Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 3 - Spring 1933

The Original Barbican cover This is the third issue of the Barbican. We have taken extracts from a copy that was for 70+ years in Mr Bradshaw's private collection of School memorabilia. This is the only known copy outside the County Record Office (who have a copy but refused to let us use it). It has come into our hands from the Bradshaw family who have donated his collection of such material to the Old Lewesians' archive.

This edition covers the events at Lewes County School in the 1932-1933 academic year - the third year of its existence. The school appears to be settling down to a pattern of events that were to become a standard for many years to come. The only feature that was eventually to be discontinued was the playing of soccer and having a School XI at Senior level. For reasons that one can only guess, Mr Bradshaw decided that soccer, "a game for gentlemen, often played by hooligans", did not fit in with his long term aspirations for the School. This was the first year that a school rugby XV had been fielded and the results were, unsurprisingly, not very good. Nevertheless, it had been decided that, with the exception of the second forms, the school would concentrate on rugby football, "a game for hooligans, played by gentlemen", but soccer, popular with the boys, would be phased out gradually.

At this stage of the school's existence the academic standards were decidedly modest. There was no proper sixth-form though there were a handful of boys studying beyond the school certificate level. There is no mention of university places. As can be seen from the OL Association report the aspirations, opportunities and eventual job placements now seem very mundane. A job at County Hall at sixteen was seen, at that time, as a much prized stepping-stone to a safe job and successful career. One has to remember that these were the final years of the depression. The vast army of professionals and bureaucrats did not begin to burgeon until the post-war years.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys



The publication of the Third Number of The Barbican will, we feel, be a fitting conclusion to our third year of school life. We are justly proud both of the achievements which are reported here, and of the variety of fare which this issue contains.

One of its most pleasing features is the great improvement in quantity, and quality, of the original work we have been able to publish. The prizes offered for the best contributions have stimulated, as we hoped these would, many diffident ones to bite "a truand pen" to good effect. In addition to those contributors whose work is contained in these pages, we acknowledge articles from the following :-

Hall, P. G., Metcalfe, Hill (Rem.), White (Rem.), Towner, Trott and McKimm.

We regret that we were unable in this issue to find room for their contributions ; and we hope that they will not be discouraged from trying hard to secure a place in our Fourth Number. Those whose work is herein published will, we feel sure, feel sufficiently recompensed to try again.

Full reports of our various activities throughout the year will be found on other pages. We would, however, add a few remarks upon one of them. "The Rivals" production was, we feel, a really fine achievement, and, apart from the efforts of the actors themselves, its success was due to the untiring energy of two great spirrts. The Headmaster's work as producer was remarkable for its thoroughness and finesse; and Mr. Larwill worked like a Titan both in creating the stage, and in skilfully stage-managing the three performances.

We are now looking forward to three momentous events - the School Fete, the School Certificate, and the School Camp. By the time this magazine appears we shall know whether our swimming bath next year is to be a "concrete" reality. By July 3lst. the Fifth and Sixth Forms will be out of their misery, and we shall be crossing the Channel to "fresh woods and pastures new."


The School still benefits from the kindness of many good friends and well wishers. In our last issue we acknowledged a number of benefactions including an "Integrity and Honour Trophy" the gift of Mr. Edgar Povey. Mr. Povey has now generously endowed this Trophy for all time. The winner will receive a handsome money prize, and a silver shield to commemorate the award, while his name will be engraved on an Honours Board which Mr. Povey has also given. May we, by the standard we set ourselves at all times, show ourselves worthy of this kindness and interest.

In the past those who have entered the school grounds have been confronted with a mound, a bequest of the builders, covered with nettles, thistles and other growth not usually encountered at flower shows. Alderman J. H. Every, one of our governors, has very kindly remedied our trouble by covering the mound with shrubs and has planted a flagstaff and a seat on the top. For the first time we were able to fly the Union Jack on Empire Day. Six large seats each capable of seating ten adults (and no one knows how many small boys) the gift of the same generous donor, are now placed conveniently on the south side of the school where they are most useful for open air functions.

Finally we have received gifts of books from R. H. Beaver, Esq., E. F. Young, Fsq., and J. Fitzgerald, Esq. These gentlemen we thank most heartily.

We need a Work Shield and a Cross Country Cup. We feel sure that we shall not have to wait long for these.


"Cast thy bread upon the waters, and thou shalt find it after many days."

Much has been said in literature about Prometheus, bound and unbound. Few of us - except our friends, the classical scholars - know that the imperious consort of Jupiter caused Echo "sweetest nymph that lives unseen," likewise to know the bitterness of exiled bondage. The chains of Prometheus were real ones, and the vulture to him was no myth. Echo's bondage, devised as it was by the feminine mind, was less tangible and more subtle She was condemned, as any wall will tell you, to utter, unchanged, the last syllables of other people. Echo, too, was a woman. She had previously been quite an original lady. Her punishment was the more intolerable.

Aeschylus and Shelley agree in making Prometheus the unrelenting possessor of a mighty secret. He alone knew the hour of Jove's fall which should herald the dawn of his own millenium and freedom. Echo, likewise, had a secret knowledge concerning the distant day of her liberty when she should regain the power of original speech. For nearly three thousand years she obeyed the stern decree of Juno, and faithfully reproduced the sounds of others' voices. To-day she is casting off her long bondage, and though habit is still strong in her, we cannot be at all sure that she will re-produce exactly what she hears.

She is subtle, this maiden. She comes to impose her will upon us. She is entering into her kingdom; and like our Russian exponents of the art of living, she is beginning through the younger generation. She has recently paid a visit to Lewes County School.

