Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 24 - December 1948

The Original Barbican cover By this time the war had been over for three years and many of the worst privations were in the past. However food was still rationed and supplies of most goods and services were not back to pre-war standards. So much effort was going into repair and reinvestment into industry, housing and the country's infra-strucure, that it was very much a case of make-do-and-mend. It was particularly galling to the British that so much help from America was going to devastated Europe while we were left to sort out our problems and pay off our vast war debts to American banks. There were no winners and millions of losers. It would be another ten years before the faint beginnings of the affluent "never had it so good" days would appear.

However the population at large and the School in particular did its best to ignore these privations and live as full as life as possible in the circumstances. Most families could count themselves lucky if they still had their home and families intact.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys

December 1948

SCHOOL LIST 1947 - 48

School Captain. . . . C. J. Oxley.
Vice School Captain . . H. P. Gallard.

J. H. Woolmore, J. H. Lea, J. W. Barton, E. C. Hill.
Sub-Prefects : S. B. Symons, R. B. Treadaway.
C. J. Oxley, P. H. Gallard, D. C. Armes.
Sub-Prefects : M. J. Dorling, A. J. Horswell, M. A. Short.
D. Burden, G. M. Burt, K. Funnell, J. W. Hersee.
Sub-Prefects : D. Kingswood, D. Pincott, J. F. Saunders, I. S. Winchester, T. B. Woods.
A. P. Constable.
Sub-Prefects : M. A. Causley, R. Wells.

Form Captains:
VA, P. R. Tompsett; VB, D. W. Hills; VJ, D. C. Long;
Remove A, J. A. Phillips; Remove B, P. Turner; Remove J. G. W. Harris;
IVA, C. A. Pearson; IVB, J. C. Creasey; IVJ, C. D. Ford;
IIIA, C. Field; IIIB, D. Cramp; IIJ, C. J. Bennett;
IIA, R. H. Dunstall; IIB, P. Powell;
J.T.S. I, M. Delmont; J.T.S. II, D. Sutton.

Editors of the Magazine :
G. M. Burt, J. F. Saunders, I. S. Winchester.

SCHOOL LIST 1948 - 49

School Captain . . . . J. H. Woolmore.
Vice School Captain . . J. W. Hersee.

Prefects :
J. H. Woolmore, S. B. Symons, J. J. Fryatt.
M. A. Short, A. J. C. Horswell, M. J. Dorling, R. Stevens.
J. W. Hersee, I. S. Winchester, D. Kingswood, D. Pincott, T. B. Woods, J. F. Saunders, J. Carter.
M. A. Causley, R. Wells.

Form Captains :
Transitus, J. A. Phillips; VB, H. T. Hayward; VJ, G. W. Harris;
Remove A, A. E. Ticehurst; Remove B, J. C. Creasey; Remove J, C. D. Foord;
IVA, J. H. Muir, C. Field; IVB, J. Barber; IVJ E. A. Taylor;
IIIA, A. S. Pilbeam; IIIB P. J. Simmonds; IIIJ W. Niner;
IIA, L. Taylor; IIB, A. R. Selby;
J.T.S. I, R. H. Higham; J.T.S. II, W. E. Hards.

Editors of the Magazine :
I. S. Winchester, J. F. Saunders.


At the end of three years of peace, the threatening clouds of war have not yet rolled away from our skies. It would indeed be a tragedy if the supreme sacrifice of those 55 Old Boys were to prove in vain. It is our bounden duty to see that this does not happen. The School Chapel is one way of keeping the faith, but it must never be forgotten that only in the life of the whole School can these brave men -- the men who gave and counted not the cost -- find their true memorial.

From the literary genius shown in some compositions and from the amount of spare time which most of us have it would only be reasonable to suppose that there would be many individual contributions to this journal. However despite a poster campaign, brilliantly executed by some artistic members of the Remove forms, this is not the case. The chief reason is that there was little of that support, on which the magazine depends, especially from the Lower and Middle sections of the School.

To end on a more pleasant note, we all wish to congratulate Milnes on his Grocers' Company scholarship, Gallard on his Sandhurst Cadetship, Searchfield on his Magdalen College exhibition and Hurt on his State scholarship. We hope that these are but the openings of long and distinguished careers.


Probably the most important event since the last issue of the School magazine, affecting the life of the School as a whole, is the formation of the Parents' Committee. Already it has proved a great source of strength and support and we hope that the whole body of parents will use it as a channel of suggestions. The Governing Body has quickly paid it the compliment of co-opting one of its members, Mr. Beeforth, as a Governor of the School.

We have said goodbye to Mr. Evans, Mr. Godman, Mr. Moore, Mr. Perkins and Mr. Neasham and thank them for all that they did for the School. We welcome Mr. P. Dixon, B.A., D.S.C., Mr. K. R. Eastman, B.Sc., Mr. J. F. Johnson, B.A., Mr. N. Ollerenshaw, B.A., Mr. G. Spice and Mr. H. W. Webb B.A., and hope their stay with us will be happy. We have also been pleased to welcome Mrs. H. Archard, B.A., who has returned to us once more. We were guilty in our last issue of failing to mention the arrival of Mr. Price, whose coaching at rugger and help with the School Camp have been invaluable.

Chief scholastic achievements during the past year have been J. W. Searchfield's exhibition at Magdalen College, Oxford, and G. Burt's State scholarship at St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. Places -- not gained easily these days -- have been awarded to C. Oxley (University College, Oxford), D. Burden and E. C. Hill (St. Edmund Hall, Oxford) and J. W. Hersee (Keble College, Oxford).

Old Boys at the University continue to gain distinction. Of those who took final examinations last summer K. J. Payne obtained a " First " in Modern Languages at Oxford and Roy Stevens in English at Cambridge. R. I. B. Cooper, our first Old Boy to obtain the Ph.D. degree at Cambridge, is University Demonstrator in the Department of Geo-Physics and is supervising Natural Science students.

Philip Ridley, who obtained an exhibition in Modern Languages at Cambridge in 1939, is our first Old Boy to enter the Civil Service in the administrative grade and is occupied in intelligence work in Berlin.

P. D. E. Galor, our first Old Boy at Sandhurst, ended his courses there as an under-officer and passed out in December thirty-third of over 300 successful candidates.

Another Old Boy, C. W. Hill, has won the Gladstone Prize at University College, Exeter. This prize, awarded for a thesis in History, exists at all the Ennlish universities.

Old Boys have also been doing well at games. Probably it will be a long time before we again have two representatives in the Oxford Rugby XV, a record achieved by Ted Wynter and Fred Cosstick in the spring term of 1948. Wynter has captained Sussex at rugger this season, while other Old Boys to play for the county XV have been Geoffrey and Robert Ford. A. P. Constable, who left only a year ago, has played for the British Army in Austria against the French Army.

Peter Laker, 1938-44 We have also for the first time had a [old-boy] representative in the Sussex XI at cricket, Peter Laker [1938-44] being selected for the August Bank Holiday match against Middlesex.

An account of the School Fete is given elsewhere. It would be very remiss however, not to thank all friends of the School and parents, past and present, whose continued loyalty is wonderful, for the magnificent result achieved.

Unusual but not inappropriate is to include here a word of thanks to the staff, who are giving endless time after school to games coaching and to running School activities. The English Grammar School, as it exists, was created following the Act of 1902 by the devoted labours of the men who taught there. It has been the avenue by which the poor boy has reached the top. The new set-up, following the Act of 1944, may well contain the seeds of its undoing. That this will not take place I am confident provided that men with the same spirit of service and high academic qualifications can be recruited to grammar school staffs. Such qualifications -- particularly in Mathematics and Science -- can command much higher financial rewards in other spheres. The School is grateful to those whose services it at present commands.


L/CPL. HARRY EDWIN BLACKMAN (1930-35), East Surrey Regt.
It was with deep regret that we learnt only this term of another Old Boy who lost his life during the war. H. E. Blackman came to the School when it opened in 1930 and left in 1935. He decided to make the Army his career and enlisted in the East Surrey Regiment. In 1938 he was posted to Shanghai and was serving in Malaya when Japan entered the war. He was taken prisoner and worked on the Siam to Burma railway. Evidently he was being moved with other prisoners to China, as the ship he was on, believed to be the President Harrison, was sunk on September 12th, 1944, some 60 to 100 miles from the China coast, two days' sailing from Formosa. We deeply deplore his death and offer his parents our deepest sympathy.


John Croft, our only professional Old Boy actor, has answered his last call and passed on. His death occurred suddenly in Northern Ireland last August.

John, in his comparatively short stage career, had travelled widely. In addition to appearing in the big provincial cities and several London shows, he had played in Paris and the big towns of the Allied occupied zones in Germany. Last spring he accompanied Donald Wolfit in a tour of Canada and U.S.A. It was on this tour that in a train in British Columbia he found himself sitting beside another Old Boy, Brian Chandler. John was a delightful fellow, sensitive and sincere. He was a keen artist and loved beauty in every form. He never forgot the School, and no matter how far away he might be or how busy, he always found time to send us a card giving news of his latest venture. Last April, hearing of the School production of "Journey's End," he managed to slip away to see our Saturday matinee performance. He will always be loved and remembered by those who knew him. Our deepest sympathy is offered to his parents on the loss of so promising and talented a son.



