Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 9 - December 1936

The Original Barbican cover The school, though still small in size, is building a reputation for quality of the overall education it is providing. The breadth of its activities and the quality of the results obtained is clearly a good omen for the future. At this stage few people expect a war to interrupt the onward and upward progress, in fact one OL who visits a German Youth Labour Camp is most impressed with situation in Germany, though his editor expresses some reservations. At this stage the future seems assured.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys

December 1936


The response to our request for contributions to the ninth issue of The Barbican has been very good indeed, especially from the Senior School. There have been some eager contributors who have sent in not one, but several individual efforts. Only the best can of course, be printed, but selection has been extremely difficult which indicates a healthy state of affairs. We thank the following for their interesting contributions : Crouch, Henderson, Faulkner, Jarrett, Tomley and Funnell. The best of those rejected this time will be kept and may easily secure a place in a subsequent issue.

The past term has been one of great success in every branch of our activities. In spite of the unfavourable weather and the proximity of the Hospital Carnival, the School Fete raised over a hundred pounds for the Careers Fund, an effort of which we may be justly proud.

The 1st XI enjoyed a most successful cricket season, only losing one match. The July examination results were as usual, most satisfactory, fifty-one School Certificates and three Higher Certificates being gained. The School Camp was held this year at Stratford-onAvon, and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who went.

One event which was not so satisfactory, however, was the departure of Mr. Davies, to whom we bade a reluctant farewell at the end of the term. We wish him every happiness in his new post. We would take this opportunity of extending a hearty welcome to Mr. Locke (French) and Mr. Pett (Mathematics). We are also glad to welcome back Mr. Dolden, and offer him our somewhat belated congratulations on his inclusion in the British Gymnastic Team sent to Berlin for the Olympic Games - which is fame indeed !

Finally, having said our inevitable say, we will retire, and leave the conscientious reader, who has read the Editorial, to enjoy the Magazine.

Autumn, 1936

School Captain : M. J. Gibbons.

School Prefects :
Lewes : E. C. Wynter (Capt.).
Martlets : M. J. Gibbons (Capt.).
Seahaven : F. W. Cosstick (Capt.), G. P. Gravett.
Uckfield : G. C. Hutton (Capt.).

Prefect Librarian : E. C. Wynter.
Captain of Rugger : M. J. Gibbons.
Vice-Captain : E. C. Wynter.
Secretary : R. Renville.

Form Captains : IIa, Bacon ; IIb, Wicks ; IIIa, Walter ; IIIb, Glenister ;
IVa, Thomas ; IVb, Howes ; Remove, Cottis ;
Vc, Hart ; Vb, Henderson ; Va, Kirby ; VI, Gibbons.

Magazine Committee : M. J. Gibbons, E. C. Wynter, F. W. Cosstick,
G. P. Gravett, G. C. Hutton, P. W. Ridley, R. Cooper,
N. D. Edwards, P. Flint, I. A. Roberts, S. Jarrett, R. C. Blythe.

Editor : A. G. Evans.


House Masters : Messrs. Hoggins and Smith.
House Captain : E. C. Wynter.

Despite the success of Lewes House during the cricket season, former failures during the rugger and soccer terms could not be overcome. By the end of the year we were many points behind the winners - Seahaven - to whom we offer our congratulations.

In the athletic sports failure again must be recorded, this time in spite of the efforts of R. W. Barnes, our former House Prefect. He encouraged many members of the House during the training period before the Sports, and proved his own ability by easily winning the mile event. We hope that he will have much success in his athletic activities at Cambridge.

It is very pleasing to note that during the last two years our position in the Work Points Table has steadily improved and that at the end of last year we were within striking distance of the leaders - Uckfield. Next year we must have our name inscribed upon this Shield. If all those boys who are not obtaining the average number of about eight points every fortnight would work a little harder, there is no reason why we should not achieve this aim.

In the last number of The Barbican one House prophesied that we should have to struggle to hold the Swimming Cup. We answered the challenge. Thanks to Seniors, Colts and Juniors, we retained our former position by a handsome margin of points. We have now held the trophy for four years, and by tradition have become its virtual owners. We must not break with tradition. It is up to us to see that in the water, Lewes House cannot be sunk.


House Masters : Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Auld, Mr. Tayler.
House Captain : M. J. Gibbons.