That she has not been unsuccessful in her insidious teaching will be clear from the following evidence. What the origiqal utterances were we leave to the intelligence of our readers. That they have been tampered with in transit is (we hope) obvious :-


1. "The opening lines of Milton's L'Allegro may be called an EMBROCATION to mirth."

2."Hermod, a very FAST god, went down to hell to ask HELEN OF TROY to restore Balder to Asgard." (And Charles murmured "That confounded Nell again!)

3."Byron is writing of HIS FRIEND Milton who often used to swim across the Styx." (No wonder Satan himself said, "No Hell can keep immortal essence down.")

4.The heroic couplet was a form of poetry used by THE GREEK POET HERO."

5."During his early days, Henry V led a very SHADY life."

6."The Mill on the Floss was written by George Eliot - who was only a woman." (A good mascutine attitude)

7."These words were spoken in a coppice near the father of Miranda's house."

8."He has lied on this bed for over a year." (An old woman's complaint.)

9."Faustus bartered his sole with the Devil." (He probably preferred kippers.)

10."The sewing tore, and floated wide,
The mirror cracked from side to side,
The spell had worked! and woe betide
The Lady of Shalott."
(Sorry, my lord T. - Blame Echo.)

11."When the ship sank in which Sir Humphrey Gilbert was sailing, the great sailor was taken ill and died." ( Really?)

12."The appointment of Pepys as secretary to the Tangier committee was then SANCTIFIED."

13."- some CONSECRATED sulphuric acid was added . . . . The hydrogen exploded in a MINUET." (Sacred music!)

14."Isaak Walton asked the milkmaid for a drink. She gave him the bucket, and he gave her some fish." (Basis of trade.)


The School's first Rugger Season was a very interesting and encouraging one from every point of view. All new Rugger clubs have to go through their "Baptism of Fire" during tbeir first few years, and considering the strength and experience of our Last term's opponents, the School can consider that it acquitted itself extraordinarily well. It takes four or five years for a new Rugger school to get really going, and there is consequently no sort of reason to feel dissatisfied with the season's results. One victory, one last-minute defeat, and the absence of any 'Cricket-score' beatings such as are often met with in a club's early days, are a very creditable start, and augur well for our prospects in future years.

We were fortunate in having the material for an excellent 'pack,' with a good leader in Hazlerigg, and there were no matches in which we did not hold our own in the tight scrums, though the work in the loose and at the line out was not so good. Tbe regular forwards were selected from Hazlerigg, Hall, Cook, Johnson, Lockyer, Castle, Sharp, Pollard, Barker and Metcalf. Cosstick soon established himself as a scrum half, while Gibbons and Watson both showed good form at fly half, especially in attack.

The three-quarters were selected from Rutherford, Johnson, Barker, Brown, Faulkner and Knowlton. Of these the best were Rutherford and Johnson, the former especially showing us some splendid tackling and hard running. Johnson played as a forward in the first few matches, but then changed places with Barker.

The Full back problem was never satisfactorily settled. When Hayward left, first Lockyer and then Cook was tried there, but it was obvious that both were far more at home in the scrum. This remains one of our big problems for next year.

The second XV did well in nearly beating Worthing High School in their return match, but by far their best performance was against Seaford College, when they gave the finest exhibition provided by either team during the whole term. All played well, Watson, Knowlton, Hope and Lowles (at full back) being outstanding in a great game. Eade also set an excellent example in tackling and should develop into a very useful three-quarter.

There is no doubt that this art of tackling is the most difficult thing that a beginner in Rugby has to learn. It requires every ounce of pluck, especially in a novice, to dive at the legs of a vigorous runner in full cry: but once mastered it brings its own glorious satisfaction. "There are", says Captain Wakelam in his book "Twickenham Calling", "few finer sensations in any kind of sport than the feel of a perfect flying tackle taken on a man going all-out for the line. "And once you've tried it you'll agree. Hard running is another important essential of good rugger, and one in which a great improvement was noticeable towards the end of the term. Players must learn, especially three-quarter backs, to put all they know into their running; a determined runner, even though small, takes a lot of stopping. Those who were fortunate enough to see the Brighton College v Cranleigh match were given a magnificent display of determined running and fearless tackling.

Another great point is the necessity for keeping absolutely fit. It came as an eye-opener to those who saw that other fine game (Brighton v Dulwich) to learn that the Dulwich XV were forbidden to enter their school tuck shop during the whole of the Christmas term. This is perhaps going too far, but the effect of such Spartan discipline could be seen in the perfect fitness of that victorious Dulwich team right up to the final whistle. It is quite impossible, especially for a forward, to keep going hard for the full seventy minutes of a gruelling match unless he is in absolutely tip-top training.

The results of our matches are given below. We hope to renew all these fixtures next season, and to take on some fresh ones as well. We certainly have plenty of promising material available, and though we still have an enormous amount to learn in every phase of the game, we can look forward to the future with confidence.


First XV
v Seaford College 2nd. Lost 0 - 10.
v Brighton College Colts. Lost 3 - 22.
v Christ's Hospitat 3rd. Lost 0 - 33.
v Lewes A. Lost 0 - 19.
v Lewes A. Lost 0 - 24.
v Worthing High School 2nd Won 9 - 3.
v Hurstpierpoint 2nd. Lost 11 - 14.

Second XV.
v Worthing High School 3rd Lost 6 - 17.
v Worthing High School 3rd Lost 3 - 6.
v Seaford College 3rd. Lost 0 - 14.


