Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 33 - 1957

The Original Barbican cover The Year of the Sputnik has also seen stirrings at LCGS on the science and techology front. Now there is an Engineering Sixth Form, a metal-work room and a drawing office. The new buildings have brought a new dynamism to activities in the School and the growth in the size of the Sixth Form is reflected in the number of boys going to the Universities.

It would seem as if the technical stream has now been hived off to a Technical Institute in Lewes - it always did seem to be an anomaly - and the school can revert to a pure grammar school status. In fact LCGS is now approaching its apogee with a stream of selected entrants from a wide area from families with a clear view about the value of a grammar school education for their children.

However there are distant sounds of criticism about the current scheme - a body of opinion is building in the country that selection is fine as far as it goes, but it does not serve the needs of other children who need to be educated for more skilled work. The need for brains and skill rather than brawn for the majority of children is now apparent. Our Mandarins in the Treasury and Min of Ed are also concerned - about value for money. The problem is befogged by spurious political clap-trap on both sides of the argument and this affects those in the grammar school, teachers especially, who began to express views that today are untenable.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys



School Captain: J. A. Wilkinson

LEWES ... J.A.Towner, D.G.Shrubb, R.F.Garner, J.F.Hollands, P.A.Noel.
MARTLETS ... B.C.Catt, J.E.Drake.
SEAHAVEN ... J.A.Wilkinson, J.Lohoar, B.Greenfield,
A.D.Moore, R.C.Adams, P.English, J.E.Gregory.
UCKFIELD ... D.Stone, D.A.Smith, J.Sinden.

Form Captains:
Trans., A.Gibson; 5B, H.Andrews; 5G, B.Holding; Remove A, L.Moses; Remove B, B.Townsend; Remove G,P.Gatward; 4A, P.Giles; 4B, D.Cottingham; 4G, J.Sowter; 3A, D.Hunt; 3B, R.Haffenden; 3G, K.Winter; 2A, C.Yarrow; 2B, M.Herbert; 2G, G.Harrison.

Editors of the Magazine:
J.F.Hollands, P.English.


NINETEEN-FIFTY-SEVEN has been an eventful year for science. Long after other happenings of the year have been forgotten, mankind will still remember the launching of the world's first artificial satellite. No one can now doubt that this is a scientist's age. Nor has the march of science been impeded in this school for this year has seen the birth of a new form the Engineering Sixth, and among the new buildings that are now happily completed one finds a well-equipped metal-work room.

We can now peacefully survey the new extensions. Their building took a long time, causing a distraction to many of the staff, and a welcome diversion for the less attentive scholar. However that is all over now and we have a splendid new gymnasium, as well as new changing rooms. The melees in draughty changing-rooms which once accompanied any P.T. periods are now happily a thing of the past.

As the outward face of the school changes, so there is a change within the organism that is school life. We have heard with regret that Sir Reginald Spence has been forced by ill-health to resign from his position as Chairman of the Governors. We welcome in his place Lt.-Col. Styles who has for long been a true friend of the school.

The number of activities that take place after school is becoming prodigious. The Cadet Force, the Scout Troop, the School Society, the History Society, the Young Farmers' Club, not to mention sporting practices, all offer their various interests after school hours. Within the last year, two more activities have come into being. The Basket Ball Club and the Aesthetic Society are both flourishing in their early days, and we wish them every success for the future. These after-school activities are as much a part of the school life as lessons, and he is a foolish boy who rushes out of school at ten to four every afternoon. Academically this has been another successful year, and the sporting record is, as you will read, an improvement on last year's.

Anyone outside the school, reading this magazine, would get an insight into the life of a grammar school. He would realise that it is not all Latin and pedantry. He would realise that a grammar school has much more to give than a number of passes in G.C.E. Then perhaps he would think twice before joining that ever-growing band of orators who with the word "Equality " on their lips, would seek to abolish the grammar school.
P.E., J.F.H.


THIS year has seen the completion of additional buildings which include two workshops, a gymnasium, two laboratories, a drawing office, three form-rooms and a division room. The scope of the extensions is some measure of the growing difficulties under which we had laboured since 1939. A new assembly halt is still to come but should be completed in about twelve months.

The year has been notable in other ways and has brought success both in the study and on the games field. In July R. C. Adams, J C. Jenkins, D. G. Shrubb, J. A. Towner and J. A. Wilkinson gained State Scholarships. A Technical State Scolarship, tenable at Durham University, was won by M. F. Sizmur, while David Lee, who left us shortly before the termination of his Sixth Form Course, gained a State Scholarship at his new school at Norwich. Within the last few weeks Jenkins has been awarded the Mackinnon Scholarship for Law at Magdalen College, Oxford; Shrubb has gained on Open Major Scholarship in Natural Science at Christ's College Cambridge, and Towner has been awarded on Open Exhibition in Modern Languages at Brasenose College Oxford.

