Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 30 - 1954

The Original Barbican cover Change is in the air but the signs are barely detectable. Prefects forbidden to punish boys! What next! The rugby pitch has been renewed, so that's alright then. Meanwhile the school buildings are overcrowded beyond comprehension and the number of pupils rises inexorably. Something will have to give soon. "Aux Armes Citoyen, Formez vos battalions" -- Barricades in Mountfield Road?

No -- just endless talk and prevarication by the powers that be, calculated to curb the expansionist policies of LCGS led by that well-known trouble-maker Bradshaw whose wants are insatiable. So the year drags on in interminable wrangling about needs and costs - and no sign of progress on any front.

What our protagonists do not realise, is that there is a fifth column at work in the Ministry of Education, the young Turks, who are forming somewhat different views about the structure of education in the country -- not driven by ideology but by hard economics. Grammar schools cost too much.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys



School Captain: M. D. Cooper

Prefects :
LEWES - - B. K. Geraghty, S. Fleet, L. Taylor, A. J. Reynolds, P. E. Britton.
MARTLETS - - A. S. Pilbeam.
SEAHAVEN - - R. G. Bray, D. A. L. Morgan.
UCKFIELD - - M. D. Cooper, M. V. Wilson.

Form Captains: VI Modern, J. D. Holford; VI Science, A. Symons; Transitus, P. Hancock; Vb, A. R. Stapley; 5g, R. T. Robinson; Remove A, C. J. Coote; Remove B, P. A. Noel; Remove G, P. Larkin; 4a, P. Gamby; 4b, M. Poll; 4g, K. Angood; 3a, M. C. Ash; 3b, K. Short; 3g, T. Evenden.; 2a, D. Divall; 2b, P. W. Izzard; 2g, G. V. Browning.

Editors of the Magazine:
M. D. Cooper, B. K. Geraghty.


PREVIOUS editors, including your present scribes, have spoken of the Past, Present and Future. To what we grammarians would call the Past Historic, they have consigned the 5th Form and Science Societies, and regretfully the right of prefects to administer justice by holding out the sword rather than the olive branch. They have missed, however, a nuance of tense. Let us speak of the imperfect, and, claiming a certain amount of licence, create a "Present Imperfect".

Much has been said of the inadequacy of the School buildings, particularly as the members of the technical department have to be taught in another school; of the carridors - narrow, cramped chambers of icy blasts; of limited facilities for sport - more than once lst and Junior Cricket XV's have found themselves chasing the same ball.

Yet these facts do not depress the grammarian, who can call upon the Future Perfect to transform them. School premises are soon to be extended, and we already have a new Rugby pitch. The position will be serene when there are special grants to allow sixth formers to stay at school; when Mr. Glyn Davies wears that cap to School; when teachers come out on strike, and when Mr. Pett achieves the distinction of umpiring at both ends. The future is perfected by the cosy cloisters and ringing tower of a School Chapel. In conclusion therefore, we, the Editors, have tried to became historians, critics, and prophets. We have sketched the Past Historic, deplored the "Present Imperfect," and proposed the Future Perfect We would add that all three conjugatians are Conditional on the time of going to press.
B.K.G. and M.D.C.


THE frontispiece to the magazine has been sent by an Old Boy, Capt. Kenneth Perkins, D.F.C., who although a Gunner Officer, is engaged in observation duties and fire direction for his battery. It vividly displays the nature of the country in which bandit hunting is taking place in Malaya.

We have to congratulate Stephen Fleet and David Morgan on winning State Scholarships. In addition, the former has gained an Open Scholarship in Natural Science at St. John's College, Cambridge and the latter a Demyship in Modern History at Magdalen College, Oxford.

Congratulatians too to M. V. Wilson on his cadetship at the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth and to A. S. Cottingham on a cadetship at the R.A.F. College, Cranwell.

We have said goodbye with regret to Mr. K. A. Hills, who has left the teaching profession to enter a London publishing house. We welcome Mr. D. L. Stevens, B.A. (Oxon.), and hope he will be happy among us.

We congratulate once more Mr. N. G. Davies on being picked for Wales, this time against England, at Rugby football.

Finally we wish to express our gratitude to parents for making the Autumn Sale an outstanding success and for continuing to support the Chapel Scheme with such generosity.