Wednesday, November l6th 1932 saw our second annual Speech Day and Prize Distribution. There were present on the platform the Chairman of the County Council, Mr C.H.S. Ellis, who gave away the awards, Col. H.S. Powell Edwards, the Bishop of Lewes, Sir George Boughey, the Mayor of Lewes Councillor A.Turner, and Mr A.N.Innes. We were sorry that the Chairman of our Governors, Lieut. Col. A. S. Sutherland-Harris was unfortunately prevented by illness from being with us.

After the singing of "Forty Years on" by the School the Headmaster gave his report upon the progress during the past year. He spoke with gratification of the rise in numbers from 184 to 236, and of the successes achieved at the School Certificate and Intermediate Scholarship examinations. The keen spirit of the school had been amply shown in all activities, but especially so in the arduous cross-country steeplechase, and in the zealous efforts to make the fete of last July a great financial success. £112 had been cleared; an amount which made possible the purchase of full equipment for the Summer Camp at Shanklin, I.O.W., and of material for making the school stage. The camp, in spite of inclement weather, had been very successful, and had been attended by nearly 70 boys.

Rugby football had now been started at the School and several matches had already been played. A large troop of Scouts was in being; a debating society had been formed and was well attended; while the school orchestra, now a year old, practised with enthusiasm. The Parents' Evenings had proved their value in cementing a close understanding between parents and school, and the public lectures by Admiral Evans and Sir A. Cobham had drawn large audiences.

The Headmaster concluded his report by an acknowledgement of the numerous helpful gifts which the school had received, and appealing to those in whose power it lay to provide employment to co-operate with him in securing posts for boys who were about to leave school.

The prizes were then distributed by Mr. C.H.S.Ellis, who appealed to the boys to make the most of their opportunities at school. The knowledge gained there would, put to proper use, make life a larger and happier experience.


JULY 1931 - JUNE 1932


D. B. Barker. B. K. Knowlton. T. X. Bradbury. E. K. Payne.
E. L. Cook. C. V. Richardson. K. M. Coxon. J. E. Rutherford.
T. A. Hayward. C. B. Watson. A. M. Hazlerigg.


F. H. Bevan. G. E. Moon. R. S. Mackie. D. C. Stone.


N. D. Edwards.



R. A. Kitchener.


A. M. Hazlerigg.


Biology (Lilian Fleming Prize) . . . S. Aston, K. S. Beale.
Chemistry . . . J. E. Rutherford.
Physics . . . S. Aston.
Chemistry and Physics . . . J. A. Baker.
English . . . D. B. Barker.
French . . . W. S. Eade.
English and French . . . H. G. Knight.
Geography . . . T. A. Hayward, N. D. Edwards.
History . . . G. C. Hutton, G. W. J. Franklin.
Latin . . . S. E. Obbard.
Mathematics . . . J E. Rutherford, H. S. Woodward.
Art . . . B. K. Knowlton.
Craftwork . . . A. C. Johnson.


V ... T. A. Hayward, E. K. Payne.
IVA ... S. Aston, G. C. Hutton.
IVB ... F. R. White, N. Cornall.
IIIa ... J. A. Baker, G. H. Bartholomew.
IIIB ... N. W. Chatfield, F. W. Cosstick.
IIA ... N. D. Edwards, R. Burgess.
IIB ... D. C. Stone, G. Ashburner.


C. B. Watson.


Games Shield . . . Uckfield House. (Presented by Mrs. Bradshaw.)
Athletics Cup . . . Martlets House. (Presented by Wilfred Thompson, Esq.)
Swimming Cup . . . Lewes House. (Presented by Major T. Sinfield.)


Murk above and slush below,
A restless, moving swarm
That clots, and breaks,
And streaks away,
And hurls itself,
And falls.
A whistle intermittent, shrilling urgency:
The leathern thud of boot on ball,
Panting of spent lungs, gruff voices,
And all around the straining mob
That cheers, implores,
Exults, derides,
Laughs loud with triumph,
And (ten thousand voices blent
In one vast inhuman throat)
Shouts, "Try!"

Blue above and shaven green below,
Stately flannel legs
Decorous, slow, immaculately creased :
A bowler's dancing feet
And swift artist's fingers
That stretch a swift parabola
Across the blazing sky.
The even click of smitten wood,
And, where spectators sit neatly ranked,
Approving murmurs, and brisk musketry of hands
And measured criticism in classic phrase;
And then a voice is raised joined by other voices
Modulated, individual:
"Played, sir, played!"

W. D. Park. IIB.


'Tis evening :
And from our vantage point above the town,
All doth seem silent, calm, and unoppressed.
The golden corn as yet not gathered in,
Waves with the tilting motion of the wind.

Far in a veil of soft and rosy mist.
The castle rears on high its noble brow,
With ancient turrets gleaming in a light
Fast fading with the setting of the sun.

Now sits the sun upon the western hills,
A glowing emblem of the closing day;
Tinging the clouding sky with rosy hues,
And calling homing sheep into the fold.

The grey of twilight warns the wayward rook,
And lights begin to twinkle in the town.
Apollo's race is run, and with the night,
We turn to the seclusion of our homes.

Beck. (Remove)


Although weather conditions were far from ideal and in spite of the fact that little time had been available for training this term, there was a vastly improved standard of performance in our second Sports Day held on Wednesday, May lOth on our own field.

A good crowd of parents and friends arrived to help cheer the competitors and to enjoy an afternoon of good and varied sport. In the eighteen events of the afternoon, fourteen records were broken and two new ones created, making it a hard task for next year's competitors if they are to repeat such an achievemcnt. In the absence of Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Bradshaw presented the House Championship Cup to D. Barker, captain of the winning house, Lewes.


