Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 2 - July 1932

The Original cover This Barbican, appearing in the autumn of 1932, recorded the events of the School's second year. The first issue, No 1, had been printed by the boys on the school printing machine. This issue, No 2, was professionally printed, but kept to the same format with the same woodcut of the Lewes castle barbican that was to be used throughout the period that Mr Bradshaw was headmaster. The early issues of the Barbican had advertisements at the front and back to help defray the costs of the printing; sponsorship we call it today. These have been reproduced here as they have a period charm reflecting the retail trade in the inter-war years.

There are other period items that are well worth reading, though the pretentious flowery prose style of the time is difficult to absorb eighty years later. There are also other interesting clues to the social milieu of the School at that period, eg "A Holiday on the Riviera" and "Parents Evening 1932", with Mr Auld singing sentimental Victorian ballads. That's how it was in those pre-war days. Mr Auld singing? How did they manage to keep a straight face?

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys


"Biting my truand pen, beating myself for spite .." How well does Sir Philip [Sidney] put the difficulties of literary expression attempted by one who feels his mood is wrong. Stella's lover struggling to compose a mere love-letter might well have been an editor labouring at the heavy birth of his editorial. An original effort, by comparison, is easy; reporting some function very easy; but evolving an editorial which must glance at all, but must trespass on the ground of none, may be called difficult. An editorial, however, is a conventional necessity, and so we must endeavour to start somewhere.

When this, our second, issue of "The Barbican" comes into the hands of its readers our School will have completed its second year of life. Our first number contained a fair summary of what we had achieved in one year; in the present magazine we have tried to give pupils, parents and friends of the School some idea of our subsequent development.

Last summer we bid a reluctant farewell to Mr. Ellison (Physics), in September we welcomed on the staff Mr. R. A. Bowman (Chemistry and Biology), Mr. A. C. Gosling (Modern Languages), and Mr. K. R. Webber (Mathematics). Elsewhere in this issue will be found the Salvete and Valete to the new boys who have joined us, and to the old who have left. To the first the School extends a hearty welcome ; to the latter we wish God-speed and all good luck in the work to which they have gone; to both we say "Ne Desis."

Our second year has seen an enormous increase in the number of our activities within and outside school hours. Full accounts of these will be found on other pages; here only brief mention is necessary.

Public functions throughout the year included Prize Distribution and Speech Day, two Parents' Evenings, two Public Lectures and the Athletic Sports.

A Debating Society was formed early in the autumn term, and had an interesting and successful season. An Orchestral Society, too, formed about the same time, enjoys such energetic being that the uninitiated, visiting the School during any lunch hour, and hearing "sounds and sweet airs that give delight and hurt not" will inevitably be put in mind of the magic island haunted by the spirit Ariel.

The Sports of the School in its first year were Soccer, Cricket, and Swimming. We have now amplified our programme to include Rugby Football, Cross-Country Running and General Athletics. A successful Annual Sports Day was held in May of this year.

The Central Library has steadily been growiug and already contains in each section a useful nucleus of volumes. The Form-Room Libraries, too, have increased, though here, as in the main library, we are severely handicapped by lack of funds. Gifts to either Library of books or money will be greatly appreciated. In the matter of gifts the School is grateful to a number of benefactors. The actual gifts and their donors are mentioned elsewhere.

Turning now to the Magazine itself, we are glad to say that its first reception was kindly. Our efforts received praise, and, where we fell short, censure was generous. Within the School we should like to see an increased enthusiasm towards making the Magazine a success. An artistic contribution box, prominently placed in the Central Library, fails to receive the attention it deserves. More contributions are needed, especially from the Upper School, where a little hard thinking - some "biting of a truand pen" - should produce something worth a place in the Magazine.

At the time of writing seven weeks of the school year remain, and we still have before us two important events. The first is our School Fete. which takes place on June 25th, and at which we hope to make at least £100. If we are successful the equipment for our summer camp at Shanklin, Isle of Wight, can be bought outright, and the wasteful cost of hiring, now and in future years, avoided. With the remainder of the proceeds we hope to be able to purchase the material for erecting a school stage, and so making possible the production of full-length plays.

Two years ago our buildings echoed in emptiness, the bang of hammer and ring of chisel. Scattered over Sussex and beyond we, as a corporate body, did not exist. To-day, a vital organism whose parts are two hundred strong, we are establishing ourselves on such foundations that we can say, with him of Troy :-

Hic tibi certa Domus, certi (ne absiste) Penates.


The School gratefully acknowledges the following gifts from generous benefactors :-

Cricket Score Roard - - - W. J. R. Smith, Esq.
Gifts of Books - - - W. H. Camplin, Esq., W. G. Pelham,Esq.
Athletics Cup - - - W. Thompson, Esq.
" Integrity and Honour " Trophy - - - E. Povey, Esq.
Swimming Cup - - - Major T. Sinfield.
Games Shield - - - Mrs. N. R. Bradshaw.
Music and Violin - - - Miss Sinfield.

In addition to the above the School wishes to thank all those who so nobly supported the Fete Appeal.




On the evening of October l3th, 1931, an audience which numbered several hundred persons listened with keen interest to a lecture under the above title given by the man, who, as Commander Evans, won fame for himself and his ship in the remarkable "Broke " episode of 1917.

