Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 8 - June 1936

The Original Barbican cover This is the eighth issue of the Barbican and the extracts come from the copy that survived for 70+ years in Mr Bradshaw's private collection of School memorabilia. It comes from the Bradshaw family who have donated his collection of such material to the Old Lewesians.

An interesting issue covering a wide range of school activities. There are many hidden nuggets of information hidden in these pages - for instance, we learn from Philip Noel's poem "In Memoriam" that this was the year that Mr Bradshaw acquired his new green Armstrong-Siddeley that he drove for many years.

Soccer is still being played throughout the School in the Autumn Term; rugby is played in the Spring Term. There is no doubt that soccer was popular with the boys and the old-boys but almost certainly the Head and the rugby enthusiasts in the staff-room, especially Mr. Tayler, wanted to drop soccer in favour of rugby. The Headmaster wanted the school to compete with the public schools at rugby and to do so effectively meant starting rugby in September and playing for two terms. Cross-country was a fall-back sport to be used when the school pitches were water-logged (and the ditches full!). Soccer would be retained for the first-year boys only.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys

June 1936


The work of collecting material for a school magazine is often difficult. But in this instance it has been rendered even more arduous by the shortage - we might say almost total absence - of original material. It only adds to the irony of the situation to read that a year or so ago the Editor was inundated with contributions. But reference to this grave deficiency will be found elsewhere.

Nobody could write an editorial for this magazine without mentioning the great success of "Macbeth" in April last. It was a production of which the School might feel justly proud. It amazed and pleased everyone. We should like to take this opportunity of thanking, on behalf of the rest of the School, all those who helped in the producing and acting of the play. May the high standard thus set up become a precedent.

In another sphere the new Sixth Form Society has had a very successful inaugural session. It was an entirely new venture, but the consistently good support it has received has been not only gratifying, but distinctly encouraging.

Another new departure was the rugger match at the end of the Christmas Term between Mr. Tayler's XV and the School XV. Although the School was rather overwhelmed, this result may be reversed in the years to come, as happened in the Staff v. School soccer match.

We should like to extend a hearty, if belated, welcome to Mr. Adams. We hope he is happy amongst us.

But this babbling is rather like Tennyson's brook - unending. We can best serve the public cause by consigning ourselves to the Tartarus of departed editors - silence.

SCHOOL LIST, Summer Term, 1936

Captain of the School: M. J. Gibbons.

School Prefects :
Lewes : E. C. C. Wynter (Capt.), R. W. Barnes.
Martlets : M. J. Gibbons (Capt.), H. G. Knight.
Seahaven : F. W. Cosstick. (Capt.).
Uckfield : G: C: Hutton (Capt.).

Sub-Prefects :
D. C. Stone (Uckfield), T. G. M. Wickens (Uckfield).

Prefect Librarian : E. C. C. Wynter.
Captain of Cricket : M. J. Gibbons.
Vice-Captain : E. C. C. Wynter.
Secretary : R. H. Renville.

Form Captains :
Va, Stone ; Vb, Paskins ; Vc, Kirby ; Remove, Stevens,
IVa, Hart; IVb, Cottis; IIIa, Thomas, IIIb, Howes ; IIa, Marigold ; IIb, Lander.

Form Librarians :
Va, Renville; Vb, Hopkins; Vc, Kelley; Remove, Barnett;
IVa, Stevens; IVb, Simmons; IIIa, Peters ; IIIb, Castle ; IIa, Smart ; IIb, Goodchild.

Magazine Committee :
E. C. C. Wynter, F. W. Cosstick, H. G. Knight, A. G., Evans,
P. Noel, P. W. Ridley, P. Flint, I. A. Roberts, R. C. Blythe.

Editor : R. W. Barnes.


House Masters : Messrs. Hoggins and Smith.
House Captain : E. C. Wynter.
House Prefect : R. W. Barnes.

After a very successful period in 1935, Lewes House has undoubtedly done badly in the Autumn and Spring Terms of the present school year. Failure has to be recorded in both Rugger and Soccer. Our prospects at the beginning of the year seemed exceedingly rosy, but owing, I fear, to slackness among the majority of the senior boys, we have no hope of gaining the Games Shield. However, if every boy in the House works steadily during the Summer Term, we shall have quite a good chance of gaining the Work Shield for the first time in our history. To vindicate our honour this must be achieved. But we cannot congratulate ourselves on the improvement in our academic accomplishments until we have proved to our rivals that Lewes House is to be feared, not scorned, for its prowess in Rugger, Soccer and Cricket.

Our efforts in the Cross-Country Run were not too promising, but as several of our senior members were in the School play, and tberefore unable to take part, we must wait until next year to improve upon our long-distance running. However, congratulations are due to our House prefect for his splendid effort in winning the event.

Next year we must strive harder to gain success in both work and games. If each member of the House pulls his weight, we shall know that we have done our best and can do no more. Success, I am sure, will crown our efforts.

E. C. W.

House Masters : Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Tayler, Mr. Auld.
House Captain : M. J. Gibbons.
House Secretary : H. G. Knight.

A glance at the results shows room for improvement by the Colt XV, who failed to win any of their matches. Our lst XV defeated Lewes and Uckfield, but lost to Seahaven, whom they beat last year. Although light, the pack was successful.

At Soccer this season we gained twelve points out of eighteen, and finished with a good goal average. The lst XI beat Lewes, lost to Seahaven, and drew with Uckfield; the 2nd XI scored three points out of a possibte six, while the 3rd XI won every game.

The Work and Cross-Country points were not satisfactory. In the first two years of the School's history, Martlets finished in the leading position in the Work Shield Competition; now, there is actually a Work Shield, let us strive hard to win it again. This summer we have cricket, athletics, swimming, and work. May we see keenness in them all.

H. G. K.

House Masters : Messrs. Euston, Davies, Gosling.
House Captain : F. W. Cosstick.