The year which has just passed has only been moderately successful for Martlets. The only trophy which we won was the " Thompson " Athletics Cup. We were, nevertheless, runners-up in several. Seahaven were eight points ahead of us in the Games Shield, although we won the soccer House matches by a clear margin.

For the first time in the history of the House, we were second in the " Sinfield " Swimming Cup, although we were rather a weak second, it is true. At work we do not seem to be able to regain our lost glory ; this year we finished in the third position again. This is not good enough for Martlets, who won the competition in the first two years of the School's history.

Our games have, without doubt, improved ; we are now the most serious challengers to Seahaven's superiority in this direction. With luck, and hard work and play, we should do very well next year.

M. J. Gibbons

House Masters : Messrs. Euston, Pett, Gosling.
House Captain : F. W. Cosstick.
House Prefect : G. P. Gravett.

The main triumph of Seahaven House during the past term has been the winning of the Games Shield for the fourth time in succession. Our cricket teams held on and increased the lead gained during the winter and spring terms, and by the end of the season we were leading Martlets by a considerable margin.

Of the swimming I shall say little. We, the seaside House, could not even beat Martlets, far less challenge Lewes. Our work, like the swimming, brought us little honour. I think that the effort we use in winning the Games Shield must paralyse our working and swimming capacities. In athletics we had to be content with third place, our only successes being first place in the quarter-mile relay and a very good show in the mile team race. We have a good deal of talent in the House, but there is a lamentable lack of enthusiasm, which results in our bad placing.

Our rugger has maintained its usual high standard this term and we have dropped only one point in both 1st and 2nd XV matches. Thus we seem to be well on the way towards winning the Games Shield again. I only hope we can win some other trophy. I think we could win the cross-country next year if everyone trained enthusiastically. Boys should not forget that in not entering they are greatly lessening our chance of winning the trophy.

F. W. C.

House Masters : Messrs. Jarvis and Bowman.
House Captain : G. C. Hutton.
Games Captain : A. Kirby.
Vice-Captain : J. Holton.

Uckfield House began the summer term extremely well by finishing second in the athletics, being only a few points behind Martlets. The cricket, however, was not so good. Much of the interest was taken from these House matches, as all the School Hammonds and O'Reillys were required for School matches. In Uckfield House, unfortunately, no new talent made itself known and we won only one match.

Our traditional failing, the swimming, remained traditional, but the excessive modesty of certain members of the House in this branch of sport is regrettable.

Throughout the summer the work maintained the high standard of the two previous terms and we had little difficulty in retaining the Work Shield. At the beginning of this term A. Kirby was elected Games Captain by a large majority and J. Holton Vice-Captain. The rugby season cannot, unfortunately, be described as successful. Our Colts XV was not so strong this year and only won the match against Lewes. At the beginning of the term our prospective 1st XV looked very formidable on paper, but when the matches were played several boys had left or were otherwise not available and again we only succeeded in defeating Lewes. We can still, however, boast our supremacy at work, which so far has been even better than last year.

G. C. Hutton


The 1936 season was the most successful the School has enjoyed. Only one defeat was sustained by the 1st XI, and that after a declaration had given our opponents a generous time allowance in which to obtain the runs. A noteworthy feature was the performance of Renville with both bat and ball. He had a most successful season and we are hoping that next year will see him again a tower of strength.

It was pleasing, however, to find that the side was by no means a one-man team and good scores were made by Gibbons, Stone, Huntington, Wynter and Gravett, whilst Barford and Tomley carried off the bowling honours on many occasions. The fielding of the team was much improved, with Gravett's wicketkeeping again worthy of praise. Ably led by Gibbons, who put much hard work and thought into his captaincy, the eleven thoroughly deserve their success.



The School's fifth rugby season was a most successful one from every point of view. After four years of gruelling learning with only a very occasional win, it is very cheering to be able to report a series of convincing victories over all our regular opponents, 9 out of 11 matches won, and a total of 176 points against 43.

The 1st XV started off with a bang by beating Worthing High School, and then maintained an unbeaten record right until the last week, when they were rather unaccountably defeated in their return match with Plumpton Agricultural Institute, and also lost to Wanstead High School. This last game was played at Wanstead on the morning of the 'Varsity match, and though Wanstead were definitely a better team, we were certainly not at our best after a long and tiring journey in the fog.