Tuesday, April 4th, 1933

With a hot sun above and, in places, burning grass beneath, this year's Cross-country was held under conditiuns which made the water jumps, ditches and mud thoroughly appreciated by all competitors who thus went "thro' fire and water" to gain their end.

A route which led through water, mud, fire and smoke did not fail to attract most of those capable of running, and 90 Juniors (under 14) and 70 Seniors (over 14) set off over courses of some two and three miles respectively resolved to run a good race and at the same time to enjoy themselves in a manner not frequently offered them. Both ends were accomplished and the final House points were as follows :
(Seniors plus Juniors) Martlets 58.4 pts, Lewes 55.6 pts, Seahaven 49.8 pts, Uckfield 31.8 pts.
The first five Seniors home were E.Watson, T.Horgan, J.Barnes, J.Lockyer, R.Faulkner. Time 31m 55s.
Juniors : F.Huntington, A.Evans, J.Holton, P.Hall, W.Arnold. Time 24m 55s.


Once a week a human sacrifice is offered up to appease the wrath of certain deities. This ceremony takes place on the first day of the school week. At 3.20 the sonorous clang of a bell breaks the silence and is the signal for the commencement of a procession which wends its solemn way slowly through the town. Many in that procession are apprehensive and fearful.

For none know who the victim will be. Only a few know that secret. They are those who will carry out the sacrifice. One of them is towards the tail of the procession now. He is not tall, but of colossal girth and tremendous strength. He is of terrifying aspect and is known and feared, for his word is law. Others of the chief priests are of a more reverend nature, they do not join the procession but go to the place of sacrifice in a small chariot driven at a furious speed.

At last the procession reaches its goal. It is a pleasant place, shaded by trees and walled in, where the full benefit of the summer breeze is felt. After admittance all don their sacrificial attire. Though scanty these robes are in some cases of dazzling colours, others are more modest. All surround the place of sacrifice. Suddenly a shreik is heard, the victim has been selected. Many heads turn to see who it is, and all heave a sigh of relief. They see the savage individual mentioned above dragging by the hair some luckless wretch who screams for mercy. It is of no avail, however, for he is laid on the ground, his legs and arms are seized and he is lifted and swung to and fro, ever increasing in momentum. Suddenly at a given signal his body is released, it flies up into the air, gives a convulsive twist and falls like a stone into the depths. The sacrifice being over, and the dieties, or rather the personal vengeance of those concerned having been appeased, all are merry once more, and plunge into the depths themselves to eujoy a pleasant half-hour at the baths.



Standing upon the railway bridge I saw
A dream-land plain circled by misted hills
Sun-silvered; trails of vapour hung unstirred
Across the fields, softening the far-off gleam
Of water kissed by light. The calm serene
Of Autumn dwelt there, and all sight and sound
Told of that pause before dead Winter's hand
Gripped down on plant and tree. Beyond the river
Caeburn's mass was backed by high-piled cloud,
His wounded slopes, their white scars glorified.
Swathed in soft mist. Between the hills, the road
Wound grey towards the sea. On either side
Unmoving, earthward bent, the cattle fed
Still spots of colour on the silvered fields.
Aloft a hawk, his forward progress stayed,
Hung quivering then sank at length to earth.
The shrill-voiced starling whistled from the elm
Now bare of all its billowy summer dress
Above the marsh the plover wheeled and shot
A flash white towards the morning sun.
Below the cliff's white face a smoke trail hung
And loitered slowly drawn; the rythmic sound
Of a train's passage lingered in the hills.
The vapours rose with the maturing morn,
And Summer for an hour looked back, but yet
Not less had Autumn whispered to the leaves,
And they had floated down, nor yet the less
Had the clouds left the summer fields of heaven
To nestle near the earth; and with the sun
Make beautiful her face at morning time.


On Saturday, February llth, parents and friends of the School assembled in the Great Hall for that most important event in the list of our school engagements - Parents' Evening.

After the Headmaster had opened the proceedings with his customary speech in which he disclosed his hopes and fears for the future life and prosperity of the school, the orchestra under the leadership of Mr. O'Brien soothed the breasts of the assembly with the strains of Tschaikowsky's "Chanson Triste" and the "Air from Martha" by Flotow.

We were then reminded of the fact that even Homer can nod, when the Headmaster, casting off his robe of office, descended from pedagogic heights by singing the touching little ditty of "The Curate and the maiden." Young Sussex then showed its brilliancy in the musical firmament when Collins aspired to the glories of Master Lough with two songs. The airy traces of the treble voice gave place to the heavier strains of manhcod when Mr. Auld rendered two songs. Vocal music was followed by the noble strains of Beethoven, interpreted by Eade.

"From grave to gay, from lively to severe," seemed to be the order of the evening when Mr. Bowman turned our thoughts from Beethovian heights to the lighter vein of "Tit Willow" and the "Family Fool" from Gilbert and Sullivan. Then followed a veritable "tour de force" when Mr. Tayler showed an incomparable knowledge of the Germanic tongue and a yet more wonderful musical virtuosity as he sang the strange story of "Johnny Schinoker " with a vocal imitation of most of the instruments known to mankind. The sad but short rendering of Napoleon's farewell to his troops enhanced the artist's success as an entertainer.

From side-splitting mirth we passed again to the heights of the Classic as the Orchestra played the minuet "Berenice" by Handel and Mozart's "Minuet and Trio".

The hair-raising play "The Thread of Scarlet" produced by Mr. Euston ended a very enjoyable evening.