Two successes by recent pupils also deserve recording. Roger Coote was awarded a Frank Parkinson post diploma scholarship of £350 per annum at Seale Hayne Agricultural College. David Morgan was declared "proxime accessit " for the Stanhope Historical Essay Prize at Oxford. The latter success is undoubtedly our highest academic achievement so far. We have also had what is probably our best Rugger XV since we started to play this game 25 years ago. All our school matches were won and five members of the side played for Sussex Schoolboys against other counties in the Christmas holiday matches. Sutherland who played for Sussex Schoolboys Junior XV has been chosen as reserve for S.E. England v. S.W. England. The senior side has not yet been chosen.Congratulations to Trevor Richardson our last year's scrum-half, who played for Birkenhead Park against Cambridge University.

All news cannot be good. We have said good-bye to Mr. Keith Eastman who has taught brilliantly and worked untiringly for the school since he joined us in 1948. He has gone to the City of Norwich School as Senior Mathematics Master. School cricket and the Scouts owe him an incalculable debt.

We welcome Mr. Eric Lavender B.A (Oxon), an Old Boy, and Mr. G. B. Gibbons, B.Sc. (London), and hope that their stay will be happy and profitable.

The opening of the new Technical Institute in Lewes also meant that we can no longer call on Mr. F Thompson, Mr. P G. Barton, Mr. A. P. Bacon and Mr. L. Butler. We thank them for all that they did for us and wish success to their new venture.

The loss of their part-time help has been made good by the arrival of Mr. W. R. Pierce, B.Sc. (London), and Mr. P Jackson who is in charge of the Engineering Shop. Success or failure of our new technical side will depend considerably on their efforts. We wish them well. We have also said good-bye to Mr. George Austin who had been with us since 1939. His musicianship, particularly his organ playing at school services, was of the highest order and his talks on any aspect of music always deserved attention. Even so those of us with long memories, when we think of "George," will probably put first his arrangement of music for school plays particularly that of "A Midsummer Night s Dream " in 1940. " The Dream " without music would be unthinkable.

An item for those keen on the Services. Last term we were represented by Old Boys at three Staff Colleges - Capt. E. L. Cook, D.S.C., R.N., at the National Defence College, Canada; Capt. K. Perkins, M.B.E., D.F.C., R.A., at the Staff College, Quetta and Squadron-Leader Geoffrey Ford at the R.A.F. Staff College.

A last note - of condolence. Jimmy Lohoar, on his way home on the last Friday of term, was knocked down by a lorry and so seriously injured that his life was despaired of. The success of the Rugby XV owed much to his captaincy and we were - and still are - hoping for a running blue at Cambridge, where a place awaits him next October. First at Lewes Hospital and then at Guys, he has been making a slow but steady recovery. " Bonne Sante."

SPEECH DAY - JULY 24th, 1957


THIS year our annual Speech Day ceremony was held during the evening and the proceedings were held in the hall. We were very pleased to welcome Lt.-Col. Styles, attending his first Speech Day gathering as Chairman of the Governors. We had as our guest speaker Mr. S. R. Gibson, M.A., who was headmaster of Bec School, during its stay with us in the war. We are indebted to him for an entertaining and most instructive speech. After the speeches Mrs. Gibson very kindly distributed the prizes. When the ceremony was over parents, masters and boys mingled on the grass quadrangle, making a most pleasant scene on a delightful summer evening. Altogether one of our happiest and most successful occasions.



(Subject names denote Distinctions)
R Appleby (English), J. Baldwin (Chemistry), G. D. Barford, R. G. Bray, G. A. Brooker (Pure Maths., Applied Maths., Physics, Chemistry), N. A. Buck, D. V. Clay, J. M. Cooper, C W. Davey (Applied Maths Chemistry), J S Davey, R A. Evans, K. E. Geering, (Chemistry) P. F. Hersee, B. W. Middleton, C. W. F. Newman, C. Ray, A. M. Roberts, I. C. Sloane, L. Taylor (History), R. C. Thorne, D Tisdall, R. Tompsett, B. D. Waterman, I. M. Wesson, D. L. Worsfield, R. Yarrow.

R. S. Axell, A. W. Beattie, D. H J. Bennett, P. R Bentley, I. D H. Chisholm, C. J. Coote, G. C. Debruin, P. English, S. J Foster, R. F. Garner, R. E. Greatorex, J. E. Gregory, D. P. Griffin, C D. Huggett, P. Kelly, P. J. Lyons, R. D. Maycock, J. M. Nicholls, P A. Noel, J. R. Norman, C. Olieff, N. A. Pink, M. J. Rogers, P. A Routhan, A T. Saunders, J. A. Sinden, D. A. Smith, P. R Trott, A. L. Uren, D. J. Ayrton, A. J Beard, J C Best, M. Brook, J. F. Brown, C. A. Catt, P. Dennis, J. W. Ditch, B. W. Eager, D F. Farmer, T. L. Freeman, R J. Hayward, J. Irwin-Childs, D A. Knight, W. J. Mann, A G. Martin, P. J. Moss, L. L. G. Parsons, T. .D Phillips, D. G. Price, S. T. Ransom, A. J. Russell, G. Smith, G. G. Smith, M. J. K. Tibble, W J. Crancher, P. T. G. Fellows, A. J. Kernahan, D. J. P. Molloy, P. Stratford, N. P. Tourle.