Seahaven has spent two terms of varied fates. We did very well in games, but in academic circles our work has deteriorated. In Rugger and Soccer the lst teams won all matches, and although they were not backed up very well by the 2nd and 3rd XIs at Soccer, we are almost in a position to say that the Games Shield is ours.

We did well in the Cross-Country, gaining a second in the senior event, with four more in the first fifteen. Orchard won the junior event, and he was followed by several other Seahaven runners in good positions. Next year we can easily win the Cross-Country if everybody trains conscientiously for the event. There are too many good track runners in the House whuo are frightened of a ditch.

Now we have swimming to look forward to, and with a special efFort on our part all the other Houses will be left behind in the sports. We should win the Swimming Cup, and with keenness we can.

F. W. C.

House Masters : Mr., Jarvis, Mr. Bowman.
House Captain : G. C. Hutton.
Sub-Prefects : T. G. M. Wickens, D. C. Stone.

During the first two terms of this year we may say that Uckfield House has put up a very creditable performance.

In the competition for the Work Shield we are well on our way to our fourth consecutive victory, which will be a performance well worth achieving.

During, the Rugger season a vast improvement was evident in the House XVs. With weakened teams the lst XV lost heavily to Seahaven and Martlets; but with a full team we beat Lewes fairly easily. This was the first win of the lst XV for two years. Our Under Fifteen XV put up an excellent show, winning all their matches. We finished at the end of the season second to Seahaven.

In the Soccer House matches we did moderately well. The lst XI won, drew, and lost a match, the 2nd XI won one and lost two, while the 3rd XI won two and lost one.

The Cross-Country Race was run on the 7th April, and we were again successful in being the victors. In the Senior race we had three competitors, Pollard, Cornford, and Holton, in the first six, whilst in the Junior race, Henson and G. Baker finished second and third respectively.

Looking back on the two terms it is pleasing to note that, where we excelled before, we have maintained our high standard, and where before we were rather weak we have improved greatly.

D. C. S.


The School's fourth Rugger season was rather a disappointing one. The lst XV certainly did better, judging by actual results, than in any previous year, beating Plumpton and Seaford College II and only losing by the smallest of margins to Christ's Hospital IV, Hurstpierpoint II, and Seaford College "A"; but much of the play was scrappy, and they seldom got together as a side.

The forwards on the whole were good, sometimes very good. Of a promising pack, Hall, Wynter, Ashburner and Barnes were about the best, while all went hard as long as their wind lasted. Their two main faults were slowness in getting down in the loose scrums (and in some cases failure to get down at all), and a tendency in the tight scrums to hold up the ball in the second and third rows.

The "outsides" were distinctly disappointing, except in the match against Seaford College II, when there was some really good passing, hard running, and vigorous tackling. In other games there were good bits of indimdual play, such as Hilton's try against Christ's Hospital (due to sheer "guts"), and at times some fine tackling by Towner and Bevan, but there was no sort of combination, and one scarcely remembers a really good three-quarter movement throughout the whole season.

The blame for this must be shared by the "halves." Gibbons, who, though often very good individually in attack, would usually run right away from his centres, and thus prevent any combined movement from developing.

The 2nd XV played some sound games, and among others, Evans, Edgar, Holton, and Kirby look likely candidates for next year's lst XV. The only junior match was spoilt by Hurstpierpoint sending over an older and much heavier team, against whom we had no chance.

The season ended with the long-awaited match v. Mr. Tayler's XV, consisting of 8 members of the Staff, 2 Old Boys, 4 of the School 2nd XV, and last, but not least, Dr. Nicholl at full back. Thanks largely to the herculean efforts of Mr. Smith in the scrum, and the dazzling running of Mr. Swinbank at fly half, the old men won 18-0.

Colours were awarded at the end of the term to R. W. Barnes and G. S. Ashburner. Old "Colours" were Gibbons , Wynter, Hall, and McKimm.

lst XV. - Gibbons, Wynter, Hall, McKimm, Ashburner, Barnes, Blake, Stone, Towner, Bevan, Hilton, Lusted, Pillinger, Cosstick, Gravett, Knight, Rich.

Results :-

lst XV

Plumpton Agric. Institute
Worthing High School
Eastbourne College "Fawns"
Brighton College Colts
Seaford College II
Seaford College "A"
Christ's Hospital IV
Hurstpierpoint College II
Worthing High School
Mr. Tayler's XV

2nd XV

Worthing High School II
Seaford College Colts
Worthing High School II

3rd XV

Hurstpierpoint Juniors Lost 8-41

H. F. T.


v. Martlets
v. Seahaven
v. Uckfield

v. Lewes
v. Seahaven
v. Uckfield

v. Lewes
v. Martlets
v. Uckfield

v. Lewes
v. Martlets
v. Seahaven
1st XV

12 - 14
0 - 9
6 - 26

14 -12
11 -14
40 - 0

9 - 0
14 - 11
38 - 0

26 - 6
0 - 40
0 - 38
Colts XV

11 - 3
0 - 30
0 - 32

3 - 11
6 - 8
0 - 70

30 - 0
8 - 6
3 - 8

32 - 0
70 - 0
8 - 3



SOCCER, 1936

The School enjoyed a very successful soccer season this year. Such teams as Eastbourne, Shoreham, and Bexhill were beaten, and, remembering that the Brighton schools have double our numbers, to draw 2-2 with Varndean and to lose 2-4 at Brighton Grammar School were really magnificent performances.

Even more pleasing than the results was the manner in which these were obtained. All our successes were thoroughly well deserved, and the team always played good football. One of the chief dangers with school teams is for one or two boys to undertake far too much, hence destroying that team-work which is so essential for success. Our eleven was a team, and moreover a well-balanced team. For the most part the players did try to make the ball do the work, holding it just long enough to draw an opponent, and then pushing it past him to someone in position. A feature of their play was the head-work, and there can have been few school teams to equal ours in this respect.

Perhaps some indication of the development of the School football is afforded by the fact that the Masters were defeated for the first time, and not merely beaten, but routed by the score of 9 - l.

