Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 13 (but imprinted 'No. 12') - June 1939

The Original Barbican cover This is a curious issue of the Barbican. Coming as it does a few weeks before Hitler invades Poland and this country declares war on Germany, there is very little in it that would suggest that the boys, the school and the country are facing a very serious and uncertain future. In fact this issue has an uncanny empty feel to it with little hard news of the school and rather too many literary contributions, most of which we have not extracted because they shed no light on the happenings or preoccupations of the School. As has been mentioned before in the "Barbican - History", the most curious thing is that it has been given the issue number 12 when in fact it should be 13 -- almost certainly a deliberate mistake in a futile gesture to appease the gods and keep the devil at bay.

War has not yet been declared and Chamberlain with his appeasers are involved in "negociations" with Hitler, which we now know were a cynical attempt to keep us quiet while he did his dirty work. So the school waits to see how the coin will come down -- peace or war. Little do they realise how the school and the country will have to change in the next few months and years, changes that in many ways will eventually strengthen and give some sense of direction and dynamism to the nation after years of depression, uncertainty and drift. How many could guess that they will make the ultimate sacrifice?

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys

October 1938


The response to our plea for original contributions has been disappointing, although the Upper School has produced some good work. This number of THE BARBICAN also contains regrettably few new signatures.

The outstanding event of the Christmas Term was, of course, the inspection of the School by five scholarly gentlemen and an equally scholarly lady. Dr. Geoffrey Shaw also heard the School Choir and had some flattering remarks, in addition to invaluable criticism, to give us.

At Christmas the School suffered a severe loss in the leaving of Mr. Stripe, who will long be remembered for his exceptional productions of the School Plays. He will also be sadly missed by the Sixth Form Society, whose founder and one-time chairman he was. His place was taken by Mr. Bebbington, to whom we now extend a hearty welcome.

We have also had to bid a regretful farewell to Mr. Bowman, who left at the end of the Easter Term. He has left a lasting impression on the School and especially upon the Orchestra and Choir. He invariably organised the musical items for Parents' Evenings and Fete Days, and his memory will be enshrined in the School song, which he composed. We wish him the very best of luck at his new post.

This year we have the most successful Rugger season in the School's history, not only in the way of results but also in the high standard of play and great keenness displayed by all three teams. The School is now approaching its peak of Rugger perfection.

On that happy note, and with a reminder of the Summer term diversions -- cricket, swimming and athletics -- we will leave the reader to enjoy his magazine.


School Captain : A. G. Evans.

School Prefects :
Lewes : A. G. Evans, J. F. Cull, P. W. Ridley, R. I. B. Cooper.
Martlets : D. J. Thomas, P. C. Palethorpe.
Seahaven : A. T. Schmid.
Uckfieid : S. G. Henderson.

Captain of Rugby : A. G. Evans.
Vice-Captain and Secretary : D. J. Thomas.
Treasurer : R. Evans.
Prefect Librarian : D. J. Thomas.

Form Captains :
II b, R. H. Bedwell ; II a, K. Hills ;
III b, C. C. Clarke ; IIIa, M. F. Palethorpe ;
IV b, R. H. Hoad ; IV a, H. J. Dennis ;
Remove b, M. T. Berry ; Remove a, J. W. Hancock ;
V b, D. J. Dowden ; V a, A. T. Schmid.

Magazine Committee :
R. I. B. Cooper, P. D. Ridley, A. H. P. Jarrett,
R. C. Blythe, B. W. Thomas.

Editor : D. J. Thomas.


Since our last publication, several events have made the period outstanding in the School's development and record.

Mention must first be made of the crisis of September, 1938. If any reader peruses these pages a hundred years hence, he may be living in a saner world, where it is impossible to realise the suspense of those awful days. We were expecting at any moment to have to cope with thousands of refugee children from London. Our school buildings might have been used for a short period as a clearing house for refugees arriving at Lewes station.

Having obtained a manual of Field Engineering from the nearby drill hall we staked out trenches, traversed in the most approved fashion, and prepared for the worst. The Sixth Form spent a whole day (Wednesday) assembling gas-masks at Lewes Town Hall. At night more than half the staff were distributing these masks from door to door in pouring rain.