R. Appleby - - State Scholarship, Merton College, Oxford.
J. E. Baldwin - - State Scholarship, Imperial College, London University
G. A. Brooker - - State Scholarship, Open Major Scholarship, Pembroke College, Oxford.
N. A. Buck - - Royal Veterinary College.
J C Creasey - - St. Catherine's Society Oxford.
C. W. Davey - - State Scholarship, Keble College Oxford.
J. S. Davey - - King's College, London University.
M. L. Diamond - - Durham University.
K. E. Geering - - State Scholarship, New College, Oxford.
B. K. Geraghty - - London School of Economics.
P. F. Hersee - - College of Technology, Manchester University.
B. W. Middleton - - Southampton University.
D. W. Norman - - Wye College, London University.
M. Phillippo - - Royal Veterinary College.
A. M. Roberts - - Wye College, London University.
M. F. Sizmur - - King's College, Durham Universlty.
B. D. Waterman - - Birmingham University.
R. Yarrow - - Keble College, Oxford.

I.C.Sloane - - Foreign Service (Section B).
D.C.Irvine - - Pre-Dartmouth R.N. Scholarship.


J. W. Barton, B.Sc., Ph.D. - - Research Scholarship, Princeton University.
T. H. Beeforth - - Class I Natural Science Moderations, Oxford.
S. G. Fleet - - Class l Natural Science Tripos. Part I, Cambridge.
H. A. Lee - - Class1 B.Sc. Hons. Physiology, London.
D. L. Morgan - - Proxime Accessit, Stanhope Historical Prize, Oxford.
Comdr. E. L. Cook, D.S.C., R.N. - - Commander to Captain.
Capt. K. Perkins, D.S.C., M.B.S., R.A. - - To Staff College, Quetta.


THs "JARVIS" PRIZE (Given by S. G. Henderson, O.L) - - J. S. Davey
THE "LEWES R.F.C." PRIZE - - T. H. Richardson
THE "HOARE" CUP (Uckfield House) - - M. Phlllippo
SERVICE PRIZES - - P. F. Hersee, P. C. Adams, G. D. Barford

> VI - - B. S. Greenfield, P. D. Jones, J. A. Wilkinson, R.Yarrow, J. F. Hollands, R. J. W. Swales, B. D. Waterman, J. C. Jenkins, M. Phillippo.
TRANSITUS - - K. Baker, D. J. Browning, P. Gamby, K. L. Lyons, J. Furmidge.
VB - - J. F. Higham, R. Pratt.
VG - - P. Williams.
REMOVE A - - M. A.Coe, M. C. Ash, A. Gibson, J. R. Sandercock.
REMOVE B - - J. L. Wild, D. J. Hunt.
REMOVE G - - M. Firth, A. Foord.
IVA - - M. P. Sadler, N. R. Thorp.
IVB - - B. C. Guy.
IVG - - R. K. Sutton.
IIIA - - C. Hoggins, J. E. Grinsted, P. J. Whitfield.
IIIB - - R. L. Smith, D. W. Cottingham.
IIIG - - A. J. Nunn, M. S. Wild.
IIA - - A. J. Braid.
IIB - - J. G. King.
IIG - - C. R. Evans.

Povey Work Shield - - Seahaven House
Bradshaw Games Shield - - Lewes House
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup - - Seahaven House
Wilfred Thompson Athletic Cup - - Seahaven House
Innes Swimming Cup - - Seahaven House
Blunden Junior Games Cup - - Martlets House and Uckfield House
Sinfield Swimming Cup - - D. P. Holland.


ALTHOUGH National Service is due to end in the near future and will probably not affect boys who are at present in school there is no reason to suppose that Cadet training will also cease. The official Service point of view on this matter is that there is now an even bigger part to be played by the C.C.F. in providing training in leadership, particularly as the Services still hope to draw candidates for commissioned service from the Grammar Schools and Public Schools. Bearing this in mind I would urge all boys to join some form of organisation where they can avail themselves of this type of training, whether it be a Cadet Force or Scout Troop, at school or outside school.

As was expected the announcement regarding National Service had a considerable effect on the strength of the contingent. It is to be hoped that the number of boys interested in Cadet training will increase. The big feature of the year was, of course, the arrival of the glider; this has stimulated an interest in the R.A.F. section and so far the glider has been launched nearly one hundred times.