P.S. Our magazine reporters appear to have forgotten the School Concert, held in March, while the Carol Service, which several hundred parents - not to mention governors - now attend, has also become an important feature af the School year.


BY holding the ceremony in the East quadrangle for the first time, we were able to seat in comfort all who came - guests, parents and boys. Moreover, we had perfect weather in a summer remarkable for cold and wet. The Governors came in full strength and although we deplored the absence, through illness, of Mrs. Lomas who was to have given away the prizes, we considered ourselves most fortunate to be able to call upon the Chairman of the County Council, the Hon. Ruth Buckley, who gave a most thoughtful address. A record list of successes was included in the Headmaster's report.



C. D Scott-Allen, T. H. Beeforth (Distinctions in Pure Mathemacics and Applied Mathematics); I. C. Bell, H. P. Bishop, D. Blaber (Distinctions in French and German); D. J. Burgess, R. S. Clipson, C. J. Dolloway, J. H. Fermor, L V. Garner, B. M. Hamblin (Distinction in Physics); J. A. Horstcraft (Distinction in German); A. C. Hunt, E. Lavender (Distinctions in Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Physics); C. C. Perry, R. R. Scott, F. R. Smith, J. H. Thornley.

L. D. Bartlett, R. G. Bray, P. E. Brittan, J. R Buckwell, D. V. Clay, C.W. Davey, B. M. Egan D. E. Garringe, J. D. Halford, M. J. Lawson, D. P. McLaughlin, T. G. Martin, D. A. L. Morgan, K. R. Noel, P. J. Peach, N. Pratt, A. J. Reynolds, R. A. Ross-Booker, M. R. Saffery, P. J. Simmonds, R. G. R. Steel, A. P. Symons, L.Taylor, R. C. Thorne, D. Tisdall, M. V. Wilson, P. C. Wright, M. K. Baker, D. T. Britton, P. B. Burgess, C. H. R. Coppard, R. C. Lower, M. Marsom, D. A. Parcell, M. C. Steele, D. A. Walton, I. M. Wesson, D. L. Worsfield, B. R. Wright, C. E. Clay, B. N. Daily, S. G. Fleet, K. E. Geering.

T. H. Beeforth - - (1) State Scholarship (Maths.& Science), (2) Royal Scholarship in Chemistry, Imperial College, (3) Styring Scholarship (Maths. & Physics), Queen's College, Oxford.

D. Blaber - - State Scholarship (Modern Languages), Merton College, Oxford.

B. M. Hamblin - - State Scholarship (Maths. and Science), Imperial College, London University.

J. A. Horstcraft - - State Scholarship, (Modern Languages), Open Scholarship to University of Southampton.

E. Lavender - - (1) State Scholarship (Maths. & Science), (2) Post-mastership (Natural Science), Merton College, Oxford.

J. H. Price - - Open Scholarship (Modern Languages), University of Southamptan.

C. E. Clay - - Ministry of Agriculture Senior Scholarship.


C. D. Scott-Allen - - St. Catherine's Society, Oxford.
H. P. Bishop - - Fitzwilliam House, Cambridge.
P. E Brittan - - St. John's College, Cambridge.
B. Daily - - Charing Cross Hospital Medical School.
R. J. Durrant - - Nottingham University.
J. H Fermor - - Southampton University.
S. G. Fleet - - St. John's College, Cambridge.
B. L. Honess - - Reading University.
M. de L. Landon - - Worcester College, Oxford.
H. A. Lee - - King's College Hospital Medical Schoal.
C. C. Perry - - Merton College, Oxford.
D. A. Peters - - Bristol University.
R. R. Scott - - Selwyn College, Cambridge.
M. G. Siggs - - Fitzwilliam House, Cambridge.
J. H. Thornley - - Downing College, Cambridge.
G. P. Tilly - - Imperial College, London University.
D. P. Croft - - Imperial College, London (Reserve Place) and Brighton Tech.
J. J. Cornford - - King Alfred's Training College, Winchester.
C. P. E. Wadey - - Seale Hayne Agricultural College, Devon.


