Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 25 - 1949

The Original Barbican cover The School is going through that extended period of post-war recovery when food and material goods were still scarce. However the horrors of the war are over; no more obituaries of Old Boys killed in service; all the masters are returned to their duties. There is a spirit of optmism for the future and the emphasis now is on academic, artistic and sporting endeavour to build worthy citizens for a better world.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys

December 1949


School Captain: J. H. Woolmore.

LEWES ... J. H. Woolmore, S. B. Symons, J. J. Fryatt.
MARTLETs ... M. A. Short, A. J. C. Horswell, M. J. Dorling, R. Stevens, B. Gray.
SEAHAVEN ... J. W. Hersee, P. E. F. X. Osborne, I. S. Winchester, D. Pincott, T. B. Woods, K. Jessop, J. F. Saunders, J. Carter.
UCKFIELD ... M. A. Causley, R. R. Wells.

Form Captains: Transitus, J. A. Phillips; VB, H. T. Hayward; VJ, G. W. Harris; Remove A, A. E. Ticehurst; Remove B, J. C. Creasey; Remove J, C. D. Foord; IVA, J. H. Muir, C. Field; IVB, J. Barber; IVJ, E. A. Taylor; IIIA, A. S. Pilbeam; IIIB, P. J. Simmonds; IIIJ, W. Niner; IIA, L. Taylor; IIB, A. R. Selby; J.T.S. I. R. H. Higham; J.T.S. II, W. E. Hards.

Editors of the Magazine: I. S. Winchester, J. F. Saunders.


School Captain: J. H. Woolmore.

LEWES ... J. H. Woolmore, J. J. Fryatt, R. C. Cosham, S. B. Symons, J. A. Phillips, K. B. Stone.
MARTLETS ... R. J. Humphry.
SEAHAVEN ... I. S. Winchester, B. G. Michell, D. E. Pincott, T. B. Woods, P. L. Still, A. J. Tompsett.
UCKFIELD ... R. R. Wells, E. Williams, M. Smith.

Form Captains: Transitus, A. E. Ticehurst; VB, F. Boot; VJ, D. Rogers; Remove A, J. Muir; Remove B, J. Barber; Remove J, A. Taylor; IVA, M. Cooper; IVB, L. Johnson; IVJ, W. Niner; IIIA, N. Barnes; IIIB, B. Langford; IIA, P. Harris; IIB, M. Everest; J.F.S.I, O. Sutton; J.T.S.II, W. Message.

Editors of the Magazine: I. S. Winchester, R. C. Field, K. J. Funnell.


The School has passed through another busy year, and our magazine has many varied activities to report. In March. we paid a third visit to Blois, and our sister school then returned the visit in September. In this age when so many efforts are being made to promote international peace and friendship, it is very satisfying to note that our School is doing its small share in this most important work.

Passing to our more parochial affairs, the School is still recovering in body and spirit from the war years. The provision of the "tomato nurseries" as the new prefabricated classrooms are affectionately called, has eased the strain upon, and the overcrowding of, the rest of the School buildings. It is to be hoped that these well-lit buildings will produce sturdy and upright plants throughout the coming years. On the cultural side, the institution of a School orchestra is still awaited hopefully, and now with a flourishing violin class at School, these hopes may be achieved. The School play was a great success, and it marked a high level of cultural and corporate activity in the School.

The academic part of our School year was a matter rather of steady progress than outstanding success, but the boys who obtained Sandhurst cadetships and university entrances deserve to be congratulated. The Rugby season was very successful and the remarkably fine summer weather blessed our other sports and outdoor activities. The School camp, which was held at Stratford was much enjoyed, and the hard work of the masters in charge much appreciated.

The School Camp Party

The School Song

The unique event of the year was the recording of the School song in November. Although the "choir" may not have given a perfect rendering, the record hardly deserved the title imprinted upon it of "Floriette Louisia."


