Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 5 - December 1934

The Original Barbican cover This issue appeared after the end of the fourth year of the School. Already the School is growing quickly as we note that about 33 boys left yet 60 boys joined. This suggests that the school has two form entry at this time while the older boys were one form per year group. One notes that the School Certificate results show that more than thirty boys achieved a half-dozen or so credits and passes. Presumably there were a mere handful of sixth formers who in effect were being taught in ones and twos -- almost a tutorial teaching situation. Sports feature prominently and the Swimming Pool, to be funded by voluntary contributions and labour, is high on the agenda. School camps too -- a very healthy regime.

At the front of this issue there are advertisements for

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys



The response to our request for contributions to the fifth issue of "The Barbican" has been better than ever. There are now a considerable number of boys in the School who are really eager and importunate contributors, many having sent in not one individual effort but several. Only the best work of course can be printed, but it indicates a very healthy state of affairs that the Editor should have so much good material from which to select the excellent. We thank the following for their interesting contributions, the quality of which, in many cases, was remarkably high. Flint, Gates, Henderson, S. G. Holford, Kirby, Lawrence, Lipscomhe, Pettitt, Ridley, Warren. The best of those rejected this time will be kept, and may easily secure a place in a subsequent issue.

The six months which have elapsed since the last issue of the Magazine, saw the close of the fourth year of our existence as a school. Every Summer Term in future the end of this fourth year will be regarded with undimmed gratitude. For it was then that the Swimming Bath was born. Elsewhere in this issue will be found a list of all those who by their generous donations made this most valuable addition to the School possible. The master-mind, however, was the Head Master. He prophesied - and to-day the bath, over 250 square yards of beautiful, crystal-clcar water, exists. Yes, and unfinished as it still is at the moment, many of us have already swum in it.

The Summer Term of 1934 also saw the revival of an enjoyable and alway s amusing function - the Parents' Cricket Match.

Later in the term, over seventy members of the School saw an extremely good performance of "Henry IV, Part I," at Brighton.

Again, a few days before term-end, a large number of the biologically-minded enjoyed themselves at Regent's Park Zoo.

The Annual School Camp, pitched this year in Wales, was as usual (apart from rather unkind weather) a success. The July Examination results, the announcement of which gives the end of the summer holiday a decided fillip one way or the other, were most pleasing. Out of forty-two candidates at the School Certificate Examination thirty-six passed, ten gainiug honours and twelve with exemption from Matriculation. The one Higher Schools candidate, Rutherford, was also successful.

We acknowledge receipt of the following school publications : "The Bexhillian", "The Tynemouth School Magazine ", "The Balshavian " and "The Dolphin ".


Chairman of the Governors, 1931-1934

We are very young to suffer the loss of anyone closely connected with the School. It is with more than ordinary regret, therefore, that we record the death of Colonel Sutherland-Harris.

The news reached us in North Wales several days after the sad event took place. Our camp was in full swing, and the knowledge that his keen interest in everything we did embraced our camping activities, made us feel his death all the more keenly.

Everyone of us exerts some kind of influence, good or bad. Those of us who came into close contact with our Chairman were aware of two things, his keenness and his devotion to duty. For the past two years he had suffered from indifferent health, and this was aggravated by his utter refusal to abandon his public duties. During the last few months of his life the strain was intensified by his efforts on behalf of The Downs Preservation Bill, an enlightened attempt to secure for the generations to come the loveliness which we enjoy to-day, and which is so gravely threatened by building and similar developments. The strain was too much and he passed away on Thursday, l6th August.

We shall always be grateful for what he did for us. The acquisition of the additional playing field and the financial support of the County Council, given to our Swimming Bath Scheme, were largely due to his influence.

Sheriff at Rugby, Wykeham at Winchester, Lyon at Harrow dwell in pious memory as founders of great schools. Our School at Lewes has had a beginning less humble than these famous public schools. Let us too hold the names of those responsible for our foundation in equal veneration. The influence of their work is not only now, but in the centuries to come.


v. East Grinstead County School. Won easily by three wickets. 32 - 59 for 7.
v. The Old Boys. Beaten by a narrow margin 85 - 76.
v. Brighton Grammar School 2nd XI. Won comfortably 75 - 78 for 4 (Dennis n.o. 38).
v. Bexhill Grammar School. Lost 59 - 46.
v.Eastbourne Grammar School. Beaten 21 - 35.
v. Lancing 3rd XI. Drew 128 - Lewes 81 for 8 at close of play.
v. Lewes Priory 2nd XI. We won easily. Priory 86 (O'Brien 6 for 29) - School 160 for 8 (Hoggins 30, Jarvis 22, Green 35).
v. Seaford College 2nd XI. Won easily 72 - 137 for 5 (Dennis 72).
v. Worthing High School. Won by 18 runs.
v. Shoreham Grammar School. Cancelled owing to an outbreak of measles at Shoreham.

