Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 32 - 1956

The Original Barbican cover At last some action on the buildings! A large expansion is afoot. Two new laboratories, three new class-rooms, a new gymnasium with toilets and changing rooms. Mud and wheel-barrows everywhere! And more is in the pipeline apparently. Sites are being surveyed and the school playing field is visibly shrinking. A bright new future dawning for LCGS ?

This building activity - the mere sight of people making things happen - seems to have given the School a fresh dynamic - a will to get on and do things. The building work does cause some dislocation but there seems to be a will to ignore it and get down to the nitty-gritty.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys



School Captain:
R. Appleby

LEWES ... J. Davey, R. Yarrow, J. Towner.
MARTLETS ... B. C. Catt, T. Richardson.
SEAHAVEN ... G. D. Barford, K. E. Geering, J. A. Wilkinson, J. Lohoar, B. Greenfield, P. Jones.
UCKFIELD ... R. Appleby, G. A. BrookeT, J. Baldwin, M. Phillippa, R. J. Swales.

Form Captains:
TRANS., Lyons; 5B, Higham; 5G, Angood; Remove A, Whittle; Remove B, Flowers; Remove G, Smith; 4A, Knight; 4B, Hodges; 4G, Arms; 3A, Whitfield; 3B, Waight; 3G, Bleach; 2A, Bailey; 2B, Dalton; 2G, Bray.

Editors of the Magazine:
R. Appleby, J. F. Hollands.


NINETEEN-FIFTY-SIX has been far us a year of expansion. We have seen the institution of the "Field Club "; the revival of the " Chess Club "; and the considerable expansion of the school library.

Moreover the School buildings have themselves been visibly expanding, for a large-scale extension programme is being carried out. So far two new laboratories and three new class-rooms have materialised, and at the time of writing a building containing a new gymnasium and new cloak-rooms is nearing completion. The extensions have hardly risen "like an exhalation" as did the Palace of Pandemonium in the Hell of Milton's "ParadiseLost" , though conditions have often been somewhat chaotic. For the last eighteen months or so we have had to contend with wheelbarrows in the school corridors, and lessons have not infrequently been punctuated by the noise of sledge-hammers, with electric drills screaming "a faint undersong". The effect of these seems happily to have been only superficial however, for on Speech Day the headmaster spoke of what was probably the most successful year for academic achievesneny in the School's history; and it has been a very active year for the various School societies.

What of the year's sporting achievements? The first fifteen and first eleven have had a somewhat disappointing year, but you will read of many indications of a bright future, such as the report on Junior Cricket.
R.A., J.F.H.


Mr Larwill WE have said good-bye to Mr. F. J. Larwill who has retired. From the School's very foundation, for over twenty-six years, he served the School faithfully and well. Strict but kind, "Gluey" will be remembered with affection and gratitude by countless Old Boys. To mention all that he did for us would fill this page. We shall never cease to be grateful.

Having paid tribute to Mr. Larwill it is all the more sad to have to offer our deep condolences on the death of his wife. To Mrs. Larwill, too, the school owed a great debt. Boys who went to camp in the far-off days before the war know how tirelessly she worked for their comfort under canvas. She was one of our staunchest helpers at several of our fetes and sales for the Chapel. Her work will never be forgotten by those who knew her.

A further loss was the tragic and unexpected death of Mr Richard Gillam, who had been in charge of School art since 1935. " Dicky " Gillam was another figure Old Boys always associated with the School. His friendliness and sense of humour endeared him to all. He had designed rhe "sets" for all our plays except the first two, and it is in that sphere that he will be best remembered.

Mr. N. Glyn Davies left us at the end of the spring term to enter commerce. As a member of the London-Welsh Rugby Club, captain of the Sussex side and a Welsh " cap," Glyn was known to a wide circle outside the School. We shall miss him as a vigorous teacher of French and as an invaluable coach on the rugger field. He was too good a schoolmaster to be allowed to enter a more mercenary sphere without regret.

At the end of the summer term we lost Mr. G. C. Humphrey, who left us to teach at Seaford College, Petersfield. We thank him for all that he did for the School Orchestra and Savings Group, and wish him future success.

We welcome Mr. R. Cosham, physical education, Mr. A. H. Knight, B.Sc. (London) mathematics, Mr. D. B. Ives, B.A. (Oxon.), modern languages, and Mr. G. R. Williamson, B.Sc. (Sheffield) science, and hope their stay will be happy and profitable.

We congratulate Robin Appleby, Jack Baldwin, Geoffrey Brooker, Christopher Davey and Keith Geering on winning State Scholarships and Geoffrey Brooker on being awarded an open Major Scholarship in physics and mathematics at Pembroke College, Oxford.

D. V. Clay's feat in being awarded a Ministy of Agriculture Senior Scholarship at Imperial College; London, ought not to go unrecorded, especially in that he was the youngest of three brothers all of whom have gained this type of award. Probably a family record.