Now a number of the staff are trained as Air Raid Wardens and a good number of boys as messengers.

The General Inspection in November, 1938, was our first. We survived the ordeal and in due course received a complimentary and helpful report. It was a coincidence that on the first morning the hymn, " Who are these like stars appearing ? " had been chosen.

We have been represented for the first time in the Oxford Rugby XV. On 11th February, E. C. Wynter played against Bristol. May it be the first of many such appearances. Wynter has also been awarded a Kitchener Memorial Scholarship, a new honour for the School.

R. I. B. Cooper and P. W. Ridley have brought to the School the highest scholastic honours so far achieved. Cooper has won a Major Scholarship of £100 per annum in Natural Science at Trinity College, Cambridge. He had already won a State Scholarship, both successes having been achieved at the remarkably early age of 16. P. W. Ridley has gained, also at Trinity an Exhibition of £6o per annum in Modern Languages. Ridley is only 17. May both proceed to Cambridge and there enhance the record so nobly commenced by R. W. Barnes. We thank the masters who have taught them and made success possible.

Congratulations to F. W. Cosstick, another Old Lewesian to bring honour to the School. He has won a scholarship to the British Institute in Paris.

We congratulate Mr. Page on having played regularly for Sussex in the County Rugger Championship and on gaining his cap.

Speech Day on 15th February, when Mr. H. R. Brand distributed the prizes, was considered by all to have been one of the most successful we have had. All the speeches struck a happy note.

We congratulate Mr. Auld, who with Mrs. Auld was presented to M. Le Brun when he visited this country in March. Mr. Auld's work in French, in School and outside, deserved recognition.

Our annual play, through various mishaps, has had to be postponed from the Spring to the Autumn term.

We are very indebted to the parents. They have never let us down at any of our functions. A new era was launched on 28th March, when they organised a most successful whist drive to raise funds for a Scout hut. The Assembly and Dining Halls, filled almost to capacity with whist players, were a very impressive sight.

We have to end on a sad note. Reference has been made in the Editorial to the departure of Mr. Bowman to Birmingham, and Mr. Stripe to Chesterfield. To lose two of our most accomplished masters in one year is a grievous blow. Both never spared themselves in their devotion to the interests of the School. Both played a leading part in developing those cultural interests which are so much more important than examination results. Their departure has left a sad gap and a great responsibility on those of us who remain. We shall not forget their work for the School.


House Masters : Messrs. Hoggins and Smith.
House Captain : A. C. Evans.
House Prefects : J. F. Cull, P. W. Ridley, R. I. B. Cooper

We are pleased to note that Lewes is at the moment top of the running for the games shield, beating Martlets, who are second, by three points. This is largely due to the excellent record of our 1st XV and Junior XV, who remained unbeaten in all their matches. Unfortunately this success was somewhat offset by our Soccer team who, despite the excellent example of their elder brethren, contrived to lose every match by at least 10 goals per game.

Since we have a good lead over Uckfield and Seahaven, our success is assured if the summer cricket team only carry on, if not improve upon, the good work. If only our cricket is successful we have a good chance of securing the Games Shield for the first time.

Our record of work is not at all one of which to be proud, and the good work done by some members is spoilt by a large proportion of " slackers." We also succeeded, in being last in the Cross-country ; it is time that this long-standing tradition was broken. This is not so much due to bad performance as to a bad show of runners, chiefly in the Seniors. Let us hope that the House will be more enthusiastic in the Summer term and by a good show in the athletics and swimming redeem their reputations.
R. I. B. C.


House Masters : Messrs. O'Brien, Tayler, Auld.
House Prefects : D. J. R. Thomas, P. C. Palethorpe.

The keenness which was so prevalent at the beginning of the School year has been well maintained, and we are so far second in the Games Shield to Lewes. This is largely due to the strong Soccer team and the Junior Rugger XV, who lost only to Lewes. The 1st XV's sole victory was against Uckfield, but the match with Seahaven, when we drew up from 14 - 0 at half-time to lead 15 - 14 before Seahaven scored a last try will long be remembered as the most exciting of the series. We had a strong seven-a-side team which included five of the School 1st XV and lost, again after a close battle, to our " bogey " rivals, Seahaven. We beat both Lewes and Uckfield, however, and came second in the final placings.

