Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 18 - Spring 1943

The Original Barbican cover It is the middle of the Second World War. The initial shock and fear of invasion has receded. The Americans and Russians are now active Allies. There is no way that Hitler can win his war but everyone knows that the Nazi menace has to be exterminated completely - no half measures will do. So everyone has to do his bit to ensure that the end is achieved - but the price is proving to be very dear as more OLs are killed.

The whole ethos of the School is now geared to maximising its contribution to the War Effort, by educating and preparing young men for the inevitable struggle and doing whatever can be done to overcome the shortages of materials. Education for a post-war situation is taking a back-seat such is the seriousness of the situation and the uncertainty of when Hitler can be defeated. There is little talk of high academic achievement - one of the casualties of the war.

The magazine is notable for its absence of jingoism and hysteria about the war - in marked contrast to the propaganda being fed to the German populace. Indeed one cannot but admire the laid-back attitude of the School, taking the war as yet another challenge to be overcome.

To later generations, who know very little of those years, the idea of keeping rabbits in the quads and digging up the playing field to grow potatoes must seem quite hilarious but it seemed perfectly normal at that time. The whole country sprouted vegetable plots, rabbit hutches, chicken runs, and other methods of self-help. At this time keeping pigs had been ruled out on practical grounds but as we shall see in later years . . .

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys

Spring 1943

Michaelmas Term 1942

Captain of the School - - - R. E. Ford

LEWES - - R. E. Ford, M. B. R. Preece.
MARTLETS - - A. J. Burgess.
SEAHAVEN - - H. J. Dennis, P. H. Williams.
UCKFIELD - - D. A. Caton, A. L. Oliver.

Form Captains:
IIB Brooker, IIA Cardy, IIIB Mecklenberg, IIIA Carter, IVB Funnel,
IVA Walter, Remove B Vass, Remove A Rogers, VB Read, VA Hills.

Editor of the Magazine: R. E. Ford.
Sub-Editors: D. A. Caton, A. J. Burgess.


This new issue goes to press scarcely four months after the appearance of the last, and of this, six weeks has been taken up by holidays. But for the majority of boys these six weeks were passed in various forms of National Service, ranging from lumber camps to apple picking.

With the new School year we enter into our fourth year of war. Our ideals and aims remain unchanged, our courage and loyalty undaunted. The record of our Old Boys stands as a glowing example to us and we are confident that that record shall not grow dim.

We extend a hearty welcome to Miss Thorpe, our new French Mistress and hope she will enjoy her work here. We welcome also the new boys and trust that they, too, will enjoy their new school life, changed though it may have been by the demands and stresses caused by war.

We are able to print in this issue some individual efforts though there has been remarkably little material to choose from. It is lamentable that such an effort is beyond a large number of boys with much time on their hands. Judging by the wit displayed in imposition essays it is hardly credible that literary genius is dead in the School, and we would welcome an increase in the number of contributions next time.

To end this editorial on a happy note we would like to congratulate Holton on gaining a State Bursary in Science at Trinity College, Cambridge.


This took place on Sunday evening, 25th October 1942, from Southover Church. The B.B.C. announced that we were the first Secondary School to broadcast a Sunday Service. We may, therefore, regard it as a milestone in the School's history. Intermittent storms of rain before the Service and " enemy activity " made us wonder whether the boys would get into Lewes. Those who were not prevented by difficulties of transport came almost " to a man." Our thanks are due to Mr. Austen for all his hard work, to the members of the choir and to the Rector and Wardens of Southover Church. We received messages of appreciation from as far north as Carlisle as far east as Peterborough and as far west as Carnwall. The B.B.C. and the Chaplain General of the Forces were among those who sent their commendations. We hope that our Service not only brought credit to the School, but was also a worthy act of praise.


Our first season, 1940, was experimental ; we tried our soil and our muscles and found them good. 1941 was a more ambitious year. The end of the season found it adequately equipped with tools, financially sound, and minded to be generous with our profits of over £30.

This year the cropping scheme was further modified to suit the kitchen's special needs. Instead of growing, as last year, several tons of main crop potatoes, which proved difficult to store, we concentrated principally on filling the awkward gap when old potatoes are finished and new in short supply. We grew Arran Pilot and Eclipse and were able to supply new potatoes throughout the month of July. Last year we grew too many (!) peas, and shelling them proved difficult. This year fewer peas and more broad beans and spring cabbage were grown. Last year we found our soil good for onions and grew 3 cwt. - sufficient to last until April. This year a magnificent crop is ripening which should treble last year's yield.

But all this is only one side of the picture. We have had our share of failures. The Flea Beetle is still the arch-fiend of our soil and his depredations among our seedling greens well-nigh took the heart out of us. Mr. Bennett, of Bec, a soldier of assiduity and resource, dealt our foe a shrewd blow when he tried our oxalic acid solution on him and we ourselves won a tactical success by remaking our seed-beds in the protective shadow of the broad bean rows. But in the open, on the steppe so to speak, he beat us bad, rolled up our rows, forced us into strategic withdrawals. All this does not mean that we have no winter greens. We are at present feeding the cabbage white caterpillars with most succulent specimens - largely grown from bought-in plants!

A minor disaster was the unusually wet summer holidays. When we broke up in July the garder was weedless - a model of cleanliness. When we returned the whole surface was a waving sea of belladonna, thistle and groundsel. Never have I seen weeds take possession so lustily and completely. But the new Remove B have already girded themselves for the attack.

And so we continue to grow vegetables and more vegetables; and must do while the war lasts. Our fruit garden - our orchard of fine trees bowed even to the earth with spicy Cox's orange, luscious Comice pears and transparent gages - must remain for the time an airy nothing of the misty future. Yet such an orchard has inestimable advantages over those in being (the Headmaster's for example). It is unvisited by frost or hail or biting wind; no blight warps its fresh foliage; no codlin moth or sawfiy carries on nefarious nocturnal business there. Every year it crops copiously and all its fruit (those we do not eat) are marketed," Extra Fancy" and fetch top price.
W. H. E .
(Quite so ! But the H.M. prefers a "pomme a la larne" to a "reve de pomme.")