The Headmaster, introducing the Admiral, stated that the policy of the School would be, wherever possible, to secure personal visits from eminent men, for he believed that the presence and spoken word of men who had themselves won fame acted as a keen incentive to boys, and had a great cultural value.

Admiral Evans took as his subject the "Naval War in Miniature" waged against its enemies in the Channel, by the Dover Patrol. He illustrated his address with copious and well chosen lantern slides, which, together with his quiet and direct mode ot speech, made the hour-long account one in which the interest was perfectly sustained.

[This account in the Barbican of the Admiral's lecture describes at considerable length the happenings during the Great War 1916-1918 in the English Channel, covering such topics as the submarine menace, convoys, submarine cruisers, Q ships, bombardment of the Belgian Coast and the exploits of H.M.S.Broke and H.M.S.Swift.]

Admiral Bvans brought his interesting lecture to a close by referring by name to some of the heroes who took part in repelling the German boarding party , and who, in spite of repeated wounds, carried on until the close of the action.

These men demonstrated that quality of determination and fortitude which alone can achieve the victories of peace as of war.



A few months ago, my parents, my sister and I, spent about four months on the French Riviera.

Lewes was cold, wet and foggy when we crossed from Newhaven to Dieppe. From Dieppe we went by train to Paris. where we spent the night. The following evening, at about 7 p.m., we boarded a " Rapide " at the P.L.M. Station for Nice. Our carriage was a sleeping one, and well I remember it, for during the night I was pitched out of the top bunk and on to the floor by the jolting of the train. Luckily, beyond a slight bruise on the forehead, I was not hurt.

By 7 a.m. the following morning we were rushing through the Rhone Valley towards Marseilles. Leaving that town behind us we now ran by the sea through a lovely land blazing in the sunshine, with the sea on the right, the mountains on the left, and the valley between, rich with vineyards. We passed through Hyeres, Saint Raphael, and Old Frejus, where a Roman Circus still exists, and an old Roman aquaduet still brings water to the town. At length, leaving Cannes behind us, we arrived about 2 p.m. at our destination, Nice.

At Nice we spent about three months. The days were chiefly spent either basking in the sun on the Boulevard des Anglais, or in the parks listening to the music. Some days we went by motor up into the mountains. One day, we went up to Grasse, where we saw how perfumes were made. All kinds of flowers grow by the acre in the region around. The flowers, when gathered, are put on layers of fat and pressed by machines. The fat is then removed, and the sweet essence of the flowers is left. We bought several bottles of perfume.

We stayed at Nice for the Carnival Procession, and the Battle of Flowers --- wonderful sights of which you have read. I threw flowers at people in motors, and they pelted me in return.

From Nice we went to Monte Carlo. Here, we basked in the sun on the terrace of the Casino. Sometimes we bathed in the tideless sea. On other days we went up into the mountains by funicular railway to La Turbie, where there is a fine monument erected by Ceasar Augustus, as a memorial of his conquest of the Gallic tribes of that region. Sometimes, too, we went into Italy as far as San Remo.

We saw all classes and all nations at Monte Carlo. It attracts the people of the whole world. There was a Turk there, who always wore a red fez, and always frightened me.

After a stay of five or six weeks we left Monte Carlo for Aix les Bains, to reach which we had to pass along the Rhone Valley, with its vineyards which supply the world with a beautiful wine. Aix les Bains stands about 2,000 feet above sea level, and is remarkable for its waters. I drank them every day. One day we drove up the mountains to La Chartreuse, which, at one time, was the home of the Chartreuse Monks, and the place where the famous liqueur of that name was made. The mountain road was very steep and winding, and my mother was often frightened when she looked over the side of the motor and saw precipices dropping hundreds and sometimes thousands of feet below her.

Another day we went up Mont Revard by funicular railway. From the top we saw a glorious sight. In front of us were Mont Blanc and a hundred smaller peaks beneath it; on one side were the Italian Alps, aud on another the lesser mountains of Savoy.

At Aix les Bains we stayed a month, and then we madc for England and home.

[Presumably this very long vacation took place before Fitz-Gerald began at LCS.]


"Full many a flower is born to blush unseen
 And waste its sweetness on the desert air"
 - Gray

I raise no glass to the man whose fame
Has spread from coast to coast,
Whose talents have served to place his name
With those men honour most.

My toast is not for the lady fair
Whose grace and charming ways
Have set men travelling everywhere
And won her kindly praise.

I raise no glass to the hero who
Has won deserved applause,
Who has done as the brave alone may do,
In daring a righteous cause.

I drink no health to the one whose voice
Mankind shall ne'er forget,
Whose skill has made the world rejoice
And left it in her debt.

I raise my glass to the silent horde
Spread o'er the world's expanse ;
To the unknown many who might have soared;
But never had a chance.


Parents' Evening, already become a tradition, is one of the really high lights of school life, and forms a brilliant close to the weary term. One man likes to entertain, another to be entertained. Parents look forward to it. Thus in December the deficiencies of Ham Lane as a medium of transport were once again laid bare and roundly abused. The School blazed with light at an hour wheu usually it is sunk in quiet and gloom. Within, gym. displays, artistic exhibits and scientific " research " occupied the attention of the visitors for the first half-hour. Boys failed, characteristically, to do the honors of the occasion, or to identify themselves at all with their parents. They did not succeed very well in affecting interest in drawings or activities not their own or their friends. But they did create an interest in the entertainment which was to come.