THE "EDGAR POVEY" TROPHY - - H.P.Bishop and C. C. Perry.
THE "JARVIS" PRIZE (Presented by S. G. Henderson, O.L.) - - M. D. Cooper.
THE "CHRISTIE" PRIZE FOR MUSIC (Seniors) - - P. Britton.
THE "GLASS" PRIzE FOR MUSIC (Juniors) - - A. C. Hunkin.


VI - - T. H. Beeforth, P. E Britton, S. G Fleet, D. A. L. Morgan, J. H. Price, J. Thornley, P. Wright, R. R. Scott, J. J. Cornford, B Hamblin.
TRANSITUS - - G. D. Barford, G. A. Brooker, J. S. Davey.
VB - - R. Coote.
VG - - J. Kitchener.
R.A. - - M. L. Card, J. C. Jenkins, D. G. Shrubb, B. D. Waterman.
R B. - - D. W. Norman.
R.G. - - B. F. Bishop, C W. Black.
IVA - - R. J. Fleet, G. Garner.
IVB - - P. A. Noel.
IVG - - P. Fellows.
IIIA - - D. J. Browning, C. Chatfield.
IIIB - - G. F. Higham.
IIIG - - D. P. Holland.
IIA - - M. A. Coe.
IIB - - A. G. Chidgey.
IIG - - M. Fellows.

SERVICE PRIZES C. C. Perry, H. A. Lee, G Tilly (Scouts), R. G. Bray (C.C.F.), D. Tisdall (Library).


Povey Work Shield - - Seahaven House
Bradshaw Games Shield - - Seahaven House
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup - - Seahaven House
Wilfred Thompson Athletic Cup - - Seahaven House
Innes Swimming Cup - - Seahaven House
Sinfield Swimming Cup - - G. Robert.
Blunden Cup (Junior Games) - - Martlets House
Hoare Cup (Uckfield House) - - M. D. Cooper.


Chairman : Mr. Webb.
Secretary : M. Daily.
Treasurer : S. G. Fleet.

THE most successful meeting of this session was "Question Time in the Commons," when various irate and visibly frustrated ministers attempted to defend their war-mongering policy against the vigorous onslaughts of a disproportionately enlarged Communist block. One of the highlights of the meeting was a walk-out of the entire opposition, when, after continual heckling, jeering and slandering, the grossly overworked Secretary af State for Colonial Affairs refused to discontinue his survey of the Colombo Plan. A Bill stating the plan to be completely satisfactory was passed unanimously, the opposition still being absent.

At the "Coger Evening" with the Girls' VIth Form, the subjects varied from a contemptible composition on Communism to "In Search of God," by G.B.S. Art, Music and Literature were the three subjects of the "Symposium," and the few that attended this meeting agreed that Messrs. Gillam, Austin and Silk had introduced completely new viewpoints on their subjeets. This session was concluded with "The Beauty of America," an illustrated talk by Mr. Davies, who had just returned from that land of breath-taking colour and student cars.

Chairman : Mr. Gem.
Secretary : M. V. Wilson.
Treasurer : B. K. Geraghty.

During "Snap Debates," one member was shocked into silence with "The Desirability of German Re-armament", another waxed eloquent on the Conservative Party Manifesto, while a third unashamedly decided that he was "the most interesting person in the school". The Record Evening was only remarkable for the large number and variety of records played; these included "Cross Hands Boogey," "South Pacific Selection" and excerpts from "Cosi fan tutte."

"In my opinion" began, continued and ended on a frivolous note. The first question asked whether or not school teachers should also be parents. The Society was rather dismayed when the Chairman eulogised on his days of solitude as a bachelar but finally carried the motion. Members then wept bitter crocodile tears over the deplorable state of Old Age Pensions, and although an attempt was made to be serious, all arguments were silenced when the proposer asked what could be better than celestial retirement!

Next followed what has been described as the most successful meeting ever held under the auspices of the VIth Form Society. "News Conference" aptly described this masterpiece of political harangue and unbiased prejudice. Nine important newspapers, including two Sunday Specials, were defended by members. Material ranged from the biting sarcasm and vivid representations of the "Daily Worker," through the more moderate "News Chronicle," "Daily Telegraph" and "Daily Express" to the austerity and aloof detachment of the "Manchester Guardian," "The Observer," and the "Daily Mirror." The Editor of the last named paper surprised both his audience and himself when he said that his paper had the largest circulation in the world !