On Saturday and Monday, April 1st and 3rd, performances of Sheridan's comedy "The Rivals" were given in the School hall. Anyone who has read the play will realise that it presents a good many difficulties, especially to a boys' school, and Mr. Bradshaw the producer, is to be congratulated on a very successful presentation. With one exception, the parts were taken by the boys who acquitted themselves extremelly well, especially the "ladies," both in their acting and diction.

The Cast 1933

Mr. Tayler who took the part of Young Capt. Absolute made a very attractive hero, particularly in his scenes with Lydia (D. Buller), who gave a really charming performance. Sir Anthony, Jack Absolute's choleric father, was very ably portrayed by J.W. Cosstick, and although physically dwarfed by his son, he succeeded in making us feel his moral superiority. Perhaps the most completely satisfying performance was given by G.Gravett as Mrs. Malaprop. One o£ the most amusing scenes was that in which Sir Anthony and Mrs Malaprop discuss the education of young Iadies, when every 'lapsus linguae' was given just sufficient emphasis.

Among the other principal characters mention should be made of Julia (D. J. Collins) who made one feel that 'she' was much too good for her rather lugubrious lover Faulkland very ably presented by W.S.Eade. R C.Tribe as Bob Acres and D.B.Barker as Sir Lucius Trigger made full use of their opportunites in these 'character' parts, particularly in the duel scene which was highly entertaining. Of the servants, Lucy and Fagg gave the best performances, both of whom showed excellent promise, in fact it was hard to believe that Lucy was not a member of the weaker sex. The cast, which had no 'tail' was completed by C.N.Hall as Thomas, P.Killick, the maid, J.Cull, the boy and C.H.Francis as David whose red hair and waistcoat added colour to the scene.

The staging and dresses were very harmonious and effective, the changes of scene call for special comment as they were quick and silent, not often the case in amateur productions. One would like to congratulate the stage manager Mr. Larwill, and all who assisted with this side of the production. After such a promising beginning, one may look forward with pleasant anticipation to the school's future activities in the dramatic sphere.


The mathematics master
By the Four Rules he swore
That Tommy Turner's trumpet
Should worry him no more.
Two weeks in turn he'd heard it,
It put him off his stroke:
So he banged the wall right lustily,
And yelled out very testily,
"Suppress that noisy moke"

They held a council standing
Along the willow bank,
The Rugby master spluttered,
His hair looked very lank:
Then out he spake full roundly,
(But he lisped a little too,)
"We've got to find the blessed fing,
So make a line, please do."

Alone he stood and watched them,
But conscious still in mind
He'd have to buy another quick,
If the 'fing' they didn't find.
It spoilt one's presence wholly,
One's speech seemed so uncouf,
For how can man speak Oxford-ly
When he's lost a blessed toof?

Laboratory perfumes
Are seldom very sweet;
But on our Parents' Evening
Mingled with fume and heat,
O'ertopping gas and acid
And 'regulation' smells
Was the voice of a forlorn dogfish
With fast-collapsing cells.


This season we have beea fortunate enough to secure the services of Mr. Alfred Barber as professional tutor to the members of the Boxing Club. During the Xmas term a fairly regular attendance was kept up, some ten to fifteen boys appearing at both the junior and senior classes. In the following term however the attendance fell steadily till at the end only some three or four members were present. This is a very disappointing response when it is considered what unique opportunities are being offered in the pers0n of Mr. Barber, who is a boxer of wide experience. He was semi-finalist in the Olympic Games of 1924 and has since been 'through the mill' of professional boxing. It is to be hoped that a better advantage will be taken of the opportunities during the next boxing season.

The following boys are to be especially commended for their unfailing enthusiasm in the use of the gloves : Parker, Tucker, Gabittas, Pulling, Hall, Wynter, Hazlerigg, Tribe and Payne.

These boys in particular have improved immeasurably since their first appearance. Perhaps other boys will profit by their example and make a resolution to support the club in the coming season. It might be suggested that some of the energy expended in the playground in forcibly settling differences of opinion should be reserved until the hours of 7 ti11 9 on Friday evening where youthful beauty may be spoilt amid general approval.


(With apologies to Mr. Masefield)

Limousine of luxury with well-groomed chauffeur,
Humming on its journey past the yokels' stare,
With a cargo of swell dames
In ermine wrappers,
Pencilled brows, carmined lips, and ash-blonde hair.

Highly polished Morris-Six coming from the draper's,
Dashing past the traffic in the crowded Strand,
With a cargo of mantles,
Silken hose, and party frocks,
For Mrs. Stoute and Mrs. Wette who think they're grand.

Snorting belching Ford Van with its mire-caked mud-guards,
Rumbling up the dirty street with deafening chugs,
With a cargo of shovels,
Muck rakes, iron spades,
Pig food, cattle-cake, and beastly biting bugs.


Speed king Mr. G . . . . s in his large and roomy auto,
Roaring up the School lane at seventy miles an hour
With a cargo of masters
Heaped up on the back seat and
Holding on for grim death for fear they'll topple o'er.



"The old order changeth, yielding place to new," and at the beginning of this School Year we lost Hayward and Cook our popular captain and vice-captain. Nevertheless, Lewes House has enjoyed quite a successful year. Primarily, we again won the Swimming Cup with ease, and, indeed, this trophy is regarded in the school as 'a sure thing' for Lewes House. Pollard, Pay and Payne are true 'water-babes.'

Of the three Rugby house-matches, we defeated Uckfield and Martlets, losing only to Seahaven after a fine game. Thus Lewes House tied for first place with Martlets and Seahaven in the table - a creditable performance.