Thus five matches were won, three lost and one drawn. In additian, a most enjoyable drawn game was played with a Parents' XI, but a separate report of this match appears elsewhere [below].

The Eleven was usually drawn from the following : J. E. Rutherford (Captain), M. Gibbons, R. Dennis, A. G. Seamer, V. Page, D. Dance, R. Renville, E. Wynter, R. S. Green, A. G. Evans, I. Mepham, K. Hollobon, S. McKimm.


Last term, for the first time, a class in Life-Saving was held under Mr. Dolden's expert tuition. A very gratifying result was achieved. We hoped for a few diplomas, but little thought that all would gain the bronze medallion of the Royal Life-saving Association. We offer our congratulations to F. L. McKimm, E. C. Wynter, P. R. Noel, R. T. Rich, P. G. Hall, G. H. Bartholomew, G. S. Ashburner, F. W. Cosstick and Mr. Tayler. During the summer holidays, Mr. Tayler went on to win the Silver Medal. Rumours of a grampus-like figure, fully clad, seen swimming the whole afternoon in Lewes Baths, have reached us. We hasten to deny any connection here with the Loch Ness Monster. But was it a fair test to choose "Fatty" Pelham, with his buoyant qualities, as "victim" of the rescue?


This year's Cross-Country was held during the last week of the Easter Term on Monday, 26th March. Fifty Seniors (over 14) and 62 Juniors (under 14) as well as a number of piquets braved the ardours of courses that had become distinctly wet from heavy rain.

The first five Seniors home were : Lockyer, Wood, Barnes, J., Munton and Payne; while in the Junior event, these positions were occupied by Holton, Evans, A. J., Smith, G., Ashburner and Barford, T. R.

The final House points calculated from the combined results of Seniors and Juniors were : Uckfield 50, Martlets 46.70, Lewes 39.41, Seahaven 39.22. It should be added that Uckfield largely owed its victory to the enthusiastic and very successful running of its Junior members, who managed to secure 5 of the first 10 places.


(Reprinted from the "Sussex Express.")

They called it a day and left the game drawn.

It was the best possible result, for honours were easy. It would have been humiliating if the parents, some of whom had not handled a cricket bat for years, had beaten the boys ; and if the boys had won, the parents would never have heard the last of it ! No, a draw was best. Both sides thought so, and as for another, quite an impartial onlooker, she was more than satisfied.

The Parents versus the School cricket match was played at the School on Saturday, and an intensely interesting game it was. The Parents collected a strong team, "good enough to beat the young beggars, you know." But it wasn't. With Renville making 43, and Hilton 34, they scored 132 for the loss of seven wickets, and then declared. Wynter was the most successful bowler, taking three for 19, Rutherford had two for 14, and Dennis two for 42, For the School, Page was top scorer with 42, and Seamer made 25. They had not quite sufficient time to get the necessary runs, and when stumps were drawn had scored 125 for eight wickets. It was a twelve-aside game, so the School still had three wickets in hand to get the eight runs which would have brought them victory. So there was very little in it, but the Parents lost one wicket less and scored seven more runs. For the Parents, Gorvin took two wickets for 15 runs, Ruffle two for 15, Wheare two for 17, Fenner one for 15, and Kitchener one for 21.

Hilton lbw b Dennis 34; Kitchener c Gibbons b Dennis 13 ; Renville c Green b Rutherford 43 ; Ruffle c Green b Wynter 2 ; Croft c Dennis b Wynter 0 ; Austin b Wynter 2 ; Wheare not out 21 ; Gorvin c Dennis b Rutherford 0 ; Gravett not out 6 ; extras 13 ; total (for 7 wickets declared) 132. Cramp, Fenner and Colwell did not bat.

