Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 4 - Spring 1934

The Original Barbican cover This is the fourth issue of the Barbican. We have taken extracts from the copy that was for 70+ years in Mr Bradshaw's private collection of School memorabilia. This is the only known copy outside the County Record Office (who have a copy but refused to let us use it). It has come into our hands from the Bradshaw family who have donated his collection of such material to the Old Lewesians' archive.

One fact becomes clear from this issue. It says explicitly that "Floreat Lewesia" was "composed by the Head Master and set to a lively air by Louis Hulatt" (who was he?). It has been suggested elsewhere that Mr Bowman, who ran the school "orchestra", wrote the tune, but this shows that he adapted an existing "lively air".

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys



"Sic breviter orsus est -"

The only real justification for a lengthy editorial is dearth of matter to fill out the rest of the magazine. This number is already growing corpulent. We shall, therefore, be brief.

Two years ago contributors were wary fish who had to be angled for with the finest of tackle and the most alluring baits. This year we are in the enviable position of a Walton who can throw back into the river all that are out of condition or undergrown. We have been inundated with contributions, and selection has therefore been a difficult though pleasant task. Pride of place must necessarily be given to articles deaiing directly with the life of the School, and thus many interesting original efforts have had, reluctantly, to be laid aside.

In addition to contributors whose work is published herein, we thank the following enthusiasts for their literary attempts :- Pollard, Hill, Kirk, Woodbury, Bishop, Downing, Griffiths, Relf, Gravett.

Since the publication of our last number the Staff has been augmented by the addition of Mr. Stevens (History and English) and Mr. Dolden (Mathematics and Science). We heartily welcome them both, and wish them every happiness in their work. Mr. Webber, whose place has been taken by Mr. Dolden, left us at Christmas to take up a senior appointment at Weymouth Grammar School. We shall miss the presence of one whose enthusiasm for gym and athletics was unbounded. We wish him the best of luck in his new duties.

The School Swimming Bath, which not much longer than a year ago partook somewhat of the nature of a desert mirage, shows every promise of becoming a material certainty before the summer is out. The untiring efforts of the Head Master in matters financial have been principally responsible for this goodly state of affairs.

Old Boys' Ties and Scarves can be obtained at the School at the following prices :- Ties 3s. 6d., Scarves 5s. lld. Annual Subscription to the Association 2s. 6d.


We are glad to be able once more to include in this issue of the magazine a section devoted to gifts to the School. Mr. Edgar Povey has presented us with twenty volumes of the proceedings of the Sussex Archaeological Society. These should prove an invaluable source of reference for the local historian. Mrs. Baker has sent us some volumes of fiction. Major Everett has given us two sets of chessmen. We hope that these will be the means of spreading a liking for this stimulating game throughout the School.
T. R. B.


The Headmaster gratefully acknowledges the following donations :-

By Fete and Collections - Summer Term ... ... ... ... ...
R. K. Henderson, Esq. ... ... ... ... ...
Sir Herbert Lawrence ... ... ... ... ...
Proceeds of Dance (l8th November) ... ... ... ... ...
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Crosskey ... ... ... ... ...
Basil Ridley, Esq. ... ... ... ... ...
Lost Property Fines ... ... ... ... ...
Sale of Postcards of the School ... ... ... ... ...
T. V. Barford, Esq. ... ... ... ... ...
N. R. Wickens, Esq. ... ... ... ... ...
J. S. Williams, Esq. ... ... ... ... ...
Mrs. Taylor ... ... ... ... ...
H. R. Cooke, Esq. ... ... ... ... ...
Mr. and Mrs. Hollobon ... ... ... ... ...
Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw ... ... ... ... ...

Donations of 2/6, in most cases first instalments,
G. C. Hutton, Mrs. Hills, Mrs. Kenward, Mrs. Dance,
Mr. Simpson, Mrs. Lawrence, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Killick

Profits on Lecture, 27th January ... ... ... ...

Total, lOth February, 1934 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
£ - s - d
120 - 0 - 0
l0 - 0 - 0
10 - 0 - 0
12-10 - 0
2 - 2 - 0
1 - 1 - 0
16 - 0
3 - 6
10 - 0
7 - 6
10 - 0
10 - 0
6 - 0
5 - 0
5 - 5 - 0

1 - 0 - 0

10 - 0 - 0
175 - 6 - 0

Total required - £300.


(Reprinted, with acknowledgments, from the "Sussex Express.")

A party of seventy, masters and boys, from Lewes County School, has been camping on the Seine between Rouen and Paris.

Preparations began as early as last February, when enquiries were made concerning facilities for camping and the supply of provisions. This was followed by a personal visit at Easter to secure a camp site. A good site is essential to a successful camp, and as the writer was offered a disused rubbish tip and a precipitous slope as possible camping grounds, preliminary investigation was justified.

Eventually an ideal spot was secured at Les Andelys. A field, the property of Monsieur and Madame Gadenne, was placed at the School's disposal. In front flowed the Seine, two hundred yards wide, in a huge curve from south-east to north-west. Beyond stretched a big expanse of harvest fields broken by woods and copses. Behind the camp rose great vertical chalk cliffs, bordering the river and broken every few hundred yards by wooded coombs. These cliffs were a fascinating study. Pale grey in the early morning before the sun had broken through the mists, they became a brilliant white at mid-day, rose-coloured at sunset and silver in the moonlight.

On the journey across the Channel, conditions were lively enough to prevent the young people who were going abroad for the first time from acquiring any false ideas concerning their seafaring powers. Even one member of the Staff was unable to preserve his pedagogical dignity.

In the early hours of the morning, when Englishmen are still asleep and Frenchmen very much awake, we slowly made our way, rather tired, and stomachs hardly constant (to use Shakespeare's description), first to Rouen, where hot coffee cheered us up a little, and then by local line to Les Andelys.