They had temporarily been put out of countenance by the victory of the Staff over the School, but had reasserted themselves at the tea and were in the ascendant. The Staff meanwhile retrieved some of its lost dignity by retiring into boiled shirt-fronts and celestial smiles, which made the detention book seem the relic of an outworn age.

Assembled in the Hall the visitors listened to an address from the Headmaster, in which was included some straight talk on the vexed question of home-work.

The academic atmosphere was then finally abandoned. The orchestra and choir were acclaimed a success even by people who knew. And this not merely on account of the dexterity of the first clarinet and leader of the wood-wind in changing from reed to double bass, but because it did really produce the pleasant noises intended by the composers. The orchestra is become a School institution as much as Tuesday afternoon visits to the study, and likewise draws from all ages. Only one boy who inquired after the name of one of its instruments is reported to have received a satisfactory answer. Next year he may see a bassoon, so let parents beware.

An example of the irrepressibility of youth was apparent in the scene " after the match ". True, in the field the Staff had won, but the Parthian shot was the " Headmaster's " bandaged leg. He who laughs last . . .

Mr. Bradshaw and Mr. Auld gave us a rendering of the duet " The Twins." Mr. Auld sang the part of naughty twin with a realism that almost argued a chequered existence, while Mr. Bradshaw was true enough to his part of the good little boy to allay all doubts of parents confiding their progeny to his care.

Undoubtedly the chef d'oeuvre, the piece de resistance of the evening was the play " The Man in the Bowler Hat ". The audience was greatly intrigued by the mysterious impassivity of the Man in the Bowler Hat throughout all these dreadful happenings, The rest of the caste played their parts easily and well, and we might say, without wishing to be rude to any in general, or Cook in particular, each seemed particularly well-suited to his role. Edwards' and Hazlerigg's voices deserve congratulation for the way in which they stood up to such effort.

Yet once again there was a general egress and " mounting 'mong Graemes of the Netherby clan, " and yet once again the shortcomings of Ham Lane were called to mind, a judicious antidote to the exuberance of the occasion.


On Wednesday, Oct. 7th, the School held its first Speech Day and Prize Distribution. Our principal guest was Canon T. P. Williams, Head Master of Winchester College, who afterwards gave away the prizes. The Chairman of the Governors, Lieut.-Colonel A. S. Sutherland Harris, presided, and he was accompanied on the platform by Mr. C. H. Ellis, Colonel H. I. Powell Edwards, and Mr. T. Godfrey (Governors of the School), the Bishop of Lewes, the Mayor of Lewes, Councillor T. J. Frampton Carter, the Director of Educaticn (Mr. J. H. Baines,) and the Headmaster.

Col. Sutherland Harris said that that the wisdom of building a County Secondary School in Lewes had been thoroughly justified. The School, built to accommodate 200, had already 180 scholars, and an extension for at least another 100 pupils would be necessary in the very near future. Touching on the theme of " Non scholae sed vitae discimus", the president stressed the essential value of character training, and said that he hoped parents would realise how necessary it was that their boys should not leave at the age of 15, but should take the fullest advantage by remaining at school, of the following three years, when their minds were at their most formative and receptive stage.

In summing up the year's progress the Headmaster commented upon the favourable increase in numbers, outlined the curriculum of the school, and selected the subject of Biology, recently added, for special mention. He discussed the Games system, whereby every boy gets at least one, and sometimes two or three games per week, and showed how the House system was arranged in such a way that it acted as a stimulant to both Games and Work. In the course of one year Science and Literary and Debating Societies had been formed ; a School Orchestra was being organised during the present term, and the first number of the School Magazine (printed on the school press) had just been brought out. The Form Libraries and the Central Reference Library were also gradually increasing in size largely owing to the generosity of parents, which he hoped would continue to further good effect. Co-operation between parents and the School was not merely desirable but actually a necessity in the Day School, and much had been done to provide opportunities for meeting and discussing mutual problems. By the organisation of Parents' Evenings at Christmas and Easter; and by a Parents v. School CricKet Match in the last Summer Term, parents, staff and pupils had been brought into friendly contact. The Headmaster concluded his remarks by appealing to parents and visitors alike to aid him in finding posts for boys leaving school, and by thanking all who had already helped the School so generously during its first year of life.

The Headmaster of Winchester before distributing the prizes expressed his pleasure at being invited to Lewes County School for Boys, for he felt that amid so much that was depressing in the world to-day the amazing growth of new schools which rapidly became the centres of energy and enthusiasm was an altogether cheering feature. Referring to points in the Headmaster's report, Canon Williams emphasied the educational value of Biology in giving the student a fresh outlook on life, and said that the empire and the world were very much in need of expert biologists. He went on to express the hope that boys would be allowed to continue at school to the age of eighteen, when they would have selected a subject in which to specialise. Specialised knowledge, backed by real character, was what the world most needed today; and if such were forthcoming its difficulties and problems would soon disappear. The Headmaster of Winchester closed his speeeh by extending an invitation (which he afterwards confirmed with a date) to the School to pay a visit to Winchester for the purpose of meeting a Cricket XI of the College. He then distributed the prizes as follows :-

Form V. - - - - - 1, Wickham. - - - - 2, Eade.
Form IV. - - - - 1, Knowlton. - - - - 2, Watson.
Form III. A. - - 1, Hutton. - - - - - - 2, Russell.
Form III. B. - - 1, Aston. - - - - - - - 2, Sharp.
Form II. A. - - - 1, Woodward. - - - 2, Baker, T. A.
Form II. B. - - - 1. Sellwood. - - - - 2, Wood, W. J.

