Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 11 - May 1938

Loaned by Joe Warr - Edited by Maurice Hobden

The Original Barbican cover This issue of the Barbican is a great improvement on the previous one which had very little of any substance, yet the editor is the same. Here we have reports of significant events like school plays, camps at Chamonix, tramping in the Black Forest, NRB's unsuccessful hobbies idea, Speech Day, hilarious Parent's evenings, Scouts and letters from old boys in the far flung Empire. There are also two excellent linocuts from boys.

Extracts from the Barbican


'Au Claire de la lune' - Ford



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys

May 1938


After having been inundated with contributions for the previous three numbers of THE BARBICAN we now have to raise our voice in protest at the scarcity of original work which has been forthcoming for the present issue. There are some stalwarts who can always be relied upon, but on the whole the response to our request for contributions has been very poor.

His rebus dictis, we can now turn our attention to the more cheerful subject of School activities during the Christmas and Spring terms.

Last July we bade a reluctant farewell to Mr. Dolden, who left us to take up another position. Though sorry to lose him, we wish him the best of luck in his new post. We would also extend a somewhat belated welcome to Mr. Page, who took Mr. Dolden's place in September.

Chief among the activities of the Winter term was, of course, the School Play, which met with its usual success. Mr. Stripe, the producer, and all those who took part, both on the stage and behind the scenes are to be congratulated on a difficult job well done, for Ibsen's " Pretenders " was by far the most ambitious production we have yet tackled.

With regard to the Rugger results, these were not so satisfying. During the Christmas term the 1st XV failed to find its form and only won one match. After Christmas, however, there was a great improvement, and often the play reached the high standard of last season.

Finally, mention should be made of the School Camp, which was held last summer at Chamonix. As usual, it was thoroughly enjoyed by all who went and must rank as an important School achievement.


School Captain : H. G. Knight.
School Prefects :
Lewes : B. J. Ketchell (capt.), J. Cull, A. Evans.
Martlets : H. G. Knight (capt.), C. Batten.
Uckfield : J. Holton (capt.), J. Henderson, S. Henderson.
Seahaven : G. Gravett (capt.), M. Tomley.

Captain of Rugby : G. Gravett.
Vice-Captain : H. G. Knight.
Secretary : A. G. Evans.
Treasurer : C. Chivers.
Prefect Librarian : S. G. Henderson.

Form Captains :
IIb, Dewdney ; IIa, Palethorpe ; IIIa, Dennis ; IIIb, Buckman ;
IVa, Holton ; IVb, Hobden; Remove a, Thomas B. ; Remove b, Beal ;
Va, Hart ; Vb, Cottis ; VI, Knight.

Magazine Committee :
R. Cooper, B. Ketchell, P. Ridley, G. Roberts, Thomas, Jarrett, Blythe, Moss.
Editor : A. G. Evans.


House Masters : Messrs. Hoggins and Smith.
House Captain : B. J. Ketchell.
House Prefects : A. G: Evans, J. Cull.

Lewes House lost several of its senior members at the end of the Summer term, and hence had some difficulty in selecting strong teams for the Rugby House Matches. In spite of this, the two teams showed a spirit which has often been lacking before, and defeated all their opponents except Seahaven 1st XV, while, even in this game, we were far from disgraced. It is to be hoped that the same spirit will lead to better results in cross-country running, athletics and cricket. Unfortunately, the Junior Soccer XI were unable to emulate their elder brethren, and only gained one victory in their six matches.

If the House has cause to congratulate itself on the results of the Rugby season, there is great need of improvement in the less conspicuous, but more important sphere of work. Since the opening of the School, Lewes House has held the third place in the Work Shield, and the reasons for this are obvious. While there are many boys who honestly work hard, there are an appreciable number who make no effort to achieve good results. Their low percentage of House points impedes the boys who are endeavouring to uphold the cause of their House in this connection. Such a state of affairs affords an unpleasant contrast to the team spirit mentioned earlier, and ought not to continue.

Finally, it is necessary to add a note of warning about the " Innes " Swimming Trophy. In the past Lewes House has always relied largely on a few individuals to win this cup. This year most of these boys have left, and all must endeavour to attain the highest possible standard if the trophy is to be retained.
B. J. K.

House Masters : Messrs. O'Brien, Tayler and Auld.
House Prefects : H. G. Knight and C. Batten.

In Rugby last season Martlets did not achieve very good results. It is true that we had lost several senior members, but this fact alone was not responsible for the mediocre results. The 1st XV beat Uckfield comfortably, but lost badly to Seahaven and Lewes ; the 2nd XV managed to defeat only Uckfield. With a little more keenness we should have done much better. By winning all their matches except one the Junior Soccer XI set an example to the rest of the House.

It is to be hoped that as many members as possible will turn out for the Cross-country Run, as every boy who runs gets a point for his House. Next term there will be swimming and cricket. Last year Martlets won the Games Shield ; with keen effort all round we can win it again.

The work of the House has not been very satisfactory so far. While some boys have been doing good work, others have been doing badly, thus hampering the work of those who are trying to do their best for the House. In work, as in, games, keenness is absolutely necessary ; in order to win the Work Shield every one must do a little extra next term.

We extend our best wishes for success to all members of the House who are taking the School Certificate examination this summer.
H. G. K.

House Masters : Messrs. Euston, Pett, and Gosling.
House Prefects : G. P. Gravett; M. G. Tomley and S. B. Hart.

Seahaven enjoyed a successful football season in the traditional style and have made a good start in their attempt to recover the Games Shield. The results were : 1st XV, won all 3 matches ; 2nd XV won 1, drew 1, lost 1 ; Junior Soccer XI, won 5, lost 1. Thus, a successful cricket season should see the trophy once again in our possession.

Traditionally, also, we remain in the same position in the Work Competition alternating between third and last every fortnight. Evidently we find football exhausting !

Our chances of winning any other trophy besides the Games Shield are brighter than they have been. If we can improve our cross-country running, and do as well as we did last year in the sports and the qualifying heats, we stand a reasonable chance of winning the Athletics Cup, and we must atone for our disappointing display in last year's swimming sports.
S. Hart.

House Masters : Messrs. Jarvis and Bowman.
House Captain : J. A. Holton.
House Prefects : J. Henderson and S. G. Henderson

Our hopes of winning the Games Shield in 1937 were dashed by the results of the Cricket House matches. As before, we were hit harder than any other House by the demands of School matches, but even then we managed to come second. We again won the Work Shield by a comfortable margin for the fourth successive year. At the time of writing we have only three points out of a possible 24 for the Games Shield, which is hardly brilliant. The Junior Soccer XI won one match out of six and lost the rest ; the Senior Rugby XV lost every match ; and the Junior Rugby XV drew one and lost the rest.

