Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 10 - September 1937

The Original Barbican cover At this period in the school's history the Barbican was appearing twice a year. In spite of the editor's comments about the quantity of material submitted it is clearly weak and insubstantial. There seems to be very little to report. Compared with the Barbicans from 1939 onwards it seems lacking in those qualities for which the School became famous.

The report on the 1937 Empire Rally of Youth seems very typical of its time. The country at large was obsessed with King, Empire and maintenance of the status quo, yet they were aware that there was unfinished business in Europe with tin-pot dictators strutting about making what appeared to be ridiculous claims for their own empires. There were ominous signs that there was trouble ahead. With the Great War a mere twenty years ago the headmaster who fought in it and saw so many of his comrades killed must have had great difficulty charting the way ahead. It was period of great uncertainty exemplified by the Abdication Crisis and a popular impression, here and abroad, that Great Britain was lacking in leadership and vision.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys

September 1937


Once again we have had the satisfaction of being inundated with contributions. Indeed, so numerous have they been that space does not permit the mention of every contributor individually. However, we thank all those boys whose efforts do not appear in this issue, and assure them that the best are being kept for future consideration.

Perhaps the chief feature of the Christmas term was the phenomenal success of the Rugger XV, which lost only two matches out of eleven, winning the rest by a comfortable margin in each case.

The chief feature of the Spring term was the absence of the School Play, though through no fault of our own. With only a fortnight to go before the actual production it was decided to abandon it, as, owing to the ravages of influenza earlier in the term, we had been able to make little headway. It is certain that the performance could not have reached the high standard set in previous years. There will, however, be a play at the end of the Christmas term, when we hope to be more fortunate.

With regard to the "Get Fit" Campaign, last term we were able to serve as a splendid advertisement of the health giving properties of "P.T." A film was taken of typical specimens of the sturdy youth of Lewes County School for Boys being "put through it." No doubt when this remarkable picture flashes on the screen, many weak-kneed specimens will be inspired to make a regular habit of their "daily dozen."

A new departure this term is the "adoption" by the School of a cargo vessel, Javanese Prince plying between America and the Far East. The idea is to exchange correspondence with the officers, and, when the ship is in port over here, to visit it. We trust that the captain will not be too overwhelmed with "landlubberish" enquiries.

SCHOOL LIST, Summer Term, 1937

School Captain : M. J. Gibbons.

School Prefects :
Lewes : E. C. Wynter (Capt.), B. J. Ketchell.
Martlets : M. J. Gibbons (Capt.), H. G. Knight.
Seahaven : F. W. Cosstick (Capt.), G. P. Gravett.
Uckfield : G. C. Hutton (Capt.).

Prefect Librarian : E. C. Wynter.
Captain of Cricket : M. J. Gibbons.
Vice-Captain : E. C. Wynter.
Secretary : G. P. Gravett.
Treasurer : A. G. Evans.
Form Captains :
IIa, Bacon ; IIb, Wicks ; IIIb, Glenister ; IIIa, Walter ;
IVa, Thomas ; IVb, Howes ; Remove, Cottis ;
Vc, Hart ; Vb, Henderson ; Va, Kirby ; VI, Gibbons.

Magazine Committee :
E. C. Wynter, F. W. Cosstick, G. P. Gravett, G. C. Hutton, P. W. Ridley,
R. Cooper, N. D. Edwards, I. A. Roberts, S. Jarrett, D. Thomas, R. C. Blythe.

Editor : A. G. Evans.



