Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 31 - 1955

The Original Barbican cover It is JUBILEE year for the school 1930 - 1955, but there is no flag waving in evidence. Nothing much being said here about the Chapel but something must be going on behind the scenes. Nearly £500 was raised for the Chapel Fund this year from various sources. Inflation is running at about 2.5% and building costs are rising. Mr Bradshaw is due to retire in 1960 and so it is essential that work begins soon. Can he get it built while he is still headmaster? There must be some feverish activity behind the scenes. It's now or never!

Nothing much is being said either about more school buildings to accommodate the extra pupils. There is a need for a proper library, a bigger gym and the assembly hall is far too small. As for accommodation for the technical side of the school -- there is no mention. Can all these building schemes be achieved? What are the priorities?

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys



School Captain - - - R. G. Bray

LEWES - - - P. E. Britten, L. Taylor, J. S. Davey.
MARTLETS - - - K. G. Foote.
SEAHAVEN - - - R. G. Bray, C. W. F. Newman, I. McM. Wesson, K. E. Geering, G. O. Barford.
UCKFIELD - - - R. C. Thorne, R. Appleby, N. G. Buck.

Form Captains:
TRANs., M. J. Rogers; 5B, R. A. Stapley; 5G, P. Larking; Remove A, L. A. Warnes; Remove B, G. S. Higham; Remove G, K. Angood; 4A, A. Lewis; 4B, K. Short; 4G, -. Moore; 3A, M. P. Sadler; 3B, P. W. Izzard; 3G, A. Baldwin; 2A, J. B. Wheeler; 2B, C. Geering; 2G, H. M. Rix.

Editors of the Magazine:
R. Appleby, C. W. F. Newman.


THE School year 1955-56 is the School's Jubilee Year, but apart from an article in a local paper there has, so far, been little manifest rejoicing. School has gone on at the same tempo. There have been occasional bursts "allegro giocoso ed energico" but for the most part the pace has been comfortably "andante" in spite of efforts by the conductor and coaches in each section to brisken matters up. There are brilliant solo performers but their brilliance has been enhanced by the dullness of others.

However, a really close examination shows that this state of affairs is only superficial; there are many encouraging signs. The School Society, obviously the most representative body of the School overcame the lethargy of the earlier part of the session and really excelled itself in the house plays, the event which demands most from most members. If we may judge by the keenness shown in the activities of other, more specialised and naturally more exclusive, societies, the chairman's idea of making the School Society more selective in future will undoubtedly make it more uniformly energetic. Among the other voluntary bodies of the School the activities of the newly-formed R.A.F. section of the C.C.F. have been particularly remarkable. Its vigorous activity and success in examinations appear phenomenal; but it is still very young. It will, indeed, be remarkable if it thrives so when some of the novelty has worn off and when it no longer has Mr. Wooding, who put it so vigorously under way, at the helm.

The summer holidays saw the first post-war School trip to Germany and this now shows every sign of becoming as regular as the Blois visits We must do all in our power to see this does truly help to bring peace to this desperately troubled world. This year saw too the first School visit to Blois without Mr. Auld, an occasion at once sad and consoling, for, while it must serve to remind us of his most unkindly early death, it will be the memorial. to him which we are sure he would most have desired. He has built his " monumentum aere perennius "; it is for us respectfully to maintain it.

Finally, to return to our musical metaphor (not to crack the wind of the poor phrase running it thus) we may say that all that is required is a real development of ensemble playing. Let the solo virtuosi lead each section and bring us to an overall virtuosity so that we may make the playing of our "Jubilate" a concerto for full orchestra.
R.A., C.W.F.N.


WITH great regret we have said good-bye to Mr. John Wooding, who has taken up a post in Southern Rhodesia; to Mr. Hugh Davies, who has been appointed to the headmastership of a new Secondary School at Battle; and to Mr. J. D. Richards, who has joined the staff of Brighton Technical College. We thank them for the great contribution they made to the life of the School while with us. Mr. Davies has been succeeded by Mr. J. B. Lee; Dr. G. I. Sinclair and Mr. E. P. Bennett are temporarily sharing the work of Mr. Wooding. A substitute has been found for Mr. Richards, but he will not arrive until September. Mr. Mould has left us for a year to teach in France and has been succeeded by Mr. R. J. Beale. We welcome too as our French assistant for the year, Monsieur B. Berrezgui. We hope that our new masters - temporary or permanent - will be happy during their time with us.

Congratulations to P. E. Britton, M. R. Saffery and P. C. Wright on gaining State Scholarships and to Britton and D. P. McLaughlin on gaining exhibitions at Cambridge, the former at St. John's College in Modern Languages, the latter at Jesus College in History.

Three of our Old :Boys obtained " Firsts " last summer; Kenneth Brown in Engineering (London), Eric Lavender in Mathematical Moderations (Oxford) and Beverley Tarlo in Geology (Sheffield). Tarlo is now engaged in research at University College, London.

Gerald Satchler at Oxford has added a D.Phil. to his "first " in Physics.

News of other Old Boys will be found at the end of this magazine. We feel we ought to mention here, however, the M.B.E. (Military Division) which has been awarded to Captain Kenneth Perkins, R.A., for distinguished work in Malaya. He had already received the D.C M. from the Selangor Government and, as previously recorded, had been awarded the D.F.C. as an air observation officer in Korea. We much enjoyed the talk he gave to the School on his experiences in the Far East.

Since 1939, when an evacuated London school descended upon us [Bec School], we have struggled patiently - and we strongly feel, courageously - with numbers 60 per cent. greater than those for which our buildings were ever intended. In comparison, the problem of the post-war age bulge seems insignificant. The request for extensions had become a despairing cri de coeur. At last the builders have moved in to take a first " bite." So far the pace of mastication hardly denotes a voracious appetite. But, as historians, we remember Mr. Gladstone and hope on.

Finally, we cannot end these notes without reminding our readers that the School has now completed the first 25 years of its life. We have hung out no flags. Instead we think of the careers of many of the lads who have passed through the School. " Si monumentum requiris, perspice."