The most disappointing feature of the Rugger was the failure of members of the teams to turn up. Whereas before we had been one of the keenest Houses, in two of the three senior Rugger matches we were playing without a full team. Anyhow, let us turn to a more cheerful side. We have a very good chance of winning the Athletics and Cross-country Cups again. So come on Uckfield ! Vouloir c'est pouvoir.
S. G. Henderson.


The Sixth Form Society enjoyed another successful season in spite of the loss of several old members and reluctance on the part of certain new ones to get up on their feet, or even to attend meetings at all. During the Christmas term officials were : Mr. O'Brien, chairman ; S. G. Henderson secretary ; B. J. Ketchell treasurer with G. Gravett and D. Buller as members of the Committee though when the latter left he was replaced by J. Henderson. Activities included talks on Newfoundland and Germany by members with first-hand experience, and a joint debate with Varndean School.

In the Easter term officials were : Mr. Stripe, chairman ; P. W. Ridley, secretary; R. I. B. Cooper treasurer ; M. G. Knight and I. Roberts, Committee. In addition to ordinary features, such as literary evenings there were talks on " Modern Art " and " Canterbury Cathedral," a play reading of " The Ascent of F.6 " by W. M. Auden and Christopher Isherwood, and a joint debate with the Fifth Form. During the latter part of the term, members of the Fifth Form were admitted to all meetings.
P. W. Ridley.


The Society carried on its activities this term, and began with a series of lectures by Mr. Hoggins on " Colour Printing and Colour Photography." These were followed by a lecture by B. Thomas on " Development of Aircraft during the War." Then Mr. Bowman once more addressed the Society with a talk on " Life in the Coal Ages." The last lecture of the term was given by S. G. Henderson, who spoke on Mount Everest.
C. F. Chivers.


At the beginning of the Spring term, a Chess Club was formed. Officers appointed were : President, Mr. Bradshaw; Chairman, Mr. Hoggins ; Vice-chairman Mr. Tayler ; Secretary, S. G. Henderson ; Members of the Committee, R. I. B. Cooper, and P. Ridley. The Club was originally intended to be open to the whole School, but was later confined to the senior forms. A fairly steady attendance was kept up and many enjoyable games were played. Next term we hope to have a tournament with teams of four from each House.
S. G. Henderson.


During last summer holiday, Ketchell and I had the good fortune to spend three weeks in the Black Forest in Germany. Leaving Lewes at about 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 18th August, we went via Dover and Ostend to Baden-Baden, the famous spa in the north of the Black Forest, where we arrived at about 6 p.m. the following day. Our plan was to walk southwards as far as we could in the time and then return to Baden-Baden. Throughout the whole holiday we stayed at Youth Hostels, in which you can put up for the very low cost of 3o pfennig (about 4d.) a night. As there is one of these in nearly every town in the Black Forest we never experienced any difficulty in securing accommodation, and in most cases the standard of comfort and cleanliness in the Hostels left little to be desired, though we did find one in a small town, called Haslach, which did its best to give us a thoroughly bad impression, of German Youth Hostels. The chief disadvantage in using these Hostels is that only in the larger ones can you obtain food, whereas in England, though accommodation costs 1s. a night, full meals can nearly always be obtained at quite a low price.

On the whole the weather was quite tolerable and we finished our holiday in a miniature heat wave, but the climatic conditions always tended to be what is generally known as unsettled, and sudden thunderstorms had a disconcerting habit of surprising us when there was no shelter at hand.

As one of the chief objects of the trip was to " brush up " our German, we tried to mix as much as possible with Germans in the hostels. We had hoped to spend most of our time walking with them, but this turned out to be impossible as most of them were touring on bicycles. It says much for their energy and enthusiasm that they enjoy cycling holidays on the "dreadnoughts" they all seem to ride. Not once did we see a bicycle which the pukka English cyclist would recognise as such, but the German youths seemed quite content with them and covered tremendous distances on them. At Freudenstadt we were fortunate in meeting a German fellow of 19, who was carrying out a sort of "grand tour" of Germany on foot before doing his turn of service in the Labour Camp and the Army. He had left his home in Silesia the previous Spring and expected to return in August, 1938. He was a painter and decorator by trade, and when he ran short of money, he would stop and work till his funds were replenished. As we walked with him for four days we were able to get to know him quite well and found that he was by no means an enthusiastic Nazi. This rather surprised us, as all the German youth we had met seemed genuinely passionate in their support of Hitler and the creed he stands for. But though not agreeing with the present system in Germany, the prospect of his service in the Labour Camp and the Army did not seem to worry him at all, and what impressed us most about him was his philosophical tolerance -- a quality sadly lacking in Germany to-day. We were very sorry indeed when we had to leave him at Freiburg.

You cannot meet the German youths without being struck by the extraordinary monotony of their diet, which consisted entirely of bread with either cheese, sausage or jam! Anxious to cut down our expenses we tried to follow their example, but our delicate systems rebelled against this harsh treatment and forced us, after a brief experiment, to resume a more civilised form of nourishment.

To turn to matters on a higher plane, we found the scenery in the Black Forest beyond our expectations in its attractiveness, and it was a source of great annoyance when we found that the camera had apparently suffered en route and presented us with six decent snaps out of three rolls of film. This annoyance was not diminished when we discovered, on our return to England, that there was nothing wrong with the camera at all, but that in our ignorance we had accidentally adjusted the lens in such a way that we had been taking time-exposures ! This practice is not to be recommended in such circumstances, especially when there is such excellent material for snapshots as the Feldberg, Schauinsland and Titisee, to mention but a few famous beauty spots which the Schwarzwald afforded us.

Finally, a word on that all important subject of cost. The whole trip, including the fare, which was about £4 10s., was done on £10 each [about £1000 at 2002 values], and we were both fully satisfied that we had received more than our money's worth. We had improved our German (as I am sure the German master will unhesitatingly affirm !); we had made the acquaintance of many young German people and tried to understand their point of view; we had spent three weeks walking amidst some of the most beautiful scenery in Germany, and had spent a holiday which was, in every way, in itself an education.
A. G. E.


Our sixth and first full Rugby season started disappointingly, but improved later. With only five of last year's all-conquering team, and faced with a much stronger fixture list, we only managed to win one match in the Autumn term. After Christmas, however, things were very different, and the five matches resulted in one defeat, one draw, and three convincing victories, in which the play frequently reached last year's high standard.

In contrast to last season, when we hit on the right team and formation in the very first match, we seemed this year unable to settle down, and seldom looked like a team until after Christmas.