Our work record is not so inspiring. As usual, the good work of the majority is counteracted by some dozen boys whose marks vary from -4 to -11 every fortnight. Until these slackers mend their ways we will never rise above third place in the Work Shield

We surprised the whole School (and, perhaps, ourselves) by winning the Cross-country Race by nearly 400 points. We were well represented in all three classes, and to pull off this " plum " was a splendid achievement. If we can maintain tradition and excel this term with King Willow we should have every chance of bringing the Games Shield back where it rightly belongs. With all last year's athletic team remaining we should also wrest the " Thompson " Athletic Cup from Uckfield and complete a triumphant sporting year.
D. J. R. T.

House Masters : Messrs. Gosling, Pitt, and Euston.
House Prefect : A. T. Schmid.

The high standard of work which the House achieved during the Summer term of 1938 has been nobly upheld during the Christmas and Easter terms, and should this very good work be continued throughout the year I see no reason why the Work Shield should not stay with Seahaven.

From an extremely pleasant topic our thoughts go to one which affords us not so much satisfaction. I refer to the sporting activities of the House. The Senior Rugby XV did very well to win two out of three matches, and the play left nothing to be desired. Team spirit was excellent, and this combined with sensible well thought-out movements was without doubt the reason for the successes. Junior Rugger was a disappointment, however, all three games being lost. The failure was entirely unexpected because the team looked very promising at the start. A word of praise to our Junior Soccer members who won two out of three of their matches.

Towards the end of the Easter term the outstanding feature was the " seven-a-side " contest between the Houses , in which we enjoyed the distinction of winning all three matches played. I think I am right in saying that the perfect understanding which existed between the members of our team together with splendid physical fitness was responsible for this fine show.

It only remains to be seen how well or how badly we emerge from the annual Cross-country, to be held on Tuesday, 4th April. A good proportion of the runners will be from Seahaven and there is no reason why the House should not gain its fair share of points.
A. T. S.

House Masters : Messrs. Jarvis and Bowman
House Captain : S. G. Henderson

As usual Uckfield have been passing rather badly through the winter. The Senior XV lost every match and the Junior XV won one and lost the rest. The teams were keen enough but they were on the whole far smaller than the other Houses. Next year, however, we shouId have a very good 1st XV.

The Junior Soccer XI, however, did quite well,, piling up 28 goals in three matches and only giving away two. They lost to Seahaven but beat both Martlets and Lewes. It seems a pity that the team will have to be split up next year. We unfortunately lost the Cross-country Cup, being well beaten by Martlets, but we were by no means disgraced, obtaining four of the first six places in the Seniors' Race.

We have always done well at Cricket and Athletics previously, so we should have a fairly good Summer term. The work of the House on the whole has been quite good and I think it is only fair to mention Holton and Caton who nearly always manage to obtain the maximum amount of House points. Several other distinguished members, however, seem to take a pride in seeing how many C.s and D.s they can get.

We are very sorry to hear that Mr. Bowman is leaving us and I should like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the House, of thanking him for all he has done for the House and the School. I am sure that we all feel the same, so may I say, "Thank you, sir, and the very best of luck"
S. G. H.


Taken all round, the past Rugby season has been the best we have had, not for the number of matches won but for general keenness and steady improvement in all three teams as the season advanced.

The 1st XV won seven matches and lost five, and, considering the strength of our fixture list, this is quite a good record. Their best displays were against Doctor Nicholl's XV (lost 17-11) and Lewes ` A ' (won 19-9), in both of which we saw some really good, open play. The year's outstanding player was the younger Thomas, who always ran and tackled with a vigorous determination that was a real pleasure to watch. He and his brother made a very effective right wing, the rest of the three-quarter line being drawn from Kirk, Chant, Braidwood, and Jessop.

At full-back Wilson, who was out of action for half the season with a broken collar-bone, showed good judgment and plenty of pluck. Evans and Williams made a capable pair of halves, the latter playing particularly well in the last few games.