On leaving England the weather had been of the traditional type. Arrived at Les Andelys, we found it perfect, luckily for us, for, by a misunderstanding, the whole of our camping equipment which had been sent over a fortnight in advance, was still lying in the railway sheds at Rouen instead of awaiting us on the camping site. A couple of lorries were immediately chartered, and went to fetch the baggage, while the School party lay on the river bank and ate sandwiches and French bread and butter, slowly recovering from the journey.

It was 6 p.m. evhen the lorries returned, and only three hours of daylight remained to fit things up for the night. In this time a transformation took place, and we all lay down under cover, having had a hot drink to send us to sleep.

Our numbers had now increased by the arrival during the afternoon of M. Henri Ayrault, a French schoolmaster, soon known to everyone as Henri, with some of his pupils at the College at Saintes. These welcome guests shared our camp throughout aur stay. We had hoped for some German boys, too, but the Nazi revolution had made this impossible. The French boys were placed in tents with the boys from Lewes, and every opportunity was given to them to learn to know their English companions. On their arrival they had sat apart, a small isolated group. In a couple of days they were ragging and playing, completely at home with their new friends. On a tennis court which had been placed at our disposal by M. Gadenne, daily battles took place, England against France, for the Davis "Coop" (French pronunciation). France usually won.

The perfect weather that greeted us on our arrival lasted until the end of our stay. Such conditions were ideal for bathing, boating and fishing in the Seine. It was too hot to walk far, much as we should have liked to explore the hills around. Short rambles, undertaken on several occasions, included an examination of Chateau Gaillard, Richard Coeur de Lion's military masterpiece, which stood majestically on one of the chalk cliffs overlooking the camp and the river.

Les Andelys, which consists of two small townships, Petit Andelys and Grand Andelys, possesses two fine churches and a number of old houses, and offered opportunities to the boys to explore French shops and all the little external things that make a foreign town different from an English one. The French language, to some a thing of painfully acquired irregular verbs, was a reality at last. Some of the older boys could use it with a certain degree of freedom, while even the "faint yet pursuing" member of the party confessed that he spoke French wherever possible, and when this failed him, "English with a French accent.

Soon after our arrival we were given an official welcome on behalf of the people of Les Andelys by the President du Syndicat d'Initiative, who visited the camp, read an address in English, and arranged for Press photographs to be taken. In return we were asked to participate in the great annual fete which was to take place during our stay. The first suggestion was that we should be responsible for a decorated carriage and take part in the processian that formed a prominent feature of the fete. This proved to be too big an effort for our limited time and resources, and so we agreed instead to sing songs on the square. For the next few nights camp fires were devobed to becoming word perfect in "Shenandoah," "Forty Years On," and "Loch Lomond," and the stillness of the moonlit valley was broken as these old airs went re-echoing among the cliffs.

The great afternoon arrived and we all assembled in the square, keyed up for the ordeal of performing in front of a foreign audience. The place where we were to sing was a scene of much gaiety and attendant noise. In the blazing sun, on a specially-erected platform, the band of the Sapeurs Pompiers (Fire Brigade), under the conductorship of a sergeant, who rejoiced in the name of Samson, was doing its rural and enthusiastic best. Round the square were the distractions and noises usually associated with a fair - roundabouts, shooting galleries, stalls of all kinds, shouting showmen, a cacophony of sound. We were due to sing at 5 p.m. The hot and perspiring president, having placed us upon a platform inside a barrier, passed hurriedly to all parts of the square in his efforts to obtain silence. The Sapeurs Pompiers were persuaded to desist; roundabouts were eventually hushed. The crowd of French people who were wandering among the various stalls, gathered round the barrier. It was time for us to commence.

First we gave them "Shenandoah." This was sung with success and received "sympathetic" applause. We then prepared for our next effort. But we were not to be allowed unrivalled to steal the honours of the afternoon. It was Samson's great day. Having moved his Pompiers to another part of the square, he suddenly struck up with a lively tune as the School party was launched on "Forty Years On." The effect was instantaneous. Roundabouts, mechanical organs, raucous showmen and every instrument of noise competed for public patronage.

Under such difficulties the boys were heroic. Instead of faltering as they might well have done, they held bravely on, hotter, louded, redder and hoarser. Even against such competition the top notes of "Loch Lomand" were heard echoing round the square. Press comments next day included "ensemble parfait et d'une remarquable execution," from the "Journal de Rouen," and "des choeurs remarquables" from "Le Petit Parisien." So we were known to France. Samson was not mentioned.

Towards the end of our stay a trip was made to Paris. Arrived there, we expiored entirely on foot. Even so we managed to see the Grandes Boulevard, the Arc de Triomphe and the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Champs Elysees, the Tuileries, the Invalides, the Chambre des Deputies, the Louvre and Notre Dame. French policemen were very helpful and a long stream of blue caps crossed the busiest places while Paris traffic was brought to a halt to permit our passage.

Two days after our Paris trip some hours were spent in Rouen. For many boys this fine old town had an even greater appeal than the capital.

At last the time arrived for our return to England. Everyone viewed with regret the end of so enjoyable a holiday. Many new friendships had been made in France, and these we were determined to maintain by correspondence. Throughout our stay we had experienced the greatest kindness on the part of everyone, and those of us who, in the past, had formed our opinions of the French from our knowledge of waiters, porters, and the whole army of persons whose livelihood depends on the gentle art of cadging, had revolutionised our ideas. Only the fish in the Seine had remained unfriendly, refusing to be caught with an exasperating obstinacy. As one angler remarked, they could not belong to the League of Nations.

And so camp was struck, our equipment was despatched and we shouldered our kit-bags to march to the station. Cheers were given for Monsieur and Madame Gadenne, our kindly hosts, as we passed their residence. We carried away with us memories of new and beautiful scenes, of days spent in the hot sunshine in a country where peaches, melons, citron and grenadine are always at hand to slake one's thirst, and where the institution of the cafe is a path to sociability. Above all, we had minds enriched with many new ideas, which is true education.


House Masters : Mr. Euston, Mr. Davies and Mr. Gosling.
House Captain : R. S. Green.
House Prefects : V. Page, J. W. Cosstick.