The 'soccer' house matches were all very keenly contested. Our lst. XI lost their match against Seahaven by 2 - 3, after an exciting tussle. However, we defeated Uckfield by 4 - 3, and only lost to Martlets in a keenly contested match by 2 - 4. McElroy and Pay showed surprisingly good form in all three games. The 2nd. XI lost their match against Seahaven but easily defeated Martlets and Uckfield. Austen and Cock were the surprise factors of this team. The 3rd. XI after losing their first and second games finally triumphed over Uckfield by 27 - 0.

A week ago, contrary to all expectations, we wrested the Sports Cup from Martlets. The victory was a real triumph of team spirit, each member of the House showing a welcome keenness. Special mention should be made of Towner and Barnes for their fine running, of McElroy for his mighty throw in the cricket ball event, and of Pellard for his good pole-vaulting. Moreover the 2nd. and 3rd. XIs have begun the cricket season well by two easy victories over Martlets.

Nor is it merely on the field of sport that we excel, for in the weekly collections for the swimming baths held last term, Lewes contributed 10/- more than any other house. The fete will soon be here, and we hope that every boy will strive his hardest to make it even a bigger success than that of last year.
D. B.



We lost our first match of the season to Lewes by a margin of about 6pts. but in the other two games, those against Uckiield and Seahaven we gained decisive victories. Had our full team played in the first match we might possibly have beaten our opponents and finished undisputed champions instead of sharing the foremost place with Lewes and Seahaven. As it was, however, we did quite well, gaining 4 points out of a possible 6.


After a hard tussle, the 1st. XI, as in the Rugger term, lost its first game, this time to Uckfield, by 2 goals to l, and again, in some measure, made up for this - by beating Seahaven and Lewes by 7 - 0 and 4 - 2 respectively. Our lst. XI thus obtained 4 points - more than that of any other house. The 2nd. and 3rd. XIs did not do nearly so well, gaining only 3 points between them out of a possible 12.


This year we did not repeat our triumph of 1932, for I,ewes, with 195 points to our 1.75, wrested the cup from us, but we did quite well to finish second; and hope negt year to be champions again.


Having already lost the Sports Cup and having little chance of winning the Games Shield, we must make sure of the Work Shield once again. At present Uckfield are slightly ahead of us and it is up to every member of the House to strive his utmost to put the Martlets in the lead again and to keep them there, so that we may have the satisfaction of knowing that we excei in at least one department of our school activities.



During the Autumn term our Rugger XV was not very successful, for we lost all three matches. This is nothing to be ashamed of, however, for we are the smallest house, and our team's failure was not due to lack of skill, but lack of weight. The team showed great keenness all through the term as is evident by the fact that 13 of the XV arrived to play a house match on a morning when it was pouring with rain and a cold wind blowing, as compared with less than half a dozen of the opposing team. We shall not have lost more than two or three of our XV by next term, so we hope to do much better then.


The Soccer during the Spring term was not much better than the rugger. The lst. XI obtained 3 points out of 6, but the 2nd. and 3rd. XIs let the House down badly by gaining only 1 point of a possible 12. This was mainly due to the fact that many of the players failed to turn up. The teams did not show the same keenness as the rugger XV and we hope that a much better result will be achieved in the soccer next season.


In the Athletic Sports, partly owing to the absence through illness of some of our best competitors, we failed badly, winning only two events, and finishing bottom. This is not very creditable considering that we were second to Martlets last ycar. Johnson was badly missed both in the running and the jumping and we hope soon to welcome him back after his long illness.


There remains only the Cricket, and this is our strong point. We hope to see Uckfield come out top at the end of the cricket season and it is up to every boy to do his very best to bring Uckfield into this position. Put the spirit of tne rugger season into the cricket and try hard to rank first in that.


In the competition for the Work Shield we have done considerably better than last vear, for so far we are top. Let us see to if that we remain in this position for the future. In the weekly contribution for the swimming-bath fund, we, although the smallest house, have contributcd 10/- more than Seahaven, one of the largest houses. We would remind all our members that the school fete is approaching, and ask that everycne will do his utmost to make it an even greatzr success than last year. Thus let us do our best to maintain our lead for the Work Shield and also next year to regain our position at the head of the Games Shield.


When, just under three years ago, Seahaven House was formed it was prophesied by our well-wishers that, nearly all our members being very young, we should in two or three years' time do extremely well at sports. In rugby we have begun to fulfil that promise. Of our three matches we beat Uckfield and Lewes but bowed before the superior might of Martlets. Next year we must see to it that those almost Nameless Ones, these "perigrini" are made to realise the power of a sea-faring race !

In soccer the fortune of our 1st XI was mixed. We humbled Lewes, drew with Uckfield and again gave way to Martlets. Our 2nd and 3rd XIs however proved invincible beating all opponents. The match between our 3rds and Martlets gave us most satisfaction. We felt that vengeance had indeed been ours when we ran off the field with 11 goals, and no reply, to out credit. In the cross-country run and in the qualifying trials for the Athletic Sports' Seahaven gained only third place. There is much room for improvement here. In the School Play "The Rivals," Seahaven had reason to be proud of its representatives. Cosstick Senr. as Sir Antony Absolute and Gravett as Mrs Malaprop did real justice to the important parts which they were selected to act.


The Debating Society of last year has extended its field of activities, as the addition of the superscription "and Literary Society" would serve to indicate. During our last session the element of debate has been temporarily laid aside, and eminent specialists in varied fields of human activity have generously given of their time and knowledge.

The programme was opened by Mr. Bowman, who with verbal eloquence, aided by multifarious diagrams, explained to us some of the mysteries of nature in a most interesting and well-attended lecture entitled "Vertebrates." Science was followed by internationalism when Mr. Auld gave an illustrated lecture on "Some aspects of France." For our third lecture we temporarily abandoned matters academic and wandered into the world of Commerce when Mr. Tayler initiated us into the mysteries of how to seduce the public mind with a highly entertaining lecture entitled "Modern Newspaper Advertising."