Dennis c Hilton b Wheare 18; Gibbons b Kitchener 12 ; Renville b Ruffle 5 ; Page c Fenner b Wheare 42 ; Seamer c and b Ruffle 25 ; Green lbw b Gorvin 2 ; Dance c Hilton b Gorvin 0; Rutherford c and b Fenner 4; Mepham not out 14 ; Evans not out 2 ; extras 9 ; total (for 8 wickets) 125. Wynter and Stone did not bat.

There was also a game between a Parents' second team and the School second team. The Parents' was a scratch side, and the game was played in a less serious strain. The Parents scored 36 in their first innings and 99 for ten wickets in the second innings. The Schoool made 113. This was also a twelve-aside game.


Last season we had our best 1st XI since the School opened. Unfortunately illness, injury and other causes more often than not prevented a fully representative side from taking the field, and hence our record was not nearly so impressive as it might well have been. The last match of the season at East Grinstead provided the climax to our mis-fortunes when seven reserves had to be included in the team and we lost 4-3. When we were at full strength some fine performances were recorded. We had two very close and exciting games with Bexhill, we won at Lancing 6-1, and we beat Eastbourne for the first time, and beat them by as much as 7-2.

The defence played splendidly throughout the season, particularly the half-back line. Lockyer, Dennis and Hollobon, all did extremely well both in defence and attack in every match they played, and they were unquestionably the mainstay of the team, whilst Pay and Page always gave them good support.

The 2nd XI held their own, winning two, drawing two, and losing two matches, whilst the " Under 14 " XI drew their first match with Varndean and won their four matches by 26 goals to 1.

The form shewn by the Juniors was easily the most pleasing feature of the season, not merely because they won their matches so handsomely but chiefly on account of the style of football they produced. They formed a well-balanced team and played essentially as a team, not as individualists. Nearly every goal scored was the result of a combined movement in which several players participated. All seemed to realize that ball-control and positioning are all-important. They made the ball do the work by holding it just long enough to draw an opponent and then pushing it past him to someone who had moved into position to receive it.

" Under 14 " XI. -
Stone; Holford, Beal; Austen, Kirby, Huntington ; Evans, Blake, Renville, Barnett, Hilton.

2nd XI. -
Selected from : Cole, Baker, Arnold, McKimm, L., Hilton, Barford, Wynter, Paskins, Jessop, Rutherford, Hill, Green, Beale and Barnes, R. W.

1st XI. -
Dance; Pay, Page; Hollobon, Lockyer, Dennis; Gibbons, Lowles, McKimm, S., Seamer, Woodward.


We offer our hearty congratulations to the following on their success in external examinations.

Oxford Higher School Certificate.

J. E. Rutherford (Mathematics and Science)

London Inter B.A.

W. S. Eade.

Oxford School Certificate.

Baker, E. G. : Credit in English, French and Art.
Baker, J. A. : Credit in English, History, French, German, Mathematics, Science.
Barnes, J. A. : Credit in English, History, French and Geography.
Barnes, R. W. : Credit in English, French, Science. Distinction in History, Geography.
Bartholomew, G. H. : Credit in English, Latin, French, German, Mathematics, Science.
Beale K. S. : Credit in French and German.
Beck, W. R. : Credit in English, French and Art.
Blunden, D. G. L. : Credit in History, Mathematics, and Geography.
Chatfield, N. W. : Credit in English, History, French, Geography.
Cole, P. J. : Credit in English, French, and Art.
Cornall, M. E. : Credit in French, Mathematics, and Art.
Cosstick, F. W. : Credit in English, History, French, Science, Geography.
Crombet-Beolens, P. J. : Credit in English, French, Maths, Science, Geography, Art.
Dennis, R. W. : Credit in English, Mathematics, Science, Woodwork and Art.
Duke, P. F. : Credit in English, History, French.
Evans, A. G. : Credit in English, History, French, German, Science.
Gibbons, M. J. : Credit in English, Biology, German, Distinction in French and Geography.
Green, R. S. : Credit in Engiish, History, French, Mathematics, Science.
Hill, R. H. : Credit in French and Art.
Horgan, I. M. : Credit in English, History, French, Geography, Woodwork.
Jessop, W. R. : Credit in English, History, Geography, Woodwork, Art.
Ketchell, B. J. : Credit in English, History, Mathematics, Distinction in French.
Knight, H. G. : Credit in English, History, Latin, French, German.
Mepham, I. W. : Credit in French and Woodwork.
Noel, P. R. : Credit in English, French, Mathematics, Physics, Geography.
Norman, J. H. R.: Credit in History, French, Geography, Woodwork and Art.
Obbard, S. E. : Credit in English, History, French, German, Science.
Penfold, R. C. : Credit in French, Science.
Reed, J. R. : Credit in English, History, French, Mathematics.
Sellwood, E. H. B. : Credit in History, French, Science, Geography and Art.
Taylor, E. : Credit in Science, Woodwork and Art.
Towner, J. : Credit in History, French, Mathematics, Science.
Trott, P. E.: Credit in English, History, French, Mathematics, Science, Geography.
Wood, W. J. : Credit in French, Science, Geography, Woodwork and Art.
Woodward, H. S. : Credit in History, Latin, French, German, Mathematics, and Science.
Wynter, E. C. C. : Credit in English, History, French, Mathematics, and Science.