Christmas Term 1933.
Though weakened by the loss of Hazlerigg and Metcalfe, we have high hopes of repeating our successes of last year by winning the Games Shield.

The lst XV began the term with a victory over Lewes by 5 tries (15 points) to 1 goal 1 try (8 points). The three-quarters have become the strongest part of the team, and McKimm (F.) has solved last year's weakness at full-back. The inclusion of McKimm (S.) has strengthened the threequarters. Tries were scored by Dance, Walder, McKimm (S.), Huntington and Baker.

The game with Martlets was won by 1 goal, 5 tries (20 points) to 14 points. There was an improvement in the scrum, which packed much more quickly. Dance made many fine runs and scored four tries. Other tries were scored by Walder and McKimm (F.).

Seahaven lst XV defeated Uckfield XV by 5 goals, 4 tries (37 points) to 2 goals (10 points). Seahaven faced a bitterly cold wind in the first half, and crossed over leading by 11 points to 5. Uckfield were unable to hold Dance and McKimm, (S.) in the second half, and an additional 26 points were added against 5. A scorer beside Dance (4) and MeKimm (S.) (4) was Green, while McKimm converted 4 tries and Dance 1.

School lst XV colours were awarded to McKimm (S) and Dance.

Seahaven lst XV scored l2 points to 32 points in the House Games.

The 2nd XV was too strong for the other Housss, and won all five games. The games with Uckfield were won by 53 points to nil, and 15 points to 3. Martlets were defeated by 15 points to 8. Seahaven beat Lewes by 66 points to nil and 64 points to nil. Aggregate : Seahaven, 193 points - 11 points.
V. P.


House Masters : Mr. Jarvis, Mr. Bowman, Mr. Stevens.
House Captain : W. S. Eade. House Prefect : E. Taylor.

In the first place we wish to offer our best wishes to all those who have left us, and to thank them for all that they have done for the House. We wish them every success and happiness in their careers, and shall always be glad to hear from them in the future. Secondly, we would welcome all those who have been newly admitted to our fellowship, and exhort them to do their best at all times to carry on the traditions of the House both in work and play. We also welcome Mr. Stevens, who joined us last term, and hope that he will always enjoy his associations with the House.

As before stated, we shall always be glad to receive news of former members of the House. (Letters should be addressed to the House Secretary.) Three of our former members - Brown, Coxon and Knowlton - are now in the Royal Air Force, and are all doing very well and thoroughly enjoying their course of training. We congratulate them on what they have achieved so far, and wish them every success in the future. We aiso wish to congratulate our House Captain on passing the Intermediate B.A. Examination of the University of London.

1n the competition for the Games Shield last year, we were not so successful as in former years. This, however, was not due to lack of enthusiasm, but to the fact that we were by far the smallest House. The keen spirit shown by all, and at a11 times, is most encouraging. This keenness was especially displayed during the past "Rugger" season. We had a very satisfactory season, gaining 8 points out of a possible 12. Both "fifteens" won two of their matches and lost the third. The "Soccer" season has now begun, and both now and in the cricket season to follow we exhort everyone to "do his bit" to bring Uckfield back to the top position.

With regard to our work inside the School last year, we did very well indeed, finishing top of the list, despite our small numbers. This position was maintained last term, and we trust we shall keep it.

Our numbers have now inereased, so there is no reason for us to be behind the other Houses in work or play. Not only in the time of victory has the spirit of the House been something to be proud of, but even more so in the time of defeat. Let each one do his share in the activities of the House, and so help to bring the House to the top position in all things, and let us take as our House motto the French proverb, "Vouloir C'est Pouvoir."
D. C. S.


House Masters : Mr. Hoggins and Mr. Dolden.
House Captain : E. K. Payne.

Fate last term was not altogether kind to us, for in two of our matches we were handicapped by injuries, and lost the third one, much against the run of the play. Our scrum was considered the best in the four houses, and it certainly got through some trying work with credit. They must, however, pack closer, and heel more quickly. Backing up was rather poor, and they should break up sooner.

The back division was handicapped by lack of an efficient stand-off half - scrum half was fairly satisfactory. The inefficiency at stand-off affected the play of the threequarters, who were thus well covered when they received the ball. Passing was often rather wild, and they should learn to part sooner with the ball when the occasion demands.

Tackling was sometimes very weak, and with one or two exceptions, the tendency was to tackle too high. Better backing up would probably have gained us more points, as considerable speed was displayed at times. There is, however, much promise in the team, and we shall loak forward to a more successful season next term.

The 2nd XV, after comfortably winning their first match, lapsed unaccountably in their last two matches. More enthusiasm was needed, and the same criticism may be made of them as of the lst XV.

Results. lst XV :-
v. Seahaven. Lost, 8-15.
v. Uckfield. Lost, 3-15.
v. Martlets. Lost, 11-14.



House Masters : Mr. Auld, Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Tayler.
House Captain : J. E. Rutherford. House Prefect : M. J. Gibbons.

At the beginning of the Christmas Term a number of Martlets were transferred to Uckfield, among them being three or four of our lst XV. As a result, both the Rugger teams were below the standard for which we had at first hoped.

Of the three matches played, the lst XV just beat Lewes but lost to the other two Houses. The tackling throughout was moderate, but the inability of a comparatively light pack to heel the ball severely handicapped the halves and threequarters.

The 2nd XV started the season badly by losing the first three matches, but a re-arrangement of the team brought us victories against Uckfield and Lewes. At the beginning of the term the tackling was bad, but it steadily improyed toward the end, and eventually became quite good. The passing among the outsides was a little wild at times, but they combined quite well together, although there was a tendency to run across the field, instead of towards the goalline.

Points for the 2nd XV's first three matches only were counted towards the Games Shield, so that we obtained only 2 points during ihe term.
Rutherford, V I.