The forwards on the whole were disappointing. Though often good individually they did not combine well, and thus the backs saw far too little of the ball. They were particularly bad at getting down in the loose for a quick heel, thus often throwing away valuable attacking chances. The most improved player was Schmid ; Ketchell was as sound as ever, and late in the season Cull developed into a very useful wing forward.

The half-backs were as good as any we have had, Evans proved himself a worthy successor to Huntington and when Holton finally settled into the fly-half position he was a great success and our attack improved immediately. If we had adopted this formation at the start of the season, our earlier results would have been much better.

Of the three-quarters, Tomley, playing in the centre, did good defensive work, but only occasionally did he show last year's attacking form. Roberts was useful in attack and combined well with Thomas, whose huge stride and deceptive pace played a large part in our later successes. Hart often ran well, but will be mainly remembered for his amazing goal-kicking.

Gravett, at full back, never touched his last year's form. He left at Christmas and was succeeded by Ruffle, who, though rather small, played a plucky game.

The team was made up from : Gravett, Thomas, Roberts, Tomley, Hart, Holton, Evans, A., Knight, Willis, Schmid, Ketchell, Batten, Henderson, J., Geering, Cull, Chivers, Ruffie.

The 2nd XV, who also improved as the season advanced, lost to Worthing, and Seaford, were just beaten by Skinner's School, and finished up with a good win in their return match with Worthing.

The Juniors had three good games with Hurst and Seaford and two rather discouraging ones with Worthing, in which they were outplayed by a much bigger team.

As regards next seasons prospects nearly all the present 1st XV and many of the 2nd XV are leaving in July, so we shall be rather young and inexperienced. Probably then, we can expect a moderate season next year, followed by a good one the year after.

Finally hearty congratulations to Holton on playing for the Sussex Public Schoolboys' XV against Hampshire in the Christmas holidays and to E. C. Wynter, our last year's vice-captain, on playing in Freshers Trials and for The Greyhounds at Oxford.
H. F. T.


An interesting experiment was incorporated in the School curriculum this term. From 3.20 to 4.20 every Tuesday afternoon was devoted to hobbies. The School was divided up, irrespective of age or ability, into groups, as far as possible according to individual preference, each group indulging in its own particular hobby, such as gardening, music, photography, and others. It is hoped that by this means boys may be encouraged to have interests outside their school work, and to obtain the maximum enjoyment from their hobbies in the company of others.
R. C. (VI).



Suddenly I was aware of another presence in the room, and I gave a shudder of horror as I saw my enemy creeping, stealthily along by the wall. He advanced slowly, keeping an eye on me for any movement.

I sat quite still, scarcely daring to breathe, lest he should make an attack before I could close with him, but with the determination in my heart to end this fear that had lived with me by day and haunted me by night.

Yes! I would end this dread of his falling upon me as I lay defenceless in the dark.

Now in the daylight I had regained my courage, and hardly moving, I looked about furtively for a weapon. Could I reach it without his guessing my intention ?

I bent cautiously forward to grab it, and at this he paused as if about to beat a hasty retreat. His hesitation was my opportunity. I grasped my weapon, rushed upon him, and dealt him a blow to fell an ox.

Awful moment of suspense! Had I killed him? Cheers! He was done for.

"No shivering terror shall keep me awake again," I murmured, as I removed the mangled remains of a spider from the sole of my slipper.

B. D. Charman (Va).




Photo: Sussex Express via Graham Coles

When I was asked to come and see this play I had to confess that I had never heard of it. That was, perhaps, not surprising as it has only been given twice (?) in England before. I went and bought a copy and read the thing straight through. This will be good, I thought. The night came and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. There is plenty of incident and (more difficult) plenty of characterisation, and although the performance could not be called perfect, we were given what I felt to be the right flavour -- a very important point in the presentation of any play.

The Bishop seemed to me to have managed to extract the most from his part. He spoke his words excellently and, though inclined to overact, varied his gestures in a manner which several other members of the cast might have copied with advantage. This was Skule's great fault -- poverty of gesture -- which spoiled an otherwise sincere and convincing rendering. Knowing what to do with your hands and then doing it naturally is of paramount importance. Of the other men Haakon looked every inch a king (without his helmet), and spoke with admirable restraint and dignity. He would have been even better if he had varied the tones of his voice more. Peter, I thought, was another whose rendering was particularly good. He had the right youthful impetuosity and made you feel he would stick at nothing to gain the realisation of his father's great ideal.

The women were disappointing. Perhaps they were afraid of seeming unwomanly if they raised their voices, but they were so decorous as to be often almost inaudible. If they had let themselves go a little more they would have brought their scenes to life.

The scenery was simple but not quite simple enough. The three arches in the background were an excellent idea, but would have looked still better if their rough-hewn stones had been a little less roughly hewn -- and wouldn't it have been easier if the great doors had opened inwards ? The marshalling of processions was made unnecessarily difficult.

I hope that no one imagines from the foregoing remarks that the play was a failure. It was most emphatically worth doing as I am sure all who took part in it will agree. But it is only through mistakes made in the past that perfection can be reached in the future. What is particularly encouraging is to find that plays such as " The Pretenders " are being given at schools in preference to works which are, perhaps, easier, but which everybody knows.
G. A. C.


(With acknowledgments to the Sussex Daily News)

A party of 48 from the Lewes County School for Boys left by the morning boat from Newhaven on Thursday 2gth July, bound for a fortnight's camping holiday at Chamonix, in the French Alps.

The party at the 
front of the school

On our arrival at Paris (writes a correspondent) we were conducted by Messrs. Cooks on a short sight-seeing tour, during which we were shown Notre Dame, the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe, and many other famous spots, and also had a brief glimpse of some of the very striking buildings of the Paris Exhibition. A good meal at the Gare de Lyons Buffet, and at 10 p.m. we were off again on the most tiring part of our joumey -- the twelve-hour trip from Paris to Le Fayet.

By an intelligent use of luggage-racks, kit-bags, and other devices, many of us managed to sleep for at least ten minutes on end, but when dawn broke we soon shook off our weariness in the interest of our new surroundings, as we had by now reached the beginnings of mountain country, and there was much speculation as to when we should see the first snow.

At Le Fayet we changed into the mountain electric railway, and at once began climbing at a tremendous gradient, soon getting our first thrilling view of Mont Blanc and its brother giants. We eventually arrived at Chamonix at 11 a.m., grimly prepared for a strenuous two or three hours putting up the tents and getting the camp in order.

Pitching a camp in the broiling sun after so many hours of travelling is a pretty gruelling business, as those who camped on the Rhine will remember, but what absolute heaven such a prospect seemed when we learnt, on getting out of the train, that our tents and camping gear had not arrived and were not expected for several days ! Nowhere to sleep ! Nothing to cook with ! Here was a Snag with a capital " S."