THE first year of this newly-formed Section has been one of rapid progress. The year ended with a strength of 24 cadets, and each has passed the Proficiency Examination. Under-Officer Davey and Cpl. Styles also passed the Advanced Examination. Two cadets successfully completed the Fleet Air Arm course at Lee-on-Solent and other cadets attended the Radio School at Locking. Under-Officer Davey is to be awarded a Flying Scholarship if he passes an aircrew fitness test. Several of our former cadets are now serving with the R.A.F. and we wish them a successful career.

The first annual camp at Hucknall was enjoyed by all; the accommodation and messing were excellent, and the varied programme included a visit to an R.A.F. station equipped with Meteors. We were delighted to have Capt. Hall with us and he completed his Service " hat-trick " by flying with the cadets. The warmer, summer days saw an incredibly overloaded rubber dinghy being paddled around the swimming pool; although I'm not sure that all cadets realised when it was the right way up.

This year's training programme is well under way, and we are grateful for the valuable assistance of Mr. Clements, and the instructional visits of the 6l Group Flight Sergeant. The keen interest and enthusiasm of all cadets, as evidenced by voluntary parades at " half-term " and week-ends, will ensure for the Air Section a flourishing position in the Cadet Corps.
J.D W.


ANOTHER year of the School Society has passed into history, and it is admirable that some review should be made, that the balance sheet should be audited.

Professor Whitehead has maintained that the degree of civilisation attained by any community can be measured by the quality of genius achieved in its twenty leading intellectuals and artists; so is it with a school and, more particularly, with the School Society. It would indeed be both foolish and ungrateful to underestimate the significance of this social aristocracy, the elite cadre but for whom the Society would be in the same cramped quarters as John Brown's body.

To a great extent one finds this body within the Sixth Form but there are younger boys who are prepared to make the effort to get up in front of others and talk or act or clown.

The Society still suffers from rigor mortis on the part of the majority of its 270 members: far too many are still content to let others do all the work, far too many criticise attainments that they could never match. In order to prune some of the more obviously dead wood, it has been decided to be very much more selective next year in accepting members for the Society.

The programme over the last year has stretched from a particularly frantic Easter entertainment henceforth never to be mentioned again, to the full majesty of four House plays in December. Other noteworthy performances were a talk by Dr. Van Praagh on South Africa; talks on the forging of the Piltdown skull, coins and pictures by Messrs. Hoggins and John Davey, Geoffrey Brooker, and Gem; and a debate in which Holland (VI), startlingly assisted by A. N Oblivon (an obvious Sixth Form candidate), out-talked Wilkinson (VI) and bamboozled the Society into voting for the ludicrous assertion that " crime does not pay." Films shown were: " The Overlanders " " Men of Arran " and early silent pictures presented by Miss Elizabeth Hepworth.

But to turn to the House plays. Firstly, the details:
SEAHAVEN. " The Dear Departed." Producer: Bray. Cast: Barford, Bell, Beal, English , Waterman and Newman.
LEWES. "The Old Bull." Producer: J. Davey. Cast: A. Parris, Lee, Allen, Reed and Yarrow.
UCKFIELD. " The Bishop's Candlesticks." Producer: Appleby. Cast: Swales, Buck, Stone, Opienski and Kitchener.
MARTLETS. " Thread o' Scarlet." Producers: J. Cooper and Thorne. Cast: Norman, Foote, Catt, Type, Tompsett and Hodson.

This quartet of plays, a most valuable contribution to the life of the School, was produced and created solely by members of the School without any assistance whatsoever from the Staff. In the opinion of all those who were wise enough to see these plays the standard of acting was remarkably high. This, I may say, without any of the School props and scenery which is in store at Uckfield, whilst some brontosaurus from Burgess Hill (we are becomirig very cosmopolitan) knocks the old place down.

I would like to thank all those who took part in any capacity. They gave a great deal of pleasure for this was school acting at its very best, with all the charm and freshness of a truly amateur production.

Lastly, a word must be said of those who stay behind to clear up the hall after these meetings. I always ask in terms of help for little more than a stone and I always receive far more than a loaf. In any school this spirit is, as Mr. Tayler would say una bonissima res".

The secretary of the Society this year was Laurence Tayior (VI) and the chairman was P.G.A.G.


THE instructional side of the Club programme has again been carried out with the aid of the School of Agriculture at Plumpton. Mr. Clarke continues to pass on some at least of his craftsman's skill with swophook and billhook, while classes in elementary tractor-driving (cancelled for the winter 1954-55) are again attracting considerable support. New ground has been broken with a short course on intensive methods of poultry husbandry; Mr. Hickenbotham's lectures were illustrated by visits to the various departments of the Plumpton poultry enterprise.

At the County Rally, held at Horsted Place in May, Club members entered numerous classes, not without some measure of success. More recently the Club team failed - by ?? points - to reach the final round of the County InterClub Quiz. Only two school clubs competed.

The Smithfield Show was chosen for this year's winter show visit. Nineteen members were able to inspect an impressive display of farm livestock and machinery. These notes should not end without a word of praise for the prominent part played by some senior members in open club and County Federation affairs. N. G. Buck and J. Coote have again represented East Sussex in interclub competitions at regional and national levels.


THE group of fiddlers, making strange noises in the Library is now beginning to develop into a small orchestra and has moved its place of operations to the Assembly Hall. Several boys who entered the School in September could already play instruments and three more beginners are learning in order to join the Orchestra as soon as they are able.

We have arranged for a teacher from the Sussex Rural Music School to take a violin class every week, and regular rehearsals of the Orchestra take place on Thursdays.

At the moment, we enjoy ourselves, but are not ready to play for others' enjoyment; when our numbers have increased and our technique has improved we hope to be able to perform in public.