The Autumn Term opened with a very pleasant and instructive incursion into the realms of music, when Mr. Bowman gave his lecture on the Concerto. With the help of blackboard explanations and the piano, the lecturer enabled his audience to appreciate clearly the fact that this great musical form, far from being a "fortuitous concatenation of sounds," obeys laws as orderly as those of the atomic system.

The first debate was on the thorny question of blood sports. Messrs. Stevens and Euston vainly tried to prove to us that such delights are carried on exclusively for the exercise and pleasure of the hunted, but Messrs. O'Brien and Tayler had little difficulty in showing that such noble pursuits are hardly worthy of civilized society. The result of the voting fully supportad their point af view. A very burning question formed the subject of the second debate : "That Homework should he abolished." Strange to relate, even the most thorough-going opponents of the iniquitous system had to admit that under the present pressure of examinations a minimum of intellectual pleasure is essential every evening, if only to survive the fateful day. The motion was heavily defeated. Towards the end of the term Rutherford, in spite of previous inexperience in "public" speaking, gave to the assembled School an extraordinarily good lecture on "Shipbuilding." We hope to see his example followed.

The one lecturer from outside the School this term was Mr. Aston. His previous talk on Joan of Arc had proved his ability to interest, and we were not disappointed on this occasion. He spoke on his personal experiences in the Great War.
D. M. A.


Our second Rugger season was a very enjoyable one, and though we lost most of our School matches, the standard of play was a great improvement on that of last year. We again visited several of the neighbouring Public Schools, all of whom gave us a hearty welcome, and often a hearty beating into the bargain; but even so, we usually managed to give them quite a good game.

The only other secondary day school round here that plays Rugger is Worthing High School, and our overwhelming victory (42-3) over their 2nd XV, who were about on a par with us last year, was a most encouraging feature of the early part of the season. In fact, we began to think we were quite good until a defeat a few weeks later by about the same margin at the hands of the Eastbourne College "Fawns" brought us down to earth again with quite a nasty jar - several, in fact. The way those "Fawns" "sold their dummies" and ran through our defence as they pleased, showed up what is still our weakest point, namely, our tackling, and inspired us during the rest of the term to renewed efforts in that direction in the shape of daily tackling practice before each game.

The fact that most of our Public School opponents play together as teams at least three times a week, makes it important for each individual member of our teams to take plenty of exercise apart from his weekly game, and to do his best to make and keep himself fit. In this connection, chocolate "Sunpats" are not the best food to eat in the break on the morning before a match !

The lst XV, after some experiments, settled down as follows : Full-back, McKimm, F.; Three-quarter backs, Rutherford (Captain), Green, McKimm, S., and Dance; Half-backs, Gibbons and Cosstick; Forwards, Lockyer, Hollobon, Hall, Pollard, Pay, Walder, Wynter, and Bartholomew.

The forwards, among whom Lockyer and often Hollobon were outstanding, shoved well in the tight scrums, and got the ball more often than not, but were slow in letting it out. The backing up also was poor, but this is largely a matter of fitness.

The outsides ran with much more vigour than last year, and occasionally brought off some excellent movements. The tackling was better, though still rather weak.

The 2nd XV had two good matches against Seaford College 3rd, and one against Worthing High School 3rd. In the match against Hurst "Colts" we were heavily beaten by a much better side, but the other games though all defeats, were very evenly contested. The team was selected from the following : Payne (Captain), Eade, Taylor, Hill, Dennis, Baker, E., Jessop, Lowles, Cosstick, F., Seamer, Evans, Huntington, Norman, Barnes, J., Barnes, R., Towner, White, E., Relf, Cruttenden, Knight, Trott, Ketchell and White, G. S.

We also had an indoor XV game versus Seaford College "under 14s." This was one of the best games of the season, and showed up some promising junior talent. Team : Stone, Barnet, Beal, Huntington, Moon, Cosstick, F., Seamer, Wynter, Hall, Pay, Towner, Knight, Ketchell, Pillinger, Pettitt.

The Saturday morning House matches produced the usual very keen struggles, and the House 2nd XV games, a new feature this year, were a great success. The fine defence that was put up by some of the weaker sides against the two all-conquering Seahaven XV's was worth going a long way to see. Seahaven were, of course, the largest House, but, all the same, they thoroughly deserved their victories, the play of their 2nd XV especially often reaching a high standard.

The long frost unfortunately made the ground unplayable for most of December, and forced us to scratch our last few matches, including, to the keen disappointment of all (or nearly all) concerned, the eagerly awaited Staff Match. However, there's always next year !
H. Tayler


lst XV :
Seaford College 2nd. Lost, 11-21.
Worthing H.S. 2nd. Won, 42-3.
Brighton College "Colts." Lost, 10-29.
Christ's Hospital 3rd. Lost, 5-29.
Eastbourne College "Fawns." Lost, 0-46.
Seaford College 2nd. Lost, 0-17.
Hurst 2nd. Scratched.
Worthing H.S. 2nd. Scratched.

2nd XV :
Seaford College 3rd. Lost, 3-9.
Worthing H.S. 3rd. Lost, 0-12.
Hurst "Colts." Lost, 0-40.
Worthing H.S. 3rd. Scratched.

"Under l5" XV :
Seaford College. Lost, 9-12.



When shall I see that spot again,
That little place beside the Seine,
Les Andelys, that is the name -
In France ?

Old Chateau Gaillard on the hill,
Where one was free to roam at will,
And pleasant memories linger still,
Of France.

Then Paris, with its buildings great,
And people that do love and hate,
And heat which made our eyes dilate,
In Gay Paree.

To Rouen with its Cathedrale,
And narrow crowded streets as well,
Each road had some obnoxious smell,
In old Rouen.

And then our holidays were o'er,
Though I was wishing for some more !
Until I sighted England's Shore,
At 6 a.m.

Walder, Remove.


