Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 22 - July 1946

The Original Barbican cover The school year 1945/46 was a state of transition from active war to a one of starting to pick up the pieces. The economy of Europe was in a state of chaos, the cities and industries ruined and the people in a state of exteme hardship. Apart from the cessation of hostilies there was precious little reason to rejoice. A few of the older teachers managed to get released from the services and parents of boys were returning home from their wartime occupations but it was to take several years to get all our servicemen home. Food, fuel and supplies were in shorter supply than during the war, because America began to divert aid from us to the Germans who were literally starving to death. They were desperate times and we had no right to expect special treatment. The school, the boys and the makeshift staff just had to concentrate on the basics of education.

There were no resources for the wide variety of extra-curricular activities that had been the norm until the war. What we did not know at the time was that we also faced a winter that was to be one of the worst in living memory, when the whole country and its threadbare economy was to be brought to a halt by the severe cold and deep snow.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys

July 1946


Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms,
1945 - 1946

Captain of the School. . . E. Lavender.

Prefects and Sub-Prefects :
LEWES . . . J. Paget-Davies, P. Eden, G. Ashdown, Robbins.
MARTLETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. Lavender, M. Huggett.
SEAHAVEN . . . E. J. Vass, P. Galer, C. W. Hill, R. Larkin, B. Saunders.
UCKFIELD . . . A. H. Rogers, P. Constable, J. M. Cornford, M. Cunningham.

Captain of Rugby . . . . B. Russell.
Captain of Cricket . . . . . . . . . . . P. Eden.
Vice-Captain and Treasurer . . . H. Reynolds.

Form Captains:
IIA Carpenter E. ; IIB Creasey, J. ; IIIA Wood E. ; IIIB Turner, P. ; IIIJ Phillips, J. ;
IVA Funnell, K. ; IVB Hills, D. ; IVJ Long, D. ; Remove A Newman, P. ; Remove B Brooker, J. ;
VA Hall J. M. ; VB McTear J. F. ; VIG Carter E. ; J.T.S. Holt, P.

Editor of the Magazine: C. W. Hill.
Sub-Editors: G. M. Burt, C. J. Oxley, J. W. Searchfield.


Owing to unforeseen difficulties, it was not possible for The Barbican to be published last year, hence this issue is, in fact, two issues in one.

Now that the war is over, we are gradually welcoming back previous members of the staff, many of whom have been serving the country in His Majesty's Forces. We especially welcome back the Headmastsr, who last term was obliged to relinquish his duties on account of illness. We wish him the best of health in the future. Likewise, Mr. Gourlay has recently returned after several months of illness.

The life of the School, ever flowing on unimpeded, has not undergone any noticeable change since the cessation of war except for the fact that there has been a steady increase in numbers, partly due to the new " Building " Form, which takes the place of a Junior Technical School. With conditions easier, however, the building of the proposed School Chapel seems a far more practicable concern than in the dark days of uncertainty during the was. A Fete held in November, 1945, succeeded in raising over £1700 for the Chapel Fund.

The condition of the world does not permit that life should be taken as a " primrose path of dalliance." This School as representative of the young people of England, intends to " put its shoulder to the wheel " to attain peace and prosperity in the future. Today; these seem almost idle dreams, which can only be achieved by common effort.


House Masters . . . Messrs. Hoggins, Larwill and Smith.
House Captain. . . . . . . J. P. H. Davies.
House Prefects . . P. C. Eden, G. H. Ashdown.

The past year has been one of fair success for Lewes House. In the Games Shield we came fourth owing, primarily, to lack of Rugger and Cricket talent. Our Junior Soccer team, however, did quite well, winning two and drawing one of their three matches.

We improved slightly in the Cross-Country Cup, obtaining third place. This is not good enough and must be improved upon next year. Certain members of the House did quite well but were not backed up enough. We gave Martlets a good fight in the Athletics obtaining second place. We should do better next year considering the wealth of talent among the Juniors and Colts.

But we excelled ourselves in the Swimming Cup, which we regained after some four years' lapse, after some thrilling races. The Cup has always been regarded as the traditional trophy of Lewes House. Let us see that it always remains so. Much of the credit in gaining the Swimming Cup is due to Parkinson, who gained the Sinfield Cup for obtaining the largest number of points for his House.

With an average of 7.1, we came fourth in the Work Shield. This average can be improved upon to a great extent, if certain individuals would not obtain " minus" points. Credit is due to Remove A who have gained a consistently high average of 12.25.

Certain individual members deserve mention : Eden has gained his 1st XV Rugby and 1st XI Cricket Colours ; whilst Ashdown was also awarded his 1st XI Cricket Colours ; in the academic sphere Davies gained two Open Scholarships.

Thus we look forward to another School year. May it he one of greater success for Lewes House.

House Masters . . . Messrs. O'Brien, Tayler, Auld and Nichols.
House Captain . . E. Lavender. Prefects . . . . M. W. Huggett, R. J. Reynolds.

Martlets suffered badly in the House reshuffle of 1943 and it was mainly due to this that the House experienced such a lean time during the following two years. We have this year, however, made great strides in the direction of regaining our old position. This progress I am convinced, is due to the very keen spirit of all boys in the House ; with the exception of a very small coterie.

Upon the Rugger field, Martlets did unexpectedly well, winning two matches, and only losing to Seahaven. These successes, though unexpected, were thoroughly well deserved, as the team, although possessing few of the " giants " of the 1st XV, played hard, keenly, and as one unit. In this respect, Wells, Fowlie, and Castor, E., deserve a very honourable mention.

The Junior element of the House started the year badly, by losing two of their Soccer matches, drawing the third with Seahaven. Although this failure was due to no lack of keenness; this record is not good enough for Martlets' Juniors, who have the tradition to uphold of winning every match.

The touts of the School were tipping Martlets as hot favourites for the Cross-Country run, but their forecasts, and our hopes were to come unstuck. As usual, in this event, the Junior section of the House did exceptionally well, and are to be congratulated upon their effort. Andrews, in winning the Junior race by a long distance, deserves special praise. The Colts and Seniors proved to be Martlets' downfall. The Senior team, although apparently strong on paper failed mainly through lack of practice.

In the House Cricket Matches, Martlets have done exceedingly well, beating all their opponents by comfortable margins. This success has elevated us to the first position in the struggle for the Games Shield, a position which we share with Seahaven.

It was fitting that we should welcome back Mr. O'Brien, an old House Master, by a good win in the Athletic Sports. The Athletic Cup was traditionally a Martlets' trophy ; indeed, new boys to the House used to be told that Martlets never considered this prize properly won unless obtained by a lead of at least 30 points over the nearest of our rivals. We have now regained " Our Trophy " by a lead of 44 points over Lewes, after a lapse of three years ; let us see that it remains in our possession. In connectioW vith the Athletic Sports, Carter, E., Luck and Austin distinguished themselves in their various events.

Martlets House came third in the Swimming Gala again through no lack of keenness, but through a decided lack of talent. Tomlin, though, is to be congratulated upon his fine effort in which Parkinson of Lewes House, beat him by half a point in a keen fight for the Sinfield Individual Trophy.

Martlets' efforts to obtain the Work Shield are still marred by the small clique of "Slackers," whose House points vary from between 0 and -5 every month.

Although we have done much to regain our old and honoured position this year, there is no cause to slacken our efforts ; remember, there is only one place for Martlets : Cock House.

House Masters . . Messrs. Easton, Denis, Davis and Pratt.
House Captain . . E. J. Vass.
House Prefects . . P. Galer.
Sub-Prefects . . Hill, C., Saunders and Larkin.

Another two terms have passed and we appear to be regaining a little of our lost glory in the field of sport. Perhaps. the spacious days of peace have invigorated us to greater achievements, or is the House "spirit," lost since pre-war days, making a welcome appearance?

However, we fielded a strong Rugby XV this season due in no small measure, to the encouraging number of players in the School 1st XV, Seahaven having no less than five colours. We won two hard-fought matches against Martlets and Lewes and drew another against Uckfield ; all enjoyable games. Our Junior Soccer teams seem to be shadowed by an aversion to win. After their disappointing season last year they followed it again with one of almost equal uneventfulness. Two matches were lost to Lewes and Uckfield and the other drawn with Martlets.

This year the Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup is ours. Good teamwork in the Seniors and Juniors and the notable running of McTear and Balcombe, both coming second in the Senior and Junior races respectively, helped to gain a handsome lead of 27 points over our opponents.

On the whole, the House seems to be working together to achieve the best results but, as always, there are the inevitable " slackers " who do nothing in sport and who persistently gain " minus " points for the House. To these we look with disapproving eyes but hope that in the future the efforts of tho rest of the House will urge them to be much more keen in gaining a point for Seahaven.

House Masters . . . Mr. D. Jarvis, Mr. W. M. Gourlay.
House Captain . . . . . . . . . A. H. Rogers.
House Prefects . . J. M. Cornford, P. Constable, M. Cunningham.

This year, 1945-46, has not been one of the happiest for the House. However, we may offer some words of praise to the general spirit of the Junior members of the House. They surely have gained a real House spirit. Maybe, it is that we Senior members have yet a lot to learn -- more shame on us. As is generally known, the efforts of the House in the physical sphere have definitely not been of the best or up to the past standards of Uckfield House. Let us hope that before long, the wheel of Fate may complete its revolution and brighter days may again smile on us. In the Academic sphere our efforts have been better and, although final figures are not yet known, the glimmerings of the Work Shield are not so faint as might be expected. In favour of the House, it may be noted that with our small numbers (less than one-fifth of the School) it has been proved that, on the average, boy for boy, results are as good as those of any other House in the School. Let us hope that with a promised reshuffle of the House allocation our weakness may be evened out. Casting despair from us let us look on to the brighter days ahead. Go to it - and good luck!