Art. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hazlerigg.
General Knowledge. - - - - - - - Knight.
For Service to the School. - - - - Crouch and Pollard.

At intervais during the proceedings songs were rendered by the School Choir and selections played by the Orchestra. At the close of the formal part of the ceremony parents were entertaaned to tea in the School Gymnasium.


Association Football was confined to the Autumn Term, the Rugby game being played after Christmas. On the whole we did much better than the scores indicate. In almost all cases we played teams heavier and older than ourselves, and in some instanees we were meeting the 1st XI.'s of schools which the previous season had sent their 2nd XI.s against us. We badly felt the need of an experienced goalkeeper. Lack of one resulted in defeats which otherwise might have been draws or even victories. Our team was very young and will improve. Two members were, on the score of age, eligible for the Junior XI.

On Sept. 12th we played a much heavier team in St. John's Sub-Castro. Our opponents pressed heavily in the first half and scored three goals; but in the second half we held them rather better and only one more goal was added, making the final score four goals to nil in St. John's favour.

Our next match resulted in an easy win for the School by 10 goals to 1. The St. Anne's Bible Class team was out-played entirely, and 5 goals were scored for the School in each half. The team worked together very well, and nearly all the play was in our opponent's half.

On Satnrday, Sept. 26th, the team went to Varndean to play the 2nd XI. The opposing forwards broke through our defence a number of times and scored twice in each hatf, the School failing to reply.

The ground was very slippery for our match against Eastbourne Grammar School at Eastbourne, and the ball was hard to control. We scored the first goal but Eastbourne soon equalised and then went ahead, the score at half-time being 3 goals to 1. The same thing happened in the second half, the Scbool again scoring the first goal and our opponents replying with three.

Our home match against East Grinstead on Oct. l7th was evenly contested in the first half, each side scoring one goal. Early in the second half the School took the lead, and then we scored two more goals, eventually winning by 4 goals to 1.

We visited Bexhill on Oct.2lst to play the County School team. The opposing team was the heavier and we were outplayed, conceding three goals to Bexhill in each half; our only reply being one goal in the latter half.

Brighton Grammar School 2nd XI. were our opponents on the following Saturday, and after being one goal down at half time the School recovered admirably and very nearly won, Brighton just managing to register an equaliser a few minutes before full time, the final score being four goals each.

The School played Bexhill at home on Nov. 7th and met with further defeat. Bexhill scored three goals before the game was ten minutes old. The School, however, pressed strongly and by half-time had made the scores equal. Although in the second half Bexhill added three more to their score, it would have been a much more representative result had the score remained equal. The School played a hard game all the time.

On Nov. l4th the School visited Shoreham to play for the first time Shoreham G.S. 2nd XI. The game was fast throughout, and at the interval each team had two goals to its credit. In the second half play was even, the School's shooting being the more accurate. Two fine goals from Cook brought the final score to 4-2 in the School's favour.

On Nov. 21st Varndean met the School at Lewes, when the School failed badly. Varndeen scored three goals in the first fifteen minutes. Coxon, however, replied by scoring two goals for the School. In the second half Vardean out-classed the defence and were well rewarded. The final score was six goals to two.

On Dec. 5th the School entertained the Brighton Scouts Assoc. Although the team was much heavier than the School team we played very well. The Scouts scored almost immediately with a swift and direct shot. The School soon equalised through Lowles. From then onwards the game was very evenly contested. The final score was three goals to two in the School's favour.

On Dec. l2th the School visited East Grinstead and met with success. The home team scored two goals very eariy in the game. The School were not long in retaliating and four goals were scored. Upon resumption the School had the better part of the game. The final score was 7-4.

Eastbourne visited the School on Dec. l9th and went away victorious. Although we seemed to do most of the attacking we were unsuccessful, and Eastbourne scored four goals in the first half. In the second half we made a determined effort to equal the Eastbourne score, but though three goals were secured our own defence was twice penetrated, and Eastbourne won a very good game with a final score of 6-3.


In the Easter term we began to play Rugger. For many of us this was our initiation, and we were not sure whether we cared for " blood sports ". However, after one or two trials, we decided that the tales of carnage with which we had been regaled were greatly exaggerated, and we settled down to enjoy this addition to the list of our activities.

Though the play was naturallv of a scrambing nature for some time, order gradually emerged from chaos, and towards the end of the term spectators unconnected with the School recognised the game we were playing, and some of us even knew the rules.

House matches took place and though skill, in these games, was often conspicuous by its absence, they were keenly contested and greatly enjoyed. Unfortunately for our hopes of further rapid improvement the time at our disposal was barely six weeks, and we are looking forward to next term's games with the knowledge that we have much to learn, particularly obedience to those oft-repeated commands "run straight", "make ground" and "pass !"