Mr. A. Beeforth, 14 Mill Road, Lewes.
Mr. J. F. Bishop, 214 High Street, Uckfield.
Mr. H. E. Cramp, "Brightling," Ringmer.
Mrs. B. P. Eldridge, Park View Stores, Heathfield.
Mrs. E. L. Field, 18 Gundreda Road, Lewes.
Mrs. F. W. Hayles, "Fairchilds," East Albany Road, Seaford.
Mrs. F. W. Painter, "Eckington," Crowborough.
(One vacancy for Newhaven)

The committee was formed in the Spring Term of 1948 and has been active throughout the year. A number of committee meetings have been held and routine problems connected with the School discussed. A report was rendered to a general gathering of parents at a " Parents' Evening " and arrangements have been made for a discussion of various points at another " Parents' Evening " on February 23, 1949. Major tasks undertaken by the committee were the Parents' Cricket Match in the Summer Term, a pleasant function which was followed by a Whist Drive and Dance, resulting in a contribution of neary £50 to the Chapel Fund, and the Fete in November. A Fete Committee was formed, consisting of the Parents' Committee and the following co-opted members : Mrs. Wigmore, Mrs. Page, Mrs. Fears, Mrs. Wood and Messrs. Fuller and Hayles.

The committee have every reason to feel gratified at the success of their efforts. The effectiveness of the Parents' Committee will depend largely on how strong a link it forms between the general body of parents and the School and to what degree it provides a channel for suggestions and opinions. All paronts are therefore invited to use it by contact with their nearest member.


House Masters . . Messrs. Larwill, Perkins and Evans.
House Captain . . J. Woolmore.
Vice-Captain . . J. H. Lea.

This year was one of mixed fortunes for Lewes House. We had successes in the Rugby and soccer matches and failures in the other competitions. The Rugby team won all of its matches. This was due, firstly, to the team playing together and not individually; secondly, to our many supporters who watched and cheered, and, thirdly, to Mr. Smith, whose help and coaching, not only in the Rugby matches, but also in many other House and School activities, we shall miss greatly.

The Junior soccer XI proved much more successful than at first had been expected. They won two of their three matches, losing only to Seahaven. The less said about the cross-country race the better. The result of the athletics sports was perhaps a little better than last year. Credit here must be given to the Colt section of the House.

The swimming sports were, from our point of view, a disgrace. We were fourth, but could easily have been second had the whole of the House, instead of half of it, taken part in the competition.

House Masters . . Messrs. Auld, Page, Nicholls and Duffin.
House Captain . . C. J. Oxley.
Vice-Captian . . P. A. Gallard.

The year 1947-48 has, as usuaI, been one of varying fortunes. Although the less said about the rugger match against Seahaven the better, yet the team did well to give a stronger Lewes side a hard game, and only just lost to Uckfield, making a great effort to win in the last ten minutes. Our Juniors fared little better at soccer. Then, in spite of high hopes, we had to take second place to Seahaven in the cross-country running. Similarlv, thc position of bottom in athletics is not in the least satisfactory.

In the sphere of work we have repeated the too-familiar old story of two minorities, one very good and one very bad, and a mediocre majority.

The House has the talent and ability to achieve better things next year. This would be done if everyone realised the importance of his individual contribution and started making his all-out effort right at the beginning of each term, whether in work or sport.

House Masters . . Messrs. Euston, Pett, Davies, Jones and Price.
Prefect . . G. M. Burt, K. Funnell, J. W. Hersee.
Sub-Prefects . . D. Kingswood, D. Pincott, J. F. Saunders, I. S. Winchester, J. B. Woods.

Thc House can congratulate itself at least on some of its achievements. We won the cross-country running, thanks to the Juniors and the Colts. We won the athletics and the swimming rather too easily and we were a close second in the Games Shield.

But in the race for the Work Shield we have fallen far behind. Thanks to the persistence of the majority of IVA getting minus points and achieving the abyssmal average of 1.5 and the efforts of one or two in other forms, we are bottom.

A little more effort from the uninspired and a better all-round effort on the part of the rest of the House and we should do as well in work as we do in sport. Look to your laurels, Seahaven -- but do not rest on them !

House Masters . . Messrs. Tayler, Silk, Gourlay, Baston, Neasham and Herbert.
House Captains . . A. P. Constable ; M. A. Causley.
House Prefect . . R. R. Wells.

As in the previous year Uckfield has still far too few Seniors only two of our Rugby team playing for the 1st XV and none for the 2nd. This lack of Seniors resulted in two bad losses to Seahaven and Lewes, but a victory was gained over Martlets. Soccer fared no better, two games being lost and one drawn. Our efforts at cross-country running were certainly better than before ; quite a creditable third place being attained, mainly through the efforts of the Juniors.

For the second year running we gained second position for the Athletic Cup and mention must be made of Williams, who by throwing both javelin and discus with the utmost ease broke School records.

Uckfield swimmers have at last managed to crawl from a bad fourth place to a more reasonable third.

Mr. Neasham has left us during the year and in his stead we welcome Mr. Herbert, who has come to live in the Uckfield district. We are also sorry to lose Constable, who has been one of Uckfield's mainstays during the past seven years. According to latest reports he can be seen at any time directing traffic in Vienna.

On the whole, not a bad year, Uckfield. Let us continue to try hard.



The Annual Speech Day was held on Wednesday, July 21, 1948, under the Chairmanship of Sir Reginald Spence. We were pleased to welcome R. H. Faulkner, Esq., an Old Lewesian, to speak to us, and also Mrs. Joyce Gow, M.B.E. to present the prizes.

The successes were as follows :

Oxford : D. Burden, G. M. Burt (Distinction in English), J. M. T. Cunningham,
C. J. Oxley, J. W. Searchfield (Distinction in English and History).
London : J. W. Barton, P. H. Gallard, J. W. Hersee, R. W. Larkin,
J. H. Lea, R. J. Reynolds, M. A. Short, M. V. Wells.

R. Allen, D. Kingswood, I. S. Winchester, R. J. Barnes, W. Manton,
K. J. Yates, D. J. Bevan, A. Martin, R. G. Burnard, J. L. Boyes,
C. M. Martin, M. J. Dorling, R. Browning, P. Newman, J. R. Fernee,
D. J. Cardy, G. Newnham, J. I. Gainsborough, G. F. Carr, M. C. Pitt,
B. A. Gingell, M. A. Causley, A. H. Powell, J. M. Hall, J. O. Church,
J. F. Saunders, D. J. V. Hamilton, J. E. C. Crouch, A. E. Simmonds,
P. J. Holder, D. I. Eede, K. B. Stone, J. B. Hughes, A. J. Horswell,
S. B. Symons, J. M. Sherwin, K. C. Jessop, A. J. Tompsett,
J. E. White, J. B. Woods.

D. J. Cardy, D. Kingswood, C. M. Martin, A. H. Powell, A. E. Simmonds

J. W. Searchfield . . Exhibition of £80 per annum, Magdalen College, Oxford.
D. Burden . . . . Entrance St. Edmund Hall, Oxford.
G. M. Burt . . . . . Entrance St. Edmund Hall, Oxford.
C. J. Oxley . . . . . . Entrance University College, Oxford.
P. H. Gallard . . . . . . Cadetship, Royal Military College, Sandhurst.
J. G. Milnes . . . Grocers' Company Scholarship of £60 per annum, H.M.S. Worcester.

K. W. Furminger, P. Gamage, B. Paulding.

P. Goodsell

R. I. B. Cooper . . Ph.D. Cambridge.
J. P. H. Davies . . 2nd M.B. Kings College, London.
K. A. Hills . . . Class II, Div. II, Geography Tripos, Cambridge.
G. W. F. Franklin . . Class II, Div. I, History Tripos, Cambridge.
J. W. Howard . . Class I Engineering Science, Cambridge.
M. B. Preece . . B.A. (Unclassified Honours), Modern History, Oxford.
D. E. G. Sayers . . Final M.B., London University (St. Thomas' Hospital).
H. Stenton . . . . Class II, Div. I, Natural Science Tripos, Cambridge.
R. T. H. Stevens . . . . Class I, English Tripos, Cambridge.
E. C. C. Wynter . . Class II, Modern History, Oxford.

