Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 23 - December 1947

The Original Barbican cover The war has been over for two years and the School, as with much of Great Britain, is limping slowly back to some sort of normality. The winter of that year was one of the hardest ever recorded with the railways out of action in the coal-fields and cruel shortages of fuel, food and essential supplies.

Only now are some of the staff back from the war, notably Mr Silk, with his gaunt features and deep mepacrine-yellow complexion, back from the Far East - a startling apparition to young eyes, but before the year is out he is actively producing the School Play.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys

December 1947


Captain of the School . . G. H. Ashdown.

Prefects :
Martlets . . R. J. Reynolds, M. V. Wells, P. A. Gallard, C. J.Oxley.
Lewes . . . G. H. Ashdown, J. Woolmore.
Seahaven . . P. D. E. Galer, R. W. E. Larkin, D. Burden, G. M. Burt, C. W. Hill, N. Jessop.
Uckfield . . A. P. Constable, J. M. Cunningham.

Form Captains : VA, P. Newman; VB, M. Balcombe; Remove A, T. B. Woods; Remove B, J. Brooker; Remove J, D. Long; IVA, J. Milnes; IVB, P. Turner; IVJ, G. Harris; IIIA, N. Farmer; IIIB, M. Lowdon; IIIJ, C. Ford; II, P. Muir; J.T.S. II, P. Holt ; J.T.S. I, P. Sutton.

Editors of the Magazine : G. M. Burt, C. J. Oxley, J. W. Searchfield.


Two years have passed since the cessation of hostilities, and our School has now completely cast off its war-time hardships, and has once again resumed normal peace-time activities. Conditions are by no means those of pre-war days and everyone is having to share the restrictions and shortages unavoidably imposed on this country after five years of exhausting warfare; but we trust that, with the gradual development of peace-time existence, this will eventually disappear. We realise, however, that a Utopian world cannot be achieved without the co-operation of every individual, however insignificant and unimportant he may seem; we therefore trust that the School, representative of the future generation, will pull its weight to save civilisation from the destruction towards which it seems to be rushing headlong. May the clear guiding lights of Reason and Truth, which should ever be the goals of education, be demonstrated by Lewesians to a world which seems temporarily to have lost sight of them.


Since our last issue the School has suffered a severe loss in the death of Mr. C. H. S. Ellis. Mr. Ellis had been a governor from the School's foundation. No one could have set a finer example of public service. He rarely missed a Governors' Meeting and never failed to attend Speech Day. He was present last July when our French guests were with us, although he looked desperately ill. We shall always remember his courage, his kindly humour, his keen interest in everything with which he was associated, and the calm and shrewd judgment he brought to bear on every problem. To many in the Education Servicc he was more than Chairman of the Committee. He was a friend. A large congregation expressed their respect and affection at a memorial service at Cuckfield Parish Church.

" They rest from their labours, And their works do follow them."

Tony Bushnell's death in a motor accident in Southern Rhodesia came as tragic news. He revelled so much in the vigorous physical enjoyments of life that it is hard to believe that death claimed him so soon. His contemporaries must have vivid memories of his merry disarming smile, his keen delight on warm sunny days to swim in the School bath, and his sturdy game as a member of the School Rugby pack. After coming safely through air-crew service in the R.A.F. he joined the Rhodesian Police Force and there met his end. We realise what a loss it must be to his parents and share their grief.

Economic conditions make it unlikely that we shall be able to commence our Memorial Chapel for some time. Meanwhile, our Old Boy, Bill Arnold, who was for so long a prisoner of war in Germany, has placed us deeply in his debt and at the same time paid his own personal tribute to the fifty-four members of the School who gave their lives, by presenting us with a fine board inscribed with their names. This now hangs in the Assembly Hall and is a constant reminder to us all.

We have fifteen Old Boys this term in residence at Oxford and seven at Cambridge - a remarkable record. Their activities are recorded on another page. About the same number are at other universities, hospitals and veterinary schools. At half-term the Headmaster was wined and dined at Oxford and spent a memorable time with the Old Boys there.

Peter Galer is our first pupil to gain admission to Sandhurst, but there are now a number of Old Boys who have been granted regular commissions in the three Services. These include Gerald Cook (Navy ), Brian Colvin, Geoffrey Ford and Bob Wilson (R.A.F.), and John Hawkins, J. E. Dewdney, K. Perkins and Douglas Read-Collin (Army). We have received a Christmas card from Read-Collins. He is a lieutenant-colonel in Tokyo.

Among university successes last summer should be recorded the First Class gained by Roy Stevens in the Honour School of English at Cambridge. We have said good-bye to Mr. Pratt, who has joined the staff at Brighton Technical College, and to Mr. Schofield, who has accepted the post of Senior History Master at Runcorn Grammar School. We are also about to experience a grievous loss in the departure of Mr. S. R. N. Smith to his old school at Leicester, and of Miss Smith to Brighton Technical College. We shall ever remember their contribution to the life of the School with gratitude. We welcome Mr. S. Godman, B.A. (London), Mr. K. Herbert, B.A. (Cantab), and Mr. White B.Sc. (London). We hope they will be happy in their work at Lewes.

We congratulate D. J. Cardy on being the King's Scout to represent Sussex at the royal wedding. He was on duty in the Abbey and his place of duty was the choir where the Cabinet and members of the royal families sat.

An account is given elsewhere in this Magazine of our very successful visit to Blois. We believe that our French guests enjoyed equally their visit to Lewes in July. Now we have with us for a year M. Jean Dubois from the Lycee of Blois. We trust he gains all that he hoped to do from his stay in England. We congratulate our Old Boy R. I. B. Cooper, who is lecturing at Trinity College, Cambridge, and Ronald Smith, who appears from time to time in B.B.C. musical programmes.

On the Third Sunday in Advent, L. F. Bowles, another Old Boy, was ordained deacon by the Bishop of Southwark for service at St. John the Baptist Church, Redhill. May his work there bear fruit a hundredfold.


House Masters .. Messrs. Larwill, Smith, Perkins, Schofield and Evans.
House Captaan . . G. Ashdown
House Prefect . . J. Woolmore

This year we lost Mr. Hoggins as House Master and we welcome Mr. Larwill in that position. We also welcome Mr. Smith, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Schofield and Mr. Evans into the House.

This year Lewes has risen in the Games Shield from the last position to the second and this has been achieved mainly by the keenness of the Rugby XV and by the help and encouragement of Mr. Smith. The junior footballers, although most of them tried their hardest, were not very successfulin their matches.

The results obtained in the competition for the Work Shield were below the standard set by previous members of the House. Much the same can be said of our performance for the Athletic Shield. They were very disappointing and, except for a few individualists, the standard was poor. We finished third in both cases. We fought hard to retain the swimming cup at one time the exclusive property of Lewes House, and had more standards been obtained, we should have beaten Seahaven. Our swimmers, and especially Newnham, held their own in the actual competition.

House Masters . . Messrs. O'Brien, Auld, Page, Nicholls and Duffin.
House Captain . . R. J. Reynolds.
House Prefects . . M. V. Wells, P. A. Gallard, C. J. Oxley.

September, 1946, saw Martlets, for the first time since the House reshuffle of I943, with a strong senior section. We therefore faced the rugger season with some confidence, but this confidence was rather misplaced. We secured an easy victory over Uckfield, but lost to Seahaven by two points. To the amazement of all we were then decisively beaten by Lewes. Despite their lack of success, the Seniors showed great keenness and were always ready to turn out for practices. In particular Wells and Stepney deserve special mention, as they almost made the side. Martlets, being strong in the senior section were correspondingly weak in the junior section. The Juniors tried hard but their efforts were unrewarded in the soccer season.

In the cross-country run the House did much better, beating Lewes who came second, by nearly a hundred points. This win was mainly due to the Colts, well backed up by the Seniors. The Hill twins came first and second, with Andrews third in the Colts. Reynolds came first in the Seniors. Once again Martlets won the athletic sports by a comfortable margin of points. This victory was mainly due to the efforts of Reynolds, Wells and Austin in the Seniors, and the Hill twins in the Colts.

On the day of the swimming sports Martlets did very well securing eleven points more than Seahaven. But owing to the few points obtained by boys passing standards, the House was finally placed third. It is to be hoped that more boys will make the eflort and get the necessary standards next year.

