Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 6 - June 1935

The Original Barbican cover This is the sixth issue of the Barbican. It is the only known copy outside the County Record Office (who have a copy but refused to let us use it). It has survived for 70+ years in Mr Bradshaw's private collection of School memorabilia. It has recently come into our hands from the Bradshaw family who have donated his collection of such material to the Old Lewesians. These extracts will shed much light on the earliest days of the earliest days of the Lewes County School.

We note that the Swimming Pool Fund had now exceeded the target set and the pool was constructed in short order, most of the initial labouring being done by boys, parents and staff. One can but admire the resolution and spirit of those undertaking such hard work.

A Newspaper Photo from Albert Kerby

The finished pool was 25 yards long by 10 yards wide. The water depth was 6'6" at the deep end and 2'6" at the shallow end. The sides were about 12" above the water level. The edges of the pool were about 2' above the surrounding ground level, buttressed by the spoil from the excavation. The pool contained almost 300 tons of water (63,000 gallons).

Newspaper photo from Albert Kirby

It has been estimated that about 500 tons of soil was excavated by hand using pick, shovel and wheel-barrow and then moved again to form the sloping surrounds to support the concrete walls. Such a feat seems quite extraordinary to us today when it would be done by one man in a couple of days with a JCB. If you have ever tried digging a small hole for a garden fish pond you will appreciate the magnitude of the task they attempted and achieved!

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys

June 1935


A glance at the contents list of the sixth number of "The Barbican," which, in manuscript form, lies before us, leads us to wonder what will happen to our magazine space if we continue to increase the number of our School activities. Already we feel that reports of this and that proceeding are tending to crowd out original work. To increase the size of the magazine to accommodate everything sent in would involve increasing its price - which is an unpleasant thought. It means, of course, as we have been at pains to point out in previous issues, that only the best of original contributions can be published. So pay attention, all ye who scribble ungrammatically on both sides of the paper. Not only will you be out of the running for the annual magazine prizes, but you will not get into print at all. The censure is directed only at a few: most of the work sent in reached a very good standard, and we are grateful to all contributors, whether their efforts have gained a place in this issue or not.

Let us say a word or two about the nature of the original work we receive. There is one type of composition which, up to the present, no contributor has attempted; and yet it is the most obvious kind. We mean the short story. We do not pretend that writing a good short story is easy - far from it. But if well done it seizes upon the reader's interest more spontaneously than any other sort of writing.

So came forward, all you embryo novelists. Cease hiding your lights under a bushel, and confide your illumination to paper (one side only, mind !).

Another deficiency in the magazine so far is its lack of humour. It wants brightening up. Every day funny things are happening in the School if only you had eyes to see, and the ability to write them down amusingly. One boy, skilfully dividing his attention between reading the pages of Malory and looking out of the window to see how the construction of the swimming bath was progressing, was struck with a good idea. He did not leave it at that, but wrote it down. The result was the amusing piece, published in this number, called "The Building of the Place of Swimminge."

We want more of this kind of work.
The Editor.

HOUSE NOTES 1934-1935


House Masters: Mr. Hoggins and Mr. Dolden.
House Captain : E. C. Wynter.
Houuse Secretary : J. A. Barnes.

It is a pleasing sign to see the House holding a higher position both in games and work, and we can indeed look confidently into the future. We have held our own against the other Houses thus far, and there is no apparent reason why we should not continue to do so, especially as we are numerically strong.

Last term our Rugby first XV won two and lost one of their matches, though in the last match against Martlets, injuries caused a rearrangement of the side, which compIetely upset the teamwork that had become a feature of the fifteen in the previous two matches. We lost 5-14. In the first game we beat Uckfield 34-3, and were not unduly pressed. Against Seahaven we won 33-0, though in the second half play was fairly even. In both these matches our forwards were slightly superior and our "threes" faster.

Our Colt XV lost, after trying hard, to Martlets 3-21 and to Uckfield 6-15, and won against Seahaven by the toss, of a coin. Their form was much better than last year though they must remember that teamwork aids a side to a greater extent than individualism.

At Soccer our first XI won one and drew two of their three House matches. We had a strong side but on no occasion were direct methods used for obtaining goals. There was a general lack of sting in a side which should have won all its matches.

Results :
Lewes v. Uckfield 5-2
Lewes v. Martlets 1-1
Lewes v. Seahaven 1-1

Our second XI won 3-1 against Uckfield, drew 1-1 with Mart1ets, and lost 1-2 to Seahaven. The third XI beat Martlets 3-1, drew with Seahaven 1-1, and lost 1-3 to Uckfield. If not good results, certainly satisfactory ones !

In the Cross-country we obtained second place with 15 points. This was a good effort, though we should have liked to have more entries. Remember in the future, those who do not like the mud and cold water of a run, it is for the honour of Lewes House that you must run.

ln the senior run we obtained 2nd, 4th and 6th positins, and in the Junior 2nd place. Let us look forward to a successful Summer Term, when there are cricket and swimming championships at stake. Having gained strength, let us maintain our confidence and fear no challenge from the other Houses. Strive hard at work and games and we shall at least make a glorious fight.
E. C. W., J. A. B.


House Masters : Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Tayler, Mr. Auld.
House Captain : J. E. Rutherford.
House Secretary : M. J. Gibbons.

Rugger.This year the Rugger improved a great deal and we eventually finished first, winning four games out of six. The first XV were especially pleasing; they won all three games and scored 95 points and had only 11 against. Against Uckfield we scored the record number of 76 points. The forwards especially, although rather light, displayed great keenness and were always up near the ball. The 2nd XV, although they won only one match, displayed keenness and will, it is hoped, do better next year.

Results :
lst XV.
v. Seahaven Won 5-3
v. Seahaven Lost 0-33
v. Uckfield Won l6-3

2nd XV.
v. Uckfield Lost. Toss up.
v. Lewes Won 14-5
v. Lewes Won 21-3

Soccer. At Soccer this year we obtained 8 points out of 18, the first and second XIs doing quite well, but the third XI losing all its matches, which was disappointing. The second XI obtained 5 points out of 6 and the first XI 3 out of 6.

