Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 15 - December 1940

The Original Barbican cover This is the first Barbican of the real war. The phony war is over, Dunkirk a memory and the Battle of Britain won. Now Britain stands alone and it is beginning to dawn on everyone that this is going to be very unpleasant. Apart from the Battle of Britain there have been few encouraging signs. Many big ships lost at sea and no easy way to tackle the enemy first hand. Meanwhile the school goes about its business with a few minor inconveniences -- like having another evacuated school in the buildings and growing food on the playing field.

A Speech Day was held in February 1940 but due to the turmoil of the year no record appears in the Barbican. Luckily we have a surviving programme that gives the 1939 results and honours awarded.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys

December 1940


Summer Term, 1940

Captain of the School: D. J. Thomas.

Prefects :
LEWES : R. C. Blythe, O. F. Hill, G. H. Ford, J. N. Hawkins.
MARTLETS : D. J. Thomas, B. W. Thomas.
SEAHAVEN : E. S. Gates.
UCKFIELD : J. F. Miles, W. F. Dodson.

Captain of Cricket : D. J. Thomas.
Vice-Captain-Secretary : R. C. Blythe.

Form Captains :
2B : E. Vass ; 2A : W. Emerson ;
3B : P. C. Reed ; 3A : K. Hills ;
4B : C. Grevett ; 4A : S. Wood ;
Remove B : R. Butchers ; Remove A : H. Dennis ;
VB : L. Martyn ; VA : W. Evans.

Editor of the Magazine : D. J. Thomas.
Sub-Editors : R. T. Stevens, B. W. Thomas, G. H. Ford.


Wars may come and bombs may fall, but we, apparently, go on for ever. Contributors to this magazine must feel thankful that they are still able to exercise their right of free speech. Poland, Norway, the Low Countries, and France have fallen, but to us, whose inconvenience is confined to struggles with gas-masks and the enigmatic War-time sausage, the world is much the same ; it is the people in it who move one to despair.

In our last Editorial we remarked that the School was rapidly approaching its peak of rugger perfection. We are now able to record that the School during 1939-40 enjoyed its most successfnl season. The 1st XV lost only one match, very early in the Christmas Term, won ten and drew one, a record season. Under normal circumstances, next year's team would be equally, if not even more successful. But in the present circumstances it is useless to prophesy.

Mr. Thompson suddenly left us in the Easter Term, to be succeeded by Mr. Lingard, to whom we now bid hail and farewell.

It is with deep regret that at the same time we bid adieu to Mr. Page and Mr. Courtney, and thank them for all they have done for us. We hope that their Army careers will be successful and that we shall be able to welcome them back again in the near future.

The Athletic Club goes from strength to strength ; readers will find elsewhere a full report of the County Championship meeting, and the grand meeting with Bec will still be fresh in the memories of the majority. The times and distances recorded, in the latter meeting particularly, are of the very highest order ; records were smashed by both schools in nearly every event. We have enjoyed, too, a most successful cricket season. Our 1st XI proved stronger than for many years and although our attack was always more reliable than the batting, some good scores have been made. In all we won five and lost three games, one of our victims being the doughty Bec 1st XI, whom we beat by eight wickets. Thus we have completed the school's most successful sporting year.

The last issue of THE BARBICAN coincided with the first thunderclap of the storm over Europe ; this present issue appears at the height of its fury. In the interval much has happened to influence the lives of millions and to shape the destiny of civilisation ; events of such magnitnde that our own tasks and achievements seem trivial in comparison. It rests with us to overcome the prevalent feeling that nothing is really worth while. We must not allow our standard of values to become so distorted that our own happiness suffers in consequence. We have much to live for ; let us not give in without a struggle.
D. J. T.

NOTE: Owing to the need of conserving paper, original work in this issue of THE BARBICAN has been reduced to a minimum, especially as the chronicle of Old Boy war activities is necessarily long.


More than a year has passed since war commenced. The School has played its part. First and foremost we have found accommodation and made possible the continuance of education for one important London Secondary School, which is still with us. Incidentally we congratulate them on the two open University scholarships they have gained while here. We have found many other spheres in which to assist the national effort.

Since our last issue Mr. Thompson has joined the R.A.F. as a meteorological officer; Mr. Page and Mr. Courtney have joined the Army, while Mr. Pett and Mr. Pratt are waiting to be called up. We congratulate Mr. Smith, who has been promoted to the rank of Captain and is second in command of his battery. He was in the Dunkirk evacuation. All remaining masters are in the A.R.P. Service or the Home Guard. We are glad to welcome Mr. W. M. Gourlay M.Sc., Mr. A. G. Long, B.Sc., Mr. O. R Hulbert, B.Sc., and Mr. J. A. Nicholls, B.A., in place of those we have lost. With their assistance we shall be fortunately placed compared with many schools, who have had to fall back upon " Old Stagers," or " the monstrous regiment of women." (John Knox).

But the boys have done their utmost too. Some are in the A.R.P service or the Home Guard (will parents see that their work is not affected ? -- the most important national as well as personal issue).

Others, under Mr. Euston, Mr. Courtney, Mr. Larwill, and Mr. Pett have toiled manfully at the School garden, which has won universal praise and produced a splendid crop of vegetables. The Scouts have collected waste paper. Weekly collections have been made for national causes. Squads have unloaded rifles for L.D.V. [later known as the Home Guard]. Boys have undertaken orderly duties at the Services' canteen in Lewes. We can claim to have made our contribution to the national cause -- in fact, to have done what one would expect from the past record of Lewes County School.

Our Old Boys' record is one which gives those of us who have been at the School since its opening a profound sense of satisfaction. We have recorded it elsewhere in this issue. Meanwhile, we are doing our best to keep School work going under difficult conditions, and on the whole satisfactorily.

Our School Certificate record last summer (85% passed) showed that we had surmounted our troubles, despite the restricted time table due to the presence of the Bec School. We have been troubled with air raid warnings this term, which caused serious dislocation at the outset. However, we are now working to the warnings of a local spotter and this promises to mitigate considerably what looked like being an unavoidable but heavy waste of time.

Unfortunately, many School activities are in abeyance, and public assemblies for functions such as Speech Day and the School Play are not advisable at the moment owing to the danger of interruption.

[Note: A Speech Day was held in February 1940 but due to the turmoil of the year no record appears in the Barbican. Luckily we have a surviving programme that gives the 1939 results and honours awarded.]