The less said about the Work Shield the better, as far as some members of this House are concerned. These boys will have to make a determined effort if Martlets are to win the Work Shield. On the whole it was a successful year for the House on the athletic side, but more effort is needed if we are to regain our position as "Cock House".

House Masters .. Messrs. Euston, Pett, Jones, Davies and Pratt.
House Captain . R. Larkin.
House Prefects . . C. W. Hill, G. M. Burt, D. Burden.

Several successes have come our way this year, especially on the playing fields. All three Rugby matches were won, due to team spirit combined with virile tenacity. The Junior Football Team was equally unimpeachable - not a match was lost. We lost the Cross-country Cup to Martlets, and we shall need a good team effort by the whole House to regain it next year.

In spite of an encouraging first term's work we were unable to retain the Work Shield, due mainly to a few members of the House who got consistently very low, or minus points, thus undermining the good work of others.

We made a bad start at cricket, by losing to Uckfield, but we beat Lewes and were again beaten by Martlets. The results of the athletic sports were disappointing, and much hard work is necessary by all the House next year, both in the races and in gaining points for standards, to prevent our being such a poor fourth again. In the swimming sports we gained fewer points than Martlets, but managed to win the cup by the large number of points, gained by the House as a whole for standards. This lesson may well be taken to heart for the Athletic Cup next year. Thus we hold the Games Shield and the Swimming Cup. Let us all work hard to hold these and regain the other trophies next year.

Mr. Pratt left us during the year ; we hope that he will be happy in his new work. Congratulations to our former House Captain, P. D. E. Galer, on gaining admission to Sandhurst. We wish him the best of luck.

House Masters . . Messrs. Taylor, Silk, Gourlay, Barton and Neasham.
House Captain . . A. P. Constable.
House Prefect . . J. M. Cunningham.

At the beginning of the year Uckfield welcomed Mr. Taylor as House Master in place of Mr. Jarvis, who has been appointed Headmaster of Haywards Heath County School. He had been our House Master since the opening of the School and we wish him every success in his new appointment. Although now rather late, we must take this opportunity of also welcoming Mr. Silk, back from the Services, and Messrs. Barton and Neasham.

As was shown by our Rugby and soccer, Uckfield is a comparatively young House. We had plenty of talent for our soccer team, who did well to win two out of three of their matches. In Rugby, however, we only just managed to find enough Seniors to form a team, but those who did turn out played with such spirit that we surprised our opponents in all three games and managed to draw with Lewes. Special mention must be made of P.Funnell whom we badly missed against Seahaven and who was the mainstay of our team.

The results of the cross-country this year were rather disappointing. During the Summer Term, however, we proved that Uckfield's runners were better at short distances and we gained second place for the Athletic Cup. Our efforts for the Swimming Cup were, I think, hampered by the exceedingly small number of Seniors in the House. In the academic sphere Uckfield was far more successful. We have just missed gaining the Work Shield for the last few years ; this year we reached our goal.

With the same House spirit as Uckfield showed in the Rugby and soccer this year we should do well in 1947-48. Let us continue to " go to it " - Vouloir, c'est pouvoir.



The Annual Speech Day was held on Wednesday, July 23rd, 1947 in the School Hall, under the Chairmanship of Sir Reginald Spence. We were privileged to have among us the French guests from Blois, and also a representative of His Excellency the French Ambassador who presented the prizes.

The list of successes was as follows :

Oxford : B. Burden, J. M. Cornford, C. W. Hill.
London : J. P. H. Davies, P. C. Eden, E. Lavender, R. J. Reynolds, B. R. Saunders.

J. M. Adams, B. Cornford, P. J. Funnell, D. C. Armes, M. J.Dorling, P. D. E. Galer, E. Carter, H. W. Franklin, P. J. Haughton, J. P. Carter, J. W. Funnell, D. J. Howard, F. S. Cole, K. W. Funnell, N. H. Jessop, B. McHugh, D. S. Fowlie, P. L. Shoesmith, R. G. Sargent, J. J. Fryatt, R. Stepney, D. F. Tomlin, J. M. Hall, R. J. Stephens, R. B. Treadaway, D. P. Hayes, W. Troy, A. R. White, E. C. Hill, D. R. Anson, J. H. Woolmore, H. M. Holmden, T. E. Bailey, B. N. Amos, J. E. Laker, T. E. Gallup, D. R. M. Barwell, R. F. Mecklenburgh, D. J. M. Hamilton, G. F. Blackmore, K. J. Nicholls, R. E. Long, D. R. Brooks, K Page, A. F. Markwick D. G. Carter, A. W . Platts, N. Parkinson, P. Cornwell, J. Sales, W. H. Robinson, F. C. Evans, G. S. Sandles, E. C. Streeter, R. Fahey, C. P. Sexton, C. W. J. Wallis, J. R. Fernee, A. F. Sharp.

D. Burden . . . . . Exhibition in Modern Languages, University College Southampton.
J. P. H. Davies . . Sambrook Scholarship in Medicine, King's College, London.
P. C. Eden . . . . . Drapers Scholarship in Engineering, University College, Southampton.
P. D. E. Galer . . Sandhurst Cadetship.
C. W. Hill . . . . . Open Scholarship in Modern History, University College, Exeter.
E. Lavender . . . . Ministry of Education Scholarship, St. Catherine's Society, Oxford.

M. J. Cornford, H. L. Fears, A. H. Rogers, B. R. Saunders, E. J. Vass.

(at Brighton Technical College or Brighton School of Art)>
R. D. M. Barwell, G. F. Blackmore, B. Cornford, H. W. Franklin,
P. J. Haughton, B. McHugh, D. F. Tomlin.

J. S. W. Henshaw . . . Class II. Part I. Economics Tripos, Trinity College, Cambridge.
K. A. Hills . . . . . . . . . Class II. Part I. Modern History Tripos, St. John's College, Cambridge.
E. Lavender . . . . . . . . Class II. Honours, Mathematical Moderations, St. Catherine's, Oxford.
R. C. Michell . . . . . . . 2nd M.B., London University (Guys Hospital).
S. T. H. Pilbeam . . . . Class I. Medical Science Tripos, Trinity College, Cambridge.
H. Stenton . . . . . . . . . Class II. Part I. Natural Science Tripos, Trinity College, Cambridge.
R. T. H. Stevens . . . . Class I. Part I. English Tripos, Christ's College, Cambridge.
E. C. Wynter. . . . . . . . B.A. School of Modern History, St. Edmund Hall, Oxford.

(for the bravest rescue of the year)
Alan Ravani.

Major S. W. Eade, Royal Sussex Regiment.
Lieut. A. M. Hazlerigg, R.A.S.C.

The "Edgar Povey" Trophy . . . . . . E. Lavender
The "Christie" Prize for Music (Seniors) . . No Award.
The "Lilian Fleming" Prize for Biology . . . . . . J. P. H. Davies
The "Glass" Memorial Prize for Music (Juniors) . . . . . . C. J. Howells
Sixth Form Essay Prize (Presented by Col. H. W. Styles) . . . . . . C. W. Hill.
The "Jarvis" Prize (Presented by S. G. Henderson, O.L.) . . . . . P. D. E. Galer
Mathematics . . . . . . E. Lavender
Geography . . . . . . J. F. Saunders
Art and Craft . . . . . . S. B. Symons
Modern Languages . . . . . . D. Burden
English and History . . . . . . I. Winchester
Science . . . . . . R. W. E. Larkin, R. J. Reynolds
Service Prizes . . . . . . P. A. Gallard, A. H. Rogers
Higher School Certificate Prizes . . . . . . J. M. Cornford, P. C. Eden, B. Saunders

"Povey" Work Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seahaven
"Bradshaw" Games Shield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seahaven
"Henderson-Oliver" Cross-country Cup . . Seahaven
"Thompson" Athletic Cup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martlets
"Innes" Swimming Cup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lewes
"Sinfield" Swimming Cup . . . . . . . . . . . N. Parkinson


With three of our pre-war Rugby staff back and three new ex-Service games masters we were looking forward to a really good season, and in the early autumn, after school, the field, with quite often three Form games and two practices using up every square inch, was a sight to gladden the eye of the Rugby enthusiast. But after the first two months (during which the 1st XV won three and lost two games, the 2nd XV won one and lost one, and the Juniors lost two) the weather took charge, and, by flooding the grounds in December and freezing them from January to March, effectively cut out all school matches but one, and forced us to cancel altogether 16 of our fixtures.