The builders, plumbers, carpenters and painters are still with us, but soon we hope to record that our guests of eighteen months have departed. Discourteous? Well, let it be so.

SPEECH DAY - JULY 25th 1956

SAY what you will about British summers, perfect weather enabled us to hold our annual Speech Day ceremony in the quadrangle for the third year running. There we were pleased to welcome Sir Reginald Spence and the School governors and Major Tufton Beamish, M.C., M.P., who has befriended the School in a number of ways. Major Tufton Beamish gave us a most entertaining discourse on equality of opportunity which our School provides and in which he himself firmly believes. We are indebted to him and to Mrs. Tufton Beamish who very kindly distributed the prizes.



(Subject names denote Distinctions)

R. G. Bray, P. E. Britton (French), D. V. Clay, M. D. Cooper (French), C. W. Davey, K. E. Geering (Chemistry), J. D. Holford (English), D. P. V. McLaughlin (History), T. G. Martin, K. R. Noel, D. J. Parcell, A. S. Pilbeam, A. J. Reynolds (Geography), M. D. Saffery (Pure Maths., Applied Maths., Chemistry), R. G. R. Steel, A. P. Symons, L. Taylor, R. C. Thorne, D. Tisdall, D. L. Worsfield, P. C. Wright (Pure Maths., Applied Maths., Physics).


P. C. Adams, C. M. Bell, M. L. Card, B. C. Catt, L. Chatfield, G. Dakers-Black, J. Dakers-Black, B. S. Greenfield, P. J. Hancock, J F. Hollands, J. C. Jenkins, D. G. Lee, J. A. Lefeaux, J. S. Lohoar, A. D. Moore, P. J. Nunn, A. Parris, G. Parris, M. Phillippo, N. T. Pilbeam, D. G. Shrubb, D. E. Stone, R. J. W. Swales, J. A. Towner, J. D. White, J. A. Wilkinson, P. E. Wyatt, P. E. Ball, B. D. Callaghan, R. W. J. Challand, A. R. Clark, H. S. Ellis, J. H. Fry, J. G. Green, K. R. Hopkins, A. J. McCutcheon, P. W. Myers, D. W. Norman, R. J. Osborne, P. M. Reeve, M. B. Smalley, A. R. Stapley, J. K. Styles, R. C. Taylor, B. H. Tucker, J. D. Vinsen, B. F. Bishop, C. W. Black, A. G. Butt, O. E. Chapman, A. L. J. Hall, J. E. Harrison, C. L. Humphries, B. E. Johnson, K. A. Kernahan, A. R. Murray, R. Rager, M. D. Sims, D. J. Taylor, M. Tourell, D. L. Tribe, R. J. Fleet.


R. G. Bray - - University of Manchester.
P. E. Britton - - (1) State Scholarship, (2) Exhibition in Modern Languages, St. John's College, Cambridge.
D. V. Clay - - Ministry of Agriculture Senior Scholarship, Imperial College.
J. M. Cooper - - Southampton University.
C. W Davey - - Keble College, Oxford.
D. P. V. McLaughlin - - Exhibition in History, Jesus College, Cambridge.
G. Martin - - Courtauld's Exhibition, Leeds University.
C. W. F. Newman - - Merton College, Oxford.
C. Ray - - Birmingham University.
M. D. Saflery - - State Scholarship, Southampton University.
I. C. Sloane - - Southampton University.
L. Taylor - - Reading University.
R. C. Thorne - - University College, London.
D. Tisdall - - Keble College, Oxford.
I. McM. Wesson - - St. George's Hospital, London
D. L. Worsfield - - Queen Mary College, London University
P. C. Wright - - State Scholarship, Trinity College, Cambridge.


THE "HOARE" CUP (Uckfield House) - - - N. G. Buck
THE LEWES R.F.C. PRIZE - - - R. C. Thorne


FORM VI - - C. W. Davey, J. Baldwin, D. V. Clay, R. Appleby,
C. W. F. Newman, B. D. Waterman.
TRANS - - R. F. Garner.
VB - - R. J. Hayward.
VG - - P. T. G. Fellows, P. Stratford.
REMOVE A - - D. J. Browning, P. Gamby.
REMOVE B - - D. G. Jones.
REMOVE G - - D. Robinson, P. Williams, G. Collins.
IVA - - R. J. Swann.
IVB - - D. J. Hunt, J. Wild.
IVG - - A. Foord.
IIIA - - J. Greenland, M. Burley, M. Sadler.
IIIB - - D. J. Charman.
IIIG - - K. Sutton.
IIA - - C. Hoggins, J. E. Grinsted, A. B. Cooper.
IIB - - B. V. Page.
IIG - - J. Crawford.