The success which has attended this first venture encourages us for future experiments of a similar nature, for which we have a list of speakers who have promised us some highly interesting subjects which we hope will attract many listeners. In addition to the above mentioned addresses, two well attended public lectures were given during the Autumn term. Mr. Fothergill, a distinguished Alpine climber who was paying his second visit to the school, provided us with an interesting illustrated lecture entitled "Through Morocco to the Atlas Mountains." He left us with the impression that in North Africa the dangers of desert and mountain are somewhat less to be feared than the unwelcome attentions one may anticipate from those "barbari et feri homines," the Riffs.

Mr. Aston's lecture on Jeanne d'Arc was considered by all who heard it to be the best delivered address of its kind which up to the present has been given at the School. He showed himself not only fully conversant with all aspects of his subject; but the fact that he had visited almost every place connected with Joan of Arc enabled him to add to his story the interest of personal reminiscence.


Come quickly, O health-giving spirit of Spring! We poor creatures who have suffered a gloomy, dreary winter, long for the bright days thou bringest. Come, and awaken the flowers and young buds from their long, drowsy sleep, and pour, once more, divine music into the song-bird's throat, that all the world may rejoice in the happiness that thou dost give to all. Cover these thorny skeletons of last year's growth with beautiful buds and shining green foliage again. The tender violet couches modestly under its leaves and is loth to blossom forth in such a dreary world as this. Come and give courage, O blithe spirit of spring, to this lovely flower, that it may burst forth in bloom, and everywhere reflect thy beauty. The country roadsides are muddy with excessive rains, and dark clouds hang over us like menacing shadows.

Then hear our plea, O spirit of freshness and beauty. Adorn the face of this dark world once more with the bright flowers of thy plenteous store, replacing "old winter's bareness everywhere" with the glowing freshness that thou alone canst bring.


Despite dark evenings, early trains, the attraction of other school societies and games, an enthusiastic band has kept alive throughout the autumn and winter terms the school scouting spirit and displayed its ability to smile and whistle through all circumstances. In particular is this the case with the Signalling Class, whese excellent progress under Mr. Ketchell has been very gratifying. It is hoped that the success of the entrants for the tests in signalling, along with the heartiest of thanks we here offer him, will help as a reward to him for his kindness, keenness and regularity in visiting us on so many Fridays.

In the Association Ambulance Competition the school team was awarded third place, but there are darker designs on the Swimming Cup and various proficiency badges. Apart from this, members of the Troop have proved their worth in all branches of the School's activities and at its several functions, displaying their knowledge of another law - a Scout's duty is to be useful and help others.

SALVETE 1932 - 33

Adams, J. E.
Archer, M. I.
Asplin, G. F.
Austen, F. W,
Barnes, J. A.
Barnes, R. W.
Barnett, H. G.
Batten, C.
Beaver, R. S.
Beirne, R. F.
Bellingham, A. R.
Berry, C. J.
Birkett, J. H.
Bridgman, P. V.
Brown, J. H.
Carter, D. F.
Chaplin, J.
Clark, R. J.
Cook E. W.
Cook, G. R.
Cooker, R. I. B.
Dawe, W. J.
Edgar, J.
Emery, B. R.
Everett, A.
Foreman, A. C.
Gabittas, R.
Green, R. H.
Grayson, E. S.
Gooderham, O. N.
Henderson, S. G.
Henderson J.
Hancock, N. E.
Hilton, F. P.
Hills, S. F.
Holding, A.
Holton, J. A.
Holmes, J.
Hurst, C. W.
Hubbard, J. B.
Kelley, C. P .
Kenward, G. W.
Kirby, A. W.
Knight, R.
Knights, D. J.
Lusted, K.
Mayo, R. H.
McElroy, S. C.
McKimm, F. L. G.
Mitchell, R. C.
Moppett, D. G.
Morling, W.
Pannett, F. E.
Park, W. D.
Parker, S. W.
Percy, L. J.
Ralls, W. P.
Scobie, A. C.
Scutt, E. C.
Sim, R. S.
Stevens, E. N.
Tomley, M. J.
Tonkinson, D. H.
Trott, P. E.
Tucker, W. G.
Turrell, J. I. D.
Tuttenberg, C. C.
Tyndale, J. B.
Walder, P. A.
Warboys, C. J.
Wells, J. R.
Will, D. P.
Williams, D. H.
Willis, M. J.
Woodbury, N.
Wycherley, I. C. A.

VALETE 1932 - 1933.

Archer, D. W.
Archer, M. I.
Bailey, P. S.
Bishop, F.
Brown, R. E. Sen.
Brown, R. E. Jun.
Carter, D. F.
Castle, D.
Coxon, K. M.
Cook, E. L.
Dadswell, T. E.
Rager, S. A.
Green, A.
Holder, R. J.
Holmans, H. C.
Hope, L. F.
Hodson, T. J.
Jarvis, R. N.
Kitchener, A. K.
Knowlton, B. K.
Leak, J. W. A.
Moore, F. M.
Pratt, G. G.
Ralls, W. P.
Richardson, C. V.
Strange, B. H.
Verrall, A. P.
Watson, C.
Will, D. P.


In spite of a slow and unpromising beginning, last season was one of our most successful. The main strength of the side was the half-back line, whilst inconsistency, and mistakes in front of our own and our opponents' goals were our chief defects. Invariably we played well against a good side and yet often indifferently against weaker opposition. Always our play in midfield was good, but goals were given away and seeming chances missed.

