Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 34 - 1958

The Original Barbican cover This issue marks the beginning of the final period of the Bradshaw era. The foundations of the chapel are laid and building is about to begin. The Chapel Fund has the bulk of the finance in hand and there are no doubts that the rest will be found. Mr Bradshaw has only two years before retirement and he is determined to achieve his objective before he goes.

Meanwhile the school generally is an educational power-house in top gear with a wide range of activities and achievements that make the early days of the school look very cloistered and reserved. Why is that so ? Undoubtedly the general expansion of education, in parallel with the growth in prosperity and the needs of the country, has provided much greater financial resources. That is only part of the explanation; the rest was the men of vision and application to direct and control those resources to achieve the desired results. That was what NRB and his close associates were providing.

At this stage it is likely that NRB was still able the believe that his grammar school would continue as such, in spite of disturbing trends in the demand for policies to provide a better quality of education for all children, but it was not to be. His final achievements were to be overtaken by events outside his control.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys



School Captain: P. English

Lewes ... P.A.Noel, N.Silk, M.J.B.Allen, B.S.Welford,
P.Gamby, P.Randell, A.M.I.Paris.
Martlets ... M.J.K Tibble, J.E.Drake, D.J.Browning,
G.A.Swan, D.G.Jones.
Seahaven ... P.English, M.R.Walton, K.L.Lyons, D.C.Irvine,
G.M.Newman, D.Williams, M.E.D.Poll.
Uckfield ... D.A.Smith.

Form Captains:
Trans, D.Charman; 5B, M.Hodges; 5G, D.Fickweiler;
Rem A, P.Whitfield; Rem B, V.Thompson; Rem G, R.Strong;
4A, R.Hodgson; 4B, R.Waller; 4G, W.Sutherland;
3A, R.McHugh; 3B, A.Wilkinson; 3C, R.Pople;
2A, T.Pope; 2B, B.Godfrey; 2C, A. Herman.

Editors of the Magazine:
P.English, M.R.Wa1ton.


THIS last year will be remembered as the year that saw the beginnings of work on the Chapel. The fruits of many years of labour will soon be seen. Although there may be controversy in the upper strata of the school over the concept of a divine being, it can truthfully be said that the laying of the foundation stone was of significance to all, Existentialist, believer or agnostic, all will be influenced directly or indirectly by our Chapel. To the aesthete it will be a place of beauty, to the contemplative it will be a place for meditation, and to the believer it will be a place of worship. But above all and in the minds of all it will stand as a memorial to those old boys who made the supreme sacrifice in the defence of freedom.

The Chapel, when completed, will change the life and appearance of the school which have been little changed over the last year. We have only seen the bleak inhospitable "Medways" erected - and we can hardly be rapturous about them. The cement mixers have ceased their churnings but the respite is to be short, for work on the new hall will begin shortly - welcome news for the school's actors. With a proper stage, the school play should return as a feature of life here and the frantic efforts at amateur wood-work that precede the House plays will become just amusing memories. So with these future benefits in mind we must patiently endure the disruption - welcome to some perhaps - that will be caused.

But, of course, this new hall will be merely a structural change. The life of the school will go on much as before. There will be successes such as those of our lst XV this year, and there will be some failures, sent perhaps "pour encourager les autres." Boys will come here, work, play, and occasionally slack. They will come as individuals and as such they can make an impression on school life, an impression more firm than any new hall can make: for despite what our professional cynics may say we believe in the importance and intrinsic value of the individual. In an age of automation and in an age when "clever" men try to apply the slide-rule to human va1ues we boldly salute the individual with all his virtues, failings and feelings. May this school continue to serve and value him. For ultimately it is he and not your tin computer, who can shape the world and create that priceless jewel, happiness.
M.R.W. and P.E.


THE laying of the foundation stone of the School Chapel on October l8th, 1958, in the presence of about 1,200 parents and Old Boys, is an event which commands first mention. The boys, too, were there. None asked to be excused, although it was a Saturday afternoon.

The Chapel Fund now stands at about £22,000. There remains a sum af about £3,000 to raise to cover fees, furnishings, etc. The completion date is January, 1960 - a challenge.

From the inception of the fund we have always published details in the School Magazine. About £5,000 has been subscribed since last year. To record all gifts, large and sma1l, would occupy so much space that we hope omission on this occasion will be understood and excused. We feel compelled, however, to comment on the magnificent support of everyone.

The following former members of the school went into residence at Oxford or Cambridge last October. At Cambridge : P.E.Britton, State Scholar and Exhibitioner (St. John's). R.C.Adams, State Scholar (St. Catharine's). J.S.Lohoar (FitzWilliam). D.McLaughlin, Exhibitioner (Jesus). D.Shrubb State Scholar and Open Scholar (Christ's). J.A.Wilkinson, State Scholar and Exhibitioner (FitzWilliam). P.C.Wright, State Scholar (Trinity). At Oxford: C.Davey, State Scholar (Keble). K.Geering, State Scholar (New College), C.Jenkins, State Scholar and Open Scholar (Magdalen). D.Tisdall (Keble). J.A.Towner, State Scholar and Exhibitioner (Brasenose). In addition, Brian Honess, who took his degree last June in Horticulture at Reading, has gone into residence at Downing College, Cambridge. He has secured an appointment in the Colonial Service and is at Cambridge under the auspices of the Colonial Office. The above list will probably stand as a record for a long time. We were fortunate this year in being included in the analysis of the most successful schools made by The Times Educational Supplement.