By the end of October the 1st XV was beginning to play really well, as can be seen from the heavy defeats of Hurstpeirpoint and Eastbourne College 2nd XVs, and we were much looking forward to our first meeting with Brighton College 1st XV. The 2nd XV had hardly had a chance to get going, but it was for the Junior XV that one felt the most sorry, especially after all the time and energy that Mr. Silk had put into their early coaching. They had only two matches, one against a strong Skinners side, and the other against a public school colts' team who were a year their seniors. But in spite of these heavy defeats and the eventual cancellation of all their other games, they never lost heart, and they certainly deserve a good resounding thump on the back for their keenness and enthusiasm.

Six of our 1st XV took part in the Schoolboys' County Trial game on January 1st - Ashdown, Constable, Powell, Wells, Larkin and Simmonds ; and of these the first three represented Sussex against Hampshire at Portsmouth on January 9th. The Sussex pack was well led by Constable, who was playing in the Sussex team for the second year running. The Sussex captain was Maddison, the Dulwich fly-half, who had been playing for the English Schoolboys' XV against Scotland in the previous week.

Once again the 1st XV played Bec School at Tooting on the morning of the Oxford v. Cambridge match and then went on to Twickenham in the afternoon - altogether a delightful day's outing. A small party also visited Twickenham for the Scottish match on March 15th, and had quite a good time in spite of the snow.

1st XV
v. Skinners' School . . . . . . . . . . . . . Won 6-3
v. Lewes "A" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lost 0-12
v. Christ's Hospital iii . . . . . . . . . . Lost 3-23
v. Hurstpeirpoint ii . . . . . . . . . . . . Won 20-0
v. Eastbourne College ii . . . . . . . . Won 43-0
v. Crowborough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lost 0-5
v. Lewes "A" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lost 3-14

1st XV from - P.Funnell, Powell, Sexton, Galer, Austin, Lea, Wells, Ashdown(capt.), Simmonds, Constable, Sains, Larkin, Lelliott, Cunningham, Carter, Woolmore, Glenister.

2nd XV
v. Skinners' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lost 3-24
v Hurstpeirpoint iii . . . . . . . . . . . .Won 25-3

Junior XV
v. Skinners' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lost 0-20
v. Eastbourne College Colts . . . . . Lost 3-51



Of 17 games played by the three School XIs 11 were won, 1 drawn, and 5 lost. Despite a wonderful summer each team had two games with Hove C.S. cancelled because of wet Saturdays in June. In addition, the second set of games against Varndean and the Bec match had to be cancelled because of the visit of our guests from Blois.

The 1st XI batting was weak and the highest individual score was 26. The running between the wickets was not good, six wickets being thrown away by run-outs in seven games. The fundamental batting weakness was the retreating to leg when attempting to play a stroke.

The strength of the side lay in the bowling. Reynolds and Woolmore did excellent work and Perkins bowled splendidly at times. Phillips headed the averages and might have been used more as he maintained an excellent length. The fielding was barely adequate and needed to be more dynamic. 1st XI Colours were awarded to Woolmore, Perkins and Phillips.

The 2nd XI, enthusiastically coached by Mr. D. T. Jones, recovered from an initial set-back and won the four remaining games. Here again,the batting was weak, relieved only by a sound display against Varndean and Sexton's 41 not out at Worthing. With the ball Austin and Church carried almost all before them, and the other bowlers had few chances to shine.

The Junior XI which practised diligently under the guidance of Mr. Duffin started well by winning three games in succession. The two games against Bexhill C.S., who did not run a 2nd XI, were lost decisively. Hook showed great promise as an all rounder and Burton bowled excellently.


The Junior XI started the season with only three of the prevoius year's side again eligible to play. It would not have been surprising if the team had met difficulties when faced with the opposition of more experienced sides of other schools. However, all matches were won until the close of the season when Bexhill County School deservedly won their two games against us. The earlier successes, it is felt, were due more to the weaknesses in other sides than to our immediate strength. Nevertheless, a number of boys of promise matured considerably and the team can be quite well pleased, not only with its victories, but also in its development in the technique of the game. Towards the end of the season the side had a fair knowledge of most of the fundamentals of cricket and had settled down into an efficient unit.

Grounds, for practice and matches, have not yet recovered their pre-war playing qualities and, at times, it seemed unfortunate that "colts" should be required to play on wickets on which the ball did not come through as expected. Concrete practice wickets are perhaps an encouragement to play correct cricket, but it is perplexing for young players to be faced with a very differen£ set of circumstances when playing in matches on poor grass surfaces.

Batting suffered most from lack of experience on doubtful wickets, but the promise of Hook is outstanding. He watches the ball carefully and moves to it well. Already he uses his wrists in a pleasant variety of shots. F. E. Wood has promise, but is stiff in the execution of his strokes. R. J. Humphrey and Bishop hit well on occasions, but must learn to play over and straight down the line of the ball. Beard, Banks and Lommon will get runs when they learn to play correct cricket all the time, do not lapse into primitive swings, and when they watch the ball all the way to the bat.

The brunt of the bowling was borne by Burton, Humphrey, P. G. Hall and Hook. The two first named have both rhythmic actions, but their eventual success will depend on concentration on length and direction which they sometimes neglected for speed. They will not always get such assistance from the wicket. Hall and Hook usually found a good length. All four met with success at various times. Banks and Lommon show promise as bowlers.

The fielding improved appreciably during the season, but there were times when fundamentals - feet closed, attention to position, " backing up " and accuracy of throwing in - were forgotten. Fielding is an art which all boys can develop with determination and practice. Hook, Humphrey and Purbrook were excellent examples to other members of the side.

Pound's wicket-keeping did not fulfil last year's promise, but Bishop shows unusual aptitude as a "keeper" and should do well next season. Pound and Humphrey managed the side with enthusiasm and judgment. Of the younger boys who did not get regular places in the side Bennett, W. J. Brown, Cramp, May and Perry showed ability and willingness to learn.

The visit of thirty Juniors to the County Ground at Hove, to see an excellently planned demonstration (with running commentary by the County Secretary) by the Sussex Senior XI, was a marked success. It was particularly pleasing to hear County players laying emphasis on the importance of features of the game after a school coach had found difficulty in persuading boys that these points were not just unnecessarily irksome deterrents to the enjoyment of cricket.


After a rather unenthusiastic beginning the cross-country season ended with some very fine running in the final race. It was gratifying to find boys taking a keen interest in their running when once they were fit, and realising the considerable enjoyment that can be gained from consistent and intelligent running. Congratulations to Martlets House on winning the contest from Lewes in a very close struggle. Uckfield House, handicapped by very few competitors in the Senior event, were at the bottom of the table. It is hoped that Uckfield wiil put up a better showing in the athletic sports. Perhaps the finest example of determination was shown by Jimmey Horscroft, the smallest boy in the School, in completing the Junior course. Well done!

  1. Rogers (L)
  2. Dutson (U)
  3. Brown (L)
  4. Lonman (S)
  5. Griffiths (M)
  6. Hassell (M)
  7. May (U)
  8. Sellens (U)
  9. Smith (U)
  10. Deakin (L)
  11. Pickett (S)
  12. Bennett (S)
  1. B. Hill (M)
  2. I. Hill (M)
  3. Andrews (M)
  4. Harris (S)
  5. Burton (S)
  6. Humphrey (M)
  7. Sutton (M)
  8. Smart (L)
  9. Goodayle (U)
  10. Davey (S)
  11. Tuppen (M)
  12. Balcombe (S)
  1. Reynolds (M)
  2. Purdie (L)
  3. Waller (M)
  4. Dorling (M)
  5. Stephens(M)
  6. Carter (S)
  7. Larkin (S)
  8. Phillips (L)
  9. C. Hill (S)
  10. Wells (M)
  11. Funnell (S)
  12. Farrant (U)


Chairman - Mr. Silk.
Secretary - C. W. Hill.
Treasurer - G. H. Ashdown.
Committee Members - Messrs. G. M. Burt and J. Barton.