Our 2nd XI also did extremely well, losing only one match by the narrow margin of 4 - 6 at Varndean, drawing two other games on away grounds, and winning all their home games comfortably.

Finally our Junior XI played their part well, perhaps their best performances being 0 - 1 at Brighton Grammar School, and 1 - 0 against Varndean at home.

Teams :-
lst XI. - Stone; Kirby, Lawrence; Hilton (Vice-Captain), Gibbons (Capt.), Huntington; Austen, Blake, Renville, Barnett, Paskins.
Old Colours. - Gibbons, Hilton.
New Colours. - Huntington, Renville, Kirby.

2nd XI. - Kelley; Chatfield, Beal; Holton, Holford, Hopkins; Evans, Wynter (Capt.), Cornford, Barford, Bridgeman.

"Under 14" XI. - Oliver, B.; Hilton, Haffenden; Geering, Blythe, Strachan ; Howes, Cottis, Stevens, Oliver, D., Hart (Capt.), Kirk.


1st XI

East Grinstead (A)
Brighton Grammar (A)
Varndean (H)
Bexhill (H)
Hastings (A)
Old Boys (H)
Eastbourne (H)
Shoreham (H)
The Masters
6 - 3
2 - 4
2 - 2
3 - 2
3 - 7
0 - 5
3 - 2
5 - 0
9 - 1

2nd XI

Brighton Grammar (H)
Varndean (A)
Bexhill (A)
Hastings (H)
Old Boys (H)
Shoreham (A)
4 - 0
4 - 5
2 - 2
4 - 2
8 - 1
3 - 3

Under 14 XI

East Grinstead (H)
Brighton Grammar (A)
Varndean (H)
Bexhill (H)
Shoreham (H)
10 - 3
0 - 1
1 - 0
0 - 3
3 - 1

Under 15 XI

Eastbourne (H) 4-0

3rd XI

Old Boys (H) 9 - 1

R. H. D.


v. Martlets
v. Seahaven
v. Uckfield

v. Lewes
v. Seahaven
v. Uckfield

v. Lewes
v. Martlets
v. Uckfield

v. Lewes
v. Martlets
v. Seahaven
1st XI

0 - 4
0 - 5
0 - 1

4 - 0
0 - 1
2 - 2

5 - 0
1 - 0
2 - 0

1 - 0
2 - 2
0 - 2
2nd XI

1 - 1
5 - 0
6 - 2

1 - 1
3 - 2
2 -3

0 - 5
2 - 3
2 - 1

2 - 6
3 - 2
1 - 2
3rd XI

0 - 5
1 - 1
0 - 9

5 - 0
10 - 0
2 - 1

1 - 1
0 - 10
0 - 2

9 - 0
1 - 2
2 - 0




The Cross-Country runs were held on April 7th. The entries for the Senior and Junior events were pleasingly large (60 and 77), in spite of the fact that many, who helped with the School play, were unable to compete through lack of training. The Seniors' course was about 4.4 miles, and the Juniors' slightly under three miles. The winning times of both Seniors and Juniors were very good. The Senior was the more closely contested race. The first place resolved itself into a struggle between Barnes R. and Huntington, although Cornford led for about half the distance. Orchard, running well, proved a fairly easy winner in the Junior event.

The first twelve Seniors home were :-
1, R. Barnes (L), time 28 minutes ; 2, Huntington (S) ; 3, Noel (L) ; 4, Pollard (U) ; 5, Cornford (U) ; 6, Holton (U); 7, A. Evans (L) ; 8, Carr (L) ; 9, Chant (L) ; 10, Wickens (U) ; 11, Gravett (S) ; 12, Baker (S).

The first twelve Juniors home were :-
1, Orchard (S), time 19½ minutes ; 2, Henson (U) ; 3, Baker (U) ; 4, Thomas i (M) ; 5, Tucker (M) ; 6, Randall (S) ; 7, Marson (U) ; 8, Barfoot (S) ; 9, Thomas ii (M) ; 10, Turrell (S) ; 11, Jessop (L) ; 12, Morling (S).

House points were allotted as follows :-
Uckfield, 16.23 ; Seahaven, 11.86 ; Lewes, 10.42 ; Martlets, 10.00. Uckfield thus won the Cup for the fifth time in succession.

S. F. A.


Those who saw this play were delighted and amazed - unless they had seen Lewes School productions before.

The School brought off another triumph. Lighting, settings, costumes and atmosphere were excellent. The experienced co-operation of art, craft and science which, from year to year, works behind stage, was as successful as ever. The dim shadows that croaked and screeched in the witches' scenes still haunt our memory. Macbeth's entry with bloodstained dagger raised, while Lady Macbeth, pale and sinister, awaited news of the murder in a dim atmosphere of tolling bells and crying owls, makes us shudder still, especially when we remember the clever use of the shaft of light which pierced the gloom and showed us the gory evidence of the murderer's crime staining his hands.

"Out damned spot. Out I say." "To bed.. To bed. To bed." A white figure glides across the stage. The audience sits in hushed suspense. The sleep-walking scene, touchstone and grave of many an actress in the past, has afforded a triumph for a boy-player.

In a production of this nature, where credit marks were won by all concerned, it is invidious to single out anyone. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have the greatest opportunities. They took them to the full. The witches were excellent. Duncan spoke well, had a sense of timing, and became something more than the figure whose murder forms a peg on which Shakespeare hangs his play. Macduff was incisive and bold. He needs to learn the dramatic effect of pause and self-abandon. Nevertheless a good performance. Malcolm and Donalbain looked well, spoke well. They had the right atmosphere of youth against an older background. Ross, excellent articulation, sympathetic acting. Lady Macduff, with few opportunities, gave a nice exposition of the sadness of matrimonial separation. We concluded that the perky son took after his father.

The rest of the characters, with the exception of the Porter, who got his laugh, more or less "come like shadows, so depart." But they departed with dignity and made no scuttling exit via the wings. The general excellence of the minor parts was one of the outstanding features of the play.