At this moment there stepped into the picture our permanent Guardian Angel, in the shape of M. Franzois Couttet who, an old friend of Mr. Morrish, was lending us his field for our camp. He now gave us the full use of his barns and outhouses, with a liberal supply of hay, and he and his family spent the rest of the day assisting us in every way possible -- first supplying the boys with a hot meal, and then helping us in finding rooms for the ladies of our party (no easy matter in August), and in buying the necessary new cooking equipment.

By Saturday morning we all felt a bit fresher and less worried, and in the afternoon we made a short expedition to the source of the Arveyron, which bursts out from the snout of the Glacier des Bois. A sudden change in the brilliant weather on the way home brought on two heavy showers and as we had gone without coats we were all drenched to the skin.

Sunday was a really wet day, but our only one, and from then onwards we enjoyed almost perfect weather, and made excellent use of it.

Our first experience of glacier work was the crossing of the Glacier des Bossons and here we realised forcibly just why we had been warned to wear nailed boots. One or two who had not heeded this warning were in difficulties at once, and here, as always, we were very glad of the help and experience of Mr. Morrish. The last bit was a definite thrill for us all and more than one member of the party heaved a sigh of relief as the last boy negotiated that nasty corner and trotted up to the chalet nearby for a warming drink of coffee. Our next glacier expedition was to the Mer de Glace. We made an all-day trip of this, travelling up by the mountain cog-railway as far as the Montenvers Hotel. We found this much simpler than Les Bossons, and after lunching at the edge, we spent an hour or two prancing merrily about on this famous glacier, under the guidance of M. Couttet and his son, Pierre.

By way of contrast we made one long afternoon expedition -- the easiest kind of trip from camp -- through the beautiful gorge of the Diosaz River. Here we followed the path that has been cut along the sides of this magnificent gorge, and were rewarded at every bend by some fresh picture of lovely waterfall or rushing torrent, while the great cliffs on either side towered higher and higher as we proceeded.

On some days we would split into two parties, the more energetic electing to storm some new height, while the rest lazed about or bathed in the pleasant pool at the edge of the wood. Such voluntary expeditions included a three and a half hour climb to La Flegere, a famous viewpoint giving on to the whole Mont Blanc range ; a shorter one in the same direction to the Chalet de Floriaz ; and, on the last afternoon, a ride in the " Teleferique " Cable Car to the Plan Praz, half-way up the Brevent mountain, followed by a hearty climb to the summit. Here, from a height of over 7,000 ft., we had an even more glorious view than from La Flegere, and our only regret was that we could not stay here long enough to appreciate it to the full.

The most strenuous climb of all was undertaken by only a few of the " toughest," who started off with M. Couttet at 5 a.m. to search for crystals on the Mont Blanc Glacier. All voted it pretty stiff, but well worth the effort.

Towards the end of our stay we spent a day in visiting Geneva, where our main activity was a tour of the Palais des Nations, the new League of Nations building. " Palace " is certainly the word for it, and it would be difficult to imagine a grander and yet more restful centre for this great ideal. The view from the windows of the Secretariat over the calm blue waters of the Lake to the distant Mont Blanc range ought alone to be enough to put any war-minded or self-seeking statesman into a more peaceable and generous frame of mind.

And then, to round off the thrills and excitements of such expeditions as these, we had the lovely evenings -- surely in many ways the pleasantest time in a camp -- when after a hard day on the heights we strolled about the camp at leisure watching the last of the sunlight on the peaks above, and the gradual afterglow dyeing the snows a glorious pink.

The 150th anniversary of the first ascent of Mont Blanc by de Saussure and Balmat occurred during our stay, and was the occasion of a short but interesting ceremony in the square, where stands the statue of these two pioneers, pointing dramatically towards the summit of the mountain. Speeches were made by the Mayor of Chamonix, the chief Swiss representative in the district and the Hon. President of the Chamonix Guides. The latter, a fine-looking old man and well-known ex-guide, made a moving speech, which was loudly applauded by the crowd. Girls in national costume then placed bouquets of Alpine flowers at the foot of the statue, and thus the ceremony came to an end.

The tents and camp gear did not arrive for nearly a week, and though we had been very comfortable in our makeshift quarters, we were all glad to get properly into camp, and the full range of cooking utensils made the feeding problem much easier.


The actual camp site was ideal -- a clearing in the Bois de Bouchet, right at the foot of the Chamonix "Needles" and in full view of Mont Blanc, with glacier streams on two sides, plenty of wood and drinking water within easy reach and only a short mile from the town. The variation of temperature was rather startling, cold nights and early mornings suddenly changing to intense heat as the sun came over the mountains.

As every camper knows there is always a tremendous amount of stout work to be done simply in keeping the camp running, quite apart from expeditions, walks, etc. All took their share of duties, but special mention must be made of the old boys, who set the rest a fine example and were always ready and willing to lend a hand. We hope we may always have such a cheery and helpful band of them in camp with us.

We owe Mr. Morrish a great debt of gratitude for his enthusiastic help and guidance on all our expeditions, but a still greater one for having introduced us to those charming and generous hosts, M. and Mme. Couttet and their family. Nothing was too much trouble for M. Couttet, and right from the start, when he threw open all his available barn space for us, to the very last day, when he supplied the whole party with a hot roast dinner and a final cup of tea, he was kindness itself.

None of us is every likely to forget this holiday at Chamonix, and with that memory will always be linked the kindly smile and friendly handshake of Francois Couttet.
H. F. T.


The Annual Speech Day and Prize Distribution was held on Wednesday, 17th November. Sir George BoughEy, Bart., Chairman of the Governors, presided, and the School was addressed by Mr. Kenneth Lindsay, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education, who afterwards presented the prizes.

Year ending July, 1937

OXFORD HIGHER CERTIFICATE : A. O. Evans, B. J. Ketchell, E. C. C. Wynter.
LONDON INTER. B.Sc.: P. E. Trott.
OXFORD SCHOOL CERTIFICATE (December) : G. B. Akehurst, O. H. Gooderham.
OXFORD SCHOOL CERTIFICATE (July) : T. R. Barford, C. Batten, D. T. H. Buller, B. D. Charman, C. E. Crouch, J. F. Cull, J. C. Holmes, A. W. Kirby M. J. Tomley, D. C. Warren, R. J. Williamson, J. E. Adams, G. F. Asplin, A. R. Bellingham, E. B. Chandler, D. F. Davis A. C. Foreman, J. Henderson, W. K. Norris B. C. Oliver, F. H. Ruftle, G. W. Taylor, F. P. Hilton, B. A. Ingram R. F. Kemp, D. G. Moppett, W. Morling, L. J. Percy L. G. Sellwood, V. A. Stevens, J. E. Tyndale, I. C. A. Wycherley, R. K. Berry, R. H. Faulkner, J. F. Funnell, E. S. Grayson, S. B. Hart, G. G. Hilton, A. H. P. Jarrett, A. F. Kirk, L. W. Pratt, I. A. Roberts, R. E. J. Sellens, M. Wiffen.
CIVIL SERVICE CLERICAL AND DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION : G. Ashburner, R. Burgess, R. J. Clark, F. E. Pannett, M. Downing.