A number of boys have had bombs fall very close to their homes. They are remaining cheerful and doing their best under trying conditions. The evacuation of Seaford and Newhaven led to the loss of a number of boys, but our numbers are very good and we have over 300 boys still at school.

We thank the parents for their loyal' co-operation and help in facing our difficulties.
N. R. B.


Ivor Gordon Chant
Lewes County School, 1934-1938
[Died playing rugby]

We first learnt of the death of Ivo Gordon Chant when we picked up our neighbour's Daily Mirror in a railway carriage. When one has schooled oneself to face the inevitable loss of Old Boys in the Forces -- bitter though that may be -- it is a cruel trick of fate to take yet another by a freak accident before he has reached military age. While Chant was running for the ball when playing for Lewes R.F.C.,against a Service XV, he suddenly collapsed and was carried off unconscious. He died a few hours later.

There was no suggestion of rough play, nor could anyone remember an occasion when Chant -- a wing threequarter -- had received a blow or heavy tackle. The game had been in progress less than fifteen minutes. The only explanation emerging from the inquest was that he had dislocated his neck by some sudden jerk or twist and that it was one of those mysterious accidents that only occur once in a million times.

Chant's record at school was without blemish. He gained School Certificate with Matriculation exemption, played for the 1st XV at rugger, and was invaluable in the School Orchestra as a violinist. As an Old Boy he was in the orchestra under Mr. Austin which provided the delightful incidental music to " A Midsummer Night's Dream."

After leaving school he entered the offices of the Chailey Rural District Council, and he had already shown sufficient promise there to make all who knew his work believe that he would have a highly successful career. He was utterly reliable and had an attractive disposition.

The representative nature of the large congregation that attended his funeral testified to a widespread respect for one who was still only 19. We deeply sympathise with his parents who have borne the loss of an only child so bravely.

House Notes

House Master .. .. .. Mr. Hoggins.
House Captain .. .. K. C. Blythe.
House Prefects .. .. G. H. Ford, D. George.

The last School year was very satisfactory from our standpoint, particularly because the Games Shield was, for the first time, won outright by the House. For this brilliant effort praise is due equally to Seniors and Juniors. The Seniors maintained the high rugby record enjoyed by the House in the past few seasons, and won all their three games, and the Junior soccer side, by winning two of its three games, erased the slur cast on, our soccer reputation by the previous year's disgraceful results. No cricket House matches were played and consequently we won the Games Shield with three points more than Martlets, our nearest rival.

In the cross-country race we had to be content with third place but the relatively small margin between us and the winners (Uckfield) shows that all, who we called upon to struggle through mud and stench, acquitted themselves creditably. In particular, the Junior team should be praised for their victory in their own section, a victory which augurs well for later years.

At work the House showed some improvement and shared the second place with Martlets. Then, as now, however, there are some boys who score at least ten points a month, while other wretches just as invariably grace the House with a minus mark. The House average is approximately five, and this modest number of marks is attainable by even the least intelligent. It is up to every boy, who wishes to manifest his loyalty to the House in a real way, to strive to reach and exceed this poor average, or, otherwise, he jeopardises the chances of the whole House.

In the Summer Term, our definite and unbroken superiority in swimming was once more vindicated, partly by the ability and partly by the enthusiasm of the House, and, in this connection, I would wish to congratulate Wynter on winning the Individual Cup. On the other hand, on Sports Day, despite good running by Meux in the Colt events, we were compelled to take third place.

With the Games Shield and Swimming Cup in our possession and second place in the Work Gompetition, we showed last year that our only weakness was in Athletics. To attain such suceess again this year will be extremely difficult and we have made a bad start in our attempt to retain the Gamcs Shield, but the record must surcly imbue us with even more pride in the House and more enthusiasm for its activities.
R. C. B.

House Masters .. .. .. Messrs. Pett, Euston and Courtney.
House Captain .. .. .. E. S. Gates.

It is not very encouraging to start these notes by saying that we lost all our rugger matches this year. We did, however, put up a good show against Martlets, and were not beaten by such overwhelming odds as against Lewes. Our main trouble was lack of material, a large proportion of our team coming from the Junior XV. They played very well and I hope to see them get their revenge next season.

Seahaven also faired badly in the cross-country race, coming last in the final results. This was due to the Colts for the most part, who seemed to want each other's company, since they all came in together at the very end. The Seniors and Juniors did better, especially the former, and if they had had support from the Colts we could have obtained better results.

We got some encouragement from our Junior soccer team which won two of its three matches. Unfortunately, any hopes we had that the athletics, swimming, and cricket results might help to counterbalance the effect of the rugger matches, were doomed to failure. In the Athletics we came at the bottom of the list with 24½ points, not even a close fourth to Lewes. In the Swimming sports we did slightly better, Martlets only beating us for the third place by one point. Some of the Colts gave a promising display, so we hope for a better result next ycar. The cricket matches were not played this year. To turn to our one success of the year, and certainly not the least important, the Work Shield. It was not such a complete victory as in some years, our average being lower than that of last year, but even then a very creditable result. So keep striving Seahaven, and let us see if next year we cannot regain the Games Shield as well as the Work Shield.
E. S. G.

House Masters .. .. Messrs. D. J. Jarvis and N. H. Pratt.
House Captain .. .. J. F. Miles.
House Prefect .. .. W. F. Dodson.

The past year has not been one of great success for Uckfield, but neither has it been one of complete failure.

At rugger, as usual, the team was rather on the small side. We suffered no major defeats, however, and succeeded in beating Seahaven. The Junior soccer XI was not up to the standard of the previous season. In all three matches we were hopelessly overwhelmed. The Cross-Country Cup has once again returned to the House. After keen and thorough training by the Seniors and Colts we succeeded in winning both these events and beating Martlets by 256 to 232 points. The Junior team was disappointing and finished last and it is up to them to emulate their older brethren in the future and to uphold the ancient tradition of the House in cross-country running. Congratulations are due to Holton and Gray who won the Senior and Colt events respectively, and to Baker, who was second in the Junior race.

We have no important success in summer sports to record. The cricket House matches were rather disorganised and no matches were played, although our team was rather weak. In the athletic sports we showed much better form, however, pressing the winners Martlets, very closely. In this connection we ought to congratulate Humphries and Stock, who gained many of our points, in spite of stern opposition. Our usual failure at the swimming sports was tempered somewhat by good work by the individuals, among whom Sutton should be mentioned.

In the House Work competitiou our usual high standard has not been maintained, largely owing to the poor results of the four Junior forms. A little more effort on the part of each boy will bring back the Work Shield into the House, and it is to be hoped that this extra effort will be forthcoming next year.