The play was skilfully cast, and the characters were word-perfect - evidence of early spade-work on the part of the producer. He and the gallant gentlemen behind have been already referred to. They must have felt well rewarded in the obvious delight of the large audiences.

At the end of this inadequate criticism one realizes that no mention has been made of many clever things; the witches' cauldron, the colour and lighting of the banquet scene, the management of the difficult apparition scene.

Shakespeare offers opportunities to employ every note in the register of the human voice and gains by easy movement and gesture. The boy players of Lewes County School possess these arts to a certain degree. One is advising and not criticizing when one suggests the practice of them assiduously.



Autumn Term
In the School Library on l8th October, 1935, was held the first meeting of the Sixth Form Society. After the Head Master had announced that Mr. Stripe would be Chairman for the Winter Term, the latter moved the election of a secretary, a treasurer, and a committee. H. G. Knight, G. P. Gravett, E. C. C. Wynter and P. R. Noel respectively were elected to these offices. It was decided that Committee meetings should be held to arrange the future programme of the Society.

The debates on the General Election, Arts and Sciences, and the Italian-Abyssinian question were a great success, while the discussion on modern literature aroused the interest of everybody. We were fortunate in securing Mr. Coulson to give us an excellent lecture on Greece illustrated by many photographs. The Science side found Sophocles' "OE dipus" just as interesting as colloidal sulphur - the Arts even more so. Great satisfaction was expressed with the supervision of the play by Mr. Tayler. A brilliant ending to a highly successful term was Mr. D. L. Murray's lecture on "The Modern Newspaper."

H. G. K.

Easter Term

At the first meeting of the term, on January l5th, Mr. Stripe announced that Mr. O'Brien would act as Chairman during the term. It was agreed that fresh officials were to be elected at the beginning of each term. A vote was taken and resulted in the election of A. G. Evans as Secretary, P. R. Noel as Treasurer, and H. G. Knight and B. A. Colvin as members of the Committee.

At the second meeting of the Society, held on January 2lst, a debate was held, the motion being, "That this House approves of the rearmament policy of the Government." The speakers for the motion were B. A. Colvin and H. G. Knight, and against it G. C. Hutton and B. J. Ketchell. The motion was carried by 9 votes to 7.

On February 7th Mr. Bradshaw gave a lecture, illustrated with lantern slides, on the disfigurement of the countryside.

On February l4th "The Admirable Crichton," by Barrie was read. The reading proved most successful. At the meeting held on February 2lst a debate was held, the motion being : "That life in the country dulls the intelligence." The speakers for the motion were B. A. Colvin and H. G. Knight, and against it P. R. Noel and G. P. Gravett. The motion was carried by 8 votes to 6.

On February 28th members read passages from their favourite modern works of literature. E. G. Baker read an extract from "In Search of Wales," by H. V. Morton, G. P. Gravett read "Close of Play," by Kenneth Ashley, E. C. Wynter read Kipling's "If," and F. W. Cosstick read "Leisure," by W. H. Davies.

At the meeting on March 6th a debate was held with some of the senior members of the Girls' School, the motion being : "That this House deplores the increasing popularity of the cinema." The speakers for the motion were G. P. Gravett and Miss Bridgman, and against the motion Miss Simmonds and B. A. Colvin. The motion was defeated by 23 votes to 12.

On March l3th Mr. Bowman spoke to the Society on the subject of melody. E. C. Wynter suggested at the meeting that a small gift should be made to Mrs. Martin as a token of appreciation for her hard work in preparing tea every Friday. The proposal met with unanimous approval.

At the last meeting of the term, on March 2lst, the subject under discussion was the Rhineland situation. The French point of view was put forward by Mr. Auld, the German by Mr. Stripe, and the British by Mr. Bradshaw. At the end of the meeting the Chairman said that the next meeting would probably be in September, when fresh officials would be elected. It was possible that some excursions might be made during the Summer Term.

A. G. Evans.


Last Christmas we were very fortunate in having a large sum of money which had been accumulating for some time, and in the beginning of the Spring Term over £20 was expended on one hundred and fifty-four new books for the fiction library.

There are several books by John Masefield and many by Balzac. Tolstoi is well represented, the selection including "Anna Karenina" - his greatest work.

Books by many other authors, including Hugh Walpole (writer of the "Herries" series), John Buchan, Conrad, and John Galsworthy have been obtained, the latter author's including "Flowering Wilderness" and "Over the River."

There is a fine range of detective stories, prominent among them being "Murder Must Advertise" and "Five Red Herrings," both by Dorothy Sayers. There are several of the "Bulldog Drummond" series by "Sapper," some good detective yarns by G. K. Chesterton and some by Conan Doyle, of Sherlock Holmes fame, who is of the older school of detective writers.

In view of the fact that the film, "Mutiny on the Bounty," will soon be showing locally, the book, "Bligh of the Bounty," will appeal to many. It is compiled by Hughes from official records, and should make interesting reading. For those who appreciate scientific stories and tales of the future, there is a good selection of books by H. G. Wells, and for the reader who likes romantic African stories there are a few books by Rider Haggard.

Last but by no means least of the new authors is Phyllis Bentley, who writes on the woollen trade in the Midlands, and whose books provide a good criticism of life.
I. R. (IVa).

{We should like to acknowledge the very welcome gift of books to the library by Mrs. Lott. - Ed.}


The School Orchestra, conducted by Mr. Bowman, spent pleasant Friday evenings during the Christmas Term preparing for a concert, given on Parents' Evening. The pieces played were two Gavottes from Bach's suite in D major and "Chaconne" and the "Trumpet Voluntary" by Purcell. As the orchestra had lost several of its best players since the previous season, Mr. Bowman was obliged to call in some friends and parents. A vigorous recruiting campaign throughout the School resulted in six or seven new members, several of whom, however, would have been "at sea" but for the lead of the older and more experienced musicians. In spite of this, the concert was not marred by any mishap, though carried out to the accompaniment of the rattle of teacups. Those unmusical members of the School, who had prophesied with cheerful pessimism : "They're sure to make a mess of it," were doubtless disappointed. The orchestra was reorganized last year, largely thanks to the energies of Mr. Bowman, who took Mr. O'Brien's place as conductor, and the parents, whose assistance was invaluable. Next term the orchestra should contain nearly all its old members, so it can look forward to a successful season.