Since going to press with the last issue of our magazine we have the results of two Swimming Sports to record. It will be seen that Lewes House has been victorious on both occasions. The presence of Swimming Baths in Lewes accounts for this. The obvious lesson is " Give us our own School swimming baths". The figures given below proclaim our need louder than any words can do :-

Lewes . . 40, Seahaven . . 11, Martlets . . 10, Uckfield . . 1.

Lewes . . 113, Seahaven . . 56, Martlets . . 18, Uckfield . . 17.


The Lewes County School 1st XI have had a very sucessful season this year, not having lost a match. The School has triumphed in three of its six games and drawn the rest, while there is yet one match to play - against Varndean 2nd XI. There has been a vast improvement in the team, which now works together very well, although the fielding still leaves something to be desired.

The batting of the eleven now shows the good effects of the coaching of R. S. Richards, of the Sussex County Ground Staff. Watson, in particular, shows an improvement on last year's good form. His bowling, however, although he has taken most wickets does not appear to be so good, whilst that of Rabson has been very good, especially in times of most need. Another batsman worth mentioning is Faulkner, whose stone-walling abilities have been invaluable. He is at times, however, over-cautious when there is no need.


The industrous efforts of the staff and of the boys combined with those of parents and friends of the School, were brought to a great climax when on Saturday, the 25th of July, the " Grand Fete " was held in the School grounds. Fortunately the weather was excellent, and the many side-shows were warmly patronised, the result being that a very substantial sum was raised for camp equipment and to fit up a school stage. All the visitors, especially strangers, took a great pleasure in looking over the school, and many pleasing remarks concerning the splendid structure and modern efficiency of the school were made. The side-shows proved very popular, for while the roundabout was an attraction for the younger visitors mother and daughter went off to display their formal beauty at the ankle competition, and father to try his skill at the coconut shy. The cork-spearing competition was one of the favourites, and it caused much laughter. The school printing-press had been erected on several benches, and visitors could purchase writing-paper with their addresses neatly printed in the top right-hand corner of each sheet for a reasonable price.

Other interesting side-shows were " netting the football ", " staking your claim ", a rifle range and darts, while numerous guessing competitions were all the time in progress. The event, however, which caused the most laughter was the hat trimming competition. The sight of several men with needle and cotton and paper, all striving industriously to accomplish something that looked like a hat, made many onlookers go into fits of laughter. There were also many ingenious races, including the obstacle race, the slow bicyle race, and a three-legged race. The competitors in the first had to run about twenty yards, climb over a jumping-horse, crawl under a pig-net, and then to wriggle through a motor tyre which was suspended from a pole, and under which was a menacing pool of dirty water, ready to engulf those who happened to slip. Bowls filled with flour containing apples, aud water buckets in which were placed potatoes were provided as obstacles in the race. The competitors had to get these articles out of their respective containers with their mouths, and the sight of some of the boys' faces caused roars of laughter from the amused crowd.

The first item on the programme was the gymnastic display, and all present remarked upon the smartness and agility of those taking part, and their efforts were warmly applauded. After a few races came one of the most interesting events of the afternoon - the boxing display. The bouts were watched with keen interest by the onlookers, who were very much amused at an exhibition of blind-boxing, which, no doubt, was rather a novelty. The boxing was carried out very successfully, and bouts of heavy-weight, middle-weight, lightweight and bantam-weight boxing took place.

Although most of the side-shows consisted of competitions the organisers did not forget to cater for the internal weaknesses of the crowd, for there were several stalls selling homemade sweets, and over the heads of the long queue of little children with their pennies one could (at times) just see an ice-cream stall.

Towards the end of the afternoon the crowd retired to the inside of the School where " Vashti", the famous palmist, was displaying her omniscient powers. Then the people moved towards the physics and chemistry laboratories, where they were intensely interested in the experiments which were being carried out. The chief attraction was a microscopic view of the blood passing through a living frog's foot.

At five-thirty tea was prepared in the hall. During the evening a whist drive was held in the gym. and a masked dance in the hall. Towards the later hours of the evening the dance became very jolly, and streamers and balloons, and lively dance music added to "the fun of the fair ". At mid-night the National Anthem was sung, and after the distribution of prizes the dancers retired to their homes fully satisfied with a delightful and very enjoyable evening. Thus the " successful venture " for which those interested in the welfare of the School had toiled for many weeks, came to happy conclusion. The total profits were subsequently found to be well over £100 [about £10,000 in todays money].



On an evening in March the School was honoured by the presence of the distinguished airman, Sir Alan Cobham. Lecturing in the Great Hall to an audience of nearly four hundred persons, Sir Alan took as his subject his famous 1929 flight over the Great Lakes of Africa.

Sir Alan opened his lecture with some brief remarks upon the growing popularity of flying as a means of travel, and in eulogising the reliability of the modern aeroplane, paid particular tribute to the remarkable efficiency of the machine - a twin-float Short Rolls - which he used in his African survey. He then proceeded to describe his flight, stage by stage, from London to the heart of Africa. His route for the first day lay across the Channel to Bordeaux, Marseilles, and on to Corsica, where the great sea-plane was brought down, not without some difficulty, into a shallow Lake. Besides giving us a number of fine aerial views of the wooded and mountainous country of Corsica, Sir Alan told us some interesting things about the Corscian brigand and his sense of humour.