I travelled to Horley with Vass, arriving in pouring rain and with an hour to wait for a bus. When at last it did come it took us along a quiet, wellwooded four-mile road. At the end of this we got off, and after asking the way, proceeded to walk the quarter of a mile to the camp.

The first boy we met was J. Barrett, who, was elected camp chairman in the absence of Mr. Bracy, the organiser of these camps. Within ten minutes he had Vass and myself installed in a tent and provided with beds and blankets. The other boys in the tent were from Barry, S. Wales, and we got on very well with them.

We were awoken next morning at 6.45 by Louis's whistle. Louis, our "working boss" was a Swiss, and, being a timbes expert, had offered to take charge of the work of the camp.

After washing in cold water we lined up outside the marquee with the other thirty boys for breakfast, which consisted of porridge, dried eggs, three slices of bread-and-butter, and tea.

Having first tidied our tents, we left. at 7.45 for the camp site, whicli was about a quarter of a mile through the forest. Our task mas to clear the undergrowth so as to be able to get at the "big stuff." Our tools were axes, saws and billhooks for " lopping " the branches. Any wood 2" or more. in diameter was trimmed, measured, cut and stacked, and the rest was piled up for burning.

It took a week to clear our section of the forest before the " big stuff " was cut. The timber was pine, beech, oak poplar, birch and birch ; when felled the trees were measured and sawn up for pit props. Wood that was too thin or crooked was stacked to go to the pulp mills. With us on the job were some forestry girls and some fellows from Christ's Hospital.

While I was there we had to construct a road through the forest to allow lorries to come and collect the props. We did this by filling the ruts with logs and pegging branches over them.

At 10.30 the orderlies brought us tea, bread and butter, and at 12.00 we returned to the camp for dinner - soup, bread, and cake - and to read our mail. Then we worked from 1.30 till 4.00.

In the evening we had a good meal and were then free to go to the pictures see friends in the village or buy lemonade (?) there. Supper was at 9.30 and tights out at 10 .30 Interesting talks were given after supper, one by a German boy about life in Nazi Germany.

On Saturday at 12.30 we received our pay and were free until Monday. On Saturday we visited Gatwick airport, and on Wednesday we entertained the Forestry girls. Several distinguished visitors came to the camp.

It is hoped to organise more camps of this type to do other work ; perhaps mountaineering with Louis, or war work, but nothing is decided yet.

Whatever the work is, the camp is an excellent opportunity for boys from all over England and Wales to meet each other, and it enables boys to have an enjoyable holiday and do important war work at the same time, so do not miss an opportunity to go next year.
A.F.Stuart Remove B

The A.T.C
[Air Training Corps]

Lewes 464 Squadron march though Lewes Reference has been made in previous issues to the A.T.C. but no comprehensive account of its activities has yet been published. When the A.T.C. was first formed throughout the country in February 1941, the School became the Headquarters of the 64 (Lewes) Squadron and furnished "A" Flight containing 6o cadets. A number of Old Boys who had recently left School also joined, but these were posted to the "Town" Flight. Incidentally they have provided most valuable N.C O.s for that Flight, including F/Sgt. Glenister (now in the R.A.F.) and F/Sgt. Baird, who has been accepted for aircrew and is awaiting call up, Sgt. Haggar and Sgt. Castle.

[Note: The photo shows Lewes ATC 464 Squadron marching through Lewes (street?) on a dull grey day. At the front of School Flight, Mr Philpott and Mr Gibson of Bec School followed by our Mr Jarvis and Mr Bradshaw to the side, head down. Photo: Bob Thomas]

In addition to the School and Town Flights, our visitors the Bec School provided a Flight while recruits on probation from Flight IV. During the past two years we have camped twice at R.A.F. stations and most of the cadets have flown. A few have had training on gliders.

The School has earned several marks of distinction. It provided the first member of the Squadron to enter the R.A.F: Desi Fitzgerald. One of our cadets, Sergt. R. C. Blythe is also the first representative of the Squadron to be selected for an R.A.F. University Course and to gaining a commission. Sergt. J. G. Hobden has now followed Blythe to Oxford.

A Cup which was offered by the Observer Corps in Lewes for a competition in Aircraft Recognition was won by the School Flight. In one sphere we have not won distinction - Athletics. At the two Inter-Flight Athletics Sports we have been placed third in the competition for the McLee Cup.

Our numbers have fallen. Cadets leaving School find it more convenient to transfer to a local Squadron, and this practice has been followed by some boys still at School who find it difficult to come into Lewes for parades at night and on Sunday mornings. Intending recruits should remember however, that homework is specially arranged to permit them to attend on Wednesday night's parade. By joining outside Squadrons their homework is often interfered with.

The following have gained the first Proficiency Certificate - F/Sergt. Ford, Sergts. *Blythe, *Hobden, Williams and Preece, Corpls. Dennis, Wynter, Cronin, Siggs and Brooks, Cadets Wilkins, G. G., Thomas, R. W., Charlwood, Dicker, Gordon, Lawler, Oxley, Royall, Clark, Dusart, F. H., Palethorpe, Wood, Blunden, Pilbeam, Bickers, *Moore, Barnett, Carpenter, *Sinnock, Crosthwaite, Jarvis, "Randall, Bingham, Caton, Green, Pawson, ^Phillips, J. M. Smith. A. E. Dumbrell, T. J. Wilson, Lofthouse, Buckman, Greenwood, Jennings, Will, and W.E. Dumbrell.

Proficiency Certificates have also been gained by the following Old Boys in The School Squadron A.T.C the Town Flights : *F/Sergt. Glenister, *Sergt. Castle, Sergt. Haggar, F/Sergt. Baird and Cadet Sellens.