D. Tisdall, J. Kitchener, D. Norman, B. Wilkinson, L. Taylor.


Povey Work Shield - - Seahaven House
Bradshaw Games Shield - - Seahaven House
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup - - Uckfield House
Wilfred Thompson Athletic Cup - - Seahaven House
Innes Swimming Cup - - Lewes House
Sinfield Swimming Cup - - B.E.Johnson
Blunden Cup (Junior Games) - - Lewes House


Chairman: Mr. Lee
Secretaries: I. Taylor and J. Davey

As is now customary, the first meeting of the spring session took the form of a film show. Instead of the normal full-length feature film a series of five shorter films were shown and in the space of that one meeting the 170 members hung dizzily from the heights of the Eiffel Tower, sat in the quiet seclusion of a medieval monastery, witnessed a battle between a lion and a tiger in the steaming heat of the African jungle, and finally joined Abbot and Costello for one of the craziest car rides imaginable.

It was pleasing to see so many new faces in the ill-fated Balloon which fell into the sea just off the Sussex coast one evening last February. In an effort to save their miserable souls such infamous characters as Henry VIII, Shakespeare and Davy Crockett portrayed by equally infamous characters from all parts of the School met with mixed results.

In March the Sussex Daily News sports quiz team paid its first visit to the school. A most interesting evening was enjoyed by a large audience, and questions were fired at the team on a wide range of sporting topics.

During a most successful end of term concert the Society was indeed privileged to receive a visit from a certain well-known orchestra, that was at the time touring in the vicinity of the School. Their renderings of Bach and Beethoven were somewhat complicated by the fact that when the " string section " was rendering Bach the " brass section " insisted on rendering Beethoven, and vice versa. The acclamation they received does not bear repeating.

Chairman: Mr. Lee
Secretaries: J. Davey and K. Geering

The film "The Kidnappers" provided a most enjoyable start to the autumn session. As always, a large audience turned up to watch the film and were sufficiently interested to attend the next meeting to hear the producer, Mr. Sergei Nolbandov, talk on the subject of the film industry. He answered many questions posed by the members of the Society and a variety of topics ranging from trick photography to Diana Dors.

The 34 members present for the next meeting enjoyed a very active, though not so formal, debate, after which, by a narrow margin of votes, they decided that "every pill needs gilding". Principal speakers were Messrs. Holland, Brooker; Norman and Yarrow.

Dr. Henry Bunge showed some very fine coloured slides during his talk on "An Expedition to the Andes." All the Society's budding mountaineers were enthralled by the scenery they saw.

There followed another hectic and noisy debate, and during the course of two hours Messrs. English, Newman and Thomson managed to overcome all opposition in the shape of Messrs. Main, Williams and Allan and ensure that the House did indeed support the Government's foreign policy.

The end-of-term House Plays were again a great success. Seahaven presented " Hewers of Coal," a very human tragedy set in a coal mine in the thirties. Produced by G. Barford, some fine acting was forthcoming from J. Gregory,. P. English, G. Newman, G. Beal and B. Greenfield.

There followed a tragi-comedy called " The Rose and Crown," presented by Lewes. House. The action takes place in the bar of a North-East London public house and there J. Davey, M. Allen, J. Peak, M. Gard, J. Newnham, N. Silk and J. Irwin-Childs caused much merriment by their arguments and wranglings. The play was produced by J. Towner and J. Davey.

The Martlets play was called " The Village Conjurer," and, appropriately enough, was set in a Sussex village pub. The slow-witted country yokels portrayed by D. Norman, Walton, Hodson, Jones, Browning, Muller, Williams and Thorpe eventually managed to outwit the slick conjurer in the shape of the producer, B. Catt.

The evening ended with a nativity play entitled " The House by the Stable," presented by Uckfield House. This was a most ambitious effort in view of the circumstances under which it was produced. White, Warner, Johnston, Firth, Opienski and Sandercock did well where even the most experienced actors would have been well tried in their profession. The play was produced by R. Appleby and R. Swales.

Finally, a word of thanks to all those who helped in any way behind the scenes for the making of a most enjoyable afternoon.


Chairman: Mr. Stevens.
Secretary: R. E. Britton

THE majority of the meetings during the term were exceptionally well attended, and the first, devoted to unusual records, provided an invigorating aperitif. The formal debate, " That escapism is the only remedy", was most suceessful, and many members spoke and yet the arguments were (almost) always pertinent, until finally the motion was carried by eight votes to seven. Messrs. Page, Stevens, Gem and Appleby contributed to a " Symposium on Other People," and fascinated the audience with their description of their unusual and on occasion disturbingly eccentric friends. Next we enjoyed a talk by Bishop Karney on Apartheid. He outlined the religious, potitical, and above all economic problems which added to the difficulties of the colour bar, and then answered questions, most of them concerned with rhe effects of education. In the next meeting, "In my opinion", the questions raised ranged from whether Oxford would win the Boat Race to the nature of sin. No final decision could be reached on either of these, but the Society agreed that only a dictatarship could save France. Next came a United Nations session with delegates from such widely differing places as Patagonia and East Finchley, and the session broke up in chaos among complaints and heckling.