The season was not impressive from the point of view of results, but all three teams had many enjoyable games and, as the scores show, we only just lost several very close matches. The general standard was an improvexnent on recent years, but the opposition was rather stiffer, and we just lacked that extra finish and that ability to make full use of a temporary advantage which make all the difference between a moderate and a good side. There is some very promising material in the Fourth Forms and in the Junior team ; the latter's best performances were against Eastbourne College Colts and their return match v. Worthing. On December 5 the 1st XV travelled up to London by coach and played a morning match against Bec School winning a hard game by 5 points to 3. In the afternoon, both teams went to Twickenham for the Oxford and Cambridge match. This was a thoroughly enjoyable day, and we hope it may become an annual fixture. On the first day of the Easter term a Sussex schoolboys' team, consisting of Public and Secondary schoolboys resident in Sussex, played a match against Kent schoolboys on the Lewes Club ground. We had two players in the Sussex team, Tony Ford and Constable. Both did excellent,work, but could not quite manage to win the match for Sussex.

School 1st XV from.: Funnell, P., Sargent, Galer, Saunders, Carter, E., Cornford, Eden, Russell (capt.), Ashdown, Constable, Robinson, Fowlie, Larkin, Bricknell, Robbins, Beck, Bayly, Parkinson.


Brighton College II . . . . . . . . . W. 49-0
Brighton Technical School . . . . L. 5-19
Hurst II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. 8-0
Skinners School . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. 0-6
Worthing H. School . . . . . . . . . . L. 3-6
0ld Boys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. 5-8
Christ's Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . W. 3-0
Bec School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. 5-3
Skinners School . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. 0-6
Worthing H. School . . . . . . . . . L. 5-11
Brighton College I . . . . . . . . . . L. 0-27

Brighton College Colts . . . . . . W. 18-0
Hurst III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. 8-9
Worthing H. School . . . . . . . . . W. 14-3
Seaford College I . . . . . . . . . . . . L. 0-6
Chichester C.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. 0-6
Worthing H. School . . . . . . . . . . L. 0-I6

Skinners School . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. 5-9
Worthing H. School . . . . . . . . .L. 0-28
Skinners School . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. 3-6
Chichester C.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. 3-3
Worthing H. School . . . . . . . . . W. 8-0
Eastbourne College Colts . . . . W. 8-7


The School resumed a programme of Under Fourteen games with other schools last season, after preliminary practices had shown the existence of a workmanlike side as well as unlimited keenness. Cosham was appointed Captain, and led his team well in a short but successful series of matches. The first two games were against much weaker teams, when both the quality of the School side and of the opposition were unknown quantities. But against stronger sides from Brighton, and from Hove, the eleven kept up the standard shown in the early games, and some excellent forward and half-back play was seen. Unfortunately, bad weather robbed us of two return fixtures with these schools and also of much practice in the Spring term needed to remedy various weaknesses in defensive play and the combination of halves and forwards.

House games were fought out with the usual spirit and the final decision had to be made on goal average. Lewes scored ten goals without replay, and Uckfield won the same number of matches and scored the same number of goals, but lost four in the process and had to take second place.

In the coming season we look forward to more good games and a more extended programme.

Lewes Grammar School . . . . . . . Away W. 12-0
Ringmer Modern School . . . . . . . Away W. 14-0
Brighton Grammar School . . . . . . Away W. 5-3
Heathfield Juniors . . . . . . . . . . . . Home W. 3-2
Hove County School . . . . . . . . . . . Home D. 4-4


Capt. : P. Eden.
Vice-Captain : R. J. Reynolds.

The season opened with the School XI playing forceful and aggressive Cricket which promised much success later. An unaccountable falling-off belied this promise in mid-season only for the team to " come again " towards the end of the season and register, amongst other victories, a good win against a strong Old Boys' XI and, best of all, a convincing defeat of our old friends and rivals, Bec School.

Pleasing features were the bowling of Evans and Reynolds and, occasionally, Stepney's lusty smiting. Very noticeable, also, were the improvements during the season in Ashdown's keeping and the fielding and general deportment of the team.

Colours were awarded to Eden, Evans, Ashdown and Stepney.


Judging from the programme it looked as if Seahaven would win the House Swimming Cup quite easily. They were well up in standard points, and they had far more entries in the finals than any other House. But it soon became evident that they were not going to have it all their own way and a very keen struggle gradually developed between them and Lewes House, with the latter eventually winning by 8 points.

There was also a hard duel between Tomlin and Parkinson for the Sinfield Cup, which is awarded to the Senior who gains most points for his House. Tomlin had two firsts, one equal first, and one equal third; Parkinson had one first, one equal first, and two seconds, and thus he just beat Tomlin by half a point.

Carter, of Lewes, was the Colt to gain most points, having two firsts to his credit, while the outstanding swimmer among the Juniors was James. He gained three firsts and one second, thus contributing 18 points towards Lewes' victory in the Cup.

The beginners' race, which this year had been increased from a width to a length, provided an unexpected thrill when one of the competitors began to sink and had to be rescued by the burly Cunningham who was just resting on his laurels after winning the Senior Long Plunge with a record distance of 46%frec12; feet.

The final placings were : First, Lewes, 132 points ; Second, Seahaven, 124 ; Third, Martlets, 87 ; Fourth, Uckfield, 49.


The School Platoon (3 Platoon, 5th Battalion) has had a very busy and successful year. The year started, last September, with changes in command. Lt. Worman had left the School so Lt. Nicholls took over command with Lt. H. M. Davies as Second-in-Command. Several new recruits joined on the return to School and about eight have joined during the year. This gives the platoon a strength of about 30, making it the strongest platoon in the Company. Attendances have been good and it is hoped that in September we will see a further influx of recruits to make up for those who will leave us this year.

A Platoon Library has been established in the Armoury through the good work of Sgts. Gallard and Elliott, and our own .22 Range is nearly ready for use in one of the air-raid shelters. This, again, through the commendable initiative of Sgt. Gallard. Rifle practice has been a conspicuous feature of this year's activities and 20 Cadets have been successful in obtaining their First Class Marksmanship Badge, in the Empire Test. This is a fine achievement which is not equalled by any other platoon in the Company or Battalion. In addition, six of the Second Year Cadets have fired a .303 course, with Service rifles, on the Crowborough Range. It is hoped to increase this number before the end of the term. Sgt. Gallard, Cpl. Winter, and Cpl. Self have been regular members of the Company Rifle Team in the Inter-Company Competition and are to be congratulated on their consistently good performances.

Cadets Sexton, Carter, Still and Divall took part in the East Sussex A.C.F. Boxing Championships and did well. Sexton did extremely well in winning his bout. Cadets Carter and Austen, and L/Cpl. Beck ran for the platoon in the Battalion Cross-Country Match, all finishing in good positiens. Sgt. Gallard, Cpl. Funnell and Cadet Still attended P.T. Courses at Brighton and Shornclifle and are to be congratulated on the reports they received. Cpl. Funnell, L/Cpl. Brooks and Cadet Hill have been attending special Technical Courses in Lewes during the year, which will qualify them for Cert. "T," and it is hoped. further Cadets will avail themselves of the opportunities provided by this Course.

Sgt. Elliott, who has now been called up, represented the platoon at the A.C.F. Rally in London in May and seems, from his recent letter to the platoon, to be finding his A.C.F. training a great asset in the Army. Before he left he presented the platoon with a Cup, which is to be used as an InterSection Marksmanship Trophy. We are grateful to him for a kind remembrance of his service with us.

Two of the platoon "Stalwarts," Sgt. Ford and Cpl. Self have now left us to break new ground at Ringmer, where they have started a new platoon (No. 4) under the guidance of the Company Commander. We wish them every success and a healthy rivalry with their old friends in 3 Platoon. Cpl. Self still visits us regularly on Wednesdays and has given valuable service in training new recruits.

This year, 12 Cadets are entering for War Cert. "A," Pt, II and eight for War Cert. "A," Pt. I, and it is hoped that last year's successes will be repeated. Now that the A.T.C. no longer exists in the School we " ration " ourselves and all Cadets are beginning to understand in a mild way, what is meant by "Cookhouse Fatigues." With a fine record of success in so many activities this year, it is dismal to record a low standard of proficiency in the art of brewing a good cup of tea!

The Second-in-Command suggests a little "homework" in this essential Army Drill would be of benefit to all Cadets, and the Second-in-Command's feelings!

In conclusion, it should be mentioned that several outdoor schemes have been enjoyed by all ranks and the addition of a Bren gun to the platoon's equipment has been most welcome.
LT. H. M. DAVIES, Second-in-Command.


The main event in the current period has been the division of the Troop into two with the inauguration of a Senior Scout Troop which is composed of all Scouts over the age of 15. This is now the system throughout the country ; adopted after nearly two years of experiment and aimed at giving the older boys interest more in keeping with his age without interfering with the normal training of the younger Scout. The total number of Senior Scouts is now 13, including three who have joined the movement as Senior Scouts.

Both Troops have held weekly meetings regularly -- the Scout Troop has averaged an attendance of about 25 and there are now 32 in the Troop. A very successful Easter Camp was held at Falmer, attended by 20 Scouts and nine Seniors, the two Troops camping seperately.

There are four King's Scouts and Cardy has also gained his Bushman's Thong. S.P.L. Hersee attended the St. George's Day Parade at Windsor Castle as one of the 13 Sussex representatives.

The Local District Athletic Shield which was won by the Troop in I944, in competition with all the Scouts and Guides of the District, was not competed for in 1945 and at the Sports held in May of this year the Troop could only finish a close second to the Guides of the Manor School, who turned up in overwhelming numbers. The only two Scouts who entered work for the Local Youth Organisation Handicraft Competition in March were awarded First Class Certificates for each of the three items entered.

A trip to the Scout H.Q., in London and the training ship Discovery has been arranged for July 26 and all Patrols will be camping independently during the Summer Holidays.

The Group Committee has been revised and promises to surpass even the pre-war Committee in keenness and enterprise ; in fact, it is hoped that the School Group will have its own H.Q. quite soon.