Results :
v. Seahaven : Lost 0-2.
v. Uckfield : Won 4-1.
v. Lewes : Drew 1-l.

v. Seahaven : Won 4-1.
v Uckfield : Won 9-2.
v Lewes : Drew 1-1.

v. Seahaven Lost 1-3.
v Uckfield Lost 1-3.
v. Lewes Lost 1-3.

In the competition for the Work Shield we are in the third position. This is not good for the House which was first for the first two years of the School's history. In the Cross-country race also we finished last, which was not too good. Unfortunately there is no sports meeting this year, but let us hope for a successful Cricket season and some real hard work from our House.

M. J. Gibbons.


House Masters : Mr. Euston, Mr. Davies, Mr. Gosling.
House Captain : Cosstick.
Games Captain : Hilton.
House Secretary : McKimm.

Cross-country Race, 3rd April, 1935.
Senior Race.

The Cross-country Race was run in brilliant weather, and although Seahaven did not field a very strong team they were lucky to gain first and third places. Munton ran a very good race, finishing first in the exceptionally good time of 27 minutes. Huntington did well to finish third.

Junior Race.
We were more fortunate in the junior race and gained many good places. Barfoot, Simpson and Morling were our first three runners home, gaining third, fifth and sixth places respectively.

The School Play.
Seahaven House was well represented in the School Play. Our House Master, Mr. Euston, gave a good impersonation of Julius Caesar, while Bartholomew and Colvin made two excellent conspirators.
Cosstick, Pettit and Ashburner made excellent citizens. Credit must also be given to those boys, in our House, who helped behind the scenes. The business side was ably conducted by Mr. Gosling, assisted by members of the House.


Rugby Results.
lst XV.
v. Martlets. Lost 3-5.
v. Uckfield. Won 55-0.
v. Lewes. Lost 0-33.

v. Uckfield. Won 24-0.
v. Martlets. Won 2?-0.
v. Lewes. Lost
(This match was decided by tossing a coin.)

Soccer Results.
lst XI.
v. Lewes. Drawn 1-1.
v. Martlets. Won 2-0.
v. Uckfield. Won 2-1.

2nd XI.
v. Uckfield. Won 4-3.
v. Lewes. Won 2-1.
v. Martlets. Lost 1-4.

3rd XI.
v. Uckfield. Drawn 2-2.
v. Lewes. Drawn 1-1.
v: Martlets. Won 3-0.



House Masters : Mr. Jarvis, Mr. Stevens and Mr. Bowman.
House Captain : Taylor.
House Secretary : Stone.

In the Rugger House matches this season, owing to lack of size and numbers, we fared rather badly, finishing bottom of the list with 4 points out of a possible 12. The first XV were beaten by their three opponents, and failed to gain a point. The Under 15 XV, however, by beating Lewes and Martlets and losing to Seahaven, gained four points. Much praise, in these games, is due to our "hooker" Kirby who scored nearly all our tries.

Again ,in the Soccer matches, we failed rather badly, gaining 5 points out of a possible 18. The first and second XIs failed to gain any points at all, whilst the third XI did very well to get our 5 points.

lst XI.
v. Martlets ... Lost 1-4.
v. Lewes ... Lost 2-5.
v. Seahaven ... Lost 1-2.

2nd XI.
v. Martlets ... Lost 2-9.
v. Lewes ... Lost 1-3.
v. Seahaven ... Lost 3-4.

3rd XI.
v. Martlets ... Won 3-1.
v. Lewes ... Won 3-1.
v. Seahaven ... Drew 2-2.

Total Points 5, Goals for 18, Goals against 29. Next season we hope to improve on this performance, when we shall have heavier teams.

I think we have just cause to congratulate ourselves on winning the Cross-country this year, the keenness of the House being shown by the number who entered. Four of our members, Barford M., Pollard, Obbard and Holton, finished in the first twelve - a very creditable performance.

Although the competition for the Work Shield is not finished yet, we may be proud of the fact that we are well on our way to gaining our third successive victory. Let us now carry on for another year, hoping to regain Uckfield's former position in Rugger and Soccer, and remembering "Vouloir C'est Pouvoir."

D. C. S.


On 2lst November the Fifth Annual Speech Day was held in the Great Hall, and was attended by a distinguished gathering of visitors, governors, parents and friends. The chair was taken by Sir George Boughey, and Sir A. Selby-Bigge presented the prizes. Among the many things Sir Amhurst told us we shall always remember "Always do a little more than is expected of you."

The following was the programme and the list of successes for the year :


II. "FORTY YEARs ON" ............... The School.
(a) "Scots, Wha Hae" ...................... Traditional.
(b) Border Ballad ........................... Cowen.
(a) Andante Rondo Capriccioso .... Mendelssohn.
(b) Concerto ...................................Seitz
(i) Andante con moto
(ii) Allegretto
(a) Hornpipe ...................................Handel.
(b) Minuet and Trio........................ Mozart.
(a) "The Stream" ............................ J. Towner.
(b) "The Modern Vagabond" ........... W. D. Park.
(a) "Come Away, Death" ................... Quilter.
(b) "O Mistress Mine" ....................... Quilter.
XIV. "Jerusalem" .............................Parry.

SUCCESSES 1933 - 1934


J. E. Rutherford.


W. S. Eade.


Baker, E. G.
Baker, J. A. ... (HM)
Barnes, J. A.
Barnes, R. W. ... (HM)
Barthomolew, G. H. ... (HM)
Beale, K. S.
Beck, W. R.
Blunden, D. G. L.
Chatfield, N. W.
Cole, P. J.
Cornall, M. E.
Cosstick, F. W. (M)
Crombet-Beolens, P. J. ... (HM)
Dennis, R. W.
Duke, P. F.
Evans, A. G. ... (H.)
Gibbons, M. J. ... (HM)
Green, R. S. ... (M)
Hill, R. H.
Horgan, I. M.
Jessop, W. R.
Ketchell, B. J.
Knight, H. G. ... (HM)
Mepham, I. W.
Noel, P. R. ... (M)
Norman, J. H. R.
Obbard, S. E. ... (HM)
Penfold, R. C.
Reed, J. R.
Sellwood, E. H. B.
Taylor, E.
Towner, J.
Trott, P. E. ... (HM)
Wood, W. J.
Woodward, H. S. ... (H)
Wynter, E. C. C. ... (M)

(H) = Honours. (M) = Matriculation Exemption.