The Chairmanship was accepted at short notice by Mr. Silk, to whose adroit management much of the term's success was due. Mr. Short fulfilled the functions of self-appointed proposer of filibustering motions most of which were very properly rejected. We welcomed back Mr. Pett and Mr. O'Brien, while Messrs. K. Hills and Pilbeam also graced the proceedings once or twice. A list of personages would not be complete without mentioning the radiogram whose God-like capriciousness has long harassed the Society. Interesting lectures were given by Mr. Smith on " Wingate and the Chindits " and Mr. Burden jnr. on "The History of the Gramophone Record." An auspicious event was the Staff Brains Trust in which Messrs. Davies, Euston, Gourlay, O'Brien and Page discussed everything from Spiritualism to Socialism and put incurable people out of their misery. Equally successful was the Quiz Evening with the Girls' School in which forfeits were introduced and the Secretary smote the gong with obvious relish. At an earlier Quiz Evening the Upper Sixth vanquished the Lower Sixth. Old topics still raged. Conservatives and Communists snarled at each other from their lairs, Harry James was pitted against Beethoven while one member surpassed himself by announcing that he found the Closed Shop more edifying than Keats, despite valiant attempts to illunimate the dark places of his mind. Attendance was steady and to those few aloof absentees we can only say that the Society is what the members make it.

Chairman - Mr. Perkins.
Secretary - N. G. Lelliott.
Treasurer - E. C. Hill.
Committee Members - Messrs. J. J. Elphick, J.W.Searchfield.

The Spring Term, 1947, was another successful session for the Society. There were eleven meetings, and on each occasion there was a fairly high attendance. Our forebears appear to have exhausted the methods by which the Society can amuse itself for 90 minutes, and in consequence the programme consisted of such time-honoured occupations as Mock Trials and Coger Evenings.

One of the principal objects of the Society is to accustom members to public speaking, to enable them to speak confidently and coherently. In the case of the present members it has been completely achieved ; each one appears to be able to speak ad infinitem not to say ad nauseum on any subject whatsoever. Mr. Short never fails to draw up innumerable motions, which the Society never fails to squash. Debate, especially in snap debates, has` been both spirited and protracted, political enthusiasts being mainly responsible. More sesious speeches occurred during the solitary formal debate.

Our customary encounter with the Girls' School proved highly successful, a forfeits quiz providing endless mirth (not to mention the "delicious moan" of four stalwart Lewesians in the song, "Nelly Dean"). At a meeting in the Girls' School, a session entitled "it's my opinion" produced some decidedly queer ones, but was still an unqualified success.

Mr. Burden once again delighted us with his "Freaks and Fancies" from his enormous collection of gramophone records. Once more the Society was privileged to benefit from the mighty words of wisdom issuing from the lips of the Staff Brains Trust.

Personal reminiscences gave added interest to Mr. Godman's talk on "Germany, 1931-1939" but this same quality somewhat marred the Mock Trial. Here the theme was the murder of Mr. Churches, and a sympathetic jury acquitted the accused, Mr. Elphick.

This year we welcomed as Chairman Mr. Perkins, a master who has not before filled this office. He did so very capably, however, and we hope he will many times more.


Chairman - Seager, IV J.
Secretary - Milnes, IV A.
Treasurer - Gray, IV B.

The Club meets on Friday at 4 p.m. in the Lecture Room, and in September we decided to limit the number of members to 25. We were glad to welcome several new boys from the Second Forms.

In the Autumn Term we had a harvest tea, when the table certainly gave the appearance of a harvest festival - at least until the meal was started. We did not have any visitors until the last meeting, which was our Christmas Party. While the tea was being prepared Mr. Allen gave a very interesting film show on farm machinery. The tea had been supplied by the parents of members, who always come to our aid. We were glad to welcome Mr. Allen, the Headmaster, Mr. Hoggins and Mr.and Mrs. Parkinson. After tea we played "farm games" and Mr. Hoggins told us an amusing story. Several members watched the School pig being cut up and assisted in the salting.

During the Easter Term our activities were limited by the bad weather. However, we held several short meetings and had two interesting talks from Mr. Page, one on "Bees" and one on "The Animals of Australia". Mrs. Stevenson, the Chief Poultry Adviser for East Sussex, gave a talk, illustrated by a film on "Rabbits and Rabbit Keeping."

Since Easter we have had two short meetings and one outing. Gray very kindly arranged for us to visit Mr. Phillips' farm at Ripe. We had a very interesting evening and Mr. Phillips was extremely kind in giving up his precious time. When we returned to the farm Mrs. and Miss Phillips had ready for us some very welcome refreshments.

This week we are hoping to see the arrival of Mr. Page's bees, and during this term we are going to make good use of the longer evenings. Several boys have learned to milk and to drive a tractor.
J. G. Milnes, Hon. Sec.


The arctic weather of February and March that delayed spring by almost a full month, had at least one spectacular compensation - it enabled the School to view our ornamental trees at their loveliest.

We usually re-assemble after the Easter holidays to view only a fading pomp, with the quadrangles strewn with the white and pink confetti of fallen blossom. This year April 28th found the trees still only in bud and we had to wait a full ten days for the floral pageant to develop. It was worth waiting for. Seldom has there been such profusion of flower, rarely have the grace and form of the trees shown to better advantage. Even the least aesthetically minded have been moved to wonderment and to inquire the names of the varieties; and although the answer, say, of "Prunus Cerasus Serrulata Longipes" may perhaps have damped an incipient interest, nevertheless the interest was there. For the benefit of the inquirers, I propose to name the trees and their respective positions, and to add a brief comment on each variety.

On the south side of the School, in full view of the classrooms, the playing field is flanked by a row of seven trees, almonds and Japanese cherries planted alternately. The almonds, whose delicate beauty against blue March skies we missed this year, flowered poorly and during the Easter holidays. Their leading shoots (which carry most of the blossom-buds) had been blighted by the icy weather of March. The alternate cherry trees ("Prunus Cerasus Serrulata Hizakura") however made amends and gave us a magnificent display of deep pink double bloom in May. Each tree was a veritable inverted pyramid of colour showing up well against the green background of willows and poplars.

It was within the building itself, in the two quadrangles that the pomp and circumstance of blossom-time was seen at its best. In the east quadrangle, near Room 100, a perfectly-shaped Higakura drew all eyes for a moment until they caught sight of its neighbour by the English classroom. An eastern poet could scarce do justice to the ineffable loveliness of this drooping tree. It has a certain aristocratical quality in coming to its full perfection of bloom about a week later than Higakura, when that variety has attracted every gaze to itself. Then, virginal, demure, the green eye of each pink-white frilled flower directed to the green grass below, it enters the floral pageant, and deprives the onlooker of the power of comment. Like an aristocrat, too, it has no common name, nor is it commonly grown. It is called either by its full appellation, "Prunus Cerasus Serrula Longipes" or by its Japanese title "Gku-Miyako". There are only two trees of it in Lewes.

The west quadrangle has been almost equally beautiful. Near Room 6 a native tree, the Double Gean, gave a very full display of pure white blossom, though its sturdy English form cannot compare with the grace of the Asiatic trees. Finally, next to the Headmaster's Study, its almost horizontal rods symbolically wreathed in light pink blossom - to ease the eyes of those moving northwards with a weight on their mind - stands the Asiatic cherry, Fugenzo.
W.H.E. [Bill Euston]


A litel boye ther is heer in this place,
That hath a fyr-reed cherubinnes face;
His eyen are blake, his heer is shorte y-shave,
And he is faire, so God my soule save.
He is abhorred by the techers alle,
He maketh hem unto Lorde Jesu calle,
To helpen hem to quelle his mischievaunce,
That he may here oon things ech day, par chaunce.
He maketh wel the Form IIB to wepe ;
They renne from him luke a flokke of shepe.
The noble VIthe bid him holde his pees,
If even he sholde be so reccklees
To berde oon of hem in the Librairie,
Whar speking loude is holden grete Jolye.
Yet he is yonge, bret-ful of childes mirthe,
Which oft is seen in yongsteres on erthe;
And when he leveth ryotoures Joye,
We hope he wol bicomen a fyn boye.