COUNTY SENIOR SCHOLARSHIPS : R. W. Barnes (Selwyn College, Cambridge), E. C. C. Wynter (St. Edmund Hall, Oxford), P. E. Trott (Brighton Technical College).
INTERMEDIATE SCHOLARSHIP CLASS I : L. H. Norris, A. D. Siggs, K. W. Flint, B. J. Pawson, G. D. Sutton.
SPECIAL PLACES : M. J. Smith, G. A. Stiller.

1st CLass Instructor's Certificate : F. S. Allen, P. H. Camplin.
2nd Class Instructor's Certificate : A. F. Kirk.
Bronze Medallion : R. Braidwood, A. C. Castle, G. G. Holt, K. G. Lawrence, W. Morling, P. C. Palethorpe, A. J. Schmid.
Intermediate Certificates : H. G. Bryant, G. L. Haffenden, C. L. Hughes, H. L. Walter.

OLD LEWESIAN'S SUCCESSES : D. B. Barker, Diploma in Education (London) ; W. S. Eade, B.A., Class II, Honours, French (London) ; R. W. Barnes, Class I, Qualifying Examination, Geography Tripos, Selwyn College, Cambridge, College Prize in Geography.


THE " EDGAR POVEY " TROPHY -- " For Integrity and Honour " . E. C. C. Wynter.
PRIZES FOR HIGHER CERTIFICATE : A. G. Evans, B. J. Ketchell, E. C. C. Wynter.
PRIZES AWARDED ON SCHOOL CERTIFICATE : Form Va -- R. Barford, C. Batten, J. F. Cull, R. J. Williamson. Form Vb -- B. A. Ingram, J. E. Tyndale, R. F. Kemp, J. C. Holmes. Form Vc -- E. S. Grayson, K. W. Norris, B. C. Oliver, R. H. Faulkner.
FORM PRIZES : IIb -- A. J. Burgess, M. J. Smith. IIa -- L. R. Butchers, D. A. Caton. IIIb -- R. A. Sellens, G. F. Glenister. IIIa -- F. A. Holton, P. J. Jacobs. IVb -- A. C. Castle, R. D. Paige. IVa -- C. E. Moss, R. C. Blythe. Remove -- P. G. R. Giles, I. G. Chant.
SUBJECT PRIZES : Biology (Lilian Fleming Prize), R. J. Williamson ; Chemistry and Physics, J. F. Cull ; English Subjects, A. G. Evans ; Geography, F. S. Allen ; Languages, P. W. Ridley ; Mathematics, R. Cooper ; Art and Craft Work, W. Morling.
PRINTlNG PRIZES : J. F. Funnell, R. E. J. Sellens. PRIZES FOR LIBRARY WORK : (To be announced).
SCHOOL TROPHIES : " Povey " Work Shield, Uckfield House ; " Bradshaw " Games Shield, Martlets House ; " Thompson " Athletic Cup, Uckfield House ; " Henderson-Oliver " Cross-Country Cup, Uckfield House ; " Innes " Swimming Cup, Lewes House ; " Sinfield " Swimming Cup, E. C. C. Wynter ; Headmaster's Bat, M. J. Gibbons.


On 6th April we held our annual cross-country race. As last year there were three separate events, the Senior, Colt, and Junior, the Seniors covering a four-mile course, whilst the Colts and Juniors ran an identical three-mile course. The conditions were very favourable, the marshes being their driest for many weeks, and the day of the race was calm and warm.

The Colts' event was the first of the afternoon, 64 boys competing. The Juniors were next with a record entry of 73, whilst the Seniors ran last with 44 entrants.

Braidwood was the first man home leading the field of Colts, his time being 20 minutes 37 seconds. He was followed by A. Holton, with Wray, Head, and Humphries, close behind.

Judging by the Colts, we estimated the Juniors' time to be about 24 minutes, but, surprisingly enough a bunch of Juniors, running strongly, soon arrived, headed by Jerrard. His time, 20 minutes 34 seconds, was three seconds faster than the Colts. Jerrard and the Juniors are to be congratulated on the best event of the day.

The Seniors' race produced some surprises. Marson finished strongly to win, followed by Chant and then Baker. Baker's performance, in view of his slight stature and age, was outstanding, and he certainly deserved the applause that he received at the finish. J. Holton, last year's winner, arrived home in the ninth position, showing signs of discomfort -- evidently not very fit.



1. Marson
2. Chant
3. Baker
4. Geering
5. Barfoot
6. Simpson
7. Hart
8. Thomas
9. Holton
10. Jessop
11. Jarrett
12. Wilson

Brown, P.



1. Uckfield
2. Martlets
3. Seahaven
4. Lewes

R. B. H. P.


In spite of the break with age-long tradition in separating Parents' Evening from our annual Christmas bun-fight, I think we can congratulate ourselves on yet another successful School function. Great interest was shown in the usual exhibitions in the handicraft and art rooms, whilst Mr. Page's gym. team drew a large crowd. Parents also flocked to see the recently completed Sixth Form laboratories and form room upstairs.

Parents then went into the hall, where the Headmaster gave his customary address. When this had terminated the School was allowed into the hall for the concert. The School choir started the ball rolling with three songs, " Brother James's Air," the " Court Brawle," and a Strauss waltz, conducted by Mr. Locke, and accompanied by Mr. Bowman. Then Mr. Gosling, correctly attired, came forward to compere the remainder of the show. After prima ballerina Chivers and company had broken the ice with the archeological ballet, Messrs. Auld and Locke sang a duet, " Venetian Serenade." Two songs should have followed, sung by Mr. Smith, but there was a technical hitch, and we passed on to the next item, which was another ballet, entitled " Gardening." At last we had the songs promised by Mr. Smith, followed by " Sam, Sam, pick up t'musket," in the true Stanley Holloway tradition from Mr. Pett, a newcomer to our variety bill. R. B. Smith played a piano solo, Liszt's Second Hungarian Rhapsody, and the ballet made their final appearance as " Birdwatchers." Then followed " The Boy Scouts," by Messrs. Euston, Locke, Page, Pett, and Auld, and the proceedings finished with a performance of " The Grand Cham's Diamond," a one-act play produced by Mr. Stripe.

Parents who came from outlying districts must have returned late; but I hope they felt it was worth it.
J. Henderson (VI).