The Coronation of King George VI, which was accompanied by celebrations on a very lavish scale, was the scene of an important innovation, a rally of the youth of the whole British Empire. Every part of the Empire was represented, from Nova Scotia to the North-West Frontier of India, from Saskatchewan to South Africa, from our own county of Sussex to the British community at Shanghai, and looking round the Albert Hall, every gallery and seat of which was occupied, one could well believe this. In view of the fact that the rally was organised by the National Council of Education of Canada, the place of honour in the centre of the Hall was taken by the Canadian contingent, the boys all in red blazers, the girls in blue and white. In contrast were grouped on all sides boys and girls in blazers of unbelievable variety. After the prelimmary items, we were delighted to hear that the Duke of Gloucester would be present for the first part of the proceedings to read a greeting from the King himself. Then followed speeches by the chief representatives of Canada, India, and Australia, and the singing of Rudyard Kipling's " The Children's Song, " leading up to the great moment of the evening, the farewell speech of the Right Honourable Stanley Baldwin, then Prime Minister of Great Britain. For almost half an hour we were enthralled by the last public speech of a great man, in which he told us that his day was over, and that he was now handing over the torch to the youth of to-day, as it had been handed to him in past years. The singing of " Jerusalem," the " Ode to Youth," written specially for the occasion by Alfred Noyes, and the National Anthem made a fitting conclusion to the first half of these momentous proeeedings, and we departed, carrying with us a memory which may " flash upon the inward eye " in years to come.

Our enjoyment of the royal drive to the Guildhall the following morning was marred by heavy showers and the consequent decision of the King to drive in a closed car instead of the royal coach. Nevertheless, the rain entirely failed to damp our ardour, and the cheers were deafening. On the afternoon of 19th May came the second great event of the rally, the Service in Westminster Abbey and Westminster Hall. Although a large section were unable to be present in the Abbey, owing to lack of accommodation, the service was transmitted to Westminster Hall, and as compensation those in the Hall were entertained with a description of the interesting history of the building. The impressiveness of the ceremony was somewhat lessened by our being unable to see what was going on but the Archbishop of Canterbury's sermon, on " The Challenge of the Coronation," expounded the spiritual side of the duty of youth, as Mr. Baldwin's speech had expounded the social side on the previous evening.

At the conclusion of the service, the Archbishop came into Westminster Hall, and made a short informal speech, after which all those who had not yet seen the decorations in the Abbey were allowed to make a short tour of inspection. The beauty of the Abbey was enhanced by its setting of gold and blue, and in the short time that we spent there we could form some idea of the scene during the great historical event of l2th May.

Thus concluded the rally of youth, but it is to be hoped that in future years there will be other rallies, and, if possible, annual meetings throughout the Empire. If the British Empire is to be a great force for peace in the world, surely it is necessary to cultivate friendship among the youth of this great Commonwealth of Nations, so that, when they take their place in the governments of their countries, there will be a bond between them which will endure, no matter what attempts are made to break it.

B. J. Ketchell (Form VI).

We congratulate Ketchell, Cosstick and J. Henderson on being selected to attend the Rally and condole with Gibbons and Wynter, who were also chosen, but were prevented by illness from being present.


House Masters : Messrs. Hoggins, Smith and Dolden.
House Captain : E. C. Wynter.
House Prefect : B. J. Ketchell.

Lewes House experienced a fairly successful soccer season last term, and, had not the previous rugger term been so unfortunate, our prospects in the Games Shield Competition would have been very bright. Also the cricket season, up to the time of writing, has proved much more satisfactory than was expected, and although there is not much chance of gaining the Games Shield this year, the prospects for next year are very rosy, since many enthusiastic juniors, who have done much for the House in the junior teams will have become seniors capable of holding their own with any of the new seniors of other Houses.

This term the Athletic Sports take place. It is the duty of every Lewes boy to attempt to qualify in as many events as possible, not only to gain points for the House, but also to train himself to perfect fitness in case he should be needed on Sports day. Remember, we shall have much more chance of winning the " Thompson " Cup if there are many boys to pick a team from than if there are only just enough to make up a team.

Also there are the Swimming Sports this term. I spoke about them in the last House Notes, but will just add that practice alone will enable us to retain the " Times " Cup. We have always won this trophy. We must win it agaln this year and once again prove our supremacy in the art of swimming.

E. C. W.

House Masters : Messrs. O'Brien, Auld and Tayler.
House Captain : M. J. Gibbons.
House Prefect : H. G. Knight.

Last term was not very brilliant for Martlets. All we have to congratulate ourselves on is that we finished first on football and rugger in the House Competition by a fairly clear margin. And at the time of writing the 1st and 2nd XIs' House cricket games have been played and we are still top by three points. We have to win two 3rd XI games to be certain of winning the Shield. Let us hope for the best. In other activities we have not been very successful, for in the Cross-country Competition we finished in a low position and, unfortunately, we also occupied our now accustomed place, that is third, in the Work Shield Competition. It will be a change when we get out of this rut into a more exalted position, and are able to challenge the undoubted superiority of Uckfield in this sphere. But if we cannot win both, we ought, at least, to make certain of the Games Shield for the first time in our history.