Looking back on the past year we feel our achievements have not been as good as we could have wished, due mainly to the lack of keenness among the Junior element. May we keep constantly in front of us the proverb that will put us " on top " : " Vouloir, c'est Pouvoir."
W. F. D.

P.S: Bravo, Uckfield! Flight-Lieutenant T. M. Horgan, a former member of the House, has been awarded the D.F.C.

House Masters .. .. .. .. Messrs. O'Brien, Tayler and Auld.
House Gaptain .. B. W. Thomas.
House Prefects .. W. Wray, J. Hobden.

With three sporting trophies to defend, Martlets succeeded last year in retaining only one. This was disappointing ; we should not be content with the position of runner-up and I hope to see Martlets back in their rightful position of cock House this year.

The one trophy we did retain was the Athletic Cup, which was won by a comfortable margin. The Seniors again put up an excellent performance while the Juniors showed such ability and keenness that we need fear no rival this year. Unfortunately the revised method of running the cross-country races in House teams put us at a disadvantage. We finished only second to Uckfield, whom we congratulate with a smile and secret resolve that it shall not happen again. There is, indeed considerable hope for the future, since the Juniors showed unrivalled form and keenness.

The soccer team again rendered valuable assistance to the House although the rugger XV were not so successful, and we finished second in the Games Shield competition by a small margin. I have confidence, however, that we will snatch the trophy from under the haughty nose of Lewes this year as we have commenced the season in fine style, decisively beating them in both rugger and soccer. In the swimming races we secured only third place and our position in the Work Shield competition was equally ignominious. This year the swimmers must bear in mind the sporting reputation of the House and the " slackers " cease to attribute their dismal record in work to war-strain.

Remember that you are members of a House with a record and tradition of success to line up to. Good luck, and go to it !
B. W. T.


In spite of the war and the " old-fashioned " winter, we had an enjoyable and successful season. For one thing we were very fortunate in having on our doorstep a doughty new opponent in the Bec School, our evacuated visitors, and we were also glad to meet two other London schools for the first time -- Selhurst Grammar School, and Raine's School -- who were both temporarily at Brighton.

Our only defeat was inflicted by Hurstpierpoint, who paid us the compliment of turning out their full 1st XV against us for the first time. The best game was the return match against the Bec School whom we had managed to beat previously when they were not at full strength. After a tremendous battle the game ended in a pointless draw. Our opponents were a little unlucky not to win, but the Lewes team can congratulate themselves on a really fine defence against a battering attack in the closing stages.

Our two main problems were to find a full-back and a fly half, and in the end both positions were filled by ex-forwards. Baird, at full-back, had an occasional off-day, but was usually very sound, while Blythe, after a rather shaky start, improved rapidly and developed into a very useful fly-half. The two Thomases made a very dangerous attacking right wing. Braidwood, at left centre did some brilliant individual work, but tended to starve Haynes on the wing. Castle was always reliable at scrum half. The forwards, among whom Dowden, Franklin, Ibbett, and Hobden, were always to the fore, were good in the loose, but usually failed to get their share of the ball in the tight scrums.

The 2nd and Junior XVs won over half their matches, the most promising feature being the Juniors' victory over Worthing in February, after being decisively beaten by them earlier in the season.

TEAMS 1st XV :
Baird, Haynes, Jessop, Braidwood, Thomas D., Thomas B., Blythe, Castle,
Hawkins, Hobden, Ford, Dowden, Hall, Paige, Woods, Ibbett, Franklin.

2nd XV :
Barfoot, Wray, Humphries, Holton, Glenister, Walter, Clapson, Brown P.,
Rogers, Banks, Evans, George, Smith, Rees, Grainger, Clapson, Bryant.

Junior XV :
Finley, Dennis, Hoad, Caton, Butchers, Ford, Williams, Burgess,
Richardson, Stenton, Beevor, Jennings, Stock, Siggs, Wynter.

Complete Record [all teams]: Played 25. Won 16. Lost 7. Drawn 2.

Old Colours : D. Thomas, B. Thomas, Dowden, Franklin.

New Colours : Baird, Castle, Braidwood, Hawkins, Ford, Blythe, Woods, Ibbett, Hobden.


The position of athletics as a major sport at the School was firmly consolidated by the grand display put up by the School team at the County Junior Championships at Worthing on 25th May. With considerable audacity but unshaken confidence, members entered for almost every important event, and after three weeks of feverish training the team arrived at Homefield Park. A large contingent of spectators from the School helped to swell a rather disappointing attendance.

A success was scored in the very first event, Hills winning his heat in the Junior 100 Yards in 12 seconds. Unlucky not to repeat his success in the final, he ran a very good second in a race won in 12 seconds.

Next followed the Shot, in which we had two entrants. Ford, not quite up to his usual standard, nevertheless did well to come third with a putt of just under 30 feet, and Hobden was only a few inches behind.

Our next success came in the 220 Yards, D. Thomas winning his heat easily. In the final, in spite of his previous exertions, he breasted the tape feet ahead of the second man, finishing in 24.2 seconds.

The Javelin next claimed our attentions, but Humphries, who, had he finished, would certainly have come in the first three, unfortunately strained his side and had to retire. In spite of this he came second in the Discus, an event in which last year's record was broken.

Now came the highlight of the afternoon, the 440 Yards Championship. In the first heat B. Thomas and Glenister, finishing first and second, left their opponents standing. The second heat was in D. Thomas's pocket from the gun, his opponents not getting a look-in. The final of this event, although run in drizzling rain, was undoubtedly one of the most exciting events of the meeting. From the start D. Thomas was strongly challenged by Latham, of the County Harriers, but at the third bend he put on a magnificent spurt to finish yards ahead. His brother, never far behind Latham, finished strongly, a good third.

So ended Worthing, 1940. We "got to it" to the extent of five medals, no small achievement for a club of our age.

Still fresh in the memories of most of us is the meeting with the Bec School. Records were smashed with almost reckless frequency, and several events are worthy of , special mention. Booth, of Bec, who reached 5ft. in the High Jump without taking the bar off, left us wondering where he would finish, retiring unchallenged. In the Long Jump, Holmes almost cleared the pit with 19ft. 5ins.

The result of the Quarter Mile illustrated our overwhelming superiority at this distance. D. Thomas, our recognised champion, was saving himself for the Half Mile, but his younger brother proved a worthy substitute. Making the pace from the start, he finished a good winner in 54.4 seconds, and Glenister, usually our " third string," although by dint of his performance in the County Championships among the five fastest in Sussex, secured second place.