The forwards, led by Schmid, were moderately good, and certainly had two excellent wingers in Cull and Strachan, but as a pack they were rather ineffective. The part that a really good pack can play in winning a match is a lesson that our games with Skinner's School regularly hammer into us. Right through the School at present we are short of really good forwards -- a point which Junior players would do well to note.

The 2nd XV was exceptionally strong and could give the Ist XV a good game at any time. In fact, in the few matches they had, they played more like a team than was often the case in the Ist XV. The" Junior XV made huge strides during the season, and here, too, there was tremendous keenness. They were well led by Holton, who looks like becoming as good a player as his brother.

Forms IVa and IVb, who only started their Rugby this year, contain some most promising young players, of whom Dennis, Caton, Hoad, and Stock all played on occasions for the Junior XV.

We wound up the season with an interesting experiment in the shape of inter-House seven-a-side matches. Seahaven were the winners, and well they deserved to be. They worked together beautifully, and in their matches against Lewes and Martlets they showed how sound teamwork can usually beat individual brilliance. Both in these and in the main House matches Uckfield put up their usual gallant but hopeless struggle. It is unfortunate that such a keen House should continually be so heavily outweighted on the Rugby field.

Teams :
1st XV : From Wilson, Thomas D., Thomas B., Kirk, Braidwood, Jessop, Chant, Williams, Evans A., Schmid, Evans R., Dowden, Hilton, Ford, Palethorpe, Cull, Franklin, Strachan.

2nd XV : From Barfoot, Beal, Baker L., Haynes, Crouch, Cottis, Castle, Marson, Giles, Hall, Peters, Hawkins, Wells, Jarrett, Hancock, Rogers.

Junior XV : From Baird, Glenister, Holton, Humphries, Woods, Brown P., Williams, Hobden, Ricketts, Ibbett, Evans W., Rees, Stock, Caton, Dennis, Walter, Hoad, Lander, George, Clapson, Bryant.


The Sixth Form Society continues to flourish and, although attendance has fallen,the standard of speeches and discussion has improved. During the Christmas term the officers were :

Mr. O'Brien.
A. H. P. Jarrett.
P. Giles.
A. G. Evans, D. J. Thomas.

Officers in the Easter term were :

Mr. Pett.
D. J. Thomas.
V. D. Hall.
A. G. Evans, A. H. P. Jarrett.

The Sixth Form Society continues to flourish and, although the attendance has fallen, the standard of speeches and discussions has improved. In the Christnas term R. W. Barnes gave an interesting talk to the Society on his experiences in Czechoslovakia, and a full-dress debate was held on the Government's foreign policy. No lectures were held this term, but papers were read on "Transport," and literary evenings continued to provoke considerable discussion.

The loss of Mr. Stripe has already been referred to. We will long remember him for his interest in the Society, of which he was the founder, and for his controversial, stimulating arguments. He has now, we learn, founded a similar Society at Chesterfield.

The original members have now all, alas, departed, and next year will see a dearth of old members of even one year's experience. We trust that the stalwarts of the present Fifth Form will follow nobly and worthily in the steps of the pioneers.



Speech Day 1939

Speech Day was this year held on 15th February, under the chairmanship of Sir G. M. Boughey, Bart., C.B.E. Mr. H. R. Brand, D.L., J.P., distributed the prizes and delivered a sage and at the same time entertaining speech. It was generally agreed to be one of the most successful in the School's history, and the assembled School was quick to appreciate the genial tone of the speeches.

After the distribution of prizes the School sang "Floreat Lewesia," with the composer, Mr. Bowman, at the piano. It was not wholly imagination which made this, the last rendering of his work Mr. Bowman was to hear, sound even more stirring than before.


The National Anthem.

The Chairman.

The Headmaster's Report.

Mr. H. R. Brand.

Distribution of Prizes.

Votes of Thanks.

"Floreat Lewesia" (The School).

"I Vow to thee my Country."