D. J. Pollard.


D. G. L. Blunden, R. W. Dennis.


R. Cooper, A. Orchard.


G. S. Ashburner, G. H. Bartholomew F. W. Cosstick, P. G. Hall,
F. L. McKimm, P. R. Noel, R. T. Rich, E. C. Wynter.


The "Edgar Povey" Trophy-"For Integrity and Honour."

A. A. Fenner, R. S. Green.

For Service to the School

E. K. Payne, W. S. Eade.

Form Prizes

M. Wiffen

Subject Prizes

Biology (L.F. Prize)
Craft Work
Original Verse
General Proficiency
?. Groves.


Povey Work Shield - Uckfield House

Bradshaw Games Shield - Seahaven House

Thompson Athletics Cup - Seahaven House

Sinfield Swimming Cup - No Award

Head Master's Bat - R. W. Dennis

After the ceremony tea was served to the visitors in the Library and Gymnasium.


Owing to an admirable loan arrangement with the Sussex County Library the School has been able to augment the number of books in [our Library} Fiction Section by the addition of one hundred volumes per term. These are circulated within the School, and at the end of the loan period are exchanged for another hundred. Since we are allowed to choose the books ourselves from the shelves of the County Library we have been enabled to read much which, through lack of funds, might have been inaccessible to us in the ordinary way.

The scheme is a remarkably wise one, and our only regret is that the number of books loaned to us per term is not greater. One hundred books among three hundred boys unfortunately do not go far.

The following books were added to our Library during the Winter Term :-

(a) English.
The Study of Literature - Hudson.
Poems of Browning.
History of English Literature - Legouis and Cazamian.
The Good Companions - Priestley.
The Golden Arrow - Mary Webb.
Precious Bane - Mary Webb.
Gone to Earth - Mary Webb.

(b) Science.
Underground Railways - Sommerfield.
Handy Book for Boys - Bechdolt.
Through Space and Time - Jeans.
Inside the Atom - Langdon-Davies.
How an Aeroplane Flies - Monk and Winter.
Romance of Engineering - Merriman.
Railway Engines of the World - Reed.
Book of Natural Wonders - Hawks.
Radio Round the World - Haslett.
Man's Genius - Buller-Barwick.
Romping though Physics - Gail

(c) History.

News from the Past - French.
A History of Everyday Things - Quennell.
Sussex Sections of Domesday Book (presented by E. Simmons Esq.).

(f) Modern Languages.
Harrap's Standard French-English Dictionary.

(h) Art.
An Outline of Painting - Kaines Smith.
An Outline History of Painting - Kaines Smith.
The Face of the Land.

(k) Divinity.
Christianity and Psychology - Barry.
An Outline of Religion for Children - Appleton.


Va -
Vb -
Rem. -
IVa -
IVb -
IIIa -
IIIb -
IIa -
IIb -
Camplin (R. D.).
Williams (D.).

Berry (J. H.)


Since the last issue of the Magazine a number of lectures have been given, all of them being quite well attended.

On 23rd November last, Mr. Bowman spoke on "Looking at Pictures," with Mr. Hoggins as chairman at the meeting. Many slides of famous paintings were shown and the general symmetry of design and balance of the pictures were pointed out.

A fortnight later Noel gave us "The Building of London's Underground Railways," with slides lent by the L.P.T.B. A detailed account of the building operations was given, modern methods being illustrated and explained, and at the close of the lecture, a view of the recently completed booking-hall at Piccadilly Circus was shown. Mr. Hoggins presided at the meeting.

A further series of slides lent by the L.P.T.B. was used to illustrate Mr. Hoggins' lecture "The Story of a London Bus," which was given in the hall on lst February. The subject was treated historically, the development of the bus being illustrated from 1840 to the present day. In the latter part of the lecture modern conditions were explained, including the training of drivers and conductors and the garaging and overhauling of the buses. At this meeting Mr. Bowman took the chair.

The last lecture to date was by Mr. Stevens who gave us a historical survey of London and the main features of interest therein. The situation of the city and its development from early times were explained. We were then conducted upon a tour of the most famous historical buildings of London and a large number of photographs of them was shown, a short account of the origin and associations of each one being given. Mr. Hoggins, our chairman, again presided.

The meetings have been run on orthodox lines, the minutes of the last meeting being first read out to the assembly. At the conclusion of the lecture votes of thanks to the speaker have been proposed and seconded, usually by members of the Sixth Form.

Rutherford, VI.

JULIUS CAESAR 30th March 1935

Criticism by a well-known Lewes Playgoer.

With memories of "The Rivals" and a certain football ballet, in my mind, I went, very hopefully, to the performance of "Julius Caesar" at the School. I was not disappointed. I have never been, even to a prize-giving, an admittedly severe test, to any show at the School without coming away with the feeling, that after all, England is a great land and we are a fine race. But I musn't "Agate" so much, but get on with my job, which is to give a few impressions of the performance of "Julius Caesar" by the Masters and boys of the School.

The chief characters were one and all excellent, and they rose to their opportunities very well, Brutus, perhaps, having more great moments, being particularly outstanding. He was lovable and convincing, in fact he was Brutus, a first-class performance. Mark Antony did not always stand upright, a difficult thing I know for a tall man actmg with boys, but when an actor is in costume, especially military, it is very important. He was splendid in the famous speech "Friends Romans, Countrymen," and got every ounce out of it, a reaIly fine performance, which swayed the audience as much as the crowd. Cassius got away in great style from the first minute, a great achievement and most unusual with amateurs. He played most consistently and well all through, a very distinct and well-sustained character. Julius Caesar looking every inch a Roman Emperor was very impressive. His face and bearing were so suited to the part, one felt the play must have been written and chosen on purpose that Mr. Euston should play Julius Caesar. Now coming to the halves and forwards, Lucius was charming and the little song went very nicely. Octavius Caesar, the two wives, Cinna (promising this one) all deserve good marks. In the scrum, the cobbler was always doing good work. The whole crowd indeed worked hard and well.