The meeting with the Girls was a "Brains Trust" with a difference, namely that the panel changed every quarter of an hour or thereabouts. Different panels disagreed that girls are more intelligent than boys, although all united in condemning the female of the species as being more deadly than the male.

The noisiest, the most disjointed and the most amusing evening of this session was the result of a "Vote of Censure on the present Government's Policy". The opposition even denied that the Government had a policy, and wasted much valuable time in the committee stage of the Bill, in arguing over the definition of the word "bungling." Amongst othar things the House applauded the resignation of the ex-Minister of Education and reiterated its opinion that mere emigration is not enough

On a return visit to the Girls' School, the Society were entertained to an excellent tea, followed by a most enjoyable "Musical Evening," which included operatic duets, band recitals, and vigorous choruses.


Under the genial supervision of Mr. White this Party was a great success and the food, kindly prepared by a busy kitchen staff, went down very well.

This session deserves special mention for its remarkable attendances and the originality of the programmes - the work of members under the leadership of the Chairman.


THE eighth visit to France was marked by the death of Mr. D. M. Auld in Blois. We had left England on April 1st, over 40 in number, stopping a few hours in Paris to travel round the great monuments in the fading light; we had been welcomed by old and new friends in Blois and had settled to talks, lessons and visits to the castles at Orleans, Chaumont, Beauregard and Chambord illuminated by night, when, after an intimate talk on his favourite French authors, Mr. Auld was taken ill. His death after two days of great pain was a great shock to us all. We were impressed by the sincere and deep distress evoked in his numerous acquaintances in Blois. Boys in familiar Lewes uniforms led the funeral cortege, followed by several hundred sympathetic Blesois. It was a restrained and considerate group of lads that accompanied Mrs. Auld and her daughter home to England, and silent knots of Staff and parents waited on the quay.

As M. Piolé was in poor health, M. Mayault led the French party on the return visit. Their days were very full; on their first day they explored Lewes starting from School and finishing at Harvey's brewery, having been led by Mr. Hills. Messrs. N. G. Davies and P. Gem took them to Chichester, Mr. Gillam went to Brighton, and Mr. Wooding made a tour of London where only one sheep strayed - in the Tower of all places. Most French boys attended some classes and nearly all School functions during their stay; they all attended the Dance held in their honour, organised by Mr. Gourlay.

That the exchange has been a success is due to the efforts of Mr. Auld; if it continues successfully, it will be a tribute to his memory and the intrinsic worth of the idea of international understanding.


To: The Editor
The Barbican.

Dear Sir,
On the seventeenth, and perhaps the foggiest night of November, in accordance with an annual custom, and in various parts of Merton College, Mr. Bradshaw wined, dined and drank a barrel of beer with a joyous troupe of those Old Lewesians who at present enjoy a life of gentlemanly leisure in this cloistered and yet boisterous city. The revellers, excluding the guest of honour, were fourteen in number; everyone seemed contented and prosperous.

The corps of Mertonians was by far the largest. Their doyen, John Woolmore, is now in his last year and doing research after getting his B.A. last summer on gas chromatography and electronics. That sounds as if it might take up a lot of time; but he also carries out the duties of Captain of Merton's Rugby XV. He has the pleasure of seeing his efforts rewarded by the team's success in winning promotion to the first division. During the summer he captained the College Cricket XI.

John Humphrey is also in his last year; with Geography finals looming but six months ahead work now begins to take the lead from pleasure. Nevertheless, the College Rugger side has had the benefit of his regular appearance on the field. The cricket XI, no doubt, regard his prowess in a different light: on the team's summer tour he put up an unremarkable performance, until picked to play as a stand-in for an opposing Scaynes Hill side: whereupon he scored a total of 104, not out!

Cedric Andrews accompanied John and several other friends to Italy during the long vac. They travelled in an old car which just saw them through a comparatively uneventful trip, except that on entering Rome, they knocked over a street-cleaner. The police were very nice about it. Cedric, another one coming up to the last academic ditch in the summer, only narrowly missed being awarded a Cross-Country Blue by the University this term ! David Blaber is still in his second year, and, as a relief from studying French, has been Secretary to the University United Nations Club, in which capacity he has dined, during Michaelmas Term, with one "Excellency" and two "Right Honourables" (one with wife). Two "Freshers" came up to Merton in October: Eric Lavender as a Postmaster reading Mathematics, and who spends his time proving that one is greater than nought; and Clive Perry, who plays Rugger for the College, and also reads Geography.