In The Times New Year list of promotions to senior ranks, we spotted the names of two Old Boys, Brian Colvin and Geoffrey Ford, both promoted from Squadron Leader to Wing Commander in the RAF. Gerald Cook completed his Senior Officers' Naval Course in Canada last sumnser and ended with a European tour which included a visit to Tito and an audience of the Pope. He is now in command of the Second Training Squadron at Portland, seven ships, which he feared he might tie up in knots the first time he took them into the Channel. Ken Perkins has finished at the Staff College at Quetta, and as we write, is on his way home.

Reverting to academic honours, David Morgan is to be congratulated on his "First" at Magdalen, Oxford, last June. He is now reading for the D.Phil. degree but still has a room in Magdalen where he does some tutoring.

Our record of scholarship successes during the past year has been creditable but not quite so good as in the immediate past. Since the last publication of The Barbican, John Wilkinson has been awarded an Exhibition in Modern Languages at FitzWilliam House, Cambridge, and State Scholarships have been won by A.D.Moore, Rabin Fleet and Peter Randall. John Drake was placed on the "reserve" list. Moore is now at London University, while Fleet (St. John's), Randall (St. John's) and Drake (Gonville and Caius) have places awaiting them at Cambridge. Roger Bray is also going to FitzWilliam House, Cambridge, next October and Tony Killick to Wadham College, Oxford.

For the second time in the past five years an Old Boy has been selected for the highly competitive Foreign Service. Christopher Howells, after a "First" at Oxford, gained admission last May. He is now learning Chinese. He joins Ian Winchester, who was in the Embassy at Cairo during the Suez crisis. Winchester had to learn Arabic when he first joined.

A small point to some but pleasing to the writer of these notes nonetheless. In the same issue of The Times which recorded the promotion of Ford and Colvin, it was nice to read the names of five members of this year's School XV in the Sussex Schoolboys' side which beat Berkshire. Three of them were singled out for good work. Nick Silk has now been picked for England against France and Wales. Congratulations.

With regret we have said good-bye to Mr.Mould, Mr.Lee, Mr.Cosham and Mr.Williamson. We thank them deeply for all the work they did for the school while they were with us. The life of the Grammar School depends on voluntary service. We welcome in their place Mr.Pratt, Mr.Matthews and Mr.Small. We hope that their stay will be happy and rewarding.


Saturday, 18th October, 1958

Laying the chapel foundation stone THE laying af the Foundation Stone was performed by Lady Boughey, wife of Sir George Boughey, Bart., formerly Chairman of the Governors, and mother of a present Governor, Mr. Richard Boughey, in the presence of a large gathering of Governors and pupils, Old Boys, parents and masters. After weeks of wet weather the afternoon was dry and still. The principal participants were all impressive in sincerity and the whole ceremony was quietly moving. Pupils, Old Boys, parents and friends gathered at the site and a procession of principals, governors and masters having assembled at the main school entrance, joined them there. The stone was given by the family of a present pupil in memory of his grandfather, the late Mr. Percy Bridgman.

[There follows a three-page order of service for the laying of the foundation stone.]

The following editorial comment appeared in The Times Educational
Supplement of lst August, 1958.

Lewes's Chapel

"One of the best examples of self-help in a maintained school is reported on another page. By corporate endeavour Lewes County Grammar School is getting itself a chapel. Some people think that voluntary effort is good for no more than the most minor projects in local authority schools. This chapel, like the swimming baths which are now almost commonplace, should give the lie to them. The achievement itself is splendid. But its benefits will go deeper still. One of the dangers of the Welfare State among its many advantages is that people will take its services for granted. The parents are all too common who assume that the local authority school exists for their convenience. They look at it as they look at the grocer's shop or the cinema - a place where good service can be assumed or complaints can be lodged if it is not. In the long run this never makes for a good school. Local authority schools have before them constantly the example of the best of the public schaols. They ought to rival them. It is no bad thing if they, too, like the public schoo1s, make demands on those they serve And a maintained school may feel that it begins to have true parity with older institutions when all who have to do with it look upon it not only as their property but also as their pride. Why so few of them have shown the enterprise of Lewes is difficult to understand. If anything can bind a school to its neighbourhood it is surely some big communal project. In fact the more a school depends on its parents and pupils and the less it takes from the rates the healthier it probably will be."

SPEECH DAY - JULY 24th, 1958

ONCE again the ceremony took place in the evening. This time the hall was packed and there was not enough room for all the parents, some of whom had to listen to the speeches relayed to the quadrangle. We welcomed Lt.Col. Styles and our other Governors and we were fortunate to have as our speaker, Mrs. M.E.Lomas She gave us a most stimulating speech and then distributed the prizes. When all was over tea was served to parents in the quadrangle, where they had an opportunity to meet members of the staff.


(Subject names denote Distinctions)

R.C.Adams (App1ied Maths), G.D.Barford, M.L.Card, B.C.Catt, J.S.Davey, H.S.Ellis, R.J.Fleet, B.S.Greenfield, P.F.Hersee, J.F.Hollands (English), J.C Jenkins (French, German), P.D.Jones, J.S.Lahoar (Chemistry), B.W.Middleton, C.J.Moon, A.D.Moore, D.W.Norman, M.Phillippo, D.G.Shrubb (Pure Maths, Applied Maths, Physics, Chemistry), R.J.W.Swales, J.A.Towner (French, German), B.D.Waterman, J.A.Wilkinson (French), R.Yarrow (Chemistry), P.Randell (Botany) (offered one subject only).