Artificer Apprentice Examination, Royal Navy.

D. J. Pollard.

Air Force Apprentice Examination, R.A.F.

D. G. L. Blunden, R. W. Dennis.

County Intermediate Scholarships, Class 1.

R. Cooper, A. Orchard.


This year we had our summer camp at Fairbourne, in North Wales. Apart from a certain amount of rain, which fell at rather unexpected moments, the camp was a great success. Even six dishcloths brought for cleaning dixies and other dirty articles returned intact.

An advance party was sent this year, as the time of arrival at Fairbourne made it too late to pitch tents and prepare supper the same evening. The journey was a long one, and was not improved by the speed of the train from Shrewsbury onwards. Subsequent experience showed this to be the usual speed, however. The scenery in Wales, both coming and going, was very fine indeed.

Just before disembarking late in the evening, and after a glorious run trom Towyn, we had our first glimpse of Barmouth and the mountains of Merioneth, in which we were to camp. The air had a sharp invigorating feeling, and to the north-west loomed the setting sun, silhouetting the great grey mountains of Caenarvon, which, jutting straight from the sea, threw their gloomy and forbidding peaks to the darkening heavens. After a short walk, partly by a mountain stream, we arrived at the camp site. This was a good one, and well sheltered by the tree-covered slopes, which rose to the north, east and south. To gain access to the camp, it was necessary to cross a stream, which further up formed the well-known Panteinion Falls. The view down the valley to the west was a fine one. One could see the sea, cut off between the mountain slopes, heaving and churning under the sun's last declining rays. A better spot could not be desired. The advance party put up the tents next day, and when the rest of the "troops" arrived, all was ready.

The next morning, real camp life began. Many boys were up early in spite of the long journey on the previous day. This, it appears, was due to the strange habits of some of Mr. Owen's sheep, which stole into our field at night and then kept up a fairly continuous conversation with their brethren (and sisters, too) opposite. But this was not thought sufficient. So a few nights later two elderly calves came over the wall from an adjacent field to swell the legions, and these had to be chased out in the middle of night by two members of the Staff. Nevertheless, by morning, one of the enterprising couple had already returned.

The weather did not remain fine long, and at times the camp was rather wet. One tended to forget that the farmyard was on the top of the hill. It improved after a time, however, and nothing could deter us. Bacon fried in rainwater, and porridge mixed with soot, were found extremely palatable. Besides, the enjoyment of eating - nearly always popular in an energising country such as Wales - many other occupations and amusements were discovered. The most popular pastimes were swimming, the flat sandy shore encouraging this, pony-riding (or non-riding), and testing the contents of all the shop windows in Fairbourne.

Nevertheless, much else was to be seen and done, besides swimming, pony riding, eating and camp work. The Panteinion falls were soon seen - the noise of the water could be heard at night - and then the Blue Lake. After a stiff ascent on the mountain side, opposite the camp, during which many were " in sore trouble and in dire distress ", a tunnel was reached, through which the lake was approached. The lake, a piece of water entirely surrounded by cliffs, is not a natural feature at all. It is, strange to say, a man-made job, artificial, and is the resutt of slate quarrying. Its blue colour is due, not to the reflection of the sky, but to the great depth of the lake, and to the colour of the slate which encloses it. Even anglers were able to find their not-always-too-willing to be caught friends in it, also.

A day or two later, most of the campers went over to Barmouth, or Abermaw, to use the Welsh name, and enjoyed themselves, roaming round the strange little town. It is strange in several ways. Whenever the wind blows from the west there is a danger of the lower parts becoming one huge sand-dune. Moreover, many houses "in the upper reaches" appear to be built on crags of stone just about to fall down. Lastly, Abermaw subsists entirely on visitors - a strange diet for mountaineers and fishermen.