At Keble they have some mighty men: E. O. Wood, in his last year, has been elected Captain of Keble Boat Club, and is often to be seen an the Isis, reclining, ropes in hand, in the rear of a tub, propelled by muscular neophyte rowers. Maurice Hobden escaped this fate early by retiring to his study and the pure realms of learning whence he emerged in Trinity Term to gain a First in the Natural Science Moderations. His gown as a result has grown longer and acquired sleeves. Stuart Symons, sitting Finals in the Summer, supplements his mathematical studies by counting all the money he collected as Treasurer to the Inter-Collegiate Christian Union. Colin Dolloway keeps suspiciously quiet most of the time but when visitors arrive they are by no means sent away empty. Duncan Craik turned up from St. Edmund Hall to meet a Headmaster 'once-removed'. Michael Landon whose scholastic ancestry is also mixed, appeared as our only representative from Worcester College. Ross Wells is fresh in Lincoln, where Geography provides an earthly counterbalance to more spiritual interests.

Christopher Allen replaces Dick Field at St. Catt's. He is learning to cox. Dick Field himself went down in the summer having gained Second Class Honours in Modrrn Languages. Christopher Howells (Merton) who obtained a first in History Finals in June, soon entered the army, where he broke his arm within a fortnight, and entered hospital; he is in O.C.T.U. at Eaton Hall.

On that riot of success, Sir, this short chronicle of Old Lewesian achievements in the most venerable of England's Universities may fitly be brought to a close. We wish all prosperity in the future to the School and hope that many more of its sons may be entered on the Register of Oxford.
Yours sincerely, "ARRIUS."
Ex Collegio Mertonense, In Universitate Oxoniense. December, 1954.

[Lest the tenure of his office may be imperilled, the Headmaster hastens to add that his own consumption was one tankard, and not a barrel, as might be inferred from the above account.]


NEWS has been received of the following Old Boys:
Brian Glenister has married and is tobacco farming on the Gold Coast. Gerald May is at Headquarters 40th Infantry Division, Hong Kong, and is due for demobilisation in August. He plays a lot of cricket.
Harry Lee spent most of his first term as a medical student in hospital - as a patient. Arthur Kirk occupies an administrative post with B.E.A. in Rome. Michael Short has finished his studies at Bristol University and hopes to go to Massachusetts Institute of Technology - probably the most famous in the world.

M. V. Wells has resigned the captaincy of Charing Cross Hospital Rugger XV. Reason? He takes his finals in April. Jim Thornley is a Medical Student at Downing College, Cambridge. Michael Siggs is also a "Tab" reading agriculture. Ivor Churches is a research chemist in Leicester working mainly on plastics. Paul Bishop is doing National Service in the Royal Signals at Catterick. Stephen Parris has been there but has started training for a Commission. Trevor Beeforth is being trained as a radar expert in the R.A.F. (National Service).

Colin Chivers is branch manager for a firm of contractors at Sevenoaks. Michael Green and Johnny Whyte are both training as R.A.F. aircrew at Swanton Morley, Norfolk. Paget Davies who did National Service as an M.O. in Germany has been awarded the Wellcome Associateship of the Royal Society of Medicine. Peter Gallard left the Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, last July, was posted to Trieste in time to take command of a road convoy and bring it back via Austria and Germany to England. He is now with his Squadron in South Wales. Peter ran into Kennett who is on the movements staff at the Hook of Holland.
Roy Stevens is still a lecturer at St. John's College, York. Robert Faulkner is a parson at Hoylake and John Brown at Tipton.
Noel Farmer is on the aircraft carrier "Centaur," Malta.