Chairman: Mr. Mould
Secretary: J. C. Jenkins

The snap debate opening the session produced many unusual. opinions including, "That no bills should be stuck" and "That no effort should be spared", though after much discussion the Society refused to believe "That free enterprise is undesirable" either in the artistic or economic spheres. The record evening, attended by two-thirds of the entire VI Form, was varied and interesting. We heard among others a Polish recording of "One Fine Day" bought in East Berlin, a Verdi overture, the Goons' "Ying Tong Song," and several traditional jazz records. The motion for the session's formal debate was " That National Service is a gross exploitation of the nation's youth." The argument centred around the questions of whether national service builds character, whether it is politically necessary, and whether it is socially desirable. In his surnming-up Mr. A:ppleby won over the Society, which. carried the motion by thirteen votes to seven. After a Brains Trust, in which the panel discussed the decadence of the Socialist Party and of our society, came a newspaper debate, in which various members became editors for the evening and had to defend the paper they had chosen. Discussion was lively, but unfortunately the meeting had to be brought to a close with much left unsaid. Next we were kindly invited to a Snap Debate with the Girls' County School VI Form. After an enjoyable tea we began discussion and devoted much of the evening to an argument over the equality of the sexes. For our final meeting we journeyed to Eastbourne College, with whom Mr. Stevens had most happily arranged a debate. Our subject was "That the man of immoral genius is better than the normal man of moral worth." Although there was little time for speeches from the floor, the main speakers gave us much to think about, and we hope that this meeting may be the first of many similar ones.


THE main expedition of the Society was made in June to the West Country, with three centres of interest at Bath, Wells, and Glastonbury.

We stayed at Youth Hostels at Bath and Croscombe. At Bath our visit coincided with " Abbey Week," and we were able to obtain a fine impression of the city from the roof and tower of the Church. The south side of the abbey had been recently replaced and shone brillianyly in the sunlight, whilst the flying buttresses cast dark shadows across the clerestory. The baths fascinated most of us. The finds are carefully displayed and the models helped to give a clearer impression of the former splendour of the Roman buildings. We arrived, at Wells on a Sunday which, unfortunately, meant that we could not see the Cathedral inerior until three o'clock. This seemed a curious anomaly. After lunch the party split up and members visited Wookey Hole or explored the town more thoroughly. We returned via Glastanbury. The expedition was not without its moments of tension. The party ticket was lost - and never found - but British Railways proved very generous. There was also an unpleasant moment when a member, on passing Jane Austen's house in Bath suggested that Miss Austen was a wife of Henry VIII who had retired to the West Country. The ease with which the expedition was made was entirely through the magnificent way Mrs. Gem organised our food. We thank her very much for all she did.

This term the Society visited St. Albans and satisfied their interest in the Roman and Medieval periods. Members also visited Anne of Cleves house to see the Every collection of Sussex iron work. This was followed by a visit to the Phoenix Iron Works by kind permission of Mr. Boyes.

We are grateful to Mr. Jenner of Eastbourne for his talk on " The Gateways of Sussex," and to Mr. Dyer of Hastings, who intrigued us with " Sussex Smuggling." Members have contributed to symposia on the Nineteenth Century and Historic Characters.


ONCE again the East Sussex School of Agriculture has given valuable help by organising Saturday morning classes in practical subjects. These included tractor-driving, poultry judging, the making of thatching " dallies," and the use of the handbill. More recently lecturers from Plumpton began a series of talks on " Science and Agriculture " during the autumn term. In May a large party attended the County Federation's Annual Rally at Bexhill. Visits were also paid to the Sussex County Show at Hassocks during the summer term, and to the Smithfield Show at Earl's Court in December. On each occasion members were able to examine livestock, machinery and educational exhibits of the highest standard. Other activities during the year under review included the showing of films and film-strips, a farm walk, an inter-house quiz and - inevitably - the Christmas " bun-fight."


THE chess club has met regularly in the library on Thursday evenings. Membership has been in the region of thirty with 4A fiaving the biggest form membership. New members will always be welcome.


FOR the library, the past year has been one of change in many fields. In July we were very sorry to lose David Tisdall, who had been a librarian for several years, and had done much valuable work during his long service. At the same time we also lost John Cooper and Robert Tompsett, both of whom had given considerable assistance, while Diarmid McLoughlin disappeared earlier in the year. On Speech Day D. Tisdall and R. Tompsett both received awards for their services. In the autumn term R C. Adams, J E. Baldwin, P. English and P F. Hersee were appointed as librarians in additian to R. Swales and J. C. Jenkins, while G. Brooker replaced D. Tisdall as library prefect.