The "Edgar Povey" Trophy . . . . . . . . . . . C. J. Oxley
The "Rotary Club" Prize for Citizenship . . . P. H. Gallard
The "Jarvis" Prize . . . . . . . . . . . E. C. Hill
The "Lilian Fleming" Prize for Biology . . . . . . . M. V. Wells
The "John Christie" Prize for Music (Seniors) . . . . J. W. Searchfield
The "Glass" Prize for Music (Juniors) . . . . . . . . . . D. Blaber
Mathematics . . . . . . . . D. Kingswood, C. R. Hayles, K. G. Hook
Modern Languages . . . . . D. Burden, I. S. Winchester, R. Field
Science . . . . . . . . . . J. H. Lea, J. W. Barton, F. J. Fowler
Latin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. Blaber
English . . . . . . . . . . . . G. M. Burt, C. J. Howells
History . . . . . . . . J. W. Searchfield, M. C. Pitt
Geography . . . . . G. Sweatman, P. Wilson
Art . . . . . . . . H. N. Tuckley, P. E. Best
Craft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. R. Gates

Higher School Certificate . . J. M. T. Cunningham, P. H. Gallard,
J. W. Hersee, R. W. Larkin, C. J. Oxley, M. A. Short

School Certificate . . M. A. Causley, A. Martin, J. F. Saunders,
S. B. Symons, A. J. Tompsett, I. S. Winchester,
K. J. Yates, M. J. Dorling, J. B. Woods.
J.T.S. Prizes . . . . . . . . . . . . K. W. Furminger, D. B. Sutton
Service Prizes . . . . . . . . . . . G. H. Ashdown, A. J. Horswell,
P. E. Osborne, B. Paulding, J. F. Saunders, J. G. Milnes

Povey Work Shield . . . . . . . . . . . Uckfield
Bradshaw Games Shield . . . . . . . . . Seahaven
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup . . . . . . Martlets
Wilfred Thompson Athletic Cup . . . . . . . . Martlets
Innes Swimming Cup . . . . . . . . . . . . Seahaven
Sinfield Swimming Cup . . . . . . . . . . I. S. Winchester


The 1947-48 season was enjoyable, but undistinguished, and we were glad to bask in the reflected rays of dark blue glory from Oxford, where after Christmas, Wynter was joined in the University pack by another member of our all-conquering 1936 School side in the person of Fred Cosstick.

The 1st XV did not fulfil its early promise and one felt that they were potentially better than some of the sides that beat them. Their best displays were possibly the match against Brighton College, who paid us the compliment of playing their full 1st XV for the first time, and the return match against Eastbourne College II.

We paid our usual enjoyable visit to our old rivals at Bec School and though we led at half-time we were quite outplayed in the second half. In the afternoon we went to Twickenham for the Varsity Match, which though vigorous and thrilling and holding special interest for us, did not compare with last year's brilliant game.

Constable was again our outstanding player and in the Christmas holidays he played for the Sussex Schoolboys XV for the third consecutive year. Powell, who was still under age although no longer at school, also played, and Osborne, Lea and Carter were given a trial. Constable has the makings of a really first-class forward and might rise to great heights if given the chance. In spite of a disappointing seaon with several matches scratched the 2nd XV produced some very useful players, and the fact that we could usually have chosen two 2nd XVs of about equal strength shows that we had plenty of promising material.

The Junior XV, under the expert and devoted coaching of Messrs. Silk and Price, had a keen and happy, though not a very victorious season. Their first effort was in the return match v. Eastbourne College Colts, when they nearly beat a side that had thoroughly routed them earlier in the season. The tackling in this game was a delight to watch.

1st XV
Manser, H. Humphrey, Osborne, Carr, Barton, Lea, Cosham, Cox, Tompsett,
Woolmore, Constable (capt.), Woods, Carter, Kent, R. Wells, Funnell.

Skinners School . . . . . . . . . . . . Lost 3-16
Lewes "A" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lost 9-12
Hurst "A" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drew 3-3
Brighton College . . . . . . . . . . . . Lost 5-17
Chichester High School . . . . . . Won 31-3
Eastbourne Training College . . Won 11-5
Worthing High School . . . . . . . Drew 8-8
Bec School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lost 5-19
Eastbourne College II . . . . . . . . Won 24-6
Christ's Hospital II . . . . . . . . . . Lost 0-21
Skinner's School . . . . . . . . . . . . Lost 0-11
Chichester High School . . . . . . Lost 8-16
Lewes "A" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Won 5-3
Eastbourne College II . . . . . . . . Won 15-9

(December, 1948-49 season)

This term's Rugby team has been one of the best that this School has ever produced, and some very fine matches have been played. Among others we have beaten our three chief rivals, Skinner's School, Worthing High School and our old war-time friends, Bec School, whom we visited as usual on the morning of the Varsity Match, going on to Twickenham with them in the afternoon. The Junior XV have also had an excellent term, winning three out of their four matches. An account of the whole 1948-49 season will appear in the next issue of the magazine.


Skinner's School . . . . . . . . . . . . . Won 9-0
Hurst "A" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lost 8-9
Christ's Hospital II . . . . . . . . . Lost 14-29
Lewes Club "A" . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drew 9-9
Chichester High School . . . . . . Won 33-0
Worthing High School . . . . . . . Won 19-0
Eastbourne College II . . . . . . . . Won 6-3
Bec School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Won 11-6


Played 12; Won 6; Lost 5; Drawn 1.

We started the season with but two old Colours, Woolmore and Phillips. We had, however, four other players with 1st XI experience. Despite the absence of Woolmore, the season opened with a good win against Varndean. A splendid win was achieved against the Parents' XI in an excellent and most enjoyable game.

The batting broke down in the away games against Worthing and Brighton G.S. but improved later in the season. Funnell as an opening bat showed distinct promise and should improve. Woolmore improved steadily and deservedly topped the averages.

Haupt bowled steadily and well as opening bowler and Woolmore, Phillips and Hook gave valuable support. Cosham improved steadily as wicketkeeper, but his batting was disappointing. The fielding generally was of a very good standard, the throwing being excellent. Woolmore captained the side with tact, skill and enthusiasm. As a school 1st XI the side was very young but should improve next year when seven members should still be available. Colours were awarded to Cosham, Lea, Haupt and Funnell.

An interesting fixture was that against Lewes Priory 1st XI when we were short of the two School staff members and two others unavoidably absent. Though heavily defeated the School bowled exceptionally well. Later, on a weaving wicket we fared badly against Smith, the ex-Sussex county player, but Hook, not yet 15, batted splendidly for his 16.

The chief weakness in the batting,apart from the fundamental one of drawing away, was the inability to hit short balls on the off side. Footwork generally was bad but this may be due to thc lack of good grass practicc pitches as the ball arrives at unusual heights on the concrete wickets. Hearty congratulations are due to Woolmore and Hook who played for East Sussex Schools against West Sussex. In addition Woolmore played for the Young Amateurs of Sussex against Gloucestershire.


This year the coupling of Speech Day and Sports Day proved tremendously successful. Some 300 parents enjoyed an excellent evening's competition. Track times were marred by a strong wind up the back straight but no doubt this fact helped the competitors to return fast times in the straight sprints.

It was very refreshing to find Uckfield and Seahaven Houses forging ahead on points from the start and for Seahaven to be ultimate winners from Martlets, whose athletic ability has become a School tradition. Uckfield and Lewes Houses were very close in third and fourth positions. Outstanding individual performances were confined to field events. Glenister set up a new School record of 5 ft. 5 in. for the high jump with the Western Roll, and Edgar Williams reached 141 ft. 5 in. with the javelin. Both very creditable performances.


The Summer Term weather, except for the first few weeks and the last day or two, was all against open-air swimming, and the bath was very little used after school. In view of the very uninviting conditions the Second Form non-swimmers made extremely good progress on the comparatively few occasions when the bath was usable on their allotted days. Congratulations also to the five stalwarts, namely Winchester, Causley, Carter, Michell and Wade (out of the original 28) who stuck out the life-saving training and finally took the exam on that very bleak Saturday morning.

The swimming sports, which had the luck to fall on one of the two really hot days of the term, resulted in an easy win for Seahaven, with Lewes second, Uckfield third and Martlets fourth. B. Hill, with 13 points, was the winner of the Sinfield Individual Cup for Seniors, the runners-up being Carter (10 points) and Causley (9 points).


Since the last notes appeared considerable progress has been made, particularly in recruitment. Now " D " Company, the School unit is about 70 strong and with such a strong force that the standard for entry for members of the School is being raised considerably.

Annual Camp at Swingate near Dover was not only a successful week but also an exciting one, particularly at the week-end when, on the eve of our departure, the camp disintegrated about our heads in an 80 m.p.h. gale! Not many cadets who were at camp will forget the coming of dawn on Sunday, August 8, 1948 !

Our successes in Certificate "A" during the past year, whilst not as high as in previous years, still show a steady proportion of cadets reaching the ultimate goal of the training - the acquiring of a qualification which will serve them in good stead during their conscript service.

The following cadets passed Part I : Cadets Farrington, B. Hill, I. S. Winchester ; and the following cadets and N.C.O.s Part II : Cpl. Horswell, Cpl. Cole, Cadets I. Hill, P. Osborne, I. S. Winchester and Sgt. K. Jessop. We congratulate them.

A number of well-deserved promotions have been made. S/Sgt Gray to Under-officer, and U/O pincott to a commission as Second-Lieutenant are particularly pleasing. There must be few school units, in schools of this type, where a member of the cadet unit has risen to commissioned rank within his own unit. Other promotions include Cpl. Jessop to C.Q.M.S., Cpl. Horswell to Sergeant i/c. Signals, Cpl. Still to Sergeant, L/Cpl. Martin to Corporal; Cadet Winchester to Lance-Corporal and Cadet Osborne to Lance-Corporal.