Denis Thomas then ran a magnificent 880 Yards -- his first in competition -- in 2 mins. 1 sec., winning by over 6o yards. Gerber in the field events raised gasps of surprise from those who had not seen him perform before, registering 103ft. 9ins. in the Discus and 37ft. 2ins. in the Shot.

But so, indeed, could one go on until every event was listed, and still produce a good performance. Although Bec won by 78 points to 43, the meeting will doubtless go down in School history, together with the already historic rugger match of last term.

The term was wound up by the finest effort of the season. D. Thomas, on the strength of his Worthing performance, entered for the Quarter at the Southern Counties "Three A's" Junior Championships at Chiswick. He ran his best race yet, coming second in a race which set up a record of 51.9 seconds. His own time (unofficial) was 52.5 seconds, a performance which doubtless will remain long unbeaten at the School.

As we go to press we hear that Mr. Page has joined the Army. We wish to place on record our deep appreciation of the magnificent work he has done for School athletics during his stay with us. Arriving to find athletics an almost unknown and certainly unpopular sport, he built up in an amazingly short time a keenness throughout the School which has given us one of the finest running teams in the county. Our thoughts go with him as he leaves us, and we sincerely hope that he will soon return to carry on the fine work he has done for the School in general and the club in particular.


It was good to be in Lewes again on a fine Spring day, clouds racing across the sky, familiar glimpses of the Downs at the ends of streets, and it was even better to know that the School was putting on another show, that we were to be transported from Nazi horrors to Athenian magic. This time the co-operation of the County School for Girls was sought, an experiment which was certainly justified by the play in question -- " A Midsummer Night's Dream."

I was not in a critical mood ; I had no idea that I should be asked to review the production for the School Magazine, and I was there to enjoy myself, to chat to as many old friends as I could and to watch once again an old favourite play. Enjoy myself I did, but first let me appear rude and, perhaps, prejudiced. There was no acting of the same class of previous productions ; of course, there is not the scope for acting as in " Macbeth " or " The Pretenders," and again, as I was sitting at the back of the Hall I may have missed much delicacy of expression. Bottom and his " Crazy Gang " always come over, and they were no exception here. The four lovers are more difficult -- I have seen one really mirth-producing performance -- but these four were a very attractive quartet who moved well and quarrelled forcibly. Theseus and Hippolyta have my sympathy for " sticky " parts. Oberon and Titania, with Puck and all their attendants were good, especially Titania. I am inclined to think that Egeus was the best bit of characterisation in the play.

The production was very good, perhaps a little slow and uncertain in execution at the first performance, but the conception was clear, so that I was sure it would gather strength and speed as the week went on. The stage was always a delight to the eye -- there had been real collaboration between the designers of the scenery and the costumes, and those responsible for the lighting, which was especially effective. How essential an orchestra is to a Shakespearian production was shown by the invaluable assistance given to the play by the music, and if at times I thought the atmosphere induced by some of the eighteenth century music inappropriate, that may be the fault of ears dulled to other beauty by the nineteenth century creation of Mendelssohn.

Every Shakespearian production lacks something ; this was no exception, but it would be a very captious critic who did not come under its spell, it moved smoothly from beginning to end, everyone concerned brought a youthful enthusiasm which irradiated the production, the astonishing lyric beauty of the play coming over more freshly than ever.
J. A. S.


"What!" said the cynics, "Shakespeare again? And the girls to help us? Its fate is sealed!" And, indeed it seemed at one time that this ambitious piece would never reach the stage, for the combined ravages of measles and influenza among the cast slowed down rehearsal to such an extent that only incorrigible optimists such as Mr. Bradshaw and Mr. Silk could visualise the play in its final polished form.

But we need have had no fears. One by one, eavesdroppers and spies spread tales first of the clowns, then, inevitably, of the lovescenes; interest was stimulated by the sudden erection of impressionistic scenery, and Mr. Austin soon had half the School humming "Where the bee sucks," and Purcell's "Trumpet Voluntary," as the strains of his piano seeped from under closed and carefully guarded doors. Hefty carpenters were continually to be seen transporting two-dimensional flora and architecture from the workshop to the stage. Gradually one became accustomed to meeting feminine forms of varying size in the most unlikely places, and to hearing unquestionably female voices shatter our monastic calm in shrill rehearsal of a song about spotted snakes and beetles. As the great day grew nearer it became increasingly obvious that perseverance and good spirits had triumphed over the evil designs of a severe winter, and that the curtain was destined to rise on something abnormally good.

For six consecutive performances this youthful cast played to a packed house ; night after night the antics of Bottom and company filled the hall with mirth, impressing upon each audience the surprising fact that the Immortal Bard, little read and taken for granted though he is in the majority of English homes, can still beat Arthur Askey at his own game. It is possible, too, that the unhappy situation arising out of the eccentricities of Puck brought a tear to the eye of some tender-hearted mother or sister in the audience. I am little qualified to judge, since the pathos of Hermia's and Helena's peremptory treatment at the hands of Lysander and Demetrius tended somehow to lose its effect when, involuntarily, I recalled memories of these amorous cavaliers in a rugger scrum. But then, I have always been told I have a mundane mentality.

One could have cut the atmosphere in the Green Room prior to the " first night " with a very blunt knife. Nobody talked much ; one good reason was probably the characters' fear of smudging their makeup. A little later, in the palpitating silence preceding the rising of the curtain, I was able to see the whole cast together. Here was a galaxy of colourful costume, transforming slender school-girls into glamorous women and robust Seniors into dashing screen heroes. I took a sudden and violent dislike to my tight clean collar and faithful flannels. I always envied Raleigh, Sydney, and the others of Elizabeth's shameless days . . .

Other memories of life behind the scenes are still fresh ; of Miss Grace Hawkins, with an enormous pair of scissors in her hand and a purposeful gleam in her eye, rushing tirelessly everywhere ; of rumours, wildly exaggerated, of an " Archbishop's " adventure in the dark ; of coffee and biscuits ; of the sudden rise in popularity of the song " Who's taking you home tonight ? " and of anxious painted faces inconruous at close quarters, asking me how does it look from the back ?

And every time I was able to tell them that it looked magnificent.
D. J. T.


Chairman . . . . Mr. Courtney.
Secretary . . . . . O. F. Hill.
Treasurer . . . . J. N. Hawkins.
Committee . . . . J. F. Miles and D. J. Thomas.