During the year about 400 new books were received into the library and of these several were presented by Lt. Col. Styles and Old Boys D. Blaber and S. Pilbeam, to whom the School tenders its sincere thanks.

Attention in the past term has been turned mainly to reorganising the classification used in the library. The Biology, Useful Arts, Fine Arts, and Geography sections have already been completed, and it is intended to subject the remaining shelves to a similar process before the end of the School year. The object of the new classification is to provide a system by which books on any required subject may be found quickly and easily. The arrangement of the books on the shelves is, however, being cramped by a serious lack of space. The card index is being completely renewed as the reorganisation proceeds, and the librarians hope that this will make the index much more serviceable; and an integral part of the library facilities.


YET another lirik was added to our friendship with the Lycee Augustin Thiery of Blois this year with the realisation of a tenth visit by boys of this school.

On the morning of. the 6th of April a party of some thirty-seven boys left Newhaven harbour on the Arromanches under the guidance of Messrs. Pope and Beal. A pleasant crossing was followed by an uneventful train journey to the Gare St. Lazare in Paris. There followed a five-hour wait however for a connection with a train for Blois, where we arrived in the early hours of the morning to be heartily welcomed by our French hosts. The mornings of our brief stay in Blois were occupied for the most part in attending lessons at the Lycee. The afternoons were devoted to carefully planned excursions, which included the memorable trip made to Tours, where we were shown over the extremely modern marshalling yards and control towers. Highlights of the visit were the Soiree Theatrale, which took place in the " Salle des Jeunes," on the far side of the River Loire, where we saw a very amusing two-act comedy entitled " Les Petites Tetes," written by Max Regnier and superbly acted by members of the Lycee; a secand coach trip, this time to the delighcful chateau of Chambord and, of coursz, the annual ball, which was held in the Chateau of Blois, and which lasted until about four o'clock on Sunday morning.

On the following Monday the party paid tribute to the memory of Mr. D. Auld, through whose work was founded our friendship with Blois, which we hope will prove long-lasting. That same afternoon we left Blois for Paris where we spent five days in a pleasant boarding school in the St. Maude district. Here again excursions were arranged for the party to see the sights of the metropolis. Most colourful memories of those members of the party will no doubt be the visit of the "conciergerie," the boat trip up the Seine past yhe Ile de la Cite and the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower.

The visit was a great success, thanks to the management of Messrs. Pope and Beal, Monsieur Piole and the Head Master of the Lycee Augustin Thierry and, of course, especially to our amicable hosts " d'autre manche", whom we hope to see on many a subsequent school trip to Blois.


The Editor,
The Barbican.
January, 1957.

Dear Sir,
From the sound and fury of embattled academics, precipitated into unseemly altercation by the dictates of bureaucracy - with "The House " reported to be amassing pick-axes and Magdalen rumoured to be accumulating road blocks - it is heartening to turn aside and survey the saner activities of those here "in statu pupillari," who were formerly your companians at Lewes.

In pride of place, numerically at least, stand the favoured denizens of Merton. Both Eric Lavender and Clive Perry are in their third year, and the assumption is that both are devoting increasing attention to the horrific mental-marathon with which Oxfond sees fit to ruin her summer term. Lavender, reading Mathematics, plays squash and hockey, while Perry, a Geographer, in addition to playing College rugger, has been elected College cricket captain for this year. Cyril Newman, a freshman, is working for Law Mods. Appropriately he is combining this with active membership of the Union, where he has already delivered his maiden speech and acted as "teller" for the "ayes". We trust that such intensive professionalism will not result in a forensic-fixation. Chris Howells, having previously obtained a first in History, has returned after his military service in the Gold Coast to take a diploma in Theology. At St. Catt's Chris Allen, a. Mathematician in his final year, is revelling in the humane pursuits of chess and coxing before secluding himself in a shadowy aura of endless statistics. Alan Pilheam is in his second year. He has exiled himself from the rugger field owing to the exigencies of the Geography faculty, but will be returning to his First XV for " Cuppers." A fellow rugger-player is Paul Bishop, who arrived last term to read Natural Science after what had obviously been a delectable and prolonged acquaintance with Bavarian cuisine.

At Lincoln is the third Lewesian. reading Geography, but unlike his fellows Ross Wells, now in his final year, has sunk to the level of soccer. Yet another third-year man is Michael Landon, reading History at Worcester. His sporting activities are varied; besides adorning the College Boat Club, he indulges in football pools. Had it not so happened that these have proved eminently lucrative, forgiveness might have been possible, but our repressed cupidity is stronger than our shame.

Trevor Beeforth, having completed National Service, has just come up to the Queen's College to read Natural Science. We understand that so far he has failed - to his financial loss - to master an essential branch of undergraduate technique - how to climb in. After surveying the architecture of Queen's we must express our sympathy and wish him every success in his future researches.