Malcolm Ellicott is articled to a firm of solicitors. John Wilkins has joined the family firm of builders. Brother David has a small son - Robert. Roger Parsons of Uckfield is in a London Borough library and likes it. He still manages to play the organ
Alan Wilden is in British Columbia, and has joined the Canadian Air Force as aircrew. Christopher Hayles got an Honours B.Sc. last summer and is now doing National Service at Blandford. I. K. G. Phillips holds a T.U.C. scholarship at the London School of Economics. Since leaving school he has served in Combined Ops. as a paratrooper in Europe and the Middle East, has been a Metropolitan policeman and a clerk and is now a student. William Troy is studying for the exams of a Cost and Works accountant and was best man to Les Hoadley who has just returned from a business appointment in India.
Ronald Charlwood has now qualified M.A., B.M., B.Ch. (Oxon); and is at the Radcliffe Infirmary, the main Oxford hospital.

A.E.Ticehurst is in a bank at Mayfield and is wiping off his bankers exams.
Rodney Michell has passed the M.R.C.P. examination. After being at the Millbank military hospital he has gone as an M.O. to Germany. Freddie Cosstick flourishes in his business appointment in Montreal. Ted Wynter celebrated his arrival as headmaster of Midsomer Norton Grammar School by playing for Kendal-Carpenter's International XV against Bath.
W. S. Eade (1930-33) paid us a visit from Lancashire where he is headmaster of a Secondary School.
The Dennett twins were rejected for military service and are passing professional exams instead. Edward Lavender after his degree at Oxford took up banking as a career. He is already second-in-command of an N.P. branch at Coventry and is married and has a son. Capt. Ken Perkins still directs from the air - bandit hunting in Malaya. He has two daughters. Philip Ray on National Service is secretary to the Senior Technical Staff Officer, Bomber Command.

Alex Green at Winnipeg in the Bank of Montreal has recently married. John Lea works as a civil engineer for McAlpines and is engaged in building the big new power station near Southampton.
Gerald Filtmass has completed his Institute of Bankers examinations and has been given a post in head office of the Westminster Bank. Bernard Beetensen has decided to abandon his banking career in Ontario and to enter the Church there.
Keith Bacon after adventures in two other professional spheres has returned to an early love and is on the staff of the Garden Hotel, Cambridge. Last summer he was restaurant manager at Butlin's Clacton holiday Camp and served 11,000 meals a day.

D. W. Smith is doing National Service as a clerk in the R.A.O.C., afterwards he plans to go to Winchester Teacher Training College. Maurice Phillips is still a valuer in Bostan, Lincs., but would prefer to be in Lewes. Kenneth Furness after training at Winchester is teaching at Steyning. His namesake of Seaford is in the Colonial Service in Uganda. P. J. Trustam who left in July is a trainee in Brooke Bonds and hopes eventually to go overseas to their tea plantations. Michael Smith, who was at Sandhurst, served in Trieste and is now a Paratroop Officer in Aldershot. Brian Egan, an engineer trainee with Shell T'ankers, attends Wandsworth Technical College. Eventually he will go to sea as an engineer officer as have Cousins and Pulling in the same firm.

John Hersee is teaching Sixth Form maths at King Edward VII School, Sheffield D. R. Burdett has spent his National Service as a Sgt. Instructor at the Army Apprentices School, Harrogate. Among his pupils was D. A. Reynolds, formerly of the J.T.S. A. R. White of Hailsham is working for Armour Laboratories at Eastbourne. John Fermor of last year's Sixth when he wrote was in the Royal Sussex Regt. at Chichester. He had volunteered for service in Malaya with the "Queens" and expected to sail in December. David Francis has had a long spell in Tunbridge Wells Hospital. We are glad to know he is better. Brian Izzard is an engineer apprentice at Allan Wests, Brighton. Timothy Pitcher is an apprentice at De Havillands and attends Hatfield Technical College.

Ian Winchester wrote to us from the Lebanon where he was doing a course in Arabic. From Oxford he entered the Foreign Service. Robert Treadaway is teaching at the Abbey School, Fort Augustus, a Scottish public school where he is very happy. Peter Goldsmith continues in the family building business at Crowborough. He mourns the fact that alone of his contemporaries he remains unmarried. Jim Baker (1930-35) contends with a daughter of 8 and a son of 18 months, lectures at Brighton Technical College and in any time that is left works for a London Ph.D. Grahame Harrison is in Crowborough Council Offices. Playing Rugger while in the R.A.F. he met K. C. Jessap who is a regular gunner officer. "Tich" Barford has been in Robertsbridge Sanatorium. We are very sorry. Derek Hills is doing National Service at Billingham in Co. Durham, famous for its amateur football team, its huge I.C.I. works and its record deposit of dirt in Great Britain. David Caton is a parson nearby, Ashington, Northumberland; "this rude cultureless place." When he wrote he was considering the possibility of missionary work in a native reserve in Cape Province.