M. J. Gibbons.

House Masters : Messrs. Euston, Pett and Gosling.
House Captain : F. W. Cosstick.
House Prefect : G. P. Gravett.

Last term the House dropped a number of points in the Games Shield Competition. The football was run on a knock-out basis, and Seahaven fared rather badly. In cricket we are doing better and may pull up well enough to retain the Shield.

In the cross-country, the House put up a fairly good show, especially in the Senior race, in which event we had ten runners in the first twenty. This excellent example was not followed by Colts and Juniors, however, and we had to be content with finishing second to Uckfield.

In work we are keeping up the old tradition of the House, alternating between third and last regularly every fortnight. Work will have to be increased twofold by everyone in the House if we are to have a chance of gaining the Shield next year.

F. W. Cosstick.

House Masters : Messrs. Jarvis and Bowman.
House Captain : G. C. Hutton.
Games Captain : A. Kirby.
Vice-Captain : J. Holton.

After a none too successful Rugby season, Uckfield House, in the Knock-out Soccer Competition, secured fourteen points out of a possible eighteen. We thus finished second to Martlets in the Games Shield Competition only three points behind, and with a hope of securing this trophy if the cricket improves.

The cross-country run, as usual, ended in an easy win for Uckfield House, and the work maintained its high standard.


SOCCER, 1937

Despite abnormal weather conditions which caused six games to be cancelled, the School enjoyed a successful soccer season. Of a total of 17 games, 10 were won, 2 drawn and 5 lost, which is very satisfactory.

In December several potential members of the 1st XI left, and only six members of last year's 1st and 2nd XI remained. We were deprived of the services of Wynter through an unfortunate accident. Thus team building was difficult, but for the last four games the 1st XI has remained unchanged and has shown good form. There has been evidence of a slight lack of balance, but, on the whole, the side has played well together. The best performances were the wins against Bexhill and Hastings and the draw against Brighton Grammar School.



At the end of last season we hoped to retain about eight of the team for this year. However, we were disappointed, and only a few of the previous eleven were available. In addition, Wynter played in only one match, and Kirby, who performed excellently in the first match, left almost immediately.

The fortunes of the team fluctuated considerably. Opening the season with a surprisingly good win against Lewes Priory 2nd XI, in-and-out form was displayed until the season ended with a lamentable batting display against Varndean. The whole record was won 3, lost 4, drew l. Outstanding performances by individuals have been fewer than in previous seasons. Of the newcomers to the team Henderson was successful as an opening bat, and Wiffen, Batten and Hilton batted well on occasions. Kitchener bowled effectively in several games. Of the former members of the team, Gibbons was most prominent with the bat and also bowled with some success; Evans had some good innings, Blythe showed considerable promise, and Gravett made his highest score in his usual style. The best bowling performance was credited to Barford, whilst Tomley did well when he remembered to bowl a length.


The long-awaited staff match took place on the last Wednesday of the term, and resulted in a rather unexpected victory for the Masters. It was agreed that each side should bat for one-and-a-half hours. Mr. Pett hit hard to score 46 out of the Masters' total of 94 for 9. Barford and Gibbons bowled well to take 5 for 39 and 4 for 27, respectively. Mr. Dolden then reminded us of the benefits to be obtained from a gymnastic training by taking 6 for 21, and the School were all out for 50.

S. G. Henderson.


The results of the " get fit " campaign are already revealing themselves. Of course, you may be a definite high-brow, entirely unaffected by all the talk and blather. If so, my words may not interest you. If, however, your forehead is somewhat lower, you may have noticed a definite change in your fellow-men.