At Keble are two of those superior beings who have emerged unscathed from the ordeal of Schools and have passed on to more rarified levels. Eddie Wood, the doyen of Lewesians at present in residence, is playing his part in modernising our strange jumble of dreaming spires and lost causes by doing research in Engineering, while Maurice Hobden, having gained a First in Physics, is also working for a D.Phil.

Michael Dorling is breaking new ground by reading for a diploma in Agricultural Economics at Brasenose. He has arrived there after obtaining a degree at another place and serving on the staff of Wye College.

Your correspondent is pursuing his consciously adopted life of equable and unremarkable obscurity.

We observe with considerable satisfaccion, Sir, that the December examinations have raised the number of new Oxford Lewesians from three to seven, and we anticipate with pleasure that our present total of fourteen in residence will as a result soon be surpassed.
Ex-collegio, Beatae Mariae Magdalenae.

[The Head Master wishes to thank Oxford O.L.s for their royal entertainment when he made his annual visit. Dinner in Hall at Merton appears to have improwed both in content and in cooking from what it was forty years ago. The collage by moonlight is as beautiful as ever and Oxford youth as light-hearted - especially after rugger victories - as of yore. Altogether a memorable occasion. N.R.B.].


The Editor,
The Barbican.
December 1956.

Dear Sir,
The Old Lewesians here in Cambridge contrive to play a full part in the varied life of our University and we are pleased to say that there has been an addition to our number since you last had news of our attivities.

Richard Scott has emerged two years older (and wiser) after his National Service in the R.A.F. He assures us that Cambridge life is in no sense an anti-climax after his recent exploits in flying-boats at Singapore. He now plays rugger for Selwyn College and is an ardent member af the University Liberal Club, which is renowned for its social functions. He is reading Natural Science and takes "Prelims" next May.

Tony Reynolds perhaps can claim to be the most enterprising of our group. After gaining an Upper 2nd in Geography Prelims last summer, he went abroad to work on a farm in the Austrian Alps at the princely wage of 1s.6d. a week, all found! He is a member of the Travellers' and Explorers' Club and hopes to go abroad again this year. He seems to spend most of his spare time in the cellars under St. Caths, occasionally emerging with piles of first-class photographic prints and enlargements. He is a leading member of the University Photographic Society.

Jim T'hornley is now a self-possessed third year man. After coxing the Downing boat with distinction in the May races and at the Reading and Marlowe regattas, he has finally forsaken the river to devote himself to his studies. He plans to continue his medical training at the "Middlesex" in London next year.

Mike Siggs, also in his third year, is reading Agriculture. He takes his third and final examination this year before departing this academic life for his period of National Service. In consequence work has had to take a lead from pleasure, but he still finds time to play rugger regularly for "Fitzbilly" lst XV.

Stephen Fleet, now in his second year at St. John's, spends his time playing squash, aytending college choral and science societies and brewing tea in his coffee percolator! Towards the end of term he was seen cycling through the streets of Cambridge with a thermos flask and wine glass. On further investigation the flask was found to contain a vigorously boiling sample of liquid air. This apparent display of eccentricity had, it transpired, some connection with a talk he was giving to his College Natural Science Club.

This term we have been joined by Colin Dolloway, an O.L. from the other camp. Colin has transferred his allegiance to the Agricultural Research Establishment here after taking his degree in Botany at Oxford last summer. He says he is fully enjoying life with student days behind him.

Earlier last term we all had the greatest pleasure of entertaining Mr. Braithwaite, the Chief Education Officer for East Sussex, when he visited Cambridge. The occasion was a memorable one, much enjoyed by us all.

Finally, mention can be made of Colin Purbrook, another O.L., of mixed academic descent, who left Lewes for a Roman Catholic school as long ago as 1951. For the benefit of the most senior at school who may remember him, we say that he is now in Cambridge reading music.

May we conclude, Sir, in traditional style by expressing the hope that we shall soon be receiving fresh contingents from school to swell our ranks when the next academic year comes round.
Yours, etc.,