P. W. R.


On December 4th the Sixth Annual Speech Day was held in the Great Hall, and was attended by a distinguished gathering of visitors, Governors, parents and friends. The chair was taken by Sir George Boughey, and Colonel H. I. Powell Edwards presented the prizes.

SUCCESSES (Year ending July, 1935)

Oxford Higher Certificate

S. G. Aston (Mathematics and Science), R. W. Barnes (Modern Studies), G. C. Hutton (Mathematlcs and Science).

Oxford School Certificate

E. G. Baker (H.M.), F. H. Bevan (H.M.), D. O. Blake, A. M. Bridgeman (H.M.), R. Burgess (M.), N. W. Chatfield (H.M.), B. A. Colvin (H.M.), M. E. Cornall (H.M.), P. F. Duke, A. G. Evans (H.M.), G. W. J. Frankhn (H.M.), P. G. Hall (H.M.), A. J. S. Holman (H.M.), R. G. W. Hourd, B. J. Ketchell (H.M.), R. S. C. Mackie, F. L. G. McKimm, R. L. Pollard, J. R. Reed (H.M.), R. H. Renville, E. H. B. Sellwood (H.M.), D. C. Stone, J. Towner (H.M.), C. Turner, G. B. Akehurst, G. S. Ashburner, C. E. Banks, K. R. Chatfield, D. J. Collins, G. M. Downing, G. P. Gravett (M.), R. H. Hammond, R. F. Holford, J. R. Howard, C. E. Paskins, W. G. Ruffle, F. Walder, L. N. Watts, T. G. M. Wickens (H.M.). (H. = Honours. M. = London Matriculation Exemption.)

County Senior Scholarship, Board of Education Award
J. E. Rutherford.

County Intermediate Scholarships, Class I
R. C. Blythe, E. J. Knowles.
G. H. Ford, Special Place.

Commission in Colonial Police
A. M. Hazlerigg.

Civil Service Clerical Examination
P. J. Crombet-Beolens.

Bronze Medallion - Royal Life-Saving Association
C. Batten, C. P. Kelley, J. W. Pelham,
G. Gravett, G. A. Cornford, P. Killick.

Old Lewesians at Universities and Colleges
J. E. Rutherford - St. Edmund Hall, Oxford.
D. B. Barker, W. S. Eade - University College, Southampton.
E. H. B. Sellwood, F. Walder - Brighton Technical College.

AWARDS The "Edgar Povey" Trophy "For Integrity and Honour"
J. E. Rutherford.

Form Prizes IIb, R. D. Paige, S. M. Harris ; IIa, R. C. Blythe, P. H. Marson ; IIIb, L. N. Haynes, P. C. V. Palethorpe ; IIIa, E. S. Grayson, R. H. Faulkener; IVb, J. E. Adams, V. A. Stevens; IVa, R. I. B. Cooper, P. W. Ridley; Remove, A. E. Walker, P. Killick ; Vb, G. Gravett, C. Banks.

Prizes for Honours in School Certificate E. G. Baker, F. H. Bevan, A. M. Bridgman, N. W. Chatfield, B. A. Colvin, N. E. Cornall, A. G. Evans, G. W. J. Franklin, P. G. Hall, A. J. S. Holman, B. J. Ketchell, J. R. Reed, E. H. B. Sellwood, J. Towner, T. G. M. Wickens.

Prizes for Higher Certificate
S. G. Aston, R. W. Barnes, G. C. Hutton.

Subject Prizes
Biology (Lilian Fleming Prize), F. H. Ruffle ; Mathematics, R. K. Berry ; Geography, G. S. Smith ; Languages, S. B. Hart ; Physics and Chemistry, K. W. Norris ; Latin, N. E. Hancock; English, R. I. B. Cooper; History, P. W. Ridley ; Handicraft, N. W. Smith ; Art, E. N. Stevens.

Service to the School
E. C. C. Wynter.

School Trophies
Povey Work Shield, Uckfield House; Bradshaw Games Shield, Seahaven House ; Thompson Athletics Cup, Uckfield House; Innes Swimming Cup, Lewes House; Sinfield Swimming Cup, G. Ashburner ; Head Master's Bat, J. E. Rutherford.

After the ceremony tea was served to the visitors in the Library and Gymnasium.


The parents' evening was, as usual, preceded by that time-honoured traditional function, the Christmas tea. When the hall had been cleared a final rehearsal of the play, "Night at an Inn," was given and watched by the boys.

On arrival the parents, as usual, painfully employed themselves by walking round the corridors, under conditions approaching those of a Polar expedition. A gym display and a woodwork exhibition were provided for their inspection, but sad to say, there were no laboratory displays.

The parents then entered the hall to hear the Head Master's address. The boys were excluded. As a result, the orchestra's rendering of Purcell's "Trumpet Voluntary" and a chaconne and two gavottes by Bach, was almost annihilated by the noise the boys made when entering the hall later on. When the orchestra had finished, that very famous and popular comedian, Mr. Tayler, gave some seasonable suggestions for Christmas presents. F. Holton sang "I know that my Redeemer Liveth," by Handel, and R. B. Smith, as usual, entertained everyone with some piano solos. A new-comer to the now almost traditional entertainments company, Mr. Smith, sang "Droop not Young Love," by Handel.

Then followed that bloodthirsty drama, "A Night at an Inn," by Lord Dunsany. Three sailors, Bill, Albert, and Sniggers (E. C. Wynter, N. W. Chatfield and G. P. Gravett), led by a dilapidated but farseeing gentleman (B. A. Colvin), have stolen a ruby which forms the eye of an Indian idol, Klesh. Three priests of Klesh (F. W. Cosstick, J. D. Buller and C. Chivers) followed them to an inn and were effectively silenced. Just as the sailors are rejoicing in their triumph, along comes Klesh himself, to replace his eye (which he seemed to have some difiiculty in doing) and destroy the thieves, thus leaving only himself in the play. Klesh was very effectively played by Mr. Smith, but we are afraid no one's hair stood on end during the performance.