IN the morning of July 25th a party of 20 boys led by Messrs. Norgrove and Webb left Lewes and arrived safely at Ostend on the same evening. Here we were to learn that British Railways are not the worst in Europe and the lesson was driven well and truly home throughout a night spent hovering on the verge of sleep on the perverse wooden seats, which seem to be made expressly for the discomfort of travellers. On the first attempt we missed Heidelberg, our destination, by some 50 miles. This, I may hasten to add, was due to a German porter's inability to speak the Kaiser's German and is no reflection at all on our grasp of the language. All's well that ends well, however and at Komwestheim, the kindly stationmaster arranged a meal for us and the return journey. His sympathy was aroused, I think, more by our haggard looks than Mr Norgrove's eloquence. Nevertheless, a combination of the two, obtained our first German meal - bacon and eggs-and a delightful journey back along the lovely Neckar valley. Our stay in Heidelberg was thoroughly enjoyable the hostel food was good and everyone was delighted with the beautiful old town and the surrounding countryside.

From Heidelberg we went to Freudenstadt high up in the mountains. We travelled-our own choice-in the spacious guard s van of a rickety old train. Needless to say, we were soon the best of friends with the guard, who showed us, as we went along, some of the wonderful scenery of the Black Forest. We reached Freudenstadt without difficulty this time - it was a single-track line so we could not really go wrong. The town has been completely rebuilt since the war - all except the Youth Hostel, that is, which most of us swore must be a relic from the Franco-Prussian war.

At Rottweil, our next stop, the Youth Hostel was perched on the top of a cliff, overlooking the winding river and the rolling hills behind. Here, most members of the party made an interesting tour of the historic old town conducted by a venerable old gentleman who seemed to know everything. Meanwhile the more athletic members, including Mr. Webb, climbed a nearby mountain.

We next went to Titisee, where the hostel is a typical Black Forest mountain home, situated at the head of the lake. Here, there was boating and swimming for some, whilst others escaped the unfortunate tourist atmosphere of the town itself by going into the nearby mountains. One pair, hitching climbing and mostly hiking, managed to cover the best part of 50 miles, although no one would believe them.

Then after a brief visit to Freiburg we went to Giersen, where many of us have correspondents. The town council and the school there financed and arranged a very full programme for us and we were all sorry to have to leave so soon.

The journey home was uneventful but we returned with a lasting impression of the kindness and hospitality of the Germans. Visits to foreign countries, if they can create such friendship and good-will as we experienced in Germany, are perhaps the answer to the problem of how to achieve world peace. They might be able to succeed where statesmen are now failing.
J.A. W.


To: The Editor, The Barbican. January, 1956.
Dear Sir,

It is impossible for individuals to epitomise " Oxford Life" but the fourteen Old Lewesians at present in residence here may conjointly be said to present an adequate picture of the various " types " and fascinatingly multifarious kinds of existence which abound in this University.

At Merton - the abode of the Lewesian blessed - David Blaber is in his third year, reading French. Last Hilary Term he edited " La Chouette Aveugle " - the magazine of the French Club - which did not survive his ministrations. He has also won one of the coveted Heath Harrison Travelling Scholarships (which took him to the south of France) and, as President of the University French Club, entertained such worthies as Salvador de Madariaga and Georges Duhamel. In his final year he is living in the Maison Francaise, whose culture and gastronomy are alike delectable. Clive Perry, reading Geography in his second year, is playing rugger and cricket for his college, and enjoying the many opportunities Oxford provides for living " the full life." Eric Lavender, having added a First in Maths Mods to his impressive list of achievements, now favours an obscure college by the Cherwell for one of his two weekly tutorials. He plays squash and hopes to row in college " eights."

At St. Catt's, Chris Allen, whom some of us remember for his prowess at annihilatingly complex mathematical crosswords, is now engaged in twelve simultaneous games of postal chess. He, too, participates in river sports: the last report we had was that a St. Catt's boat, containing him as cox contrived to jam itself across the weir stream. We have not yet heard of a sudden depletion in St. Catt's numbers' we live in expectations. Alan Pilbeam in his first year, divides what is left of his time after reading for Geography Prelims between St. Catt's lst XV, the Christian Union, and mountaineering. Also at St. Catt's is Satchler who-having scaled dizzy peaks of academic eminence now is a D.Phil. and tutors in Physics.

At Lincoln, Ross Wells is in his second year, reading Geography. He is secretary of the University Fellowship of Reconciliation group and a member of the John Wesley Society. He is rather doubtful as to the advisability of my mentioning that he plays both rugger and (horrors!) soccer.

At St. Peter's Hall, Eric Gordon, a contemporary of Satchler, has returned from Kenya, where he went after joining the Colonial Service, and is doing a year's course in Statistics and Agricultural Economics.

At Keble, Eddy Wood captained the College Boat Club and took his Finals in Engineering last summer. He is now working strenuously for a B.Sc., hoping to transfer eventually to a D.Phil. Though his glorious days of active rowing are over, he is still occasionally to be seen on the towpath wielding stop-watch and megaphone. Of necessity, Colin Dolloway, reading Botany, has most of his attention concentrated on Finals next term. We understand he is hoping to influence their outcome by offering up large sacrifices of Oxfordshire fauna in the laboratory. Maurice Hobden declares he is leading a mundane life, Schools impending, with spasms of chronic film addiction.

Also among the Old Lewesians are two of mixed academic descent: Duncan Craik at Teddy Hall and Michael Landon, reading History in his second year at Worcester. Duncan has achieved distinction as a hockey player and Michael as an oarsman.

Your correspondent, needless to say, is leading his accustomed life of unobtrusive idleness.

We trust, Sir, that your Headmaster will enjoy the seemly entertainment prepared for his forthcoming visit, and that the architectural additions to your School will be complemented by an increase in the number of those from it who undertake visits of greater duration to this University.

ANNALIUM SCRIPTOR. Ex-collegio, Beatae Mariae Magdalenae,


The Editor
The Barbican.
20th January, 1955.

Dear Sir
During the last few years the School's representation at Cambridge has been weaker than at Oxford. This regrettable state of affairs has now been partially remedied and it is hoped that the future will show a continued increase in the numbers of Old Lewesians up here.