M.J.B.Allen, A.Appleby, J.W.Ashley, K.G.Baker, D.J.Browning, C.Chatfield, J.Furmidge, P.Gamby, A.W.Head, R.F.Headland, C.G.Humphris, D.C.Irvine, K.L.Lyons, J.Moon, G.M.Newman, D.J.Parris, A.R.W.Perry, M.E.D.Poll, N.Silk, A.R.Simms, R.E.Snashall, L.W.C.Sutton, H.G.Thompson, J.C.Type, M.R.Walton, L.A.A.Warnes, M.W.Wenham, D.Williams, G.J.Beal, E.Bone, R.K.R.Breeds, B.V.Booth, C.J.Cann, M.J.Cheal, C.J.Coates, D.T.D.Helmer, P.F.D.Heming, D.G.Jones, S.E.Males, A.M.Paris, R.Pratt, G.B.Reade, K.Twort, L.G.Turner, B.S.Welford, G.Collins, T.D.Pye, E.G.Warner, P.M.Williams, D.W.Robinson.


R.C.AdamsState Scholarship in Mathematics and Science,
St.Catherine's College, Cambridge (Engineering}
G.BarfordBirmingham University,(Commerce)
D.J.BrowningGuy's Hospital Medical School, London (Medicine)
C.A.CattBirmingham University (Engineering)
S.J.DowseySouthampton University (Physics)
R.FleetSt. John's College, Cambridge (Science)
R.F.GarnerBristol University (Mathematics)
J.E.GregoryReading University (Modern Languages)
J.G.GreenBirmingham University (Geography)
B.S.GreenfieldLeeds University (Modern Languages)
J.F.HollandsUniversity Co1lege, London (English)
P.D.JonesReading University (English)
J.C.Jenkins(i) State Scholarship in Modern Languages and History
(ii) Mackinnon Scholarship, Magdalen College, Oxford (Law)
D.G.LeeState Scholarship in Science and Mathemsiies,
Peterhouse College, Cambridge (Engineering)
J.S.LohoarFitzwilliam House, Cambridge (Agriculture)
A.D.MooreLondon University (Engineering)
J.R.NormanScholarship in Science, Leeds University (Ceramics)
D.G.Shrubb(i) State Scholarship;
(ii) Open Scholarship in Mathematics and Science,
Christ's College, Cambridge (Engineering).
J.A.SindenUniversity of North Wales (Forestry)
J.A.Towner(i) State Scholarship,
(ii) Open Exhibition in Modern Languages,
Brasenose College, Oxford (Modern Languages).
A.L.UrenSouthampton University (Chemistry)
J.A.Wilkinson(i) State Scholarship;
(ii) Open Exhibition in Modern Languages,
FitzWilliam House, Cambridge (Modern Languages)

J.C.Bromily, G.Collins, G.F.Higham, P.R.Hodson,
P.F.Tompsett, P.M.Williams, E.G.Warner, B.V.Booth,
D.W.Robinson, D.Warner, B.M.Blight.

D. C. Irvine - Royal Naval College, Dartmouth.
D. J. Ayrton, A.J.Russell - Fleet Air Arm Commission.


THE "HOARE" CUP (Uckfield House)D.E.Stone
SERVICE PRIZEJ.Hollands, J.A.Sinden, B.Welford


VIJ.E.Drake, P.Eng1ish, J.E.Gregory, M.Allen,
M.R.Walton, D.J.Browning, P.Gamby, N.Silk, J.Moon,
R.F.Garner, J.R.Norman, D.C.Irvine
TRANSM.A.Coe, J.R.Sandercock, R.I.Swann, P.B.Sutherland
VBJ.L.Wild, D.J.Hunt
VGA. Foord
REM AR.J.Steel, M.D.Burley, D.Charman
REM BP.C.M.Herman, R.L.Hyde, T.A.Facey
REM GR.K.Sutton
IVAC.Hoggins, J.E.Grinsted, P.J.Whitfield
IVBC.W.Pratt, D.W.Cottingham
IVGT.N.Scorer, G.D.Norris
IIIAA.J.Braid, J.Seagrave, M.Fuller
IIAR.J.Hampton, J.E.Etherton
IIGT.V.Borroughs, T.A.Stephens


Povey Work ShieldLewes House
Bradshaw Games ShieldMartlets House
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country CupMartlets House
Wilfred Thompson Athletics CupMartlets House
Innes Swimming CupLewes House
Blunden Junior Games CupSeahaven House
Sinfield Swimming CupD.P.Holland


THE weather was about as good as one can expect it to be for a cross-country final. There was a light north-westerly breeze but few people were deterred by this.

From the start all looked perfect. However, when the mud-spattered runners returned it was evident that the main obstacle had been flooding of the low grazing land on the other side of the course. This, as most competitors know, can be particularly unpleasant to run through and claimed its score of plimsolls. However, the ditches themselves by all accounts were not particularly bad.

Penfold ran a good race and perhaps not unexpectedly came in first of the seniors. The winners of the Colts and Juniors races were Hughes and Coney - all three boys being in Seahaven House. However, on the total score Martlets were first with 1,158 points; Seahaven second with 1,047; Uckfield third with 1,034 and last came Lewes with only 586 points.