WE have said goodbye to Mr. Duffin and Mr. Dixon. Both have made their contribution to School life. During the three years he was with us no one could have worked harder than Mr. Duffin. An officer in the School Corps, Scoutmaster, coach of the Junior Cricket Eleven, he was indefatigable. In addition he found time to attend two School camps - in France and at Stratford-on-Avon - and also made a trip to Blois with the School party. His departure was a loss deplored by all. Mr. Dixon was with us for only a year. The desperate housing shortage in Lewes drove him back to the North from whence he came. Everyone regretted his going. Before coming to us he had served with distinction in the Navy and was typical of the "Silent Service." In his quiet undemonstrative way he was tireless in his service to the School. In place of Mr. Duffin we welcome Mr. A. J. Hall, B.Sc., while Mr. Glyn Davis, B.A., has succeeded Mr. Dixon. We hope their stay at Lewes will be a happy one.

In July, 85 boys passed School Certificate, a very high number for a School with 450 boys in the Grammar School section. We have never made School Certificate successes our main goal, but it is pleasing none the less to achieve this record figure on the last occasion when boys may enter the examination without age restrictions. [For reasons unfathomable the Government had decided to stop the practice of intense coaching of young children and decreed that School Certicate was not to be taken before the age of sixteen. The rule was rescinded a few tears later]

We have to congratulate M. J. Dorling on winning a Ministry of Agriculture Senior Scholarship to Reading University, and S. B. Symons on a commonership at Keble College, Oxford. Congratulations too to J. H. Woolmore and R. Humphry on playing Rugger for Sussex Public Schoolboys in the Christmas vacation matches.

Many parents know that through the generosity of Mrs. Wilkins and two Old Boys, David and John, we have been able to obtain 500 collecting boxes for the Chapel Fund. We were able to distribute about 130 of these on Speech Day and when they were re-called at Christmas they contained the splendid sum of nearly £50. Can we persuade other parents or Old Boys to take the remainder? If we could we should soon make a big jump forward towards our target of £10,000.

Our final paragraph must be one of thanks to parents, who never let us down. The September visit of our friends from Blois was largely financed by the proceeds of the Ball in the Town Hall. The support we received on that occasion was magnificent.


ALTHOUGH the past year has not, perhaps, been quite as eventful as its predecessor (when the wonderfully successful Fete was held), it has again proved to be immensely interesting, and a number of noteworthy happenings have taken place.

The Committee itself has met on four occasions during fhe year, when agendas for the Parents' Meetings have been prepared, and other matters discussed. Amongst the latter has been the question of additional cycle accommodation, and this has since been referred to the School Governors with the result that a solution of the difficulty is hoped for in the near future [This is probably one of the first manifestations of the "Bicycle Shed Syndrome"].

The Committee has maintained its contacts with the makers of the school uniform, with a view to improving still further the quality of the uniform, and facilitating deliveries. Tbe Committee adopted a suggestion put forward by one of its members that collecting boxes be made available to parents for the occasional " odd coppers," with the object of assisting the School Memorial Chapel Fund, and a great many parents have agreed to take one of these boxes into their homes.

In regard to the agendas for Parents' Meetings, reference should, I think, be made to a particularly successful meeting which took the form of two discussions upon the highly controversial subjects of " Homework" and " Soccer versus Rugger " ! The evening was notable for the very large number of parents who participated.

On the 18th of June, the annual Parents v. School cricket match was held, and, dare we say it, the School eleven was well and truty vanquished ! I am not quite certain which team was the more surprised by this result, and parents may, I think, be permitted a little " cockiness " over this, their first victory. It will surely add immeasurably to the attractiveness of the 1950 game when the School will manifestly be out to secure a fitting revenge ! A very successful Whist Drive and Dance followed the cricket match, and the Chapel Fund benefited by over £40.

The visit of our friends from Blois took place at the end of Summer, and the Parents once more gave their enthusiastic support, particularly to the Anglo-French Ball, highlight of the visit, which was held on September 24th.

In conclusion, the Committee would wish to record its indebtedness to the Headmaster for his unfailing courtesy and helpfulness, and to express its appreciation of the co-operation of Mr. Hoggins, representing the teaching Staff.


