Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 29 - 1953

The Original Barbican cover A memorable year - North Sea floods, Everest conquered, Stanley Matthews gets a Cup medal, the Coronation, Stalin dead, OL Webmaster demobbed - it was all happening in 1953! In Lewes there has been much arm twisting over more funds from the Ministry for new school buildings and funds from the School for building a new Chapel. One is not privy to what was going on behind the scenes but there must have been some heated arguments about priorities. In the event it would seem that NRB managed to get his way on both scores, money being promised on all fronts and licences to build as well! Our Editor makes much of both and clearly expects things to start soon - "next March", he suggests.

Promises, promises . . . another false dawn is quietly breaking over the sleepy town and its overcrowded school!

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys



School Captain: H. P. Bishop

LEWES - - S. Parris, B. K. Geraghty, T. Beeforth.
MARTLETS - - D. P. Croft, E. Lavender, J. H. Thornley, A. S. Pilbeam,
M. G. Siggs, B. F. Daily, P. Hubbard.
SEAHAVEN - - C. C. Perry, R. Bray, J. H. Price, H. A. Lee, J.Whyte.
UCKFIELD - - H. P. Bishop, J. H. Fermor, B. L. Honess, M. D. Cooper, G. P. Tilly.

Form Captains:
TRANSITUS, R Appleby; 5a, D. G. Pearce; 5g W. G. Tillstone; Rem. A, L. Chatfield; Rem B, T .D. Wood; Rem. G, P. G. Mead; 4a, C. J. Coote; 4b A. J. Beard; 4g P. Larkin; 3a D. Williams; 3b, C. I. Coates, 3g, T. Walton; 2a, M. A. Coe; 2b, K. Short; 2g, D. G. Buckley.

Editor of the Magazine: M. D. Cooper.


WHY do people climb mountains? Since June 1953 this question has been on many lips. The man in the street cannot see why a party of men should want to risk death and hardship to climb 29,000 feet of treacherous, crevasse-ridden rock, in temperatures well below freezing point, when there is a fire and a comfortable armchair at home. Sir Edmund Hillary has given one answer to the whole question: while it was there, it had to be climbed. Sir John Hunt's conquest was a great victory over the forces of nature.

We in this school on our somewhat lower lane are ourselves approaching a summit. Our field of toil and diffculty has been finance and the Ministry of Education; but Fetes, Dances Whist Drives, and of course, Jumble Sales, all have brought our School Chapel nearer, while arguments with the Ministry have brought victory and a licence. Now we all sincerely hope that building operations may start next March, and with them the triumphant end to a long climb.

Altogether the past year has been a great success Particularly pleasing to note is the "Further Education" drive. Some boys, we learn have been to instructive French films, while others have visited "Live Stock" shows. The various societies also report keenness and advancemen. The Scouts are now prepared for anything, while the C.C.F could well defend the school against attack after its recent marksmanship tests.

Work and house points, however, have led three out of the four House Captains to use valuable Magazine space. May the House Work Shield be the goal of every boy this year.

Nevertheless the past year has seen many successes including some outstanding academic achievements and the vanquishing of almost all opponents on the sports field. The School is proving its worth in its noble heritage; as well as producing citizens, it has turned out a Rugby Blue and now an International. A member of the staff has set the latter standard. May that give us the will and inspiration to put everything we possess into every realm of school life with which we are connected.


We revert to a war-time practice and publish photographs of a few of our Old Boys who have been gaining distinction.

John Hersee was one of the small group of men who got "firsts" in the Final Honour School of Mathematics at Oxford last June. John is now reading for the Diploma in Education and is spending next term teaching at Harrow School. [Note: J.H. nearly caused the early demise of Mr Pett, who had a near-apoplectic fit when he heard that J.H. had gained a FIRST, having obtained a THIRD in Maths Moderations at the end of his first year at Oxford!]

Ian Winchester, our School Captain of 1950, after three years at Magdalen College, Oxford, has entered Her Majesty's Foreign Service (formerly the Diplomatic Service). He gained the high distinction of being placed second in the open competition last summer.