Open Scholarship in Natural Science, Trinity College : R. I. B. Cooper
Open Exhibition in Modern Languages, Trinity College : P. W. Ridley

R. I. B. Cooper

B. J. Ketchell, H. G. Knight

R. I. B. Cooper (Distinctions in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics)
P. W. Ridley (Distinctions in French and German)
A. G. Evans (French and German, Principal. Latin and History, Subsidiary)
J. A. Holton (Subsidiary Biology and Chemistry)

S. G. Henderson (Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics)

R. K. Berry, P. H. Marson, P. G. R. Giles, R. C. Blythe, C. E. Moss, D. A. Glenister, C. F. Chivers, F. H. Ruffle, W. C. Goulden, D. J. Crouch, J. E. Stevens, V. D. Hall, D. J. R. Fitzgerald, G. W. Taylor, W. E. Henson, J. F. Funnell, D. J. R. Thomas, R. C. Kelley, O. F. Hill, D. H. Williams, P. C. V. Palethorpe, G. G. Hilton, G. E. Yandell, E. D. Simmons, A. H. P. Jarrett, C. J. Berry, E. J. Wheare, A. F. Kirk, I. G. Chant, F. S. Allen, E. J. Knowles, A. J. Croft.

F. S. Allen, C. Batten, P. V. Bridgman, J. F. Funnell, S. B. Hart, F. H. Ruffle.

A. R. Bernthal, G. F. Haffenden, K. G. Lawrence, B. C. Oliver, E. A. Pillinger.

C. J. Berry, L. G. Sellwood.

J. A. Holton.

N. V. Jarvis, P. Lyons.

K. J. Brown, G. Lusted, R. E. Oxley.

G. B. Akehurst, Inter. B.Sc. Engineering (London). G. W. Allen, Pre-Medical Examination.
R. W. Barnes, Class I., Part I. Geography Tripos, Cambridge. Lyttleton Scholarship, Selwyn College.
W. G. Eade, Diploma in Education (Lond.). G. C. Hutton, Inter. B.Sc. (Lond.).
J. E. Rutherford, B.A. Class II. Honour School of Mathematics, Oxford.
E. H. B. Sellwood, Inter. B.Pharm. (Lond.).
T. G. M. Wickens, Part I Final B.Sc. Engineering (Lond.).
E. C. C. Wynter, Pass Moderations, Oxford.


B. J. Ketchell, H. G. Knight.

R. I. B. Cooper, P. W. Ridley, B. J. Ketchell, H. G. Knight, S. G. Henderson.

Form Va : C. E. Moss, R. C. Blythe, J. F. Funnell, A. F. Kirk.
Form Vb : V. D. Hall, W. C. Goulden.

REMOVE FORM . . R. D. Paige, B. Hunnisett.
IVA . . . . . . F. A. Holton, A. W. Brown.
IVB . . .. . . J. F. Glenister, J. G. Hobden, A. C. Bossom.
IIIA . . . . . . D. A. Caton, L. R. Butchers.
IIIB . . .. . . R. H. Hoad, I. Wilkie.
IIA . . . . . . A. L. Oliver, S. T. H. Pilbeam.
IIB . . . . . . N. V. Jarvis, K. A. Bridgman.

Biology (Lilian Fleming Prize) : A. J. Burgess.
Science : D. J. R. Fitzgerald. P. J. Jacobs:
English Subjects : W. C. Evans.
Geography : D. J. Crouch.
Languages : O. F. Hill.
Mathematics : R. K. Berry.
Art : A. J. Croft.
Woodwork : E. S. Gates.
Printing : R. A. Sellens.
Poetry : A. H. P. Jarrett.
Prose : B. F. W. Thomas.

"Povey" Work Shield . . . . . . Seahaven House
"Bradshaw" Games Shield . . . . Seahaven House
"Thompson" Athletic Cup . . . . Uckfield House
"Henderson-Oliver" Cross-Country Cup . . .Uckfield House
"Innes" Swimming Cup . . . . Lewes House
"Sinfield" Swimming Cup . . . . A. F. Kirk
Headmaster's Bat . . . . . . . . S. G. Henderson


Parents' Evening, two terms ago, was as much a success as usual. Between seven o'clock and seven-thirty, after certain form fortnightly lists had been hidden, the crowds swelled. The usual displays of art and handicraft were thronged. Doubtless, many a fond parental eye foresaw the rise of Johnny or Freddie to a Picasso or Van Gogh judging by the looks accorded to water-colours of surrealist inclination.