SPEECH Day was a particularly happy function this year. Our Chairman, Sir Reginald Spence, opened proceedings in his own inimitable manner. Sir George Boughey, our principal guest, gave us one of the best talks we have ever had. All the other speakers were equally successful, age and authority being represented by the Mayor, Colonel Crisp, youth by a Sixth Former - an innovation this - I. S. Winchester. An air of graciousness was added by the presence on the platform of Lady Boughey who afterwards presented the prizes, and the Mayoress. The sun shone, everything went smoothly and quickly - including the refreshments which Mrs. Parkinson had succeeded in amassing by herculean efforts. Soon we had left the Hall and were gathered round the running track. Here, too, event succeeded event expeditiously and by the time shadows were filling the hollows in the nearby Downs, the field was deserted and the last of our guests had gone.


Oxford: D. Burden (Distinction in French), G. M. Burt (Distinction in English), J. P. Carter, E. C. Hill, C. Hutton, C. J. Oxley, R. B. Treadaway, M. S. Pollard.

London: B. N. Amos D. J Armes, J. W. Barton, J. J. Elphick,
J. J. Fryatt, J. W. Hersee, J. H. Lea, M. A. Short, J. H. Woolmore.

H. J. Bartlett, N. Tuckley, H. G. Humphrey, B. J. Clark, R. R. Wells,
R. J Humphry, D. W. Clay, J. C. Wickens, R. A. Jennings,D. N. Cobb,
E. Williams, C. F. Leeves, J. H. Collins, E. F. Worsfield, D. C. Long,
R. C. Cosham, W. B. Allen, K. W. Lynch, M. F. Cox, W. A. Amos,
B G. Michell, P. C. Dendy, B. Austen, M. Nichols, R. J. Fletcher,
G. Boxall, P. E. Osborne, K. J. Funnell, M. O. Cole, J. S. Smith,
R. R. Gates, A. Dennett-Thorpe, J. R. Squire, B. A. Gray, D H. Funnell,
G. H. Sweatman, F. B. Gurr, M. T. Gilbert, J. D. Wade, P. R. Hall,
G. G. Harris, M. J. Waller, R. M. Jarvis, R. Kent, E. J. Williams,
A. M. Jenner, F. Money, G. W. Wood, K. C. Jessop, M. T. O'Sullivan,
R. M. Allfrey, R. G. Lelliot, T. Pegler, R. J. E. Farrant, C. H. Losasso,
C. E. Pilbeam, R. C. Field, W. Manton, E. J. Ray, C. R. Hayles,
M. J. Mason, J. K. Bird, A. D. Holder, C. S. Message, R. Collins,
C. Howells, J. T. Page, J. Craig, J G. Milnes, B. J. Parker,
W. G. Curtis, V. H. Ottley, P. Still, P. C. Fox, R. E. Steadman,
P. R. Tompsett, A. J. Greenaway, M. V. Hobden.

Executive Officers' Examination: C. Hutton.
Clerical Examination: D. G. Hayward.


G. M. Burt - State Scholarship, St. Edmund Hall, Oxford
J. M Cunningham Commonership, St. Catherine's Society, Oxford
J. W. Hersee - Commonership, Keble College, Oxford
R. Treadaway - Commonership, St Catherine's Society, Oxford
J. H. Woolmore - Commonership, Merton College Oxford
J. H. Lea - Queen Mary College, London University
R. J. Reynolds - Imperial College, London University
M. A. Short - Bristol University
A. J. Horswell - Cadetship, Royal Military College, Sandhurst

F. W. Cosstick - Class II, Honour School of Modern Languages, Oxford
R. H. Faulkner - Class III, Honour School of Modern History, Oxford
G. W. F. Franklin - Class II Div.I, Honour School of Geography, Cambridge
E. C. Gates - Class II Div.II, Honour School of Geography, Cambridge
E. C. Gordon - Herbertson Memorial Prize, Oxford
C. W. Hill - Gladstone Memorial Prize, University College, Exeter
E. Lavender - Class III, Honour School of Mathematies, Oxford
K. J. Payne - Class I Honour School of Modern Languages,Oxford
S. T. H. H. Pilbeam - M.B., B.Chir. (Cantab), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P,
Hetley Clinical Prize and Douglas Cree Prize in Medicine, Middlesex Hospital
R. B. Rees - 2nd Year Examination, Royal Veterinary College
M. Russell - Class III, Honour School of Geography, Oxford
D. Thomas - Class II, Honour School of English, Oxford
R. W. Thomas - B.Sc., London
P. Green - Mentioned in Dispatches
J. Duchossay - Medaille Militaire