Colonel Tappah-Tappah is, of course, the same as ever. A chest like a barrel and a snort like any horse on seeing my latest tie creation: To resume, however, the ordinary inhabitants of this revolving sphere like me, have become the participants in a physical uplift. If you step on the gouty feet of most of the old gentlemen to-day, what happens ? No longer are you the recipient of a flow of colourful epithets which positively turn the air an apoplectic hue. No. To-day you receive a forced and frosty smile; because the old gentleman does not want people to know he is a physical wreck, by Gad ! And while Mrs. Jones is telling Mrs. Smith that Mrs. Brown has changed the ribbon on her hat to bring it up to date : " Wouldn't buy another you know. My dear, you'd think, etc., etc." While this conversation is in progress you may notice Mrs. Smith doing deep breathing exercises between ejaculations of " Oh ! ... I say. Did she really ? " and Mrs. Jones is doing knees full bend every few minutes under cover of " tying up her shoelace."

But how does it affect you and me ? Are we twice the men we were, or are we the same as ever ? I am afraid I am just the same; if not considerably worse, for the mental strain of it all is positively overwhelming.

Couldn't Mr. Baldwin pass one more Act before he goes, making it a capital offence for irresponsible youths to talk at dinner of javelin throws and Latin Prep. while I am manfully struggling to count the number of mastications per mouthful ?

T. Stevens (Vc).


A crashing and a bumping,
A bashing and a thumping,
- A grimy hand wipes sweat from grimy brow:
A voice : "We'll never finish!
Oi ! Pass me up the Guinness!"
- A thankful pause, and then resumes the row.

A clatter and a clamouring,
A batter and a hammering,
- Then suddenly a raucous voice yells "Oh!
You clumsy (censored) stiff, you!
I'll come and (ditto) biff you!
- You've dropped the blinking hammer on my toe!"

A new form-room's appearing,
Great scaffolding is rearing,
- The men will soon have finished, so we hope.
We'll be thankful when its over,
We'll give each of them, by jove, a
- Mighty bar of strong carbolic soap.

Thomas (Vc).

[Note: From this one can deduce that in early 1937 new classrooms were being built to cope with the increasing numbers. Almost certainly these would have been the ones later known as Room 2 and 11 on the SW and SE corners respectively of the original building. Room 2, in my day, was traditionally Mr Nicholls' Geography room and Room 11 Mr O'Brien's History room.]


The Annual Cross-country Races were held this year on Monday, 22nd March, and attracted an entry of 140 boys.

For the first time, three races were run. The Senior race, for boys over 15 years of age, was run over a wet and rather heavy three-mile course, while the Colts and Juniors (dividing age 13 years) ran over a shorter and easier course, a little over two miles in length.

Uckfield House not only easily won the House Championship, but also distinguished itself by supplying the first boy home in each race. The running of the early arrivals in all three races reached a high standard, but special mention must be made of G. C. Baker's extremely fine performance in the Colt race, which he won by almost a quarter of a mile.

The final House positions and the names of the first ten boys in each race are recorded below:

House Positions

1. Uckfield
2. Seahaven
3. Martlets
4. Lewes
14.43 points.
11.40 points.
10.41 points.
9.83 points.

Seniors :
1, Holton (U); 2, Evans (L); 3, Chant (L); 4, Ashburner (S); 5, Geering (L);
6, Barford (U); 7, Gravett (S); 8, Simpson (S); 9, Edwards (U); 10, Hart (S).

Colts :
l, Baker (U); 2, Jessop (L); 3, Marson (U); 4, Kandall (S); 5, Marshall (U);
6, Head (L); 7, Braidwood (M); 8, Holton (U); 9, Wray (M); 10, Humphries (U).

Juniors :
1, Day (L); 2, Evans (M); 3, Ford (L); 4, Hoad (M) and Lawler (L);
6, Green (S); 7 , Finley (M); 8, Jennings (S); 9, Buckman (L); 10, Sutton (U).

M. G. D.


The School Athletic season ended with the School Sports on l7th July. Previous to this, standard heats in each event had been run regularly throughout the term, and quite a high percentage of boys had succeeded in gaining the required standard in one or more events. Special mention should be made of Tomley and Holton, who were the only Seniors who succeeded in obtaining a standard in each of the ten Senior events.