The great feature of this year's 1st XV was the back division, which for the first time was better than the forwards. Our first problem was to find a full back, and here Gravett who had previously always played as a forward stepped nobly into the breach. His vigorous tackling and falling on the ball were always a pleasure to watch, and if he can improve his kicking he should do very well in this position.

The three-quarters played well together and were far and away the best combination we have ever had. They all ran hard and they all tackled as if they meant it. Kirby and Holton combined well on the right wing and produced some very effective reverse passing movements. Renville was rather patchy, but did brilliant work at times, while Tomley, on the left wing, made splendid use of his speed and was the most dangerous attacker of the lot.

Huntington and Blake made an excellent pair of halfbacks. Huntington played a tough and cheery game at the base of the scrum, and Blake was always making good openings for his three-quarters, while his kicking, both into touch and at goal, was a great asset to the side.

The forwards, though rather dazzled by all this unexpected brilliance behind them, did some good work, especially in the loose. One great improvement on previous years was that they were, on the whole, much fitter, and usually outlasted their opponents. The outstanding players were Wynter and Ashburner, while Cosstick and Ketchell, though less conspicuous, put in a tremendous amount of useful work. Gibbons also, playing in the scrum for the first time, showed that he had the makings of a very dangerous wing forward.

The team consisted of : Gravett, Holton, Kirby, Renville, Tomley, Blake, Huntington, Wynter, Trott, Hurst, Cosstick, Ketchell, Ashburner, Henderson, and Gibbons (Capt.).

The 2nd XV were unfortunate in having only one match during the first half of the term. They thus got rather out of practice, but during the last few weeks they improved immensely, and finished up by beating Seaford College 2nd, who had defeated them easily a fortnight earlier.

The " under 15 " team did well in their two matches, beating Hurstpierpoint, and losing by one point to Seaford. The 2nd and junior teams contained many useful players of whom A. Evans and R. Lusted were unlucky in not getting a place in the 1st XV. Among other keen and promising players were the following : G. Smith, Crouch, Chivers, Schmid D. Oliver, R. Wynter, Roberts, Hart, Williams, Marande and Kirk.

We look forward to next season with confidence, as we should have another good side, but as we shall in most cases be playing stronger teams, we are not likely to win so many matches. Seaford College, for instance, have asked us to play their full 1st XV in future, and we hope, in view of our score against their 2nd, that Hurstpierpoint will do the same.

Finally, congratulations to Wynter, Blake and Kirby on playing in the Sussex Public Schools Trials.


1st XV

Worthing High School Away
Eastbourne College Fawns II
Plumpton Agric. Institute
Seaford College " A " Team
Brighton College Colts
Hurstpierpoint College II
Christ's Hospital III
Worthing High School
Old Boys
Plumpton Agric. Institute
Wanstead High School

2nd XV

Worthing High School II
Seaford College II
Worthing High School II
Seaford College II

Junior XV

Seaford College Juniors
Hurstpierpoint Juniors



Mr. Tayler kindly consented to arrange a Sixth Form hike at the end of the summer term this year, and the members who attended enjoyed the innovation immensely. It is to be hoped that the idea will be continued in subsequent years and not be allowed to disappear.

The weather was probably responsible for the fact that only six boys met Mr. Tayler at the appointed time on Sunday, l9th July although the presence of a dog was used by a certain member as his excuse. The party set off up Southover High Street and soon were on the Downs, making in the direction of Kingston Ridge. When high ground was reached we encountered a stiff breeze, which, however, made the walk more agreeable, as it lessened the possibility of rain. Keeping to the crest of the hills for the most part, we arrived towards midday in sight of Southease. Here we descended to the main road and crossed the Ouse and the railway line, finally climbing a very steep slope as the last aid to our already sharp appetites.

As we had plenty of time for our journey, we lingered for some time after our lunch and did not resume walking till about two o'clock. The afternoon was not uneventful. First we were disappointed to find that a large bed of wild strawberry plants had no strawberries on it. Secondly, certain members of the party found that puff balls make useful missiles and that when ripe they burst when thrown accurately. As a sequel to this incident, Mr. Tayler indulged in some tackling practice, which we hope has stood him in good stead since that time. Lastly, a certain dog, already mentioned, had the audacity to roll Mr. Tayler's haversack down the side of Firle Beacon when we arrived there. It was funny for everybody but the owner of the dog, who had to fetch the haversack, because his dog had not the sense to bring it back. We all enjoyed a substantial tea at the Bopeep Farm, and it was lucky that it was a farm and not a teashop, otherwise the waitress would probably have gone on strike.