Once again the Inspecting Officer for the Annual Inspection was a member of the R.A.F. On May 29th Air Commodore Sutcliffe inspected a parade of 80 Cadets on the new parade ground. Judging by the inspection report made by Air Commodore Sutcliffe he was very pleased with all he saw. In July the Cert. A Board was held and a final result of no failures in Part I and only two in Part II out of 20 and 10 candidates respectively is very pleasing

Annual Camp this year was held at Gandale near Catterick. Twenty-seven Cadets attended the camp and, apart from some bad weather at the end of the week, some useful and enjoyable training was carried out. Notable events of the camp were the disappearing act performed by a three-ton truck and a battle demonstration which was heard rather than seen. During the camp a number of competitions were held and our shooting team are to be congratulated on scoring the third highest total out of nearly 30 schools.

In closing I would like to say two things. Firstly to all boys in the Third Forms: join the C.C.F. Secondly, to all Cadets: try and introduce one new recruit each. The more the contingent grows, the wider will be the scope of training which can be offered. A. J. HALL, Commanding Officer.


EARLY in February our glider was delivered from R.A.F. Hawkinge and flying training commenced. The training in ground slides was rather dull but some excitement accompanied the faster hops. Having the glider has helped to develop a good team spirit in the section. Assembly and launching procedure have become more efficient as the year progressed and of late more than 20 launches have been achieved in a two-hour period.

Well over a hundred launches have been made this year and this could not have been achieved without the help of our liaison officer, Chief/Tech. Owens. We are grateful for the great amount of time and energy he has put into training the section and it is our loss that we will not have his services in the coming year.

Four of the Cadets who applied for Flying Scholarships were successful and David Ayrton and Jeremy Moss have become qualified pilots. A. Russell and P. Noel are still undergoing training. Russell is to be congratulated on his acceptance by the Fleet Air Arm for training as a pilot. He is now undergoing training as a Cadet Of6cer (Flying).

Annual Camp this year was held at Royal Air Force, Watton Norfolk, during the last week of August. Only 12 Cadets attended, the small number being due to conflicting school activities. The amount of flying was rather restricted though we did average about 24 hours per Cadet. The aircraft flown were Ansons and Varsities while Moss and Woodgate had the unaccustomed thrill of a flight in a Meteor. In addition, all of the Cadets " flew " the Link Trainer for about two hours during the week.

There were sixteen different experimental types of aircraft on the station including the Comet III which recently passed into squadron service. The food and accommodation were excellent and during the week we were visited by Air-Vice Marshal Gorbally. This year we have been helped considerably by Mr. George Williamson whose valued work as an instructor has been greatly appreciated.

A Field Day was held at Royal Air Force, Tangmere, on Wednesday December l8th and a varied and interesting programme was arranged. The Cadets were shown the intricacies of No. 36 Squadran's Hunter Jet fighters and we were fortunate to be there while an interception exercise was held.

We could not resist a challenge by the Scout Troop to compete in a Wide Game. This took the form of a mapping exercise at night, physical contact with the "enemy " was allowed, as Cadet Styles will witness, and prisoners could be taken. Although the Cadets took six prisoners the honours undoubtedly went to the Scouts.

The following promotions were made during the year:-
Cadets Ayrton and Welford to corporal, Corporal Noel to sergeant and Sergeant Gregory to flight-sergeant. I would like to thank these N.C.O.s for their support and hard work.

Numbers have been maintained and we hope to provide an interesting programme of training when the proposed new syllabus of R.A.F. training is introduced in the new year.


NINETEEN FIFTY-SEVEN has been an active year for scouts all over the world and to some extent this has been reflected in the troop. As part of the Celebrations patrol and troop leaders were invited to Gilwell for a weekend. P.Ls Hammond and Wild accepted the invitation and enjoyed meeting members of troops from all over England and seeing the Chief Scout.

Congratulations to David and John Norman on taking part in the impressive march-past before the Queen in the quadrangle of Windsor Castle. John also went to Gilwell to receive his Queen's Scout Certificate.

As part of the preparations for the Jamboree Lewes offered hospitality to 300 Swedish Scouts. Thanks to the enthusiasm of the Headmaster and Mr. Page a large number were given hospitality for the night in boys' homes. This was not an easy operation as the guests arrived tired out by two days travel and at 12 o'clock at night.

Arthur Hammond and John Norman were fortunate enough to be selected for the Jamboree at Sutton Coldfield, where, despite rumours of floods, they seem to have had an enjoyable if exhausting time.