THANK you to all Old Boys who sent Christmas cards - about 140 this year. Place of origin or notes inside contained items of information.
Tony Burgess in London is still pursuing the long path which qualifies him ultimately as a Notary Public.
Tony Pullinger is a land agent for the Forestry Commissioners in the New Forest. He has married.
Colin Wadey and Roger Cook are at Seale Hayne Agricultural College.
Peter Britton has been commissioned in the R.A.F. and is doing flying training in Canada.
Ivor Churches is working for I.C.I. at Billingham. He is married and has a daughter.
Derek Burden is a student at Wells Theological College.
J. A. R. Norman (1931), after many years with Austins at Birmingham, is now living at Haywards Heath.
John Brown has ceased to be a curate in the Black Country and has moved to Leeds. He is married.
Cedric Andrews was awarded the trophy for the best pilot when he finished his flying training. He is now stationed at Abingdon.
Ron Dusart is still in Kuwait and has qualified as A.M.I.Mech.E.
Bryan Paulding - o1d J.T.S. is a S/Sergeant Garrison Engineer in Kuala Lumpur, Malaya.
Paget Davies is on the staff of King's College Hospital.
Beverley Daily is scrum-half in the Charing Cross Hospital Fifteen. He succeeded in that position by another O.L. - M. V. Wells, who is now on the hospital staff.
John Barton, who go a Ph.D. at Bristol University, is a research student at Princeton University, U.S.A. He was given an award by the Fulbright Trust.
Bryan McHugh, after being a Nuffield Research Student, is teaching the Swedes how to harness atomic power to their shipping industry. He has married a Swedish girl.
R. W. Thomas is Sixth Form Chemistry master at Epsom Grammar School.
Bob Ford is still teaching in Germany. Geoffrey, his brother, has entered the R.A.F. Staff College, Bracknell. Congratulations.
F/O F. E. Wood reported for duty at R.A.F. Station, Melksham. He discovered his Station Commander was the elder brother of poor Don Stone, who was shot down in the war.
R. E. Lawson, who started as an Army boy and is now a Lieut.-Quartermaster, has returned at last from abroad and is with the Royal Hampshire Regt. near Shrewsbury.
David Blaber has gone from Oxford to the College d'Europe at Bruges. There are about thirty students of different nationalities who are trained for posts in European international organisations.
We offer our deepest condolences to Don Howand who, as pilot of the Vulcan bomber which crashed at London Airport, made a highly successful flight to Australia and New Zealand, only to suffer a tragic mishap at the winning post. He is now on H.Q. Staff, No.1 Group, R.A.F. With him is another O.L., Squadron-Leader Brian Colvin.
Condolences too to Peter Osborne, who was so badly injured in Korea that he has been compelled to resign his commission.
We are still represented out there by 2/Lt. Roy Fuller, who is serving in the Royal Sussex Regt. Cards revealed that Guy Foote is doing N.S. in the R.A.F. at Bridgnorth, while M. F. Green is a Sergeant (Flying duties) in R.A.F., Ballykelly, Co. Derry.
Kerry Hoadley finds life pleasant in the Rhodesian Police at Salisbury. He has met out there Frank Barks, Mike Steel and Mr. Wooding.
David Joy has just returned on holiday from Rhodesia. He is on the staff of Salisbury Airport. Roger Braidwood revealed by his Christmas card that he is still in San Francisco, where he holds a post in the State Finance Department.
Jack Franklin is teaching at Whitehaven Grammar School. He was in the same year as Ted Wynter, Head Master of Midsomer Norton Grammar School.
Rodney Michael went out as an M.O. to Cyprus. He is now on the staff of his old hospital - Guy's.
John Bird and John Phillips are both in Cyprus as, we believe; is Peter Hubbard.
E. C. Hull is a F/Lt. in the R.A.F. in Yorkshire.
Edward Lavender is still banking in Coventry.
Eric Gordon, who returned to Oxford from a year from Kenya, has now gone back to his post as District Officer.
Graham Tilly broke a leg playing rugger for Imperial College. Hard luck!
Keith Coles brought his family to see us - wife, children, mother-in-law. He has a lucrative dental practice in Kent. His brother, Graham, who has also visited the School, is working for "English Electric." He has graduated and is now qualifying as a Patent Agent. He could only produce a wife.
Jim Essex and P. L. Humphries called in to see us - both in business, as has Tony Cottingham, a cadet at Cranwell.
Michael Wilson represented the School in the Port Said affair. He is a midshipman, R.N.
Cards revealed that Bill Arnold is still in business at Christchurch, that David Tisdall is doing N.S. in the R.A.F., Compton Bassett, that Ian Sloane is in the Foreign Office, that Bernard Beetensen still pursues his thealogical studies at Bishops University, Lennoxville, Quebec, and that John Turner is manager af the Crown Hotel, Evesham. Not far from him is Keith Bacon, manager of the Lygon Arms, Broadway (Four Star).
Alan Stuart has emigrated to Toranto. " A wonderful country for youth," he says, and offers to act as "contact" for any mernber of the School going out there.
Malcolm Cooper is a Subaltern in the Queen's Own Nigeria Re'gt., Ibadan, and is enjoying life.
Graham Wood has moved from Singapore to Penang where the people, politically and socially, are more friendly he says. He finds life more interesting than going to London every day. He is Import Manager for Messrs. Harper, Gilfellan & Co.