A preliminary meeting has been held with the object of starting an Old Scouts' Branch and, judging by letters received from Old Scouts overseas and at home, the idea is very popular. As so many Old Scouts are still in the Services, no general meeting or functior of any kind has, so far, been arranged but it is proposed to start the Branch by the end of next term. John Hall of " Beverley " Houndean Rise, Lewes, has, for the time being, taken on the job of Secretary and is collecting addresses: Old Boys who were members of the School Troop are asked to let him have their addresses now or when they settle down on demobilisation. Mr. Smith would like to use this opportunity of apologising to all the Old Scouts who have written to him since his return for not having answered their letters -- he hopes to do so during the Summer holidays.

Finally, this report cannot close without paying tribute to the sterling way in which Mr: Gourlay has " carried on " the Scouts during the war years and there will be many 0ld Scouts who will share in our regret at the protracted illness and necessarily lengthy convalescence which has kept him away from School so long.

To Mr. Pratt, also, our thanks are due for his very valuable and opportune assistance ; it is our bad luck that his other duties will prevent him from taking a more permanent interest in the Group.


The club meets on Friday at 4 p.m.
In September the following officers were elected :
Chairman : R. Stepney.
Secretary : K. J. Nicholls.
Treasurer and Press Correspondent : P. L. Shoesmith.

K. J. Nicholls resigned in May and J. G. Milnes was elected. The following meetings have been held. September 28. The Club held a harvest supper which was followed by a short quiz.
October 12. Members of the Club visited Messrs. Culverwells Ltd.
October 26. A film show on soil, seeds and bees was given by Miss Martin
November 9. Mr. W. Carr gave a talk on different breeds of cattle.
November 23. A very interesting lecture on poultry, illustrated by a film, was given by Mrs. Stephenson.
December 7. Mr. H. J. Gill gave a lecture on arable farming.
Decembev 15. A Christmas Party was held in the hall. We were pleased to welcome Mr. Bradshad and Mr. Jarvis. After a very good feed we played games.
January 25. Mrs. Stevenson gave another interesting lecture, this time on rabbits and rabbit-keeping.
February 8. Mr. Janson of Rodmell told us all about sheep and shepherding.
March 12. A quiz was held between Varndean School Y.F.C. and Lewes County School Y.F.C., the question-master being Mr. Bunkle of Haywards Heath. We just managed to win after an exciting struggle, the score being 54-49 Points. A vote of thanks to the question-master was proposed by Gray. At these meetings the chair was taken by either Miss U. K. Smith or R. Stepney. We shall be very glad to welcome new members next term or at any time.
J. G. Milnes (IIIa), Secretary.


The Senior members of the School were privileged to pay a visit to the Theatre Royal (Brighton), on Thursday, January 24 to see a matinee performance of " Twelfth Night." Playing against a background of novel scenery Donald Wolfit gave a humorous Malvolio, with Rosalind Iden as the disguised Viola, the messenger of Orsino to Olivia. This " rainbow world of love in idleness " was often disturbed by the pranks and revels of Toby Belch (Josef Shear) and Aguecheek (Richard Lyndhurst), which amused an audience, delighted by a performance, good in many ways but overbalanced by the undue space given to Malvolio.

A few members of the staff and VIth Form saw three of Shakespeare's great tragedies, " Hamlet," " King Lear," and " Othello " at evening performances. On the Monday Wolfit appeared as a very dreamy and starstruck " Hamlet, offset by the power of Antony Eustrel's Claudius. Rosalind Iden was an attractive Ophelia, and rose to great heights in the scene depicting her madness. The Wednesday play was " King Lear," and here not only the scenery -- a solid Stonehenge-like setting -- but the acting was excellent. Wolfit was at his best, portraying the impotent rage of the old king at the ingratitude of his two daughters, Goneril and Regan and then his final return to his third daughter Cordelia. On the Friday Wolfit presented his first performance of " Othello," in which, although his acting was too heavy at times, his company, especially Antony, Eustrel as Iago and Rosalind Iden as Desdemona supported well.

"The Merchant of Venice" was given on Thursday evening, when a few School members went privately and thoroughly enjoyed a lively presentation of this comedy, with its highlight, the superb acting of Wolfit as Shylock in the court scene.

In the previous term the whole School had visited the Odeon (Lewes) and saw the film "Henry V"; the showing somewhat marred by a uninterested and noisy audience.

[Note by Webmaster: How well I remember this visit to the Odeon, which was situated at the end of Cliffe High Street, opposite the church. For one who rarely went to the cinema it really was quite a stunning film in what seemed amazing colour. Unfortunately the school as a body behaved disgracefully. Being in the dark and with masters not very visable a few of the rowdies began cat calling and wolf whistling especially in the romantic scenes.

It is an unfortunate fact of life that the behaviour of groups of youngsters is quite unlike the behaviour of the individuals on their own. It spread to the point where it was impossible to hear the sound track. Why Mr Bradshaw, who was present, didn't have the performance stopped I never knew.

The end result is somewhat blurred in my mind but I do remember NRB being incandescant with rage. What punishment ensued I don't remember - it would have been impossible to separate the innocent and the guilty. I remember being puzzled by the whole episode. Only later in life did I realise the significance of this episode in terms of aberrant group behaviour.]

In conclusion, we are greatly indebted to. Mr. Euston for arranging our visits, and enabling us to appreciate Shakespeare in his true setting -- the stage.


The techer was a worthy man also
That unto lernynge hadde longe y-go.
He hadde bokes fulfilled of wordes
Of grete moral vertu of the Lordes.
He had a noble face, with greye eyen,
A ful streight nose, and lippes reede as wyn.
His speche rang out as round as gooth a belle,
Whan to his smale pupilles he did telle
Stories of goodenesse. Of worthy Daniel,
Or dreming Joseph, he did speke right wel.
The Olde Testament oft-tyme he rede,
For he was vertuous, it is no drede.
His spectacles honge lowe upon his nose,
Which, long and streight, was reed as any rose.
Whether he dronke I do not care to seye,
For he was swich a worthy man alweye.
He ete wel, and looved rabbit-pye,
Which he wolde tere with mirthe and jolitye.
By oon assente, he was a fyne man,
Who folwed Crist, as wel as techers can.


Chairman . . H. M. Davies, Esq.
Secretary . . E. J. Vass.
Treasurer . . C. W. Hill.

Chairman . . F. J. O'Brien, Esq.
Secretary . . A. W. Robbins.
Treasurer . . P. Eden.

The Sixth Form Society is to be congratulated on a first class attendance during this session. Indeed, the mob was such that one " gentleman " suggested renaming it the Sixth Form Club. After this motion had been decisively defeated the number dwindled again to the elite few at the end of the season. The minutes kept up the usual irrelevant prattle, padding and propaganda -- turned out by His Honour Judge Vass, the Austere Gazer of Mock Trial Fame, and Mr. Robbins.

A mock trial, an anthology evening, with its subject "Fear," Members' Lectures and those of Mr. Gourlay on Yachting and Iodine, Mr. Oliver on Jazz and Mr. Burden -- father of a member -- on "Freaks and Fancies," illustrated by gramophone records, figured among the more outstanding items. There was also a humorous evening, and a Staff Brains Trust. The Sixth Form of the County School for Girls was invited to a Quiz session which, approached in the right spirit, far outpaced the humorous evening. Messrs. Davies and O'Brien were the respected chairmen, respectively. They admirably and faithfully fulfilled their office even to the extent of occasionally restoring order.

A word of warning -- the meetings sometimes fell a trifle "flat " owing to a lack of originality and, although it is well that the old War-Horses -- the Literary, Musical, Coger, Anthology, and Members' Lecture evenings must and should recur every session, rather more pioneering and more controversy between the Sciences and Arts is necessary to renew a right spirit among us.

This session was also notable for a promise of a School Yachting Club by Mr. Gourlay, and the formation of a Psychic Research Committee by Messrs. Vass and Robbins.



The Annual Speech Day was held on Saturday, December 8, 1945 in the School Hall under the chairmanship of Sir L. A. Selby-Bigge, Bart, K.C.B. A large number of parents attended to hear the Right Hon. Sir John Anderson, M.P., who also distributed the prizes. The list of successes was as follows:

J. S. W. Henshaw (Dist. in French and History); K. A. Hills ; R. Lanham ;
E. Lavender ; R. C. Michell (exemption from First M.B.) ;
J. Paget-Davies (exemption from First M.B.) ; K. J. Payne (Dist. in French); R. W. Thomas.

G. H. Ashdown; E. A. Leggatt; R. D. Brickell.; M. M. Ballan;
A. C. Marshall; R. W. Cole; R. H. Brook; J. E. Norman;
B. Cornford; M. G. Buckman; J. D. Paul; J. W. Funnell;
G. A. Busk; K. J. Pink; P. J. Funnell; J. F. Chatfield;
R. Pollington; L. A. Hoadley; F. S. Cole; B. P. Russell;
M. J. Jenner; A. P. Constable; G. R. Smith; D. J. Lewis;
W. N. Elliott; G. G. Standen; J. M. Adams; J. J. Elphick;
A. Walls; D. C. Ames; R. P. Elphick; I. F. Walter;
J. W. Barton; S. S. Foster; H. F. Appleby; B. G. Beck;
P. D. E. Gayler; A. A. J. Baker; M. Brooks; P. A. Gallard;
D. R. P. Baker; S. G. Brown; R. C. Keitch; J. H. Bayley;
G. M. Burt; I. J. Churches; M. G. Lelliott; D. F. Tomlin;
H. C. Durrant; B. McHugh; R. B. Treadaway; H. W. Franklin;
C. J. Oxley; R. G. Vinall; K. W. Funnell; R. G. Sargent;
A. R. White; J. W. Hersee; J. W. Searchfield; J. A. Woolmore;
J. H. Lea; M. A. Short; P. J. Haughton.