[This was the first of many school visits to Blois and was
the foundation of the "Twinning" of Lewes Town and Blois]

(Monday, March 17th, 1947, to Monday, March 24th 1947)

Monday, March 17th
3.00 pm ---- Assembly at School.
5.30 pm ---- Isle of Thanet left Newhaven Harbour.
9.00 pm ---- Arrived at Dieppe.
11.30 pm -- Left Dieppe by train.

5.30 am --- Arrived at Paris, St. Lazare Station.
7.20 am --- Left Paris Austerlitz Station.
10.20 am -- Arrived at Blois -- introduced to our correspondents, and our hosts and hostesses.
5.30 pm --- Official Receptions, by the Mayor, the Proviseur and others.

Afternoon -- Visit to the Chateaux of Amboise and Chambord, and to the Monmousseau Caves at Mont Richard.

Afternoon -- Football match at the Stadium : lost 6-1, followed by exhibition Rugby match.

Morning ---- Visit to the Poulain Chocolate Factory.
Afternoon -- Visit to the Chateau at Blois and to the Church of St. Nicolas.
Evening ----- A show, presented by the students, at the theatre.

Evening (and Sunday morning)-- The Ball, at the Chateau.

5.30 pm -- Dinner at the school.
8.10 pm -- 8.Io p.m: Left Blois. 10.50 pm -- Arrived at the Gare Austerlitz, Paris.

The return

7.08 am ---- Left Gare St. Lazare, Paris.
10.20 am -- Arrived at Dieppe.
11.30 am -- Left Dieppe on the Isle of Thanet.
3.00 pm --- Arrived at Newhaven -- breaking-up Assembly.


There exists one restriction which we cannot really blame on the Socialists. Indeed, it has nothing to do with politics. Max Beerbohm calls it "the tether of the four-mile radius", and though it is not now so oppressive it is one which it will always be a pleasure to slip. On March 17th 67 members of the School were off to "fresh woods and pastures new", those of Loir et Cher to be precise. The expedition was led by Mr. Auld and Mr. Perkins with two prefects (some prefabricated for the occasion) in charge of each of the six groups.

After beaming tolerantly at the Press photographers we went aboard the Isle of Thanet, had tea, and emerged in time to see the boat sweep out from the microcosm of the harbour into the macrocosm of the Channel and to watch the white cliffs gradually recede into the evening haze. But modesty forbids us to emulate the Gallic imagination of a French newspaper article which referred to " une Manche tres agitée par la tompête." We can only describe the gentle swell and tactfully suggest that the writer was not reporting but prophesying, for on the return crossing there was indeed much agitation, both external and internal. Upon arriving at Dieppe we immediately commanded attention as one of the party contrived to drop his suitcase in the water. This was hooked out by a French seaman.

At 11.30 pm the train crawled cautiously out into the night. At Paris we stepped out through an early-morning drizzle into the waiting 'buses. We were whisked all too swiftly along the broad, glittering, silent streets to the Gare d'Austerlitz, from which we rattled uncomfortably through the pleasant, undulating " pays " on the last stage of our journey. Thirty-six hours of travelling we endured by sea and land, but compensation was provided by the reception we received upon arriving at the station on Tuesday morning and the memorable au revoir there on Sunday evening. Our journey home was marked by a select breakfast party of Mr. Perkins and prefects at a Paris cafe.

On Monday afternoon we arrived at Newhaven and our odyssey was over. Then back to school on Tuesday and Mr. Silk with a purposeful gleam in his eye to displace French delights with Roman dramatics. In the rosiness of retrospect the rigours of French trains and the rolling of Anglo-French seas seem but a distant nightmare ; the reality is surely the wine and the chateaux and the overwhelming hospitality.
C. W. Hill.


On the Friday of the visit (21st March) there took place at the town theatre a performance chiefly of dancing and plays. The " second house " of this show was scheduled to commence at 8.30 pm, at which hour, we were informed, the doors would be locked. At the appropriate time, then, the aspiring audience arrived outside the theatre entrance only to find that the first performance had not yet finished ; and not until 9 p.m., when this matinee (?) performance had at last come to a close, did the patient second-house audience stream in.

The playing of the British and French national anthems over, the performance commenced with a group of boys from the Lycee singing a marching song, followed by some Scottish dances well executed by some of the town's jeunes filles. A short pause ensued, after which the compere announced that the Lycee's Sixth Form was about to present its " Revue " : this consisted of a number of French songs preceded and introduced by some comic acting, with some addition to the scenery to represent each song. A violin solo provided serious relief in the middle of this revue, which was followed by a Ritual Fire Dance excellently performed by the danseuses.

Then came the first interval, of about ten minutes' duration, during which it was possible for people sitting downstairs to discover the source of the hail, so to speak, of pieces of paper, cigarette ends, and odd francs that they had heard and felt descending during the preceding acts. It was found that these objects proceeded from the three galleries above, where the occupants, either through carelessness or wanton delight, were precipitating them on to those below.

The next item on the programme was the first act of Topaze, a French psychological play understood, alas by only too few of the English members of the audience. Then came apparently the high-spot of the evening - an interval lasting 55 minutes ! During this period the greater part of the audience made their exit to promenade in the street outside, or, together with some of the organizers of the show, to patronize the buffet.

After the usual thumping for silence from back-stage, the show recommenced at 12.45 am with a Spider Dance, again well performed, though unfortunately hampered somewhat by the unsatisfactory musical accompaniment. Then followed an unofficial pause during which Mr. Auld was led on to the stage to make a short speech of appreciation, and M. Piole, Mr. Auld's opposite number, made valiant efforts to auction some of the " props " in order to cover expenses. At length the curtain rose on the last act of the evening - L'anglais tel qu'on le parle an amusing French play recounting the adventures of an ignorant hotel interpreter on meeting English people. The show eventually terminated at 2 am on Saturday morning, when we departed to our various places of abode after an evening not only of good entertainment but also of experience.


Blois could have crowned so magnificent a week with nothing better than the " bal." Let me attempt to take you for a few moments to the Salle de Gaston d' Orleans on the night of 22nd March. Those who arrived an hour after the scheduled starting time passed through the chateau courtyard and up the marble, stone staircase into the " Salle " only to find a still deserted floor. Tbis however gave an opportunity to reconnoitre. The first stop was the buffet, the attraction of which completely conquered several members of the party. Back in the high, tapestry-hung " Salle " the bolder spirits were tempted into the bobbing turmoil which now covered the floor. Slowly and relentlessly the number of non-dancers dwindled to one unfortunate Rugby casualty: Fears as to the intricacies of French dancing soon vanished. Tango, swing, and waltz passed unnoticed but for a slight change in the rhythm of the light fantastic toe.

Time and tiredness existed for no man, although there was a short rest while Mr. Auld formally thanked Blois for its magnificent hospitality. There drifts back to one's mind also from this rather blurred dream a memory of another short lull for the benefit of the band. Somehow during this interval Mr. Perkins succeeded in drawing us from the jeunesse of France to confirm the continental belief in English madness by a demonstration of the "Hokey-Cokey"! Once more time slipped by unnoticed.

"No sleep till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet to chase the glowing hours with flying feet." Then at 3 am Mr. Perkins sounded the retreat: Regretful farewells were slowly made. " Auld Lang Syne " in two languages was followed by a gallant rendering of " God Save the King." The blue-clad figures began to separate themselves from the mass and to wend a weary homeward way ; all nursing in their hearts a deep desire to conclude what was so well begun.


In July pupils of the Lycee Augustin-Thierry at Blois returned the visit paid to them earlier in the year by our boys. Fifty-nine boys, four girls and members of the staff of the French school spent a week with their correspondents' families in and around Lewes, making their first acquaintance with life in an English home. To celebrate their first visit to us, and to enable them to make the most of their time here, an extensive programme was arranged.

On their arrival on Thursday evening, 17th July, the French guests were taken home by their respective hosts to recover from the journey. The following morning they were given a civic welcome at the Town Hall by the Mayor and Councillors, then made a brief tour of Lewes, where the tricolour flew above the castle in their honour. A visit to Brighton in the afternoon acquainted them with a typical large English seaside town.

Saturday afternoon was devoted to a Franco-British athletics contest on the School field. Lewes fielded a strong team against the visitors, who had been unable to bring with them the best of their athletes and so underwent a decisive defeat, but were in no wise cast down by their lack of success. On Monday they were taken by motor-coach to London where they visited in a short time the parts most interesting to a stranger. The following day a tour of West Sussex was arranged, which included a walk through Arundel Park, a picnic lunch and bathe at East Wittering, and tea and a stroll round Chichester.