(An asterisk denotes that these Cadets are already serving in the R.A.F. or have been accepted and are awaiting call-up. A '^' denotes acceptance in the Royal Navy.) The Squadron is believed to have obtained more Proficiency Certificates than any other Squadron in the country.

Masters serving are the Headmaster, F/Lieut. N R. Bradshaw O.C. Squadron ; F/O D. W. Jarvis, O.C. School Flight ; P/O F. J. Larwill, O.C. Recruits Flight. [Mr Tayler, in uniform, can also be seen to the right of NRB. Mr Jarvis, to the left, was the deputy Headmaster.]

C.T C.
[Cadet Training Corps]

The 3rd Platoon of the 2nd Company Royal Sussex Cadets was formed in the School in March and by the end of the Summer Term had a strength of 43 Cadets; the Company is affiliated to the 7th Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment. Cadets are taken at the age of I4 at which age a grant is made and uniform provided; after some delay at first, battle-dress has now been issued to nearly all the Cadets. During the Summer Terrm a second Officer was appointed to the Platoon, which is fortunate in having the help of Mr. Nicholls and of a Staff-Sergeant of the Company. Cadets B. G. Sharp, I. R. Meux and W. F. Davis have been promoted to the rank of Lance-Corporal. Parades are on Wedneaday, 7 to 9 o'clock, and on Sunday, 11 to I2.45 and the training is on the syllabus for the War Certificate A, the gaining of which is to be taken into account in future service; it is hoped that Cadets will be able to take the examination early next summer.

The last year ended with an outdoor Exercise with another Platoon of the Company - most enjoyable, though experimental on our part - and a visit by Major-Gen. Fuller, who inspected the work of the Company.

A Band is being formed, and it is hoped to arrange for more Exercises and some Games in the coming year. The attendance of the Cadets has been very good indeed; they have trained with enthusiasm and have shown considerable knowledge of modern weapons; and, altogether, their keenness has given the Platoon an excellent start.
P. L. W.


Since the last issue of The Barbican the quads on either side of the Gym have been put to good use. To aid the National War effort (and itself) the School decided to provide the main dish for at least a few meals by breeding rabbits. They were first kept by the Caretaker, who, having his hands full already, was glad when some of us decided to start a Pig Club and were directed into keeping the rabbits instead. So far, the School has had only one rabbit meal, but there is another awaiting the table. There have been many deaths among the young rabbits, which then find their way to the Biology VIth, whose members delight in holding a post-mortem. The rabbits are fed on greenstuff from the School garden and the leavings from the hot dinners (if any). The original half-dozen rabbits have increased in numbers and we are now awaiting some more happy events.
M.R.C. and C.P.J.


During the summer vac. I was fortunate enough to be able to go on a week's gliding course with fifteen other Cadets. We were some of the first Cadets in the country to complete a course and the pioneers of a new line, in aircrew training in the A.T.C. On my arrival at the flying field (a large square field recently inhabited by cows) I noticed a machine which at a first glance seemed closely to resemble that of Bleriot. It consisted of a metal skid, surmounted by an open seat and a large fabric-covered wing. To the rear of this were four metal booms which supported the tail unit. The only controls were a stick and a rudder bar.

The first exercise, after a ground lecture on the use of the controls, was to be hauled across the field at about 20 m.p.h. by a petrol-driven winch connected to a steel hawser, keeping the "kite" level and on the ground. This was repeated about six times, until we gained a Good or Very Good in the log book.

We were then allowed to do "Very Low Hops" which consisted of keeping the kite at a level foot above mother earth. This is not so easy as might be imagined. From this stage we advanced to "Low Hops" and were eventually allowed to fly the length of the field at about 30 feet. Some Cadets found this rather frightening (as indeed it is at first) and hit the deck pretty hard, though the only damage was to the kite.

All the flying is solo from the first flip which lends excitement to the training and makes each pupil think for himself - quickly. Indeed, coolness, keenness and quick thinking are three of the essentials on such a course, and as these qualities are also necessary for all types of fighting flying I would highly recommend gliding as a preliminary training to the real thing. R. E. F.


The Headmaster had the country's cause at heart when he suggested that we should make hay of the idle grass on the new games field. Besides being patriotic, the crop gave promise to a considerable sum of money for the well-deserving Chapel Fund. In this way we would benefit ourselves while nailing up Hitler's coffin.

Messrs. Curtiss and Co. obliged us in cutting the excellent crop by tractor-mower. Boys were then detailed to rake the swathes into one in order to facilitate the turning, which was the next job. The latter process had to be repeated several times in some parts of the field as a resuit of the marshy nature of the land. We carried the hay three days later with the help of a neighbouring farmer, who lent us a horse and cart, and to whom we are greatly indebted.

In determining the size of the rick we were deceived by the amount of hay, and as a result we made the rick far too large, a fact which was to cause much arduous work later on. When all the hay was put on we found that there was not nearly enough to make a roof. To make the rick smaller we started pulling hay out of the sides, a job we did not relish, as the thistles had a nasty habit of appearing when we were least expecting them and our hands were soon stinging with their thorns. Meanwhile, as a result of the fact that we had no roof or waterproof covering to the stack, the top two or three feet was soon soaked with the dew and overnight rain, the first we had so far experienced.

Needless to say, the Head had horrifying visions of a blackening stack. Accordingly much hay had to be taken off and again spread out to dry. When a hay-knife was obtained the process of making the rick smaller was only a job of an hour or so, and it was soon assuming more normal dimensions, whilst enough hay was obtained in this way to form a roof. A hay-sheet was hired and all in the garden was grand.