Hersee, Winchester,Andrews,Glyn Davies, Colvin, Perkins Cedric Andrews, our School Captain of 1952, ran for the Oxford Freshmen against Cambridge in the mile a year ago and beat his three Cantab opponents. After that he ran for Oxford Centipedes and has made several appearances for the University in the Cross-Country team during the past term. He had to be content with a place in the Oxford Second.Team against Cambridge, so strong are Oxford at the moment in long distance runners. Hard luck !

Another "hard luck" story. N. Glyn Davies was picked to play for Wales against the All Blacks. On the afternoon before the match he realised, when taking part in a practice, that a previous back injury made doubtful his ability to last out so strenuous a test as an international match. He therefore voluntarily stood down. It is rumoured that as he sits in his form room, a halo appears on the wall supported by a leek. Glyn captained the Southern Counties against the New Zealanders in their opening fixture and has succeeded E. C. C. Wynter, our Old Boy, as Captain of Sussex.

Brian Colvin, now a Wing Commander, R.A.F., has been appointed Her Majesty's Air Attache at the Legation at Saigon.

Kenneth Perkins, Captain, Royal Artillery, volunteered for the job of Air Observation Officer. After a short spell of flying in Malaya he ultimately arrived in Korea where he has been awarded the D.F.C. The citation states, "He flew 180 operational sorties as a Section Commander over the Commonwealth Division front and controlled Divisional and Corps Artillery with great success in 386 artillery engagements."

Congratulations to the following members of the Sixth Form on winning State Scholarships last summer: T. H. Beeforth (Maths and Science), David Blaber (Modern Languages), A. J. Horstcraft (Modern Languages), E. Lavender (Maths and Science), B Hamblin (Maths and Science). In addition, L. Garner won an Open Exhibition (English and History) at the University of Southampton
Of the above, Blaber (Oxford) and Garner (Southampton) have already gone into residence at the University. So have I. C. Bell (Imperial College), Donald Burgess (King's College Hospital), C. Dolloway (Oxford), M. V. Hobden (Oxford) and R. Smith (Southampton).

The year has been one of contrasts. On the credit side we had a record number of State Scholarships and we were invited for the second time to broadcast the service on Education Sunday, the last occasion being in 1942. On the other hand we have had much absence through illness among the staff while Speech Day was abandoned because of the sudden loss of four out of five of our domestic staff and the absence through illness for most of the term of the School caretaker. A private distribution of prizes following the breaking-up service in Southover Church, was held instead. We were glad to welcome a number of Governors including our Chairman, Sir Reginald Spence, to both functions.

Our Carol Service this year was honoured by the presence, not only of Governors, but by the Bishop of Lewes, by Bishop Arthur Karney, and by the Rector of Southover. Surely it must be umque to have two bishops at a School Carol Service ?

We have said "goodbye" to Mrs Parkinson who has been responsible for so many years for our feeding, our fetes and frivolities (including dances). We thank her for all she did for us. In her place we welcome Miss Ruth Simmons from the Westminster Hospital. We hope she will not send us there.

After some delicate negotiations, we have been promised a licence by the Ministry of Works to start building the School Chapel at the end of March. Dungarees, trowels and bank balances ! ! ! We shall need the support of everyone in order to achieve our tremendous aim.

Mr. Brairton, who came to us for a year from U.S.A., has now left us His stay with us was successful in every respect and he carried back with him the warm regard of staff, boys, and all who met him. We hope that one day our paths may cross again. Here he will always be persona grata.
We have been pleased to welcome back, Mr. Hugh Davies, who "exchanged" with Mr. Brairton. He has pleasant memories of his stay in America and was much impressed by the warmth and kindness of his reception there.

Finally, congratulations to Perry, Croft, Foote and Thorne on playing for Sussex Public Schoolboys in the Christmas holiday Rugby matches. A tribute to the standard of our School rugger.