Speech Days, Parents' Evenings, dances and other festivities are important enough events in the history of the School, but they sink into insignificance when compared with the annual School Fete, the social climax of the School Year. The untiring efforts of the Staff, parents, and boys, who had worked hard for many weeks to achieve success, were centred on Saturday, the 17th day of June, when our second School Fete took place to raise funds for the proposed Swimming Baths. Unfortunately, this year our fete brought with it heavy showers, but all present determined not to be discouraged, and the proceedings continued enthusiastically, despite the weather.

A most attractive programme was arranged, and the many stalls and side-shows were warmly patronized bv the gentlemen and children, while mother went off to display her formal beauty at the ankle competition. The disciplined gymnastic display was very popular and drew a large crowd, which marvelled at the agility and fine physique of the boys taking part. One of the "star turns" of the afternoon was the obstacle race, which combined comedy with skill; novel and effective obstacles were placed at intervals along the track. A competitor had to run 20 yards, mount a wooden horse, crawl under a tight pig-net that persisted in clinging to one's clothing, and then wriggle through a motor tyre of small diameter, suspended above a menacing pool of icy water. Bowls of flour containing apples, and water buckets in which were placed potatoes, provided other obstacles in the race. After the very amusing pillow fight, the music from the amplifying van ceased, and it was announced that the Baby Show had already commenced. This was followed by a boxing display and a slow bicycle race. During the procedure of these events, the stalls and side shows were continually being kept busy ; on the coconut shy the sack of nuts was rapidly decreasing in inverse proportion to the money in the keeper's pocket ; much patience was required at the cork-spearing competition ; but most of the entrants managed to put the blame either on the blunt needles or the hard corks ; the show was nevertheless a source of endless amusement. An event which called forth a much larger crowd than was expected was the cricket match, in which a team of ladies was opposed to top-hatted men, who had to play left-handed. Strangely enough, the ladies beat the men by 32 runs to 26!

Towards 5 o'clock, it was announced that yet another attraction lay in store for those present ; an interesting display of scientific experiments was being carried out in the laboratories. After being shown some of the less apparent marvels of the world around them, the people flocked on to the field once more to witness the Head Master present the prizes to the lucky entrants of the side shows and competitions.

Not only had the organizers prepared for the external pleasures of the crowd, but they had not forgotten that "an army marches on its stomach," and a delightful tea could be had in the dining-hall at a very reasonable price.

A short concert followed, after which came the whistdrive, which latter proved to be one of the best events of the whole fete.

To bring a very successful day to a close, a dance was held in the Great Hall. This proved very popular with the younger people, and towards midnight the party grew very jolly. Dancers could purchase refreshments at the buffet, and balloons and streamers added to the gaiety of the evening.

A great burst of applause followed the Head Master's speech, in which he said he was very glad to announce that through the strenuous efforts of all concerned a profit of over £100 had been realized.
Russell, VI.


(Reprinted fron the "Sussex Express," l7th Nov.[Dec.?], 1933.)

Further progress was reported at the third annual Speech Day and Presentation of Prizes of the Lewes County Secondary School for Boys, which took place on Wednesday afternoon. The great interest taken in the School was indicated by, the large attendance of parents, and friends of the pupils. The prizes were presented by General Sir Herbert A. Lawrence, G.C.B., who was Earl Haig's Chief of Staff during the war.

The chair was occupied by Lieut.-Colonel A. S. Sutherland-Harris, D.L., Chairman of the Governors, who was supported by the Mayor and Mayoress (Councillor and Mrs. J. C. Kenward), General Sir Herbert Lawrence, Major J. J. Lister, Mr. C. H. S. Ellis (Chairman of the East Sussex County Council), Mr. Edgar Povey and Mr. N. R. Bradshaw (Head Master).

The Chairman said it was three years since the School was first opened, and it was a great gratification to the Governors that the School was going ahead so fast and was very nearly full. That the School was going ahead very strongly was due entirely to the enthusiasm of the Head Master, and the fact that he had an extremely capable staff. He congratulated the boys and the staff on the way things were going. The sports were also going ahead in various ways, and what he liked was that they were all team instead of individual competitions. He thanked Mr. Edgar Povey, who had presented a trophy for integrity and honour, and had followed that up by setting aside a sum to provide a prize for the boy who won that. He concluded by urging the boys to work hard and play hard, adding that the influence of that School on the young people of the district had been very great.

The Head Master, in his report, said the success which attended them during the first two years of their existence was continued during the past year. Three years ago they opened with 140 boys. At the beginning of this year they had 236 pupils, and the present strength of the School was 260. The increase of 24 during the past year was all the more significant when it was remembered that many boys who came to them in 1930 to complete their secondary education had now reached the leaving age, and last year saw nearly 50 boys leave the School. He would be very much surprised if next year he was not able to report that the School was full, and that boys had had to be refused admission.

He had always pointed out that several years would have to elapse before the examination strength of the School was properly reflected in its School Certificate results. Next year they would, for the first time, enter candidates whose secondary education began there, three years ago. Even so the number of boys gaining the School Certificate had increasecl proportionately to their increase in strength. In July 1931, at the end of the first year, five boys passed the School Certificate Examination. This number increased to 11 in 1932 and to 19 in 1933, the year under review.

The school year that had just gone also saw another advance with respect to examinations. Two boys were entered for the London Inter B.A., and one for the London Inter B. Sc. One was successful in the Inter B.A. and one in the Inter B.Sc., while the third was "referred" in one subject only, and was completing the examination in a few weeks' time. To tackle with success advanced work of this kind within three years of the opening of the School gave cause for satisfaction.

Apart from external examinations, the general level of work attained in the School had been satisfactory. Last year a school party of 70 camped on the banks, of the Seine, between Rouen and Paris. A new venture during the year was the production of their first full length play, "The Rivals." As a result of the fete he had £130 towards the swimming bath they hoped to construct. He wanted another £100 by next April.