The activities of the Old Lewesians in statu pupillari cover a wide field. Jim Thorney, now a second-year medical student at Downing, whilst enjoying most of the pleasures which have come to be associated with that Faculty, finds time to cox his college VIII for the second year in succession. It appears that the authorities have agreed to let him loose at the Middlesex Hospital when he has finished here.

Michael Siggs, in his second year at Fitzwilliam House, changed from reading Estate Management to Agriculture soon after his arrival here. It is thought that the close proximity of the University Farm to Girton may have been partly responsible for his new choice. In his spare time he plays rugger for "Fitzbilly" and is to be congratulated on having recently obtained 2nd XV colours.

Stephen Fleet came up to St. John's with a scholarship to read Natural Sciences. He keeps himself fit for his studies with frequent games of squash and also takes an active part in his college science, debating and choral societies. Tony Reynolds, also of Fitzwilliam House can frequently be seen with poles and theodolite ostensibly surveying the fenland around Cambridge. This appears to bear some relation to his geographical studies. A keen politician he is often to be seen about teatime at the University Liberal Club. His sporting activities include playing rugger for "Fitzbilly" 2nd XV. A member of the University Travellers and Explorers Club, he plans to visit Scandinavia during the summer.

The Old Lewesians here have had several meetings during the past Term. They propose shortly to form a society which they hope will be augmented in the near future by members of the Sixth Form at School.

Yours, etc.


Chairman: Mr. Webb
Secretary: D. A. L. Morgan

THIS session began as did the previous one with a record evening -an unpromising start because one prominent member announced that he had been thoroughly bored with all he heard. However, the subsequent formal debate on the motign - "The pursuit of the sciences is incompatible with the full development of the noblest qualities in human nature" - was well attended and provoked a surprising number of speeches before it was finally rejected by 9 votes to 5. The next meeting was a Brains Trust. Messrs. Gem, Hoggins, Newman and Fleet gave their opinions on questions ranging from the production of the hydrogen bomb to the type of people they disliked most. The Chairman allowed additional comments from the floor on each topic. The last meeting was a symposium on the Unusual. Mr. Brooker spoke very informatively on coin collecting, Mr. Mould greatly entertained the Society with an account of six months of 1948 spent in gay Paris, and Messrs. Newman and Geraghty tried hard to convert manifestly sceptical members to a belief in ghosts and poltergeists.

Throughout the session attendance appeared somewhat low but in fact, the very select number of members that turned up regularly made debating very hot, if not of a high standard.

Chairman: Mr. Norgrove
Secretary: R. Appleby - - - - Treasurer: R. C. Thorne

In the snap debates which began the session older members were surprised by the readiness and ability in debating of the new recruits and of the visitor Herr Holl, the first German to be present at a meeting of the Society. It was reassuring to hear Herr Holl state his conviction that the English were not really fundamentally aloof, merely shy. "Topical Comment" was the title given to the next meeting; it consisted of readings from journals and comments by several members of the Society on current topics followed by comment from the floor. The Society was amused when Mr. Hoggins speaking from the floor, gave an account of the "bowel-consciousness" of the American people.

The Society had one really fresh meeting on this session's programme, devised by the chairman - "The Critics." Certain wireless programmes for the week before the meeting were provisionally selected for criticism, and of these finally four were discussed - one from television and one from each of the radio programmes. The evening proved most rewarding for the very select number that attended. It was so interesting and agreeable that it was hard to believe at the end of it all that one had been doing anything so formidable sounding as "exercising one's intellect on the matter of one's entertainment."

The session's formal debate - on the motion " This House would applaud the success of a modern Guy Fawkes " - was well attended and consisted of much very interesting but utterly irrelevant discussion. When the House was reminded of the motion in the summing up it loyally rejected it by 23 noes to 13 ayes with 5 abstensions.

The last two meetings were a symposium on journeys and a parliamentary debate. Mr. Beal made his first speech to the Society a most engrossing and often amusing account of a holiday motoring through Norway in his old, but heroic, car. Mr. Pope told the story of his two sadly-ending trips to Spain, and Messrs. Britton and Bray staggered and tickled the Society respectively with their tales of a peep through the Iron Curtain and a journey to North Wales with a very public wash in a Birmingham public fountain en route The final debate was begun one hour late with a very meagre quorum after a breathtaking speed limit breaking, desperately cramped dash by six members in one car from the French plays at Brighton. Notwithstanding these handicaps, there was fiery debating under the firm chairmanship of Mr. Gem. After a motion of censure on its foreign policy the Government was left without a working majority and forced to resign.

The grand culmination to the events of the session was the " Christmas frolic " to which we invited the Sixth Form of the Girls' Grammar School. This went on for three and a half gay hours, filled with feasting and with fun, lighthearted, at one point mildly gruesome but apparently always enjoyable. This most successful evening could not have taken place without the freely-given permission and co-operation of the Staff and especially the very noble work of Miss Simmons and her team in the kitchen. I know all the members of the Society would like me to express their gratitude.


FIRST a word of thanks however belated to the 150 odd OLs who sent us Christmas greetings from all parts of the world. We valued every one. Many of them brought news of the senders.

P. C. Eden is a Flight-Lieuteriant in the R.A.F. at Singapore. He has three children. Sex not stated.

Bryan McHugh is still in Sweden, where he went several years ago with a Nuffield Research Scholarship in flame radiation.

Graham Wood still sells the 57 varieties of Heinz products, also in Singapore. Learning Chinese makes French child's play, he says.

Henry Hoadley sent us greetings from the police in Southern Rhodesia, where Michael Steele has recently gone to join the Rhodesian Civil Service. Michael met Mr. Wooding at the airport when the latter recently flew out there.

Laurence Holding, whom we had not heard of since he left in 1943, sent a card from Sydney. He is a Petty Officer on the Submarime Telemachus.