The Athletic Sports were organised on the relay system, each event being either a relay or a team event. Javelin throwing, discus throwing, and shot putting were introduced for the first time, and in these events there are already one or two promising performers, notably Williamson with the discus, Henderson with the shot, and Cornall with the javelin. Other notable performances were those of Day and Stock, who both cleared 4 ft. 3 ins. in the Junior High Jump (under 13), and the excellent finish of both Evans and Chant, who were first and second respectively in the mile team race.

The House Challenge Cup was won by Uckfield, who gained such a formidable lead on the cross-country results that first places in both the Standard Heats and Athletic Sports failed to raise Seahaven above second place in the totals. We thank Mrs. Wilfred Thompson and Mrs. Coates for distributing the trophies.


During the winter and spring terms the Sixth Form Society enjoyed a pleasant session, in spite of a marked reluctance on the part of new members to joust in the oratorical lists. However, G. Gravett regularly regurgitated his point about capitalists ; G. Hutton continued to pass his usual witticisms ; E. Wynter intermittently disbursed his bombast ; so the season was quite successful.

Cornall was elected secretary for the winter term, and Mr. Auld chairman. Apart from interesting debates and lectures, a novelty was introduced by G. Gravett in the form of a " coger night." During this members discussed the topical events read from the news columns of the Observer. A play-reading also took place -- Shaw's " Applecart " being selected.

In the spring term Mr. Pett took the chair and R. Cooper became secretary. In the early part of the term the Society was invited to the Girls' School to debate on the " Modern Craze of Speed." Two lectures were given this term, one on " Tom Paine," by the secretary of the Newhaven Literary and Debating Society, Mr. Oakshott, the other on " Switzerland," by Mr. Morrish.

The Society is confidently expecting an even more successful, term in the forthcoming winter.



You've got to get up, you've got to get up,
Although 'tis Saturday that's dawning.
You leave half your tea in your breakfast cup,
For there's cricket at school this morning.

You dash to the gate, and you run through the town,
And whenever you stop you start yawning,
You just catch the train, and, still puffing, sit down,
For there's cricket at school this morning.

The train's rather slow, you curse under your breath,
The signal shows red as a warning,
If you arrive late, then for you it's sure death,
For there's cricket at school this morning.

When it's all over, you think with a sigh
Of the fine time that you'll have on Sunday ;
You can lie up in bed till the parson goes by,
For there'll be no more cricket till Monday.

Marande (Vc).


During the winter and spring terms, although nothing spectacular has been accomplished, we can at least look back on a record of steady progress. Our activities have necessarily been hampered by the amount of time we have had to give to preparation for the Rally and the Scout Concert in Lewes Town Hall. At the Rally we gave a display of signalling, and contributed a short play to the Concert. We also supplied one or two of the " chorus girls " at the Concert.

In spite of all this, however, we have been able to get on with badge work and continue our Patrol Competition, which was won this time by the Fox Patrol, with the Hawks runners-up. A pleasant evening was spent with the Second Lewes Group in wide games on the downs, and at the end of the term two Sunday afternoons were spent in bridge-building.

This term we hope to have at least one week-end camp and. as many tracking expeditions as possible. By the end of the term every boy in the Troop should have gained his Second Class Badge, while the Swimming and Ambulance Competitions will offer opportunities for proficiency badges. We should also retain the Swimming Trophy and rectify the mistake we made last year with regard to the Ambulance Competition.

A. G. Evans (VI).


II : " Left it at home, sir."
III : " Left my books at school, sir."
IV : " I've done it, sir, but I can't find my exercise book."
V (lower) : I've half-finished it, sir."
Vc (definitely upper) : " I haven't quite finished it, sir."
Lower VI : " I've done it in rough, sir."
Upper VI : " We haven't done it yet."

Thomas (Vc).


During the spring term of this year the Scientific Society was re-inaugurated with Mr. Hoggins as chairman. The Society was composed of the fifth and sixth forms and met every Thursday to listen to lectures given by members themselves. These were on subjects of scientific or general interest and were illustrated by experiments and lantern slides. Mr. Hoggins commenced the session with a lecture on " The Discharge of electricity in gases," and the following week Mr. Bowman, the vice-chairman, gave a lecture on " Evolution -- the evidence." Following these examples, there was no lack of volunteers among the other members to address the Society. Subjects of various talks included wireless, astronomy, ship-building, waves and ripples, and explosives (the experimental illustrations of the latter aroused some consternation in a certain passer-by).