As usual, the term opened with a literary evening. This was chiefly notable for an acrimonious discussion on the merits of G. B. Shaw, during the course of which one member surpassed himself by referring to the famous playwright as " a perverse old cuss."

Germany and its people provided the material for two meetings. The first was a debate on the motion, " That this House considers the record of Nazi Germany demands nothing less than a second Versailles." This debate took place in February, when the general tendency was to regard the Germans as misguided imbeciles who were doomed to the hiding of their lives. This attitude was apparent in most of the speeches. Miles, the principal speaker for the motion, loftily announced that he was in favour of granting self-government to the Germans by degrees " as their behaviour warranted," when we had first wiped the floor with them while Mr. Silk asserted that we must knock Germany down hard, and then pick her up gently. This reckless optimism has an ironical ring at the present time. It is interesting to note that the motion was defeated.

In the same month, Colonel Powell-Edwards gave an address in the course of which he indicated the responsibility of the German people for the present conflict. The talk was particularly interesting as the attitude of most people towards the Germans was undergoing a marked change. Colonel Powell-Edwards described the attitude towards the Nazi regime of Germans whom he had met in the past-few years, ranging from a schoolboy to the London correspondent of a German newspaper.

No session of the Society passes without a musical evening and last term was no exception. Contrast was the order of the day, a recording of the overture to " The Barber of Seville," for example, being followed by one of Messrs. Flannagan and Allen. Another familiar feature of these meetings was, a non-stop argument between swing enthusiasts and highbrows, which will, no doubt, be continued at future musical evenings.

The great event of the term was the hundredth meeting. For this milestone in its history the Society decided to summon up the last of its financial resources for a tea and sing-song at the " Tatler." At the end of the meeting a presentation was made to Mr. O'Brien in appreciation of his never-failing support of the Society. This was actually the last meeting held, for the Society's activities had to give place to the School Play, which drew most of the members into its clutches.

Finally, I would like to appeal to next year's Science Sixth not to adopt the attitude of one of this year's scientists, who, when invited to attend a meeting, replied, " Well, if I do, I shall only be bored so what's the use ? " The Society, remember, is open to all the Sixth, and you will be equally welcome whether your particular bent is Keats or quadratics.
O. F. H.



This year the ornamental trees planted two years ago by the Gardening Hobby Group began to show their quality. The fierce cold of January and February had naturally held the almonds back, and the end of March had come before they were fully out along the south side of the School. There are few lovelier sights than pink almond sprays seen against the blue and white of a March sky. All the trees had made strong heads during the previous summer, and the yield of blossom was prodigal and prolonged.

Early in April the double pink Clara Meyer peach in the east quadrangle joined in with a generous show of close-set rich pink bloom, followed almost at once by the opening of the blood-red buds of its neighbour, a Japanese crab {Malues Flovibunda).

Then came the cherry pageant. By 20th April the double-white gean in the west quadrangle had covered itself in demure white, and the four Hizakura trees along the south front had taken over, in deeper pink; from the fading almonds. But fairest of all was the dainty grace of Oku-Miyako, a blush-white Japanese cherry with every branch hung with delicate flowers in long-stemmed corymbs like Japanese lanterns. This is the umbrella-shaped tree which stands in the east quadrangle outside the English Room.

By mid-May the glory was over, but all the trees are making fine growth for an even lovelier display next year.


Early in January we tested the soil-depth and analysed the soil of an area three-quarters of an acre in size of the new playing field. But it was some weeks before a frost which had penetrated eighteen inches into the ground eased up sufficiently to allow us to get along with the digging.

It was decided that all work should be done voluntarily; on Tuesday, under the supervision of Mr. Euston, assisted by Mr. Courtney, and on Thursdays under Mr. Larwill. On an average, working squads were 8 to 12 boys, and the working period two hours.

By the end of the Spring Term most of the digging had been completed, and two cwt. of seed potatoes bought and greened." During the Easter holidays a number of boys readily gave up a day to help three masters in planting these and in the preparation and sowing of the seed-bed for winter greens.

Now (in July) as a result of thorough work timely planting, and excellent fertility, we have a fine area of potatoes in full flower, two large beds of carrots and over 1200 plants of savoy, cabbage and Brussels sprouts set out and established in their permanent quarters.

It is hoped in this way to supply the School kitchen with a considerable proportion of its vegetable requirements during autumn and winter.

The following boys deserve special mention for their cheerful and extremely valuable help over a long period : S. Lofthouse, IVA ; S. Pilbeam, IVA ; R. Simmonds, IVA ; E. Letts, IIIB ; D. Gaster, IVB ; F. Dusart, IVB ; G. Carpenter, IVB ; J. Brown, VB.
W. H. E.


Beyond the tree he stands quite motionless ;
Awaits the golden sun he cannot see ;
Or listening -- his mind is visionless --
He waits the russet leaves upon the tree.

His darkness fell, before this early night ;
His storm has passed upon the senseless sky --
No wind, no cloud, can cut his vision now ;
In innocence, he does not fear to die.

He cannot watch, but feels the driving rain
Upon his sunken face, numb with the cold.
Within his heart there rests no bitter pain,
Warm with the memories he has of old.

He knows no gliding sun upon the fields ;
No brushing fern against his careful hand ;
The winds beat faster on the harvest corn ;
The rains drive swifter on the silent land.

He keeps no bitterness within his heart --
Not of this broken hill, where he has climbed.
No storm-swept image breaks his love apart,
No horror in his heart -- for he is blind.



We have received the following letter from H. F. H. Sharp, a pilot Old Boy in the Coastal Command. It should interest readers.

I was at a Flying Training School near ---- until early in June, and from there went to a Navigation and Reconnaissance School at ----. Unfortunately I was only there a week before we evacuated and finished the course at ----. I was disappointed at leaving ---- so soon as I had not been to ---- before and was looking forward to spending an enjoyable summer there, but I am resolved to return for a holiday later on.

I found the course very interesting indeed. We had lectures on navigation, patrol and search, reconnaissance, coding, ship recognition, direction finding, wireless telegraphy, meteorology and lamp signalling, but also flew twice a week on exercises around the Isle of Man and Anglesea. We also did reconnaissances and took photographs of Holyhead and Douglas harbours.

I then spent a month at an aerodrome on the ----, where we had firing practice at targets towed behind another machine and dive-bombing practice at a buoy moored in the sea.

I had now completed my training for the Coastal Command and joined my Squadron on 16th October at ----. During the next three weeks I did twelve cross-country flights covering most of the south of England and in my spare time had to learn as much as I could about operational flying. My flight came here ten days ago for the winter months.