One afternoon there was a walk along the coast from Triog to Llwyngwril. A fine view of Barmouth and the estuary was obtained from this road. We decided to return over the mountains.

Though clear directions were given by a very obliging rustic, they soon became misty on the mountains, as many stones look just the same there. Instinct, however, showed us the way back, and after having traversed a bog, wet with flowing streams, we saw camp again, much to our relief.

The Cader Idris expedition was very enjoyable, indeed. Mr. Tayler led the party over much desolate and beautiful cauntry. The ascent of the steep grass slope opened up to us a marvellous view. From a high point, Snowdon could be seen, as also could Cader Idris itself - so near and yet so far away. Through lack of time an assault of the summit was out of the question, and whilst half of the party went back the original way, the rest slid down a new route. They slid down on their shorts because the slope was almost too steep for any other kind of descent. The eight mile tramp back ended in a run - for about six of us.

By this time our numbers had been augmented by Mr. Hoggins and Mr. Stevens, who brought us more news of fine weather - except in North Wales.

A few days later there was another expedition. This time Harlech was visited. The castle there is very fine. It is a good example of concentric construction, and was built by Edward I to curb the turbulent Welshmen. From the ramparts Criccieth, the birthplace of Mr. Lloyd George, was seen very clearly. Later on we crossed the Royal St. David's Golf Course to the sea. Four stalwarts also went in for a bathe.

The last expedition was to the Panorama view. This, unfortunately, was spoilt by rain and mist. But this did not detract from the pure joy of the walk, even though in the Panorama pleasure grounds the rain fell heavily and the wind, mixed with salt-spray and sand, blew hard. The view had vanished into air, into thin air, but the joy of standing on a great elevation remained. On the return journey no rain occurred after we had reached Barmouth to disturb our peace of body, and we arrived in camp hungry and humid.

Owing to rain, only one camp fire was possible. The fire blazed well - it had ample season - and the usual ghost appeared. In spite of some rustiness, all the old favourite tunes were sung, and "Auld Lang Syne" finished it all, leaving us wishing that there could have been more.

On Friday morning we took leave of Fairbourne, now quite well known to us. The return journey took us past Lake Bala, a fine sight. The journey was not too ordinary, and at times one wondered "when is a carriage not a carriage". It should also be added that " Mar's Bars " and ham are not mutual friends.

We came back via London, and arrived at Lewes in the evening. Thus ended the third school camp. A most enjoyable camp which will remain in our memories to cheer us through the winter months.

Lastly, mention must be made of the Head Master and members of the Staff, to whose hard work and keen enthusiasm the great success of the camp was due. All campers join in thanking them, and hope that next year may see an equally enjoyable camp abroad.
R. W. B.


Hon. Treasurer : T. A. Hayward, 66 Malling Street, Lewes.
Hon. Secretary : E. L. Cook 83 High Street, Lewes.

After less than two years' existence we can now say that the Old Boys' Association is firmly established. Our membership is rising steadily, and at the same time we are increasing our activities. We now run both a football and a cricket team, and during the coming winter we are holding a series of social evenings.

Last March we played the annual football match against the School, and managed to avenge the previous season's defeat by winning 4-2. After the match the Annual Dinner and General Meeting was held at the Tatler Tea Rooms. It was most unfortunate that Mr. Bradshaw should be indisposed, and unable to attend. He had worked enthusiastically to make the gathering a success, and there was general disappointment at his inability to attend. In his absence, the chair was taken by Mr. Jarvis.

The reports alI showed that excellent progress had been made during the year, while financially there was a substantiai credit balance. The only change on the Committee was Mr. A. F. Metcalfe, vice Mr. S. A. Eager. All officers were re-elected.

Votes of thanks were passed to Mr. Bradshaw and Mr. Jarvis, for their untiring efforts on behalf of the Association.

The meeting ended with a resolution to run a cricket team during the season 1934. Mr. Faulkener was elected Secretary and Mr. Rabson Treasurer of the Cricket Club.

The remainder of the meeting was devoted to an impromptu concert. Mr. Auld and Mr. Bowman both gave individual turns, while their duet, "The Twins", was a roaring success. One of the high-lights of the evening was Mr. A. G. French's imitations of some of the Staff. The concert ended with community singing, with "Auld Lang Syne" and "Forty Years On" as the Finale.