AS explained on another page the annual Speech Day was cancelled and a private distribution of prizes was held instead. We thank our Chairman, Sir Reginald Spence, for officiating and other Governors who were able to attend for being present. The combination of "Breaking-up Service" in Southover Church, followed by the distribution of prizes in School Hall, and the presence of Governors at both, converted what might have been an anti-climax into an impressive function.

THE "JARVIS" PRIZE - - H. P. Bishop
THE LEWES R.F.C. PRIZE - - C. C. Perry
THE "CHRISTIE" PRIZE FOR MUSIC (Seniors) - - R. Parsons
TIHE GLASS PRIZE FOR MUSIC (Juniors) - - P. Bailey

> IId, R. Headland; IIh, D. Williams; IIe, D. J. Browning; IIIj, D. H. Bennett; IIIb, A. J. Tipler; IIIa, C. J. Coote, R. J. Fleet; IVt, B. F. Bishop, C. W. Black; IVb, J. H. Fry; IVa, J. A. Towner, R. Yarrow; JTS2, T. R. Vane, J. F. Giles; Rem. J. J. Kitchener; Rem. B, D. G. Pearce; Rem. A, K. Geering; Vj, D. Lillywhite; Vb, I. Wesson, P. B. Burgess; TRANs., P. E. Britton, D. A. Morgan, P: Wright; VI, E. Lavender, S. G. Fleet, J. A. Horsecraft, J. H. Price, L. Garner, D. A. Peters, C. Dolloway, B. Hamblin, D. Blaber, M. D. Cooper, G. P. Tilly.

Cadets - - P. Hubbard, J. Cartwright, R. G. Bray.
Scouts - - M. C. Steele, R. B. Leggatt.
Library - - D. M. Egan, D. Tisdall.
General - - S. Parris, A. C. Hunt, S. Clapperton.

Povey Work Shield - - Seahaven
Bradshaw Games Shield - - Seahaven
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup - - Lewes
Wilfrid Thompson Athletics Cup - - Seahaven
Innes Swimming Cup - - Seahaven
Sinfield Swimming Cup - - G. Robert
Hoare Cup for Uckfield House - - I. C. Bell


WE have had a very successful match season and out of the 39 games played by all four teams we have won 25, drawn 5, and lost 9, scoring a total of 669 points against 204.

The first fifteen, once again admirably led by Perry, have steadily improved throughout the term. The forwards have played consistently well from the beginning, and the competition for The School XV, 1953 places was very keen. Starting as a set of lively individuals, they have now settled down into a strong well-balanced pack, and though sometimes outweighted they have never failed to give a good account of themselves. At scrum half Foote from last year's "under 15," soon played himself into the side. Perry at fly-half, has usually been at his brilliant best and to him must go much of the credit for moulding what looked at first to be a rather uninspired set of three-quarters into what is now quite a formidable line. All four of them have improved tremendously, particularly Bray, who has the makings of a very dangerous attacking centre. Pilbeam at full back has generally maintained his reputation for unruffled reliability, a great boon to the men in front of him.

The second fifteen have had several excellent games, and finished up with honours about even. Their run-away win over Eastbourne Grammar School (whom we are delighted to welcome to the Rugby fold), put them in winning vein, and they finished up with two victories over opponents who had defeated them earlier in the season. Cooper's well-judged kicking has been a great feature of all their games.

The under 15 team, under the guiding hand of skipper Lohoar has the distinetion of being the only unbeaten side. Like all teams they had their "off" days, but they also had the ability to rise magnificently to the occasion, as in the return match against Worthing High School. The keenness in this age group has often made team picking difficult, and there have always been plenty of good reserves to draw on in an emergency.

The under 14 side, which now contains a chip of the old block or perhaps one should say a thread of the old skein have had many very close games. We were heavily outweighted in two Skinners matches, but otherwise cheerful "dingdongery" has been the order of the day. The most enjoyable and instructive matches were the two drawn games with Rottingdean School, who always play delightful Rugby, and seem to appreciate these matches as much as we do.

We are all thrilled and delighted at the hot news of Mr. Glyn Davies' Welsh "Cap." Heartiest congratulations look you !