The production of the play was in Mr. Bradshaw's best and most thorough manner, the lighting, colour and general effect being superior to anything ever produced in Lewes. Brutus' "orchard" was a trmmph of colouring, lighting and econamy of detail. "The plains of Philippi" drew rounds of applause as the curtain went up on it, and certainly deserved them. As a stage picture it was completely satisfying. Am I being hypercritical, I wonder, in asking, if it didn't suggest peace rather than war? Also I should have liked to see the crowd in Mark Antony's speech less bunched round him, they would have looked more numerous and had more roam to gesticulate.

I hate criticizing what I enjoyed so much, but one other small thing. It has been laid down in the text books, that , it is an agreed stage propriety, that blood doesn't flow on the stage, I would even say, shouldn't appear at all. If the conspirators had shown hands with obvious blood on them it would have been unpleasant. What they did show us was faintly "redinkulous.' The same of course also applies to the covering over Julius Caesar's body.

When one considers the youth and inexperience of most of the cast, one can only marvel at the energy and skill of the producer.

Praise is due also to all behind the scenes who must have worked like . . . . . schoolmasters.

I congratulate everyone connected with it, indeed they were honourable men, all honourable men, and it was a most memorable and enjoyable production.

I have missed, I feel sure, many excellent points and omittcd the names of many excellent performers. I ask their pardon: I can only say in defence that I took no notes at the performance, never supposing I should be asked to write a notice for the Magazine.

R. N. C.


During the winter four lectures, other than those given by the Masters or the boys, have been held at School.

On the 9th of November, 1934, Commander Bernard delivered a lantern lecture entitled "The Campaign of the Dardanelles," illustrating his points with some excellent slides. He told the story of the disastraus campaign from the first attempt to land to the evacuation of the famous beaches. He also told of the attempts of the submarines to pass the minefields and reach the Sea of Marmora. The Commander had been in a submarine on one of these attempts and so we knew that we were getting the information from one who knew all about it. This lecture was not open to the public but was attended by a large crowd of boys who fully appreciated the talk and warmly applauded the lecturer.

The next lecture was given on 30th November by Mr. Morrish, the subject being "Switzerland." This was, I think, the best of the term. All the slides used by Mr. Morrish were taken by himself on a climbing expedition and were exceptionally clear. Some of them were marvellous views and, we were told, had been taken by a friend from the most dangerous positions. After the lecture the boys were shown some quartz crystals brought back by Mr. Morrish, and the camera with which he took the slides.

The third lecture was delivered before a large audience on the evening of the 30th January by Mr. Guy Fothergill. The subject was "Egypt, Palestine and Syria." All the slides were coloured and very interesting. The talk itself however was spoiled by the excess of quotations, the lecturer sometimes going right out of his way to give them. In spite of this I think the audience enjoyed the slides. A price of 6d. was charged for admission to this lecture and the proceeds went towards the School Bath Fund.

On the 27th of February another lantern lecture was given to the public by Mr. Morrish. The subject this time was "The Castles, Abbeys and Priories of Sussex" and again Mr. Morrish used his own slides. Starting in the west, all the interesting ruins in Sussex were shown and their history explained. The lecture lasted over an hour and not for one moment did it lose interest, no point being discussed long enough for the audience to become tired of it. As in the previous lecture a charge of 6d. was made, the proceeds going to the same fund as before.

Noel, VI.


The Head Master wishes to acknowledge with very many thanks
the following further donations to the Swimming Bath Fund.

Amount previously acknowledged
Mr. W. G. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Rabson
Mr. and Mrs. Chaplin
Mr. Howes
Mr. Harris
Mr. Pelling
Commander Hargreaves
Mr. Castle
Mr. Paige
Mr. Dodson
Mr. Holt
Mr. Hound
Mr. Manson
Mr. A. Wilson
Mr. Randall
Mr. Boscott
Mr. Blythe
Mr. Norris
Mr. A. Smith (second donation)
Mrs. Walker
Lecture, 3rd January, 1935
Mrs.. Rogers
Lecture by Mr. A. C. Morrish
Mrs. Harmer
Lost Property Fines
Mr. L. C. Baker
Mrs. Marigold
Mr. T. W. Barfoot

Total, 22nd May, 1935

£ - s. - d.
341 - 5 - 2
10 - 0
10 - 6
1 - 1 - 0
2 - 6
5 - 0
1 - 0 - 0
1 - 0 - 0
10 - 0
10 - 0
10 - 0
10 - 0
5 - 0
10 - 6
1 - 0 - 0
1 - 0 - 0
2 - 6
5 - 0
2 - 6
5 - 0
10 - 0
1 - 14 - 0
6 - 6
5 - 6 - 6
5 - 0
17 - 6
2 - 6
2 - 6
2 - 6

£360 - 11 - 8


We had the pleasure, the other day, of being allowed to inspect the log book of the Worshipful Company of Printers of Lewes County School. This august and remarkably hard-working guild has recently performed some herculean tasks in the printing of countless tickets and handbills connected with official functions at the School. The Worshipful Masters, G. Ashburner and C. Billson, the Journeymen, K. Lusted and C. Batten, and the Apprentices, E. Simmons and M. Pelling have certainly lived up to the motto of their organization: "Let him who is admitted to the Craft maintain the honour thereof."

The following log of work recently done is testimony of the industry of these gentlemen :-

Jan., 1935.
400 tickets for the lecture "Egypt, Palestine and Syria," by G. Fothergill, Esq. (Profit for Swimming Baths, £1 15s.).

Feb., 1935.
400 handbills for Mr. C. A. Morrish's lecture "Castles, Abbeys and Priories of Sussex."
120 tickets at 1s., 180 at 2s. 6d., and 390 at ls. 6d. for the play "Julius Caesar" presented by the School on 3lst March and 1st April (three performances).

May, 1935.
1,000 6d. entrance tickets for the School Fete on lst June, 200 tickets for the Dance (after the Fete), 100 tickets for the Whist Drive (after the Fete).