Cards also told us that Robin Kent is in the Nigerian Regiment in Northern Nigeria; that Colin Message is a Second Lieutenant in the 3rd Battalion of that regiment; that Christopher Howells is a Subaltern in the Gold Coast Regiment and has Ken Jessop as a company commander.

Arthur Kirk sent greetings from Rome, where he is on the staff of B.E.A.; K. J. Bartholomew from Rouen, where he is in business; Peter Hubbard from Cyprus where he is serving with the 3rd G.H.Q. Signal Regiment. Bob Drummond from Ontario. " I am doing very well," was his only news.

Alex Green also sent a card from Montreal, where he is in a bank and has two children.

Bernard Beetenson's card came from Bishop's University, Quebec, where he is studying for a degree prior to entering the church; Bob Ford's from Windsor School, B.A.O.R. where he is on the staff; Paul Bishop's from Bavaria where he is completing National Service and Roger Braidwood's from California.

Ron Dusart's came from Kuwait, where he is an engineer in the oil fields (or wells?).

Eric Gordon wrote from Oxford, sent back for a year to his old college by the Colonial Office to study economics and agricultural statistics, a pleasant interlude after months in the Mau Mau country as an administrative officer.

A card told us that Brian Colvin is still British Air Attache at the Embassy, Saigon; that Martin Waldron is a theological student in U.S.A., that John Martin is doing National Service in Germany and that Ian Winchester is third secretary in the Embassy at Cairo.

Messages from sources nearer home revealed that Jim Baker (1930-35) has now added a London Ph.D. to his many qualifications; that Philip Ridley at the Board of Trade had recently signed on behalf of the United Kingdom a trade agreement with Switzerland (we sign excuse notes); that David Pincott is on the staff of Bedford Modern School (a well-known Public School); that Tony Cottingham continues his course as a cadet at Cranwell; that Cedric Andrews has left Oxford and is doing National Service as a Pilot Officer, R.A.F., and that Brian Woods still represents the School as a Subaltern at the Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, with Peter Still as a colleague. Peter Gallard has finished his course there and from his card appears to be at R.E. Headquarters, Chatham.

Peter Galer - now a captain - sent us a view of the scene of the triumph of his regiment at Bethlehem on Christmas Day 1917. But he has recently returned to England from B.A.O.R., is married and stationed in London; the card of S. G. Aston - one of our originals of 1930 - reveals nothing except that he is celebrating the centenary of the Meteorological Office. We thank all other O.L.s for their cards but look with doubt, and wonder, at the appropriateness of the one sent by a medical Old Boy, boldly inscribed " Institute of Diseases of the Chest " - and on Christmas morning, too.

We saw a photograph in The Times of Michael Wells slinging out a pass in a hospital " cupper " match. Which reminds us that he has now qualified, is married and is casualty officer at Charing Cross Hospital.

Brian Saffery has spent a few pleasant hours at School after wandering round the world for four years as a Merchant Navy officer.

The hard economic circumstances of the Thirties compelled Fred White to leave school at 15 - without School Certificate. He has just passed his final law exams as a solicitor. Guts ! ! !

R. J. Luck, in the Civil Service, has obtained the London University Diploma in Economics and the Certificate of Public Administration. His twin brother, " G.F.," has gone to Cambridge - for a fiancee.

George Taylor is prospering as an engineer in London.

Michael Wilson has secured a " first " in his Dartmouth " passing out " exam as a midshipman. He was on the cruiser Triumph, which was one of the ships that paid an official visit to Leningrad in the autumn. He writes: " One of our most diffiicult tasks was to try and convince the Russains that our Royal Marines were not the Navy's secret police; they were convinced that because the Marines wore red sashes and red-striped trousers they were no less than the Police Force." We wish we had space to quote more. He mentions the class distinction in Russia based on position in " the party."

Rodney Michell is married and has, we believe, a post on the staff at Guy's Hospital. His brother Brian is a musician, which reminds us that Ronald (" Pop ") Smith has given many recitals including one at the Festival Hall. The Times gave him a flattering " crit " recently and The Telegraph said he had the makings of a great pianist.

Ivor Churches, returning from Yorkshire to Leicester, tried an early-morning encounter with a coal lorry. His car overturned. He used the substantial damages he obtained to get married and go for a honeymoon - by train. He is an industrial chemist in Leicester.

Michael Short, after taking his degree at Bristol, is working for G.E.C. (not G.C E.) in London and has bought a " Standard Ten." He gets an occasional article published in scientific journals. His writing must have improved - or does he type them?

Graeme Martin and John Holford share lodgings at Leeds University. Martin is studying cotton technology and has been awarded a Courtauld's exhibition.

Martin Bolland is a police cadet in London. He intends ultimately to join the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Paget Davies has become engaged and obtained the M.R.C.P. qualification. Having met the lady we place his achievements in the above order.

Other medical O.L.s we have heard of are Ronald Charlwood, who has at last left Oxford to take up an appointment at Swindon; Stan Pilbeam, on the staff of the Middlesex Hospital; Donald Sayers, in practice in the Channel Isles and John Fryatt who has now qualified.

G. P. Fryatt has recently emigrated to Australia, where he is engaged in estate business.

John Martin doing National Service at Detmold in Germany, in the l lth Armoured Division, arrived just after Capt. Peter Galer left to return home. " 1 have heard very good reports of him," he says John is married.

Gerald Cook has relinquished command of the destroyer Barfleur and is now at the R.N. Barracks, Portsmouth. Brother Eric has a business appointment in London.

John Holton still practises as a " vet " at Southend. His brother Arthur, who gained a Ph.D. at Cambridge has a university appointment there.

Anthony Rumens is working for the G.P.O. at Tunbridge Wells. H.e is married and has one son.

Before going to Bavaria on N.S. Paul Bishop played for Torquay lst XV. He is due to go to Oxford next October.

Albert Hallett is in the middle of his apprenticeship with Messrs. Avro at Manchester and shares his time between exams rugger and table-tennis.

Malcolm Cooper is doing N.S. before going to Oxford. He has recently passed W.O.S.B.