J. S. W. Henshaw . . Exhibition in Modern History, Trinity College, Cambridge.
K. A. Hills . . . . Sizarship in Modern History, St. John's College, Cambridge.
K. J. Payne . . . . Exhibition in Modern Languages, St. Catherines Society, Oxford.
R. W. Thomas . . Major Scholarship in Natural Science, University College, Southampton.

A. L. Oliver, 1st Class Hons. B.Sc. (Engineering), Queen Mary College, London University.
S. T. H. Pilheam, 1st Class Hons. First Year, Medical Examination, Trinity College, Cambridge.

The "Edgar Povey" Trophy . . . . K. A. Hills.
The "Lilian Fleming" Prize for Biology . . . . J. Paget-Davies.
The "Christie" Prize for Music (Seniors) . . . . C. W. Hill.
The "Glass" Memorial Prize (Juniors) . . . D. Skinner.
Chemistry Prize . . . . . . . . . . R. W. Thomas.
English Prize . . . . . . . . . . . . . K. A. Hills.
History Prize . . . . . . . . J. S. W. Henshaw.
Mathematics Prize . . . . . . . . . E. Lavender.
Modern Languages Prize . . . . . . . . K. J. Payne.
Natural Science Prizes . . . R. Lanham ; R. C. Michell.
Proficiency Prizes . . J. Paget-Davies, P. D. E. Galer, J. S. W. Henshaw, E. Lavender, K. J. Pink.
Service Prizes . . . J. M. Cornford ; K. J. Nicholls ; P. L. Shoesmith ; R. Stepney.

(Old Boys)

Capt. J. F. Cull R.E. ; Capt. K. Lusted, R.A. ; Capt. E. C. C. Wynter R.A.

F/Lieut. C. Batten ; F/Lieut. P. Brown ;
F/Officer E. S. Gates ; F/Lieut. D. Howard ; F/Officer F. Ruffle .
Killed on Active service

F/Sergt. L. A. W. Howes.

Pte. M. Archer.

Mentioned in Despatches
Lieut. R. Faulkner, R.N.V.R.

Povey Work Shield . . . . . . . . . . Martlets.
Bradshaw Games Shield . . . . . Uckfield.
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup . . . Lewes.
Thompson Athletic Cup . . . . . . . . No award.
Innes Swimming Cup . . . . . . . . . . No award.
Sinfield Swimming Cup . . . . . . . . No award.


What can we say about the School Fete, held on November 17 ? An account of all we did would fill the whole magazine. Never was there such a crowd at any School function. In the past we had numbered them in hundreds. On this occasion they came in their thousands. What parents ! What friends ! What Old Boys ! What weather ! What a result -- £1738 !

Here was evidence of the essence of English education -- sentiment for a School and loyalty to it. Let our educational legislators, who think in terms of geographical areas, age groups, and buildings, ponder and, if they can, be wise. We thank all those who supported us. We thank our Parents' Committee for all their work, and we thank Commander A. B. Campbell [a well known radio and TV personality -- the Brains' Trust, Quizes and panel games] for that touch of bonhommie which set the tone to the whole proceedings.



This is the last of our war numbers. Future generations, reading The Barbican magazines [as,indeed, you are!] for the years 1935-45, will have some glimmer of the highlights of this period. They will know little of the difficulties with which we have had to contend. Memory goes back to the sunny days of that first September when we greeted over 300 Bec boys who came to us as the victims of evacution. How many, years hence, will stop to ask how two schools managed to carry on something approaching normal school life in one building ? Who, in years to come, when reading of the Battle of Britain, will know that to us at school it meant darting for air-raid shelters five or six times a day and there remaining in pitch darkness for periods of a couple of hours while as many as three masters in one shelter tried to give instruction to three different sets of boys in an atmosphere which was often stifling ? Who, a hundred years hence will know that a cloudy morning meant a possible tip-and-run raid, or will have any idea of what it was like waiting for the flying bomb to pass safely over our heads ?

Lack of space and lack of time have led in past Magazines to serious omissions in our war-time chronicle. We have never given a full account of the thousands of hours spent by hundreds of boys working in the fields to ensure the nation's food supply. No reference has ever been made to the weariness of the flesh felt by many a master and many a boy facing up to the daily task under war conditions after a night spent on A.R.P. or Home Guard duty. Lack of textbooks, lack of staff and a daily routine regulated by forms and official instructions are things which few in years to come will, we hope, ever experience again. But we have survived, battered perhaps, but never beaten. Overcrowding and lack of books and equipment are still with us.

But we meet the future with confidence and determination. We salute members of the School who have faced trials and overcome them. We salute A.T.C. or Army Cadets who have made the name of the School known in the Forces. We salute all those Old Boys who have penetrated every ocean and every continent and whose bones lie scattered from the Channel to the China Seas. En avant !

Pro Patria

SGT. DONALD ARCHER (1931-32), R.A.F.V.R.
Don Archer was lost in a raid on Germany. He was at School for a comparatively short time and was intimate to few. He had a shy modesty that made him difficult to know. To those who possessed his friendship he gave without reserve. His intense loyalty was realised by few. When his parents left Lewes he passed on to a school of highsounding title and prestige. But his heart was always in Lewes County School. So deep was this feeling that he renewed old ties by coming with the School party to Les Audelys in 1933. We deeply regret his loss.

Charlie Batten, whose gallantry was recogniseci by the award of the D.F.C., survived hostilities only to become the victim of a flying accident. Charles had a good academic record at School and passed the competitive Civil Service examination. He was gay, handsome, and had charm of manner. But his engaging qualities were mere adornments to a character which was sound throughout. His tragic loss was a crippling blow to his parents and friends. We mourn with them.

Tom was at School only a short time and is remembered rather as third brother to the better-known Jim and John. We were, however, very grieved to hear from John, when he visited us, that Tom had been killed in Italy. The barracks occupied by his unit blew up some weeks after the Germans had left. We sympathise very deeply with his widowed mother.

Miles Crosthwaite was killed while serving with the Fleet Air Arm. At School his record was without blemish. Of him it can be truly said that pleasant was he in life. His friends in Seahaven House will miss him greatly. After leaving School with a good School Certificate he went into the County Surveyor's Department, where he would, no doubt, have qualified as a civil engineer. His parents' grief is shared by all of us who knew him.

Robert Gabbittas was one of the many sterling fellows the School gave for the R.A.F. In the happy pre-war period when school days were occupied with the little things of life, few of us realised that lads of his generation possessed those hidden qualities which would save the country in its darkest hour. He was comissioned on completing his training in Canada, flew a bomber back to England and then served with Coastal Command. Transferred to Transport Command, the plane he was flying crashed in a storm in India and he, with the rest of the crew, was killed. His loss was a sad blow to his parents and friends. We grieve with them.

Charles Grevett was a quite young boy at School when the war commenced. He was evacuated to Bedfordshire in the dark days of 1940 and, leaving school, was employed first in the motor industry and then in forestry. He volunteered for the R.A.F. and obtained his air-gunner's wing in Southern Rhodesia in 1944. He was killed when his plane crashed on a practice flight in Warwickshire. He was only 19. Although we had not seen him since he left the district, we remember him for his sturdy qualities. The impressive tribute paid at his funeral by friends and representatives of organisations which had known him after he left us was sufficient indication of the affection and respect he inspired.

PTE. THOMAS A. HAYWARD (1930-??), Oxford and Bucks L.I.
Tom Hayward's name brings back memories of 1930. He was one of the boys transferred to us when we opened in that year. Tall, handsome and attractive in appearance, he had a pleasant guileless disposition which made him popular with his friends. In the days when we played soccer, he achieved prominence as a back in the School XI and was afterwards active in the Old Boys' Association. He was killed when serving with B.A.O.R. His Regimental Headquarters were being shelled and Tom was hit by the first shell when carrying straw from a barn. We shall miss him at Old Boys' reunions and are deeply sorry for his mother and young wife.

Edwin Knowles wrote to us shortly before he was killed. We have just re-read his letter. Its quiet humour and delicacy of feeling reveal thaf here died a very gallant gentleman. Knowles passed the Civil Service examination in 1939 and commenced his duties in London just as war broke out. In 1942, having seached military age, he volunteered for aircrew duties and did his training in Canada, where he was commissioned. Returning to England, he was transferred to gliders and completed his training on these machines early in 1945. The authorities were preparing for the Rhine crossing. In the same squadron was David Marande, serving, like Knowles, as a pilot. The great day arrived. Let David tell the story. In a letter he says : " It may interest you to know that just before we took off Knowles said to me ' This is just one more page of history in which Old Leweseans are represented,' and though it was said half in jest the old School was not forgotten, preoccupied as we were."
When they came over the landing zone a German smoke screen blotted out land marks. Marande came through safely after hair-raising experiences. Knowles did not come back. David continues': " I think that he, like many others, had been unable to find the landing zone and came down right into the muzzles of some German guns." Knowles was married and was the father of a month-old baby when he lost his life. May God comfort his wife and his parents, too.

Fred Moore was another of our Old Boys who entered the School when we opened in 1930. To all his friends he was known as " Smiler," as good a nickname as any fellow could wish. After leaving School he took up an appointment with W. H. Smith, and Sons and was doing so well that soon he would undoubtedly have become a branch manager. He was killed in action in Italy on October 2, 1944. He was a sound, quiet fellow with many excellent qualities. He is sadly missed by his young wife, parents and friends.
[A short biography has been written by Peter Fellows - a nephew]

L.A.C. DENNIS G. MOPPETT (19??-??), R.A.F.V.R.
Dennis Moppett was an upright fellow who would have wilfully harmed no one. After leaving School, where he obtained a good School Certificate and was one of our most enthusiastic campers, he entered an insurance firm. Joining the R.A.F., he was in Malaya when the Japs overran it. He escaped to Java, but when this was in turn captured he was taken prisoner of war. He survived the brutalities of the Japanese until January, 1945. The innocence of his life makes his death the more sad. An only son, his loss is a tragic blow to his parents and all who knew him.