We were continually disappointed throughout the Christmas Term at unexpectedly losing one after another of the leading players of our anticipated lst XI. Consequently we hardly expected to enjoy a brilliant season. However some of our team played surprisingly well on occasions and, apart from a heavy defeat at Bexhill, they ensured that we were not disgraced, and indeed achieved some very creditable performances.

We did well to draw at Ardingly and at Shoreham and to hold Varndean on their own ground to 1-4. The most exciting game was against Bexhill at Lewes, when there was a fine reversal of the form shewn in the earlier game and we were distinctly unfortunate to lose our lead just before fulltime.

Pay made an excellent captain and did all that could be expected of him both on and off the field. In every match both he and Hilton put forth every effort and between them did an enormous amount of work and it was certainly no fault of theirs that every match was not won.

Gibbons, who scored the majority of the goals, was the most dangeroas forward. Paskins always played good football, Towner improved as the season progressed, and Hal1 was always an energetic and determined player.

The "Under 14" XI began the season with a big win at Bexhill but failed to maintain this form.

With the exception of Varndean we at least held our own against every school we played. This achievement was in a large measure due to the 2nd XI, which composed with only one exception of boys under 15, won all the matches played except one and displayed some excellent football and some very promising form.

As all these boys and some of this year's lst XI are certain to be at School next year, provided the promising form shewn matures, the sense of positional play develops, and the ability to use both feet equally well is cultivated, we should have a really good eleven, and a very successful season. There will certainly be a still more attractive fixture list and still keener competition for places in the team. Selection will be a most difficult matter.


lst XI. - White; Hall, Barnes, Lawrence; Hilton, Pay, Barford; Towner, Beale, Gibbons, Paskins, Rutherford.

2nd XI. - Stone; Chatfield, Holford; Austen, Bartholomew (Capt.), Huntington, Kirby; Evans, Blake, Renville, Barnett, Bridgman, A.

"Under 14" XI. - Oliver, B. ; Kitchener, Pannett ; Holton, Kirby (Capt.), Bridgman, P. ; Stevens, Hurst, Carr, Barford ; Hilton, F., Hart.

Colours. - Pay, Hilton, Gibbons.

R. H. D.


1st XI v. Ardingly 2nd
1st XI v. Bexhill
1st XI v. Bexhill
2nd XI v. Bexhill
Jun. XI v. Bexhill
1st XI v. Eastbourne
"Under 15" XI v. Eastbourne
1st XI v. Eastbourne
"Under 15" XI v. Eastbourne
1st XI v. Varndean
2nd XI v. Varndean
Jun. XI v. Varndean
1st XI v. Shoreham
2nd XI v. Shoreham
Jun. XI v. Shoreham
1st XI v. East Grinstead
1st XI v. Old Boys
2nd XI v. Old Boys
1st XI v. Masters
Away 1-1
Home 4-4
Away 1-9
Home 1-0
Away 7-0
Home 2-6
Away 2-7
Away 6-0
Home 4-1
Away 1-4
Home 1-7
Away 0-2
Away 3-3
Home 2-1
Away 1-5
Home 7-0


The Junior and Senior Cross-country Races were held during the Easter Term on 3rd April. There was quite a large entry for both events, 66 seniors running over the senior course of four miles, while 65 juniors covered a shorter course of about three and a half miles. The running of the leaders in both races reached a very high standard.

The first twelve home in each race were as follows :
Senior: (1) Munton (Seahaven), Time 27 minutes; (2) R. Barnes (Lewes), (3) Huntingdon (Seahaven), (4) J. Barnes (Lewes), (5) A. Evans (Lewes), (6) Smith (Martlets), (7) Barford. (Uckfield), (8) Pollard (Uckfield), (9) Obbard (Uckfield), (10) Lawrence (Martlets), (11) Duke (Martlets), (12) Rutherford (Martlets).

Juniors : (1) Baker (Uckfield), Time 28 minutes 18 seconds, (2) Charman (Lewes), (3) Barfoot (Seahaven), (4) Geering (Lewes), (5) Simpson (Seahaven), (6) Morling (Seahaven), (7) Randall (Seahaven), (8) Marson (Uckfield), (9) Hart (Seahaven), (10) D. Oliver (Uckfield), (11) Ruffle (Uckfield); (12) L. Baker (Seahaven).

The final House points and positions calculated on the combined results of the two races were :-

(1) Uckfield
(2) Lewes
(3) Seahaven
(4) Martlets
20.20 pts.
15.25 pts.
14.91 pts.
13.63 pts.

M. G. D.


Our third Rugby season was, with one exception, a tale of steady improvement, and therefore most encouraging for the future. Our progress can best be judged by comparing the results of the first two away matches, v. Worthing High School and Seaford College 2nd, with the return matches at Lewes near the end of the term. In our first encounters Worthing beat us 26-3 and Seaford 27-20, while in the return games we just lost to Worthing 5-6, and beat Seaford handsomely 31-3.

The Christ's Hospital match was a complete fiasco - one boy missed the train, our captain was injured in the first five minutes, and the rest played as if they'd never seen a Rugger ball before. Apart from this the games were enjoyable and well contested, a specially good match being that against Eastbourne College "Fawns," who last year thrashed us so unmercifully.

The very noticeable improvement in the last three matches was due partly to greater confidence all round, but also largely to the rearrangement of the scrum, whereby Hall was moved from the front row to the wing-forward position, where his splendid defensive work had full scope. He was the outstanding player among the forwards, while Rutherford, playing this year in the centre instead of on the wing, was by far the soundest of the outsides.

The 2nd XV had a discouraging start, being heavily defeated by a much bigger and weightier Worthing side. The remaining matches were accordingly made into "Under 15" fixtures, which evened things up and produced four excellent games, a most pleasing feature of which was Edgar's splendid tackling at full-back.

Teams :-
lst XV from : Rutherford, Gibbons, Hall, McKimm, Barnes, J., Pay, Taylor, Wynter, Bartholomew, Walder, Barnes, R., Ashburner, Towner, Cosstick, Knight, Beale.