During the summer the cricket club met with a fair measure of success, more than half the matches being won. Next year, when more players are available, we hope to arrange some attractive fixtures further from home. The football team looks far more capable this year, and started the season on Saturday last with a 2-l win over Laughton. We are looking forward to a successful season, with the match against the School as the event of the year.


We are pleased to note that all Old Boys who have left have been successful in obtaining situations.

Brown is working at the National Farmers' Union offices. Page is in the Education Department of the County Hall, while Mepham is now with Hall at the Lewes Building Society. "Joey" Green has obtained a post with the Eagle Star Assurance Company in their Brighton office, and Lockyer is apprenticed to Martin's Garage at Crowborough.

Eade has left, and joined Barker at Southampton University College. The latter, by the way, is getting along splendidly, and has been elected a member of his House Committee for this year. The Secretary saw Coxon for a few minutes while he was on leave. He likes the Air Force very much, and says that the same applies to Knowlton and Brown. Brown has taken up wireless. Edwards minor has joined another brother in the Navy. E. L. C.


The Editor has heard several times during the past year from Barker, who is reading Honours English at University College, Southampton.

Barker appears to be enjoying college life, and is very pleased with his hostel quarters at South Stoneham House. At the latter place he has been elected on the House Committee as Second Year Representative, and is also House Librarian. In his first year he has played for the House at Soccer, Rugger, and Cricket. He feels as satisfied as the intelligent undergraduate is wise to feel regarding his degree work. During the Summer Vacation he and Cook spent a week together on a walkimg tour, and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Johnson, A. C., has also written to tell us that he has secured a post with good prospects at James Couper and Sons, Structural Engineers, Brighton. He, too, seems satisfied with his work, and hopes, now that his hours are shorter than previously, to take a more active part in O.B.A. events. Visits to the School have been made recently by Hazlerigg, Pollard and Anderson, all of whom are doing well in their respective spheres. We are always glad to hear from Old Boys.


We extend a hearty welcome to the following :-
Allen, D. J.
Baker, E. C.
Barfoot, E. A. C.
Barnes, R. J.
Bernthal, A. R.
Beal, B. J.
Berry, J. H.
Blythe, R. C.
Boscott, D. R.
Calwell, J. A.
Castle, A. C.
Chant, I. G.
Chilton, W. C.
Coles, K. L.
Dodson, W. F.
Ethrington, J. F.
Faulkner, R. H.
Flint, G. S.
Ford, G. H.
Franklin, A. E. R.
Haffenden, H.G.F.
Hargreaves, G. B.
Harmer, H. G.
Harris, S. M.
Holmes, D. J.
Holt, G. G.
Holt, J. J.
Howard, D. R.
Howes, L. A. W.
Hunnisett, B.
Ingram, B. A.
Jessop, G. A.
Johnston, P. A.
Knowles, E. J.
Lawrence, K. G.
Marande, D.
Marson, P. H.
Mattocks, B. C.
Mayes, V. C.
Marling, J.
Morrish A. R. C.
Norris, R. W.
Paige, R. D.
Pelling, M. R. G.
Peters, F. J.
Pryke, H. I.
Randall, W. L. F.
Rees, R. B.
Rogers, A. V. N.
Simmons, E. D.
Stevens, J. H.
Strachan, J. L.
Turner, B. O. B.
Turner, J. N.
Turrell, L. W. E.
Wheare, E. J.
Wilson, A. T.
Wilson, K. C.
Wilson, N.
Wynter, R. L.


To the following we bid good-bye :-
Arnold, W. E. H.
Beaver, R. S.
Beck, R. W.
Blunden, D. G. L.
Carlson, K. W.
Carter, L. P.
Dance, D.
Dennis, R. W.
Eade, W. S.
Edwards, A. R.
Everett, A. F.
Fenner, A. A.
Gabittas, R.
Green, R. S.
Harvey, F. F.
Hill, R. H.
Hollobon, K. J.
Horgan, T. M.
Hubberd, J. B.
Knight, R.
Leiserowitz, V. H.
Lockyer, J. E.
McKimm, W. R. S.
Mepham, I. W.
Moon, G. C.
Norman, K. W.
Page, V.
Payne, E. K.
Penfold, R. C.
Pulling, R. A.
Wood, A. M.
Wood, W. J.
Woodward, H. S.


At the back of this issue there are advertisements for

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