[Note: Although this event is not precisely dated, it was somewhen in the autumn/winter of 1937/38. The "Sixth form laboratories and form room" had, so it says, by then been completed. The latter room became the biology lab. These rooms were built on top of the existing gymnasium that divided the West and East Quadrangle with a new stair case down on the south end near the staff-room. So it would seem that these additions to the school had followed on immediately from the building of the two extra classrooms referred to in the poem in Barbican No 10.]


With the distractions of the Rally behind us, we were able to get on with definite troop work during the Summer term.

Owing primarily to their greater age, several of the Patrol Leaders left the Troop to join the Rovers. Of these, Relf joined the 6th Lewes Crew, while Noel stayed on with the Troop as A.S.M.

On the Sunday following St. George's Day (25th April), we attended a church parade at Ditchling. The day was fine and sunny, and even if the time of the band was not all that it might have been, the afternoon was very enjoyable and the address given by the Rev. Kingsford impressed even the youngest of the Scouts.

When the weather permitted, the meetings were held out of doors and two or three tracking expeditions were arranged. The first of our Second Class badges was gained by G. Holt on one of these.

The Scoutmaster was married during the Easter holidays and on the last meeting of the term the Troop made him a presentation of a table lighter. On the week-end 3rd and 4th July, several of the Troop attended a camp at Christ's Hospital, Horsham. Although the weather rather let us down, it was an excellent camp, and a few of the boys, determined not to waste a moment of it, disturbed the sleep of the Scoutmaster and the more sensible (or lazy) members of the party, by getting up at the unearthly hour of 5.30.

On the Saturday evening a Camp Fire was held in the corner of the grounds. The Troop gave a turn which went slightly wrong but which was, nevertheless, very amusing: We came back after tea on the Sunday evening.

For the last meeting of the Summer term we invited members of other Troops to the School and had a Camp Fire. The meeting got rather warmed up towards the end and we did not break up until well after 10.30.

The 28th July saw a cricket match between the School Troop and the winners of the Lewes and District Scout Cricket League, in which we got sadly beaten.

At the beginning of the Winter term we welcomed Mr. Page, a new member of the School staff, as A.S.M. Quite a few boys attended week-end camps at Falmer and we got three more Second Class badges. On 15th October, Gravett gave a lantern lecture on his trip to Newfoundland with the Public Schools Exploring Society, and on 4th December we entered a team for a Master at Arms Display held in the Town Hall, of which the high spot was the heavy-weight fight between R. Wynter and a member of the Cooksbridge Troop, which Wynter won on points. We had a return game with the 2nd Lewes on the Downs on the evening of 6th December. After we had beaten them by 3 points to 1, we returned to their headquarters and had cocoa and biscuits.

We wound up the year with a Christmas good deed. This consisted of collecting a large quantity of wood, cutting it up into convenient bundles, and distributing it to the poor of the district.

I think it can be fairly said that, owing to the efforts of the Scoutmaster, and the willing co-operation of the Troop, we have finally found our feet in Scouting. We now have 9 Second Class badges and several of these are well on the way to their First Class. The last few meetings, which, incidentally, have been as successful as any, have been planned by members of the Troop instead of by the S.M. or A.S.M.

Finally, I should like to take this opportunity of reminding all members that it is their duty as Scouts to put in an appearance on Friday evenings. We know there is homework and lots of other things to be done, but it is essential to the well-being of the Troop that all meetings are well attended.
P. R. Noel, Assistant Scoutmaster.

[Philip Noel tells us that Mr Sam Smith, the very tall maths master, was Scoutmaster.]


The fund continues to make steady progress. Since the last issue of the magazine four loans have been made to assist deserving cases. One of the most pleasing features is the promptness with which Old Boys fulfil the conditions attached to such loans and repay their instalments.

Farewell gifts by boys leaving the School have recently been made by R. J. Williamson, T. R. Barford, R. Renville, A. A. Fenner, J. E. Tyndale, F. E. Pannett, L. W. Pratt, D. F. Davis, A. B. Kells, R. Kemp, B. A. Ingram, and R. Bellingham, while donations have also been received from the following present pupils, M. Berry (second donation), E. A. Chilton, C. Chivers, A. Rogers (fourth donation), and J. N. Turner.

We thank them all most gratefully and hope that they are happy in the knowledge that they are helping on a good work.

[Note: It is not easy for those whose school education finished after 1950 to appreciate the difficulties that boys from the poorest backgrounds had when stepping into the post-school world. In the pre-war era it was particularly difficult for poor parents to find the ready money for their child to jump the simplest of hurdles into the world of work or further education. At that time the County was very sparing with grants and loans from banks and finance houses -- today readily available to anyone -- were not available. So Mr Bradshaw and Edgar Povey set up a fund to help boys over this obstacle. Most of the donations came from within the parent community -- often from grateful relatively well-off parents who realised what good value they were getting from the school and who wished to thank NRB in some tangible way. The loans were to be repaid in installments later and invariably were. After about 1950 the fund was rarely needed as wages and prosperity slowly grew and more grants became available from the County and State.]


Hon. Secretaries :
C. F. HALL, " Beverley," Houndean Rise, Lewes.
D. W. S. JARVIS, Lewes County School for Boys.
Assistant Hon. Secretary :
Hon. Treasurer :
M. F. RELF, 45 Southover, High Street, Lewes.

The activities of the Old Lewesians' Association during the past year have, as mentioned in the September, 1937, issue, been mainly concentrated on the social side of the Association.

The first event on the Old Boys' programme was the Annual General Meeting and Dinner, which was successfully held at Holloway's Restaurant, Lewes, on Saturday, 9th October, 1937, when about 75 members were present.

At the Annual General Meeting, which took place before the Dinner, the following officers were elected for the forthcoming year.

Mr. Edgar Povey kindly accepted the Presidency for a further year, and Mr. Bradshaw consented to fill the office of Chairman. Other officers elected were : Joint Hon. Secretaries, Messrs. C. F. Hall and D. W. S. Jarvis. Assistant Hon. Secretary, Mr. R. F. Holford. Hon. Treasurer, Mr. M. F. Relf. Hon. Auditors, Messrs. D. C. Stone and A. J. S. Holman.

The number of members to serve on the Committee was increased to six, and Messrs. E. L. Cook, A. Anderson, T. A. Hayward, R. S. Green, A. A. Fenner, and P. G. Hall were elected.

The retiring member of the Careers Fund Committee, Mr. T. A. Hayward, was re-elected, to retire by rotation in 1939.

Then followed reports by the Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer, and by Mr. Bradshaw on the Careers Fund. The meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the Chairman and was followed by the Annual Dinner, and entertainment by Mr. V. Courtney, who kept the company in roars of laughter.