Congratulations to Terry Baker, who has taken in his stride all exams, including finals, of the Institute of Chartered Accountants - and he was in a " B " Form at school.

David Peters met Trevor Beeforth and Richard Scott all N.S. Radar Technicians, R.A.F. They have places respectively at Bristol, Oxford and Cambridge Universities for next autumn.

Desmond Carpenter has completed N S. and proposes to give up his executive officers' post in the Civil Service to become a schoolmaster.

R. A. Voice is married, has a boy and a girl, and is studying for accountancy exams.

Derek Burden, who since leaving Oxford has taught at Colyer's School, Horsham, and the new grammar school at Crawley, is a candidate for ordination. Other O.Ls who have chosen the church as a vocation and of whom we have heard recently are Bob Faulkner, who has left plutocratic Hoylake to become a vicar at Crewe; David Caton, who has left the miners of Northumberland to go to the heathen in Africa; John Brown, who holds a curacy in the Black Country at Tipton; and Paul Turton at Birmingham and Stuart Symons who took his degree in physics at Oxford and is now at a theological college at Clifton; G. F. Blackmore, who has completed his degree at London and is now doing N.S. before going to a theological college, and Gerald Burt who followed his Second in English at Oxford with a 2.1 in theology at Cambridge - our only O.L. to hold a degree of both places. Christopher Howells who got a " first in history at Oxford and is now a subaltern in the Gold Coast intends to return to Oxford to read theology. We have not heard from Frank Bowles and M. R. Chant, who hold curacies, but Ronald Kemp is a Wesleyan minister near Newcastle, Staffs. King's College Hospital medical school staged a pantomime. Donald Burgess, of school dramatic fame, headed the " dramatis personae."

Frank Barks has sailed for South Africa to take up a commission in the B.S.A. Police. In the R.A.F. at Kingsbridge he met Creasey, who has, unfortunately, been stricken with polio. He has our deep sympathy.

Alan Stuart is foreign touring manager of Hotel Booking Service Ltd. Sounds attractive.

Freddie Cosstick, having held business appointments in Aden, Asmara, New York and Montreal, has decided on " home sweet home." He is filling an interregnum teaching French at K.C.S., Wimbledon.

Ian Hill, doing N.S. in the R.A.F., has been commissioned and has gone to Canada for flying training. At the initial training school he passed out best allround cadet. His twin, Brian, who has completed N.S. as a fighter pilor, is studying for a degree in metallurgy at Imperial College.

David Wood is a Merchant Navy cadet on the tanker Narrinia His first voyage took him to Suez, Kuwait, Singapore, Yokohama, Sarawak and Australia. We wish we had space to quote his letter.

Peter Harris was one of three R.N. artificer apprentices selected for a final interview for an engineering commission only to fall at the last fence. Hard luck!

Keith Divall, who is in the police force won the 220 yds. National Police Championship at Liverpool. Don't do it when he is about.

William Davis is working for Watson & Sons of Heathfield and studying for accountancy exams.

Rex Steel, before being called up for N.S. in the R.A.F., secured a Civil Service appointment in the Air Ministry.

John Bird, when he wrote, was in an officers' training wing at Catterick waiting for W O.S.B.

John Bailey has finished his hotel management course at Westminster and is now doing N.S. in the R.A.F.

Ken Hills left us to join a publishing house. He now lives at Lapworth, Warwickshire, in the shadow of " The Bard."

Peter Osborne, who sustained a badly fractured skull in Korea, is now back with his regiment - Royal Signals - but has been forbidden ever to play Rugger or box again. Heartfelt condolences.

Kenneth Brown, with a London " first " in engineering, has joined a firm specialising in automation. He expects soon to have his headquarters at Redhill.

Keith Bacon is manager of the Buckingham Hotel, London, but is about to move to a similar post at the Queen's Hotel, Westcliff-on-Sea. A.A. Three Star.

Peter Peach, in the Scientific Civil Service, was, when he wrote, about to do N.S. He has passed A Level Pure and Applied Maths and Physics in his spare time, has bought a £50 camera on H.P., and paid for it by taking photographs of weddings and passport applicants.

R. M. Brook is an electrical apprentice in his father's business.

A. P. Wright has finished N.S. in the R.A.F. and is, we believe, working for I.C.I.

Denis Clay, having taken his degree last July at Nottingham in horticulture, was awarded a two-year research scholarship. He has recently married.

John Barton has been awarded a Monsanto Research Fellowship at Bristol University.

When C. M. Egan wrote to us he was in the Mediterranean, approaching Port Said on the 28,000-ton super-tanker Capulus, which he has joined as an engineer after a two-year course at a technical college in London. Engine room 95 deg. F. Boiler room l 10 deg. F. " The atmosphere takes some getting used to," he says. You bet it does.

Beverly Daily varies medical studies at Charing Cross Hospital with bus conducting in Eastbourne. Harry Lee has had hard luck with illness since he became a medical studerit. " Physician heal thyself."

Derrick Buller-Sinfield has bought a garage business and won a prize in a car rally.

David Joy is in Air Transport at Salisbury, S. Rhodesia.

Mike Causley has returned from S. Africa and had an executive post in Civil Air Lines at Newcastle-on-Tyne. He is emigrating to Vancouver.

Fred Wood has taken his degree in modern languages and is completing an Education Diploma course at Southampton.

Brian Glenister looked in at a Rugger match, home for a short holiday from his tobacco farm in West Africa.

His namesake John was discovered at school on a Saturday morning. He is practising in London as a chartered accountant.

R. T. H. Stevens, " Bottom " of the 1940 production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream," is still a lecturer at York Training College.

A. A. I. Baker is working for a firm of Victoria Street Engineers.

Geoffrey Harris is teaching at a secondary school in Hampshire, Henry Hayward in Brighton and Brian Austen at Tonbridge.

Ted Wynter was one of the generation of boys who helped to dig the School swimming bath. He is now digging a second - at Midsomer Norton Grammar School, where he is headmaster.