The work was not at all easy, especially pitching hay on to the rick in a wind that blew it off almost as quickly, but we had the satisfaction of knowing that schoolfellows were undergoing the hazards of French tests and also that we were knocking a few pounds off that two thousand for the School Chapel.
R. L., R. E. B., J. F. S., P. C. R.
POSTSCRIPT: The sheet has gone. Thatch defies the winter storms. We have explored the mysteries of thatching mats, thatching spars, twine and needles, not to mention pulling straw. Now we await a customer.


They loved the earth and yet their duty led
Them to the skies, where they have fought and bled
And died to safeguard both their homes and ours.
Lest we forget, let us recall the hours
When friend with foe dropped headlong from the skies
Like clumsy wounded birds before our eyes.
Forget them not - the young, the hope and pride
Of English mothers' hearts. These, who have died
With thoughts too high for words, too deep for tears,
We must remember. Lest the passing years
Should fade their glory with forgetfulness
We must remember how their happiness
Was by the cold, quick hand of death cut short;
Remember, too, what high ideal they sought
High in the clouds, their aim the steadfast stars
And peace, and life, and love, an end to wars -
Such things must be our aim, that we achieve
What they have died for, that we may believe
That not in vain it was they paid the price
Of Death, not useless this their sacrifice.


(To December 1942)

We deeply regret once more to announce the loss of Old Boys on active service.

Basil has been accidentally drowned while serving in the Middle East. Oliver was a good all-rounder, taking School Certificate in his stride and making his mark as a goal-keeper. He was successful in the R.A.F. Apprentices' examination and underwent the usual training at Halton. He was a reliable, quiet, modest fellow of sterling character. His death is deeply felt and very much deplored.

Maurice was accidentally killed on 3lst July, 1942, the anniversary of his brother's death a year previously. Tomley obtained his School Certificate with Matriculation exemption. After a short period in the VIth Form he became a pupil of Dr. Woodhead, the County Analyst. He joined the R.A.F. soon after the outbreak of war and had been flying with Coastal Command. At School he was an outstanding games player He was a prominent wing-threequarter who played in the Public Schools Trial Match at Bexhill. He was also a member of the all-conquering Fifteen of 1936-37. At cricket he played for the School as a fast bowler, but in his first season after leaving he scored a century for the Seaford Club. Memories of a slim, light-haired figure dashing for the line or pounding up to the crease to deliver a " snorter " will remain with all those who knew him. His modesty and charm rendered him rightly popular with his former school-fellows who mourn his death.

SECOND-LIEUT. J. A. BARNES (1932-35), R.A.
Jack Barnes It is hard to realise that Jack Barnes, who showed a great affection for the School has gone. He came to us with his twin brother Bob after attending Weymouth College. A pleasanter fellow would have been hard to find. After passing School Certificate he entered a bank and was there until joining the Gunners. A member of the School XV, and a keen cross-country runner, he also played rugger for the Lewes Club. He appeared to find life in the Army very congenial and his letters indicated a gaiety of spirit which led one to suppose that he might have remained in the Forces after the war. A letter received just before his death showed that he was living life to the full, mingling his duties with riding, tennis and squash. He died of fever on the North-West Frontier where he was serving with his Battery. " J.A." was capable of a deep loyalty to those he loved and the School is poorer by his untimely death. Our deepest sympathy is offered to his parents, and to his brother and sister.

Jack Towner has joined the gallant company of the few to whom we the many, owe so much. He was shot down in a daylight raid on Essen. He was one of our first batch of Junior Scholars who entered when the School opened in 1930. A lad of few words, with a slowly expanding smile, there was in him a suggestion of the dreamer and the poet. Several of his verse contributions to THE BARBICAN, written when he was only 13 or 14, were of distinct merit and showed a great love and feeling for the objects of the countryside. He probably disliked the routine of the Civil Service Office, which he entered after leaving school, as he undoubtedly loathed the cruelties of war. His sense of playmg the game carried him into the Forces, as his love of freedom from confinement probably led him to choose the R.A.F. Another old Rugger Colour has played the game and played hard to the final whistle.

Ronald Mackie's name has also to be added to those we mourn. At School he gained an Intermediate Scholarship a year after entry and followed this up with a good School Certificate. On leaving school he entered the Berkeley Square office of the Motor Union Insurance Company. We who remembered his liveliness and verve at school were not surprised to learn that he had joined the R.A.F. as a Pilot. After gaining his wings in Canada he was granted a commission and was soon a Fighter-Pilot, chasing odd Huns who ventured over here. After a period on operations he was selected for instructional work and sent for training to the Air Force Mecca - the Central Flying School, - the place where " aces train the aces to train the pilots". Mackie was the second Old Boy to go there. It may be remembered that Geoffrey Moon was actually on the staff there when he met his death. It was from Upavon that Mackie last wrote to us. His only reaction at being selected for this work was chagrin at being taken off " ops." He has now been accidentally killed at a flying school.
Like so many of our Old Boys, absence had not dimmed his affection for the School. We shall always remember him - not least on future fete days. For at School Fetes Mackie was always to the fore working his " Spinning Jenny " to swell the funds. Present boys who enjoy the facilities of the School swimming bath are his debtors. He did his full share in procuring it.

S. A. Eager entered the School when we opened in 1930. He was a good footballer and played for the School. On leaving he entered an office, but, disliking the confinement of an indoor life he joined the Navy. Since then we had rather lost touch with him; but we have reason to believe that he still held the School in affection and his open and honest nature is certainly remembered by his contemporaries who have expressed deep regret at his loss. He was lost in the Algerine in operations off the coast of North Africa. We offer our deepest sympathy to his mother.