The evening concluded, as usual, with the singing of carols by the School Choir, supplemented for the first time by tenors and basses.

G. C. Hutton.


Since the last report of the activities of the Worshipful Company of Printers, much valuable work has been done. This has been made possible by the acquisition of two entirely new founts of type. No fewer than 2,100 tickets of various kinds for the School Play and for Lectures, together with their corresponding 1,300 handbills and 400 programmes, have been printed. Many smaller jobs, such as the printing of writing paper, visiting cards, School and House team notices and reminders, have been done in the spare time of the Company's masters.

As time progresses and new type and our skill in making lino-cuts advances, we hope to turn out better displays and clearer, neater jobs, so maintaining the honour of a very useful craft.

The Company is at present composed as follows :-
Worshipful Masters : G. Ashburner, C. Billson.
Journeymen : E. D. Simmonds, J. Morling.
Apprentice : W. E. Chilton.
There is a vacancy for an apprentice.


Camping at Stratford-on-Avon is popular. Hence sites are much sought after. The unfortunate mortals who live in the industrial Midlands debouch there for week-ends.

This means that desirable spots near the river, suitable for boys, are not easily obtained. After the possibilities of a sloping and uneven field had been explored, the writer secured a flat field of about eight acres, a mile from Stratford Bridge, and only another field's length from the river. There is not much to say about it, except that it offers more facilities for games than we have ever had before.

One thing was noted. The field was full of cows. Have you ever camped in the midst of cows? It is quite exciting.

But perhaps the cows will have gone - back to the river whence Pharaoh saw them emerge in the Bible story.


Scoutmaster : Mr. Smith.
Troop Leader : E. C. Wynter.
Patrol Leaders : Towner, Noel, Evans.

A recruiting campaign, organized at the beginning of the Autumn Term, had very beneficial results, and now the School Scouts are numerically as strong as they have ever been. The whole of the work this vear has been devoted to the training of the new boys, and owing to the wholehearted efforts of our Scoutmaster and Patrol Leaders, we have obtained a great success. Every boy in the troop has now passed his Tenderfoot test, the first qualification of a Scout, and is on the way to enjoying the advanced and more interesting work which is offered to a first-class Scout.

Early this term all the new Tenderfeet were officially enrolled in the great brotherhood, after our Scoutmaster had received his warrant from headquarters through a personal visit from the District Commissioner.

Last term we had one outdoor expedition upon the Downs. Two trails were laid from Lewes prison to Blackcap, and although it was only an introduction to the great art of tracking to most of the boys, valuable experience was gained.

This term we hope to have at least one week-end camp and another tracking outing. Also, in the open air we shall be able to enter for our cooking tests, in order to pass which our Scoutmaster will have to pronounce the results edible. Let us hope for his sake that they will not be too bad.

Later in the summer we shall once again enter for the Swimming Cup, which, judging on our last year's effort, we should not have much trouble in retaining. However, our main intention at the present is not to try and win as many trophies as possible, that is not Scouting, but to train all our members to become as efficient as possible in the great work which they have undertaken.

E. C. W.


Christmas Term.
On the Evening of October l6th, Mr. Morrish lectured on "The Villages of Mid-Sussex." Mr. Morrish has lectured to us several times before, and has never failed to draw a large audience. Although his lecture on Switzerland is still regarded as the best he has delivered, many are inclined to think "The Villages of Mid-Sussex almost as good. It was all the more interesting because most of the places were well known and many of the facts were not. Slides of such villages as Ditchling, Ringmer and Firle were shown, the lecturer giving a short account of each.

On November 27th the Rev. J. T. Goodchild, the parent of another of our boys, gave a talk entitled "Pottering about India." The slides shown were taken on a journey from Central India, up into the foothills of the Himalayas and back into the North-West Central part of the lowlands. Many places of historic and architectural interest were shown and amusing personal experiences related.

The last lecture of the Autumn Term was given by Mr. Morrish on the Sussex Iron Industry. The history of the industry was traced and photographs of places where it was carried on were shown. The lecture was concluded with slides of some examples of Sussex ironwork.

Many boys had a novel experience on November 20th, when Mr. Wallace Peat gave a Puppet Show in the School Hall. The puppets were worked by Mr. and Mrs. Peat, and stage effects, such as thunder and lightning, were used with excellent results. Scenes from "The Tempest" and "Henry V" were shown, and the performance concluded with an amusing sailor song.

After the show, Mr. Peat demonstrated the working of the puppets and explained their construction.

P. Noel.

Easter Term. On Tuesday afternoon, January l4th, Mr. Aston paid his third visit to the School to give a lecture on Coal Mining. The fact that the lecturer's other two talks have been on "Joan of Arc" and "War Experiences," shows that he is a versatile man, and, as usual, his lecture was very interesting. Mr. Aston has evidently had a great deal of personal experience of mines and miners, having lived in a colliery village for some time, besides having descended several mines. In view of the coal dispute that was going in at the time, the lecture was on an apposite subject, and Mr. Aston showed us the danger that colliers go through before the coal reaches our grates.

Dr. Habberton Lulham visited the School on February l2th and delivered a lecture on "Rustic Life and Humour" to a fair-sized audience. The lecture was, in many people's opinion, the best that has yet been given in the School. Dr. Lulham is a very good speaker and this quality backed up by excellent slides, made the lecture interesting from start to finish. The speaker was a retired country doctor; and he had had many experiences of unconscious humour from country people. He was also very interested in gypsy life, and some of his best slides were studies of gypsies. At the end of the lecture Dr. Lulham showed some most interesting slides dealing with the adventures of a white vole, and one must admire the lecturer's patience in obtaining such fine animal studies.