After tea we returned homewards via Mount Caburn and Cliffe Hill arriving just a little tired, although most of us denied it. Probably several people marvelled at the small party of heroes one of whom was carrying a large mushroom by the stalk, who walked up Cliffe High Street at about eight o'clock in the evening.

B. J. Ketchell (VI).


Although the summer term denied us, for the most part, of the beauty of summer weather the School swimming baths worked overtime during the whole of the season.

Soon after the end of May water polo was introduced by Mr. Smith. This game at once proved popular, in spite of the fact that most boys found the ball very difficult to control. They also found that complete fitness was just as necessary as it was for rugger. By Fete Day two very imperfect teams had been formed and an exhibition game was given in the evening. We hope that now this sport has been introduced to the School it will become a regular contest between the Houses, the points gained counting towards the Games Shield.

On 24th July the annual Swimming Sports were held. Arrangements were very efficiently made by Mr. Tayler. Lewes House, as usual, gained the " Innes " Trophy and, although some opposition was at least expected from the other Houses, the winners were almost forty points ahead of Martlets, who were second.

The final results were : Lewes, 59 points ; Martlets, 22 points ; Seahaven, 19 points ; Uckfield, 13 points. We offer our congratulations to Kirk who, with a total of fourteen points, gained the " Sinfield " Trophy for the best indiviual performance.

E. C. W.


The morning of Saturday, l3th June, was dull and wet, but the weather cleared up in time for the opening events of the Fete to take place in bright sunshine. The first item was an inter-House sports contest organised by Mr. Adams. This was won by Martlets, and the " Thompson " Athletic Cup was presented to M. J. Gibbons by Mrs. Thompson.

After this, affairs began to go with a swing. The sideshows and stalls did a brisk trade all through the afternoon, and the many amusements, such as a guinea-pig Derby, air-rifle range and coconut shies, were well patronised. The prize for the skittling competition, a fat young pig, caused a diversion by escaping and leading its pursuers a lively dance over the field.

Boxing and gym. displays were also greatly appreciated and attracted large audiences. Meanwhile, in the lab. there was a scientific exhibition, under the supervision of Messrs. Hoggins and Bowman. Among other important features in the programme were the obstacle race and ankle competition, the latter attracting a large entry. Tea was served during the afternoon, and afterwards a concert party was held in the Hall. This was very successful, and some fine singing and acting was appreciated by the audience.

In the evening the Headmaster distributed the prizes won in the various competitions. Amid much applause he announced that over £100 had been raised. The proceedings did not end here, however for many stopped behind either for the Dance in the School Hall or the Whist Drive in the Gymnasium. The Dance was attended by about 250 people and some " red-hot rhythm " was supplied by Fred Taylor's band from Brighton.

The Fete was a great success, both socially and financially, and we look forward with eager anticipation to June, 1937.

I. Roberts (Vc).


When scanning an oft-opened book,
Perchance I come across a play,
A tale of deeds of dread and blood,
Of fears that shun the light of day.

A tale made terrible by truth,
Of human passions, human sin,
The agony of sleepless nights,
With Death's dark shadow closing in.

Of creatures not of flesh and blood,
Who drive him onward to his doom
With empty kingship, hollow power,
That lead to madness and the tomb.

D. Buller (Va).

To the Editor of The Barbican.

The Athletic Sports held during last summer term call, I think, for some comment. The quality of the performances witnessed was variable in the extreme. Hopes were alternately raised and lowered in the most kaleidoscopic fashion. The reasons for this are only too plain and too many.

I am quite certain that it would be very much appreciated if the Athletic Sports were made a more important affair. They should be separated from any other event. They should have a day to themselves, perhaps in about the third week in June. There is no need for them to interfere with anything else. It could be done. Ambition is the requisite of all who would climb.

Organisation could help to improve performances by having everything done on a definite plan; not rushed off at the last minute. Rules should be made and adhered to every year.Changes ought to be diminished.

Training must be longer and more thorough. Good training would improve the standard of athletic achievement a thousandfold. It should be as careful, as individual, and as expert as possible, and should start at the beginning of the summer term or earlier.

The track could be definitely and correctly marked out. A little rolling in places would also be a decided advantage. Timing, too, needs more attention. In this connection the Cross-Country Run also stands in need of some sort of standardisation. Training for this run ought to begin much earlier, if strain is to be avoided.