Last year it was decided to try once more to have a Senior Patrol, this time the Hillary. Among its activities boating has been prominent and may well become a permanent feature. We are grateful to Denis Wheeler who for a small sum gave us a boat in need of repair, but with sails and mast in excellent condition. Throughout the winter and spring the Seniors with the help of Mr. Pye, worked hard to make the boat river-worthy. At last the day came for inspection and the A.D.C. for Sea Scouts in West Sussex pronounced "Sandy's Folly" to be river worthy and granted a Boat certificate for use above the bridge at Newhaven.

Six of the seniors have since attended C.C.P.R. sailing courses at Ravensait. We are most grateful to Mr. Keith Southam and the Tiffin's School troop for allowing us to use their troop H.Q. for weekend accommodation.

The result of this experiment in seniors is a further trial only this time with a Scouter to care for them, and Hillary is now under the watchful eye of Mr. Ives.

Summer camp this year was held at Alton Paneras, an isolated site in Dorset. So much was this the case that the people of the village regarded it as odd that anyone should want to go there. The troop received tremendous hospitality from Mr. Waterman, on whose land we were camping, and who was also District Commissioner.

Night wide games have been held with other troops on Windover Hill in the Cuckmere Valley and between Falmer and Telscombe with the C.C.F. Our greetings and good wishes go with Mr. Eastman, our former Scoutmaster, and, for the past year, our elder statesmen, whose advice I shall miss very much.


Chairman : Mr. Norgrove
Secretaries: M. Maine, J. Gregory, R. Garner

ANOTHER year of the School Society! And 1957 provided some very amusing, interesting and thought-provoking Friday evenings, even though the Society lacked its usual intellectual hardcore from the upper school whose talents seemed to have been seduced into other channels by the introduction of the Aesthetics Society as an addition to the already crowded programme of after-school activities. The interest of the younger members of the Society remained vigorous however.

At the first meetmg in 1957 the Society watched the brains of the school pit their wits against each other in an inter-house competition which lasted for an exhausting two hours. Two weeks later the political inclinations of the Society were tested in an " Election Night " - the Tories had a landslide victory in spite of Mr. Main's vigorous assertions that the Liberal Party was not dead. As usually happens in this cinema-minded age a very large audience attended to watch Mr. Alec Guinness give a brilliant performance in the film " Kind Hearts and Coronets " but the sporting questions put to members of staff in the next meeting did not appear to hold the same sparkling attraction and attendance was poor.

The talk given by the Society's outside speaker proved fascinating. Mr. Anthony Brooke had been Crown Prince of Sarawak until 1946 - although few members even knew how to pronounce the name - and he illustrated his talk with a short film.

At the first meeting of the Autumn Term another large audience was attracted by a film of the Fifteenth Olympic Games held at Melbourne and a reasonably large gathering heard tales of adventure in foreign lands given by some widely-travelled members of the school at the next meeting. The debate on October 25th had a somewhat topical flavour owing to the launching of the first earth satellite by Soviet Russia only shortly before. The motion was: " That this House would buy a ticket on the first spaceship to the moon " Unfortunately Mr. Greenfield appeared to be the only debater who took this vital motion seriously. The following meeting was enlivened by a clique of intellectuals from the Sixth Form who came determined to outwit Messrs. Ives, Jackson, Toye and Richards - members of staff who had kindly volunteered to answer questions put to them by the Society. The Sixth Form " Cabale " did not succeed in their dubious object but a lively evening resulted. The next gathering of the Society listened to the Headmaster, Mr. Tayler, and Mr. Euston reminiscing on the early days of the School - and especially on the dark days of the war.

The climax of the School Society year came on Friday, December l3th, with the House plays. Luckily, none of the evil properties attributed to this date came into evidence and the four plays went down extremely well. Even the prohibitive admission price of 6d. could not deter non-members of the Society from turning up - or perhaps 6d. was a cheap price to pay for an afternoon off! This time, however, there was one sigmficant difference: the plays were written by members of the school.


Martlets House staged an English Rural Farce and the "arrrrs" and "orrrrs" rolled constantly throughout the play. "The Potato Patch" by B. Catt. Cast: Muller, Williams, Partridge, Walton, Sutherland, Tyrell, Pitt, Philips, Robinson, Thatcher. Produced by B. Catt.


Next followed one the plays written by P. English - a drama set in the tense atmosphere of a farm in Kenya threatened by attack from Mau Mau terrorists. "Vengeance shall be mine." Cast: Sinden, Smith, Stone, Nicholls. Produced by D. Stone.


We then saw another play by English - a political farce. Scene - somewhere. Title-"The Crisis." Cast: Beal, Gregory, Newman, Walton, Mylett, Carder, Charman.


The last play of the evening was "The Heroes" by H. G. Thompson. The scene was set in Italy during the last War. Cast: Allen, Silk, Garner, Gamby, Yarrow, Noel, Welford. Produced by Towner, Noel and Thompson.

Let us hope that in 1958 the Society will see more of the upper stratum of the school.