Roy Jarvis, after finishing his course at Brighton College of Act, joined the Army for National Service and is commissioned in the R.A.O.C. Geoffrey Ashburner - a colour photographer - is having an exhibition of his work in New York. Ronald Smith has returned from Paris where he spent six months studying under the Russian master Kostenoff. He has been giving pianoforte lessons to Princess Alexandra at Buckingham Palace. Michael Waldron after his long service in the Army has gone to a Bible College in Chicago. Sam Henderson has left Cheshire and is partner in a firm of business consultants in London. David Wood of Alfriston is a Merchant Navy Cadet and when he wrote was about to leave Venezuela for Singapore with a cargo of crude oil. John Glenister is a chartered accountant in London. Joey Green is manager of the Croydon branch of North British and Mercantile Insurance Company. Norman Hancock is managing director of a branch of constructional engineers. Colin Aldridge and Albert Hallett are apprentices in a works at Manchester. Congratulations to John Bird, John Elphick and E. H. Sweatman on obtaining their B.Sc. degrees at Brighton. Sweatman has gone to the Atomic Research Establishment at Aldermaston. Jerry Hutton is engaged in similar work at Harwell.

Brian Akehurst after serving in the R.A.F. in Nairobi is now at Odiham. Married. One son. John Holton is a veterinary surgeon at Southend. Two boys (5 and 2). Colin Humphrey is living at Hobart, Tasmania. Geoff Baird, a schoolmaster, has married and is living in Lewes. Raymond Moore is still in the R.A.F. and is stationed at St. Athan. M. T. Gilbert who completed his apprenticeship in motor engineering is doing National Service in the R.A.F. at Abingdon. A. A. J. Baker works for a firm of engineers in Victoria Street, Westminster. Tony Pullinger works for the Forestry Commission at Lyndhurst "scratching about for more land to plant trees " John Hawkins on reaching the rank of Major in the Hussars has decided to leave the Army for a business career. Ken Pink is a "planning assistant" at Swindon making provision for the overspill from London.

C. A. Farley did National Service in the R.A.F. at Plymnuth and has returned to Barclays Bank. Eric Cook has returned from Capetown to manage the family business in Lewes. Gerald his brother is in command of the destroyer "Barfleur" in the Mediterranean. P. V. Bridgeman is Assistant Native Commissioner at Umtale, S. Rhodesia. Peter Hall of Heathfield (not the original Peter of 1930) who has our sympathy, found himself a patient with "Tich" Barford at Robertsbridge. Before going there Peter had taken the Higher National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering at Brighton Tech. and was a student apprentice with Napiers at Acton.

Edgar Williams at Brighton with Peter won the prize for the best diploma student. Charlie Hughes who entered the navy as an artificer apprentic sixteen years ago has attained commissioned rank. D A. Bishop is farming at Stamford, Lincs. John Duplock pursues a course at Brighton College of Arts and Crafts concurrently with a printing apprenticeship. Wally Elliot works at Woolwich arsenal as a chemist and lives at Welling, Kent. A. E. Franklin is still at Westminster Bank, Heathfield and is married. Brother Jack is our Mr. Bowman's Senior Geography master at Whitehaven Grammar SChaol. Kerry Hoadley has left the district to join the Rhodesian Police. Arthur Halton has obtained his Ph.D. at Cambridge and is a biochemist there on the staff of the School of Agriculture. (One boy, one girl.)