The teams were selected from the following:
1st Fifteen: Pilbeam*, Lee*, Bray*, Geering*, Lavender*, Perry* (Capt.), Foote*, Thorne*, Smith*, Steel*, Reynolds, Siggs*, Tilly*, Croft*, Connacher*.
2nd Fifteen: Symons, Gilbert, Geraghty, Cornford, Cooper, Daily, Landon, Tillstone, Scott, Wilden, Fermor, Morgan, Aldridge, Robert, Tweed, Buck, Price, Parris, Taylor L., Martin.
Under 15 Fifteen: Lohoar*, Robinson*, Coomber*, Richardson*, Stapley*, Bishop*, Taylor D.*, Mead*, Johnson*, Cheeseman*, Day*, Wilkinson, Waterman, Dakers-Black G., Wyatt, Greenfield, Siggs, Kernahan Vinsen.
Under 14 Fifteen: Smith D., Saunders, Beard, Russell, Axell, Farmer, Longley Maycock, Parris D., Pink, Ransom, Reed, Silk, Tibble, Byrne, Eager, Fleet, Moss, Penfold.


THE record shows only partly how successful the season has been, because winning games is not the only justification for pride. More important perhaps than statistics was the fact that many more boys than usual were in the running for places in the team. Doubtless, were the season longer, other boys would have played for the School, but it was not advisable to upset so good a combination. Davey and Lohoar, the captain and vice-captain, were most helpful in this selection problem.

The total runs scored were much greater than one expects from a junior team. This was due partly to the absence of a "tail", whilst on two occasions Catt, as opening bat, reached fifty, and he consistently gave the innings a good start. Murray, aggressively, Lohoar somewhat carelessly, and Vinsen, confidently, were usually to be relied on for runs. Middleton, probably, was the most improved batsman, his calling being very good indeed.

Murray was the most successful bowlcr, also again proving the value of aggression. He bowled nearly twice as much, and took over twice as many wickets as any other boy. Davey, bowling "the chinaman" gradually improved through the season and was encouraged greatly by Richardson, the wicket-keeper, who made several excellent stumpings off his bowling. Richardson, indeed, had a good season, allowing very few byes, and missing few chances.

The following boys also deserve mention: Eager, Hayward, Wyatt Smith and Parris, together with the scorers, Larkin, Childs and especially Day, whose scoring was most professional. Results: Won 6, Drawn 0, Lost 2.


ON the afternoon of Saturday, July 25th, the usual large crowd of boys, parents and friends gathered round the track on the School playing field to watch the Annual Sports.

The weather was ideal for the occasion, being fine and dry, though there was a slight westerly breeze which tended to strengthen as the afternoon wore on. This may perhaps account for the fact that the number of records broken amounted to seven only !

Coomber, a Colt of Seahaven House deserved particular praise for his double achievement of breaking both the 100 yards and 440 yards records with times of 11.4 secs. and 58.6 secs. respectively. A no less considerable success was that of G. Robert, a senior boy from the South of France, fortunately accredited to Seahaven House, who put the shot a distance of 43 ft. 8.5 ins. beating last year's record by almost seven feet. Another senior boy from Seahaven, Ratsey, created a new record for the long jump, while a junior of the same species, Penfold, did the same in the 150 yards. Since it was four members of Seahaven House who broke yet another record by winning the Colts relay in 3 mins. dead, it must be remarked that Richardson, of Martlets House, distinguished himself in at least two ways, by throwing the discus farther than any other Colt before him.

Seahaven House, thus supplying the majority of the afternoon's record-breakers and winning more than half the number of events besides, thoroughly deserved its triumphant victory in the inter-house points competition.


With acknowledgements to the Sussex Express and County Herald


WITH the Headmaster (Mr. N. R. J. Bradshaw) on the stage as a comic schoolboy, and a "rugger ballet" of stalwart boys, daintily attired, who danced most gracefully, there was a lot of fun at concerts given at the Lewes County Grammar School for Boys on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. There was a good attendance of parents and friends of the pupils and the result was that about £40 was raised in aid of the School Chapel Fund. Mr. George Austin (music master) was in charge of the musical arrangements, and in every way the concerts were most successful.