On the last day the French visitors were enabled to take part in a typically English occasion, the School Speech Day. The speeches and the prize distribution interested them profoundly, and the Proviseur of the Lycée, M. Broussaudier, made a speech in French which was a great success ; stress was laid by all who spoke on the importance of exchange visits such as this for the furthering of better internatiorial understanding. As a memento of the visit and a witness to the friendship between the two schools, M. Broussaudier was presented with a shield bearing the coats of arms of Lewes and Blois.

The week ended that evening on a note of revelry with a ball at the Town Hall, with Anglo-French friendship and fraternisation much in evidence. Hosts and guests departed regretfully next morning, and thanks to the warm welcome given them by the families who had shown such generous hospitality the guests returned to France with a very happy memory of their first visit to Sussex and England.


[The first post-war camp abroad]

All old Lewesians will remember that an annual camp abroad was a regular feature of the pre-war life of the School. In spite of the difficulties of the postwar period the Headmaster decided that an attempt should be made this year to resume the practice. Accordingly, when the School party went to Blois in March, preliminary inquiries concerning the possibility of a summer camp were made. Monsieur G. Cochard, the Director of Youth Organisations for the Loir-et-Cher, gave his ready co-operation and within a few weeks a site was selected in the grounds of the Chateau de Chaumont, about ten miles from Blois, and other arrangements were well in hand.

Finally, on Monday, July 28th, the party, twenty-eight strong, sailed from Newhaven in the charge of Mr. Duffin. The crossing was all that could be desired, but the intense heat made the train journey very exhausting, the more so as it was impossible to obtain a drink of any description. On arrival in Blois at midnight the party was met by Monsieur Cochard, Monsieur Broussandier (Headmaster of the Lycee de Blois) and Monsieur Piole (English master at the Lycee), and escorted to the school, where a very welcome cup of tea and, best of all, beds awaited them.

The following day, after a breakfast kindly provided by the workers of the International Voluntary Service for Peace, the campers climbed into a 'bus and were taken to Chaumont where the business of camping began in earnest.

The site chosen was near to a French boys' holiday home, and from the outset those in charge of this home made clear their intention of helping in every way. Thanks to their warm-hearted co-operation the difficulties of supply were reduced to a minimum. The English boys, for their part, soon made friends with the boys and young teachers from the French camp, and within a day or two football, netball and volley ball matches were in full swing in the comparative cool of the evening.

For the first few days, with the thermometer in the hundreds, activity during the heat of the day was confined to camp chores, any free time being spent in resting in the shade or swimming in the Loire. However, a severe storm on Friday evening brought in its train slightly cooler weather and, thenceforth, it was possible to make some of the planned excursions. The fairy tale Chateau de Chaumont was first visited, and then longer excursions were made to Blois and to Tours, the beautiful mediaeval centre of which was unfortunately destroyed during the war. These longer trips involved a long walk down to the Loire and over the sands of the river-bed, followed by a ferry crossing, in order to reach the station at Ouzain, the bridge that formerly spanned the river at this point having been completely destroyed [in the war].

Camp was struck on Saturday, Auguet 9th, and the party returned to Blois, once more spending the night in the Lycée, on beds that seemed even more comfortable after a fortnight of sleeping on the ground. On Sunday morning, fortified by a breakfast of, eggs and bacon provided by Madame Broussandier, they took the train to Paris, where they arrived at one o'clock. Arrangements for an overnight stay had been made with the Y.M.C.A., thus giving the boys an opportunity for a lightning tour of Paris. In what must have been record time they visited Notre Dame, the Louvre, the Tuileries, the Place de la Concorde, the Champs Elysees, the Invalides and Napolean's Tomb, the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe, before returning to spend the night at the Y.M.C.A.

On the following day the party returned to England. The holiday was at an end, but all who took part in it will retain a lasting memory of the warm welcome and generous hospitality they received in a land which, like ours, is still striving to recover from the severe after-effects of the war.

NOTE.---I am sure that all boys of the party would wish to thank Mr. Duffin, Mr. Jones and Mr. Perkins for their hard work in making so delightful a holiday possible.


Although the full-length production by a school of a Shakespeare play offers to those taking part a more substantial and lasting benefit than the production of short plays or most modern plays, such an undertaking, demanding a large cast, capable of speaking verse and interpreting varied and subtle characters is certainly a formidable one. This is true even when a school has a number of boys with acting experience and good stage facilities; particularly does such an undertaking require courage after a break of seven years in school play production, with an inexperienced cast and on a stage which, despite the wise use of simple sets, remains small and creaking. The Lewes County School for Boys is therefore to be warmly commended upon its fresh and intelligent production of "Julius Caesar".

Of the chief merits of the production the most noticeable and pleasing was the high standard of the speaking, which showed a good sense of rhythm and, above all, intelligent intonation. Again and again the meaning of lines perhaps staled by familiarity for some or containing a rather difficult word or phrase for others was fully brought out by correct emphasis or intonation, and all members of the audience, whether the play was well-known or unknown to them, should have grasped the full sense of every line. Another pleasing feature of the production was a good second half, particularly the last act, which had a smooth, determined movement that well brought out the tragedy of the play. The first half at least in the afternoon performance was rather too slow and disjointed. The quarrel scene, with its contrasts of mood and speed, was admirable, the lighting change at the appearance of Caesar's spirit helping to make that somewhat difficult moment effective. Again, the battle scenes, always a problem for the producer, were effective, the temptation to indulge in excessive and confusing skirmishing with unnecessary numbers of soldiers having been successfully resisted, and the suicides of Brutus and Cassius were well managed. The whole performance, in fact, gave evidence of thoughtful planning and careful rehearsing. The positioning of the characters on the stage, for example, was good throughout, and the grouping, particularly in the scenes in the Capitol and Forum, was noticeably effective. The moment of Caesar's assassination, too, was striking and dramatic.

A number of other points call perhaps for some comment. The inexperience of the actors showed most obviously in gesture. They must remember that nothing so quickly distracts the audience and makes unconvincing the characterisation as fidgety, half-hearted, and incomplete gestures. Every movement of the feet, arms, hands, head and eyes must be deliberate and have a precise purpose. The crowd scenes suffered to a certain extent from the self-consciousness of some members of the crowd. In the opening scene they were too quiet and still for a Roman holiday, and in the Forum scene there was insufficient suggestion of a continuous undercurrent of feeling and noise during the speeches of Brutus and Antony and at the breaks in and between the speeches. Certainly at the main specified pauses the crowd was vociferous enough, but there were some short awkward silences and rather too marked a difference and too sudden a transition between the silences and the climaxes of sound.

The company at the kitchen door

The cast as a whole was admirably uniform and well matched. The chief parts were played with a good sense of character: Brutus's calm and detached manner, Caesar's aloofness, almost arrogance, and Antony's anger at the conspirators and his love for Caesar (an aspect of Antony often overlooked) were all clearly portrayed, though rather more flexibility in Caesar and more pace in Antony would have been desirable. Norman Lelliott deserves particular congratulation on his performance as Cassius. The whole character was well realised, and certain aspects of it, Cassius's quickness and relentlessness, and his misgivings over Brutus's decisions, he brought out clearly. Moreover he made good use of facial expression, spoke well, and remembered to play his part when not speaking. Roy Jarvis as Calpurnia and Cedric Andrews as Portia looked and sounded their parts, while Peter Osborne as Niarullus, Nietellus and Niessala, Anthony Greenway as the soothsayer, and Colin Oxley as Octavius were all impressive. Lastly, a word of praise to John Hall, who, as the cobbler (fourth citizen) and Strato, never forgot to act the whole time he was on the stage, and to John Hall (Lucius) for his singing in the scene in Brutus's tent.

Altogether a very creditable performance which augurs well for future productions, and all who took patt, and particularly the producer, Mr. Silk are to be warmly congratulated.