The "Edgar Povey" Trophy - J. H. Woolmore
The "Rotary Club of Lewes" Prize for Citizenship - P. E. Osborne, D. E. Pincott
The "Jarvis" Prize (Presented by S. G. Henderson) - I. S. Winchester
The "Lilian Fleming" Prize for Biology - J. J. Fryatt, R. J. Stephens
The "John Christie" Prize for Music (Seniors - B. G. Michell
The "Glass" Prize for Music (Juniors) - C. R. Painter
Service Prizes - R. C. Cosham, M. J. Dorling, K. C. Jessop

School Certificate Prizes
D. W Clay, J. H. Collins, R. J. Fletcher, K. J. Funnell, P. R. Gates,
P. R. Hall, R. R. Wells, R. C. Field, C. R. Hayles

Prizes for General Proficiency
F. E. Wood, P. E. Best, H. P. Bishop,
E. Lavender, B. K. Geraghty, H. A. Lee

Subject Prizes
English - - - - - - - R. B. Treadaway
Modern Languages - C. Hutton, P. N. Ray
Latin - - - - - - - - - R. Field
Mathematics - - - M. A. Short, A. J. Shrapnel
History - - - - - - - I. S. Winchester
Science - J. H. Woolmore, S. B. Symons, D. Blaber
Geography - - - - L. Tarlo, D. G. Cramp
Art - - - H. AbboCraft, D. N. Funnell, A. A. Manser
Technical Section - R. G. Partridge, J. R. Dutson

(Season 1948-49)

THERE is no doubt that 1948-9 was the best Rugby season the School has ever had. There was great enthusiasm throughout the School, and one of the most cheering features was the launching of an "Under 14" team half way through the season and a series of Junior House Matches on Saturday mornings in March. The lst XV started off by a good win oyer Skinners School; this was followed by defeats at Hurst and Christ's Hospital, after which they remained unbeaten until the last two games of the season.

First XV

The play of this team was often brilliant, and in most games there would be 20 minutes or so when they played Rugby of a very high standard, though this brilliance was never sustained throughout the whole match. The most creditable win, although not the most spectacular game, was that with Brighton College lst XV, whom we had never beaten before. The most suprising defeat was at Chichester, where we were beaten by a side who had been no match for us at Lewes earlier in the season. The forwards, under the dashing leadership of Carter, were a very formidable pack. They were often out-weighted, but sound scrummaging in the tight and quick backing up in the loose usually gained them the upper hand. At scrum-half Cosham, after a shaky start, improved out of all recognition, while R. Humphry at fly-half always played an intelligent and constructive game and got his three-quarters well on the move. The combination of the latter was not always very good, but excellent use was made of their chances by Jessop and Osborne, the two fastest wings we have ever had. Osborne scored in every match - a total of 2 dropped goals and 14 tries. Manser at full back was always cool and reliable.

The 2nd XV were unlucky in having three of their matches cancelled by their opponents. Of the remaining six they lost four and won two. The " Under 15 " team, splendidly skippered by Purbrook, did very well to win six out of their nine matches and they will no doubt provide some good material for next year's lst XV. The " Under 14's " who only came into existence in the Easter Term, not unexpectedly lost their three games againsr more experienced opponents, but they have now definitely established themselves and next year there will be many more matches for them.

In the Senior House Matches, Seahaven proved much too strong for all their opponents, but the new Junior House Matches produced some stern and thrilling struggles, in which the honours were finally shared between Seahaven and Uckfield.

1st XV :- Full back, Manser; three-quarters, Jessop, Glenister, Humphrey H., Funnell, Osborne; half-backs, Humphry R., Cosham; forwards, Woolmore, Woods, Cox, Farley, Oxley, Wells, De Rohan, Carter (captain), and Winchester.