--- Juniors ---
1. Coney (S.)
2. Brown (L.)
3. Haffenden (M.)
4. Webb (L.)
5. Walton (M.)
6. Saunders (M.)
7. King (M.)
8. Davis (L.)
9. Colman (U.)
10. Barnard (M.)
11. Allvey (M.)
12. Badger (M.)
--- Colts ---
1. Hughes (S.)
2. Sutton (M.)
3. Turner (U.)
4. Giles (S.)
5. Dinage (U.)
6. Price (M.)
7. Jenner (U.
8. Goodyear (M.)
9. Howard (M.)
10. Bourne (S.)
11. Lowles (S.)
12. Clark (U.)
--- Seniors ---
1. Penfold (S.)
2. Morse (U.)
3. Tibble (M.)
4. Palmer (M.)
5. Nicks (U.)
6. Drake (M )
7. O'Llief (U.)
8. Mould (M.)
9. Irvine (L.)
10. Warner (U.)
11. Warnes (S.)
12. Pickweiler (L.)


DURING the past year there have been a number of changes in the training policy laid down by the War Office. The biggest of these changes is undoubtedly the disappearance of Certificate A. This is not quite as drastic as it might appear since the examinations remain but under new names. In future all cadets will enter the Basic Section and will take the Basic Test in their fourteenth year. On passing the Basic Test cadets will pass into the Army or R.A.F. Section and train for the Proficiency Test and Advanced Test. This training will normally cover three to four years. For senior cadets a number of schemes have been suggested for Post Advanced training. Where numbers are small it has been suggested that this training shou1d be for a joint services section. With these changes in mind we are gradually introducing new topics to the training syllabus. One innovation is in keeping with the War Office policy of regarding the C.C.F. as a source of potential officers. The Joint Services Cadet Badge will be regarded as an indication that a cadet is worth considering for a place at Sandhurst or Cranwell. Now that the services are worth while considering as a career particularly for those who are technically minded, the C.C.F. can provide a good pre-service background.

We welcome this temm Mr.D.Matthews, who is going to help with the R.A.F. training; we wish him a successful and pleasant stay with us.

This year's annual camp was attended by a smaller number than in previous years and in spite of the inclement weather a reasonably good programme of training was carried out. We were fortunate in having an annual camp as most of the other camps in the country were canceIled owing to the political situation in Jordan. It is possible that in future the large camps for annual training will be discontinued and replaced by smaller camps of a more specialist nature.

The miniature range has, as usual, been a popular feature, and it is hoped that a team will enter for the Country Life Schools Competition. Now that we have instituted a qualifying points system it is up to every cadet to see that he earns sufficient points to qualify and make the most of his annual allocatian of ammunition.

As a further incentive to training we have introduced a badge for efficiency. This badge has been awarded to Cdts. Botting, Izzard and Welch.

Finally, in closing, I would say one word to all those who are considering joining the C.C.F. No organisation such as this can function properly unless it receives an adequate supply of recruits, so it is up to you to join in and make it a success.


AS a result of a major policy in cadet training, the Royal Air Force Proficiency Examination has been replaced by the Army Part II exam. This means in effect that we shall play a lesser part in the training of the younger cadets, though the advanced examination is unchanged.

It is difficult to be enthusiastic over a scheme which tends to limit our activities, but as this is a period of trial and experiment we must give it our full support. The R.A.F section cadets have responded excellently and I trust that those cadets who hope to transfer to the R.A.F. Section in the future will be undeterred. The opportunities available to proficient cadets are well worth striving for.

We offer our congratulations to David Ayrton, who is now well advanced in his training as a pilot in the Fleet Air Arm.

A most enjoyable Easter camp was held at R.A.F. Debden in Essex, where, in camping with cadets from Lewisham School, part of our activities were televised by the B.B.C. Enough flying was done to satisfy most appetites including some night flying in Chipmonk and Varsity aircraft. We were once again honoured by a visit from the A.O.C. 61(s) Group, Air Vice-Marshall Gorbally, who inspected the cadets.

A new Air Experience Scheme has been started which allows each cadet a minimum of 30 minutes dual control flying in Chspmonk aircraft. The R.A.F. Section went to historic Biggin Hi11 this month to avail themselves of the scheme but unfortunately the weather conditions were too bad to permit flying.

During the summer, cadets Hodson, Firth and Armstrong attended the Radio Familiarisation Course at R.A.F. Locking, and Corporal Poll and Cadet Firth gained Gliding Proficiency Certificates at R.A.F. Hawkinge.

We are indebted to Mr. David Matthews, who is giving valued assistance to the Cadet Corps, to Mr. Page for his services as lecturer in meteorology and to our Liaison Officer, Flight-Sgt. Kevin, who does so much on our behalf.


AFTER the strenuous year of 1957, when we celebrated the centenary of B.P.'s birth, 1958 has had few striking occasions to compare with it.

The ordinary work of the troop has continued, and we are pleased to welcame Mr. Gibbons as our new A.S.M. Last year our increased numbers were maintained with the great help of John Wilkinson, aided by Jack Sinden. We wish them well in their university careers. John Wild, the new troop leader is already fi1ling the gap they have left.