  • Flavius . . John Fernee
  • Artemidorus . . John Saunders
  • Marullus . . Peter Osborne
  • Popilius . . Peter Still
  • Caesar . . John Cunningham
  • Cinna, the Poet . . John Fernee
  • Anthony . . Ernest Hill
  • Octavius . . Colin Oxley
  • Calpurnia . . Roy Jarvis
  • Lucilius . . Brian Woods
  • Portia . . Cedric Andrews
  • Titinius . . Colin Hill
  • Decius . . William Curtis
  • Pindarus . . David Skinner
  • Lepidus . . Donald Long
  • Messala . . Peter Osborne
  • Third Citizen . . Michael Stevens
  • Fourth Citizen . . John Hall
  • Publius . . David Skinner
  • Brutus . . Gerald Burt
  • Varro . . Donald Long
  • Cassius . . Norman Lelliott
  • Claudius . . Fabian Worsfield
  • Casca . . Colin Hill
  • Young Cato . . Ross Wells
  • Soothsayer . . Anthony Greenaway
  • Strato . . John Hall
  • Cinna . . Brian Woods
  • Volumnious . . Donald Long
  • Lucius . . John Hall
  • Dardanious . . Fabian Worsfield
  • Metellus . . Peter Osborne
  • First Citizen . . Bernard Gingell
  • Ligarious . . Richard Stephens
  • Second Citizen . . John Hersee
  • Trebonious . . Fabian Worsfield
  • Clitus . . William Curtis
  • Legpullus . . Maurice Hobden

Citizens, Servants, Messengers, Soldiers - Ian Jamieson, Derek Cardy, Brian Glenister, Edward Williams, Ernest Fears, John Bird, Eric Goodman, Michael Noakes, Arthur Horswell, Richard Field, Richard Stephens, Peter Still, Michael Stevens, Ross Wells.

Lights - John Barton, John Lea, Richard Larkin. Effects - Derek Burden. Properties - Roy Gates. Call Boy - Gerald Purbrook. Stage - Stewart Symons, John Craig, Michael Dorling, Peter Tompsett. Music - Keith Divall, Dennis Hall, John White, Bryan Barton.

Lighting - H. Hoggins. Costumes-R. Gillam and Miss U.Smith. Stage - F. Larwill and R. Page. Make-up - H. Davies. Stage Manager - W. Euston. Front of House Manager - F. O'Brien. Music - G. Austin. Back of House Manager - H. Tayler. Producer - C. Silk.


(With apologies to The Observer's famous weekly feature)

Lewes County School 1930-37
Oxford University RFC, Blackheath, Sussex and Barbarians, 1947

Ted Wynter Ted Wynter is our first Blue. Our researches into his past history reveal several items of interest to the general reader. Apparently his infancy was marked by a curious habit of slinging the morning egg at his nurse - always backwards and never forwards. Other curious traits were an agility in dodging the blow of correction (often deserved) and a propensity to sing and float in the morning bath. (For significance see below.)

No exact dates are available for this prehistoric period. The Court News(Social not Police) for September 26th, 1930, records the arrival at Lewes School of a youth - outsize - notable for vim, vigour and the violin, for beef and a beatific smile. [Note: Ted Wynter can be seen in the 1932 panoramic school photo immediately behind and to the left of Mr Hoggins]. We have every reason to believe this was our hero. A veil of silence, most fortunate, covers the next few years. We detect in School expenses a rapid rise in "repairs to School chairs." The School buildings are extended - no doubt to accommodate his bulk. Old numbers of The Barbican have reference to increasing activitites of the School orchestra and choir. The name Wynter regularly appears in School camp lists.

With the dawn of the year 1933 A.D. we are treading on firmer ground. Successive photographs of cricket and football teams contain a youth of formidable proportions, protruding jaw, and a family motto "Distrust the Doctors." The historian of the School production of "Julius Caesar" narrates that the leading actor was absent on the night, but that in hospital he had played true to form and cried to the surgeon "Et tu Brute" (you great brute) as the offending appendix was removed. Next year sees him in the title role of "Macbeth," but on this occasion a curious incident occurred. At the famous Shakespearean line "The devil damn thee, black - thou, cream faced loon," our hero caught sight of a youth in the audience wearing a light blue jersey, whereupon he repeated the line with such frequency and intensity that the curtain had to be rung down. On occasion he deigned to present himself in the examination room, and successes in School and Higher School Certificate with the award of a County Senior Scholarship followed as a matter of course. The "Povey" Trophy was also his ; and so our hero departed. It is believed that on his last afternoon at School a large congregation of admirers gathered on the verge of the School bath and filled with tears the place made famous by his prowess at water-polo. "May his memory be ever green" they cried, and this no doubt accounts for the habitual appearance of the water there.

The Vice-Chancellor is supposed to have met him at Oxford station when he arrived and to have conducted him to his rooms at St. Edmund Hall. He had modestly declined Lord Nuffield's offer to found a new college in his honour but had agreed, after a show of reluctance, to a change of name in the college of his choice. And so the last medieval hall at either university became famed to all Oxford men as "Teddy Hall." A deputation of games captains soon waited upon him in his rooms. He graciously consented to play in Freshmen's and Final Rugby Tiials and to turn out for the University Greyhounds. Modesty forbade him to appear so soon in the University XV, but, hearing that Oxford lacked a really first-class heavy-weight boxer and that the cartoonists of The Sporting and Dramatic News, The Tatler, etc., needed a new subject for their pencils, he kindly proceeded to knock out with monotonous regularity the heavy-weights of the R.A.F., the United Hospitals, and other opponents of the University. But now the family motto came into play. A medical practitioner suspected to have graduated at Cambridge, caught our hero unawares, dosed him with chloroform and removed a cartilage. And so the Cantabs gained a victory in the Varsity Boxing Match while Ted, immobile in bed, groaned to think that his early skill at slipping left leads from his nurse had been in vain.

To give an account of all the activities of our hero would grow wearisome. Lack of time caused him to decline an invitation to reveal to the University what he could do at water-polo, but he accepted the award of his College Colours at cricket, agreed to be elected steward of the Junior Common Room, and with his fine baritone voice made Teddy Hall Chapel Choir famous. He even overcame his early modesty so far as to appear for the University XV at Rugby, but he still refrained from a personal appearance against Cambridge. Then came the war.

Our hero left the spires of Oxford for the perspiration of North Africa, mopped up the enemy and pursued them into Italy. A Military Cross was the reward of gallantry displayed in the front row of the scrum of an Indian Infantry Brigade. He always maintains that he won the medal for a vocal combat with an Italian tenor and for his efforts in conversation in School Certificate German with a prisoner he captured in a slit trench, but we know this is not true. As he trudged northwards towards the Alps the German resistance collapsed. He was sent to keep Tito's thugs in order on the JugoSlav border and lingered there until December, 1945. He tried to arrive in England in time to beat Cambridge in the University match of that year, but the Army had written "indispensable" across his dossier.

And so to 1946. Over eight years had elapsed since first he had set foot in Oxford and he no longer felt that his appearance for the 'Varsity XV would be regarded as presumptuous. He played regularly and was a first choice for the famous unbeaten Oxford side of that year. But alack and alas ! There was that fatal family motto. The doctors got him again this time with an injured ankle. Thus it was December, 1947, before he made his appearance at Twickenham.

Meanwhile he had convinced the examiners of his claims to scholarship by obtaining Second Class Honours in the History Schools. Now he awaits fresh fields to conquer as a Schoolmaster. Arnold of Rugby, Thring of Uppingham, Sanderson of Oundle - - Wynter of Winchester ? Who knows !


The Editor,
The Barbican.
13th November, 1947.

The University has on its book no less than fifteen Old Lewesians this year, and the term has been made historic and memorable by the first formal visit of Mr. Bradshaw, who met us all at lunch on the last day of October. In the evening the O.L.s of St. Edmund Hall, who are seven, entertained the Headmaster and the Principal of the Hall to dinner in the Hearne Room. It was a happy and convivial day which will long be remembered by all of us. We hope that from now onwards the Headmaster will be able to visit us annually.

It has been a delightful term so far. The Rugby players among us would have liked a little more rain to soften the pitches, but we have all appreciated and benefitted from the clear, crisp autumn days which have prevailed. Anyway, Old Lewesians seem to thrive on the Oxford air and atmosphere.