Mr. Page and his perspiring athletes are to be commended as much as Messrs. Larwill and Gillam, for a scientific display of synchronisation of mind and muscle. The gymnasmm was packed so full that a shoe-horn could not have eased a sardine within the allotted space.

The Headmaster's address seemed to be well received, from what an outside observer could hear. The pièce de resistance naturally, was the concert, which started at eight o'clock. Mr. Tayler, master-comedian of the School, had appeared, although very busy, in the guise of Father Christmas. Messrs. Smith, Bradshaw, Auld, and Henshaw (in descending order) presented more frivolity in a number entitled " Annie Laurie."

The orchestra, conducted by Miss Palmer, although inexperienced, played a suite by Handel very well. The Choir, which had been practising even longer than the Orchestra, under Mr. Bowman, were not as good in the concert as in practice, although the Bach cantata, "Jesu, joy of man's desiring," was rendered excellently.

Finally, a one-act play, "Hewers of Coal," by A. J. Corrie, was presented. The cast was : D. H. Williams, P. C. Palethorpe, T. Wilmot, R. I. Cooper, E. Cole. Although accents were a little varied, and certain diction surprised some of the more ascetic among the audience, the effect of the play was pleasing.

Regaled, to a certain extent, by School coffee and refreshments, and undoubtedly impressed by the all-round capability of the School in arts, crafts, and entertaining, the company left soon after ten o'clock.
A. H. P. J.

A hot repast from a nearby fish shop may be a fitting bonne-bouche to Parents' Evening, but not when it entails missing the last train home and walking to Uckfield in the snow. Form IIIb please note. -- Editor.


President : The Headmaster.
Chairman : Mr. Thompson.
Secretary : Mr. Page.
Field Captain : D. J. Thomas.
Press Correspondent : A. Jarrett.

During the Summer term the Club will start in earnest. Matches are to be arranged with several neighbouring schools and teams entered for the various local championships and police sports. We have a strong team and should do very well, but there is still room for more prospective Holmeses and Woodersons, in the Junior as well as the Senior grades. Come out and train any evening, and help to make athletics a major sport at last.


Since the last report we have had a most successful term, having now one King's Scout, two First Class Scouts and half a dozen Second Class Scouts who have every chance of gaining their First Class badges. Our numbers are now swollen to 31, and Mr. Thompson has introduced many new and diverting games.

The Troop has won three out of the four competitions it has entered and has come second in the fourth. We won the Ambulance Cup, the Swimming Cup and the Camping Cup, coming second in the Cooking Competition.

A useful innovation has been the holding of monthly Courts of Honour, enabling a whole term's progress to be reviewed and planned. From this arose the Group Committee, composed of Scouts' parents and those interested in the Troop's welfare. It has proved very useful in securing funds, organising fetes, dances, and other social events. A Quartermaster has been appointed, since when the amount of mislaid property has greatly decreased.

The outstanding function of the Christmas term was the treat given in the School Hall by kind permission of the Headmaster to the poor boys of Lewes. (This was an idea of the Court of Honour.) Thirty-five local boys out of the 50 invited turned up. Each boy was presented with a parcel of whatsoever food remained, and this venture is one of our proudest and happiest achievements to date.

A whist drive, organised and run by the Group Committee on 28th March in the School Hall was a tremendous success, 160 people turning up to play. Much work was done by parents in selling tickets and providing refreshments, by the Committee in organising the whole affair and by the Scouts in selling tickets and moving chairs from one place to another at high speed and with great efficiency. A considerable profit was made, so this industry has by no means gone unrewarded, and we now have made a good start on the way to our new Troop Headquarters.

Mention must be made of the willing help we received at any time from Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson; they are most helpful and we ahve no hesitation in declaring them to be a couple of "good Scouts."


The leaders come in spattered with mud from the ditches and with sodden shoes. They are closely followed by the rest, all panting and gasping as they come through the School gates. Presently the shower-room is wreathed in clouds of steam and is filled with half-clad boys, shouting and jostling as they push into the showers. " Shut that door ! " and " Where's the soap ? " are the shouts that mingle with the splashing of the water. Water runs freely, and gradually pink takes the place of slimy black.