At the time of going to press, there is no news of Tim Ketchell, who has been missing for some weeks after a raid on Turin. To write about Ketchell is to write about the School during the first eight years of its existence. Like Jack Towner he came to us in 1930 as a Junior Scholar. Before he left he had captained the School, won his Rugger Colours, passed his School and Higher School Certificate and sealed his academic record by success in the highly competitive examination for Executive Officers in the Civil Service. He had also won the Povey Trophy the highest award the School has to offer. After leaving school he was a valued forward in the Lewes Rugby Club and he also played for his R.A.F. Wing at rugger - a sufficient testimony to his football abilities. His influence in the School was undoubtedly great. A sound fellow with level-headed and mature views for one so young he could not fail to exercise a great influence for good. Perhaps those who knew him best will remember most vividly his activities in the VIth Form Society, where his sturdy expression of opinion soon brought to earth the purveyor of impracticable fancies and hot air. Those who taught him will also think of his tremendous industry especially when working for the civil service examination. He knew that his object could only be achieved by a supreme effort. He was determined to succeed and succeed he did.

When once he had completed his operational training, he very quickly became Captain of a Halifax bomber. His qualities were such that he could not have failed, with reasonable luck, to have gone far in the R.A.F. His last visit to School, only a few weeks before he was reported missing, has left memories of a modest, but very capable and determined pilot whose like the School is proud to claim as alumni. We shall still hope that he may be safe.

F/O JOHN E. BOULTON (30-32), R.A.F.
Looking through a file of Old Boys' Notes we have come across the official notification of the Czech War Cross which was awarded posthumously to John Boulton. We received the notice a long time after his death and this explains why it has never been published in the School Magazine. We believe that for record purposes it should be, even at this late date.

F/O J. E. Boulton
9th September, 1940.

"As the English instructor for Flying of the 1st Czechoslovak Fighter Squadron in England it was through his ability that the Pilots of this Squadron were perfectly trained to fly English aircraft against the enemy. Although he was attached to this Squadron as an instructor, he participated in the operational flights at his own request, and he died in a gallant action against the enemy."

There is no news yet of Dennis Moppett or Jack Holman, who have been missing since the campaign in Malaya. We believe, however, that a large number of those unaccounted for are prisoners-of-war.


Tom Horgan has reached the dizzy height of Wing-Commander at the age of 24 - or is any height dizzy to an airman? No doubt he has helped to quicken Rommel's paces in Libya.

Read-Collins is a Captain in the Indian Army on the North-West Frontier. while Hope holds the same rank and is Adjutant of an Indian Battalion.

Fred Cosstick, after being an Acting Captain for six weeks and having been selected as Battery-Adjutant, was struck down by diphtheria and had to leave Rommel for hospital. Hard Luck !

Guy Gravett is also a Sapper Captain in the Middle East, while Captain Ted Wynter is still in England, selected for the march along the Unter-den-Linden. It is rather interesting to note that Cosstick, Gravett and Wynter were all Prefects together.

Dick Camplin paid us a very welcome visit towards the end of the Summer Term. He was then a Staff-Captain. We heard for the first time a very modest account of one of his experiences in 1940. He was captured by the Boche when they broke into France. After two days marching in a column of prisoners towards the " Fatherland," he arrived at night at a wood where he had previously hidden a motor-bike. From the field where they had halted, he crawled through the cordon of sentries, found his bike intact with petrol untouched, and made a get-away, rejoining the British troops at Rouen.

We are specialising in get-aways. The Germans got Yandell in Libya when Rommel made his push for Egypt. They did not keep him. The appearance of some British tanks caused an upset as Yandell was being transported to captivity. In the ensuing confusion he " beat it."

Basil Chandler, who did about fifty raids as a Sergeant, is now a Pilot-Officer. We have heard a rumour that he has been wounded. {Later. No. It was the Station Commander's car.}

For a young School we have a remarkable record in the R.A.F. Norman Hancock is a Flight-Lieutenant somevhere in Africa. His younger brother is flying in Lancasters as a Flight-Engineer. Donald Holmes who joined as an Aircraft Apprentice, is now a Flight-Engineer. Tich Barford is a Flying-Officer on night-fighters. John has a commission in the newly-formed R.A.F. Regiment. Ronnie Blythe has just been gazetted as a Pilot-Officer Navigator. Donald Dowden, a Flying-Officer, has gone to North Africa as a fighter pilot. Fatty Palethorpe is also there on Hurricanes. Percy and Barfoot are veteran bomber-boys of the North African fighting. And so we could go on. (See below.)

We were delighted to see "Eggy" Baker after a long absence. Among his ships has been the Ramillies, on which Stacey Hart has also served. Hart was called in to settle the Madagascar affair. Dance has had two ships sunk under him, one mined another torpedoed. And still he cannot swim.

Our hearty sympathy to Desi Fitzgerald. After doing forty hours' solo at a U.S.A. station he was struck down with scarlet fever and measles. In consequence the doctors ended his career in the air. G. W. Franklin has now qualified in America as a navigator. His brother Alec is a member of the Royal Sussex Regiment. Fred Ruffle is doing Observer-Radio on Mosquitos and is busy with intruder patrols. Donald Howard is a Pilot-Officer Instructor at a U.S.A: training station. He found New Orleans " a piece of France transplanted " and Mr. Auld's French lessons very useful. Talking of U.S.A. airfields, Kenneth Grainger has completed his training there and has been gazetted as a Pilot-Officer. David Williams has returned from the States with his wings and is training Navigators in Scotland. Donald Stone has also come back from the " land of promise " and is a Pilot-Officer. Alan Castle, when we had our last bit of news, was on his way for flying training in Arizona.

Willie Wray is in training for a commission in the Royal Armoured Corps. Geoffrey Knight, who is in the Highland Division in North Africa has been in hospital with a synovitis knee.

Congratulations to H. E. Sharp, who is now a Flying Officer. He is still instructing in the North of England and has explored the Lakes and Edinburgh with his wife. Dick Rees has entered the Navy under the " Y " Scheme. He soon became a Class Leader and organised the Rugger. He is now doing his sea service preparatory to a commission.

Gates has gone to Southern Rhodesia for his flying training - from Bradford to the land of sun. He encountered " Lobby " Hall in Blackpool before his departure. Lobby came to see us while doing his navigator's training. He hopes to get to Russia some time. Wells has commenced his aircrew training, but we have no further details.