2nd XV and Juniors from : Stone, Edgar, Seamer, Huntington, Evans, Holton, Jessop, Barnett, Gravett, Pillinger, Beal, Rich, Pollard, Chatfield, K., Pettitt, Kitchell, Bevan, Blake, Renville, Smith, J.


lst XV

v. Worthing High School
v. Seaford College 2nd
v. Brighton College Colts
v. Christ's Hospital 3rd
v. Hurstpierpoint College 2nd
v. Eastbourne College Fawns
v. Worthing High School
v. Seaford College 2nd
Lost 3-26
Lost 20-27
Lost 5-17
Lost 0-61
Lost 3-16
Lost 12-13
Lost 5-6
Won 37-6

2nd XV and Juniors.

v. Worthing High School 2nd
v. Seaford College Juniors
v. Worthing High School Juniors
v. Seaford College Juniors
v. Hurstpierpoint Juniors
Lost 0-56
Drew 0-0
Lost 3-12
Lost 6-12
Lost 3-16

H. F. T.


On Wednesday, 8th May, through the generosity of Major Sinfield who presented 16 tickets to the School, a number of boys attended the preview of the Royal Tournament at Olympia. The party was in the charge of Mr. Povey whose kindness and knowledge of London enabled us fully to enjoy a delightful day.

We left Lewes at 9.52 a.m. and arrived at Victoria just after 11.15. We first visited St. Paul's Cathedral, and afterwards took a bus to Oxford Circus so that we could see the Jubilee decorations in the West End, and we even ascended to the room of Selfridge's, the better to admire the gaiety of the city.

Lunch was taken on the seats in Hyde Park and we then proceeded to Olympia by bus from Marble Arch. We reached the arena just before 2.30 and were treated to a magnificent display of team work, physical fitness and horsemanship. After the performance we went round to inspect the horses, guns, motor-cycles and other equipment used.

We had tea in a Lyons' Corner House in Kensington, and, after a short walk, caught a bus to the Victoria Monument and proceeded down Birdcage Walk to Buckingham Palace. This concluded our round of sightseeing. We then made our way to Victoria and returned home via Brighton, arriving in Lewes at 9.30 p.m.

Two boys who had their own tickets separately remained in London for a further two hours to see the floodlighting and, in spite of the crowds, managed to get round to Selfridge's and Buckingham Palace, where they saw the King [George V] and Queen for a few minutes at 9.30, on the balcony.

Rutherford, VI


With apologies to Mr. Malory.

And it chanced upon a day that the King called alle his knights together ande said that it was his wish to have a place of swimminge in his estate.

Soe his knights called together their slaves, whoe came to the castle each daye to worke, and told them to digge a deepe hole in the corner of his estate at a smalle distance from the castle.

And so the slaves worked nighte and daye for many weekes stoppinge neither for foods nor drinke and heedinge not their ordinary taskes. And when after many weekes of toile the hole had been completed, the King callede to his side one Sir Jarvis, a trusted knight, and said unto him "Mounte upon thy steed, Sir Jarvis ande ryde to the towne of Lewes to gette men skilled in the arte of makinge places of swimminge.

And so Sir Jarvis rode to the towne of Lewes, but it chanced that there were no men skilled enough but two men of Wales, who spoke a barbarous tongue and who had exceedinge trouble to comprehende the noble knight. These were broughte to the castle and the worke progressed speedily ande soon the place of swimminge was complete.

And then did the King cause a hole to be dugge in search of water to fill the place. The men dugge for many weekes but no water could they finde. Therefore they went to the King and saide "Our lord and King, we have dugge for many weekes but can finde no water." Whereupon the King swore a great oath that he would have water within the time of a weeke. Then he called a council of his knights, and saide "My trusted knights; the yeomen have been digginge for a weeke and have founde no water and we have not enough silver to paye them more." Whereupon Sir Jarvis saide "O King, I will calle my slaves together and gette silver from them" and so the slaves were brought together in the great halle of the castle and Sir Jarvis addressed them thus "Alle ye slaves must bring your silver to-morrow and all those who doe not will be brent."

So on the morrow much silver was brought to the castle and those who forgotte were brent in the court of the castle. And so the hole was dugge lower and lower but still no water was founde. And when the King heard that no water was found he swooned, and when he was able to speake he made great dole. But his trusted knight Sir Jarvis saide "Do not grieve, O King, for I wille cause silver to be gotte." And so on the eve of the greate trial a great jousts and games were helde in the halle of the castle, atte whiche the people paide silver and received goode things to eate.

And so at the ende of a weeke the men came to the King and saide "O King, we have dugge greatly and at laste we have found water." At this the King rejoiced greatly and caused the place to be fulfilled with water.

And when the water was warm enough the trusty knights divested themselves of their armour ande wetted all their bodies in the warm water. And when they were come backe to the castle they rejoiced and saide "O King the place of swimminge is exceedinglye goode." Then the King said "Now, since ye have beene in the water lette alle your slaves go and wette themselves also."

So the knights wente out to the servants who were jousting in front of the castle and said "Slaves, your lorde the King hath saide that ye maye go to the place of swimminge." Whereupon all the slaves fought amonge themselves to get to the place firste. And Sir Jarvis called them backe ande saide, "Doe not alle go at once for I will send ye accordinge to your learninge." And so those of least learninge went firste ande those most learned went laste.

And for one whole daye the slaves swamme aboute in the place of swimminge. And when they were all out the King ordered that no man shoulde go in the place of swimminge untille the summer; so it was left empty and the slaves returned to the castle.
P. Noel, VI.


All things lost and losable,
All garments great and small,
All things rare and wonderful,
Here you will find them all.

Each fountain pen and pencil,
Each new or battered rule,
Lost Property will claim them
If left about the school.

There's football boots and gym shoes
'Neath piles of clothing hid.
It's wonderful what you can lose
And then forget you did.

Come delve within the ruins
To find what you have lost,
But if you find your treasure
A penny it will cost.

Evans, Va.