[On one particular occasion, around 1947-48, NRB was conducting a distinguished visitor round the school and was passing near Room 11. The adjacent changing room door was open, and a loud voice from inside bawled out "Shut that bloody door ! ". Oh dear me. NRB was most put out -- what could he say ? What did he say to his guest ? He must have been mortified.

At assembly the next day the poor unfortunate, was named and shamed. Whether punishment was imposed I cannot remember. At the time I thought that NRB showed a manifest lack of worldliness in publicising the incident; better had he pretended not to have heard, for now the whole school realized that he had been humiliated by the incident and the culprit became something of a hero!]


14th March 1939.

It is some time since you last had any news from Cambridge, so I thought you might like to hear how things are going on.

Already have passed a fair number of the present academic year's physical contests. Last term saw the Cross-country runners in action, when Selwyn swept away with the Inter-College race, and later in the Inter-Varsity race at Horton Kirby, Oxford performed a similar feat amid the rain and mud. But a few days before Twickenham had told another story. There still remains, however, the sports at the White City on Saturday, and then the Boat Race.

In Cambridge this term the Cuppers have provided the usual fierce fare, as when we saw Johns beat Clare in the Rugger final, and when the latter deposed Jesus on the river -- an action possibly marking the advent of a new epoch.

Last term was unusual with its late start, but soon made up for it with a particularly active political meeting, while this term saw another vociferous assembly in the Corn Exchange. Elsewhere there has been the same plethora of meetings, films, and other entertainment.

In College, life goes on seemingly oblivious to the outer world. There are more meetings, meals, and the radio, a favourite cat, and a chair or fire-escape that needs repairing.

But over all there hangs a pall. It does not darken the heavens, or cover your paper with dust as when the wind blows the wrong way down the chimney. Instead it is expressed in fleeting weeks, little expositions called "supervision," piles of books with papers marking endless pages, more dead than alive, more unpleasant than fearful. For soon the Tripos will be upon us. Some there are who can fight again, but for many it is their last effort, for they will not be up again. Their days here are numbered, to many the happiest days of their lives.

But enough of this. Thank heaven there's the river next term!
Yours, etc.,

Does Barnes refer to the river as a place of relaxation or extinction ? We hope the former. -- Editor.


Donations to the fund, and applications for help, continue to trickle in. Since our last issue, leaving subscriptions have been received from J. Henderson, K. Geering, C. Berry, D. G. Moppett, C. F. Chivers, J. A. Holton, G. E. Yandell, P. H. Marson, A. F. Kirk and S. G. Henderson.

Other Old Boys of longer standing who have sent donations during the same period are : D. Reed-Collins, J. Simmons, H. F. Sharp and W. Jessop. Several Old Boys have repaid loans. Subscriptions have also. been received from the following present members of the School R. D. Paige, P. J. Royall, John Turner, M. Berry and F. B. Tyndall. Finally we are indebted to Mr. F. E. Georges and Mr. Wilfred Thompson, who have also sent generous gifts. As we go to press we are able to announce that about £120 will be available from our 1939 fete. This will bring up our total to over £500 in addition to about £75 which is at present on loan. Our ultimate aim is an invested sum of £5,000.



The news of the death of Peter Flint, under tragic circumstances, came as a great shock to all who knew him. Since leaving school he had made great progress in his career as a librarian and it was likely that he would shortly have taken up an appointment in London. To his parents we offer our deep sympathy.

A successful annual dinner, two dances, and a most enjoyable Christmas party were the main activities of the Association during the past winter. We hope that our President has now been restored to health.

The following notes on Old Lewesians will interest their contemporaries. We are glad to receive news items from Old Boys for publication in these columns.

G. W. ALLEN has passed his pre-medical examination and has spent the past year at University College Hospital, London, studying dentistry.

K. W. MORRIS is at the Armstrong Whitworth works, Coventry, making heavy bombers.

J. E. TYNALE was sent to Sheerness during the Crisis to operate a teleprinter circuit for the Admiralty. Which reminds us that a number of Old Lewesians were prepared, in various capacities, to put Hitler in his place had the need arisen.

From the sword to the pen -- D. W. WREXHAM has passed Part II of the Librarians' Association Examination and is now Chief Assistant at Ilford. This is very rapid promotion.