At the next Committee Meeting, the following Winter Programme was drawn up and a copy sent to all Old Boys :

20th November. Rugby Match v. The School, followed by Social Evening, Concert, etc.
11th December. School Play (Old Boys' Night).

8th January. Annual Supper and Entertainment at the School.
28th January. Old Boys' Dance at the School.
12th February. Rugby Match v. The School, followed by Social Evening.
20th March. Mixed Ramble, Treasure Hunt, and Tea.

This programme has now been carried out except for one event, which was unavoidably cancelled owing to lack of support.

On 20th November the Old Lewesians' Rugby XV played the School and won by 8 points to 6.

On 8th January we were entertained to supper at the School by the President. Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson and their helpers served an excellent meal which was followed by games, music, and social intercourse. Altogether one of the most enjoyable functions we have held, and attended by 80 Old Boys. Our grateful thanks are due to Mr. Povey.

On 28th January an experiment was made by holding an Old Boys' Dance on a Friday, so as to permit dancing until 1 o'clock. It was a success and out of the resultant profit £10 was allocated to the Careers Fund and £2 6s. 7d. to the General Fund.

The second Rugby match v. the School took place on 12th February, when the Old Boys were beaten 13 points to 3.

It was found impossible to hold the ramble on 20th March owing to insufficient notifications being returned by members as to whether or not they were coming. Will members, therefore, please remember this and help the Association by returning notifications promptly.


Since the last issue of the magazine we have heard news from several Old Boys. Letters from H. G. Edwards and Barker are reprinted in full below.

P. E. TROTT is working as a Grade 3 Assistant in the Department of Industrial and Scientific Research. He finds his work very interesting, and at the moment is engaged in gas analysis.

G. HUTTON has secured an appointment as chemical assistant with a firm of electrical and radio manufacturers. F. W. COSSTICK has now settled down at King Alfred's College, Winchester, and has joined quite a number of societies, including the Debating, Play-reading and Chess Societies. He plays for the 1st XV.

F. BEVAN is now working as an engineer for the Brighton General Post Office. He has also joined the R.A.F. Volunteer Reserve at Shoreham, and can already fly " solo."

R. HiLL is at present working as a railway clerk, but he has ambitions to become an interpreter in some such tourist agency as Cook's, or Dean and Dawson's. In consequence he is studying modern languages in his spare time. We wish him the best of luck in this venture.

J. E. RUTHERFORD is making good progress at St Edmund Hall, and he has been accepted for the Carnegie Physical Training College. He has also gained his Hall athletic colours, for which achievement we offer our congratulations.

R. C. PENFOLD is in the Post Office Engineering Department as an unestablished skilled workman. He has progressed rapidly since he left school and finds his work very interesting.

N. E. CORNALL has commenced as an apprentice to pharmacy at Boots in Windsor.

H. G. EDWARDS is in the R.A.F. Station at Lee-onSolent, Hants. He had been doing a course for the Fleet Air Arm, consisting of visual signalling, wireless and air firing. He was successful in his test at the end of this course and was then drafted to 811 Squadron at Lee-on-Solent.

A. M. HAZLERIGG is doing well in the Trinidad Constabulary. He has been promoted and now has a station of his own.

We congratulate E. H. B. SELLWOOD on passing his Inter. B. Pharmacy examination and T. WICKENs on obtaining his Inter. B.Sc. (Engineering).

E. K. PAYNE is still at Reading and hopes to receive promotion in the next week or two. His duties entail regular shift work, on which there is no little responsibility. Like most Old Lewesians, he seems extremely satisfied with his job.

D. MARANDE is working at Eastleigh as an apprentice in the S.R. workshops. In order to get to his work he has to get up at 6 a.m., but he is thoroughly enjoying himself, though he tells us that he bears only a remote resemblance to an Old Lewesian, with smudges of grease on his face and in oily dungarees.

W. S. EADE visited us a few weeks ago. He is now in his last year at University College, Southampton, and is looking for a post.

E. C. WYNTER is following worthily in Rutherford's footsteps at Oxford. In addition to his Rugger achievements, recorded under the appropriate notes, he was picked as a heavy-weight for all the 'Varsity boxing matches in the Autumn term. We hope he has now overcome the cartilage trouble that put him out of action.

N. W. CHATFIELD paid us a flying visit from the "seats of the mighty" at Whitehall. So many Old Boys are finding posts in the Civil Service that we believe it will soon constitute our London branch of the Old Lewesians Association.

J. R. LAWRENCE came and saw the new extensions at the School. His time is shared between running Messrs. Sainsbury and warbling at dances.

The Association has suffered a grievous blow in the departure of " Charlie " Hall to take up an appointment in London. Only members of the Committee know how much work he has put in as joint hon. secretary.

E. W. Cook has now left the Savoy and is at the Meurice in Paris. The Duke and Duchess of Windsor and King Christian of Denmark have also been staying there.

Hearty congratulations to PULLING, who has won an R.N.V.R. boxing championship open to the whole country. Finally we offer our sympathy to RICH on his severe illness and wish him a complete and speedy recovery.

11th February, 1938.

Many thanks for letter which came this morning as a very pleasant surprise. You probably wondered what on earth I was doing at Lee-on-Solent, but for the last six months I have been doing a course for the Fleet Air Arm, consisting of visual signalling, wireless, and air firing.

The first month was spent in Portsmouth Depot carrying out all kinds of visual signalling, followed by four months of flying at Lee-on-Solent working the wireless between machines and the ground station. The most strenuous part of the course was at North Coates Fitties, a small village about 14 miles from Grimsby where I was told all about a Lewis gun, how to strip it and mainly how to fire it.

Fortunately these courses do not last for ever, and about a fortnight ago I had the satisfaction of knowing that I had passed, finishing less than two points behind the top chap, and had been drafted to 811 Squadron belonging to H.M.S, Furious.

By the look of things the Squadron will be remaining here for some time yet, as the Furious is undergoing repairs at Devonport. My day's work consists of flying if there is any flying to be done. If not, I take it easy until such time as the weather clears to permit flying.

Well, so much for myself. My young brother is at present on H.M.S. Barham in the Mediterranean and should be home some time this year, although I do not know how soon. He followed in my footsteps and went all out for wireless, and so far has done very well. He came home for a week when the Barham visited England for the Coronation but, unfortunately, I only saw him for a short week-end.

Well, sir, I think it is about time to cease this scribble, which certainly has not improved for quite a number of years. Hoping you are having a successful term and yourself in the best of health.
Yours very sincerely,

25th January, 1938.

I ought not to be here really, 8,500 miles away. I feel as though I should be in Brighton teaching, or in Southampton, or at home. It seems all wrong to me, somehow, and difflcult to believe until I look at my surroundings. My sumptuous sitting-room overlooks the vast veldt and huge blue gum trees are on my right. There seem to be millions of crickets chirping merrily and, of course, an array of marvellously-coloured flowers.