The school choir opened the programme and this was followed by a flute solo by David Reed. Then there came an amusing item entitled "The Very Volga Boatmen," and songs were rendered by Mr. Denis Green, a member of the Lewes Operatic Society and Mr. Leslie Davey, Mr. G. C. Humphreys, a member of the school staff, gave a violin solo which was much appreciated. A sketch, in which the following boys took part, concluded the first half of the programme: R. S. Clipson, J. D. Bailey, G. K. Foote, P. Bishop, P. Britton and S. G. Fleet.

After the interval, Messrs. G. Austin, G. C. Humphreys and K. A. Hills gave an instrumental item, a trio for piano, violin and 'cello. Roger Coote, aged 14 - a boy with a remarkably fine baritone voice - contributed a song which brought him a well-deserved ovation.

An enthusiastic reception was given to the laughable "Rugger Ballet" (arranged by Mrs. Leslie Davey), and then to the general surprise, Mr. Bradshaw appeaied dressed as a schoolboy, to take part in a duet, '"The Twins " in which he was associated with Peter Bailey.

The final item was another sketch, performed by Mrs. Marjorie Weller, Councillor Miss D. Dusart, Miss Caroline Bradshaw and Messrs. John Mould, Richard Gillam and Will Burgess.


The Editor, "The Barbican."
Dear Sir,
The Old Lewesian tradition still flourishes at Oxford. Although a reduction in our number by three to eleven, has in the last year curtailed the width of our hold on the University, it has been intensified in certain quarters by a remarkable concentration of our forces at Merton and Keble, so that we now have five at each.

The eleventh man is Dick Field at St. Catherines, where as a past official and a keen speaker in the Debating Club, he follows in the steps of at least one previous O.L. (Bob Treadaway). He is also Treasurer of the Oxford-Bonn Committee for encouraging general relations with this German University, a responsibility he finds quite congruous with his work (he is reading Modern Languages) for Schools in June.

The three "freshers" who have swollen our ranks this Michaelmas Term, David Blaber (Merton), Colin Dolloway and Maurice Hobden (Keble), have already exhibited interests other than the purely academic. The impact of David Blaber's enthusiastic competence on the United Nations Club has recommended him for the office of Inter-College Secretary next term.

Colin Dolloway's first eight weeks, he says, have been the busiest in his life, nor apparently does he intend to "let up" now that his Biology Prelims are over, for he has ambitions in the swimming sphere. This is an activity which seems previously to have escaped the attention of Old Lewesians. The same is not strictly true of rowing, for Old Lewesians have rowed before, but the practice was in abeyance until Eddie Wood's genial presence was felt in the rejuvenated Keble Boat Club. His statement that he "Does everything everyone else does - a bit more noisily," rings true; rowing in the Keble lst Torpid, 1st Eight and Long Distance boat, he has helped bring his College a series of Bump Suppers for which it is earning a name - especially at Wadham just across the road. Eddie's fellow Keble man, Maurice Hobden, has joined him in the rowing business and is already an accepted member of the Boat Club.

Stewart Symons is turning his thoughts from Maths to Physics this year, and finds time to act as College Representative for O.I.C.C.U. (Oxford Inter-Collegiate Christian Union). After a first in Maths last June, John Hersee is now working for a Diploma in Education which next term takes him to Harrow School to gain teaching experience. He has captained Keble second XV and been an active member of College music and dramatic societies.

At Merton, Chris Howells and John Woolmore are in their third year. Chris has been an official of many college' societies, from Secretary of the 1066 Society and Treasurer of the Church Society, to Secretary of the less serious Fanatics. John Woolmore is still winning book prizes for his chemistry "collections" (College terminal examinations), and at the same time, if not hooking for Sussex, playing for a new model Merton Rugger Team that has not lost a league match for two years. John Humphry also plays a great deal of college rugger. He is going this Christmas on the Club's French Tour, which to judge by the billing it gets is at least a Junior International. Cedric Andrews has been adding considerably to his "air experience" during the last year, while flying with the University Air Squadron. During Trinity term he ran frequently for the Centipedes on the track, but over the country has had to be satisfied with the University Second Team in the match against Cambridge. He hopes a place in the First Team has only been postponed until next year.
Yours sincerely,
In Universitate Oxon.,
December, 1953.