We met Wally Haggar and caught a glimpse of Alan Castle - both Civil Air Line pilots hopping around in Africa. Wally has since talked to the School.

Edward Lavender is in charge of foreign business in a bank at Coventry. This entails signing drafts of up to £100,000 - and fighting the Inland Revenue on behalf of wealthy clients.

J. H. Fermor, doing N.S. with the Queen's Regiment, when he wrote to us, had been sent from Singapore to Johore, the only part of Malaya where the amnesty with the communists did not operate.

We were glad to welcome Sammy Gates who, since going down from Cambridge has been senior geography master at Exeter School.

Stephen Parris, commissioned in Royal Signals on N.S. at Hamburg,wrote that unless he reached the £2,000 a year class he would never live as well as in the officers' mess there.

M. D. Sims wrote to us from Glasgow, where he has gone for an engineering apprenticeship with the Clan Line. He says the Scots are so mean - with holidays - that his chances of coming to see the School. are limited.

Charles Losasso, at Reading University, was awarded a research scholarship on the result of his degree exam last summer. Brian Honess is a freshman in horticulture there.

Peter Bailey went to King Edward VII Nautical School in London and has now gone to sea on tankers

Bill Morling, a qualified architect, and John Morling with a Higher National Certificate in building are members of the fainily business at Seaford.

Ted Emery has left Lewes and is now senior traffic engineer with the Kent County Council.

Don Haffenden played rugger at School but is full-back for Lewes A.F.C. 1st XI.

Richard Leftwich is practising as a veterinary surgeon in Surrey.

Maurice Phillips has left Lincolnshire and gone to Catterick as an assistant land agent in the War Department which owns 50,000 acres in Yorkshire and Durham. Maurice met Stephen Parris in a hotel in Richmond (Yorks.).

" Fish " Payne has flown to Amman to carry Oxford culture to the Arabs. Glubb Pasha has left. No connection.

John Woolmore has left Oxford and is working for I.C.I. at Harrogate.

R. I. B. Cooper is working for the Electrical Research Association at Perivale Middlesex.

I. K. G. Phillips of Uckfield, who left during the war has been awarded an Adult Scholarship, with the same emoluments as a State Scholarship, and is reading for a degree in economics at the London School of Economics.

John Hersee is teaching mathematics at King Edward VII School, Sheffield. Bob Wynter has left the Kemsley group of papers and has joined'the publishers of " Vogue."

David Britton, who entered Messrs. Boots of Uckfield as an apprentice, came second in the country in the firm's scholarship exam.

K. J. Pink has gained his final qualification as an Associate member of the Town Planning Institute. He is married and lives at Swindon.

P. R. Hall had a " stretch " at Robertsbridge [sanatorium]. We were glad to run into him in Lewes, fit and well and able to resume his engineering post with Messrs. Napiers.

Roger Braidwood, at San Francisco has obtained an appointment in the Currency Comptrollers Department of the U.S.A. Treasury.

Michael Eldridge has completed his National Service and is in Barclays Bank Hailsham.

D. J. Wheeler is working in the Guided Missiles section of the Fairey Aviation Company and attends Northampton Polytechnic two days a week, studying for a degree.

G. P. Tilly and Ian Bell are among our representatives at Imperial College. Bell will shortly be leaving for National Service.

W. H. Srnith has left local government and is in the Fisheries Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. He has four children - one boy and three girls. ,

Arthur Hunt is teaching in London.

P. R. Turner did his National Service in Italy and visited Yugoslavia. When he returned to U.K. he secured a post on the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey, had visions of ice, snow and pemmican, and decided instead to go as an engineering assistant under the Surrey C.C. at Guildford.

Roger Taylor is a pharmaceutical apprentice with Messrs. Boots at Hailsham.

Roger Parsons, at Plumpton Institute, paid a visit to Denmark to study farming methods there.

Derek Lillywhite, who entered Barclays Bank after leaving School, is doing National Service in the R.A.F.

D. E. Prodger has joined the Royal Navy.

D. W. Smith, when he wrote, was doing National Service in the R.A.O.C. Orderly Room at Bicester.

Colin White, Bob Young, Peter Harris, Ivan Davis and John Stubberfield were all at Fareham at the same time training as artificers or electrical apprentices R.N.

Colin Wadey and Roger Coote are students at Seale Hayne Agricultural College.

E. S. Hayward is a G.P.O. engineer apprentice.

John Cornford is doing National Service in Germany. Anthony Vose is in Barclays Bank, Lewes.

D. Connacher, an aircraft apprentice at Locking, discovered he was only one of five O.L. apprentices there.

Denis Thomas is editor of " Ingot," the monthly journal of Messrs. Richard Thomas & Baldwin, the big steel firm. He flew round the world to get copy and also went to U.S.A. to receive the prize his journal won as the best trade publication - beating the Yanks at their own game.

Finally we note the D.F.C. and the Selangor D.C.M. awarded to Ken Perkins.



THE past year's programme of the History Society has been unusual in that there have been no outside speakers and no expeditions. The latter was not intentional but chiefly due to boys saving up money for the holidays. Instead there have been a number of talks by the Staff and, an extremely healthy sign, by no less than 13 of the boys.

Perhaps the most entertaining evening was " A Rogues' Gallery," which included such unsavoury characters as Rasputin, Nero, Titus Oates, Marat, Ribbentrop and Henry VIII. But another meeting was not far behind when members relived the hairbreadth defeat of Harold at Battle, rode with Dick Turpin for dear life from London to York on Black Bess, and changed from laughter at " The Age of Scandal " to hushed awe at the exploits of a headmaster of Eton who thought nothing of flogging 80 boys in a day.

However, the Society also had its more serious and no less well supported moments, with illustrated talks on the Lidisfarne Gospels, the Sutton Hoo Treasure and " Portraits of Christ".