The next day's journey lay over Malta, Corfu and Athens, where the Acropolis, seen from the air, caused Sir Allan, and us who saw his wonderful photographs, to marvel yet again at the architecture of this building, which, instinct with the spirit of ancient Greece, stands up the ruins of the noblest edifice built in the tide of times.

From Greece, like the Ptolemies of old, Sir Allan sought Egypt and the Nile ; and here the Pyramids and the Sphinx, set amid the lone and level sands, gave opportunity for photography of remarkable clarity. As Greece and its shrines reminded us of the hierarchy of Olympus, so Karnac, Thebes and the Valley of Kings, places where Isis and Osiris were once all-powerful deities, told of the passing of another faith and another Empire. To-day, particularly near Asowan [sic], many places of age-old sanctity have - yielding to the coming of a potent god with legion adherents, Progress - now lie submerged beneath the flood waters restrained by the Great Dam.

Thence, onwards, Sir Atan's task was to follow the Nile to its far southern source, and we were shown slides illustrating Omdurman, Khartoum and the confluence of the Blue and White Niles, the Sud swamp area, and when the hot grassland were reached, herds of elephants, hundreds in number, in their natural wild state.

At last the romantic source of the great river was reached, and we were shown the turbulent outflow from the lake whose waters run three thousand miles to find the sea, and have been the mighty nurse of nations and empires.

The ever-clouded Mountains of the Moon would have delighted the soul of Coleridge had he known them - " A savage place, as holy and enchanted . . . ". Sir Alan, though doubtless this appellation charmed him, had reason to curse roundly the veiled modesty of mountains that made his passage between the peaks of two towering and extinct volcanoes a business of extreme difficulty and danger. After several abortive attempts he at last successfully navigated the lofty pass and alighted on the calm waters of his destination - the Central African lake of Kivu.


On Friday, the 15th of July, a party of boys under the charge of Mr. Bowman and Mr. and Mrs. Auld, visited the London Zoological Gardens. After a journey of about one and three-guarter hours they arrived at London. They then walked through Regent's Park and so into the Zoo.

There were numerous objects of interest, including the baboons in their natural surroundings, the goats living on a miniature mountain, bears, elephants, giraffes, monkevs, apes, parrots, rhinoceroces, hippopotamuses, camels, insects, and lastly the aquarium. This was the most interesting part of the trip. There were thousands of beautifully coloured fish, and many reptiles in their natural environment, each one was explained by Mr. Bowman, who was a most interesting guide in everything. About half-past twelve the boys ate their lunch, which they brought with them. The afternoon was spent in more exploring, and, towards the end, they saw the animals fed. The polar bears provided most excitement, diving into a large pool after their food. Another interesting part was the feeding of the lions and tigers. This was accompanied by many loud roars from the hungry beasts.

At about four o'clock the party left the Zoo and travelled by underground trains to Trafalgar Square, where they went into Lyon's " Corner House " for tea. This was excellent, and everybody enjoyed it. After tea and more sight-seeing we returned to Victoria Station in time to catch the 6.40 p.m. train. Lewes was reached with everyone well satisfied with his trip.


On March 21st, a stream of parents and boys could be seen wending their muddy way towards the School, amidst the picks and shovels which lay strewn across the inglorious Ham Lane - for was not this the eagerly anticipated Parents' Evening ? After the usual perambulation of the buildings everyone assembled in the hall, where refreshments were served by the " master " waiters, who vainly attempted to emulate the feats of the famous " Nippy-girls " of Lyon's cafe.

After the refreshments the Headmaster addressed the parents briefly. He explained why the school had takn up " rugger," and mentioned the " school fete," by means of which he hoped to raise enough money to buy camp equipment, and have a stage erected.

After the Headmaster`s speech an entertainment was given by the boys, assisted by masters, the first item on the programme being selections by the school orchestra. These were Largo (Handel), Chanson Triste (Tchaikowsky) and Stadchen (Heykens), and were very well played considering that the orchestra was formed only last year.

Mr. Auld then took the stage and sang two songs, " Down Vauxhall Way " (Oliver), and "O Mistress Mine " (Quilter), being greatly applauded.

The school choir, under the leadership of Mr. O'Brien, next distinguished itself in the singing of " Lonely Woods " (Tully), " The Lass with the Delicate Air " (Arne), and " Away with Melancholy " (Mozart.)

The next item was a delightful sketch by three of the masters entitled " Modern Salesmanship ". " Who`s this grimy fellow ? " asked one of the boys as a none-too-clean workman carried a heavy box on the stage. It was the Headmaster. " Professor Auld " and the salesman, Mr. Bowman, followed. Mr. Bowman wanted to sell one of Professor Hoggins' " supel-charged " wirelesses to Professor Auld, but when the latter asked for a demonstration the wireless proved to be rather " cracked ". The audience was " doubled up " with laughter throughout the whole scene.

We were then given a display of boxing. Two grim-looking boxers sat in their corners glowering at each other with baleful eye - a tense audience - time - the two pugilists leap from their corners and batter each other with murderous intent. No, not the Albert Hall, merely Lewes County School Hall, where the Pulling v. Pillinger fight was in progress. The Carpentier-like flashes of Pulling, and the Dempsey-like ruggedness of Pillinger provided a vivid contrast, and the contest, which ended in a draw, was greatly appreciated by the audience. Mr. Auld again took the stage, this time with Mr. Bowman, and the duet `The Moon Hath Raised' was sung.