Cedric Pearson ALL our best athletes have received their due praise except our fastest cyclist, namely Cedric Pearson, whose first season as a road racing cyclist with the Uckfield and District Cycling Club was highly successful. In his first two 25 mile races he was third and second respectively, riding at an average speed of about 23 m.p.h. on a cycle which was not designed for racing. He next won the club 15 mile championship in 38 mins. 45 secs. the fastest time recorded since the record was set up in 1932 ! Then in a 25 mile race, in which members from all the East Sussex clubs competed, he was third; a remarkable achievement considering that 62 riders completed the course.

Finally, he attacked the club's Uckfield to East Grinstead-and-back record of 1 hour 2 mins., and lowered it by 2 mins. 17 secs., riding a single-gear, fixed-wheel machine upon this hilly and exhausting course over the Ashdown Forest.
These successes would be beyond the reach of many older and more experienced racing cyclists, and for a 15 year old novice, they are indeed a fine achievement.


THE greatest ambition of a small schoolboy must be to leave School as soon as possible. We all sympathise with him: his life is one long stretch of homework and dictatorial masters all conspire to make life as unbearable as possible. Not a day passes without one of the staff going deliberately out of his way to violate his prerogatives or to frustrate his every hope. It is intolerable.

The boy enters the middle sthool and similarly there is a subtle change in these pedants. Their chief ambition now is to crush the schoolboy's indiarubber spirit beneath an overwhelming quantity of work. His life becomes a monotonous round of declensions and detentions broken only by the welcome relief of the all too short holidays. Gradually a purpose emerges and the unfortunate realises that the dreaded "School Cert" is now only one year away. More and more intolerable become the impositions of the staff; fewer and fewer become his visits to the pictures; harder and harder becomes the pace. Slowly - oh, so slowly - he realises that the Headmaster has other purposes than conducting prayers and wielding canes.

The boy (now a man?) enters the VI form and almost overnight his life becomes more bearable : prefects no longer push him around ; dictatorial masters change into friendly tutors and visits to the Headmaster are made by his own choosing. Quickly two or three years pass and in the spiral of ever-increasing activity he finds himself, we hope, the recipient of a Higher School Certificate. Suddenly he realises that he will soon be leaving and almost instinetively he begins to look back over the last seven or eight years. Superficially he appears glad and taunts his less-fortunate fellows with tales of how he will enjoy himself and of the fabulous wages that have been offered him. Inwardly, his emotions are a mixture of relief, of apprehension and of sadness.

No more need the artist hear of iambic pentameter nor the mathematician worry about the differential of tanh x or cosh y. No more will he meet those who have been his friends and acquaintances for the past six years. No more will he turn out to play the game on the cold field and no more will he debate in the school societies.

The now dreaded day approaches and rather ashamedly he wishes there were a few days more. At last it arrives and, the last good-byes over, with that peculiarly English affection for his "Alma Mater", the leaver sets out on the greatest adventure of life - which is life itself.


IT is unusual to find anyone who speaks three languages, and even more unusual to discover any linguist who can manage five or more. It is quite commonplace however to find a group of people among whom there are as many dialects, or forms of expression, as there are people present.

Perhaps this thought has never occurred to readers - indeed, it only occurred to us quite recently. A short walk round the School corridors would soon convince them that 11 (recently increased to 17) different types of expression are used even in such a short distance.

There is nothing difficult in the comprehension of the majority of these: even the most English of us find it almost as easy to understand an angry Welshman as an angry Englishman. Similarly, it does not require very advanced study to understand a continual succession of "rights" or the qualification of every noun with a second person possessive adjective - [an idiosyncracy of Mr Page - "yer man!"].

Comparatively speaking, however, there is only one patois which requires some considerable study for complete mastery. Mr Pett We have undertaken, therefore, some research in the hope that generations to come will benefit from it. To the uninitiated it may be terrifying to hear "mmwahn" emanating from the direction of the board. The explosive violence of the latter part might deceive the novice, but the experienced would accept this for what it is - a preliminary warning of danger. The unfortunate pupil assailed with such ejaculations as "Oaf! Christmas Night! The Second Form could do it !" etc., will no doubt become rather perturbed and will cast panic-stricken glances towards the door. He need have no fears, however, for these are merely terms of slight reproach.