Speech Day Group

AGAIN we were favoured with fine weather and were able to hold this function in the quadrangle on a perfect summer day. The chairman had the support of a strong force of governors and we were fortunate in having Mr. Richard Boughey to speak to us and Mrs. Boughey to give away the prizes. We are very conscious of our debt to them Mr. Boughey's remarks to boys about to leave school were most apt and both he and Mrs. Boughey represented youth in what is not always a festival of youth.

[Note: Keith Noel names these award winners in 1955 as :-
Back: Saffery, Fleet, Morgan, Pilbeam, Reynolds, Noel
Front: Appleby,Newman,Bray, Cooper, Thorne, Taylor.]


H. P. Bishop, M. D. Cooper (Distinction in German), D. P. Croft, J. H. Fermor, B. K. Geraghty, B. L. Honess, M. de L. Landon, D. A. Morgan (Distinctions in English and History), S. Parris, C C Perry (Distinction in Biology), J H. Price, R. R. Scott, M. G. Siggs, C. D. S. Allan (Distinction in Applied Mathematics), B. Daily, R. J. Durrant, S. G. Fleet (Distinctions in Pure Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics), H. A. Lee (Distinction in Zoology), D. A. Peters, A. S. Pilbeam, G. P. Tilly, D. J. Wheeler.

C. J Aldridge, R. Appleby, G. D. Barford, J. L. Bibb, G. A. Brooker, N. G. Buck, D. Connacher, J. M. Cooper, B. J. Crees, J. S. Davey, R. G. Foote, A. Hallett, P. F. Hersee, P. D. Jones, D. E. C. Lacey, .B W. Middleton, C. W. Newman, R. J. Parsons, W. M. Permain, T. E. Powell, C. Ray, J. C. Sloane, R. Tompsett, G. K. Avey, C. V. Bradford, H. I. Brett A. K. Brown, R. B. Coote, W. T. Davies, M. J. Everest, A. K. Fletcher, B. J. F. Gilbert, A J. Goring, R. A. Legatt, P. E. Mann, R. Parsons, D. G. Pearce, K. F Reeves, A. G. Vose, K. A. Arthur, R. Brook, J. M. Drake, R. W. Tidy, J. Baldwin, A. M. Roberts, B. D. Watermann, R. Yarrow.

M. Cooper : Commonership St. Peter's Hall, Oxford.
R. J. Durrant : Ministry of Agriculture Senior Scholarship, Nottingham University.
S. G. Fleet : State and Open Scholarships in Natural Science, St. John's College, Cambridge.
T. G Martin : Leeds University Courthold Exhibition.
D. Morgan : State Scholarship and Demyship in Modern History, Magdalen College, Oxford.
K. Noel : Bristol University.
A. S. Pilbeam : Commonership, St. Catherine's Society,Oxford.
A. Reynolds : Commonership Fitzwilliam House, Cambridge.
A. M. Roberts : Wye College, London University.
M. R. Saffery : Southampton University.
D. L. Worsfield : Southampton University.
N. G. Buck : Royal Veterinary College.
M. V. Hobden (1944-51) : Honorary Scholarship, Keble College, Oxford.
D. Blaber : Heath Harrison Travelling Scholarship, Merton College, Oxford.

M. Pont : King Alfred's College, Winchester.
R. Coote : Seale Hayne Agricultural College, Devon.
A. P. Symons : Faraday House, London.

A. S. Cottingham : R.A.F College, Cranwell.
M. V. Wilson : K.N. College, Dartmouth.

THE "JARVIS" PRIZES (Presented by S. G. Henderson, O.L.) : R. G. Bray.
THE LEWES R.F.C. PRIZE : A. S. Pilbeam.
THE "HOARE" CUP (Uckfield House) : R. C. Thorne.

V1 : D. A. Morgan, P. C. Wright, K. E. Geering, A.Reynolds, R. Appleby, G. D.Barford, G. A. Brooker, K. R. Noel.
TRANSITUS : D. G. Shrubb, D. G. Lee, J. A. Towner, J. C. Jenkins, J. A. Wilkinson.
VB : B. H. Tucker.
VG : S. Beischer, C. W. Black.
R.A. : R. F. Garner, R. J. Fleet.
R.B. : P. A. Noel.
R.G. : P. Fellows, P. Stratford.
IVA : D. J. Browning, C. Chatfield.
IVB : B. S. Welford.
IVG : P. M. Williams.
IIIA : M. A. Coe, J. Sandercock.
IIIB : D. J. Smallwood.
IIIG : L. P. Morse.
IIA : J. Slattery.
IIB : N. A. Hodges.
IIG : R. J. Skinner.
PRIZES FOR SERVICE : C. Davey, J. E. Kitchener (Corps), D. J. Parcell (Scouts).

Povey Work Shield : Uckfield House.
Bradshaw Games Shield : Seahaven House.
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup : UckfieldHouse.
Wilfred Thompson Athletic Cup : Seahaven House.
Innes Swimming Cup : Seahaven House .
Sinfield Swimming Cup : R. G. Bray, T. J. Corbett.
Blunden Cup (Junior Games) : Lewes House.


THE first eleven had an exceptionally successful season winning seven and drawing two of the nine games played. This was first and foremost a triumph for teamwork as there were few outstanding players. Cooper was a very good captain and managed to instill his keenness into the whole side. He lost his wicket on only one occasion and thus managed to head the batting list as well as the bowling The batting was not good and only two members reached an aggregate of 100. Barford was by far the outstanding batsman and in the game he missed we narrowly avoided defeat achieving a miserable 37 for 8. Catt showed improved form and, with Barford, formed a good opening partnership in the later matches.

The bowling was almost equally shared by four bowlers, who succeeded in their object of dismissing the other side for a reasonable score. They also batted with spirit and, after the loss of 5 wickets for 19 at Hastings, contributed 91 runs between them. This game was a notable triumph as we won in the last over after a miserable start.

The fielding and running between wickets showed great improvement on recent years. Thirty-eight catches were taken, Thorne leading with 11 .

Colours were awarded to Barford, Bray, Day, Catt, Murray and Pilbeam.

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