SINCERE thanks to all who sent Christmas cards. From them we were able to gather a few news points concerning the following:
Pat Goodsell. H.M.S. Armada. 3rd Destroyer Squadron.
John Norman. Motor Enginer. Dennis Bros., Guildford.
Bill Arnold. Master Builder. Boscombe, Bournemouth.
John Brown Curate at Christ Church Leeds.
G. C. Hutton. Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell.
Peter Eden. F/Lt. R.A.F., Germany.
Ian Winchester. Married. Now at the Foreign Office, after the Embassy, Cairo.
M. F. Green. Sergeant, R.A.F. Aircrew, Germany.
John Glenister. Chartered Accountant, London.
Stan Pilbeam. Government Pathologist, Northern Rhodesia.
Jimmy Horstcraft. Researching, Hamburg University.
Michael Phillippo. At Royal Veterinary College.
Harry Stenton. Lecturer, Hull University.
Guy Foote. R.A.F, White Waltham. National Service.
Ron Dusart. Engineer. Kuwait Oil Fields.
M. V. Wells. Medical Registrar, Derby Hospital, after appointments as M.O. at Oldham and Epping.
Peter Bell. Metallurgical Student. Hadfields Ltd., Sheffield.
Peter Dendy. Married, 18-12-57. Field Officer, Uganda.
Lawrence Garner. Sergeant 47th Guided Missiles Regiment.
Ian Wesson. At King's College Hospital.
Martin Preece. Headmaster. Mill Hill School, Leicester.
Donald Burgess. Final year, King's College Hospital.
Richard Yarrow. Sapper, R.E. National Service.
Diarmid McLaughlin. R.N.. Afloat. Prior to Cambridge.
F/Lt. E. C. Hill at R.A.F. Regiment Depot, Catterick.
Roger Braidwood. Still in San Francisco.
Capt. Brian Woods. Royal Signals Singapore.
F/O John Humphrey, R.A.F., Ceylon.
Roger Bray and Philip Hersee. At Manchester College of Technology.
Robert Tompsett. R.A.F., Goch, Germany. National Service.
T. Corbett. 2nd lnf. Divisional Signals. Germany.
David Walton. At Culham College Berks.
S G. Aston. Meteorological Officer R.A.F. Idris.
Capt. Peter Galer. 3rd Royal Tank Regiment Germany.
Philip Ridley. Atomic Energy Office. Transferred from Board of Trade.
Peter Bonner. At Plumpton Institute.
Jim Thornley. At Middlesex Hospital after Cambridge.
Brian Honess. At Reading University (Horticulture).
Trevor Beeforth. Queen s College, Oxford. A "first " in Natural Science " Mods."
Derek Burden. At Wells Theological College.
Desmond Carpenter At College of St. Mark and St. John, Chelsea.
Michael Steele. B S.A Police Bulawayo.
David George. Has left Scotland and is working for British Atomic Energy Authority, Aldermaston.
John Riddles. Has qualified as Chartered Accountant but is in R.A.F. Bridgenorth on National Service.
Eric Barfoot. R.A.F., near Bexhill.
Alex Green. Montreal. Two girls, one boy.
Michael Geraghty. B Sc. Economics. Accountancy.
John Dakers-Black. Royal Engineers, Singapore. National Service.
Maurice Hobden Working for D.Phil, at Oxford. Married.
R. E. Lawson. King's African Rifles Kenya. Plays polo (land variety).
Brian Colvin. Squadron Leader. No. 1 Group, H.Q.R.S., R.A.F., Bawtry.
Alan Stuart. Claims Adjuster. lnsurance Co., Montreal. Enthusiastic on Canada
D. Swift Sergeant Metropolitan Police.
George Akehurst. Lives at Warlingham. Phillips Radio Executive.
Cedric Andrews. Has joined B O.A.C. as a pilot.
Fred Wood. Flying Officer R.A.F., Melksham.
John Davey. At King's College, London.
Paul Reeve. Working in Throgmorton Street. John Irwin-Childs. Engineer Apprentice.
Joey Green. North British Insurance Co., Croydon.
Brian Paulding. S / Sgt. Federation Army, Kuala Lumpur.
Bob Treadaway. Teaching at Oxford.
Harry Hoadley. B S.A. Police S. Rhodesia
Richard Scott. At Selwyn College, Cambridge.
Jim Essex. Business appointment in Yorkshire.
D. Smith. At King Alfred's College, Winchester.
T. Pye. At B.T.H Rugby
Michael Wilson. At Royal Naval College, Greenwich.
John Holton. Veterinary Surgeon. Southend.
David Joslin. Still runnmg his farm near Tunbridge Wells.
E. O. Wood. Left Oxford and is an engineer with Rolls-Royce. Roy Oxley. Son Ian, aged six.
Ernest Gates. Has returned to R A.F. where he got a Wartime D.F.C.
Bob Ford. Teaching at Windsor School, Hamm, Germany.
Ian Sloane. National Service. At Joint Services School for Linguists.
Eric Gordon. District Officer, Colonial Service, Kenya.
John Henshaw. At Ministry of Agriculture. Recently married to a doctor.
Paget Davies. Staff of King's College Hospital. First daughter.
W. S. Eade. Headmaster of a Walsall Secondary School.
Malcolm Cooper. At St. Peter's Hall, Oxford.
John Cooper. At Southampton University.
A. J. Burgess. Just taken final examination for Notary Public.
J. H. Fry. R.A.F., Halton. Ross Wells. Final year, Lincoln College. Oxon.
Harry Lee. A " first " in Physiology. King's College, London.
Tony Reynolds. Final year at Cambridge.