Altogether the Society has experienced a very successful term, and is confidently expecting another enjoyable session during the winter terms.

R. Cooper (VI).


Parents' evening last autumn was reserved for parents only, and the Christmas tea assumed all the dignity of a separate function. Of primary importance, of course, was the tea itself, though the enthusiasm of the senior forms was slightly damped by assistance in clearing away.

Afterwards a concert à la Parents' Evening was held in the hall. Much surprise was occasioned by the opening items, sung (shouted or roared, if preferred) by the Headmaster's Hot-cha Choir, a body formed about five minutes previously. Dignity was restored by the School Choir's rendering of " Jesu, joy of man's desiring," from a Bach cantata, and " Strange Adventure," from Sullivan's " Yeoman of the Guard." Mr. Auld, to everyone's amazement, turned comedian, and sang a mock-pathetic ditty, while Mr. Taylor, after introducing his friend Professor Turpentine to appeal for Christmas stockings for the WaagaWaaga islanders, sang his own version of " I don't suppose he'll do it again for months."

The more serious side of the programme included a piano solo, Scherzo in C sharp minor, by Chopin, played by R. B. Smith, and Green's singing of " How beautiful are the feet . . . " by Handel.

The short play produced by the Headmaster was " X -- O," by John Drinkwater. Its action is based on the Trojan War, but it is designed to show the futility of all war. The characters were two Greek soldiers, played by G. Gravett and E. Wynter, and two Trojans, played by D. Buller and R. Faulkner.

There followed the singing of carols by the Choir, in some of which everyone present joined, and the evening was concluded by a game of musical chairs.

G. C. H.



Hon. Secretaries :
C. F. HALL, " Beverley," Houndean Rise, Lewes.
D. V. S. JARVIS, County School for Boys, Lewes.

Hon. Treasurer :
T. A. HAYWARD, 66 Malling Street, Lewes.

Since the last issue of The Barbican, the activities of the Old Lewesians' Association have been mainly concentrated on the social side of the Association, instead of with the usual items of football and cricket.

As was stated in the last Old Boys' Notes, it was not found possible to run a soccer team during the past winter. The cricket team also, unfortunately, suffered a set-back, as it was decided to postpone the activities of the club for the present season owing to the lack of regular playing members and to the fact that no home matches could be played before the end of July. We are, however, hopefully looking forward to a full season of sport next year. Mention may be made at this point of the success of Old Boys in local teams of cricket, soccer and rugger; we only trust that they will return to play for the Old Boys' teams when we are again able to field representative sides.

The second Old Boys' Dance was held on 15th February, at the School, and proved to be even a greater success than its predecessor the resultant £15 profit being allocated to the Careers Fund.

During the last six months two trips were arranged, viz., to Twickenham and to the Aldershot Tattoo. These outings, however, were cancelled owing to the lack of support in numbers. This was due chiefly to the inability of many Old Boys to obtain the necessary time off from their employments.

March 13th saw the annual encounter of the Old Boys and the School elevens at soccer. The games were enjoyed by the participants and resulted in a draw, 4-4, in the "A" XI, and the " B " team lost 6-4. After tea, about 50 Old Boys and Old Girls of the Lewes County School for Girls were entertained with an acted play-reading of " The Fourth Wall " by A. A. Milne, the cast of which was composed of Old Boys and Lewes County School Old Girls. With a nucleus thus formed, it is hoped that more productions will be forthcoming and that an Amateur Dramatic Society will come into being. An enjoyable evening was terminated by an impromptu dance with the aid of the radiogram.

At a recent Committee Meeting the design for an Old Boys' silk scarf was submitted and approved, and the finished article is now on sale, together with all other Old Lewesian clothing (ties, blazers, etc.) at Messrs. Horne Bros. of Brighton.


We were very sorry indeed to hear of the death owing to a motor accident of G. W. Kenward. We offer his relations our sincere condolences. At school he was a quiet, upright boy with a blameless record.

During the past term we have heard from several Old Boys.

We offer our belated congratulations to Barker on becoming our first graduate [?]. He is still startling the dramatic world at Southampton. We also send to Jamaica our hearty congratulations to Hazlerigg on his marriage.