Success attended them in other spheres. At games they could now play schools of their own size on equal terms. Last winter saw an important development when they commenced fixtures at Rugby football. The various School societies had been carried on vigorously. Since, the last Speech Day they had acquired an additional playing field. Already it had been invaluable and without it their athletic activities would have been seriously hampered, and a swimming bath would have been impossible. He thanked the Governors for the purchase of the ground, and said it was one of the many instances of their keen interest in the School. He referred to the gift of Mr. E. Povey, and said they had to thank Alderman J. H. Every, J.P., who had presented a flagstaff, plants for the mound, and seats. In conclusion, Mr. Bradshaw thanked his staff and all others who had made a successful year possible.

Sir Herbert Lawrence opened his address by referring to the different conditions under which the boys in that School worked from those in the great industrial centres, and said it ought to be a great stimulus to them, and have a great effect on their training and character. There was one thing they lacked, and it was a fault inherent in youth, and they were very young. They had only been three years in existence, and they had none of that tradition behind them that the great schools had. He attached great importance to all that tradition meant, and they had a bigger task before them than inheriting something from someone else. It was up to the staff and those who were trained in the School to create a tradition. Everyone was anxious for success in life, but no success which was not gained fairly and openly would be lasting. There must be something behind it. In their case it should be pride in their School, their county, and their country.

General Lawrence then presented the prizes to the following:-

"Edgar Povey" Trophy, for integrity and honour, A. M. Hazlerigg

Subject Prizes.
English, senior, H. G. Knight ; junior, N. D. Edwards
History, R. W. Barnes and D. J. Collins
Geography, S. G. Aston and A. M. Bridgman
Latin, G. H. Bartholomew and F. W. Austen
French, W. S. Eade and R. L. Pollard
German, M. E. Russell
Mathematics, G. D. Crouch and G. E. Moon
Physics, E. K. Payne and F. H. Bevan
Chemistry, G. C. Hutton and L. N. Watts
Biology, (Lilian Fleming Prize), G. C. Hutton and B. A. Colvin
Art, A. A. Fenner
Craft work, E. Taylor
Original verse, H. G. Knight and W. D. Park
General proficiency, V. H. Leiserowitz

Form Prizes.
Form VI, D. B. Barker and J. E. Rutherford
Form V, G. C. Hutton and S. G. Aston
Remove, F. R. White and J. H. Norman
Form IVa, J. A. Baker and H. S. Woodward
Form IVb, T. G. Wickens and C. E. Banks
Form IIIa, A. M. Bridgman and N. D. Edwards
Form IIIb, M. D. Lipscombe and C. F. Chivers
Form IIa, F. W. Austen and J. Edgar
Form IIb, S. G. Henderson and R. I. Cooper
Form IIc, C. A. Foreman and J. E. Adams

House Trophies.
Bradshaw Games Shield, Seahaven House ;
Thompson Athletics Cup, Lewes House ;
Sinfield Swimming Cup, Lewes House ;
Head Master's Bat, K. P. Wicks.

Examination successes.
London Inter. B.A., D. B. Barker;
London Inter. B.Sc., J. E. Rutherford.

Oxford School Certificate.
S. G. Aston (H.M.), T. X. Bradbury, A. T. W. Brown, P. J. Crombet-Boelens,
G. D. Crouch, D. I. Cruttenden, M. J. Gibbons, R. S. Green, C. F. Hall, G. C. Hutton (H.M.),
V. H. Leiserowitz (H.M.), A. F. Metcalfe, V. Page, E. K. Payne (M.),
D. J. Pollard (M.), M. E. Russell (H.M.), H. F. Sharp and C. B. Watson (M.).
(H., Honours; M., London Matriculation exemption.)

County Intermediate Scholarship (Class I)
J. F. Cull, P. S. Griffiths, L. J. Percy and G. S. Smith.

Thanks were accorded General Lawrence on the proposition of Mr. Ellis, and to Lieut.-Colonel Sutherland-Harris on the proposition of the Mayor, who said that was his first visit to the School, and it had been a delightful experience.

An interesting entertainment was then given. There were selections by the choir and orchestra under the direction of Mr. T. J. O'Brien. R. B. Smith gave clever performances of solos on the pianoforte, and G. E. Moon recited three short pieces of original verse. "Floreat Lewesia," the School Song, was sung. It has been composed by the Head Master and set to a lively air by Louis Hulatt. At the conclusion of the proceedings, the parents and their friends were entertained to tea.


Lying in the grasses, all I spy
Are the rainbow wings of a dragon-fly,
And willows bowing, it would seem,
To whisper to the chattering stream.

See minnows dart in cool green shade
Of weeds that form a watery glade,
Buttercups wave and rushes sway
Before the breeze this summer day.

All the air is filled with noise,
The happy laughter of girls and boys,
The drowsy hum of a bumble-bee,
And the trill of a bird in the willow tree.

The song of nature, the only sound
As here I rest on the soft green ground :
The world is one long lazy dream
In the afternoon by this pleasant stream.

Towner, Va.


The season provided us with many examples of the uncertainty connected with our summer game, but for once in a while not on account of our English climate. We were favoured with magnificent weather throughout the term, only one game being cancelled, and that, as it transpired, unnecessarily.

The vicissitudes of fortune experienced, were all the more noticeable in our performances and the results accruing. The team as a whole performed erratically, some magnificent victories being followed by disappointing displays. In particular the successes against Eastbourne and Lewes 2nd XI on our ground were fine efforts, whilst our showing against Lewes in the Dripping Pan and against Shoreham were far from gratifying. Two members who deserve special mention for consistent good play are Watson and Wicks. The former had a most successful season with the bat, and the latter proved to be the mainstay of the attack, bowling over after over with persistent accuracy.

The fielding showed considerable improvement, that of Green, Metcalfe, Seamer and Faulkner being outstanding. There is, however, much to be learnt in "anticipation" and "quickness off the mark" before the team gives that "on the toes" impression of a first-class fielding side. With, we believe, no special liking for the job, Gibbons stepped into the breach and performed pluckily and efficientiy the arduous and thankless task of wicket-keeper.

An enjoyable season closed without a fixture many of the team had anticipated with mixed feelings, namely, a Staff match !
H. Hoggins.