But athletics should be made more prominent for more reasons than a desire "merely" to raise the standard of performance. Many boys who achieve but little success at the usual games prove their worth on the track. They should have a chance to show their worth. The team complexion of the races, jumps, etc., puts the brake on individual self-glorification, while not preventing the best performances. Colours might be awarded to the best athletes.

These increased activities would certainly benefit the mind. "Mens sana in corpore sano" was not all bluff. Properly organised, these athletic activities need not interfere with other games and school activities. There is no need for them to clash at all. Besides, nothing great was ever achieved without hard work.

To obtain the best results some kind of Athletie Association might be formed. Meetings could be held twice a week, directly after school, or in the evening (like the Scouts). What it needs is a competent trainer and some willing, enthusiastic and hard-working members (from the whole School). It ought to be remembered that training need not be carried out on the track all the time. Some winter preparation is very useful.

Surely something on these, or similar, lines can be done about the Sports and Cross-Country Run. The effort is decidedly worth the prize. A fine athlete is a joy for ever according to the Greeks. Fine athletes are quite numerous at School in the embryo stage. The foregoing suggestions might lead to some successful metamorphosis.

Hoping that this plea, will not fall upon unhearing ears.
Yours, etc.,
"Deeply Mortified."

We sympathise with "Deeply Mortified" and admire his keenness. Perhaps his letter will be an incentive to many members of the School. Does he take into consideration, however, the fact that we play both football codes and, therefore, find it difficult to allot any portion of the year to athletics alone? As for summer training, after school there are the counter attractions of swimming and cricket, not to mention early trains and buses.


This year the annual School camp was held at Stratford-on-Avon. Apart from a certain amount of rain and a spot of bother with some very perverse cows, the camp was a great success. We arrived at Stratford station after the long journey in somewhat forbidding weather. A cup of tea cheered us up, however, and, as the rain stopped, we were able to start off towards our camp site. After a fairly long walk we arrived there and the work of erecting the tents was commenced at once. The next day real camp life began. Most boys quickly seized the opportunity of exploring the old town of Stratford and visiting the many places of interest. The Avon offered fine chances for those who fancied their skill as boatmen. Some of our members ventured out in canoes, but found, to their cost, that manipulating these craft calls for a certain amount of dexterity if one wishes to remain inside them. Although we were not favoured with any really hot weather, a dip in the river was found very welcome at times and a few bathing parties were organised.

But besides swimming, boating, camp work and eating there was much to be seen and done. A number of excursions to various places were arranged, so that time never hung on our hands. Our first excursion was an all-day visit to Oxford. In the morning we looked round this fine old city and went over two or three colleges, including Magdalen, with its famous gardens. After a very welcome lunch we were taken in motor coaches to the Morris Motor Works at Cowley. Here our eyes were opened to the methods and conditions of mass production. This visit was most interesting especially as many of us had never seen anything of the kind before. After tea we walked along the bank of the Isis and saw the College boathouses before returning to Stratford.

No stay at Stratford-on-Avon would have been complete without visits to the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. Three plays were visited by the whole camp, while voluntary parties were organised for three others. The plays that we all saw were " Romeo and Juliet", " The Merchant of Venice " and " The Taming of the Shrew." All were very fine productions and could not fail to interest even the youngest boys in the party. During the interval it was pleasant to go out on the balcony for refreshments and watch the river gliding beneath, with, perhaps, a late boating party rowing past.

A visit to Warwick was also included in our programme. This was occupied chiefly by a fairly detailed tour of the castle, which is a good example of fourteenth-century fortification. It is situated in delightful grounds, complete with peacocks, and overlooks the Avon. It contains many things of interest, including some fine old paintings and furniture. Of course, it possesses the inevitable ghost, but somewhat to our disappointment, our guide assured us that he had never seen it, although he had been in the castle for many years.

One item which had not been foreseen was a cricket match between our camp and the one in the adjoining field consisting of a party from Langton High School. It was unfortunate for us that we had only two members of the School 1st XI in the party, but we had to accept their challenge and resolved to do our best. Although we were beaten we were not disgraced, the final scores being Lewes 33, Langton 53. Moreover, it must be taken into consideration that they had two masters playing, one of whom scored a third of their runs, while the other took about five wickets.