The seniors, under the eye of Mr. Ives, have begun to take root, and are making for a home of their own. Sailing continues to be one of their main activities, and both patrol leaders should soon have a Charge Certificate for boating. It is with deep regret that we announce that Sandy's Folly, our first boat, is now on the retired list. A second senior patrol, the Hunt, has been formed, with John Back as patrol leader. Alastair Perry has taken over Hilary from John Norman, who did much of the initial spade work with the seniors.

Treefelling has been another activity, and we thank Mr. Page, Mr. Wild and Mr. Ketchell far giving us the opportunity of fe1ling at Buxted, at Haywards Heath and at Falmer.

The troop represented the Lewes District in the county camping competition, where under the leadership of Godfrey Howard, we came sixth out af twenty-five entrants, and the patrol gained a pennant. This was a most encouraging result.

Pioneering featured a good deal in the summer programme when we bridged the Cookshoot or rafted on it. The latter as only successful on a high spring tide, we discovered

We have to thank Mr. Webb, who has now given us two courses of first-aid instruction for the First Aider and Ambulance Man Badge.

Camp this year was held on the outskirts of Romsey, on part of the estate which formerly belonged to Florence Nightingale. We had seven patrols in camp, which somewhat stretched our resources. The camping competition was won by the Owls under Robert Sinden. Their kitchen was obviously brought from the Ideal Home Exhibition, recreated in hazel and sisal! The patrols made their usual day hikes. The enterprising Beavers went off to Southampton and enjoyed Edward Lear's water colours in the gallery. McAllom, who accompanied us to Devon in 1956, and John White were welcome additions to our staff. The standard of cooking remained high and each patrol produced roast beef from its own oven. Camp fires (pace Mr. Eastman) were enjoyable events, and we had the Seniors of Romsey as our guests one evening as some compensation for the rough treatment they received during a wide game. Perhaps the most memorable chant was that curious and traditional tune entitled "The Cow Kicked Nelly". One of the greatest achievements of camp was the damming of the stream. This resulted in an excellent swimming pool for the local peaple as well as ourselves. The fishermen, too, seemed pleased with the result. The farmer thought it might take the Conservancy Board a fortnight to move !

Our thanks are due to parents, from whom we receive great help, and to the Group Committee. The meetings of the Committee have been most successful - no one has threatened to resign, and the work of preparing for the Christmas Dance has gone smoothly.


Chairman - - MR A.H.F.KNIGHT
Secretary - - P. SUTHERLAND

AS is usual in the New Year the new chairman, Mr. Knight, started the session with a film. here was a slight break in tradition in that the film was a semi-documentary called "Land and Live in the Jungle". The film at least ensured that the audience, should they be so unfortunate as to crash in the jungle, could survive.

We were very honoured to receive as outside speaker two Old Boys - the Norris brothers - designers of Sir Donald Campbell's Bluebird. After an extremely interesting explanatory talk by Ken Norris and a coloured film of Bluebird's record-breaking runs, Len Norris answered numerous questions from an enthralled audience.

After such erudite speakers the "motorised" members of staff, Messrs. Euston, Gibbons, Page and Mould emerged with flying colours when they answered many enquiries from the audience following a film of the 1951 Monte Carlo Rally.

The boys, however, had their say, in some cases limited, when a competition for "Top House" was run on the lines of the radio prograxnme "Top of the Form". Although Lewes Seniors and Martlets Juniors eventually emerged as winners, it was a close fight to the end.

The 1957-58 session terminated with the School Concert - only this year the word Concert covered a variety of items. The programme ranged from Skiffle groups to skits on various members of Staff. It can at least be said that the term ended on a boisteraus note.

A new policy was promulgated at the start of the autumn term. It was decided to limit membership of School Society to members of the Thirds, Fourths, Removes and the Fifths. It was further decided to re-establish the original aim of the Society to cater for all interests.

The first meeting certainly attracted a large proportian of the scientists to hear Mr.R.G.Andrews give a lecture on "Stars and Planets". His lecture was amply illustrated with slides, and I am sure that members now cast a more appreciative eye towards the evening sky.

Since the spring term "Top House" competition, the boys had been urging the chairman to pit a team of boys against a team of masters in a "battle of wits". It was decided to run it on the lines of the TV programme "Ask Me Another", and it wasn't until the last round that the masters managed to gain supremacy.

A talk on "Nigeria" by Mr. Jefferies af the Imperial Institute only attracted a small but select audience, but no doubt these members will view Geography in a different light after a very informative lecture.

The term was well rounded off with The House Plays, now a well established item, in the school year. These Plays arouse great interest, especially as some are now written by the boys. Only three Plays were produced this year and one of those was not an original work.

Martlets produced Walton's Play, "The Rev. Camillo and the Liberal Young Man", well described by the author as "a Play af exaggerations". The cast was: Tibble, Jones, Sutherland, Swan, Thorpe, Greenland and Browning.

Seahaven's Play was "Smugglers' Folly", by Thompsan. The cast was: Beal, Baker, Thompson, Wheeler, Morley, Williams, Hurst, Poll and Irvine.

And for Lewes, Allen adapted Sheridan's "The Scheming Lieutenant", with Noel, Silk, Allen, Welford, Hoggins and Newnham in the cast.

The whole programme of Plays was thoroughly entertaining, but those present will probably remember Baker's Scottish accent most of all.