Arthur Baily, in the Sudan, has had sandfly fever. He says it is about twice as bad as influenza. We are quite willing to take his word for it. He appear to be near a place associated with General Gordon. Clifford Baily is a Lieutenant Quartermaster, R.A.S.C.

Bryan Mattocks, in the R.A.F. in Libya has been in hospital with a shrapnel wound in the leg. We hope by now that he is fit enough to get his own back.

John Holt appears to be having a strenuous time in training as a Naval Telegraphist. Even so he managed to come in 43rd out of 78o runners in a cross-country race. He met Dick Rees in a canteen at Fareham.

Pilot-Officer Maurice Russell is on Sunderland Flying Boats. Walking along a street somewhere in Scotland he nearly fainted when he received a pukka salute from a naval rating - it was Mr O'Brien. They celebrated at a milk bar.

Dennis Thomas has obtained a commission in the Queen's Regiment. No one has worked harder for it. Brian, his brother, is doing an Army University course at Trinity, Cambridge.

Woodrow is wearing the white band of a future Fleet Air Arm Pilot. John Turrell, L.A.C., is keepihg Wellingtons and Flying Fortresses in the air. His brother Leslie is a Corporal, R.A.F.V.R. Downing, from Malta, says of the Fighter-Pilots there : "Any odds - they don't worry. One fighter down is one less German, and a bomber usually means four." He is being helped in the defences of the island by Bernthal, Kenneth Barnes and D. A.. Glenister. Now we know why the Boche, has taken a hiding.

Dick Morrish, R.A.F., Norman Green, R.A.F., and John Hall, R.N.V.R., paid a visit together. They all appeared fit and cheerful. Alan Wilkie, who has done some Commando raids has now gone overseas - we suspect to North Africa. Ian is training as a Flight-Engineer. Keith Coles is still training for aircrew. The R.A.F. appear to have a way of forgetting him from time to time. We understand he had one spell of cleaning out pig-sties. Per ardua 'ad astra. Colvin, now a Flying-Officer, makes a habit of flying to North Africa - on something a bit bigger than Tiger Moths.

Lander is in the Army, Paige in the R.A.C., which he likes, and Dodson has left the pursuit of learning to train for aircrew. Wheare is a Wireless-Mechanic in the R.A.F. and is engaged in beam approach work. He met Holmes at Cranwell. N. D. Edwards is engaged on radio-location work in the Army.

David Marande is doing his aircrew training. We have heard that Jarvis has lost an eye during his service as a pilot. We offer him our sincere sympathy. It was good to hear from Lowles once more. He still continues his duties as a P.T. Instructor in the Army.

We have not heard from Howes lately, but understand he is now an AirGunner. Congratulations to Geoffrey Ford who after a year at Bristol University, has now been granted a technical commission in the R.A.F.

Frank Walder is now a regular sergeant in the R.A.F. His duties enable him to have his wife and small daughter living with him. He suggests some O.L.s might like to club together to send much-needed articles to old friends who are prisoners-of-war. Reference to daughters reminds us that we owe congratulations to Sub-Lieutenant and Mrs. Peter Hall on the birth of a daughter and to Laurence and Mrs. Hope on tha birth of a son.

Clapson wrote to us from Nelson to tell us he was tired of sea life without action. Before we received the letter the little episode of the Malta convoy had occurred. So Clapson was not disappointed after all. He says that " his companion in crime," H. L. Walters, was lucky enough to get torpedoed in the same action. Lucky because it meant 14 days leave.

Congratulations to G. J. R. Arnold on getting a 2.1 in his London B.A. He has now joined the Army. Victor Page, now a Flight-Sergeant has written to us from Iraq. He still plays cricket even at a place like Habbaniya. We have heard from Billson again, who is engaged on a tanker bringing the life-blood of all our activities - oil - to England. Alan Rogers, when last he wrote to us, had just commenced his Pilot's training with the Fleet Air Arm. We were glad to welcome Rutherford and his wife when they visited the School, and also Geering, who has returned from Iceland.

Hammond, who has been to Russia, found life in North Russia pretty tough, but the Russians are wholeheartedly in the war. Grayson, in the R.A.F., has had several embarkation leaves. As he has not had a " repeat " lately we presume he has gone abroad. {We spoke too soon. The habit continues.}

R. J. Clark has done an Army radio course at University College. He has met Jimmy Edgar in the Field Security Police, and Gooderham, both of whom were then statiored somewhere in Dorset. We congratulate Clark on his marriage. Ibbett has gone to India to take up a cadetship in the Indian Army.

Our contingent of Old Boys in the local company of Sappers have been hard at work in Libya dealing with Rommel. They include Sergt. Colin Banks, Sergt. E. G. Baker, Bartlett, Wicks and Sammy Smith. Some of them have met Chappie Morling at G.H.Q., Cairo. Morling's fluent Arabic appears to have created an impression. Fred Cosstick " blew in " to meet old school friends. Eric Sellwood is in a Signal Repair Section of the R.A.F. in the Middle East. He has seen the Sphinx and the Pyramids and the other chief feature of Egypt - the flies.

On a Monday afternoon a few months ago we saw a car bearing white streamers. Inside we caught a glimpse of Power. Poor fellow ! George Hilton, after topping a number of courses during training, is now busy on radio-location at an R.A.F. station. C. R. Kelley, in the Middle East (R.A.F.) managed to get to the top of Table Mountain on the way out. He met Roberts in Cape Town. Jim Baker is a Sergeant in the R.A.M.C. and has spent a month at Durban.

Fears, whose eyesight was not good enough for aircrew, finds his work as an R.A.F. Armourer very interesting. Gordon Flint has been serving as a Coder in an American destroyer. Braidwood, we understand, is in the American Army. With Howard at a U.S.A. air station we have every hope that all three Forces of the United States will attain reasonable efficiencv.