Ted Wynter (St. Edmund Hall), our doyen, is looking hard and fit. To-day, against the Australians XV, he will take the field for the twenty-seventh time wearing the University jersey. We all hope sincerely that this year the elusive Blue, which means so much to him and to us all, will not be unluckily snatched from him again. Ted is also to be congratulated on getting Second Class Honours in History Schools last June.

In a different sphere Denis Thomas (S.E.H.) is gaining wide repute. His position as President of the University Ballet Club brings him into contact with a wide range of interesting peaple. In one week, at various times, he was to be seen in the company of Howard Spring, Ram Gopal (the Indian dancer), and Roy Campbell, the South African bronco-busting poet. Denis is President of the Hall "Maker's" (authors and poets) Society, Secretary of the John Oldham (play reading) Society, and also finds time to churn out the odd article for Isis, Cherwell, and Review.

Martin Preece (S.E.H.), having played for Worcestershire and Herefordshire during the vacation, is now playing good Rugby for the Hall 1st XV and also finds time to be President of the John Oldham Society.

Five Old Lewesians (Wynter, Cosstick, Preece, Ford (S.E.H.) and Jarvis (Magdalen)) were included in the extensive trials held by Travers, the University Rugby captain, this term. Maurice Russell, St. Peter's Hall, is also playing the game this term, and has gained a place in the "Pot" Hall 1st XV. Gordon, also at St. Peter's, has been talked into wielding an oar, and Brian Thomas newly arrived at Teddy Hall, has been similarly press-ganged into a "sub".

Fish-Paine, of St. Cath's, is reputed to be learning a new language every fortnight, but still keeps the friendship of Lavender, who is mathematically involved. Wilby Wray is settling in at Worcester College, and Caton, now returned to Trinity from the Services, is bravely and assiduously tackling Greats.

Whether it is in the halls of learning, on the playing fields, or at the big social and artistic events of the University, the Old School is well represented. We hope that a tale of great achievement and honour may be recounted to the Headmaster on his return to Oxford next year.
Yours truly,

Postscript. - Freddie has modestly failed to mention that he is captain of the "Teddy Hall" Rugby XV and has now worn the Greyhound colours on a number of occasions. As we go to press we learn that he has been picked for the Greyhounds' tour in Lancashire, while Denis Thomas has been accorded the signal honour of being appointed Editor of The Cherwell, the Undergraduate Magazine.


We welcome the pleasant task of writing this, the first post-war Cambridge letter. Of the seven Old Lewesians now in Cambridge, all but two are scientists ; and since we scientists have never been noted for scintillating word-play we deem it prudent to excuse ourselyes in advance from the criticisms, however kindly, of the Eustons of this world.

Only shortages and queues, the stock-in-trade of austerity are plentiful in our quiet, academic Cambridge. Even the "Backs" seem less delightful on nine B.U.s and three pounds of potatoes. We all swear that the fellows eat our rations, and the porters burn our coal, and the bedders do both and nothing else besides but the essential prizes of University life - independence amidst a rich cultural and social life (and the existence of May Week) are still here.

Old Lewesians indulge chiefly in the less sensational joys of University life in these austere days. They are seldom seen entering colleges by tortuous. and secret ways after midnight, nor have they yet been caught in the act of suspending peculiar ironmongery or china-ware from the turrets of King's Chapel or the Divinity School. Not for us are these pre-war high-jinks, these frantic joys. . .

We were very glad to welcome Ernie Gates into the fold this term - he is in danger of becoming the first geographer to know any science! Roy Stevens has returned and has become the very busy Chariman of Cambridge Federal Union - he gets Firsts in English in his spare time. John Howard, our engineer, dropped a casual remark at our last tea-party - apropos of queuing up for cakes we believe - that he was thinking of getting married. Jack Franklin, our only married member was on the spot and was warm in his enthusiasm for the married state. Should you wander perchance through some dense and gloomy thicket near Cambridge and hear a snuffling under a heap of dead leaves, accompanied by the smell of "St. Bruno," you may find our bearded "Bishop" Stenton, busily botanising. Ken Hills, now a geographer, with explorer's zeal, led an expedition last November 5th to Lewes in Sussex, to study the primitive rites of the natives on the festival of Guy Phawcks. Gran'pa' ("Ribs" Cooper) is still here - need we say more ?

Yes, we need - we want to say that we hope you will step up the export drive to Cambridge - with only one freshman this year our stocks will, be low in '49. With all best wishes to yourself, staff and School,

Postscript.-Our heartiest congratulations to Ted Wynter on his Rugger (Dark) Blue.


After nearly eight years of "suspended animation" the Association held its first post-war Annual General Meeting on 28th December, 1946. The attendance was not as large as had been expected but everyone who had anything to say, said it, and all the essential business was transacted. The officers and committee were elected and Mr. Povey was unanimously voted a life member of the Association. Most members know Mr. Povey and the deep interest he has taken in the Association, and will we feel sure, join with the committee in the hope that the indifferent health which caused him to relinquish the Presidency will not prevent him from attending Old Boys' functions, where, as we have already assured him, a welcome will always be waiting.

That Mr. Bradshaw should be the new President is a measure of the debt we owe him. It was due to his untiring efforts that the state of the Association was, as we have said, one of "suspended animation" and not "complete death," and now that we are standing on our own feet it is comforting to think his hand is always present to guide our progress.

The Reunion Dinner, held after the Meeting, was much better attended, over 200 dinners being served. We were glad to welcome as our guests Sir Reginald Spence, Brigadier-General Beale-Browne, Mr. C. H. Lockitt and Messrs. Colley and Rundle of the Lewes Rugby Club. The after-dinner speeches were all that such speeches should be - brief, witty and enjoyable - although one member gave rise to grave doubts regarding the suitability of Mr. Auld's memories for those of such tender years as the Fifth and Sixth Forms. The latter part of the evening was a grand get-together and singsong, some of the older members meeting friends for the first time for nine or ten years. There was much to talk about and the evening came to an end all too quickly, but it did enable one to pick up the threads of old friendships and we hope that many trains of reminiscences cut short will be continued at this year's Reunion.

The first meeting of the new committee fixed a comprehensive programme which has, with a few minor amendments, been carried out. On March 1st about 40 members passed an enjoyable social evening at Holloways Restaurant and on March 15th a party of 32 saw the England and Scotland Rugby Match. On May 3rd a whist drive, ably conducted by Charlie Hall as M.C., raised £6 for the Chapel Fund. Two dances, organised for the same purpose, have brought in £28 and £25 respectively, and another one to be held on the 6th December will, we hope, give equal or better results.

Early in the year it was decided to try to raise £200 by the 31st December, 1947, as the Association's contribution towards the Chapel Fund and at the time of going to press the two dances, whist drive and members' contributions have brought us half way to success. It is hoped that the next dance, and the Christmas competition, details of which will be published in the next bulletin, will bring us very near the target. It is gratifying to know that these dances are popular in the district and on each occasion those present were eager to know the date of the next one.

On the afternoen of July 5th the Annual Cricket Match was played against the School, which resulted in a win for the School by 20 runs. When the School, who batted first, were all out for 61, we, quite justifiably thought the match was "in the bag," but the boys' bowling was a factor we had overlooked and was so accurate that we were all out for 41. A little light entertainment was provided, by the sight, on one occasion, of both our closing batsmen running in the same direction. But by this time the fate of the Old Boys' XI was sealed and it was only a matter of minutes before the end came. We hope that next year we shall be able to avenge this defeat.

The membership of the Association is at present about 300 out of a total of over 800 Old Boys. This is not a high enough proportion and we believe is due, not to Old Boys not wishing to join, but just that many have kept on letting the matter slide without doing anything about it. It is a question of simple arithmetic that if each member persuades one Old Boy to join during the coming year the proportion of members will rise to about 75 per cent [?100%]. Please see what you can do. The subscription is 3s. 6d. for one year, or 10s. for three years' membership.

In closing, we would like to express our gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson and the Kitchen Staff for the way they have rallied round and helped with the Dinner, the Dances and the Whist Drive. Without them the Dinner could not have been held at the School, and the other functions would have had to carry on without any form of refreshment.

This year's Annual General Meeting will be held on January 3rd 1948, when we look forward to a large attendance, so that the programme for the next twelve months can at least have a good send-off. It is your annual chance of airing your views, so do not miss the opportunity.
Chairman, Old Lewesians Association.

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