One of the most successful features of this year's activities was the Field Day enjoyed on Wednesday, September 24, at Wellcombe Bottom Range when the whole Company had a day's firing practice and Signals exercise. It is hoped that this privilege, granted by the Headmaster, will be an annual event for the Company.

"Travelling Wing " has visited us again this term, providing some useful instruction, and our regrets at the loss of Sgt.-Major Bowley on his retirement are being eased by the fact that Sgt.-Major Lott, P.S.I., of the Sussex Regiment (T.A.) is now helping out with drill instruction. Platoon and N.C.O.'s conferences, regularly held this term, have provided a very useful source of suggestions for improving the Company and for developing the powers of leadership of N.C.O.s.

The range, now in full working order again, should have a busy winter season, and it is hoped that a large number of cadets will take their Empire Test in the New Year. There will be Inter-Platoon competitions this winter and also a competition for the best individual marksman.

In concluding these notes the officers and the cadets feel that they should pay a tribute to the untiring zeal and work of Cadet Sgt.-Major Dorling, who can consider himself, as with all good C.S.M.s, the " backbone " of the Company.


The past year has seen many changes in the composition of the Troop. Mr. Smith's departure at Christmas left us without a Group Scoutmaster and Mr. Duffin, now busy with the Cadet Force, has had to hand over his duties as Scoutmaster to Mr. Herbert. As A.S.M., however, Mr. Duffin has continued to help the Troop on many occasions. Transfers to the Senior Troop have robbed us of several experienced Scouts, but this loss has been offset to some extent by a steady flow of recruits.

The Michaelmas Term culminated in the bustle of a Parents' Evening. Most of the Troop took part in demonstrations of Scout training ; games were organised, and refreshments provided, and a presentation was made to Mr. Smith on the occasion of his leaving the Group.

We were equally busy at the beginning of the following term. The local association held a Winter Rally at the Town Hall ; our "turn " -- the word conjures up visions of the sawdust ring -- took the form, appropriately enough, of a first-aid demonstration. It was introduced by a convincing display of careless cycling by the patients-to-be. Let them be nameless !

Our success in the inter-Troop swimming competition, recently revised by the local association, was the highlight of the Summer Term. The team is to be congratulated, particularly on the evenings of practice which preceded the event.

Our camping kit has been in use frequently since Easter. A series of weekend camps was followed by the Summer Camp at the foot of Beachy Head. We were few in number and the weather was none too kind, but we consoled ourselves with the knowledge that we had at least avoided the gales and downpours of the previous weekend.

Finally, we must mention with gratitude the continued work of the Group Committee on our behalf, and in particular their organisation of two successful dances. Quite apart from the welcome addition to Group funds these events remain in one's memory as very pleasant social occasions of the past year.

September, 1947 - April, 1948

Chairman-P.Dudeney. Secretary-J.G.Milnes.
Vice-Chairman-B.Gray. Treasurer-F.E.Wood.

Partly because of the loss of experienced organisers but mainly because of insufficient support from the boys in the School, 1947 was a difficult year for the Club. At the Annual Christmas Party on December 18 we had, at last, to say farewell to Miss Smith, who not only started the Club but also nursed it carefully through the early months of its existence. We were all extremely grateful to her and a small token of the Club's gratitude for her help was presented to her. During the year we also lost Mr. Nicholls through pressure of cadet work, but Mr. Hoggins stepped into the breach, although he, too, had to leave us at Easter due to pressure of work. About the same time, in July to be precise, we said goodbye to our invaluable Secretary, Milnes, who won a scholarship to H.M.S. Worcester.

However, this year was by no means one merely of farewells and disintegration, for a lot of useful work was done and plenty of amusement had. Throughout the year we carried on with our scrap-books and the records of Rise Farm. Mr. Page, to whom the Club is deeply grateful, gave us lectures and practical work on his bees which on some occasions objected so strongly that we were obliged to retire at high speed. His ducks, however, came too late in the year for us to do any work on them, either practical or otherwise. But Mr. Janson gave us a very interesting lecture on the " Friesian Herd of Dairy Cattle," though unfortunately to a disappointingly small audience.

In the winter when the Secretary-Organiser visited us he suggested that we should enter for the County Lecture Contest. This suggestion was adopted and several following meetings were devoted to lectures by members which were then judged by the rest. On Friday, January 16, the Club held one of these preparatory meetings and Milnes' team was successful. On January 30 Dudeney's team proved that four men are enough to look after 57 cows, 10 bulls and 4o calves, and in the final practice on February 13 we prepared ourselves for the quiz with Varndean. The following week Mr. Williams took us to Varndean School, from which we returned victorious by the narrow margin of 13 to 11½ points.

As well as work, however, there was some play, especially on October 3, the night of our Annual Harvest Supper, and on December 18 the night of our Christmas Party. On both of these occasions the Young Farmers showed themselves to be sturdy trenchermen and both evenings were greatly enjoyed.

A larger membership means a more efficient and enjoyable Club so that new members, especially from the Senior part of the School, will be very welcome at any time.


The Society had been inactive during the war, but it was revived at the beginning of the year, due mainly to the perseverance of Mr. Hoggins, our Chairman for the session. He suggested the formation of a democratic committee consisting of representatives from the Remove Forms and upwards -- a suggestion which the Society supported.

Our first meeting, a talk by Messrs. Pratt and Page on explosives, merited and received an excellent attendance, but throughout the session, although the quality of the meetings did not deteriorate, the attendanee dwindled to " a happy few, a band of scientists " -- a fact to be regretted.

A Brains Trust, consisting of members of the staff and the Sixth Ferrm. told us amongst other things, what science is, and at another meeting Mr. Short told us how to make atom bombs. Mr. Causley gave us a talk on " Campanology," including a demonstration, which was much appreciated by the Society.

During the Session, the Chairman organised visits to various places of scientific interest, including, of course, the brewery, all of which were extremcly interesting and instructive.

We look forward to the next session, hoping that attendances will improve.


Chairman :-- Mr. W. H. Euston.
Secretary :-- P. R. Tompsett.
Treasurer :-- K. Jessop.
Committee :-- F. E. Worsfield. (VA), P. Osborne (VJ),
D. Hills (VB); P. Ray (Rem A).

The above Club was founded in September, 1947. Its object is to provide before the School Certificate Examination what the Sixth Form Society caters for so admirably in the post-Certificate years, namely opportunities for meeting socially and for public discussion in a non-classroom atmosphere. For potential Sixth Formers it is an invaluable training ground for those who leave school at 16 plus it is far more than that. It is the sole opportunity these boys will have while still at school to meet and talk about things in the way adults discuss them in formal meeting and debate.

Speaking in public is an art that most of us have to learn. To only a fortunate few does it come naturally. To be called upon in later years even for so simple a matter as passing a vote of thanks at a public dinner can and too frequently does, cause the unpractised speaker to lose interest in his food and to break out in a cold sweat of apprehension as the dreadful moment approaches. With how much more grace and ease will he rise with the gaze of the company upon him, if he remembers that in the Fifth Form Club in the days of his youth he essayed the same feat among his peers, and -- mirabile dictu -- survived the ordeal !

On September 26, 1947, a public meeting of interested members of the three Fifth Forms and Remove A was held and officers elected -- chairman, secretary, treasurer and a Form representative from each of the four eligible Forms. It was agreed that meetings should be fortnightly throughout the Winter and Spring Terms.

Thirteen meetings were held this first season and attendances averaged between 30 and 40 members. VA gave strong and consistent support seldom less than 20 attended -- but enthusiasm was less marked in VB and Remove A. VJ always provided 8 - 10 very keen and capable supporters who it was obvious, enjoyed the verbal fencing immensely. The meetings included a formal debate (an unwise choice for the first meeting when tongues were still tied !), a " coger " evening, a balloon debate, a play-reading of Galsworthy's " Escape," a mock trial (Donald Long proved himself an embryonic Birkett), twenty questions, a musical evening, a snap debate against a team from the County Grammar School for Girls, and -- as a finale -- a treasure-hunt with metrical clues. This last was immensely popular, and the winner, Hall, is still grateful to the Headmaster's pig, who obliged by grunting at the right moment, thereby interpreting the " sticky " clue (No. 5) by demonstrating the meaning of "the meanest form of speech " !

By the time these notes appear in print the Club will have commenced its second year of life. Unlike the Sixth Form Society (some of whose members " go on for ever ") there will be an almost entirely new membership. It will be for them to repeat and improve upon the solid achievement of the Club's inaugural year.

Finally a word of thanks : To the Sixth Form Society who on an important occasion hroke with a 12-year-old tradition in order to lend the young Society a helping hand ; to those members of the staff who gave up the first hours of Friday evening to help with their presence and advice ; and to Mrs. Parkinson and the kitchen staff who served the Club with tea as a welcome prelude to each meeting.


The Society enjoyed its usual successful year, but as all the Committee have since left school, a full report is not available for publication in this issue.