Gerald Cook, Lieutenant, R.N.V.R., sent us a letter with the Egyptian postmark. He has not been home for nearly two years, and wishes he could have a spot of leave. . Adams is doing radio-location work with an A.A. Battery. Of the A.T.S. he says : " They certainly are very conscientious in their work, and if anything goes wrong, they are after me to put things right." Keith Lusted, now, a Lieutenant paid us a pleasant visit with his wife. We believe he has gone to the Middle East. Eric Cook is a Sergeant Instructor at an R.A.F. anti-gas school. G. R. Cooke is a L/Bdr. in a heavy coastal battery on the S.E. coast. J. K. Winton is in the Artillery at Colombo, while his brother "C.D." is a Sergt. A/G with a paratroop-carrying squadron.

John Edwards has returned from Arizona with his wings and a commission. Peters is on "hush-hush" radio work in the R.A.F. Alec Blake has gone into the Navy as a Signaller. Haynes has entered the Royal Corps of Signals. We were pleased to welcome Harry Bartholomew on his visit to School. He is our first Paymaster Sub-Lieutenant. He has now been posted abroad. John Cull is now a Subaltern in the Sappers.

Congratulations to Peter Duke, now Sub-Lieutenant, RN. He is our first Old Boy, who has obtained a regular commission from the lower deck. Tubby Beal is a Quartermaster Sergeant of an R.E. Company, with free access to the stores. We fear the worst. Ridley has now obtained his commission in the Intelligence Corps. We congratulate him on his marriage.

Ossy Hill paid a welcome visit to the School and talked to the A.T.C. He has been instructing on beam-approach, but is now with an operational unit. Maurice Hill has abandoned his clerical duties in the R.A.F. for aircrew. Good luck ! K. G. Laurence has also re-mustered for airerew.

Schmid is at sea. He has been recommended for a commission. Norman Thorpe has now done over 1,ooo hours flying. Surely a record. He is training Navigator-Bombers at the moment. Peter has left the R.A.S.C. for the Royal Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.

Emery, who is a Sub-Lieutenant, has been posted to a Corvette which he likes. Only his stomach complains. We were glad to welcome Bennett, in an A.A. Battery, when he visited the School, and Cottis, who is a W/Op. A.G. in the Fleet Air Arm. We saw a letter from Jarrett a few months ago. He was waiting to be called up for aircrew. Finding the Civil Service uncongenial, he had decided to sample other callings and had been in turn Youth Secretary, Film Super, Communist Speaker, Bakery Stoker, Waterworks Inspector and Hotel Waiter. The changes appear to have been entirely voluntary.

Jim Essex has gone into the Navy as a Seaman-boy. He appears to be doing very well. Humphries, when he wrote to us, was at an I.T.W. He had played for his Flight at football and his Squadron at cricket. D. C. Berry is training as an Apprentice in the Fleet Air Arm. He appears to be having a varied and interesting time. Jack Lockyer, in the Middle East, writes : " No sooner do we settle in one place for a few weeks than the good old spit and polish starts again. I wonder if the Russian Army is managed and controlled in the same way." Those who remember his prowess on the football field will not be surprised that his team reached the final of a football competition - and then lost. Jack was crocked for the final.

Geoffrey Crouch, who has been in Africa since the beginning of the fighting and has seen service in Abyssinia and Libya, has gone further east and has sat by the waters of Babylon (without weeping). He has collected a fascinating batch of photographs. W. J. Dawe, who is in a survey regiment of the R.A., has gone to the Middle East. To his other work he has added the compilation of meteorological reports.

Killick is now a Flight-Sergeant and is training the Army in parachute jumps. Goulden prospers in the Navy and looked a tough fellow when he came to see us. Ginger Wilson has joined the R.A.F. where Mark Berry is advancing methodically and surely. We were very pleased to see Peter Brown and Bruce Tindall once more. The former has just finished his course at an I.T.W. and is at a " grading " school. The latter has completed a number of trips to and fro across the Atlantic as a Cadet in the Furness Withey Line.

The spirit of Fighting France - We learn that our Old Boy Duchossoy disappeared from his job on hearing of the Dieppe raid. He was found and still is - in the ranks of the Free French Forces. We were glad once more to welcome J. H. Pillinger, who visited the School looking very fit and accompanied by his fiancee.

Members of the staff " on service " are all fit and well. Mr. Smith is a Staff Captain in India. Mr. Courtney has now gained his commission in an A.A. Battery. Mr. Pett is, we believe, still conveying goods to Russia. Mr. O'Brien is well advanced in his radio course for the Navy. Mr. Pratt is in charge of a shift at an explosives factory. Mr. Page, now with two pips, has gone to North Africa.

And now for our prisoners of war. They keep amazingly cheerful. Peter Trott is continuing his work for a Science Degree. Lawrie Watts studies engineering, maths and plays the clarinet. George Macey finds " Mr. Auld's French lessons of great benefit now." . He has an English class of his own - five German soldiers, who are very keen to learn. John Howard has spent a long period working on a farm. Fred White, of Crowborough, reads, plays bridge, enjoys gramophone recitals of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and continues his legal studies. He says that the French he learnt at School has been literally worth its weight - not in gold - but, to prisoners, in more valuable commodities. J. R. Lawrence says he bets the lads at School are doing their bit. We have not heard from the others since our last issue.

Old Boys still in civil life are pulliing their weight. "Ribs" Cooper got his "first" in Part II of the Natural Science Tripos. He is now on important secret Government work in connection with RadioLocation. Sherry is at the same centre.

Bowles and David George both got "firsts" in the "Mays" exam. at Trinity, Cambridge. Cronin has left Cambridge for an explosives factory. Cooper and Cronin both rowed in Trinity First Boat and Cronin, before he went down, followed Cooper's example and was elected Captain. Jimmy Hobden has gone to New College, Oxford, on an R.A.F. course. Holton and Brian Thomas have joined our old Guard at Trinity, Cambridge. Congrats. to Arthur Evans, who since being invalided out of the Navy has been awarded a Kitchener Scholarship at Reading University. Bill Evans has passed the Inter B. Pharm. exam.