At present we are only engaged on convoy escort duties and I have already done five trips but have not met the enemy yet. I am flying Avro Ansons, twin-engined reconnaissance machines which carry a crew of four. They are rather slow but are heavily armed and have quite a number of enemy planes to their credit.

Convoys are escorted from dawn until dusk by relays of aircraft which stay with them for about three hours. We patrol around the convoy searching for submarines and bring back certain information for the Intelligence Officer, such as the position, course, speed and composition of the convoy and weather reports.

While on reconnaissance duties we are not supposed to engage hostile aircraft unless we are attacked, but we are keen to try our skill against them all the same.


More than a year has gone by since war commenced. As an Old Boys' Association we have lived 100 years in a short twelve months. Prior to 1939 we were still young, inexperienced, fledglings. Now, many have faced the worst that man can be asked to face, and have been responsible for the safety of other men in the presence of extreme danger. We mourn the loss of the following Old Boys.

FLYING-OFFICER JOHN ERIC BOULTON (1930-32), R.A.F. (Leader of a Czech Squadron).
Boulton was only with us two years before leaving the district. But we remember him as one of the attractive little fellows -- the original 140 -- with whom we opened the School in 1930. He was shot down in operations against the enemy.

Roy has been reported missing since the Spring. Brown was handsome and debonair. He entered the R.A.F. from School as an Aircraft Apprentice and had been offered a commission but had refused it. He was a good boxer and footballer, and shot for the R.A.F. at Bisley in 1939. He went to France in March, 1940. There is still a faint hope that we may hear of him.

Edwards came to us from East Grinstead and obtained a commission a few months before war broke out. He went to France in the autumn of 1939 and took part in all operations up to the evacuation of Dunkirk. The destroyer on which he was returning to England was torpedoed and nothing has been heard of him since. Although ill, and justified had he gone sick, he stuck it to the end, says his Commanding Officer. He was a loyal old boy and attended the School Play when on leave in April.

AC1 J. V. HANAGHAN (1932-35), R.A.F.
Aircraftsman 1st.Class Hanaghan crashed on the day before his 21st birthday and was killed. We sympathise very much with his parents who are in India, where his father holds a regular commission.

SEAMAN F. F. HARVEY (1930-34), R.N.
Another of the 1930 boys. He was drowned off Norway when the Afridi was sunk. He was an honest good-natured Sussex lad whose death we deplore.

Geoff Moon was killed in a crash while engaged in instructional duties. His death is a sad loss to the R.A.F. and to all who knew him. His career in the Air Force had been brilliant. A Sergeant Pilot when war broke out, he passed out with the mark " Exceptional," was granted a commission and sent as a member of the Staff of the Central Flying School. This school trains instructors. Moon was, therefore, an instructor to instructors. The writer was informed by an Air Ministry Officer, that only brilliant pilots form the staff. His was a gay and gallant, spirit.

The following Old Boys are known to have taken part in the operations in France and Belgium, 1940:

[Those marked were to die later on active service]

A. H. Arnold, R.E. (P.O.W.)
F. W. Austin, R. Sx. Regt. (P.O.W.)
Eric Godfrey Baker , R.E.
L. Baker, R.E.
C. E. Banks, R.E.
N. G. Beard, R.A.O.C.
R. E. Brown, R.A.F. (Missing)
R. F. Burley, R. Sx. Regt.
R. D. Camplin, R.E.
C. A. Carter, R.E. (P.O.W.)
K. R. Chatfield, R.A.F.
G. A. Cornford, R.E.
G. M. Downing, R.A.O.C.
F. B. Edwards , R.A. (Missing)
M. D. Edwards, R.E.
D. E. Goodall
R. S. Green, R.E. (Wounded, P.O.W.)
R. H. Hammond, R. Sx. Regt.
T. H. Hilton, R.E.
A. A. Holding, R.A.F.
J. A. Holton, R.E.
R. G. Hourd, R. Sx. Regt.
J. R. Howard, R.E. (P.O.W.)
E. Huntington, R.E.
J. R. Lawrence, R. Sx. Regt. (P.O.W.)
K. Lusted, R.A.
I. W. Mepham, Coldstream Gds.
P. Munton, R.N.V.R.
F. G. Pannett, R. Sx. Regt. (P.O.W.)
C. E. Paskins, R.A.O.C.
F. J. Pettitt R.E.
R. H. Renville, R. Sx. Regt.
M. E. Russell, R.E.
G. Sandalls, R. Sx. Regt.
L. G. Sellwood, R.E.
M. W. Smith, R.E.
B. O'B. Turner , R. Signals.
C. Turner, R.E.
F. Walder, R.A.F.
A. E. Walter, R.A.S.C.
L. N. Watts, R.E. (Prisoner of War)
F. R. White, R. Sx. Regt. (P.O.W.)
K. P. Wicks, R.E.
M. Wiffin, R.E.

We believe that Lowles, Scobie and Obbard were also out there but have no definite information. We were glad to welcome many of these back again to the School. Our wishes and thoughts go out to those nine who are prisoners of war. May they have a speedy and safe return.

To our last list [above] of those serving the following names should be added :