F. W. C. (VI).


On Wednesday, September I8th, most of the School witnessed a special performance of the film version of "David Copperfield," by the courtesy of the manager of the Odeon Theatre, Lewes.

There were not lacking those who said that a film of the great Victorian novel was not a subject in which the average child (if there be such a monstrosity) would be interested. They should have seen the keen and obvious enjoyment with which we sat through the whole of the film. The treatment of the novel in this first film version was naturally of an episodic nature, and it is (in the words of one critic) "as though one had dipped into the book and closed it with just a working knowledge of the characters and the bones of the plot." The film was made the more enjoyable by some very good and occasionally brilliant acting by the large and well-known cast.

P. Flint.


In the Autumn Term a party of about 50 boys saw at performance of "Hamlet," by the Brighton Repertory Company, at the Theatre Royal, Brighton. The production was quite good, if not up to the standard of some of the "Rep's" shows; it kept well inside the conventional rut of Shakespearean acting, and was, within these limits, very interesting.

The part of Hamlet was played by Douglas Seale, who was excellent - his elocution and articulation were first-rate. But one rather got the impression in watching his acting that here was a young prince with a vivid and sensitive personality, but little else except an infinite capacity for righteous indignation.

It was a great pity that R. Wallman as Polonius had to be murdered in Act III - we could have done with more of his fine portrayal of the Lord Chamberlain, even though his diction was at first rather too rapid. The other parts were in most cases well taken. Oliver Burt was impressive as the King; Hamlet's father, C. Dawson, was good as Laertes; Harry Sturges good in the parts of Guildenstern and Bernardo, Gordon Crier weak as Horatio, and the two gravediggers strictly conventional in their acting.

Celia Paget Bouman was inclined to be rather colourless as Ophelia, but in the "mad scene" she rose to considerable heights of acting for a provincial company. The courtiers and ladies of the court were extremely "wooden" in the scenes in which they appeared, and one almost wondered if the scene shifters carried them off as "stage props" when the curtain was down. There was very little scene-shifting, and in the grave-diggers' scene the "entrance" to a room in the centre stage was inadvertently left on - a most incongruous effect. Still, even if the production left a good deal to be desired, the actors did at least know their lines - and one must be thankful for small blessings like that, sometimes !

P. Flint.


Oh, who will mourn for me now I am gone,
Now no more clanks are heard in Mountfield Road,
Now no more groans break-up the silent morn,
From far away towards my own abode?

No more will crowds of boys along the way
Doff coloured caps as I grind slowly by,
Or raise them by mistake to some old dray,
Because they knew me by their ear and not their eye.

For now is come another in my place,
A graceful thing of silver, black and green,
With syncro-mesh and fourteen foot wheel-base,
A silent car, not heard but only seen.

For many long years I served my master true,
Although my gears were very insecure,
And though in parts bare tin was showing through,
I was not swift but yet was very sure.

Ye need not mourn for me now I am gone,
Because my phantom form will haunt the road,
And ghostly clanks and groans break-up the morn
From far away towards my own abode.

P. Noel

[Note: The Headmaster had recently acquired a brand new motor car.]


On Monday, April 27th, at about 2.10 p.m., two Newhaven juniors saw me cycling with my front wheel pointing westwards.

The day was warm and the south-west wind did not aid progress, but tea-time saw me forty miles from home. After a meal, I continued through Midhurst and Petersfield, with the sun sinking lower and lower. The sunset came with a blaze of colour, the fierce red changing first to orange, then to pink. When I reached Winchester darkness had fallen, and after leaving that town, two lamps and the moon lit my way. Near Stockbridge "The Hare and Hatchet" sheltered me for half an hour while I consumed some supper. With a view to the colder hours of the night, I put on a second pair of socks and a pair of gloves, and closing up the "zyp" on my jacket, I left the inn to make my way from Stockbridge to Salisbury. This road is the most annoying that I have yet ridden over. It proceeds up and down in a dead straight line for miles, and that I could see the lights of the Salisbury airport from the top of every hill for what seemed ages, added to my annoyance. I eventually reached the hill that overlooks the town, and stopped to watch its lights and to pick out the dimly discernible cathedral spire. As I passed through the silent streets, 105 miles from home, I heard a clock strike twelve. From Salisbury my road followed a river through a gap in the hills, and as I cycled I was accompanied by the ripple of waters as well as the tick-tick of the cyclometer and the dynamo-whirr. From Salisbury until Bath I did not see more than six other vehicles. The world was asleep.

Near Warminster, seeing burning coals in a brazier and a night-watchman's hut, I decided to stop for a warm-up and chat. But the night-watchman was fast asleep - that was indicated by the strange noises issuing, from his throat, and on discovering that the name of the spot was Deadman's Crossroad, I reconsidered my decision to stop at that particular place. Soon afterwards the road started rising, and after pedalling for another quarter of an hour, I found the road dipping again. A swift descent, round a sharp corner, and then I saw the lights of Bath spread out before me. I gave a silent cheer, for at least I had reached Bath without having an attack of the "bonk" which I feared. But I had been taking it easy, and I arrived in Somerset sleepy but not tired, if anybody can see the distinction.

After a chat with a friendly copper, who explained to me the "geography" of Bath, I set off on a tour of exploration. It was by now 3.45 a.m., and still dark. So, in the shadow of the Abbey, by the side of the Bristol Avon, I rested until the eastern sky began to lighten. For four hours I wandered round Bath, and it must be said that if the days of Beau Nash have gone for Bath, its past glory is echoed in the stately buildings and its quiet uncommercial air. No factories have penetrated Bath, and green fields can be seen from any street, an amenity that few other towns of the size can boast.

But at nine o'clock, having had a cup of tea and some food, I left the town, without having the sleep I had promised myself. From Bath I pedalled in the hot sun through sleepy Somerset villages with picturesque names, on to Warminster and Salisbury, where I had more refreshment and a glimpse of the cathedral, which I visited in more leisurely fashion last year. Over that desolate road to Stockbridge I reached Winchester at tea-time. That town left, Bramdean and Petersfield came quickly, but when Midhurst was reached I could feel that over twenty-four hours of almost continuous riding was having some effect on me. However, I beat off a desire to lie down on the side of the road to sleep, and kept up a steady twelve miles an hour until Brighton was reached at 11.