For instance, to be a "snerge" is no great crime, but only to be unfortunate in appearing a "dim-witted" scholar - by guessing wrongly. Probably the pupil is suffering from a touch of "Friday-afternoonitis" the eyelids drooping, the brain tired, when even "thing" may appear a "trifle bogus." Seeing a board decked out with graphs that "shoot off to glory" or "decreasing animals" that look a "bit ropey" may terrify the novice. However, unless he is a complete "quarterwit" he won't stay "up a gum tree" for long, but will soon "get joy" from it, and be able to separate the "pudding" from the "waffle."

The beginner may be confused by what seems a perfect galaxy of expressions, and despair of ever attaining fluency. He must first "operate" on the written word which is of a simple and more cryptic variety : "why?" and "how?" may not appear extremely instructive but great enlightenment is obtained merely by a literal translation.

Graduating from this to the spoken word, the learner will soon come to realise that to indulge in "organised hooliganism" is to play rugby football, and to "play pongoes" is to belong to the Cadet Force. He is thus "on the right wicket" and will become proficient in time. Two years should find him not only the proud possessor of a Certificate, but also of a finer, and more appreciative understanding of Pettois.

[ We are in our form room. It's first day of term and the timetable is in disarray. Mr. Pett has just returned from an emergency staff meeting and he is not happy.
"What's the situation, Sir?"
"Chaos !"
"What about this afternoon, Sir?"
"Chaos squared !!!" ]

By Ronald Gow

(in order of appearance)

Uncle Jeremiah BrownBEVERLEY TARLO
Martha (Oliver's wife)BRIAN PAYNE
Bell (Watson's wife)ANDREW TOMPSETT
Shields GreenPAUL BISHOP
Jones (a Southerner)STEPHEN LUSTED
Peterson (a Southerner)JOHN MUIR
Frederick DouglassKENNETH YATES
Col. WashingtonDAVID PINCOTT
Telegraph OperatorSTEPHEN PARRIS
J. P. GallagherJOHN FORD
Col. Robert E. LeePETER STILL

The cast list is from the official program - courtesy of Phil Ray

HONESTY impels the confession - a little reluctant - of almost total ignorance of the details of John Brown's life. What happened after his death is well known; this play shows, by its presentation of the last events in his struggle against slavery, the conditions in the United States which resulted in the Civil War.

It shows more than this in its portrait of a man who thought more of social justice (or as we say now; human rights) than of his own safety, and who was prepared to make, and did make, every sacrifice to bring about what he believed that justice to be. I think it is especially this which makes " Gallows Glorious." such a good play for a school to stage. It is easy to forget in our time, when new forms of slavery have been invented and when nearly everybody is either actually or potentially a member of some group, movement, party or class, that oppression has often in the past been defeated by the integrity, the courage and the example of individuals. It was easy for them to define human rights; it is equally easy to-day in spite of the statesmen who get themselves and us bewildered in conferences attempting the task, and it is well to be reminded of it.

The Company Mr. Silk, Mr.Ollerenshaw and their cast deserve our gratitude, therefore, for presenting a play which, in addition to the qualities mentioned, has the additional one of being well written. They deserve it also for the skill with which they inspired 26 boys, nearly all of them inexperienced, to give such a credible and, frequently, moving performance. "Gallows Glorious" was not written for school production and it contains characters and situations completely outside a boy's normal experience but not, evidently, always beyond his imagination.

Two players stand out in my memory - John Brown (Brian Woods) and Annie (Jerome Abbo). Both of these gave remarkable performances, the former for his authority Gallows Glorious and dignity, the latter for the authenticity of his representation of a female character. I found them almost always completely convincing, and admired particularly the way in which Annie showed the changes of mood which the progress of the play required. Other notable performances were Owen Brown (David Wilkinson), John Kagi (Cedric Andrews), Salmon Brown (John Fletcher), Ellen Brown (Lawrence Taylor), Shields Green (Paul Bishop) and Mrs. Brown (Donald Burgess). Points of criticism were, in Owen Brown, occasional insufficient clarity of speech, in John Kagi, an exaggerated awkwardness of movement and gesture particularly in his scenes with Annie; in Mrs. Brown, a monotony of delivery which sometimes prevented the player from conveying to the audience all the qualities of what was, however, a difficult part. But these are small faults in young actors, and very few would do better.