Details of individual matches are given below :-

Plumpton Agricultural College.
On 20th May we were entertained at Plumpton by the Agricultural College. The School batted first, Dennis being top scorer with 15; the total was 60. Plumpton then went in and totalled 56. Wicks bowled well for us, taking 7 wickets for 14.

Eastbourne Grammar School. On 8th June we went to Eastbourne and met the Grammar School on the Saffrons. We were decisively beaten by six wickets. Scores : Lewes 62, Eastbourne 65 for 4.

Lewes Priory 2nd XI. On lOth June the School, assisted by several masters, was easily beaten by the Lewes Priory 2nd XI. Hare, bowled well for the opponents, taking eight wickets for 11. He also batted well for 53 not out. Scores : School 62 (Hazlerigg 14, Gibbons 14), Priory 121.

Lancing 3rd XI. This year we had an easy game with the Lancing team. We batted first, scoring 82 for 1 wicket, Cruttenden contributing 36 and Hazlerigg 26. Lancing were dismissed for 35.

Shoreham Grammar School. On the 24th of the month we met Shoreham away, and had considerably the worst of a drawn game. Shoreham, batting first, compiled 189, Pike making 98 of them. We then went in and managed to play out time, scoring 67 for 9 wickets, Metcalfe and Faulkner scoring 21 and 18 respectively.

Lewes Priory 2nd XI. On lst July the School met Lewes Priory 2nd XI for the return match on our own ground. The Priory batted first and scored 110 before they were dismissed, Wicks taking 6 wickets for 42. We then went in and scored 145. Watson batted excellently for about an hour and a half before he was stumped.

Bexhill County School. On the 5th July we went to Bexhill, where we were beaten by a superior side. Scores : Bexhill 116 (Warburton 26 ; Hazlerigg 4 for 19 and Wicks 4 for 36); Lewes 65 (Faulkner 16 ; Booth 5 for 6).

Eastbourne Grammar School. On the 8th July the School played the return match against Eastbourne Grammar School. We went in first and managed to get 91. Eastbourne then went in, but could only score 72, although at one time they were 60 for five wickets.

Brighton Grammar School 2nd XI. On the l5th following we met Brighton on their own ground. We were easily beaten by six wickets. Scores : Lewes 21 (Tassell 6 for 10); Brighton 104 for 4 wickets (Blomfield 35, Richardson 27).

The Old Boys. The last match of the season was against the Old Boys on the 22nd July. After an exciting game they won by six runs. Scores : Old Boys 52, School 46.

M. Gibbons.


This year Parents' Evening was held on Monday, l8th December, following hard upon the boys' Christmas tea. It divided itself, as customarily, into two parts: an address by the Head Master and an entertainment, this time a representation of Galsworthy's "Strife."

In his address, the Head Master devoted himself to an exposition of the prospects of employment of a boy leaving school. He outlined briefly and clearly the different occupations which offered themselves to boys of varying degrees of ability, from the wide field that lay before the brilliant boy who succeeded in passing on to a university down to the less pretentious' opportunities available to boys of lower mental calibre. The address cannot have failed to do considerable good in enabling parents to adjust their ambitions regarding their sons in accordance, with the boys' abilities. This formed the bulk of the address, the remainder confining itself to a frank appeal for financial aid in the construction of the School baths. "A bath is good for anybody - at any time" , the Head Master pointed out, and trusted that parents would see how much it reflected to the interests of their sons that the School should be provided with a convenient and practical swimming pool.

This year saw a departure from the usual form of entertainment in that the latter half of the evening was devoted entirely to an acted reading of the play "Strife." Although the players were, for the most part, readipg their lines from a book, yet the fact was skilfully dissimulated and the spectator was throughout scarcely conscious that it was anything but an ordinary acting. Special mention must be made of Mr. Auld, Mr. Tayler and Gravett, in the respective roles of Roberts, Mr. Anthony, and Mrs. Rous, for their masterly rendering. In the technical sphere a veritable triumph was achieved in the crowd-scene by means of a darkened stage, a well-trained mob, and a spot light. The audience sat spellbound while orator after orator courted the favour of the mob. It is said that the mob was fearsome to look upon, and that this effect was lost on the darkened stage, but a spectator will tell you that those swelling roars, those isolated cries, that eerie anonymity conveyed greater suggestions of power and violence than any amount of coloured chokers and dirty chins could have done.

The play came to an end somewhere in the region of half-past nine, completing the arrangements for entertaining the parents. We hope that they enjoyed every moment of the evening and will look forward with keenness to the next occasion of the kind.
A. C. G.


"God gave all men all earth to love,
But since our hearts are small,
Ordained for each one spot should prove
Beloved over all."
- Rudyard Kipling.

Sussex, my county, is situated in the south of England. It is a county of lovely Downs and beautiful pasture lands, over which one can enjoy many glorious walks. Sometimes, while taking an early-morning walk over the mist-covered Downs, perchance you will arrive at the gate of an old Sussex farm. There you will see the carter preparing his horses for their morning's work. When he is ready, he will set out for his place of toil, and you will notice him and his horses gradually becoming a blur in the mist as they get farther away; until they finally disappear. As you continue on your way you will sea the silky cobwebs, soaked in dew, hanging from the golden and green gorse bushes. Then, as you approach a piece of land already under the plough, you hear the jingle of harness and the heavy breathing of the horses, straining at the plough, while the shouts of the carter encourage them to greater efforts. Farther on, a blur appears in the mist and then shapes out into a plough team and its driver.

These walks are loved by all who know the lovely old Sussex Downs and who have tramped miles over them in the early morning air and heard the tinkle of the sheep's bells and the bleating of the lambs.
C. F. Chivers, IVb.