At sundry moments after dawn they meet,
Accompanied by snorts and stamping feet,
Where massive tomes on dusty shelves recline,
So sweetly scented by the " Wild Woodbine."
And then in groups they quickly congregate,
Discussing loud, in heated terms, the fate
Of various members of the equine breed ;
Or if " perfidious Albion " will succeed
To win a match, which they are quite unable,
And therefore grace the bottom of the table ;
Or how our hero, " Uncle George," at cricket,
Unfortunately sat upon his wicket ;
Until the lusty clarion peals the call,
And then they troop in batches to the Hall,
Then some, inspired by scientific notions,
Do spend their time distilling evil potions,
Or peer in vain in microscopes, to see
Amoeba who cavort in frenzied glee ;
While others study tongues, both live and dead,
Or iron deposits on the Danube bed.
At break doth sally forth the thirsty tribe
The pots of lactic liquor to imbibe,
And thence repair to yonder creaking den,
Which seldom hears the scratch of busy pen ;
Where breezes waft through many a paneless shutter,
And in the corners cobwebs lightly flutter.
At dinner time they to the trough repair
And seek to find a currant in their share.
Then do some wander sagely round the grounds
Or chase a ball, emitting savage sounds,
And in pain do ask the woeful question,
" Why do they suffer so from indigestion ? "
And then, in state of frigid, half-undress
Upon the playing fields they quickly press,
To punt a pill around the pitch in packs,
Till crippled by a bout of savage hacks
(repaid upon some luckless victim's shin,
- For thus must suffer anyone to win).
And others run through mud up to their knees,
Or streams at minus thirty- one degrees,
And regain school with many a weary stagger
Or drag the ponds for some unhappy lagger ;
While they do ruminate with painful shiver
That happy lives depend upon the liver :
Until their happy homeward way they wend,
Just one day nearer to the long term's end.

"Bonzo the Doggerel"

[Notes by Webmaster]

This is one of the better examples of the wit that flourished at the top of the school at this time. I am not sure of the author and I suspect that it was composed by a small group who had at that time a strong sense of satire before it came generally popular through the impact of the Cambridge Footlights and television. I may be wrong but I think that Ken Stone wrote it with the help of Church, Tompsett and Yates. It does paint a clear picture of life in the 6th form. It may help if some parts are explained.

At that time the 6th form was based in the library ("where massive tomes ..." ) which was located at the NW corner of the School nearest to the main gate. Being furthest from the boiler room it was generally very cold, especially first thing in the morning when sixth formers were arriving. The form-master for the 6th form and also master i/c library was Mr Auld, the then French teacher, who habitually chain-smoked "Woodbines" -- small cheap cigarettes made by Wills & Co -- reputedly from horse manure -- which left a pungent odour that hung about all day.

This particular group also spent much time discussing football and horse racing. Lewes and Brighton were very "horsey" in those days and betting on the basis of supposed insider tips was common. The reference to "perfidious Albion" was, of course, Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club -- the nearest thing the area had to a professional football team -- who in those days, as ever, were struggling to keep in the Fourth Division !

The Hut in summer

I'm not sure who "Uncle George" was but I have a feeling it was Ken Stone himself. He was a rather Peter Cook like figure, forever lampooning someone or something, I seem to remember, who could reveal the ridiculous aspects of so many school activities.

"Yonder creaking den" was a semi-derelict wooden hut situated against the Ham Lane wall on the playing field. Cold, damp and cheerless in winter, it was a refuge for the idlers with free periods to congregate and indulge in various frivolous activities.

I also remember another funny poem that appeared around the same time but which does not seem to be in the Barbicans. It was a skit on "Hiawatha" telling the story of a mishap (disaster !) that occurred in the laboratory prep room between the lower school physics and chemistry labs. In this prep-room was a gas heated still -- a big beast fitted to the wall -- that ran from time to time making distilled water for use in chemistry lessons.

The poem told the story of a real event, the details I can't remember, in which this apparatus broke leading to a fire and a flood. It was discovered by the Lab Assistant (a sixth-former who had finished his school studies and was employed by the school on a temporary basis -- possibly Church ?) and told, at length, the story of his heroic deeds in coping with this disaster. As one can imagine "running water" came into it quite a lot and "How he ... " this, and "How he ..." that -- it was hilarious. A great shame that it has not survived. Does anyone have a copy?]


Click here to see the LARGE version If after last year's highly successful visit to Blois for a "Semaine Franco-Britannique" organised by the Lycee Augustin-Thierry, there were those who thought that a second invasion would be an anti-climax, these doubts were quickly dispelled after a party of 50 boys, led by Mr. Perkins who had Mr. Duffin to assist him, left Lewes for Newhaven, Dieppe and Paris on a very fine March morning.

Mr. Cardy, Marine Manager at Newhaven, a great friend of the School, had made ideal arrangements for our travel to Dieppe and we crossed in great comfort on a calm sea.

News of our intended visit to Blois had spread widely, for at Dieppe we were welcomed by the head of the Dieppe Syndicat d'Initiative, a representative of the boys' and girls' High Schools of that town and the local press.

At Paris we were met by M. Broussaudier (Headmaster), Mr. Piolé (Senior English Master) and four other members of the staft of the Lycee. Everything had been admirably organised for us to spent the night at Sevres at the " Centre International d'Etudes Pedagogiques,' where we were the first school party ever to be entertained. This building is on the site of the old porcelain factory and is now used as the Paris centre for U.N.E.S.C.O. conferences.

After a very comfortable and instructive night we left by the " Metro " for Paris and then went on a whirlwind sightseeing tour, which was conducted bv M. Piolé. Lunch had been arranged at the Lycee Louis-le-Grand, a very important French school situated next to the Sorbonne and the College de France, in the heart of the Latin Quarter. More sightseeing followed before we assembled at the Gare d'Austerlitz to take the train for the 80-mile journey to Blois.

A large crowd was waiting for us outside the station at Blois and we were given a very warm reception. The boys were introduced to their hosts, who took them away to their homes for a meal and a well-merited rest.

On Saturday morning, at the Mairie, we were officially welcomed by the municipality of Blois. The Mayor addressed us in French and Professor Cornillau in English. In the evening a magnificent ball was held in our honour at the ancient chateau. Sunday had been left free in our programme and this was as well for they were very tired, though very happy, boys who went home in the small hours with their hosts.

After an assembly at the school on Monday, the morning was spent visiting classes and watching the Lycee at work. Some very interesting impressions were formed and a number of enthusiasts returned to continue their researches in the afternoon and on the next day.

On Tuesday the only official meeting was for the theatre show in the evening. This consisted of a short revue written by one of the hoys of the Lycce, followed by a performance of J. Anouilh's " Le Bal des Voleurs." Both were admirably acted and the French dialogue was understood by most -- so they said, anyway.

The first attractive item in Wednesday's programme was a picnic in the Forest of Chambord and visits to the chateaux of Chambord and Cheverny. At Chambord, the boys were addressed by Mr. Keys, Deputy Director in France of the British Council. He emphasised the importance of visits of this type for the furtherance of friendlv relations and understanding between our country and France. In the evening a number of the senior boys of our party were present at a well-attended meeting to hear M. Wieder, General Secretary of the Alliance France-Grande Bretagne, give a talk on " Civisme et Austerité Britannique." This was a penetrating, scholarly and often very humorous analysis of many aspects of our national character. He was follocved by Mr. Keys and then followed a discussion that was at times very spirited.

The next day was the occasion of the big football matches when soccer and rugger teams were turned out against the boys of the Lycee. Considering our numbers and the fact that soccer is not our School game, the team put up a very creditable performance in losing by only three goals. Rugby is a new game to the Lycee aud was taken up only after our visit last year, but the Blois boys had obviously been intensively coached and, being in every case a good deal older, much heavier and faster against a side which contained only one member of the School 2nd XV and two members of the Colts side, it was not really surprising that we were overwhelmed by 51-0. As it was, the School side played a very plucky game. The match was folloved hy a farewell tea in the school refectory and was attended by all our boys, the Blois teams and those members of the Blois staff who had been most concerned with the visit and who had made every conceivable effort to make our visit so comfortable and profitable. M. Hilleret, Inspector-General of Sports was also present and spoke in English. The ever-popular M. Broussaudier then spoke and afterwards Hutton on behalf of the School in a very suitable oration in French expressed the sentiments of all the English party in thanking our hosts. Cheers were called for and at the request of the French our boys sang " Floreat Lewesia."

After bidding " au revoir " to individual hosts with gratitude and a good deal of reluctance, the boys assembled at the Lycee for an early bedtime. We rose at three in the morning, breakfasted on a meal prepared by Madame Broussaudier, and left for the station, Paris and Dieppe.

So far the return journey was uneventful. On boarding the Worthing we were received as usual in a very friendly manner by the Captain (the father of an Old Lewesian) and his crew. Here the friendly reception ended, for the sea was very tempestuous and only a very small percentage of the party survived the voyage without some manifestation of mal-de-mer. For some, more trouble was in store, for though we were once more taken under the friendly wing of Mr. Cardy to help us with the formalities of disembarkation, even he cannot ignore Customs officials. Those who had brought back most presents and booty had to rely on the more prudent financiers to help them past the Customs gentlemen. These troubles were very soon forgotten and all returned to their homes happy after a great reception and a wonderful experience.