Fred Ruffle lived a full life at School, gained an excellent School Certificate passed the competitive Civil Service examination and played for the School XV as a scrum half. In the R.A.F. his career was equally distinguished, culminating in the award of the D.F.C. The citation states : " One night in October (1944) he took part in an operation involving a mine-laying mission. His task was to detract the concentrated fire of the defences. Gun positions and searchlight defences were relentlessly attacked and a number of them put out of action. The results obtained reflect the greatest credit on the ability and resolution of Ruffle and another officer, whose efforts contributed materially to the success of a hazardous mission." Ruffle, who was navigator of his plane, had to time his arrival on the target only a few seconds before the arrival of the mining force. Great skill and perfect co-ordination were necessary. We believe his target was the Kiel Canal. He had previously carried out a similar mission over the Dortmund-Ems Canal. Little more than a month later he was killed in a flying accident. Like Knowles he leaves a widow and young child. Fred's home was at High Hurstwood. He was one of the country lads who have given Uckfield House so outstanding a record in this war. A finer set of fellows could not be found anywhere. We mourn his loss.

F/OFFICER J. E. STEVENS (19??-??), R.A.F.V.R.
Stevens was one of our Hove boys whose successors now attend the County School there. Like Ruffle, he was active in many spheres of School life. He was a member of the School XI when we played soccer and took one of the leading parts in our production of " The Pretenders." He had a good voice and excellent presence. After gaining a School Certificate he entered a Brighton office but he intended ultimately to take Orders and to be ordained. He had already commenced reading to that end before entering the R.A.F. He gained his wings and a commission in South Africa, served in the Middle East and then with Coastal Command based on Malta. On the night of September 12-13, 1944, his plane a Ventura, failed to return from a convoy escort. No further news has been heard of him. So passes a very likeable and gallant fellow.

2/LIEUT. JOHN WINTON (19??-??), South Staffordshire Regiment.
John Winton was obviously a leader. Everything he did proclaimed it. These qualities were emphasised by a handsome presence. As a small boy he captained his Form and was always the dominating figure in games periods on the football field. When the County School at Hove was opened he was transferred there. Put he never fargot us. He served as a Sergeant with the South Staffordshire Regiment in the Far East and was one of the famous Chindits. He was awarded an immediate commission for gallantry in action against the Japanese. A few days later he was killed. His fine qualities were never more in evidence than during the last days of his life. His Colonel writes : " Before his death he performed many acts of bravery and gave fearless exhibitions of gallantry in carrying out some of the hardest tasks given to an N.C.O. It was on this account I offered him an immediate commission. I feel sure you will treasure his memory as a great boy who had the makings of a great leader in battle and who unselfishly gave his life for his King and country fighting this scourge of the world so as to make a place where decent people can live the way they deserve."
Let the Colonel's words on John Winton be the epitaph -- a fitting one on all those sons of the School who have died so gallantly and set so great a tradition for those of us who follow.

Requiescant in Pace


Owing to delay in publishing this copy of the School Magazine some of the following items may be old news. They will, nevertheless, be of interest to a large number of Old Boys.

Since our last issue we have heard of the following awards:

Military Cross : Capt. (now Major) J. F. Cull, R.E.; Capt. K. Lusted, R.A.; Capt. E. C. C. Wynter, R.A.

D.F.C. :
W/O E. Barfoot;
F/Lieut. C. Batten;
F/Lieut. P. Brown;
F/Officer E. C. Gates;
F/Lieut. D. Howard;
F/Officer F. Ruffle;
F/Lieut. O. Hill.

D.F.M. :
F/Sergt. L. A. W. Howes.

M.M. : Pte. M. Archer.
Mentioned in Despatches : Major W. S. Eade ; Lieut. R.. Faulkner R.N.V.R.

Signifies killed on active service.

Felicitations to Eric Barfoot and D. Howard on their marriages, to Cull and Eade on their majorities, and to Ted Wynter on playing for Oxford throughout the Easter term at rugger. May we meet him at Twickenham next December.
Bob Faulkner has now joined Wynter at " Teddy " Hall, Oxford where they look forward to welcoming as members of the same college next October Fred Cosstick and Denis Thomas, both of whom are at present on the staff, B. A.O.R., Fred as a Captain, Denis as a Major.

To complete news of 'Varsity Old Boys, " Ribs " Cooper has returned from war service to Trinity, Cambridge, where, we understand, he keeps a fatherly eye on those effervescent youngsters, Pilbeam, Henshaw and Stenton, whose time appears to be occupied in winning firsts, rowing and philandering. Cooper discovered an important Radar device for detecting mortars and is being sent to sea during the summer vac. in a submarine to conduct experiments on the Continental Shelf.

Ken Hills, at St. John's, Cambridge, uses his feet (outsize) to good advantage at rugger, running and on the college organ. Jack Franklin has been accepted as a member of FitzWilliam House, Cambridge, and John Howard at Selwyn College Cambridge.

Willie Wray, Captain, Royal Sussex Regiment, hopes to be back from India in time to enter Lincoln College, Oxford, next October. Thomas, at Southampton, mingles his science with membership of most of the college teams. Waiting patiently in the Services to return to Oxford or Cambridge are Martin Preece, Bob Ford, now Commissioned, Satchler, Caton, instructing R.A.F. personnel in history, Burgess, 2/Lieutenant in Sumatra, Charlwood, who is at the Air Ministry, and Blunden. We hope that Roy Stevens and Peter Cronin will also return to Cambridge after their war service.

We were delighted to learn that our Old Boy C. E. Piper, who left us when his parents moved from this district, is a classical scholar of Queen's College, Canibridge. Congratulations to N. V. Jarvis on his commission. He hopes to join the Oxford contingent and enter Magdalen in October, 1947.

One of the highlights of the period under review was the welcome we were able to give to Old Boys returning from captivitv. It was good to see once again such " old stagers " as Joe Green, Chas. Hall, John Lawrence, Pannett, John Howard, Alec Franklin, Bill Arnold and " Susie " Holman, who had survived the worst the Japs could do. These, with Carter, Austin, Macey, Trott, Watts, Fred White, whom we greeted earlier, complete our list of Old Boy P.O.W.s. Poor Dennis Moppett died in captivity and Ronald Green from the effect of it.

Geoff Ford has played for C.M.F. at rugger. He is a Fl.ight I.ieutenant and Radar specialist. Several Old Boys' have passed through his hands at Algiers including Basil Ingram. Gerald Cook has been granted a regular commission in the Navy and has been confirmed in his rank of Lieutenant Commander. Eric has left the Mansions Hotel at Easthourne and is now manager of the Grand Hotel, Broadstairs, " four star " and a swimming bath.

Tom Horgan is at the R.A.F. Staff College. John Hawkins is now a Major in the Scinde Horse. Congrats on his marriage. Congrats to Macey, who celebrated his freedom by entering captivity once more -- matrimonial. Desmond Banks has played for the C.M.F. at cricket. His brother Mervyn has been building up a cricket reputation at Twickenham, having played against Robins (Middlesex) and Gover (Surrey). He has now gone into the Forces. Robin Knebs is in the Intelligence Corps and at the same station as G. H. Carter, who has called to see us.

We were glad to welcome F/Lieut. Cyril Moss after a long stay in South Africa. Rex Berry is married, and from the photograph in the local paper appeared to enjoy the ceremony. Congratulations.

Dick Camplin, Royal Engineers, and Douglas Read-Collins, R.A., have both attained the exalted rank of Lieutenant-Colonel at the age of 26. Dick was responsible for all transport, movement in Malaya. Collins is in charge of a war criminal investigation group. Maurice Russell, Arthur Kitchener, Maurice Relf, Arthur Sinnock and Sammy Gates, after serving their country in the Forces, now propose to serve it with the ferrule -- as schoolmasters. Russell has secured admission to St. Peter's Hall, Oxford.

L. F. Bowles has been released from national service after graduating at Trinity College, Cambridge, and is now at Lincoln Theological College. We congratulate him on his discernment in becoming engaged to a classics graduate from " the other place." Arthur Holton has, on the contrary, remained exclusively within the Cambridge circle.

George Akehurst is out of the Navy and has accepted a post with Phillips, the radio manufacturers. We congratulate him on his marriage. Tom Wickens, Emery, Adams and Clements can now be seen planning new roads for Sussex. The Forces know them no more.

R. E. Lawson (R. E. Brown) was captured by the Germans in Africa, sent as a P.O.W. to Italy escaped after three attempts, regained our lines, came to England was " dropped " over the Rhine when we made the big crossing, went out East, taught the children of Java " Auld Lang Syne," and is now suppressing brigands in North Malaya. No wonder he is an R.S.M. We have at Schosl the swastika he captured when he helped to storm the Luftwaffe barracks at Osnabruck.

Still serving in Italy are Wilfred Chilton, who has been made Pay Corporal much to his disgust and A. F. Kirk, who has sentimental reasons for staying there. Congratulations on his marriage. Chilton is at Verona. Kirk at Bologna, where he has met Peter Thorpe. Norman Thorpe is back from the Far East. He has flown nearly 2,000 hours.

John Turner is still in the R.A.F. serving in Transport Command. He has recently flown the New Zealand Prime Mimster back home, travelling by way of the Azores, Bermudas, U.S.A., Hawaii and Fiji Islands. Another trip with the Adjutant-General took him via Egypt, India and Malaya to Java, with a return call in Greece and Italy.

Shoulders has left industry for the R.E.s and when he wrote was at Portland. Perkins still pursues the interminable course of an R.A. O.C.T.U. He has played soceer and rugger for his battery and won three boxing bouts by knock-outs. Alec Blake, after a tough time in the Navy, was invalided out and is now employed by the East Sussex W.A.E.C. soil testing. Don has returned to the County Hall from the R.A.F.

We were very glad to make contact once more with P. Reed, of Seaford, who is serving in Signals in the M.E.F. Stan Hemsley is an L.A.C. in Ceylon and when last he wrote was stationed near Colombo. Philip Camplin has now returned home, a veteran of Iraq, North Africa, Sicily, Italy Normandy and Burma. Can anyone beat this ?