Those who are expecting to go camping with the School in Germany this year will be interested to have some idea in advance of what the camp site is like and how it is intended to be reached. They will travel, as we did, by the 4.50 boat from Dover which arrives shortly after eight at Ostend. From thence follows a journey of some six hours in a fast, swinging Continental express, which rattles through the darkness over the soil of Belgium and Germany. One fairly long stop occurs on the frontier at Aachen, or Aix-la-Chapelle, when German customs officials in bright blue jackets and the trousers of everyday life board the train to ask sleepy passengers for their passports or to request them to turn out their pockets and declare all money they are taking into the country. Then on again into the night over German territory to be landed finally in Cologne at 2.30 in the morning and to foretaste the joys of camping out on the chairs, forms and tables of the vast waiting-room.

Later, at 5.30, with the early morning sun shining through the carriage windows the train whips us along the banks of the glorious Rhine. One more change only is necessary, at Koblenz in order to procure some German money as soon as the banks open, and then, some twenty-four hours after the start of the journey from Lewes station we run into that of Oberwesel.

This town is one of the innumerable little historic settlements which cover the banks of the Rhine, little more indeed than a main street of cobbled stones, many inns, historic ruins, beautiful views and, not least, martial Nazi Brownshirts who cycle about on mysterious missions and shout "Heil" to every passing stranger.

The site of our camp is one of the very few flat spots that can possibly be found amid the steep banks of the Rhine Gorge. It is in fact a football pitch, complete with goalposts at either end and round it a running track which will no doubt be found very useful by our early risers. A bank or dyke shields it from the waters of the Rhine but at one end it slopes into a sandy shore which runs down into the cool waters of a little inlet. Here we expect the bathing will be very good, but in any case there is a Strandbad or built-up swimming place five minutes walk from the Sportplatz. Water is easily obtained from a pump-house which is beside the site, the station is just over the way (nothing so ugly as our characteristic English type), steamers pass hourly to all towns on the Rhine, boats can be hired for private use and lastly, just round the bend, is the famous Lorelei rock. On this a beautiful maiden sits from time to time and sings, luring even the hardiest sailors to their doom. This at least should arouse the attention of some of the senior campers who however will not be allowed to take merely a single ticket in the hope that the return half will not be necessary.

A. C. G.

(We hope to leave our camp cashier at Coblentz to collect German money and so arrive at Oberwesel at 9.30 a.m. - Ed.)


To the great gain of this parents' evening, it was preceded by the Christmas Tea, after which the School, with all undesirable energy dissipated, was able to conduct itself in a manner which would secure the good will of parents. Of course, Forms Va and VI were expected to do so even after helping to clear up the debris.

Laboratory, Gym, Handicraft and Art displays have become a regular feature, but parents still appear to remain interested in them. It is noteworthy that a few fresh experiments were performed in the laboratory. Luckily parents seem to have short memories.

At seven o'clock everyone repaired to the hall, where the Head Master gave his address. He enjoyed a joke at the Parents' expense by reminding them that the swimming bath, in spite of their laughter when funds were low, was now a reality. He then groceeded to discuss wireless as a source of amusement, laying particular stress on music. He wanted the boys to listen to Puccini or Bach in preference to "No, no a thousand times no," or "Home James and don't spare the horses." He deplored the popularity of Radio Luxemburg and gave it perhaps a worse reputation than it deserves, although it is regrettable that its EngIish evenings in contrast to the German evenings, are always devoted to records of Ambrose or Henry Hall, and always consist of advertising programmes.

After the address the parents were entertained by the School orchestra, which although it does not claim to rival that of the B.C.C. is certainly a credit to the School. The first item played was a Musette by Handel, then the Largo from Tschaikovsky's Fifth Symphony, and finally a Hornpipe by Handel. In the second item the clarinet player excelled himself, which was surprising considering his previous exertions in the laboratory.

Then followed the Rugger Ballet, which startled everyone into a display of mirth. The movements as the title indicates, were based on actual Rugby, and the School first XV lived up to its already good reputation. The dresses, each based on a bathing costume, were a revelation; that is when the performance began. Following this, the programme returned to more serious items, firstly two piano solos by Mendelssohn, The Bees' Wedding, and Rondo Capriccioso, played by R. B. Smith, and then two songs "O mistress mine," and "Come away, come away Death," sung by D. J. Collins.

Masters and boys then collaborated in an unpardonable parody of the School Speech Day, the most dignified event of the year. The sketch was entitled "Speech Day at Dr. Whackemards," and whereas most members of the School do not like being whacked hard, they would certainly like distribution of prizes in the same manner and for the same virtues as at that most worthy school. This Utopian ideal was finally shattered by the Song of the Masters, very grimly sung by members of the Staff.

To end a pleasant evening in the Christmas spirit, carols, in which those present were invited to join, were sung by the choir.

G. H.


We extend a hearty welcome to the following:-

Bliss, C.
Edwards, F. B.
Fears, C. D.
Giles, P. G. R.
Goodchild, D. I.
Grainger, K. J. F.
Lyndon, R.
Marigold, P. E. H.
Roberts, I. A.
Rowell, D. M.
Smart, B. A.
Thomas, B. F. W.
Thomas, D. J. B.
Thorpe, N. J.
Thorpe, P. J.


To the following we bid goodbye and wish them good luck in the careers they take up:-

Barnes, J. A.
Bartholomew, G. H.
Beale, K. S.
Etherington, J.
Groves, D. A.
Jessop, W. R.
Lowles, R. D.
Munton, P. C. G.


Hon. Secretaries :
E. L. COOK, 83 High Street, Lewes.
D. W. JARVIS, County School for Boys, Lewes.

Hon. Treasurer :
T. A. HAYWARD, 66 Malling Street, Lewes.

Summer is with us again, and we have started to sort out bats, pads and gloves in anticipation of a successful cricket season.

Throughout the past winter the Old Boys' Association has been very active. We have enjoyed a good football season and have also been able to provide entertainment for those members who do not belong to the football club.

The results of the football matches are as follows : Played 23, Won 14, Lost 7, Drawn 2, Goals for 95, Goals against 54. Considering the limited number of players available, we are very satisfied with the season's play. We hope that at the end of the School Year we shall be strengthened by the inclusion of a good number of present members of the School who will then be leaving.