'This account would not be complete without a tribute to the work put in by Mr. Ferkins, who left us at the end of the Summer Term. During his two years at Lewes he allied himself very closely with many branches of the School's activities, but particularly was his sound, unassuming organisation and administration indispensable in planning, with Mr. Auld, the two visits to Blois and the return visits here. He was also invaluable during the School Camp, held last year at Chaumont. Much of the success of all these ventures is attributable to the cheerful and tireless approach of Mr. Perkins. His work will be missed as much as it is appreciated.


On Friday, July 16, some 45 pupils, together with seven members of the staff, arrived at Newhaven for the second " Anglo-French Friendship " week arranged between the County Grammar School for boys of Lewes and our " école soeur " the Lycee Augustin Thierry of Blois.

After meeting at School, our French friends dispersed to the homes of their English correspondents, the teachers to homes of members of the staff and friends of the School who had kindly offered them hospitality.

On Saturday, July 17, the French party was officially welcomed by the Mayor of Lewes and the Town Councillors. In the afternoon despite adverse weather conditions, our French friends witnessed a typically English pastime, a cricket match, between the School and an Old Boys' team. Tea at School was followed by the " piece de resistance," the Anglo-French Ball in the Town Hall, a magnificent success.

After a " free " day on Sunday, the week opened with a tour of Lewes under the leadership of Councillor H. A. Baker and our History Master, Mr. H. M. Davies. Lunch at School was followed by a trip to Brighton, under the leadership of Messrs. Gillam and Auld. Tuesday, July 20, was devoted to a day's walk on the Downs followed by an open-air tea in the delighful gardens of the Tudor Hotel at Alfriston. After a " free " Wednesday morning on July 21, our French friends participated in the more serious side of life by being present at the Speech Day gathering in the afternoon. A letter of welcome from Lord Bessborough, President of the Society " France -- Grande-Bretagne," was read to our visitors. The " academic " afternoon was followed by the annual Athletic Sports, when the French boys watched intently the prowess of some of their future competitors in Olympic Games to come.

The afternnon of Thursday, July 22, was taken up by a delightful excursion by motor-coach to Beachy Head, with an "international" tea on the return journey at Wannock Gardens.

With the arrival of Friday, July 23, the second " Anglo-French " week at Lewes came to an end and at 11.30 we bade farewell to our French friends as the Londres steamed out of Newhaven harbour -- No, not " goodbye," but " au revoir et à un prochain retour."



The journey to the camp site, at Tiddington near Stratford, was an arduous affair for the gallant few who perched precariously on a lorry-load of luggage in order to prepare the camp for the main army of about 70 boys, which followed a few days later on August 24. For the others, the journcy was as far as London was quite pleasant, except that there were not quite enough seats in the reserved carriage.

Having lunched in St. James's Park, we proceeded to the National Gallery (where one unfortunate, as if launching the whole venture, contrived to break a bottle of water on the threshold). There everyone found something to his taste and the minutes flew by.

Then, after crossing London by tube -- a hazardous, but completely Successful operation -- we boarded a smoke-stained express which contrasted unfavourably with our former clean, green train. Changing again at Leamington, we got into a diesel-electric train which was a cross between a tram and a tube, and on arriving at Stratford we were very glad to see a blue and yellow double-decker bus, together with some of the advance party, awaiting us. On reaching the camp we found that the advance guard, despite the weather, the illness of their commander, Mr. Price, and the non-arrival of some of the new tents, had pitched 11 bell tents and stowed all the luggage into them.


Apart from maintenance duties and cooking, eating and sleeping there were four main activities at the camp -- swimming and punting, coach trips, the Rugby match and play-going.

The Avon was flowing only a couple of fields away and on the opposite bank were several diving boards ranging up to about 20 ft. So a bathing and boating party was held on every suitable occasion. The boat used was a punt and Jerome K. Jerome would have been tempted to write another book if he had seen what went on. Most afternoons our punt could be seen zig-zagging along the Avon to the annoyance of some of the people on the river and to the amusement of the rest. Sometimes it had even to be pushed and steered by swimmers in a most ignominious fashion. Whenever the punt headed for one bank all the passengers and crew would stand up, against express instructions to the contrary, and prepare to " jump for it." Sometimes the " engines " of the punt would pull their paddles in opposite directions aud nobody knows what would have happened if anyone had dared to use the pole.

Only the good swimmers were allowed to dive, and of these only two dived from the top board which was partially hidden in the branches of a tall tree. Swimming for the rest under the eagle eye of a master or prefect, was also enjoyed, for although the river water was cold the weather was quite warm.

Both the coach trips were enjoyed by those boys who went on them. During the whole day trip the coaches took us to various places and we were then turned loose to make our own unconducted tours. Among the places visited were Tewkesbury with its Abbey, Evesham with its apples, Broadway with its new paint, ice creain and Americans, and Chipping Camden with its ancient market hall and sun dials under the eaves of its houses.

On the half-day trip we were taken to Warwick and conducted round its castle where, among other things, we saw the large armoury, and tables with mosaic and marble tops. We returned through the Vale of Evesham and saw acres of orchards.

One afternoon a team of 15 boys played eight masters and prefects at Rugby. Hersee, the camp captain, had spent about three hours in the morning preparing sawdust lines and the game was all over in a quarter of an hour. Tbe result was the most satisfactory one possible : 0-0 .

However play-going was almost certainly the most important activity. Quite a number of boys saw six plays and one or two saw more. " Hamlet " was the play which we most desired to see, and after the small number of seating tickets had been given out, it was found that 44 people were prepared to stand, and as the theatre only issued 90 standing tickets, it was obvious that we would need to make an early start to be far enough up in the queue to get all the tickets we wanted. At 5 o'clock on the day, one of the prefects went round and wakened the 11 boys who were on the first shift from 5 a.m. to 7.15 a.m. This shift got away quickly under its prefect Hersee, and when it returned we were told that we were first in the queue. "Operation Hamlet " as Mr. Silk. called it, had succeeded, and it was only a matter of the other two shifts holding the ground gained and getting four tickets each when the doors opened at 10.30 a.m. This business of obtaining standing tickets went on nearly every day but this was the first and biggest operation.

Quite a number of boys saw both performances of " Hamlet." When Robert Helpmann played the part, the movement was magnificent as expected and Paul Scofield's movement was poor by comparison. This was the fact which made most of the boys prefer Helpmann. The object which was most criticised in " Hamlet " was a large, brown suitcase which was brought noisily on to the stage when Hamlet was about to leave for England. A similar criticism was levelled against galvanised iron dustbins (and to a lesser extent a duffle coat) which were seen in the production of " Troilus and Cressida," where the characters were all either Greeks or Trojans ! Everyone went at least once to the theatre and thoroughly enjoyed it.

These were the main camp activities, apart from wasp-trapping and plate-throwing but there was plenty of scope for those wishing to exercise the culinary art, for ynder close supervision, we cooked our own food and then ate it in the barn


The day of departure was wet and dreary. The tents were prepared for striking -- prepared so well, that some of them fell down before the appointed hour. Nevertheless it was quite impressive to see the tents come down when Mr. Price blew a whistle. Everything was packed and loaded on to the lorry which soon left with a swaying cargo and three boys balanced on top. The rest soon followed in a bus. However, when we reached the station it was found that the station-master just did not know whether there was a reserved coach for us or not. Nobody had troubled to tell him . There was a carriage for us, however, and after changing once we arrived in London, where it was decided to visit the South Kensington Science Museum. Assuring us that he knew the way, one boy led us on a wild goose chase for what seemed to us like hours. Eventually we reached the place with a couple of ice-cream barrow boys outside, and went in. Some of the party spent the whole time in the railway section either examining the " Rocket " or frenziedly turning little handles and watching the working actions of little engines in glass cases. Others got as far as the aeroplane and car section, but few got very much farther as the time to leave soon approached. The last stage of the journey was uneventful, and having reached the School, we sorted out our cases from the heap and went home. It had been a most enjoyable camp and for some of us it was the highlight of the holidays.


At the end of the camp a richly-deserved presentation was made to those who had made the camp, first possible, and then delightful. The people concerned were Miss Andrews, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Silk, Mr. Price, Mr. Silk, and last but not least, Mr. Duffin, who although unable at the last moment to attend the camp, put in a lot of hard work in its thorough preparation, the preparation which ensured its success.


Tlie writer had the good fortune to see the original production of this play some 20 years ago. The impression was sufficiently vivid to have remained while other theatrical memories have faded. There is no doubt that it is a good play ; it has an unforced artistic unity of time and place, the central theme -- the impact of war upon normal decent men -- is dramatised in the form of a conflict which arises essentially, from the action, reaction and interaction of character and situation, and the characters themselves are clearly delineated and credible. The dialogue is authentic and spiced with a humour that at no point seems out of place or character. Finally, the movement of the action itself and the dramatic tension of climax and anti-climax are a challenge and a gift to the imagination of both producer and actors.