Eric Gordon, when he wrote to us, was a Sub-Lieutenant on the destrover Cavron and was helping to settle the Indonesian question. He has now returned to England. Alan Crouch, from Hailsham, is in the R.A.F. and has been at Heaton Park, well known to many Old Boys. Traylen is in a Training Battalion in Northern Ireland and was one of a guard of honour for Princess Elizabeth.

Charman sent us a card from Zanzibar. He has now returned to his job at Hellingly. A similar card gave us news that John Rutherford was at Chunking. Wherever next ? Neville Woodbury has spent three and a half years in India and Burma and is now back home. He proposes to complete his qualificatious as an architect.

News of masters, past and present -- Maurice Dolden ended as a Major in paratroops and is now a master at Rugby School. Frank Stevens also got his majority and is headmaster of Ormskirk Grammar School. S. R. N. Smith after Dunkirk and Burma, returned to School with the rank of Major. The Scouts are pleased. Silk (Burma) and Courtney (Mediterranean) both got captaincies and are back at School. O'Brien has also returned from his duties as a P.O. in the Navy. Pett, Instructor Lieutenant is expected back shortly. Dick Page, Staff Major, has just returned from S.E.A.C. (Ask him how many dead bodies were included in his kit.) Norman Pratt we welcomed back from an explosives factory six months ago. When last we heard of John Stripe he was a Wing Commander, Middle East. Old Boys will rejoice to hear that Ronnie Bowman is now headmaster of Bishop's Castle Grammar School, Shropshire.

When last they wrote George Wilkins, Bryan Strange, Peter Walden, Jimmy Hobden, Lovegrove, K. Moorey, J. L. Wright, David Hillyer and Bernard Baldwin were still serving in the R.A.F. in India. Baird was in Transport Command in Hong Kong and had met Dodson at Rangoon.

Soar was also in the Army in India, while Norman Ashdown and Leonard Haynes had gone to the same place. Basil Ingram and E. H. B. Sellwood. were, waiting to return from the Middle East. (Baldwin and Ingram have arrived at School since the above note was written, tanned but fit).

David Pollard, who has now been in the Navy for over 12 years, was married last September. His courage at the altar was fortified by the silent singing (we are glad it was silent) of " Floreat Lewesia." Good luck to him and Mrs. David. Geoff Crouch, who with David started School printing and produced the first copy ever of The Barbican, came to see us after five years in the Mediterranean. Our best wishes to Clifford Crouch on his marriage. Vandall, not satisfied with service in North Africa and Italy, is now in B. A.O.R.

W. S. McKimm has left the Air Force and his brother Louis is due to leave the Army. We congratulate W. S. on his marriage. G. A. Simmons served with fighter wings in Eng1and round about D-Day and is now with the R.A.F. in Italy. E. D. Simmons is serving with the R.A.F. in Australia after six months in Europe. Ken Grainger, Flight Lieutenant, has returned to England and hopes to become a vet.

Bill Hazlerigg is again in Civvy Street and proposes to take up a business career. We have had several cards from John Croft, who has entertained the Forces on the Continent in a number of shows. He is a professional actor and played with Donald Wolfit in the West End.

Graham Brown, who left us at 15 to go to Felsted, got his House Rugger Colours in his first term. E. H. B. Sellwood has been doing E.V.T. work in Egypt. E. C. Scutt served with a Typhoon wing in Tactical Air Force and wrote to us from Sylt.

Philip Ridley was in the 6th Airborne Division which was dropped over the Rhine. He is now a Captain, Intelligence, B.A.O.R. An hour after landing in Germany he met our old master, Maurice Doldin, nursing a nasty knock on the head. Dolden thought Ridley had crossed the Rhine to dodge another gym period. Bingham went to France in 1944 with Movement Control and is still serving abroad in Germany. John Holton has returned from Burma. Arthur holds a " Met " commission in the R.A.F. When Guy Gravett last wrote to us he was in Italy. We have heard he is now a Major.

Of our Old Boy prisoners, Pannett was released by the Russians and made his way to Prague. He saw the smashed Skoda works at Pilsen. Arnold, who was in Silesia, lived for three days on potatoes and marched nearly 400 miles. John Lawrence had a difference of opinion with a Nazi guard and expressed himself " forcibly."

John Henderson came over from Germany to do a course in England and then returned -- to do something else. He landed in France on June 8, 1944, and followed the Jerries back to Germany. He is now back in England.

G. R. Wren has followed Mills and Tompsett to Vickers-Armstrong, Weybridge. Mills is vice-captain of the Rugger XV there. Congrats. to " Tubby " Beal on his marriage. His brother Bernard struck a mine in the Channel, but, fortunately, escaped. Keith Bacon was an N.C.O. instructing at Colchester, where he had with him Jack Kitchener and Oxley, also instructing, and Waldron. Posted to an O.C.T:U., he had pneumonia instead. Finally, arriving at Wrootham, he tried conclusions on a motor-bike with a wire fence and left part of his right calf behind. We hope he has now fully recovered.

Martin Preece, when last he wrote, was a Lieutenant, R.N.V.R., and in command of an M.L. off Naples -- all at the age of 19. We have heard since that he is now in Greek waters. Arthur Rich managed to get 65 days' agricultural leave last summer, but has now returned to Germany. He served in tanks until the fighting finished. Only on one occasion, he says, were they nearly hit. " Luckily, the only damage done was to a harmless tin of rice pudding which we were storing to celebrate."

Harold Emerson is in Rio de Janeiro working for Cable and Wireless. He was mistakenly clapped in gaol with U-boat prisoners and German spies. Walter who left us to go to Spalding Grammar School, is captain of the school, a member of the Rugger XV and numerous other societies. Hearty congratulations.

David Marande is back in England and when he wrote was instructing in Hampshire. At the crossing of the Rhine David was pilot of a glider, which he managed to put on the ground after dodging high-tensian cables, farmhouses and a few other obstacles. Once on ground he found a slit trench a welcome adjunct until our troops had joined up with him.

Gerald Busk is in Birmingham serving an engineering apprenticeship. Mirabile dictu -- he has not yet seen Aston Villa. We were very pleased to see Bob Lusted after his long sojourn in the Middle East. He was at Tobruk. Street wrote to us from Malta, where he was serving in the R.A.F. He had spent six months in Italy and was hoping to meet Lyons who was in the Navy, stationed at Valetta.

Grayson has left the R.A.F. and hopes to find a post in industrial chemistry. Jack Lockyer called after his return from the Mediterranean and brought with him nephew Gray, who was in the stiff Reichswald fighting with the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.

Gibbons has now ceased to instruct in agriculture and has a post with a firm of seed merchants. Pleasant visits have also been paid to the School by Sam Henderson, still prospering with his fuller's earth, W. H. Smith, D. Holmes, Michael and Patrick Palethorpe, the latter after a long sojourn in North and South Africa, and J. D. Willmot who was in the R.A.F. at Yatesbury. Arthur Willmot got his wings and a commission and called with his wife.

Haggar believes in living dangerously. After trying conclusions with one of the few bombs dropped in Lewes, he obtained his commission and wings in the R.A.F. Now he is one of the few men who have gone over the cliffs of Beachy Head in a car and lived to tell the tale. We believe his next effort is to shoot Niagara in a tub.

We were glad to welcome at School, Will, Bushnell, Humphery, both Dumbrells and Lester. Bushnell and Tony Dumbrell hope to leave the R.A.F. for the Rhodesian Police. Humphery and Lester are in the Merchant Navy. Lester was torpedoed on his first voyage when only a few miles out of the Thames Estuary.

R. W. Short is in the R.A.F. and found himself at the same camp as Rumens. R. L. White has joined the same Service. Billson has now got his master's certificate in the Merchant Navy, our first Old Boy to achieve this. K. Brown is still in London with Cable and Wireless, but we believe that like Harold Emerson, the remainder of the Lewes contingent have now gone abroad. Bentley was in Rome and Gerald Bean in Ceylon.

Congratulations to Vernon Brock, whose engineering Cadetship has now been followed by a commission. His brother, " R. H.," has now entered the R.A.F.

Foster (A. J. Schmid) wrote to us from Capetown, where he met Palethorpe and Jock Holmes. Foster served on a destroyer in the Medlterranean, where they supported the Sicily landing and got a sub. Then on to South Africa, bomhed by Focke-Wulf Condors on the way, ran aground, reached the Cape minus a propeller -- but found a fiancee in Cape Town. Some compensation.

A. J. Stock wrote to us from Ghent, where he was in Signals. He was getting some soccer, but no rugger, and was enjoying life. Roy Naisbitt is in London studying at an art studio.

We congratulate Dicker on getting his B.Sc. at the age of 19, A. G. Green on his commission, Woods, of Plumpton, on his wings, and Rooke on winning prizes at his passing out examination as a Seaman Boy. Holding paid us a visit. He, too, was training for the Navy.

Last news of " Lobby " Hall was that he was a Warrant Officer engaged in Air-Sea Rescue. He had been overseas for over three years. Bob Wilson, flying dual in cloud during training, was crashed into by another plane and had to bale out hurriedly. We congratulate him on a safe landing and on his commission and wings.

Last we heard of Jerrard was on the aircraft carrier Colossus in the Far East. Dick Rees, on H.M.S. Woodcock, is one of the Old Boys who has sampled Australian hospitality, surfing in the long Pacific rollers, riding all day amidst magnificent scenery on the Darling Downs, and eating like a king. " Can you imagine a steak, large as a dinner plate, soft and tender, covered in onions, and three or four eggs ? " Yes, Dick, we can, but we would sooner see and taste one. Dick thinks Australia a grand place to farm. He has now returned to England.

We caught a glimpse of H. F. H. Sharp at the fete, but had no time for a yarn. Before VE Day he was captain of a Liberator and did some nice submarine strafing in the Baltic. Afterwards he was moved to Transport Command and was doing round trips to India, with visits to Egypt and Palestine.