Gallows Glorious 'females' Of the scenes in the play the weakest, I thought, was the Telegraph Office (Act III, scene 2), where the rapid change from comedy to tragedy and back to comedy, seemed to prevent the audience from getting the full effect of either. The fault, if it is one, is the author's, who might, I feel, have done better than raise a hearty laugh just after John Brown had been taken off to prison and ultimate execution. The most impressive scenes were the second in Act II and the first in Act III. For these, and for the others, a great deal of credit is due to those responsible for sets, lighting and realistic outbursts of gunfire, lightning and thunder.

To the Editor,
The Barbican.

Relentlessly the Oxford days of the ex-Servicemen are drawing to a close. The captains and the kings depart and Oxford is just returning to normal. It is all the more pleasant to note that the company of Old Lewesians here maintains itself as high in numbers and quality as ever. We were glad to welcome at the beginning of this tenn Colin Oxley to University Cotlege, R. Treadaway to St. Catherine's and Derek Burden to St. Edmund Hall.

John Searchfield has made a great reputation for himself in Oxford musical circles. His versatility and energy are formidable. Organ recitals, the arrangement and performance of English instrumental music of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, organ voluntaries after Evensong in his own College Chapel, Magdalen, indicate the measure of his range and ability, whilst he still finds time to be the pianist in Chamber music concerts. He has remarked to your correspondent that one or two of his other activities such as committee and secretarial appointments on various societies, are not worthy of mention. Tony Burgess, at Hertford has been president of a College society, whilst Paul Turton and Eric Gordon at St. Peter's Hall have been opening up entirely new fields. Paul spent the Easter vacation doing missionary work in Watford and Eric has hacked his way through virgin jungle as a member of a University expedition to West Africa.

Old Lewesians have had a vigorous year on the sports fields. By time honoured tradition any account of their sport in Oxford must give pride of place to rugby football, and congratulations are due to Bob Ford at St. Edmund Hall for getting into the final University trial. Peter Williams is now the secretary of the St. Catherine's Rugger Club, and Nelson Jarvis leads the Magdalen pack. Maurice Russell, St Peter's Hall, and Tony Burgess, Hertford, both play regularly for their College lst XVs. An extraordinary rumour emanating from Worcester suggests that Bill Wray plays soccer there. Douggie Blunden at Magdalen has been unable to play any more rugger owing to the injury he received last year, but now, like E. Lavender, at St. Catherine's, he represents his college at hockey·. At Merton, Ron Charlwood has been awarded lst VI tennis and lst V Squash colours. Brian Thomas, of St. Edmund Hall, and Eric Gordon, St. Peter's Hall, have rowed for their colleges' lst VIIIs. Brian now commemorates his rowing days with a finely crested and illuminated oar.

All of our company who took Schools in the summer came through the ordeal successfully. Brian Thomas and Bobby Ford are now toeing the line for their term's testing. Ford will be joining Lavender and Russell, afterwards, in reading for their Diplomas of Education.

Bob, too, will be a married man before the end of the year, and we all wish him good luck. Wedding bells have been ringing consistently throughout the year for Oxford Old Lewesians. Peter Williams, Eric Gordon, Tony Burgess and Brian Thomas were all married this year. George Satchler of St. Catherine's and Bob Faulkner at Wyclif Hall have, of course, been married for years, and must have encouraged their friends to enter their ranks.

Bob Faulkner will be ordained next Trinity, and will then join the staff of Macclesfield Parish Church. Peter Turton and David Caton are also fully set for careers in the church. Peter Turton is due to go to a theological college at Birmingham after Schools next June. David Caton is reading in the Honour School of Theology, after having already dealt with Greats. He is both a member of Trinity College and St. Stephen's Hall. He wishes it to be known that he will always be ready to provide coffee if anyone wishes tn converse with him. Thus both he and the previous writer of this letter are at one.

The annual Oxford Old Lewesians' luncheon party has been switched to the Trinity Term. It will be both a reunion and a farewell and we shall have once more the pleasure and honour of having Mr. Bradshaw amongst us again on the University stage, on which Old Lewesians play a brief but no mean part: they will once more unite, pause awhile, and remember their school.

Yours sincerely,
Hert. College.,

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