All those who took part in this production are, in my opinion, to be congratulated. Whatever its faults, one thing -- and that the most important of all -- was achieved : I refer to the atmosphere. Due to a misunderstanding, I was unfortunate enough to arrive late, but from the moment of stepping inside the door I had no difficulty in accepting the illusion of being in the front line in France in 1918. Yet, on examination, the walls of the dug-out were just a little too spick and span, the steps too regular, the painted sandbags too precise in their arrangement ! Even the pin-up girls displayed charms unmarred by a speck of mud ! The actors themselves, therefore, must bc awardede much f the credit for creating and sustaining the atmosphere, though in justice to the electrician, the stage manager and the " back-room boys, a goodly company of whom were so obviously and so enthusiastically letting their hair down in the field day of a lifetime behind the scenes, it should be recorded that both lighting and effects were well-contrived and convincing.

This play is an ambitious choice for any school for the reason that the emotions and motives of the four leading characters, Stanhope, Osborne, Raleigh and Hibbert, require in their portrayal the depth of understanding and sensitivity of the mature actor. Of those who played these four parts, E. C. Hill without a doubt deserves the greatest praise for an imaginative to create " in the round " the complex character of poor, brave, tortured, bitter cynical Stanhope. A moving performance which rose to considerable heights at the climax of the play and in the difficult party scene, with its violent change of mood. Hill's technique is conspicuously " un-amateur," and his timing, movement and general stage-sense reached a notable standard indeed. The very awkward and unsympathetic part of Hibbert was valiantly attempted by P. E. Osborne who did not fall into the error of making him despicable but, as he should be, pitiable. There is a Hibbert in most of us ; Osborne stifled him with sheer strength of character, Trotter with humour and, so to speak, lack of imagination; Stanhope with whisky. Even Hibbert himself sticks it out -- just ! R. Treadaway as Raleigh after a shaky start, grew almost visibly in stature as the play developed and by the last act was acting well particularly in the scene with Stanhope after Osborne's death. I think he missed an opportunity early on when making his exit for his first spell of duty. It is a very great moment for him ; he should be tense, expectant, eager, but Treadaway went up the steps, if he will forgive me, as if he were going up the street to post a letter ! D. E. Pincott's Osborne did not quite come off. I am not sure why, except that it is an excessively hard part for a young actor. (After all, Osborne is an ex-schoolmaster . . . ! ) I had the feeling that Pincott had not quite convinced himself of his own reality, and therefore did not achieve the necessary depth which makes Osborne such a moving character. Yet is was clear that he had given much thought to a painstaking performance of a part with which few amateurs would cope successfully.

Trotter and Mason are gems of parts and both A. J. Horswell and F. E. Worsfield seized their chances with both hands. Horswell's timing and pointing of his lines were exemplary, as was his clarity to diction, and he is to be commended for not caricaturing the part, as must Worsfield who rightly let his lines do their own work and got thereby the right number of laughs in the right places. The other " comedy " character, Hardy, was played with gusto by D. C. Long, who launched the play with a bang -- and how all-important that is !

A special word for J. W. Hersee, who was a most convincing colonel, with the correct air and bearing of authority aud a staggeringly rectangular pair of breeches! Nor must the remaining parts of L/Cpl. Broughton, the C.S.M. and the German soldier be forgotten, played successfully and respectively by`H. J. Bartlett, B. Woods and R. Field.

Two things worried me, the over-dim lighting which even at its brightest failed to reveal the features of the features of the players, and the lack of movement in Act I and Act II, Scene I, in which Stanhope sat almost invisible behind the candles throughout his long dialogue with Osborne, while the latter sat sideways-on to the audience with little change of posture. Surely Stanhope's longer speeches, especially the one about the sunrise, would have gained immensely from being spoken standing. When he said, " I was looking across the Boche trenches . . . "I felt he should have been leaning against the door looking out, and in general character seems to demand a restlessness contrasting with and adding point to Osborne's imperturbability. Finally I was sorry that the door of the dug-out remained intact at the end, which detracted from poignancy of Raleigh's death. But the sound effects at this point, as earlier in Act III, were very good indeed. The Science Department certainly "o'er-topped" itself!

In all, a most excellent and worthwhile corporate effort by all concerned.


Early in the Autumn Term of 1948 it was decided to hold a School Fete to raise further funds for the Chapel. A Parents' Committee was elected and it set as its target the ambitious total of £500. However, quite a large number of Senior boys had gained experience of fete technique from the excellent effort in 1945 and this fact together with the strong support of many parents soon put a different complexion on the difficult task.

Tommy Handley opens fete But it was the late Mr. ["Tommy"] Handley's presence that ensured final success, for there were many who paid simply to see him, unaware of the presence of shoals of experienced, shark-like money-extractors at the function!

After the Headmaster's short introduction, Mr. Handley stepped forward to open the fete and, after a special word for those "in the gallery" (on the roof of the gymnasium), he gave the audience a one-man Itma show -- jokes, impersonations and all. Before he departed he performed two other important functions : He wrote a large number of autographs, which were sold at 1s. each and then kicked off in a Rugby match in which Seahaven beat the rest by 11-6.

Tommy Handley kicks off While the match was being played the stalls in the various Form rooms, the side-shows in the Craft room and the Hall, and the cadet rifle range were doing a roaring trade. Old and new gifts, toys, books, clothes and garden produce were on sale. Those who were not bargain-hunting either skittled for a live pig, threw tennis balls at daring, young, top-hatted gentlemen, or amused themselves at the other side-shows.

When the stalls closed down, their remaining wares, together with other items, were auctioned. Now it was that the labour gang put in some very hard and useful work. They cleared the gymnasium, which had been temporarily converted into a most successful cinema and brought in card tables and chairs for the whist drive which, when it had started, looked rather like an examination hall from which the invigilator was absent.

When the auction was over and all the inevitable litter had been swept away, the Hall was made ready for a dance which nearly 400 people attended. At half-past eleven, this dance, and with it the fete, came to an end.

By giving time, service, gifts and support £670 for the School Chapel had been gained.


On October 27 200 members of the staff and the Upper School under the leadership of Mr. Euston visited the Young Vic's production of " As You Like It " at the Dolphin Theatre, Brighton. One object of the visit was to improve our acquaintance with and understanding of Shakespeare, and this it may said to have done even if the production was not an unqualified success.

The Young Vic Company consists of actors in a stage of apprenticeship to shakespearean acting, under the guidance of an experienced producer. Their aim is to bring Shakespeare alive to the young. In attempting this with " As You Like It " they were under two big handicaps. First, the play though simple in its situations, is of all Shakespeare's plays one of the most sophisticated, with its wit-play of Rosalind and Orlando and its element of pastoral; and therefore, especially in its middle stretches, it was too difficult for the majority of its young audience properly to appreciate. Secondly, the production fell between two stools in attempting to catch the fantasy and sophistication and yet play down with comic realism to its young audience. It must be said, however, that there were many happy touches.

In these circumstances the actors really did quite nicely. Rosalind improved after a rather pedestrian start, but, being limited in her range, she did not altogether capture the part's champagne quality. Orlando, though tolerable, was hampered by an unconvincing physique and appearance, and a false note in those later passages which declare his love. Touchstone was capable in a vein not sufficiently courtly, and the Duke was adequate. The performances most attractive to the writer were those of Jacques, who in bearing, dress and voice did convey a fine and tattered melancholy -- though he was occasionally inaudible; of Audrey -- a most happy grotesque; and of Celia, who was genuinely lively.

So we returned, feeling we had had an interesting but not an enthralling afternoon, which owed a great deal to Mr. Euston's excellent and thoughtful organisation.


On Wednesday afternoon, November 10, about 200 members of the School had the pleasure of hearing two musicians who have done much towards the re-establishment of early music and instruments. Carl Dolmetsch, the eminent recorder player, with Joseph Saxby at the harpsichord gave a programme of early music by French and English composers. Each composition was given on the instrument for which it was composed, so many heard for the first time all the recorders, the treble viol, rebec and tambourine in the hands of one of the great players of our time in this sphere of musical art. Most interesting historical remarks on both instruments and music preceded each item.

The length of this brief note does not permit describing the many aspects of the Dolmetsch family's work in detail, since most of these could in themselves be the subject of a whole volume. We can but record our deep appreciation of what we heard in our own School.
F. A.


Authentic interpretations of early music, played
on the instruments for which it was written.

"Divisions" - variations on "Greensleeves" - - - Anon. 17th C.