Only one day remained after this before we went home, and this was spent in a charabanc trip to the Malvern Hills through the Cotswolds. A start was made at nine o'clock in two motor coaches and the first stop was at Broadway, a small Cotswold village some ten miles from Stratford. After about ten minutes the party proceeded through more picturesque villages, all built in the same quiet, grey stone, to Tewkesbury. At Tewkesbury the abbey was visited and, after inspecting the famous building and photographing it from every conceivable angle, we continued our journey to Malvern. The Severn, wide and deep after the Avon, was crossed at Upton.

After lunch the afternoon was spent in a very pleasant, if hot and strenuous, walk over the hills to the Worcestershire Beacon, the highest point of the range. On one side there was a magnificent view over the Severn Basin and on the other of the wide plain, which stretches out to the distant mountains of Wales. We descended the steep slope down into Malvern, and after a short walk through the town the coaches were reached and the party travelled back to Stratford without a stop, passing through Worcester on the way. We arrived back at camp at about five o'clock, and everyone set about gathering wood for our only camp fire. This did not last long, as everyone was tired and, moreover, an early start had to be made the next day. However, everybody enjoyed themselves and all the old favourites were sung.

The next day we rose early, for there was much to be done. We were all ready at the scheduled time and, having packed all the camp equipment on the lorries, we started for the station. Unfortunately, not only did Stratford give us a very wet welcome, but it repeated the procedure when we left.

Thus ended the fifth School camp, a most enjoyable one which will long remain in our memories. The weather, though not too kind, was a distinct improvement on Wales or Shanklin and did not seriously hamper any of our activities. Lastly, mention must be made of the Headmaster and members of the staff, to whose hard work and enthusiasm the success of the camp was due.

A. G. Evans and P. Ridley (VI).


A clatter of plates, glasses and cutlery issues from the hall as dinner is being prepared. Amid noises from a certain classroom is heard : "Bee careful ; bee very careful. "Grunts, squeaks and groans come from the gym as some form does " Backward circling ". Someone says, "Consider this question," then above the clatter of tools and the roar of lathes from the handicraft room comes a voice : "Stop worrk! Pack up now!" The bell begins its tuneless clatter and the corridors are filled with laughing, chattering life as the School changes over for another forty minutes' "hard labour."

J. Sellens (Vc).

[Note for younger OLs: In those times the school day was divided into eight periods of forty minutes. Most lessons occupied one period but some were double periods, eg games, science. This idiotic system meant that the average single period lesson occupied about 30 minutes after allowing for moving classrooms, visits to the loo, getting changed after gym, settling down and becoming quiet, etc. In effect there was only four hours of actual lessons a day ! No sooner had a lesson begun and memory refreshed about the topic last touched upon, than the bell would ring again! It was the nearest thing to perpetual motion that could be devised in such a setting.]


It fell upon a summer's day
A sweltering day in June,
I taught the pupils in my class,
'Twas in the afternoon.

Suddenly on the peaceful scene,
The horror doth appear,
The curse is come upon me ! Lo !
The mower draweth near !

Over the fields it rumbles on,
Still louder and more dread ;
The din it makes doth split the air,
It goes right through my head.

And lo ! it ceases not, despite
My frantic, hopeless plea,
Like to the Crack of Doom itself
The tumult seems to me.

This poor, half-crazy, shattered wreck
You see before you now
Was driven to this wretched state
By that infernal row.

A. G. Evans (VI).


Most people know that every German youth, upon leaving school, must attend a Labour Camp for six months. This is about all they do know. The name " Labour Camp " itself is misleading, for it leads to a great many rumours being circulated as to what actually does go on within. During a holiday in Germany last summer I and others enjoyed a privilege which does not come the way of many, viz., staying at a Labour Camp. The particular one we visited was at Coblenz on the Rhine, and we stayed there four days. Let me describe the camp to you.

Guarding the entrance to the camp is a sentry. There is always one there, standing at ease with his huge spade (not gun) over his shoulder. He is always careful to see that no unauthorised person enters, and I should say that in cases of emergency, the spade he carries is a pretty useful weapon ! A most impressive feature about the worker is his uniform, which I consider to be superior even to that of the German Army. It is extremely comfortable, so the men said, and not too difficult to keep in a smart condition. Once inside, we found the actual buildings and gardens to be extraordinarily well-made and kept in tip-top condition. The buildings in which the men sleep are long and low, following the design of a square, with a courtyard in the middle for drilling and parades. A long corridor runs right around the square, with frequent bay-windows to let in light. Turning off on the right of this corridor are long dormitories for the men. Each dormitory contains eight beds in a line. A window at the far end overlooks the courtyard. Each man has a metal wardrobe in which to keep his clothes. Further along the corridor is a wash-place, also overlooking the yard.