In order to provide entertainment for members of the Association who are not also members of the Sports Club, it was decided to run a series of Social Evenings once a month throughout the winter. This plan was very successful and large attendances enjoyed all manner of diversions. Some of the library tables came in very useful for ping-pong, while the rest were monopolised by bridge players. There was also Corinthian bagatelle and billiards. How the bridge fiends could concentrate amid the clamour of arguments at the ping-pong table, the click of billiard balls, a group round Mr. O'Brien at the piano singing ballads of the deep, and a rival group in the opposite corner singing (?) "The Isle of Capri" to the accompamment of Bradbury on his guitar - is a puzzle for the greatest of minds. But they did.

Whatever may be said about the noise, everyone beyond doubt enjoyed himself; and we are deeply indebted to Mr. Bradshaw for so kindly providing us with accommodation. It was at one of these social evenings that Mr. Povey . . . . . provided us with an excellent hot meal. On top of such a repast the evening seemed doubly successful. We should like to compliment Mr. and Mrs. Martin upon the excellent catering arrangements.

Finally we are very pleased to say that owing to the generosity of a benefactor who wishes to remain anonymous, we have been able to start a "Careers' Fund." Twenty pounds have been deposited for us with the Lewes Building Society for tha purpose of starting a fund to assist Old Boys in paying examination and tuition fees and in purchasing text books for such purposes. The scheme is an excellent one, for it is obviaus that anyone leaving School and entering a profession as a pupil will obtain at first little or no salary and examinations, besides being a nuisance, can also be very expensive. We intend to add to this fund as much as we possibly can, and consequently all profits made on refreshments at the social evenings were allotted to it.

There is just time before printing to insert the disastrous news of the Old Boys' defeat by the School in their first cricket match of the season. Allowing for the fact that the "Past" were short of practice and had put out a weak team, we do not feel unduly disgraced.

E. L. C.

During the past year we have received many letters from Old Boys and quite a number have paid visits to the School.

R. E. Brown (of IIIb fame) came to see us a short while ago. He is in the army and doing extremely well. Kearley, also a soldier, is in the Royal Corps of Signals and is stationed at Bulford Camp. He has done remarkably well at sports, and besides running for his Depot at Bulford, has represented Catterick Garrison as a featherweight in the Army Boxing Championships. We have also had a letter from S. A. Eager to tell us that he has joined the Navy. He likes his work and headed the list at a recent examination he took. J. H. Norman, who left last July, wrote us a lengthy and interesting letter about his work. He is apprenticed to the Austin Motor Company, and is at present finding his way among the intricacies of synchro-mesh gear-boxes. His training includes a course of study at Birmingham Central Technical College, but he manages to find time for an occasional game of Rugger.

Barker and Eade are taking Honours degree courses at University College, Southampton. Barker is studying English and Eade French. A letter that follows is from the former, who appears to be having an excellent time.

Pollard, whose musical leanings have led him to take to the big drum, returns from time to time from "naval occasions" at Chatham, while White has emerged from intricacies of the law at Crowborough to eat a School lunch at Lewes.

Congratulations to Crombet-Beolens on winning a Civil Service Appointment.

University College, Southamton.
May, 1935.
Hullo Hullo !
This is Barker calling from University College, Southampton, which is graced by the attendance of two Old Lewesians in Eade and myself. I am not going to write the usual long-winded, superior "University Letter," but am just going to chat familiarly with you for a few moments.' You don't mind, do you? No, I thought you wouldn't.

Well, would you like to hear something about the old captain of Uckfield House, and distinguished French scholar, W. S. Eade (mustn't forget the W. S.)? He seems to have settled down quite comfortably, and acquired several friends: I don't often see him because we're in different halls, but we sometimes have a cup of coffee, a smoke (at least I smoke, while he blows it away) and a chat over old times, and "old familiar faces." He plays quite an important part in the religious life of College, and I believe has recently been made Secretary of the Students' Christian Movement - quite an important position. Oh I nearly forgot - can you keep a secret? Well I saw him with a young lady at our last Play. Of course he might have come to see me but - .

I've done one or two things since I've been here, but my best performance was my acting in the last College play. I was highly praised, I can tell you. I had to take the part of an escaped lunatic - "but he didn't need to act" - was one uncalled-for criticism. Nasty, don't you think? Everyone seems to have grown accustomed to my physical features by now, and I am known everywhere - I don't know why - by the undignified appellation of "Dan." Excuse the long word, and that reminds me, I didn't set out to write a letter about myself, did I ?

Shall I tell you something of College life? We have some good fun. There was that occasion last term when we were holding a "twenty-first" at 1.30 a.m., and the Professor knocked at the door. The knocking in "Macbeth" wasn't half so dramatic - because we were breaking about six rules. But ssh, I must not let my old Head Master know of these things.

On first entering into College one is "labelled" a "fresher" and treated with as much respect as a last year's egg. The ragging is sometimes unmerciful, but I was "let down" rather lightly. Among other things I was made to imitate a hen laying an egg, in a bin - crowing, flapping, and all. Everyone roared with laughter. Their hilarity however was short-lived for the warden professor suddenly appeared and fined everyone present half a crown.

College itself is not very thrilling. The morning (9 a.m. till 1 p.m.) is usually occupied with lectures, the afternoon is devoted to games, and then you have finished organized work for the day. Some of the professors are cranks, but most of them are ordinary human beings. It is an affectation among most university students to disdain "swot" and "swotters," but most of them have the commonsense to realize that their future careers depend on their examination results. It is possible, for an undergraduate, to take part in the various sports, and in the various social activities, and yet to derive the full benefit from the "sweet food of academic instruction" (Lamb).

Perhaps the finest thing about College life however is the Camaraderie - the friendships one forms. The most enjoyable half-hour of my day is unquestionably tea-time. We don't have dinner until half-past seven, and have to provide our own teas in our studies. How I relish those tea-times, when we discuss our past triumphs and failures, our present worries and difficulties and our future hopes and fears.
Well there goes the dinner-bell,
Good-bye and Good luck to you all,

D. B. B.

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