(i) "Nobody's Jigg" (sopranino) - - - - - Anon. (Elizabethan)
(ii) Allegro in A minor (treble) - - - - G. F. Handel (1685-1759)
(iii) "Heartsease" (tenor) - - - - - - - - - - Anon. (Elizabethan)
(iv) "Lord Zouche's Masque" (bass) - - - Anon. (Elizabethan)

Variation on "Beata Nobis Gaudia" for Recorder in E flat - M. Shaw

(i) Rondeau - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J. F. d'Andrieu (1705)
(ii) "Les Coucous Benevoles" - - - - F. Couperin (1668-1733)
(iii) "The Fall of the leafe" - - - - - Martin Pearson (1580-1651)

Sarabande and Two Minuets - - - - De Caix d'Hervelois (1736)

The Spanish "Folias" - - - - - - - - - - - Gaspar Sans (c.1670)

(i)Triory de Bretagne
(ii)Branle Montard

8. RECORDER SOLO (conclusion)


To the Editor,
The Barbican.

Another bulletin from what a cynic has called the " City of Screaming Tyres," but which your correspondent (whose days there are numbered) regards rather more sentimentally, demands a short glance backwards to review Old Lewesians' achievements in the past year.

Ted Wynter appeared at Twickenham (as everyone now knows) much to the delight not only of all Lewesians, but also of all Rugby-playing men in the University. He later played for the Barbarians, and was in the running for an international cap. Ted has established a bridgehead in the name of Lewes in big Rugby, and we all hope that the School will produce a series of fine players to follow in his outsize footsteps.

In the literary and artistic world Denis Thomas achieved considerable notice by his management of the affairs of the Ballet Club and by editing Cherwell for two terms. He has established a reputation as a writer of no mean talent, and at the same time has refrained from indulging in that preciosity which mars both the writing and the behaviour of so many talented young Oxford writers.

John Searchfield, now at Magdalen, has already made his mark in the sphere of music. At two concerts, one at Downing College, Cambridge, and one at Magdalen he has performed as solo pianist.

At the end of the Hilary Term Martin Preece went down into the big wide world equipped with a history degree and a charming smile. By September he was happily (and delightfully) married and about to embark on a teaching career in a new independent school in Shropshire.

The big wide world, indeed saw a good deal of Oxford's Lewesians duriug the year. At Easter Ted Wynter and Fred Cosstick went on the " Greyhound " tour to France and Italy. In Clemont-Ferrand, Genoa, Rome ,Milan and Grenoble they met civic receptions, ambassadorial and consular parties, and at the Vatican were received in special audience by the Pope. They also played some Rugby.

During the long vacation Eric Gordon gambolled in Gambia (or perhaps sarabanded in Sierra Leone) with a University research party. David Caton forsook pedalling up and down Boar's Hill, left his " Greats " behind and betook himself to the art galleries and the ruins of Italy. Also in Italv, a fugitive from P.P.E., was Brian Thomas, basking in the Sorrentino sunshine at Positano -- very philosophicaly, not at all politically and quite uneconomically. And at Venice, for the International Film Festival was Willy Wray. It is reported that he has not been to a cinema since that date. At the same time, in the Argentine, Ted Wynter was enjoying enormous steak parties as a resident of a club for meat millionaires, meeting Senor Peron, featuring in the Buenos Aires social columns and, by the way playing Rugby. Fred Cosstick was in the smallest fishing village he could discover in Britanny, surrounded by books, trying to find out what he should have been learning for the past two years.

We returned from the four corners at the beginning of the Michaelmas Term less the G.O.M. (now teaching at Dulwich College, playing for Blackheath and captaining Sussex), Bob Faulkner (not far away, at Wycliffe Hall) and Payne (who had quietly picked up a First in Modern Languages, a fine academic achievement). However our ranks were reinforced by Charlwood (Merton), Tony Burgess (Hertford), Peter Williams and P. E. Turton (St. Catherine's Society) and John Searchfield (Magdalen). When the Oxford O.L. luncheon was held at the Roebuck, we filled 19 places at table -- when the table could be found.

It was delightful to have Mr. Bradshaw with us again. We feel that the tradition of the Michaelmas Term luncheon, with the Headmaster as guest of honour, has now been firmly established. We who are going down hope that we shall be notified yearly of the date of this now traditional occasion.

This last term, the first of the new academic year, has been comparatively quiet. Peter Williams has made his first movements on Oxford's Rugby fields, though unluckily for him, the captain of the St. Catherine's Club is also a scrum half. Tony Burgess's tank-like progress down the field for the Hertford team has been described to me with some awe by last year's O.U.R.F.C. secretary. Ted Lavender has been wielding a hockey stick with some skill for St. Catherine's, and will be tackling his Maths finals in the summer; Eric Gordon has been rowing for St. Peter's Hall and swimming for the Dolphins; Brian Thomas has overcome the handicap of his war injury and is rowing in the St. Edmund Hall 1st Torpid VIII ; Bob Ford was playing good Rugby for St. Edmund Hall until he was injured and has also played this season for Sussex against Hampshire. Douglas Blunden and Nelson Harvis have been stalwarts in the Magdalen XV.

Now the Michaelmas Term is over. For some of us it has been the end of a delightful intermezzo, for others it has been merely a quiet overture, full of promise for things to come. The Old Lewesians at Oxford are a very active force, and have every reason to look forward to continued success in the future. We who are departing wish those who remain the best of luck. We have a final word of advice to offer -- Oxford is the only place in the world where, however hard you try, you cannot waste time. So do not neglect the delicate arts of coffee and conversation.

Yours sincerely,
St. Edmund Hall,

Trinity Examination Results
R. F. Faulkner (S.E.H.), Class III, Full Honour School, History.
E. C. C. Wynter (S.E.H.), Diploma of Education.
K. J. Payne, Class I, Final Honour School of Modern Languages.

Michaelmas Examination Results
F. W. Cosstick (S.E.H.), Class II, Full Honour School, Modern Languages (French).
D. J. R. Thomas (S.E.H.) Class II, Shortened Honour School, English.
M. Russell (S.P.H.), Class III, Shortened Honour School, Geography.


Once more the time has come to recount some of the activities of the Old Lewesians at Cambridge. First of all we extend a hearty welcome to Dessy More and Robin Krebs, our two "freshers" ; to "Chicken" Henshaw, who has returned after two years in the Army, and to Francis Holton, who had been away in the R.A.F. for several years.

Jack Franklin has transferred his attention from History to Geography for his third year. Our other geographer is Ernie Gates, who lives far away in old Chesterton -- it is rumoured that he has to get an absit in order to journey from college to his digs. He loudly extols life in the wilds, its chief advantage being the absence of proctors and proximity to a cosy hostelry at Clayhithe. Roy Stevens is occupied with research in English and Federal Union activities. "Ribs" Cooper, our oldest inhabitant, is to be congratulated on becoming our first Ph.D. He lectures, supervises research students -- and sells Jeeps. "Bishop" Stenton is what is vaguely known as "doing research." John Havard, now in his final year of Engineering, hopes to build roads and bridges in the Colonial Service. Our athletic activities are virtually confined to an occasional game of squash or hockey or a breathless sprint to a 9 o'clock lecture. " Chicken " Hershaw is a notable exception, however, and he pulls a mighty oar in Trinity second boat. We hope that he will graduate to the Blue boat in the near future.

At Cambridge it is difilcult to say anything, in such a short space, without merely repeating what have become platitudes. Even in these austere times life has a spaciousness and richness rarely found elsewhere. In all spheres of activity, athletic, intellectual and cultural, there is so much to be done and seen and heard -- and there is so little time.

December, 1948.


Chairman -- R. S. Green, Down View, Grove Road, Seaford.
Secretary -- P. Noel, Flat 6, Thornecliffe, Sutton Road, Seaford.
Treasurer -- David Williams, Summerfield, Southdown Road, Seaford.

Since our last report the Association has continued its activities with much pleasure to those who have attended the various functions. The Annual Dinner was held at School in December, 1947, when about 70 Old Boys were present. In April, 1948 an enjoyable dance was arranged at Holloway's Restaurant, Lewes, which was sufficiently well supported to ensure a small profit. In July the annual cricket match against the School was spoilt by rain after the School had dismissed the Old Boys for a modest total. The most successful venture was the first Old Lewesians' Ball held in Lewes Town Hall in October. About 200 dancers attended and all agreed that it was a delightful function. Much credit for its success was due to the hard work of Colin Chivers. The year ended in misfortune. It had been decided to break new ground by holding the 1948 dinner at the White Hart Hotel. The Saturday before Christmas was chosen for the function. Whether this was an inconvenient date or whether there were other causes the fact remains that so poor was the support that it was decided to postpone the dinner together with the Annual General Meeting. The only other activity was a small but delightful dance arranged at Seaford by the Seaford Old Boys. It was particularly pleasant to meet there not only Old Boys -- and their ladies -- but parents whose connection with the School goes back to its very early days. What about branch functions in other districts?

We close by reminding Old Lewesians that the Association is yours and will be what you make it. If you have any suggestions, you can air them at the General Meeting at the School on Friday, February 11, at 7.30 pm. If you are interested in the School and your old associates, turn up.


[ A list of donations and other monies appears showing that over the Year the Chapel fund has risen from £5,175 to £6,326, the largest sum being the £670 raised by the Fete. "Journey's End" made nearly £48 and the Parents' Cricket Match about £50. Sundries raised £54, whatever that comprised. The smallest sum mentioned was from Anon. ---- 1s. 6d. ]

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