John Cyster left the R.A.F. and volunteered for Infantry before the end of the war. Charles Baily returned to England after a long stay in the Middle East with R.E.M.E. He hopes to emigrate to New Zealand. When Clifford last wrote he was a Lieutenant, R.A.S.C., in Italy. David Greenwood was wounded while serving with the Hampshires in. B.L.A. His brother was also wounded rather badly in Burma. Both are now fit.

Kenneth Flint returned from service in Europe to go to the Far East in Paratroops. The news of his arrival caused the Japs to give in. Gordon Flint bas left the Navy and has taken up a business appointment in London. We had a long and most interesting lettcr from Dawe, who was at Alamein, but who returned to England in time for the landing on the beaches of Arromanches. Thence he saw all the stiffest fighting, including the Reichswald and Ardennes shows, the Rhine crossing, finally ending at Cuxhaven. Afterwards he was sent to help clear up a Nazi concentration camp. " Imagine 60 people in a room obviously built for zo. They are dressed in an odd assortment of rags and are lying on the fioor in their own excreta, just skeletons, too weak to raise a hand . . . Thank God the Germans never landed in England."

Dawe in the pursuit of the Germans across France, passed within a few kilos of Les Andelys, scene of our 1933 School Camp. We have been able to welcome at School A. F. Akehurst and Ireland, both of whom entered the Navy as artificer apprentices. Both were in their Rugger XV, Akehurst as skipper.

D. C. Berry, stationed at Belfast, now a full-blown E.R.A. (air), appeared to be spending a very profitable time in the Northern Ireland capital. Alan Wilkie paid us a most pleasing visit after serving in Commandos. His brother Ian gained his wings. We have also received visits from Bryant, serving on the Isle of Guernsey, and Warr, now in the Army.

Turton, like Traylen, has been doing Arrny training in Northern Ireland with a potential officer unit. We had a wedding card from Harry Bartholomew, Lieutenant, R.N.V.R., and congratulate him on his marriage. Stiller, despite the superabundance of aircrew, has managed to get his navigator air bomber wing. Congratulations.

Buller Sinfield was in the dash of the 11th Armoured Division which reached Antwerp before the Boche could effect any destruction. Peter Hall has completed his service in the Far East and is now back with Cable and Wireless on the administrative side. He has obtained a licence to build a house. The Nelson touch again.

Alan Rogers, Sub-Lieutenant ( A.), when he wrote last, was seeking entrance to a medical school. We hope he was successful. Gordon Doust, who left us to enter the Royal Naval Torpedo Depot, Weymouth, as an apprentice, has since passed London Matric. and is studying for the examinations of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.

Harry Collis, operating with the British and American Fleets, was one of the few Englishmen to bomb Japan. The School was represented, as usual. Geoffrey Knight came back from Austria, but his home had been destroyed by a flying bomb the day after his family had left for a holiday. Among the articles salvaged was his " Integrity and Honour " Shield.

Alfie Green was a Captain in the 43rd Division which helped to pull the airborne troops out of Arnhem, where he got a slight wound. After that he was in the fighting round Cleves, Goch and Xanten. When he wrote -- a few days before the Boche packed up -- he was under orders for the Far East. Perhaps the turn of ewents meant he never got there.

Frank Walder, 1930 vintage, who married several years ago, wrote to us just as hostilities ceased. He was living in Middlesex and had just completed 10 years in the R.A.F. He was contemplating the Government emergency course for teachers.

Filtness visited us once more from the Durham mines. He had had a period of illness, but was still cheerful, as was Bridgman, who is also producing coal. Leo Wynter, after his Mediterranean experiences, did a trip to the Far East, but is home-based once more. Gingel, who is in the pits in South Wales, intends to abandon the bank and work for his mine manager's certificate. Good show. John Brown and Pillinger called after seeing service in Belgium. John Hall is now out of the Navy. Charles, by the way, did a 240-mile march as a P.O.W.

The elder Randall did a strafing expedition in a Spitfire on a target in Holland. His plane crashed in a forest clearing. Randall " hopped it " and took refuge in a Dutch cottage. After working on a farm, the scent got too hot and he spent a large part of the winter 1944-45 hiding in a canal barge. His diet was mainly potatoes and milk, brought to him by the villagers. He was finally released by the advancing Canadians. He appeared entirely unperturbed by his experiences. His brother, we believe, is in Egypt, also in the R.A.F.

Clapson, when he last wrote, was on H.M.S. Montclare and had gone out East. He could not tell us what he was doing, but he had left submarines. At one port abroad an Old Boy in the Merchant Navy, a former member of VB -- "no names, no pack drill" -- found that the French he had learnt at school enabled him to carry on a conversation during his visits to her home with "a charming young lady there." "I felt very proud," he says, "to be able to speak French to her. When I had sadly left that port I wrote to her in French. After that incident I have proved to myself that any lad who does not try to master French is very foolish." We quite agree. We are rubbing up our own French, hoping for the best.

B. F. Clark and Gaylor have sailed some thousands of miles in most parts of the world, also Merchant Navy, while Henson, when he last visited the School, was also doing well.

Alfie Smith has moved to a fresh engineering firm in town and is working off his professional examinations. Chase has been on the O.C.T.U. course at Wrootham and is, we believe, in India, where Stuart has also gone for a commission in the Indian Army. Bernard Sharp has been given an R.E. commission in India. Congratulations.

John Baker, Sergeant, R.A.F., called to see us with his fiancee. He had just returned from overseas and when he last wrote was stationed in Devon. Jim, his brothcr, was still in India and married. Lawrence Pratt, when last we heard of him, was serving in the R.A.F. in Italy. We believe he has his wings. The brothers Metcalfe both thrive in the R.A.F. Arthur was in Egypt, Roy in Gloucestershire guarding the station fire trailer. We believe he has chosen teaching.

Paige of Crowborough, was badly wounded in Italy when his tank received a direct hit giving support to infantry holding a bridehead across a river. He was discharged from the Army and is now a law student. He was in the fighting at Cassino and before serving in Italy was in North Africa.

John Appleby looks in from time to time when he gets a few days off from the Merchant Navy. He made an excellent Quartermaster at the Scout Camp held by the School Troop this Easter. Frank Bevan is the proud father of a son. We understand that he has now left the R.A.F., where he was a Flying Officer, and has returned to the engineering branch of the G.P.O. He told us that Barnett was a Sergeant in the C.M.P. at Calais and regretted he did not pay more attention to Mr. Auld at School.

David George, after taking his degree in engineering at Cambridge, was directed in a civilian capacity -- much to his disgust -- to a Naval shore station. Afterwards he was commissioned and when last he wrote was somewhere in the Mediterranean.

Brian Thomas went to the rescue of a Dutch child who had strayed into a minefield and of a Dutch civilian who had been injured trying to rescue the child. Unfortunately, a further mine exploded and we fear Brian's rugger days are over. We congratulate him on his gaIlantry and on his escape.

Ronald Holder wrote to us from King George V. We saw an account in the paper of his marriage in Australia and caught a glimpse of him digging the garden in Southover. Frank Dusart successfully completed the R.A.F. University course at Southampton, but then found himself one of the unfortunates -- supernumary to aircrew requirements. However, he did a fair amount of flying before being grounded. Blunden is in the same plight -- odd jobs until the time of his release. He had nearly completed his aircrew training in U.S.A. when lease-lend terminated. He was immediately shipped back to England. Hard luck !

We offer our deepest sympathy to Asplin, who lost an arm in the fighting in Sicily. When he came to see us he was very cheerful and was working for M.A.P. We have heard that Hopkins, of Newhaven, was a glider pilot at Arnhem and was taken prisoner there, but we have no details. Is there any hot spot where the School has not been represented ?

S/Leader Norman Hancock was given a staff job as a rest from " ops." He had a day off to visit his old squadron and took a " flip " to keep his hand in. He met a V1 [flying bomb] and shot it down. Norman flew the Typhoon presented by the Fiji Islanders and broadcast to them about it.

We have not heard from Duchossay lately, but believe that he strafed Jerries in Bostons until the end. We have an idea it was he who made a forced landing at Friston when some of our A.T.C. Cadets were on the drome.

We were glad to get into touch with Kearley once again, who joined the Regular Army before the war. He was serving in Siguals in Italy. We have had another visit from Martin, who, while working as an engineer at Lincoln, held a commission in the Home Guard and managed to pass Inter. B.Sc. Good show.

Basil Pawson was U/T aircrew, but suffered the usual fate -- remustered for ground trade. When he wrote he was in Devon -- learning the language and sucking cider through a straw." Patrick Read, after his family moved to Essex, spent four months on a farm in Wiltshire and then did a course at an agricultural institute near Chelmsford. We have an idea he is now in the Forces.

Congratulations to Pat Power, who was eventually granted his engineering commission in the R.N.V.R., graduating via Newhaven workshops. He went over the other side on D Day. His ship was sunk and he had to swim ashore. Afterwards he was wounded. Wright is an F.A.A. apprentice at Rosyth. E. K. Payne, Lieutenant, R.N.V.R., wrote to us from the Far East. He had had a spell in Ceylon and had moved on to India, where he ran into Peter Hall -- and recognised him after a lapse of umpteen years.

R. W. Taylor who moved from Peacehaven to Middlesex, is working in the research laboratories of the G.E.C. and working at night for a degree. Howes paid us a welcome visit after gaining his D.F.M. He was stationed in Wiltshire. Gerry Sutton formerly of Uckfield, now living at Chatham, Ontario, graduated as a pilot in the Canadian Air Force only to be discharged as redundant. He contacted the Russian and Chinese Consuls in Vancouver, but they did not need pilots either. So his hopes of visiting the Old Country by air came to naught. Hard luck.

Geoffrey Smith has continued his career throughout the war as a farmer at West Hoathly. We believe that Victor Page is now out of the R.A.F. and has a Civil Service appointment. Will Malling, when last he wrote, was still at G.H.Q., Cairo. He had met Colin Banks in Palestine. Colin is now out of the Forces and has returned to Messrs. Hall as manager of a Southamptpn branch.