G. B. Akehurst, Sub.-Lieut. R.N.V.R
F. S. Allen, Fleet Air Arm.
Eric George Baker , Royal Navy.
T. R Barford, R.A.F.
G. A. Barfoot, R.A.F.
J. A. Barnes , R.A.
R. W. Barnes , A.M.P.C.
K. G. A. Barnes, R.A.F.
G. H. Bartholomew, Royal Navy.
C. Batten , R.A.F.
D. A. Bishop, Royal Sussex Regt.
D. O. Blake, R.A.F.
D. T. H. Buller, R.A.O.C.
L. Carter, Army.
E. B. Chandler, R.A.F.
C. F. Chivers, R.A.M.C.
K. G. Clapson, Navy.
P. J. Cole, Army.
B. A. Colvin, R.A.F.
E. W. Cook, R.A.F.
J. W. Cosstick, R. Sussex Regt.
D. I. Cruttenden, Army.
T. E. Dadswell, Royal Navy.
D. F. Davis, R.A.F.
W. J. Dawe, R.A.
J. Edgar, London Scottish.
A. G. Evans, Royal Navy.
R. V. Faulkner, A.M.P.C.
G. W. J. Franklin, R.A.F.
A. G. French, R.A.F.
P. G. R. Giles, R.A.F.
G. P. Gravett, R.E.
A. Green, R. Sussex Regt.
J. E. Hall, Aircraft Apprentice R.N.
J. V. Hanaghan , R.A.F.
J. M. Hawkins, R. Sussex Regt.
T. A. Hayward , Oxford & Bucks L.I.
D. J. Head, R.A.F.
M. R. Hill, R.A.F.
O. F. Hill, R.A.F.
F. P. Hilton, Royal Navy.
D. J. Holmes, R.A.F.
C. W. Hurst, Army.
W. R. Jessop Army.
B. J. Ketchell , R.A.F.
H. G. Knight, Army.
R. A. Lusted, Sussex Yeomanry.
R. S. Mackie , R.A.F.
L. B. Manser, A.A.
A. F. Metcalfe, R.A.F.
W. S. M. McKimm, R.A.F.
P. C. Palethorpe, R.A.F.
L. J. Percy, Army.
F. L. Ray Johnson, Army.
C. V. Richardson, Army.
K. L. Rabson, R.A.F.
J. E. Rutherford, Army.
G. R. Simpson , R.A.F.
V. A. Stevens , R.A.F.
M. J. Tomley , R.A.F.
R. C. Tribe, Army.
J. Turrell, R.A.F. A. P. Verrall, Army.
R. H. Walker, R.A.F.
T. G. M. Wickens, Tanks.
W. G. Wood, Army.
E. C. C. Wynter, Army.

The total to date is 206 but there are a number of others about whom we have no information. Would they please let us know their units and whereabouts.

Many visits have been paid to the School by Old Boys on leave. The following notes do not pretend to be exhaustive, and we apologise for omissions which are accidental. Old Boys still in civilian jobs are, for the most part, under military age, or doing work of national importance.

P. G. Munton Is an Engineer Sub-Lieutenant in the Navy. He was on a ship sunk in a French harbour and had to trek across country in an attempt to get away. He afterwards helped to evacuate troops from Cherbourg and St. Malo.

Charles Arthur Bailey is in the Middle East Forces.

John Hawkins went last June direct from the VIth Form to the Army and is now a Corporal in the Royal Sussex Regiment. He has been recommended for a commission. A. Green, a Corporal in the same Regiment, is also a candidate for a commission.

A. C. Head and M. Hill have joined the Air Force as Apprentice Clerks.

Clapson and Walters have joined the Navy as boys.

We recently saw a newspaper photograph of H. G. Edwards who is a Fleet Air Arm Pilot. He has been doing some stout work. Stop press news tells us he has crashed, been in hospital and married his nurse. The Navy has a way with it.

E. W. Cook is a cook in the R.A.F. After his experience at the Savoy and Meurice in Paris, the men he feeds must get better meals than the writer got in the last war.

Holford, a Naval Writer, did a lot of football in the West Indies and intercepted a couple of German merchant ships. He is now in Home waters.

Read Collins, is Second-in-Command of his Battery, one of the few that still has horses. We believe that practically the whole of the regular 1938 Woolwich Cadets tried to get posted to this Battery.

F. W. Cosstick is an A.A. Subaltern in Scotland, and appears to be doing very well, He introduced Rugby football to the Hebrides.

E. C. Wynter is at an Artillery Officer Cadet Unit and is captain of the boxing team. While at Aldershot he played for the Aldershot Command at rugger.

Poor old Bevan, after conducting many raids on Germany, and being one of the first to cross the Alps to leave his card with Mussolini, crashed on his return from a raid. He now is in hospital with a fractured leg and arm. We should add that he made a perfect landing in the dark without radio assistance, but a quarry was inconveniently in the same field.

Peter Killick bagged a Messerschmidt 109, and was in a daylight raid. He, too has had a bad crash owing to engine trouble and appeared to break all the bones that could be broken. He is now out of hospital and, when we saw him, was hoping to fly again soon. We believe he was our first Old Boy to bring down a Boche.

H. G. Knight is in the Field Security Police and dashes over the country on a motor-bike.

Holton, who should have gone to the Royal Veterinary College but for the war, went to France instead as a Sapper. He has now transferred to the Royal Army Veterinary Corps.

Norman Thorpe has commenced his training as a pilot. Peter is driving in the R.A.S.C. at a place where bombs are as numerous as raindrops.

We have heard that Hammond has gone East. He had a pretty hot experience with the Welsh and Irish Guards at the Hook of Holland.

Eric Taylor is doing important work in a civilian capacity at an aerodrome. He was offered a commission in the R.E.s but the Ministry of Labour would not release him.

Russell, after serving in France with the R.E.s, has transferred to the R.A.F., and is awaiting training as a pilot.

Bob Barnes is a Lance-Corporal in the A.M.P.C. He has been recommended for a commission. His brother, J. A., is in a potential officer squad of the Artillery.

Dick Faulkner is a Corporal in the A.M.P.C. and is clearing up London debris.

Edgar is in the London Scottish and is a candidate for the Field Security Police.

M. E. Hancock is a Pilot Officer and stationed in Scotland.

Beard is a Staff Sergeant in the R.A.O.C. He was badly shaken up at Dunkirk and has been in hospital.

J. W. Baker has been promoted A.C.1.

K. Barnes has joined the R.A.F.

Mepham is Senior Corporal in the Intelligence Section of the 2nd Coldstream Guards.

Bartholomew is a Writer in the Navy. He was at Marseilles when the French collapsed and at one period had the Italians on one side and the Germans behind. He escaped in an old collier.

Walter is in the R.A.S.C. and was in the operations in France.

D. F. Davis is training as a Wireless Operator in the R.A.F.

Congratulations to Dick Camplin on his marriage. He went to France as a Sapper but after holding non-commissioned rank was given a commission out there as an R.T.O., and had an exciting time getting back.

Rutherford, after gracing the A.M.P.C. with the culture of Oxford, was transferred to the Royal Corps of Signals and has now been recommended for a commission. Rather strange that our first Old Boys both at Oxford and Cambridge, should have been selected for a corps of navvies.

Archie Holding, now an L.A.C., had a hot time returning from France after the collapse of that unhappy country. He had to sleep on the deck of a crowded troopship which was machine-gunned.

Wiffen returning from Dunkirk, was twice found swimming in the Channel but managed to get back safely. Not bad for a fellow whose fitness to play soccer when at school was in doubt. Was his the only attempt at swimming the Channel last summer ?

K. Lusted climbed on a roof and directed the fire of his gun through open sights on advancing German tanks. About half a dozen were knocked out. He afterwards lay in a ditch so close to a German tank that he could hear the conversation inside. He arrived at Dunkirk minus most of his clothes and has been recommended for a commission (not through lack of clothes).