SALVETE 1933 - 34

Baker, J.
Baker, L.
Berry, R. K.
Camplin, P. H.
Carlson, K. W.
Chandler, E. B.
Chatfield, R. J. C.
Clements, L.
Cottis, H.
Croft, A. J.
Downing, G. M.
Evans, E. M.
Funnell, J. F.
Gates, E. S.
Geering, K. F. W.
Goulden, W. C.
Groves, D. A.
Hall, J. L.
Hall, V. D.
Hart, S. B.
Haynes, L. N. C.
Hills, C. J.
Hilton, G. G.
Jarrett, A. H.
Kelley, C. R.
Kirk, A. F.
Kitchener, J. M.
Lovesey, P. R.
Oliver, B. C.
Oliver, D.
Orchard, A. F.
Palethorpe, P. C.
Pratt, L. W.
Rabson, K. L.
Ridley, P. W.
Ruffle, F. H.
Schmid, A. J.
Sellers, R. E. J.
Simmons, J.
Simpson, G. R.
Smith, R. B.
Stevens, J. E.
Stevens, V. A.
Wiffin, M.
Wray, W. R.

VALETE 1933 - 1934

Bailey, C. A.
Barker, D. B.
Beard, N. G.
Bradbury, T. X.
Brown, A. T.
Cosstick, J. W.
Crouch, G. D.
Cruttenden, D. I.
Dickerson, B. C.
Faulkner, R. D.
Francis, C. H.
Green, R. H.
Hayward, T. A.
Hazlerigg, A. M.
Hall, C. F.
Johnson, A. C.
Kenward, G. E,
Knights, D. J.
Mayo, R. H.
McElroy, S. C.
Metcatfe, A. F.
Pay, J. L.
Pollard, D. J.
Power, P. W.
Profett-White, T. H.
Ray-Johnson, F. L.
Relf, M. F.
Robson, I. G.
Russell, M. E.
Sandles, G. G.
Sharp, H. F. H.
Shoebridge, J.
Tribe, R. C.
White, F. R.
Wicks, K. P.


Secretary : E. L. Cook, 83 High Street, Lewes.
Treasurer : T. A. Hayward, 66 Malling Street, Lewes.

Nearly a year has passed since the Old Boys' first general meeting was held, and we are able to reflect with some satisfaction upon the year's work. It must be realized that the club is in its infancy, and has to face all the difficulties which beset a newly-formed club.

The Old Boys' colours are dark blue, royal blue and gold, and ties, scarves and badges of attractive design are now available in these colours.

An Old Boys' Football Club was launched at the beginning of the present season, and has met with a fair measure of success, having won 6 of the 12 games played to date. With regard to the Football Club the Association is much indebted to Mr. Bradshaw for the loan of one of the School's playing pitches, to Mr. Martin for the sporting manner in which he has uncomplainingly fulfilled the extra duties imposed upon him, and to Mr. Trower for keeping the pitch in order.

It is hoped that it will be possible to commence a cricket team next season, but numerous difficulties will be encountered in this respect.

The Old Boys are due to play the School on l7th March, and an Old Boys' Dinner will be held either after the match or at a later date.

The success that the Association has achieved during the past year is due largely to the efforts of Mr. Bradshaw and Mr. Jarvis, who have given up much of their time to attend committee meetings, and perform the other numerous duties that fall upon the more experienced members of a committee.

The cricket match against the School proved an excitable and enjoyable game, the Old Boys triumphing by a narrow margin of runs. At one time it seemed probable that the School would force a win, but Rainbird, bowling with a cross wind, suddenly found a length, and played havoc with the School batsmen.


"Jobs" these days are few and far between, but some boys have been successful in gaining posts. Here are those who have been fortunate since the last issue of the Magazine. Faulkner is working in the offices of the Alpha Cement Co., Hall (C. F.) at the Lewes Building Society, Relf at Knill and James (accountants), and Brown (A. T. W.) at the East Sussex Farmers' Union. Cook has been fortunate in obtaining a post in Barclays Bank, and his place at the County Hall has been taken by Russell. Hazlerigg and Rainbird have both joined the Army. The former is stationed at Chichester, and the latter is in the Rifle Brigade. Edwards came home on leave before Christmas. He is doing exceptionally well in the Navy, and appears to be "climbing the ladder" rapidly. He left for the Mediterranean just before Christmas.
E. L. C.

{Of the ninety boys who have left the School since we opened, only one is known to be unemployed. Hazlerigg, our first School Captain, came to see us at the beginning of this Spring Term. He looked very fit, and is hoping to get to Sandhurst after a couple of years in the ranks. We take this opportunity of congratulating D. J. Pollard on passing the examination for artificer apprentices in the Royal Navy, and wish him "good luck" in his new career. - Ed.}


From field or town we tramp each day
Where Celt and Saxon led the way
To where De Warrenne's keep still frowns
Guarding the gateway of the Downs.
Here we each day the assault will make,
And in truth's quest no quarter take.

Then floreat, floreat, floreat, Lewesia!
From Caburn's Mount to Kingston Hill,
Let all who hear it feel the thrill
Of "Floreat Lewesia."

In meadows sweet the monks of old
A cloistered pile raised as a fold
For learning and sobriety,
Strict abstinence and piety,
In these same meadows now our School
Hands on the torch and keeps the rule.


Earl Simon from Mount Harry's crest
Gazed o'er the town, and prayed to wrest
A victory from the enemies
Of England's laws and liberties.
Where Simon fought now may we bind
The cause of England with mankind.


The axe, the stake, the crackling fire,
Ascending smoke, the martyr's pyre,
In Lewes streets were once beheld.
With faith as strong here now we weld
Classes and creeds, opinion free,
In one united company.


From counter, farm, or office stool,
Let memory linger on the School.
Memories of classroom, quad, or hall,
Of flashing bat and thud of ball.
In honour schooled, in friendly strife,
We learnt to play the game of life.


[It should be noted that this very early version of Floreat Lewesia differs from later versions in that the chorus refers to "Caburn's Mount" whereas the version sung on the 1949 recording and printed on the 1951 Speech Day song-sheet has "Caburn's Height". There are also minor differences in punctuation between the two printed versions.]

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