A separate building, some 200 yards from the sleeping quarters, serves as the dining-room and canteen. Here are " penny-in-the-slot " machines and other amusements whilst the canteen is always open for the sale of confectionery, lemonade and, of course, beer. After six hours' labour in the fields, felling trees or building roads, the men naturally return hungry and look forward to a good meal. They are not disappointed. Upon their return they always find a hot meal awaiting them.

This food is wonderful. I have never enjoyed a stew so much as that which I received here. When I had finished I went up for more - and got it. You can have as much as you want, there is no limit. We had three meals a day : breakfast at 8 o'clock, luncheon at 1 o'clock, and a fine supper, usually consisting of hot meat, vegetables and gravy or stew, at 7 o'clock. During the afternoon, from 4 till 7, the men are free. They work but six hours a day, from 6.30 to 12.30.

On the dormitory walls the men had chalked slogans, such as -

"The day for Freedom and for Bread is dawning."

"Our country first, right or wrong, above everything."

"Work ennobles man."

In the dining hall, below a huge framed photograph of Hitler, was the inscription :-

"We cannot all be heroes and die on the battlefield, but we can be heroes
in our work, and make self-sacrifices for the good of our country."

These slogans were all erected by the men themselves, and express their faith very exactly.

I came to Germany with a very bad impression of Labour Camps, gained from the newspapers. Such headlines as "Labour Camps Second Form of Slavery" and "Appalling Conditions in German Labour Camps" were not uncommon in the popular Press two years ago. But we were told that no foreign newspaperman had ever actually been inside a Camp - they are not allowed. All the news they glean is sent them by discontented workers who shy at the prospect of six months' hard work prior to joining the Army. Now, however, the spirit of comradeship in the German Labour Camps surpasses anything to be seen elsewhere. There is no distinction of class whatsoever; during our stay we were introduced to eight millionaires' sons, working side by side with miners, mechanics and commercial travellers. Herr von Mignell, from the Staff Headquarters, explained that the real object of the Labour Camps is not to reduce unemployment, but to make the country self-supporting. Also, men of all trades and professions join together in one great brotherhood. Theirs is not a military training - not a single firearm was to be seen anywhere. The worker's sole weapon is a spade, as I mentioned before.

I am certain that this state of affairs is prevalent among all Labour Camps in Germany, and that the men were not on their best behaviour just to give us a good impression. They are much too happy and healthy to be disgruntled, and their lot is certainly a happy one.

In those four days we slept in their beds, ate their food, and mingled and made friends with them, and it is agreed on every side that those four days were among the happiest of the tour.

I hope I have given some of you a better idea of life in a German Labour Camp, and I strongly advise any of you spending a holiday in Germany, if you get the opportunity, to pay a Labour Camp a visit - it is well worth it.

D. Thomas (Vc).

We congratulate Thomas, together with his brother and I. Roberts (Vc) in being selected as members of the party that paid an official visit to Germany last summer. But would he subscribe to the doctrine "My country, right or wrong" - a very convenient slogan for dictators, removing, as it does, the right of the individual to think for himself ? - Ed.


On Wednesday, l8th November, the Annual Speech Day was held in the Hall. It was attended by a large number of parents and distinguished personages, the chair being taken by Sir George Boughey, Bart., C.B.E., who also presented the prizes.

The " Edgar Povey " Trophy ---- " For Integrity and Honour "
T. G. M. Wickens.

For Service to the School
S. G. Aston, R. W. Barnes, H. G. Knight, D. C. Stone.

Prizes Awarded on Higher School Certificate
M. J. Gibbons, G. C. Hutton, H. G. Knight.

Prizes for School Certificate
Form Va : P. V. Bridgeman, R. I. B. Cooper, N. D. Edwards, E. R. Emery, N. E. Hancock,
S. G. Henderson, J. A. Holton, R. G. W. Hourd, F. E. Pannett P. W. Ridley, C. Turner.
Form Vb : T. R. Barford, G. M. Downing, M. D. Lipscombe, B. O'B. Turner.
Form Vc : R. J. Clark, L. Clements, J. C. Holmes, K. Lusted.