Well, I boarded the Arundel Castle on 31st December after a good but rather tense Christmas. I soon settled down to enjoy the voyage ; we had the English bowling team, Owen-Smith, and two or three prominent wrestlers on board. Madeira did not impress me very much, my Yorkshire instincts were repelled by the cringing, begging, deceitful-looking Madeirans. It was a fine sight, though ; when we returned from Madeira they had turned the boat into a sort of Petticoat Lane, selling their lace work, wicker work, etc., While little lads of 10 or 12 shouted, " Small boy dive, throw penny." Then when darkness came their boats were illumined by torches and they spread their lace work out as they stood up in their craft while the spangled lamps of Madeira gleamed across the water. It was awfully hot after Madeira, but the deck games and dancing went on. I was gradually eliminated from them all, though I reached the final and should have won the ping-pong.

We had no rough weather, most of the time (until the Cape rollers) ; the Arundel Castle furrowed her way through a placid sea, and at night the big round moon provided the light for dancing. I soon got to know Owen-Smith, whom I found to be a grand fellow. He was the champion ping-pong player of the tourists and we used to have some grand tussles together. He was leading 11 games to 10 when we reached Cape Town.

We used to be up at 6.3o for a bathe before breakfast, deck games during the morning, lounging round the swimming bath during the afternoon, dancing until about 10, and then a party and singing until 2 a.m. One day the 1st and 2nd played the officers at cricket. Owen-Smith captained our team, but although he made 29 he could not get any of his famous spin on to the ball. We played on deck inside a net with a rope ball ; the 1st and 2nd won by 11 runs. I, of course, was out for a duck, first ball, as a matter of fact -- but managed to get three wickets.

We arrived at Cape Town on Friday, the 14th. We were all up at 6 to see Table Mountain, but did not see it until 8. It is a remarkable sight from the sea.

Well, after an hour or so in the Customs I set my foot in Africa. We got on the train early next Thursday morning and arrived midday Sunday at Marandellas. We were travelling first class so that there were only two in each of our carriages. It was dreadfully hot and dusty coming through the Karoo, and very uninteresting country from the train, so that we were glad when we arrived at Bulawayo on Saturday midday. It is a lovely town, and they have the finest swimming baths I have ever seen; they are very large with magnificent terracings. A fellow I met on the train showed us all round -- he was a mining engineer in Northern Rhodesia. Remarkable thing about these people is that before you have known them five minutes they invite you to stay with them -- they mean it, too. I have had a letter from this fellow only this morning, sort of confirming his verbal invitation.

Well, Razawi School is four miles out of Marandellas (a small village about 50 odd miles from Salisbury). It is a really remarkable school, I have never seen anything like it anywhere. It cost, so I am told, over £50,000 to build and they are adding to it. I have really no time to describe it now, but it is really wonderful -- the staff common room is better than the lounge of the Athenaeum. Term does not start until tomorrow week, but a lot of the staff are back. There seem to be about seven men, and four women, and two matrons, two nurses, housekeeper etc. The place is entirely self-supporting, i.e., own laundry kitchens, water plant, and electricity plants. They are just putting up some stables, there is also a beautiful chapel attached. Well, I will describe it all in some future letter. I have a bedroom and sitting-room at the end of one of the dormitories (there are six) and I believe I am in charge of a house. You might tell any of the Old Boys who were contemporary with me that a letter to a fellow 60 miles away from the nearest town and 8,900 miles away from home will be very gratefully received.
Yours sincerely,


Andrews, R. H.
Ashdown, N. H.
Baker, A.
Bartlett, D. W.
Barton, G. S.
Beal, R.
Bartholomew, K. J.
Berry, D. C.
Bickers, G. H.
Brooks, J. K.
Carpenter, G. W.
Chandler, B. B.
Chant, M. R.
Chatfield, R. T.
Clark, K. E.
Cornwall, B.
Curtis, W. T.
Dewdney, J. E.
Duchossoy, J. P. E.
Dumbrell, T. J.
Fordham, J. A.
Frank, M. E.
Fursden, W. L.
Gaston, D.
Gray, P.
Glenister, D. A.
Greenwood, J. L.
Grevett, C. E.
Hillman, A.
Ireland, D. H. J.
Jarvis, N. v.
Jenner, E. K.
Jerrard, C. H. A.
Levett, R. A.
Lusted, G.
Lyons, P.
Marson, A. E.
Martin, D. L.
Millar, L.
Moore, R. G.
Naish, D. B. N.
Naish, G. R. N.
Oliver, A. L.
Oxley, R. E.
Palethorpe, M. J. V.
Pilbeam, S. T. H.
Follard, T. G. H.
Pullinger, R. A.
Rich, A. F.
Randall, D. H.
Reed, P. N. G.
Royall, P. J.
Saunders, W. J.
Savege, G. A.
Shoulders, C. I.
Simmonds, R. H.
Spaul, F. C.
Stepney, B. G.
Strange, B.
Street, R. E.
Upton, J. D.
Warr, H. J. J.
Weston, G. R.
Winter, B. K.
Wood, S. G. C.
Wright, J. L.


Adams, J. E.
Akehurst, G. B.
Allen, G. W.
Asplin, G. F.
Baker, E. G.
Baker, J. D.
Barford, T. R.
Batten, C.
Bellingham, A. R.
Buller, D. T. H.
Camplin, P. H.
Chan,dler, E. B.
Cook, G. R.
Cornall, N.
Cosstick, F. W.
Crouch, C. E.
Davis, D. F.
Edgar, J.
Edwards, N. D.
Faulkner, R. H.
Gibbons, M. J.
Gravett, G. P.
Grayson, E. S.
Haffenden, G. F.
Hills, c. J.
Hilton, E. P.
Holmes, J.
Howes, L. A. W.
Hutton, G. C.
Kemp, R. E.
Kirby, A. W.
Kitchener, J. M.
Knight, H. G.
Long, P. C. C.
Marande, D.
Mattocks, B. C.
Morling, W.
Mullins, K. R.
Noel, D. L.
Oliver, D.
Oliver, B. C.
Percy, L. J.
Pratt, L. W.
Pryke, H. I.
Roberts, I, A.
Scutt, E. C.
Sellens, R. E. J.
Sellwood, L. G.
Stevens, V. A.
Tomley, M. J.
Trott, P. E.
Tyndale, J. E.
Warren, D. C.
Wiffen, M.
Williamson, R. J.
Willis, M. J.
Woodbury, N.
Wycherley, I. C. A.
Wynter, E. C. C.

Sailing lino-cut

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