(Our "Scribe" should have recorded that John Woolmore has been elected captain of Merton College Cricket.)


Chairman: Mr. Norgrove.
Secretary: J. H. Fermor.
Treasurer: C. C. Perry.

GLANCING through the records of the Easter Term, one is struck by the contrast and variety of programme and substance. This without a doubt was the prime reason for the success of the meetings. The programme consisted of a Cojer evening, a "Surprise" evening, a Record evening, a Brains Trust and a Mock Trial. The "Surprise" evening arranged by Mr. Hoggins, shocked the Society who hoped to rest and be entertained. However, Mr. Hoggins' plan worked, and many good spontaneous speakers were discovered who otherwise might have remained mute. The Mock Trial, which ended the session, was side-splitting throughout. Amidst the hubbub of the proceedings, however, Mr. Garner shone as the conscientious clerk of the court and Mr. Norgrove, in wig and spectacles, as the dithering judge, did well to stop a riot. Witnesses of diverse and disputable occupation followed upon each other, one being a blind optician, and eventually the defendant Bishop was lynched. The secretary, Mr. Fermor, is to be congratulated on such a witty and enjoyable evening. The other programmes, following the usual pattern upheld the integrity of the session. Mr. Norgrove is to be thanked for his handling of the meetings and Mr. Brairton for his constant interest in the Society.

The Summer Term could not be passed without mention of the Tennis Tournament with the 6th Form of the Girls' School. Our 6th, although amateurs proved themselves superior in every sphere of the game, but Bishop and Cooper "only won two games" for which they still hang their heads in shame. Revenge would come, they feel, if a hockey tournament was played. The girls for their part bore their defeat with a patient shrug and await the next fixture. We all thank them for their kindness and hospitality.

Chairman: Mr. Hoggins.
Secretary: M. D. Cooper.
Treasurer: J. Whyte.

The attendance at the meetings this term has been exceptional. This, plus the industry of Mr. Hoggins, has contributed much to success and enjoyment of the term.

To introduce the many newcomers to the Society the session opened with a Cojer evening. Many and varied were.the passages; some rather gory others light-hearted - one very philosophical.

The next meeting was a Brains Trust, the brains being Messrs. Page, Gem, Barton, Norgrove and Pett. They told us many things about faith-healing, fishing, smoking, democracy, and National Service. A programme entitled "My Operation", expected to die very early, survived a full and enjoyable 90 minutes.Topics ranged from real operations, some accidental, to war-time and youth experiences. The meeting ended with an argument between a potential doctor and a doctor-hacer.

The Record evening, often a motley show of dead tunes, produced an excellent variety of modern tunes not yet worn out, and ancient ones which will never be forgotten.

A Formal Debate regretting the past, deploring the present, and having no hope for the future, was exhausted by the main speakers, Mr. Fermor and Mr. Parris for, and Mr Bishop and Mr. Daily against; leaving few words of wisdom to be said from the floor of the House. The motion was defeated by 18 votes to 2.

The last meeting a "Frolic and Entertainment" plus a scrumptious tea, thanks to our kindly kitchen staff, was a great success. It commenced with some games concocted by the chairman, mingled with a highbrow dialogue between Bishop and Cooper and a talk by Parris in the guise of a salesman from Home Comforts Ltd. The company then withdrew from the Hall to the Library for two sketches, the first depicting the romance of Caesar and Boadicea (although this was by no means the only feature), the second being a little piece entitled, "Atmospherics," in which several broadcast programmes got muddled, with side-splitting results.

At the close, the chairman, Mr. Hoggins, was thanked for his support during a successful session, then the Library was de-fumigated and swabbed (following Caesar's realistic sea-crossing and battle).

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