Form Prizes
Remove : F. P. Hilton, J. E. Adams ;
IVa : E. S. Grayson, R. H. Faulkner ;
IVb : P. C. V. Palethorpe, I. G. Chart ;
IIIa : C. E. Moss, R. C. Blythe ;
IIIb : M. R. G. Pelling, K. G. Lawrence ;
IIa : J. G. Hobden, R. A. Sellens ;
IIb : F.A. Holton, P. J. Jacobs.

" Lilian Fleming " Prize for Biology
G. B. Akehurst.

Printing Prizes
G. Ashburner, C. C. Billson.

School Trophies
" Povey " Work Shield, Uckfield House ;
" Bradshaw " Games Shield, Seahaven House ;
" Thomson " Athletic Cup, Martlets House ;
" Henderson-Oliver " Cross-Country Cup, Uckfield House ;
" Innes " Swimming Cup, Lewes House ;
" Sinfield " Swimming Cup, A. F. Kirk ;
Headmaster's Bat, R. H. Renville.

SUCCESSES (Year ending July, 1936)

Oxford Higher Certificate
M. J. Gibbons (Modern Studies),
H. G. Knight (Modern Studies),
G. C. Hutton (Mathematics and Science).

Oxford School Certificate
F. W. Austen, C. Batten, D. O. Blake, P. V. Bridgeman, R. I. B. Cooper, J. Edgar,
N. D. Edwards, S. G. Henderson, N. E. Hancock, E. R. Emery, J. A. Holton,
R. G. W. Hourd, C. W. Hurst, R. S. Mackie, F. E. Pannett, R. I. Pollard,
R. H. Renville, P. W. Ridley, D. C. Stone, C. Turner, G. B. Akehurst,
G. W. Allen, D. K. Chant, A. J. Clayton, W. J. Dawe, G. M. Downing,
P. Flint, J. R. Howard, P. Killick, M. D. Lipscombe, R. A. Lusted, C. E. Paskins,
J. W. Pelham, N. W. Smith, B. O'B. Turner, A. E. Walter, L. N. Watts, R. F. Burley,
R. J. Clark, L. Clements, G. A. Cornford, C. E. Crouch, J. H. Cull, S. F. Hills,
J. C. Holmes, A. W. Kirby, K. Lusted, G. S. Smith, M. J. Tomley.

Endorsements of Certificates gained in 1935
A. M. Bridgeman, Latin (Credit) ; R. Burgess, German (Credit) ; B. A. Colvin, Latin (Credit) ;
T. G. M. Wickens, Additional Mathematics (Credit), Chemistry (Credit), Physics (Credit).

Civil Service Clerical and Departmental Examination
E. G. Baker, A. M. Bridgeman, M. W. Chatfield, B. A. Colvin, J. A. Reed, J. Towner.

Aircraft Apprentice Examination
R. F. Beal, A. E. Walter.

Board of Education Award, Selwyn College, Cambridge
R. W. Barnes.

County Intermediate Scholarship, Class I
A. W. Brown, W. R. Wray.

County Junior Scholarship
K. I. Bacon.


Instructors' Certificates
C. P. Kelley, J. W. Pelham.

Bronze Medallion
F. S. Allen, E. G. Baker, R. F. Beal, P. H. Camplin, B. Chandler, J. Henderson, A. F. Kirk,
J. M. Kitchener, K. Lusted, M. J. Tomley, T. G. M. Wickens, M. J. Willis.

Old Lewesians' Successes
D. B. Barker, B.A., Honours School of English, London University:
J. E. Rutherford, Honours Mathematical Moderations, Oxford University.


On a plate of simple china,
In an attitude of peace,
With a cook for your designer
You are curled in thick, brown grease.

Pretty rasher, rolled and streaky,
Strange it was my teeth should dig
Into what was once a squeaky,
Horrid, dirty, little pig.

Yet my appetite so vicious,
Thinks you beautiful and chaste,
And I find you quite delicious
To my own disgusted taste.

Stay ! are you a vain deceiver ?
When you led your awful life.
Did you have a dreadful fever ?
Did that drive you to the knife ?

Though your fat my liver greases,
While upon your lean I gloat,
You perchance have had diseases
'Ere they cut your grunting throat.

These reflections you awaken,
While my knife and fork I ply,
And I wonder o'er my bacon,
Which is rasher, you or I ?

Marande (Vc).

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