R. J. Williamson has his own chemist business at Peacehaven and one son (4), one daughter (1). David Joy has returned from National Service in Germany and is planning to farm in S. Rhodesia. Terence Baker continues to gather chartered accountant's qualifications -and money in his chapel box. Fred Wood, Alan Tompsett, Jim Horstcraft, L. A. Elliott, Francis Smiih and J. H. Price represent the school at Southampton University. This year we have forty-seven Old Boys at Universities and Medical Schools besides a degree contingent at Brighton Technical College. Clifford Crouch has an appointment at Australia House. R. J. Reynolds has taken his degree at Imperial College, works for the British Ceramic Research Association at Stoke-on-Trent and plays in N. Staffordshire League Cricket. Chance meeting with Old Boys affords an excuse to celebrate. Richard Stephens and M. J. Dorling have taken their degrees at Reading. Stephens has gone to the West Indies to work for the Jamaican Sugar Manufacturers Association. Dorling is agricultural economist at Wye College. R. Pollington is in charge of a Jersey Herd at Brede. He has a small son. K. J. Nicholls works for British Railways at Paddington and has a daughter aged one. John Page left Barclays Bank to join the Chailey Brick Works. His brother "G.B." works for the Keymer Brick and Tile Co. Both study Brick Manufacture at the Northampton Polytechnic, London.

Rowland Mecklenburg is married, is a chartered auctioneer and lives at St. Leonards-on-Sea. D. G. Woolmer is an Associate of the Institute of Hospital Administrators and is at Hellingly Hospital as is Harry Bartholomew. Charman has left there to become Secretary to a hospital in the Isle of Wight while Bob Renville has gone to a hospital near Basingstoke. Bob Wynter holds the important job of. circulation manager for the Sunday Chronicle. Ken Hills has ceased to be a master at School and has gone into a publishing house in London. George Akehurst continues his ascent in the Phillips Radio firm. Brian Akehurst is back from Basra and is doing a telecommunication course in London. John Searchfield after taking his degree at Oxford and studying at the Royal Academy of Music has left to take up the appointment of organist and choirmaster at the United Church, Brentford, Ontario. A. P. Constable has just looked in - Assistant Commissioner of Police in Uganda. Gets little rugger but has played four times while on leave for the Blackheath Club. Michael Everest is in the Inland Revenue at Brighton. Albert Hallett and Aldridge are at Avro's Manchester and play for Broughton Park.

From Christmas cards we gathered the following news: Robin Kent was a Sergeant in Zaria, British West Africa. Brian McHugh is pursuing his studies with a Nuffield research scholarship at Goteborg, Sweden. Robert Lawson is a Lieutenant Quartermaster in the Nigerian Regt. at Kaduna. T. J. Corbett is at an Army Apprentices School at Harrogate. Eric Gordon is a Native Affairs Officer in the Colonial Service at Taveta, Kenya. R. E. Lang is commissioned in the R.A.F. at Tengah (wherever that may be). Roderick Green is in the British South African Police. Peter Eden has three children and is a Flight Lieutenant in the R.A.F. at Hong Kong. Peter Galer is at Detmold, Germany, in the 3rd Royal Tank Regt. Ian Walpole, who has recently left School, is at Calgary, Alberta. Charles Losasso is still at Reading University Bill Arnold prospers in his building business at Christchurch. Graham Wood is working for a firm of Eastern merchants at Singapore and is in charge of the agency for the 57 varieties of Heinz provisions throughout Malaya. Jimmy Hobden and family have apparently left Burton and are now resident at Eastbourne. R. I. B. Cooper is an industrial scientist. John Henshaw as a relief from his duties in the Ministry of Agriculture is an active member of the London Rowing Club.

Bob Ford is teaching in Germany. John Pay is a parson in Wales. Beverley Tarlo is still at Sheffield University. Brian Woods is at the Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham. His Armstrong Siddeley is one year older than the Headmaster's. Philip Whitehead is at the Training College, Bognor Regis. Stanley Pilbeam is still on the staff of the Middlesex Hospital. R. H. Davies, our former master and now headmastar of a Sheffield Grammar School, ran into Sammy Gates in Exeter and John Lawrence under a police helmet at Victoria Station. Among many other cards were those from Eric Barfoot now in Norfolk after his service in the Canal Zone, from Capt. Ken Perkins in Malaya, from K. J. Bartholomew living and working in Rouen, from Michael Eldridge soon due back from the Far East, from David Joslin farming in Kent from Gerald Burt, who having taken his B.A. at Oxford, has now graduated at Cambridge where he is a Theological student at Wesley House, from Roger Braidwood in California, from Dr. Harry Stenton at Hull University, from Brian Colvin at the Embassy, Saigon, from Peter Hubbard in the Royal Signals at Catterick, and from many others which we valued equally but have no room to enumerate.

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