And so another year of the School Society has ended. Let us hope that next year will be equally if not more successful.


Chairman - - - Mr. Pope
Secretary - - - R. Fleet

THE meetings this term were only moderately well attended, but praise must go to the Lower Sixth, who participated well. It was hoped that an outside speaker might be brought to the Society at the end af term, but unfortunately this could not be arranged and five main meetings only were held.

The term began with the customary "snap" debates in which topics discussed ranged from "the use of animals in missile research" to "sex appeal". A "record" evening was very well attended and as usual proved a great success. Generally the records were well introduced and an equable balance between light and serious music was maintained. In a formal debate the motion "That the abolishment of National Service is a good thing" was narrowly defeated. Our last Friday meeting, a Brains Trust, produced some livaly discussion. Mr. Hoggins and Mr. Stevens of the Staff kindly acted as two of the Brains. Finally, on March 7th, after two rehearsals, we had a Play-reading at the Girls' School, where we were treated to an excallent tea and an enjoyable evening's entertainment. The Play chosen was "Our Town", by Thornton Wilder, and eleven members of our Society participated.

Chairman - - Mr. Gourlay
Secretary - - P. Randell

A member of the science staff was invited to be Chairman this term, an office for long held by members of the "other side" of the staff. Under the Chairmanship of Mr. Gourlay, the senior chemistry master, five meetings were held. Three were of the "traditional" nature, the perennial snap debate, "Rags on the rack", which was in essence a discussion of the national daily press and a "Coger" evening, in which the discussion centred mainly round literature, war and Christmas.

The Society did, however, produce two novel meetings: on the one hand a lecture on astronomy delivered by Mr.R.G.Andrews of The Royal Astronomical Society at a meeting held in conjunctian with the School Society, and in complete contrast a mock trial, brash, slapstick, which proved thoroughly entertaining.

This last-mentioned meeting was attended by Sixth Formers from the Girls' School, who have recently proposed the formation of a joint committee to forge closer links between our two Sixth Forms. This would lead to more joint meetings. They seem to be the only meetings that attract good numbers of the Lower Sixth who with very few exceptions have given little support to the Society during this session.


SINCE the last report, the Society has flourished exceedingly and membership has remained encouragingly high even though attendance at some of the meetings has been all too small.

As usual the main event af the year was the expedition in the spring. This year a party of more than twenty of us set off for Yorkshire. We spent our first night at Lincoln, where we linked up with Mr. Flambard Stevens. There seemed to be two things of special note to see in this great city. Firstly the cathedral in all its majesty; secondly the museum of arms, armour and general historical material. The first is too famous to need my praises; the second provided a very interesting hour in spite of the attention of an over eager local reporter who kept follawing us about asking for strange information and taking even stranger photagraphs. In the museum we saw a suit of armour made for a near-giant and a collection of immense swords of truly appalling potentialities.

The next morning we set off for York, stopping to see Selby Abbey on the way. This lovely structure, which is soon to be the home of Epstein's cyclopean anthropoid is in rather poor shape externally with muah of the stonework disintegrating. None the less it has quite magnificent purity of line.

After lunch we went on to York, where we stayed the secand night. We saw the great minster early the next morning before the crowds of tourists had had a chance to work their disruptive spell upon the ethos of the place. There were many, I feel, who felt that this was the most splendid thing of the whole trip.

After this we set out in a hired coach across the vales and moors to Whitby. On the way we saw Byland Abbey, soft in the early sun and dew, Rievaulx - one of the most splendid ruins in all Europe, and Lastinghaan, which has been so exquisitely restored.

We arrived at the hostel at Whitby in the evening (Why was Mr.Gem not a proper member? That would be fifteen shillings, please). It is right beside the wind-seared Abbey on the hill and made most of us feel that some spiritual masochism must have driven the monks to build in such a position.

Walton (VI A), the doyen of the Society, who had, thanks to drugs, survived the coach trip without being ill, now distinguished himself by hearing a ghost. This may have been due to the supper or to the rather more aesthetica1ly damaging effects of Whitby Parish Church - a mixture of Calvinist horse-boxes and pseudo strawberry Gothic with a caretaker who looked like a rather seedy edition of a Scottish minor prophet.

But to return to the ghost. It didn't call again even though Walton and P.G.A.G. courted disaster by trying out second-hand Benedictine coffins left conveniently in the Abbey grounds.

Next day the party split up. Some went on the moors, some disappeared without trace, same pottered about Whitby which, given 30 degrees more on the thermometer, might be a pleasant place. The trip ended the next evening after a very cosy but rather lengthy journey back.

The other major expedition of the year was a trip in high summer to see Salisbury Cathedral i1luminated. We set off at lunch time and got there easily at 5 p.m. in time to attend a recital in the cathedral. The lights were switched on about 10 p.m. and the golden radience of the great nave and spire against the deepening night was almost a spiritual experience.

In a similar vein earlier on in the year we had written to the Abbot of Cowfold, who had kindly agreed to allaw a party to see round the monastery. We arrived in time for Vespers at 10.30 a.m. and were then shown round by the guest master. As one of the monk's cell was empty, we got a very fair conception of the surroundings in which the Carthusian spends his solitary, hard life.

Apart from a party of brass-rubbers operating in the district who are due to report to the Society next term, the other meetings have been in the school. There have been two films shown, "Henry V" and "The Iron Duke". Two discussions have been held on the interpretations and use af history. A series of talks were given on assassinatians of note, Buckingham, William the Silent and Coligny being disposed of by Messrs. Walton, Stevens and Webb.