Cards from abroad also came from John Humphry, F/O, R.A.F., Nagombo, Ceylon, Stan Pnlbeam, M O. in Northern Rhodesia, Brian Glenister, tobacco farming in Tamale, Gold Coast, Quentin Lonmon, Southern Rhodesia, Peter Peach, in the R.A.F. at Borgentreich, B.A.O.R., Alex Green, banking in Montreal, and Bob Bryant at sea in s.s. Wairata.
Laurence Holding is still serving in submarines. Jim Keating was C.S.M. in an Infantry Boys Battalion, Plymouth.
Arthur Stapley and Barry Johnson, who entered the Navy last year as apprentices, both played for their Station Fifteen at rugger and passed out, the former as Apprentice C.P.O., the latter as Apprentice P.O. Nunn also did well.
Eric Barfoot, D.F.C., is stationed in the R.A.F. at Wartling. David George, who read the Mechanical Science Tripos at Cambridge, is still in the R.N. Scientific Service in Scotland.
Brian Geraghty is finishing his N.S. at Aldershot before going to the London School of Economics to read Law.
Graham and Andrew Parris are farming prior to entering Seale Hayne College.
A. J. Day (1936-40) is at Norwood, S. Australia. Robert Treadaway is teaching at the Salesian College, Oxford.
Roy Rager is training as an aircraft artificer at Arbroath.
Tom Wickens is a Divisional Engineer to the Thames River Board for the Reculver, Lenham, Sellinge and Deal area. He resides at Ashford and finds his job most congenial.
Richard Field is living at Ealing and working in the Bank of England. He hopes to get into the Foreign Department.
Ken Perkins, on the staff of Mons Officer Cadet School, manages to play rugger for the Station XV.
T'imothy Pitcher is living at St. Albans and attends Hatfield Technical College, where he is studying for the H.N.C. in Mechanical and Production Engineering.
Michael Marson is completing his N.S. in the R.A.F. and intends to enter a teachers' Training College.
Max Pearmain is in. the Royal Signals at Catterick. After N.S. he intends to take up farming.
Albert Hallett is in Manchester as an aeronautical apprentice and plays for Prestwick at rugger.
Nicky Buck has been doing basic N.S. training at Canterbury in the Royal Sussex Regt., and met Von Massenbach and David Wolff there. Nicky is now going bandit hunting in Malaya.
David Wood wrote to us from Algiers, where he had called in the Merchant Navy. Ten miles outside the town a pitched battle was raging between the French and rebels. David saw John Egan in a taxi in Curacao, but the latter did not recognise him.
M. D. Sims is doing a lot of youth hostelling in the Highlands as a relief to studying Marine Engineering in Glasgow.
D. Lyons has entered the National Provincial Bank.
K. A. Kernahan has obtained a Student Apprenticeship with Seeboard.
Paul Reeve is working for Mobiloil Company in London.
M. L. Neal, who left in 1950, has entered Durham University to read for a degree in Geology.
David Amy wrote from m.v. Deerwood at sea between Nova Scotia and Montreal. He was making his first trip in the Merchant Navy.
Nigel Bingham in Kenya has climbed Kilimanjaro, probably the first O.L. ascent. Nigel is working for the Kenya Government.
Graeme Martin is studying for a degree in Cotton Technology at Leeds University. He spent part of his summer vacation working on Moortown Golf Course, which provided a wage, free golf and 61 golf balls lost by other players.
R. H. Snelling has commenced a five-year course at London Bible College.
Ronald Smith was a solo pianist at one of the last series of Promenade Concerts.
Success! Bryan Woods, Captain, R.A., has gone to Singapore.
Robin Kent wrote to us from Nigeria. He saw the Durbar given in honour of the Queen - a magnificent sight, he says. Robin is captain of the Zaria rugger team.
Sam Henderson has left Cheshire and now lives at St. Albans. He is chairman of an industrial firm.
John Smith (1943-50) is in the City office of the Prudential Company. As a bachelor he is in much demand as best man at other O.L.s' weddings.
Trevor Hopkins is Science Master at an Independent School at Welwyn. He has recently married.
Ken Payne, when last we had news, was in Jordan working with the Arab Legion. He remained there when General Glubb came home. Which reminds us that Ian Winchester, in the Embassy at Cairo, has returned to England with his pyjamas and a toothbrush and is now at the Foreign Office.
John Henshaw at the Ministry af Agriculture has been promoted to the rank of Principal.
We do not know Philip Ridley's rank at the Board of Trade. He signs trade agreements on behalf af the United Kingdom.
Brian Langford ran second in the Battalion cross-country run at Dortmund, and represented his unit in the brigade sports.
John Pay (1930-33) is minister of Maiden Wells, near Pembroke. He is still single.
Peter Bailey has been to Curacao several times on the tanker Neverita. His brother John was sent to Cyprus on National Service. He was given a Sten gun with written instructions on how to fire it. He had never handled one before. Fortunately he was moved to Libya, where his job is to serve in a bar at El-Aden. Much pleasanter.
Roy Stevens, on the staff of St. John's College, York, wrote to noyify us of the birth of his son.
B. Austen is teaching mathematics and horticulture at Tonbridge, and likes the life.
That's all for now.

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