J. Turrell is in the R.A.F. as a Flight Rigger.

Bob Faulkner and Philip Noel, after serving on the lower deck are now Sub-Lieutenants, R.N.V.R.

Peter Duke is the youngest Leading Seaman on the Ark Royal and has passed his Petty Officer's examination. He was in the operations off Norway; at Oran and in the scrap at Dakar. He has visited the School. Please note, Goebbels. The Ark Royal is still afloat.

It was David Pollard's ship Resolution which with the Hood, led the attack at Oran. We believe he was at Dakar, too.

Pulling was in the Effingham when she sank off Norway. He got back safely.

Kelley was at Norway, too, and had the unpleasant experience of hearing a mine bump the bottom of his boat without exploding.

Paskins and Downing both served in France with the R.A.O.C.

Pettit is a Corporal, R.E., and has been recommended for a commission.

Gravett is an R.E. Sapper, unless he has now been commissioned. He looked magnificently fit when we saw him.

Peter Hall is on a destroyer which brought down two Heinkels. He has done some lively scrapping off the French coast and had his wrist grazed by shrapnel.

F. S. Allen is training as a pilot in the Fleet Air Arm.

Pelham was at Cherbourg when the Navy bombarded it in conjunction with the Air Force.

Geoffrey Crouch, in the Artillery, has gone East.

Tomley has got his wings in the R.A.F.

Mantle, when we last heard from him, was spending his time changing from wet clothes into dry ones.

Gerald Cook has obtained his watch-keeping certificate, which sounds a dubious sort of job for a naval officer.

Akehurst has been granted a commission in the Navy and is doing important work in the Special Duties branch.

Hazlerigg is a Sergeant in the R.A.S.C.

Jack Holman is expecting a transfer from the Army Pay Corps to a combatant unit.

Oswald Hill, who left in July, has now joined the air crew personnel of the R.A.F.

D. A. Groves is an Engineer Sub-Lieutenant, R.N.V.R.

Tim Ketchell is completing his training as a Radio-Air Gunner. We congratulate him on his engagement.

Chandler, Charlie Hall, and Simpson have already qualified in this rank and have paid us pleasant visits. They all looked very responsible people with their Sergeant's stripes.

Mackie, Colvin, T. R. Barford, Batten, Palethorpe, Don Blake and K. Rabson, are all training as pilots.

A. R. Edwards, Leading Telegraphist, and Cruttenden, Sergeant R.A.S.C., paid us a most pleasant visit. We had not seen them for a long time.

Sandalls was very cheerful when he saw us despite a gruelling time at Dunkirk.

H. F. Sharp is another Old Boy to whom we offer congratulations on his engagement. He is flying with the Coastal Command and we reprint on another page part of his letter as of interest to those who are still too young to join up but who think of entering the R.A.F.

Of the other Old Boys, most of whom have recently left school:

D. Banks is in a chemical firm in Kingsway.

D. J. Thomas is teaching at the Collegiate School, Reading.

Hutton is still at work in the laboratory of a wireless factory. The Army appear to have no desire for his services, which are no doubt valuable in his present sphere.

K. Coles has obtained an appointment in the Ordnance Survey Department.

Smart is tobacco farming in Southern Rhodesia.

Baldwin is studying electrical engineering at Brighton Technical College.

John Pay is at a college for candidates who wish to enter the Baptist Ministry.

Gates is teaching in a preparatory school near York.

Billson is now Third Officer on the Athel Empress, a big tanker, a very responsible post.

Marande is doing excellently in his engineering apprenticeship at Southampton, and recently gained a prize awarded by the Institute of Civil Engineers.

John Cull is having a very successful career at Brighton Technical College and has passed Part I of his final B.Sc. Engineering.

Wells is in a London insurance office.

J. L. Hall is in business in London.

Calwell, too, is in an insurance office in London.

Haynes is working for a transport firm at Seaford.

J. M. Turner is in an estate office at Ringmer.

Woods is in a land agents office in Lewes.

A. R. Franklin is in the Westminster Bank at Uckfield.

Randall is in Barclays Bank, Peacehaven.

Rogers has moved to Reading and is in the stewards department of a large hospital.

D. J. Allen is in a bank at Seaford.

Castle is in the County Sanitary Officer's Department.

R. J. Barnes is in the Westminster Bank, Seaford.

Ashburner is in a brotherhood near Hitchin.

Martyn is an apprentice at the engineering works of Rushton & Hornby, Lincoln.

V. D. Hall is in Harrington's drawing office, Hove.

E. H. B. Sellwood has secured the Ph.C. qualification.

Ridley got a "first" in French in Part I of the Modern Language Tripos at Trinity, Cambridge.

Cooper was awarded a prize for good work at the same college.

W. F. Dodson is at a Teacher's Training College.

Paige is in a bank.

Brook is a pupil to the Sanitary Inspector of Chailey R.D.C.

Sellens is farming.

Baird is in Messrs. Baxters, Lewes.

A. W. Brown is in, Barclays Bank, Lewes.

Lander is in a bank and came to see us during the School Play.

Haggar is doing war work with Messrs. J. C. Martin, Lewes.

Jacobs is in the County Accountant's Department.

Bryant is an engineering apprentice with the Southern Railway.

Marshall is farming.

Pacey and Sherry are at Messrs. Allen Wests, Brighton.

Blake is in a N.A.A.F.I.

Day is an insurance clerk.

P. S. Brown is a clerk with the Southern Railway.

R. T. Chatfield is an apprentice at a garage.

W. J. Saunders is farming.

R. Butchers is at a commercial college at Brighton.

Leftwich is a student at the Royal Veterinary College.

Hecks is a clerk in the office of the Chailey R.D.C.

J. F. Miles started farming but we believe he has now joined the Army.

J. Holt has a job with Elphicks, the seed merchants, of Lewes. Flt/Lt. Thomas Michael Horgan. LCS 1930-34

We wish all Old Boys a happy Christmas and New Year. Functions are not possible under present conditions and we shall remember wistfully the Old Boys' Supper we had last Christmas at " The Tatler." Those who were there then are now scattered far and wide. The day will come when we shall be able to celebrate a re-union in no uncertain fashion.

Stop Press.

We have just heard that Tom Horgan, now a Flight Lieutenant, has been awarded the D.F.C. "for gallantry displayed in operations against the enemy." Old Boys and School will join in offering him our hearty congratulations.

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