

Summer passed, comes Autumn brown,
With leaves of amber hue,
Trees laden down with mellow fruit,
Mists hide the distant view.

Now Winter's icy fingers grip
The trees and leave them bare,
And Orion blows his wintry blast,
But Spring will soon be here.


Swimming Notes

Early in its career, Lewes County School had realised the great value of swimming, and the voluntary attendance of fifty or sixty boys each Monday at the Lewes Open Air Bath is testimony that an ability to swim well has become the ambition of many of its members.

The weekly visits to the Swimming Bath started about halfway through the Summer Term, when the instruction class for non-swimmers was formed. Members of this class receive coaching from the Bath's Attendant and those members of Staff who are in charge of swimming.

To encourage learners, it is proposed to award five house-points to each non-swimmer who learns to swim by the end of the term: to urge on those who can already swim, to improve their technique and endurance, a further five points will be credited to all who, at the end of the same time, can swim a quarter of a mile. These points will count towards the Games Shield.

It is probable too, that Swimming Sports will be held later in July, when those who have worked hard to improve their swimming will have yet another chance of gaining points for their Houses.


"The Brook"

With a little gurgling sound,
And suggesting all its glee,
A little brook from up the Downs,
Came running to the sea.

So it came along,
A- trickling round the stones,
Murmuring its lovely song,
Sweet and low its tones.

Passing through the meadows,
Rippling through the vales,
Through the fields all yellow,
Prattling age-old tales.


The Parents' Match

SATURDAY, June 27th 1931

At the time of writing this, Cricket has given way to football and the visitor to the School field no longer hears the crack of a ball meeting bat but the deeper thud of foot against ball. Yet despite autumnal colours and early morning freshness we can still picture vividly one glorious afternoon last June, when the Downs shimmered in their loveliness and the cricket field was a patch of velvet green, thanks to the attentions of Trower.

A fair had taken up its quarters by the Convent Field and, true to festival traditions, tuneful numbers came floating from across the way while the dual was being fought out.

About 2.00 pm a procession of bags and blazers indicated that our visitors were arriving and soon the Parents had two elevens in the field.

"B" TEAM quickly got to work, - "B" teams always do. It is the fellow in your "A" eleven who insists on observing all the writes of the game - pitch inspection, a preliminary knock to loosen the muscles and all that kind of things. But lest the "A's" should suspect that they are charged with being laggards let us absolve them at once. "B's" wicket-keeper had seized the only full-sized pair of wicket-keeping gloves. We had forgotten, inexcusably, that fathers have large hands. Lewes "Priory" helped the needy and the "A's" were also able to start.

The "A's" were a tough problem. It was their Captain who was the chief danger. Keeping a good length and swinging away, he was too much for youthful inexperience. Twelve for 3, 21 for 6, looked like a tragedy for the School. Would he have to take a rest before he bowled us all out? Fortunately this did not happen and a little vigorous hitting by our Captain and the tail-enders gave us the more respectable score of fifty-eight.

We do not know the details of the Second Team match. The grim silence in which the "A" teams had fought had been broken from time to time by cheers and laughter from the neighbouring pitch - festive, not festival, cricket. At tea we discovered that the School's 2nd XI had taken a hundred runs of their parent's bowling and had declared with two wickets still to go down.

After tea the fight was renewed. Fifty-eight seemed a meagre score against a team which had bowled so well. But let us confess - the Parents' batting was not as good as their bowling. One for 1, five for 2, the wickets went down in regular order. A missed catch or two in the middle of the innings altered affairs. Still at 51 for 8 it was anyone's game, although the telegraph boy said the School was winning his estimate was premature. A loose ball hit for four and a few singles carried the parents score past the School total. But what a near thing it was! At 60 the last parental wickets had fallen and the older generation scraped home by two runs.

What of "B" XI. Let us record our triumph modestly! In two knocks the parents could only collect 73 runs. Still, how well they took it! What matter defeat when it was your son who sent the ball humming to the boundary.

And so as the sun went down behind the Kingston Hill we all trooped home vowing to renew the struggle next year.

Parents' Evenings

On two occasions during the short history of the School, the Social doors of Lewes's new centre of learning have been thrown open to its friends, the Parents. The visits of fathers and mothers, and of others whose relationship it is not so easy to describe, marked the conclusion of the Christmas and Easter Terms.

On both of these occasions the School temporarily put aside its atmosphere of instruction and edificiation, and one breathed the freer air of music, revelry and familiar chat.

On both occasions our visitors began their evening with an inspection of the School, peering into all the classrooms, now and again looking into exercise books or putting questions to various members of the staff as to the progress or otherwise of 'my boy'!

We can only trust that they receive satisfactory answers.

'These things being done,' as Ceasar would put it, the whole company adjourned to the Hall where a varied programme was provided by Masters and boys. The School Choir under the leadership of Mr. O'Brien bade fair to achieve among the Philharmonic Societies of Great Britain! This was followed, on both occasions by the acting of a well-known one-act Play, produced by Mr. Euston. Songs in English and French were given by Mr. Auld.

Frivolity was not overlooked, for at Christmas the Headmaster and members of Staff bewailed in 'song'(!) and with a 'tragic' result the sorry plight of Annie Laurie's lovelorn swain, and the magnificient 'Air of the Volga Boatman' accompanied the dragging of a miniature sailing ship with Herculean efforts across the 'solid expanse of water' offered by the stage, while at the close of the Easter term, the sad plight of 'Little Johnnie Jones and his sister Sue,' was rehearsed to an audience who found the story strange to say, more amusing than sad.

The necessity for catching the last trains to Uckfield and Seaford brought the concert, in the case of each evening, to a close just before 9.30 pm; and our visitors departed, feeling, we are sure, that they had enjoyed an interesting and amusing social function.

Fly sheet advert

[See Barbican No. 2 for the report on this lecture.]

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