All that I can say of the ten miles from Brighton to Newhaven is that "the wheels went around and around," but only just. After Newhaven, however, visions of eggs and bacon and bed spurred me on, and I went round the Newhaven road as if I had only been out for a day ride of a hundred miles.

At midnight I arrived home, thirty-four hours after I had left it. The eggs and bacon within, I retired to bed to rest the legs from which I had squeezed over 290 miles, and to make up for the forty hours that I had been without sleep.

F. W. Cosstick (VI).



Hon: Secretaries :
C. F. HALL, "Beverley, " Houndean Rise, Lewes.
D. W. JARVIS, County School for Boys, Lewes.
Hon. Treasurer :
T . A. HAYWARD, 66 Malling Street, Lewes.

With the eighth publication of The Barbican comes the sixth edition of the Old Lewesians' Section of the Magazine. Since the inception of the Association we have made rapid strides, and have fully justified our existence.

It may be added at this stage, however, that this success would not have been possible but for the enthusiastic and ever-willing aid of our Chairman, Mr. N. R. Bradshaw, our helpful President, Mr. Edgar Povey, and our hard-working joint Hon. Sec., Mr. D. Jarvis.

Various difficulties - inevitable to a newly formed club - have been overcome, and our activities now include a Football Club, playing in the Lewes and District League, a Cricket Club and a Social Club. The nuclei of both an Old Boys' Dramatic Association and a Swimming Club have been now formed which will be developed in the near future.

The Association was given a great "send-off" for the year 1936, for on January llth about sixty members of the Association were the guests of our President; Mr. E. Povey, at a supper held in the School Hall. After the meal, Mr. Povey was thanked for the very enjoyable time all had spent. F. Sharpe and Messrs. C. F. Hall and E. L. Cook then gave talks on their holidays in Hungary and Belgium respectively, illustrated by a display of their snaps on the screen. A very enjoyable evening was terminated as a social evening in the usual way, at which table tennis and other amusements were indulged in.


This fund is now in being and the rules are appended below. Applications for assistance should be sent to Mr. Jarvis or the Head Master.

Rules governing the administration of the Old Lewesians' Careers Fund :-

Name. - The fund shall be called "The Old Lewesians' Careers Fund."

Object. - To assist necessitous members of the Old Lewesians' Association in the advancement of their careers.

Committee. - The fund shall be administered by a Committee of five, consisting of two elected members, who shall be Old Boys, and the following ex-officio members, i.e., the President of the Old Boys' Association, the Head Master of the Lewes County School for Boys, and the Second Master, who shall hold the office of Secretary to the fund. One elected member shall retire annually by rotation, and the vacancy thus resulting shall be filled at the Annual General Meeting. The retiring member shall be eligible for re-election. No member while serving on the Committee shall be eligible for assistance.

Procedure Governing Grants. - All applications for grants or loans must be made to the Secretary and brought before the Committee, and decided by majority vote. The members shall form a quorum. Under exceptional circumstances, and with the consent of the Committee, it shall be admissible to assist boys still at School.


The Old Lewesians' F.C. have had a fairly successful season in the Lewes and District League. Our final position in the League table was sixth, which was quite a satisfactory result, especially as it was our first season of League football. Of the twenty League games played, 7 were won, 2 drawn and 11 lost. Goals for 51, goals against 60.

The following were the goal-scorers :
Page 15, Pay 11, Brown 8, Adams 6, Cook 4, Dennis, Faulkner and Green (R.S.) 3, Beale, Hazlerigg and Mepham 2, Rabson and Relf 1.

The annual match against the School was played on March l4th. Three teams were fielded, of which only one (i.e., the First XI) could uphold the prestige of the Club by winning 5-0. The Second XI lost 8-1, whilst the 3rd XI lost 6-1.


We are much indebted to the Head Master for allowing all Old Lewesians the use of the School Swimming Bath on Tuesday and Thursday evenings throughout the summer. We are sure that all Old Boys who can will make use of this facility, as a Swimming Club is being formed with the object of forming a team to swim against a School team. It has been decided to allocate Thursday evenings, from 7 o'clock onwards, to the Swimming Club.


A design for an Old Boys' blazer in the colours of the Association has now been approved, and we hope to have the first batch of blazers on sale towards the end of June. The price will be 32/6. Further particulars are obtainable from the Hon. Sec. or the School.

May Old Boys (especially those who have just left School) be reminded that an Old Lewesian can hardly consider himself as such without the proverbial "old school tie." These are obtainable from the Hon. Sec. or the School, price 3/6, together with Old Boys' scarves, price 7/6.


The Hon. Treasurer reports that there are a number of subscriptions stili unpaid for the current year. Will the Old Boys concerned kindly forward the subscription of 2/6 to T. Hayward without delay.


To the undermentioned Old Boys, who have just left School, we extend a hearty invitation to join the Old Lewesians' Association, and wish them the best of luck in the careers which they have chosen :-



Berry, J. A.
Brown, J.
Bryant, H. G. R.
Glenister, J. F. T
Hilder, R. A. F.
Humphries, P. L.
Ibett, J.
Mantle, R. P.
Marshall, L. P.
Pacey, R.
Phillips, I. K. G
Pillinger, E. A.
Ricketts, A. J.
Robinson, B.
Sherry, M. G.
Tindale, F. B.
Woods, R. G.


Aston, S. G.
Brown, J. H.
Chatfield, K. R.
Chatfield, N. W
Colvin, B. A.
Griffiths, P. S.
Hall, P. G.
Hilton, T. H.
Holford, R. F.
McKimm, F. L. G.
Reed, J. A.
Taprill, C.
Towner, J.
Tucker, W. G.
Weatherhead, P.
Wilson, R. H.

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