We also had an interesting and thoughtful series on famous Archbishops, Becket, Laud, Benson and Wolsey, dealt with by Messrs. Webb, Walton, Stevens and Gem respectively.

Altogether the best year we have had, I feel.


WHEN I wrote the first report last year, the affairs of the Society were on the crest of the wave. Attendance was high, the best brains of both the arts and science sides were virtually always in attendance. Everything seemed well.

Those who went off to the Universities last sumtner are now, of course, no longer able to play their part in the Society and there remain only a few who seem now to feel that the Society is worth their attention. Of the present V Forms, again only a few come.

Why? There are probably a good many answers to this, but although it might be instructive to hold a post mortem on the reasons for the fall off this term, it would take too long and I would rather look to the future. But first a resume of the meetings of the last year.

We showed that admirable film "Monsieur Vincent". We read Macbeth at school and with some invaluable help from the Girls' School this was a really good evening. In the summer we read Samson Agonistes at Southover Church with Tibble (VI) in the main part. This again was a memorable performance.

Religion and ethics have formed the basis for three informal debates, all of which have been well attended. The standard of speaking was always commendably high, particularly one remembers a remarkable tour de forceby Randell (VI) defending the thesis that justice and reason are the sole criteria for the moral life.

There have been two talks on great painters, the subjects being El Greco and Van Gogh, both well illustrated and full of detail. A talk on the operas of Mozart, a detailed appreciation of the architecture of a small area of Eastbourne, and a survey of furniture and its design were all talks calculated to appeal to a wide range af taste.

A consideration of the life and influence of Socrates with readings of one of the dialogues was well attended at the end of this term.

By the time this magazine has appeared we will have reverted to our weekly meetings on Tuesdays. I do hope that those who are not sure whether they will come or not will at least make the not considerable effort of coming along to two or three meetings.

All senior boys must realise that this Society was not formed for the edification of the staff but to broaden the interests and widen the horizons of the more perceptive senior boys.

Without proper support this Society, indeed no Society, can hope to flourish. I can only repeat that all boys in the VI and V Forms are eligible and welcome.


MEMORY, less reliable than Minute Books, fastens on four events as outstanding in the past year.

The annual County Rally was held at Firle in May. The club leader, busy acting as understrapper to Mr. Clarke in the rural craftwork classes, was not too busy to notice that many members were deeply involved in competitive classes and exhibits. Participation is perhaps more important than success, but the school was again placed third in the Junior Cup; a particularly pleasing result, as the work involved was very largely that of individual members in their spare time.

The club's visit to the Sussex County Show at Haywards Heath in July was made jointly with our visitors from Blois. At the time it seemed memorable chiefly for the depth of the mud churned up on the previous day, but no doubt the wide range of agricultural machinery and the numbers of pedigree livestoek on view left a more lasting impression.

Another party visited the Dairy Show at Olympia in October. This was outstanding, not only for its livestock and machinery exhibits, but for its excellent presentation of a wide range of home-grown food to the general public. Indeed, most members seem to have spent their day sampling cheeses and pork pies!

Finally, the Christmas Tea Party saw our trenchemnen again well to the fore. The invitation to bring gramophone records served to illustrate a sharp division of musical opinion, and there is obvious scope for a record evening in future programmes.


DURING the year we have seen the completion, at last, of the reclassification of reference books under the decimal system. This work has taken two years to complete but has improved the general efficiency of the library with the larger number of books we now have. In July, 1958, Adams, Hollands and Norman left for University, all having put a lot of work into running the library, for which we are most grateful. Mr.Lee also left after three years in the school. It was through his experience and energy that we were able to institute so many radical changes in the library which have vastly improved it. Mr.Small has filled the position vacated by Mr.Lee. The librarians for the year are Coe, Müller and Gibson, with A.M.I.Paris and D.G.Jones as library prefects.


THE annual school visit to Blois took place between Aprnl l4th and 28th. Accompanied by Messrs. Mould and Lee, over thirty members of the school, ranging from the Fourth to the Sixth Form, embarked on the Arrowmanches at ten o'clock on a cheerful but blustery morning, and though assured that "it would be better on the other side", found the sea getting progressively rougher as the crossing continued. Several members looked not only as if they wished to die, but just about to do so; all survived, however, and the long train journey to Paris gave time to recover before tackling the terrors of rush-hour on the Metro.

The party was met at Blois with the generous hospitality that the ten years of these exchanges have led us to expect. Four senior members of the party were already in the town, having come over a fortnight before under an experimental whole month exchange, and a busy programme of excursions and visits had been laid on by the authorities of the Lycee Augustin Thierry. In between these, which included a backstage tour of France's largest marshalling yards at St. Pierre des Corps and several coach trips to local chateaux, some members spent so much time in the renowned establishment of "Aux Caves" that one wonders how the proprietor gets by between visits.

The highlight of the fortnight was a whole day's sightseeing in Paris and Versailles, which entailed getting up at five in the morning.

As the grey cliffs of Dieppe faded behind us to mark the conclusion of this, the eleventh Blois exchange, one could quite see what it is in these visits that draws many peaple back year after year to take part in them.