Geoffrey Ford. Posted to Air Ministry with rank of Wing Commander Michael Main. Working at Technical Services Laboratory of Mobil Oil Company, Coryton, Essex.
Paul Bishop and Alan Pilbeam. Captain and Secretary respectively of Rugger at St. Catherine's, Oxford.
Roger Coote, Joe Coote and the Parris twins, all at Seale Hayne Col- lege, Newton Abbott.
Letters or visits reveal the following:
Peter Britton, commissioned in the R.A.F. in Canada, will soon be returning to take up his Exhibition at Cambridge.
Bob Drummond is prospering as assistant accountant in the Imperial Bank of Canada at Welland, Ontario.
Arthur Kirk is still with B.E.A. at Naples but may be moving soon to Nigeria or Ghana.
A. J. Killick, formerely J.T.S., is at Ruskin College, Oxford.
A. J. Russell has thoroughly enjoyed every moment of the three months spent at Plymouth as a Fleet-Air Arm Cadet.
Tony Pulinger is a land agent for the Forestry Commission - still in the New Forest area.
Colin Wadey gained his N.D.A. at Seale Hayne College and is now a Field Officer in Uganda.
Tony Cottingham appeared in an R.A.F. Television feature as a Senior Under Officer Cadet at Cranwell. He has now passed out as Pilot Officer.
Roy Stevens is still a lecturer at St John's College York.
Wally Haggar, at Lagos, trains pilots for West African Airways, plays cricket and entertained Ken Hills who went to Nigeria on a three months business trip.
Bryan Geraghty is studying law at the London School of Economics.
Ivor Churches still works for I.C.I. as a research chemist at Middlesborough but lectures at night in Physics at a Technical College as a diversion - for himself not his pupils.
R. E. Snashall finds his job in the British Railways office at Redhill interesting. He has Eric Stubbs as a companion there.
Peter Harris has completed his apprentice training as a Radar Electrician in the Navy. He was Senior Chief Petty Of6cer Apprentice and received the prize as best all-rounder apprentice.
Nicky Buck is bandit hunting in the Malayan jungle. He has enjoyed every minute of his N.S. " Let nobody denounce National Service to me," he says. "If the individual is willing to give something to the army the army can return it a hundredfold."
David Blaber has secured a post in Bruges after his period at the College d'Europe He is concerned in setting up an information service for the Standing Committee of the North Atlantic Community.
Michael Short is studying for a Ph.D. degree at the University of Pennsylvania.
John Barton, at Princeton University, met Michael in New York. John, says Michael, has a double chin and a lovely baby girl.
Other Old Boys at American Universities are Dorling at Iowa, and Satchler at Massachusetts.
Bernard Beetensen is at Bishops University, Ontario, Canada.
Graham Wood has been to see us on holiday from his business activities in Malaya. We append at the end of these notes an account of an experience he had in Malaya and in Winnipeg.
Martin Roberts, reading for an agricultural degree at Wye College, plays soccer in the 1st XI.
John Holford, at Leeds, takes his degree in June and then hopes to spend a year at Oxford in search of a Diploma in Education.
John Rutherford has been appointed Senior Maths Master at the new Grammar School in Brighton.
David Pincott still teaches Physics at Bedford Modern, which is not " Modern " but " Public."
Freddie Cosstick, schoolmastering at King's College School, Wimbledon, has taken to writing for " The Times " and in addition reporting rugger matches for that august paper.
Nigel Bingham has climbed Kilimanjaro probably the first O.L. to do so.
Geoff Barford, Brian Waterman and Chris Ray are savouring all that University life has to offer in the faculty of commerce at Birmingham University.
Jim Ratsey is going to St. Luke's College, Exeter, next September to become a schoolmaster.
J. A. Walker has a Student Apprenticeship at Allen Wests and attends Brighton Tech.
R. H. Snelling is studying for the B.D. degree at London Bible College with a view to being ordained.
Stewart Symons was ordained by the Bishop of London in St. Paul's and holds a curacy in London.
At Searle Hayne College, Newton Abbott, we have, in addition to Roger Coote, his brother Joe and the Parris twins.
Maurice Hill; who left in 1940, wrote to inform us he was a Warrant Officer in the R.A.F. in Shropshire.
Paul Stratford and Keith Kernahan are student Apprentices with "Seeboard ".
Bryan Callaghan, who left in 1955,. is at Whyalla in Southern Australia, the centre of shipbuilding and iron ore industry. He is training to become an accountant. Iri his letter he said that McCutcheon is in the Royal Canadian Air Force and Bolland in the North West Mounted Police.