Three minuets were then played by the orchestra, Samson Minuet (Handel), Jupiter Minuet (Mozart), and Minuet in G (Beethoven):

Then came the last item, which was, perhaps, the best, or at least most popular. It was the one-act play entitled " The Grand Cham's Diamond". Notwithstanding their improvised costumes, and the lack of a suitable stage, the actors gave an excellent performance, and the play was thoroughly enjoyed. The parts were ably taken by Cook-the cockney, Cosstick-his wife, Francis-his daughter, Barker-the villain, and Hayward-the detective.

This brought the entertainment to a close, and the parents departed, having spent, we are sure, a very enjoyable evening.


The camp, our first, has been held and already is a thing of memories. We set off on a July morning in bright sunshine, high spirits, and a Southern Railway carriage. The glass had been falling steadily after a long spell of fine weather. Even so we hoped for the best.

We arrived without mishap at Portsmouth, with its sea, and its ships, and countless associations with the British Navy. Soon we had crossed to the Island and were at Shanklin. Camp was more than a mile away, and a stiff climb faced us. Kit-bags grow heavy amazingly quickly, especially when there is little difference in bulk between the load and its bearer; but a friendly lorry driver came to our aid most opportunely.

We found that the advance party, which had left two days earlier, had done its work well, and the School's new tents stood bravely upon the ridge that was to be our home for ten days. Behind us was a knoll of sheltering trees. Before us stretched the grand expanse of Sandown Bay - an ideal site.

We soon settled in, had our first meal and prepared for the night. A glowing camp fire sent us to bed well pleased with life, and full of the romance of a first night under canvas. The moon shone that night. Our " Moon " talked too.

Next morning more romance - the music of steadily dripping rain on canvas just above our heads. It rained in the morning, it rained in the afternoon, it rained at night, it rained next day. At sixteen bells (please consult P.O. Martin for the exact number) " being sore pressed, and our hold full of water " or, to be precise, just as we emerged from Shanklin's primitive cinema the sun shone bravely, " and even the ranks of Tuscany could not forbear to cheer."

Next day was fine. We basked in the sun. With sandwiches we set out for the day on various expeditions. The worse was over we hoped. Alas ! for the vanity of human wishes. It rained next day ; in fact it rained on several.days. But

"Tis not to reason why,
Tis but to do or die."

Down the slippery slopes of Luccombe Common, skating over the treacherous mud we sallied forth (why Sally ) with costumes and towels to enjoy the delights of sea bathing. (Who said seaweed?)

Let "Susie" Sing,
Of Jellyfish sting.
'Twould have been more rotten
To be stung on the fleshy part of the anatomy.

Having " tasted " the delights of the sea , our company could not he restrained from exploring its mysteries still further. A sail round the Island was called for. It seems to have been, forgotten that " Kitchener " was a General, not an Admiral, and that " Mussolini " has never, to our knowledge, displayed any ability as a sailor.

And so the days slipped by. Portsmouth and Navy Week claimed some. Others found the beauties and music of Rylstone Gardens more alluring.

At last the time came to pack up. The weather relented. We struck our tents in a miniature drought. The camp of 1932 was over.

What if it rains
Down Shanklin`s drains !
We will camp again
By the River Seine.

SALVETE [Greetings!] 1930-31

Anderson, A. G.
Aston, S.
Allen, G. W.
Arnold, W. A. A.
Akehurst, G. B.
Blunden, W. J.
Blunden, D. G. L.
Bradbury, T. S.
Bailey, C. A. (1)
Bailey, C. A. (2)
Bishop, F.
Brown, R. E. (1)
Brown, A. T. W.
Baker, E. G. (1)
Barford. J. V.
Barford, T. R.
Beard, N. G.
Beck, W. R.
Baker, J. A.
Banks, C. E.
Bartholomew, G. H.
Bartlett, F. J.
Beale, K. S.
Bishop, D. A.
Blackman, H. E.
Brown, R. E. (2)
Bailey, P. S.
Baker, E. G. (2)
Bishop, A. M.
Boulton, J.E.
Buller, D. T. H.
Blake, D. O.
Carter, C. T.
Cook, E. L.
Coxon, K. M.
Crouch, G. D.
Cruttenden, D. I.
Cole, P. J.
Cosstick, J. W.
Cairns, H. N. E.
Cornford, G. A.
Cull, J. F.
Castle, D. A.
Cornall, N.
Carter, L. P.
Chatfield, N. W.
Cosstick, F. W.
Dennis, R. W.
Dadswell, T. E.
Duke, P. F.
Eade, W. S.
Eager, S. A.
Edwards, H. G.
Edwards, A. R.
Eke, R. F. H.
Evans, A. G.
French A. G.
Fox, W. H.
Francis, C. H.
Fairfield, R. A.
Faulkner, R. V.
Franklin, G. W. T
Fenner, A. A.
Green, A.
Gibbons, M. J.
Green, R. S.
Hayward, T. A.
Hill, R. H.
Holmans, H. C.
Hutton, G. C.
Hazlerigg, A. M.
Holder, R. J.
Hollobon, K. J.
Horgan, T. M.
Horton, J. L.
Hall, C. F.
Hammond, R. H.
Hilton, T. H.
Harvey, F. F.
Hodson, T. J.
Holman, A. J.
Hall, P. G.
Hope, L. F.
Jarvis, R. N.
Jessop, W. K.
Johnson, A. C.
Kearley, C. C.
Kitchener, A. R.
Knowlton, B. K.
Ketchell, B. J.
Kenward, G. E.
Knight, H. G.
Kemp, R. F.
Leiserowitz, V. H.
Lockyer, T. E
Lowles, R. D.
Lusted, R. E.
Leak, J. W. A.
Manser, L. B.
Mepham, I. W.
Moore, F. M.
Metcalfe. A. F.
Newton-Smith, M.
Norman, J.
Obbard, S. E.
Pay, J. L.
Pay, L. D. M.
Pollard, D. J.
Page, V.
Penfold, R. C.
Power, P. W.
Pratley, H. E.
Proffitt-White, T. H.
Pettitt, J. F.
Pelham, J. W.
Rabson, D. C. J.
Rainbird, R. E.
Richardson, C. V.
Râm Din, A. H.
Rutherford, J. E.
Ruffle, W. G.
Russell, M. E.
Ray-Johnson, F. L.
Reed, J. A.
Relf, M. F.
Rich, R. St. D.
Sandles, G. G.
Sharp, H. F. H.
Sellwood, E. H. B.
Shoebridge, J.
Smith, N. W.
Taylor, E.
Threader, A. J.
Towner, J.
Tribe, R. C.
Turner, C.
Wickham, D. A.
Watson, C. B.
White, F. R.
Wynter, E. C. C.
Wood, W. J.
Woodward, H. S.
Wicks, K. P.
Wood, A. M.
Walder, F.
White, G. S.
Wilson, G. W.