Peter Williams managed to get his wings and a commission in the R.A.F. before the " close down." David is now out of the Forces. John Pay, when last we saw him, was on the last lap for a degree at Cardiff. " Desi " Moore is a P.T. Instructor in the R.A.F. The other " Desi ", -- FitzGerald -- has left the Air Force and is our first Old Boy member of the Lewes Borough Council. Congratulations: We hope he does not feel an infant among greybeards.

Last news of Lander was that he was searching in the Himalayas for a new peak -- Mount Samson Smith. He will find it at School, Room 10. Arthur Sinnock, after considerable service in the R.A.F. at home, has gone to India. L. R. Butchers was transferred before the end of the war from the R.A.F. to R.A.C. Bob Butchers is still in the Forces, but managed to get in a few rides during the steeplechasing season. Incidentally, Michael Rees appears to be establishing himself as an apprentice jockey.

We were glad to receive a Christmas card from Surgeon-Lieut. G. W. Allen inscribed " H.M.S. Gosling. ' The rest is silence.' " At any rate, we hope his patients are as the teeth come out.

Jenner served with the R.A.C. against the Boche and is still in Germany. Dewdeney, whose long training as an Engineering Cadet must now be over, had the bad taste to help Brighton Technical College to beat the School at rugger. Tony Ford and Michael Frank were equally guilty.

John Taylor, who had a bad health passage, is working on a farm at Wadhurst. Eric Lawler was another Old Boy who was wounded in the Italian fighting. He was discharged from the Army and has been back in Civvy Street some time. Rowland Barford came to see us when on leave. He was serving in Germany. Jerry Hutton, who collected a B.Sc. while working for Messrs. Phillips, radio manufacturers, with Civil Defence duties and overtime thrown in, is senior metallurgical analyst. He will be able to compare notes with George Akehurst.

Donald Howard's D.F.C. is already recorded in these notes. We have, however, to congratulate him on his marriage.

Amos is in Paratroops. Voice is serving at H.Q. in Greece. He hopes to meet Oxley, who is at Patras, and S. B. Taylor, who is in the Navy based on Malta, where Sims is also stationed.

T. Jarvis has been accepted at Magdalen College, Oxford, where he hopes to go into residence in October, 1947. He is at present a Subaltern serving in the M.E.F.

A. J. Burgess, 2/Lieutenant, R.A., after serving in India and visiting Ceylon and Singapore, flew to Sumatra in a Dakota. He has played for the Army against the R.A.F. at rugger and is occupied with patrols against the Indonesians. He thinks Nehru the ablest man in India and Pakistan largely bluff by Jinnah.

C. R. Kelley, Sergeant, R.A.F., who amongst other places visited Malta, Corsica and Naples, is now back in Civvy Street. We have heard that Tony Pullinger, who was in the R.A.C., is now at an Infantry O.C.T.U.

Don Castle, Flight-Lieutenant, acted in " The First of the Few." Mark Berry, W.O., R.A.F., called with Barnes. He was instructing. A. W. Renville served with the 2nd Battalion Somerset L.I. in Italy. Bob, his cousin, is demobilised and is frequently mentioned in local papers both as batsman and bowler. S. F. Hills,. when last he wrote, was in Commando Signals and about to go to the Far East -- or so he thought.

We congratulate G. W. Taylor on his marriage to Betty Martin, whose parents served the School so long. Ossy Hill is back in civilian life and has secured a business appointment in London. Pulling, after being Welter-Weight Champion, R.N.V.R., has also been demobbed. Michael and David Joslin are still farming in Kent and supply news items to the local paper. We believe Delmon is at the War House.

K. L. Coles attended Speech Day, 1944, before departing with the R.A.F. for B.N.A.F. Michael Rayward has a business appointment in London. Congratulations to Ronald Smith, who gave a pianoforte recital in the Home Service of the B.B.C. on June 25. To Jack Pettit, too, on his majority and safe return to England.


We gratefully record more gifts and donations amounting to £ 2,495  5s. 11d.

Amount previously acknowledged £ 1,534 18s.  3d.

Grand total to date £ 4,030   4s.  2d.

E. S. Gates
G. R. Satchler
S. T. H. Pilbeam
One Rabbit
K. Wells
Rugger Jersey
R. Rogers
W. F. A. Davies
R. Hoad
M. J. Falkner
W. C. Evans (O.L.)
George Akehurst (O.L.)
Mrs. Wright
R. A. Harland (O.L.)
R. Freeman
R. C. Blythe (In Memoriam)
R. E. Oxley (O.L.)
L. Dorian
Norman Green (O.L.)
John Stait
Bruce Tindale (In Memoriam)
School Field (Potatoes)
One Rabbit
D. G. Hayward
Kreb's Apples
Donald Stone (In Memoriam )
Mrs. Harry Carr
Alan Orchard (In Memoriam)
V. Maywood (O.L.)
J. F. Stenning (O.L.)
Hayes' Eggs
Cyster's Rabbit
Denis Crouch (O.L.)
J. F. Lester
Cyril Turner (O.L.)
Roland Barford (O.L.)
Bob Butchers
T. Stanley Brown,. Esq
David Hillyer (O.L.)
Arthur and Jack Kitchener (O.L.s)
Bob Page (O.L.)
Pat Goodsell
Mr. and Mrs. Gearing
Kenneth Gearing (O.L.)
Alfred Rogers
J. K. Bird
K. Smith
School Catholics
D. Burden
Form IIIs
Headmaster's Geese
Alan Crouch (O.L.)
S. F. Hills (O.L.)
E. L. Chase (O.L.)
Hayrick, 1944
School Garden
D. A. Caton (O.L.)
G. Yandell (O.L.)
P. Read (O.L.)
S. T. H. Pilbeam
E. C. Wynter (O.L.)
P. C. Grantham
R. W. Taylor
David George (O.L.)
G. D. Sutton (O.L.)
L. A. W. Howes (O.L.)
Ronald Holford (In Memoriam)
Eric Dadswell (O.L.)
Fred Ruffle (In Memoriam)
Anthony Calwell (In Memoriam)
A. J. Burgess (O.L.)
Fred Cosstick (O.L.)
John Howard (O.L.)
Mr. R. J. Ketchell
Miss Scrase
Jack Duchossay (O.L.)
Lawrence Pratt (O.L.)
Lewis D. Essex, Esq.
K. W. Smith
Derek Burden
Patrick Joy, Esq.
Cricket Flannels
Fillery's Football Boots
Mrs. Michell
A. W. B. (Anon.)
Alfred Rogers
D. E. Harman (O.L.)
Pat Goodsell
Mr. Grayson
J. H. Jarvis, Esq.
Brian Cormwall (In Memoriam)
Charles Phillips, Esq.
D. W. J.
J. O. Church
John Cyster (O.L.)
L. G. Sellwood (O.L.)
Church's Eggs
Bob Faulkner (O.L.)
F. A. Holton (O.L.)
D. R. Boscott (O.L.)
Shoesmith's Strawberries
Kreb's Gooseberries
F. E. Pannett (O.L.)
R. W. Short
L. A. Hoadley
Alfred Rogers
J. A. Burt, Esq
R. Wells
Commander W. Ibbett
D. Burden
Pat Goodsell
K. W. Smith
Mrs. Michell
John Henshaw
Mrs. Wrenn
W. H. Baker, Esq.
Geoffrey Knight (O.L.)
W. A. Fursden, Esq.
Mrs. Hills
Mrs. O. M. Brickell
Raymond Brickell (O.L.)
R. W. Cole
R. Holder (O.L.)
E. D. Simmons (O.L.)
Jack and Alec Franklin (O.L.s)
Arthur Sinnock (O.L.)
K. J. Pink
Ken Hills.
Frank Stevens
R. L. White (O.L.)
B. F. Clark
D. F. Hunt
R. Street (O.L.)
Chapel Service Collections
School Dances
County Town Ball
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chilton
Miss Daniels
D. F. G. Moore (O.L.)
Football Boots
Mrs. Barnes
Mrs. Blunden
Dr. Nicholl
E. J. Burgess
Mr. Rolliston (Hellingly)
Uckfield P.C.C.
A. C. Rumens (O.L.)
W. S. and L. McKimm (O.L.s)
B. Winter (O.L.)
Miss Perfect
Mrs. Rogers
K. W. Smith
Pat Goodsell
Mrs. Barnes
B. P. Russell
W. Wray (O.L.)
John Turner (O.L.)
James Paul
Form IVs Herald
Form IVJ Tribune
Form Remove Beacon
Form VI Political Review
Form Collection
Proceeds of School Fete, 1945
R. J. Ketchell, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Moore (In Memory of Fred)
T. H. Rea, Esq.
T. S. Brown, Esq.
Cricket Boots (per P. C. Eden)
Mrs. Kirk
Remove A
Mrs. Blunden
E. M. W. Painter
Gordon Flint (O.L.)
Alfred Rogers
Cricket XI
Hayrick (1945)
Porcus Primus

[Note:This list has been extracted from the original to show the names of the donors and gifts in kind without reference to the amount given.]

NOTE.-The Headmaster hoped to acknowledge in these pages the monetary donations he received in connection with the School Fete. However they cover 14 pages of an exercise book and amount to £565 19s. 6d. As he has already thanked donors personally or by letter, and as some parents and friends preferred to send gifts in kind for the auction he hopes that all those who so generously supported his appeal will understand that lack of space precludes further acknowledgement. He feels, however, that mention ought to be made of "In Memoriam" donations which were sent by parents and friends to commemorate individual Old Roys. These were received on behalf of Charles Batten, Fred Moore, James Stevens, R. E. Brown, Bob and Jack Barnes, Peter Duke, Harry Holmans, Dennis Moppett, John Winton, Fred Harvey, L. J. Wilson and Donald Dowden. They are additional to any enumerated above.

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