John Walker has left us to go to King Alfred's School, Wantage, where he plays the organ.
Graeme Martin is completing his degree course in Cotton Technology at Leeds University.
Jim Keating is a Lance-Corporal in the Black Watch in Germany. John Creasey has joined Paul Bishop and Alan Pilbeam at St. Catherine's, Oxford.
Max Permain is doing National Service with Royal Signals in Malta. Colin White has completed his training as an Electrical Artificer in the Navy.
Clive Perry has been commissioned in the education branch of the R.A.F.
Ronald Smith was again a soloist at the Promenade Concerts, this time on a Saturday night under Sir Malcolm Sergeant.
Gerald Sweatman, having completed a London Degree and an apprenticeship in Chemical Engineering, is a Technical Assistant at Aldermaston. Increased Old Boy representation at Harwell and Aldermaston no doubt accounts for our startling progress in the atomic field.
Cyril Newman has " led " twice, for or against the motion at the Oxford Union.
Colin Dolloway, research scientist for Fisons, dashed up and down British Railways spraying weeds from an engine tender and has now extended his investigations to Southern Rhodesia and Kenya.
Derrick Buller-Sinfield has a thriving motor business in Yorkshire and a boy and a girl.
John Appleby has gained his Masters Certificate (M.N. not M.A.).
Remember the Norris brothers Ken and Lew? They were largely responsible for designing " Bluebird " and have talked to the school about it. (See Donald Campbell's book.)
Michael Siggs finished his degree course in agriculture at Cambridge in June and started farming in July. " However, Brussel Sprouts planting is not a very kind christening " he says.
From the bride's parents we received an invitation to attend Martin Waldron's marriage in Arizona. We failed to arrive.
Geoffrey Blackmore has been ordained and holds a curacy at Bulwell, Notts.
Guy Gravett was sent by the Colonial Office to Cyprus to organise a news photography service for the Island. Before departing he photographed Sir John Nott-Bower, Commissioner of Police. It might have been the other way round.
John Woolmore has left industry and is now a science master at Cheltenham College.
David Tisdall is completing National Service in the R.A.F. prior to Oxford.
Bill Manton has qualified and has been filling the post of House Surgeon at London Hospital.
John Drake has obtained a post as a B.B.C. engineer.
E. J. Vass has taken a London degree in Economics and is, we believe, teaching.
Mark Wiffen, whom we last heard of swimming in the sea during the Dunkirk evacuation, called to see us. He was about to depart for Southern Rhodesia as an overseas sales manager,
David Sandles, who was in the Executive Civil Service has entered commerce as representative of the Marley Tile Company. His brother, who was in the Navy, represents an American firm of drug manufacturers.
Lawrence Chatfield, within a few months of joining the Merchant Navy as a cadet, had been as far East as Singapoie and as far West as Venezuela. " Life aboard ship is even better than I expected " he says.
Peter Bailey and Trevor Freeman, also cadets in the Merchant Navy, have paid pleasant visits to the School while on shore. Peter has appeared in a B.B.C. programme " Tons of Petrol."
John Bailey, Peter's brother, when last we heard, was still at El.-Adem (" Terribly tired of the desert").
Brian McHugh is investigating the possibilities of nuclear propulsion for the Swedish Shipbuilding Research Association. He is at Malmo " just across the water from Copenhagen."
Charles Losasso has left Reading University and is English master at Hemsworth Grammar School.
Alan Tompsett gained a Ph.D. at Southampton University, worked for Vickers Armstrong for a short time and when last we heard was on National Service in O.C.T.U., Isle of Man.
Andrew Tompsett, his brother, won the cup for the best student at Writtle Agricultural College, as he did when a student at Plumpton.
Brian Akehurst has been working for De Havilands, Hatfield, but contemplates emigrating to Kenya.
John Pay has made a welcome visit to the School. He is a minister near Pembroke and was contemplating matrimony.
John Bird is teaching at a new school at Tunbridge Wells.
Congratulations to P. G. Mead who gained 1st place in S.l Building Construction and 2nd place in C.3. Plumbing Science in the examinations of the Union of Educational Institutions for the whole country.
Since the publication of the last issue of THE BARBICAN, the Headmaster has spent two most enjoyable evenings, one at Oxford and one at Cambridge dining with the Old Boys there.

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