Our Cambridge contingent has been increased by the arrival of Hoad, who, like Hobden, is doing an R.A.F. course. Congrats. to Williamson, who has obtained his M.P.S. before passing into the Army. Beevor, who left us for Harrow County School, has kept up our reputation at work and at rugger. A. E. Marson has returned from evacuation at Bedford and is now in the Inland Revenue, Lewes. Pop Smith has had one of his compositions played at a concert conducted by Sir Henry Wood. He has also played at a Promenade Concert. Floreat Lewesia.

Johnston, one of our senior Old Boys, is at the head of a firm helping to produce the new 6-pounder anti-tank gun. Roy Stevens is hard at work at Oxford House, Bethnal Green. We were very pleased to hear from Robert Eke, one of our Old Boys of 1930. He holds a curacy in Carligle. Last, but not least, as an army marches on its stomach reference ought to be made to Tom Carr. He appears to make a habit of topping the East Sussex Milk Recording Lists. If you hear the noise of an internal combustion engine at midnight in the Kingston Valley, it is Tom, still on the farm tractor.

We repeat our apologies of former issues for omissions and inaccuracies. The heat of battle rages in School as well as in the field. These disjointed notes are all that we have room for. They represent a whole file of interesting letters, which, unfortunately, we have not space to quote at greater length.

To all our Old Boys "good hunting" and a speedy "kill."


While compiling the foregoing notes we received a number of visits and letters, which we record now, or they will lose their topical interest.

Ted Wynter, John Cull, Bil1 Hazlerigg and John Turner have held a happy Old Boys' Reunion in the Headmaster's study. John Turner was about to go overseas for flying training. Chivers has transferred from the R.A.M.C. to R.A. preparatory to a commission. We were very pleased to welcome Eade, Uckfield's old House Captain, and congratulate him heartily on his third pip. Buller-Sinfield has two pips and one wife. Our sincere felicitations. D. J. Crouch has speedily gained his second pip in the Royal Corps of Signals and has been adding boxing feats to his rugger laurels.

Gravel crushing outside the Head's study caused him to look up and note with respect the approach of " the thin blue line " - Peters (R.A.F.), Hart, (R.N.), Grayson (R.A.F.) and Goulden (R.N.) advancing, line abreast. Akehurst dropped in to see us, having just completed a strenuous technical job in the Navy. He looked tired. Clements, with a Special Duties Commission, R.N.V.R., has gained a second ring after eight months' commissioned service, Our sincere congratulations. E. K. Payne, Sub-Lieutenant, R.N.V.R., is with the British Navy at Nairobi of all places.

Kenneth Bartholomew has joined the Free French Air Force. Pulling is a Leading Writer at a Mediterranean Station. He left the Naiad two days before she was lost. He has run into Gerald Cook and Pip Noel. Read-Collins is a Staff-Captain and is Divisional Artillery Intelligence Officer in India. Hearty congrats!

Foot has sent us a line from North Africa where he is taking a rest from Ops. instructing. He went to Cairo for two days and accidentally met poor Maurice Tomley there before his death. Tomley spotted him from a lorry. The trafflc was held up with a cry of " Floreat Lewesia." John Hawkins, Scinde Horse, sent us Christmas greetings from Persia.

Leslie Baker and Eric Huntington have entertained the Common Room with instruction on how to tame the fire of fast bowlers with a diet of doughnut - administered during the tea interval; with a description of the penalties attendant on being absent without leave; and with the advantages of volunteering for radio-location duties.

We were glad to welcome Kenneth Grainger who has returned from Pensacola with an R.A.F. commission. We have heard from John Funnell, who is a L.A.C. Radio Mechanic. He has a commission in view. F. H. Bevan, who, with Tom Horgan, Peter Killick and H. F. Sharp, are veterans among Old Boy Pilots, is our first Warrant Officer. Harry Cottis has written to us from the Suffolk, where he is a Leading-Airman. He has recently had two months ashore and managed to get in a lot of football. A. W. Brown is in the R.A.F. as a Wireless Mechanic - to the great loss of a Lewes dance band, in which he " featured " as saxophonist. Alan Castle has arrived in Arizona and is training in a winter temperature of 70 degs. He found Humphries on the boat going out. Humphries has gone to Oklahoma. Michael Joslin is farming near Tunbridge Wells. Barry Turner has been in the advance in Libya and has had a short spell in hospital at Benghazi.

Postcards from two Old Boy prisoners in Germany, Peter Trott, who is managing to study, through books supplied by the Red Cross, and Fred White, whose camp has been producing a Christmas pantomime. The School collected £5 at Christmas to send cigarettes to Old Boy prisoners· We hope they got them.

We thank all Old Boys who sent Christmas cards. They formed a grand array of regimental crests and came from all over the world - America, Libya, Egypt and India, as well as at home. They were too numerous to acknowledge individually. Good luck for 1943. Perhaps next year will see that Re-union Dinner.


While the magazine was in the process of printing, news came through that Wing Commander Tom Horgan had been awarded the Distinguished Service Order. All Old Boys will join with the School in expressing their great pleasure and pride in his achievement and in sending their congratulations. Well done Uckfield!

The official citation is as follows :

"This officer has flown on operations continuously since November, 1939. Since being awarded the D.F.C. he has participated in sorties against targets in Malta, Greece, Egypt and the Western Desert, including some unescorted operations in daylight.
During the Greece and Crete campaign he showed great courage, skill and determination in pressing home his attacks against heavily defended targets under very adverse weather conditions and over mountainous country.
Since July, 1942, he has personally led his Squadron on numerous raids, displaying the highest qualities of leadership. His example has been an inspiration to all."

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