Page has now passed his A/G 1 Exam. Aston has moved to Lincolnshire. Bartholemew and Renville have obtained posts in the Stewards' Department at the Hellingly Mental Institute. K. J. Barnes is now a clerk in the employment of the Southern Railway. R. D. Camplin is sampling every department at Unilever House.

Colvin is now safely ensconced at Adastral House, and is believed to know intimately every theatre in London. We hope E. W. Cook is doing his best not to poison all the guests at the Savoy. G. S. Smith has secured a post in the Borough Treasurer's Department, Lewes. F. Walder is at Cranwell doing a wireless course. B. Turner is in a bank at Harrow.

Downing has now left the County Library to take up a Civil Service career. He has been succeeded at the Library by P. Flint. Duke has sailed for South Africa. Last term we were pleased to receive a visit from H. G. Edwards, who has been with his ship in the Mediterranean. Pollard found time to leave his naval duties at Chatham to come to the Old Boys' Dance.

R. Lusted is now working for Messrs. Pannet, builders. We were also glad to hear from Norman, who is with the Austin Motor Company at Birmingham. W. S. Eade has obtained his B.A. (Lond.) with 2nd Class Honours in French. Hearty congratulations.

L. Watts is a pupil in the Chailey R.D. Surveyor's Office. A. Holding is in the Air Force at Cranwell. Congratulations to Horgan on his appointment to a short-service Commission in the R.A.F. He is our first Old Boy to hold the King's Commission in the Regular Forces.

R. W. Barnes is worthily upholding the responsibility of being our first Old Boy at Cambridge. He has just obtained a " first " in the qualifying examination of the Geography Tripos and the College prize for Geography. We read recently a long and vivid description by Coxon of his voyage out East to join the Air Force in Iraq. D. Blake has an appointment in a French bank in London.

Finally, we congratulate E. L. Cooke, W. Jessop, E. K. Payne, H. F. Sharp and R. Beck in passing their respective Banking, Gas Engineering, Accountancy and Chartered Secretaries' Examinations.

SALVETE 1936-37

Barrett, J. A.
Beevor, D. J.
Bingham, N. H.
Blake, C. R. A.
Buckman, J.
Burgess, A. J.
Butchers, L. R.
Caton, D. A.
Collier, R. J.
Cook, J. D.
Crossthwaite, M.
Day, A. J.
Dennis, H. J.
Dodson, A. R.
Evans, W. C.
Faulkner, E. G.
Finley, L. H. F.
Flint, K. W.
Ford, R. E.
Green, A. G.
Hall, J. E.
Hemsley, S.
Hillyer, B. D. V.
Hoad, E. H.
Jennings, P. J.
Lawler, E. T.
Metcalfe, R. E.
Meux, I. R.
Norris, L. H.
Pelling, R. J.
Renville, A. D.
Richardson, P. W
Sanders, G.
Shaw, G. B.
Siggs, A. D.
Sinnock, A. C.
Smith, A. E.
Smith, M. J.
Stiller, G. A.
Stock, A. J.
Strange, E. S.
Sutton, G. D.
Wicks, D. F. R.
Wilkie, S.
Wilson, J. D.

VALETE 1936-37

Ashburner, G.
Baker, E. G.
Barnes, K. G. A.
Blake, D. O.
Bridgman, A. M.
Burgess, R.
Burley, R. F.
Clark, R. J.
Cornford, G. A.
Cranfield, R. S.
Dawe, W. J.
Edwards, F. B.
Emery, E. R.
Flint, P.
Goodchild, D. I.
Gooderham, O. N.
Holding, A.
Howard, D. R.
Huntington, F.
Hurst, C. W.
Kelley, C. P.
Killick, P.
Lusted, K.
Lusted, R. A.
Lyndon, R.
Marigold, P. E. H.
Mayes, V. C.
Mantle, R. P.
Orchard, A. F.
Pannett, F. E.
Quick, J. H.
Renville, R. H.
Sim, R. S.
Smith, G. S.
Turner, C.
Turner, R. G.
Turrell, L. W. E.
Thorpe, P. J.
Walter, A. E.
Watts, L. N.

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