C. J. HILLS is doing an electrical course at Cranwell and has played Rugger against the Cadets. MITCHELL is also there.

The R.A.F. Reserve at Shoreham contains so many Old Boys that it will soon be a branch of the Association.

K. COXON has flown to Egypt from Iraq and ate a seven (or was it ten ?) course dinner on arrival.

J. F. FUNNELL has taken up a post in the Ministry of Health. More Old Boys are flocking to Whitehall and recent recruits include S. B. HART, F. H. RUFFLE, G. HILTON, R. BERRY, P. MARSON, and D. CROUCH.

J. COSSTICK and F. BISHOP are married. We hope that they will be happy in their new state.

E. C. WYNTER has been given his "Greyhound" colours for Rugger at Oxford.

M. GISSONS is farming near Horsham, and likes it.

G. GRAVETT had three pictures in the annual exhibition of work by young Sussex artists. Furthermore, one of his exhibits was sold. We now learn (subject to verification) that he has abandoned art for heartlessness. He has become an Officer of Customs and Excise.

H. G. KNIGHT has emulated KETCHELL and succeeded in passing the Executive Civil Service Examination.

R. C. MANTLE, now on the Iron Duke, passed out top in seamanship and torpedoes in the accelerated advancement examination.

J. C. HOLMES is the show-man of the R.A.F. He was at the Cenotaph on Armistice Day, in the Lord Mayor's Show, and in the Guard of Honour for King Carol of Roumania.

A. CROFT has obtained an appointment with Glyndebourne Opera.

ARTHUR KITCHENER has also joined the Air Force. Knowing "Kipper," we are certain he will get on.

R. RAINBIRD is with The Royal Sussex Regiment in Egypt. (We shall be suspected soon of being a military establishment).

D. FITZGERALD is in the Head Office in Town of Messrs. Reckett and Colman, but does not find conditions either hot or starchy.

P. GILES has secured a post with the Anglo-Siam Corporation.

S. G. HENDERSON has taken up a scientific post with a firm at Redhill making Fuller's earth.

A. KIRK has gone to the offices of the Bankers' Association.

K. MULLINS is still riding winners.

E. L. COOK has returned from the "Meurice" in Paris and is now in the kitchens of the Savoy.

If you go to Haywards Heath you will find a new ladies' hairdressing establishment called "Margo." It is run by an Old Lewesian -- R. BELLINGHAM. It is early days for an Old Boy to have his own business. We wish him luck.

S. G. ASTON has left the Meteorological Station in Lincolnshire for a higher grade station at Bircham Newton in Norfolk. We congratulate him heartily on his engagement but apologise on not being able to give the name of his fiancée.

We will run a births and marriages column if Old Boys will supply details. No engagements will be announced unless the ring has been bought.

J. STEVENS has taken up an appointment with the Brighton, Hove and Worthing Gas Company.

C. P. KELLEY has passed the Chartered Surveyors Preliminary Examination. He seemed surprised when he told us.

R. C. KELLEY has obtained an appointment in the Public Assistance Department of the County Council.

In a paper recently we saw that music had been supplied at a local dance by "Don Blake" and his band. To those who shared his tent at the Stratford-on-Avon Camp, this, will come as no surprise.

J. D. BAKER has joined the Air Force. His brother "J.A." (Shakey) has passed his first pharmaceutical examination and is the sound fellow he always was at school.

D. BULLER put on an excellent production of "The Housemaster" at Brighton Technical College. G. B. AKEHURST played one of the parts with feeling and delicacy. We heard that T. WICKENS was "behind" helping with the lights. Quite an Old Lewesian show.

D. MARANDE still struggles manfully with his engineering studies at Southampton and would like to hear from old friends.

V. RICHARDSON and FAULKNER have been promoted in the Public Assistance Department of the County Council.

K. RABSON has been admitted to the Uckfield Institution as a clerk.

D. B. BARKER got lost in South Africa and ran into a fellow in the wilds who had received information from England through "THE BARBICAN. "No, he was not actually reading that great work when David knocked on the door."/p>

W. JESSOP has taken up an engineering appointment at the Heywood (Lancs.) Gas Works. We wish him good luck.

To all Old Boys we send good wishes wherever they may be.

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