Great difficulty was experienced in selecting the side owing to the closeness of form shown by many boys. This desirable state of affairs, a new experience for the school, augurs well for next season in virtue of the fact that almost all our players will still be at the school.


v Lancing 3rd. XI Lost 2 - 1
v Bexhill C. S. Lost 7 - 3
v Shoreham G. S. Lost 5 - 2
v Eastbourne G.S. Lost 3 - 1
v Bexhill C. S. Won 4 - 2
v East Grinstead C. S. Won 5 - 4
v Plumpton A. I. Draw 5 - 5
v Old Boys Won 4 - l
v Eastbourne G.S. Draw 2 - 2
v East Grinstead C.S. Won 5 - 4


The first event of importance to take place in the history of the Association was the Football Match against the School. The latter team, having played together the whole of the season, held a decided advantage over the Old Boys who had been able to arrange only one practice fixture.


The School won the toss and the Old Bovs kicked off towards the Dripping Pan goal. Their forwards immediately ran down the field, and receiving valuable assistance from an eminent member of the School XI, banged the ball into the net - one up in half a minute. "Oh what a fall was there my countrymen." The manner in which the members of the School team stood and gaped was reminiscent of the description of Form V regularly applied to that class by a distinguished member of the Staff. After this rather sensational opening; however, both teams settled down to play really bad football, and the score of 1 - 1 at half-time was a fair representation of the run of the play.

The lemons arrived and accompanying them a disgusted member of the Staff who immediately proceeded to deliver a stirring harangue to the School team. The magic words evidently took effect, for in the second half the school proved far the superior team, and although held until a quarter of an hour from the end, they ran out worthy winners by 4 - l. After a " shower " and an excellent tea, the Old Boys repaired to the Masters' Common Room for the first General Meeting.


Mr. Bradshaw took the chair and gave a short introductory address on the aims of the Association. He emphasised the necessity of close co-operation with the School, and the need to do more socially than meet once a year at the annual dinner. Then the election of officers took place - the following being elected :-

Office Name Proposed Seconded
Chairman Mr.N.R.Bradshaw E.L.Cook Unan.
Treasurer T.Hayward D.Rabson L.Manser
Hon. Secs. Mr.D.W.Jarvis
of the

The question of running a Football team was raised, and it was resolved that provided permission to use the School ground could be obtained, a team should be run next season. Among other points raised were those of running a Cricket team this summer, and the election of a President of the Association. It was decided not to run a cricket team until next season. All other business was postponed until the next Committee Meeting, and the gathering dispersed well satisfied with the afternoon's enjoyment.


Edwards and Fairfield have joined the Navy, Coxon, Knowlton and R. Brown have joined the Air Force, and Kearley has been recruited into the Army. Hayward, Richardson and Cook are all at the County Hall. Wickham is on the staff of the County Library. Ram Din is in the Chailey R. D. Council Offices. French assists in his father's Garage, and Rabson is in an Architect's office. Bishop is running a chicken farm, and Kitchener has chosen an electrical career, Carter is working at Messrs Sainsbury's in Edgware Road, London, and Holmans has entered the building trade. Eager is in the office of the Seaford Waterworks Company, Moore is employed by W. H. Smith & Sons, Manser is in an office at Crowborough, Pratley is farming, and A. Green is also in an office.


We are glad to acknowledge letters from Holmans, Brown, Coxon, Knowlton and Kearley. Their news should be of special interest to boys who are about to leave school.

Holmans, who has obtained a post as assistant to the clerk of works in a building business, tells us that he has to get up at 5.40 a.m. every day, but has, so far, never been late. We congratulate him. He wishes to be remembered to all at school, and promises, when a successful business man, to come and see us.

Brown, who with Coxon and Knowlton has joined the R. A. F., is training to be a wireless operator at Cranwell Aerodrome, Lincs. He appears to be very happy, plays for his flight at Rugger and Soccer, and hopes soon to represent it at boxing. At first, like his former form-mates, he did much drill, but found the sargeant on the whole "a decent chap." "If anyone is thinking of joining the R. A. F.," he says, "you can assure him that he will like it."

Coxon who is stationed at Halton, Bucks, and from whom we have received two letters, likewise writes in a way which indicates his satisfaction with the life he has chosen. The camp, he says, has "acres and acres" of playing fields. He has already won two medals for running, and is a regular member of the Halton junior running team. At first he found five hours' daily drill and a sergeant with an interesting and varied vocabulary of epithets a little hard to bear. The drill however soon lessened to a more reasonable amount. Coxon found an eighty mile flight extremely enjoyable and a useful antidote to physical jerks.

Knowlton who is also at Halton was at first hardly certain that he liked his new life. The drill "day in and day out in bitterly cold weather" gave him `flu. He now finds it, however, "a jolly fine life among jolly fine fellows, and well worth sitting all those exams for."

An account of Kearley and his adventures has been sent us by his mother. We learn that he has joined the army and is stationed in Yorkshire. His experiences have been varied, and include dislocating his shoulder as a result of falling off his horse, breaking his wrist while surreptitiously skating, and getting `flu. He is now, in his sergeant's phrase, "a born jockey," his wrist has mended, and he has passed his second-class test as a wireless operator. He is very happy in his work, and finds food good and plentiful.

Wickham who is working at the County Library is to be congratulated on passing his First Librarian's Examination. He and several other old boys propose coming to camp with us in France at the end of the term.

We shall be glad to hear from other old boys, and to publish any interesting news sent us in this section of our next magazine. Letters should be addressed to Mr. D. Jarvis at the Scbool.

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