SALVETE [Greetings!] 1931-32

Allen, F. S.
Ashburner, G.
Archer, D. W.
Billson, C. C.
Bridgman, A. M.
Burgess, R.
Bevan, F. H.
Beal, R. F.
Burley, R. F.
Barker, D. B.
Barnes, K. G. A.
Camplin, R. D.
Chant, D. K.
Chatfield, K. R.
Clayton, A. J.
Colvin, B. A.
Chivers, C. F.
Crouch, C. E.
Charman, B. D.
Carr, W. D.
Collins, D. J.
Dance, D.
Dickerson, B. J.
Davis, D. F.
Edwards, N. D.
Edwards, J. W.
Flint, P.
Fitzgerald, D. J
Holford, R. F.
Hopkins, J.
Hourd, R. G. W
Howard, J. R.
Hanigan, J. V.
Hill, O. F.
Huntington, E.
Killick, P.
Lawrence, J. R.
Lipscombe, M. D.
Macey, A. G.
Moon, G. E.
Munton, P. C. G.
Mackie, R. S.
Noel, D. L.
Paskins, C. E.
Pollard, R. L.
Pulling, R. A.
Payne, E. K.
Pillinger, J. H.
Pratt, G. G.
Renville, R. H.
Robson, S. G.
Sellwood, L. G.
Smith, G. S.
Stone, D. C.
Strange, B. H.
Seamer, A. G.
Turner, R. J.
Warren, D. C.
Watts, L. N.
Walker, A. E.
Wilson, R. H.
Walter, A. E.
Williamson, R. J.

VELETE [Farewell !] 1931-32

Anderson, A. G.
Blunden, W. J.
Bishop A. M.
Boulton, J. E.
Carter, C. T.
Cairns, H. N. E.
Edwards, H. G.
Eke, R. F. H.
French, A. G.
Fox, W. H.
Fairfield, R. A.
Horton, J. L.
Kearley, C. C.
Manser, L. B.
Newton-Smith, M.
Pratley, H. E.
Rabson, D. C. J.
Rainbird, R. E.
Râm Din, A. H.
Threader, A. J.
Wickham, D. A.
Wilson, G. W.


[Notes by Webmaster: The first table in the extract above gives the names of the 150 boys who were the initial intake when the School opened in September 1930. Most of the older boys in that intake were from the old Uckfield Grammar School which was closed down the previous July.

One can see from the Speech Day report of form prizes, above, that in the first year of the School, 1930-31, there were two forms II, two forms III, one form IV and one form V. A total of six forms comprising the 150 boys; there was no Remove and no VI form. It was common practice at that time for boys to leave at age 15 - one year older than their counterparts in the village school who could leave school on their fourteenth birthday - but the intention was to add a Remove so that boys left at 16 after taking school certificate.

When the School opened in 1930 it had 8 classrooms for the six forms, these corresponding to the rooms later called Rooms 3 to 10 inclusive. Rooms 2 and 11 were added later as the school expanded to ten forms in the lower school - two forms for each year and a total of about 300 boys. The sixth form at this stage was virtually non-existent, perhaps the odd exceptional boy being coached for university entrance.

The second table is a list of the 63 new entrants that joined in September 1931. These would have been almost entirely the eleven-year olds that formed the two entry classes. The number of pupils in October 1931, the beginning of the school's second year, had risen to 180, implying that about 33 had left by or at the end of the first year. These boys are not listed.

The third table lists the 22 boys who left during or at the end of the School's second year. Further clarification of the growth & success of the school will hopefully be found in later editions of the Barbican.]

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