A SMALL advance guard of the French party arrived on July 2nd for a month's stay in Lewes, and the main body of 30 Blésois in the care of Messieurs Piolé and Mayault landed at 4.20pm on July l5th after a fairly calm and sunny crossing. Summer weather returned next morning, however, for the customary tour of Lewes, and the party was lucky to escape drowning on land in the torrential downpours it met between Southover and the Castle. In the afternoon it was thought proper to give first-timers from Blois a talk on the school and its curriculum, with a conducted tour of the buildings where they subsequently seemed rather less loth than usual to attend classes.

On the Thursday we combined with the Young Farmers' Club in a trip to the County Show at Haywards Heath, and the first week's activities ended on the Friday with a circular tour by coach via Crawley New Town, Gatwick Airport and West Sussex, with a sea bathe at Worthing and return along the coast road.

Apart fram attending school occasions such as the Bec Match, the Swimming and Athletic Sports, the party made a conducted tour of the Parker Pen Company's factory at Newhaven on the Tuesday of the second week, with the usual trip to Londan a day later when the party divided into two for sightseeing.

Newcomers to England had the traditional walk from Victoria to London Bridge via Trafalgar Square, Fleet Street and the Bank whilst the rest followed a fresh itinerary from Waterloo Station across the bridge and through Covent Garden to Piccadilly and Regent Street.

Once again the Mayor of Lewes received the party very graciously at the Town Ha1l; his speech of welcome was interpreted by Monsieur Piolé, after which there was a lengthy inspection of the Visitors' Book, the silver and other treasures of the Mayor's Parlour.

Most of the Blois party attended the Blois-Lewes Dance on July 26th, and Monsieur Piolé found it gratifying to meet not a few Old Boys who had been to Blois in their school days, and in some cases paid return visits since. As 1959 will see his last visit to us in an official capacity, owing to his retirement, I have no doubt there wi11 be many other O.L.s who will wish to give him "un shake-hand" in July next.

5th November, 1958

BY various means of transport the Modern Sixth arrived at the Dome to see "La Troupe Francaise" produce two Plays: "La Malade Imaginaire" by Molière and Beaumarchais' "Barbie de Seville".

The company gave a lively and thoroughly stimulating exposition of Beaumarchais' finest creation, and although the story was already known to many through the famous opera, the escapades and careful ruses of the romantic Figaro and the pleasing acquiescence of Rosine to the entreaties of her unknown lover made the Play enjoyable even if it was not fully comprehensible. There was indeed some difficulty in understanding the Play because it is essential in such drama that the plot should unravel with the utmost speed and the actions of the players appear to be aroused by the spontaneity of pure love. The interval between the Plays was of considerahle length and after a first-class buffet lunch, amusement was sought farther afield. However, the party returned, refreshed for the afternoon and enjoyed a somewhat edited production of "Le Malade Imaginaire". It is the story of a wealthy bourgeois who is convinced he suffers from numerous maladies. It is Molière's last Play and embodies those features which have made him such a famous seventeenth century dramatist. The Play is not only a comedy, it is a rather philosophical study and meticulous observation of human foibles. Molière was a merciless critic of men and he chose to satirise one branch of society in particular in this Play - the medical profession.

By the time the Play had finished the rain had stopped and the Modern Sixth returned to Lewes with the music of French ringing in their ears. However, they were not so imbued with learning as to abstain from participation in the annual barbarities of the "fifth".


INVENTED in 1891, in U.S.A. by Dr. Naismith, basketball today is played in fifty-four countries. It seems strange that basketball is taking such a long time to gain popularity in this country, but each year sees an increase in the number of clubs and leagues in the British Isles, and one day it will take its place among the major sports of the British people.

The school club has to be restricted to sixteen to twenty members of the Senior Forms. These members have practised together and are steadily developing into good team-players, who play with speed and vigour and have the qualities to make a very strong team.

In the Staff v. Boys match on November 28th, the Staff (including R. Cosham) won by 40 points to 24. The Boys' team did not combine as well as they have done in practice, and the return match next term may produce a closer result.


THE following news items concerning Old Boys have been received since our last issue:

Patrick Read, who left in 1943, is doing a two-year tour of Kenya as representative of a firm which manufactures machinery for processing coffee.
Freddie Cosstick varies schoolmastering at King's College School, Wimbledon, with writing for "The Times" - seven rugger match reports and two other articles in December alone - and now a trial commentary on the Varsity match for the BBC. He is practising with a tape recorder.
Congratulations to Derek Burden, in a curacy at Mitcham, on the birth of a daughter.
Ivor Churches is enjoying his work as a lecturer in Chemistry at a Yorkshire Technical College. Previously he was with I.C.I.
Eric Barfoot - Flight-Sergeant - has been posted in the R.A.F. to Aden where Trevor Richardson was a L.A.C. on Natianal Service.
J.Reeve, who left in July, is a Metropolitan Police Cadet and plays for the Cadets XV at rugger. He finds work varied and interesting. Pat Goodsell has been accepted as an Ordination Candidate when he leaves the Navy.
Michael Short sent us an interesting account of his life in the University of Pennsylvania.

Clive Metcalfe has obtained a post in the Inland Revenue. His uncle, Roy, also an Old Boy, is in the County Planning Dept , and has recently obtained a London External Degree in Geography. Stout effort.
Congratulations to Cyril Newman at Merton. He is President of the Oxford Law Society (494 members) and at the annual dinner, whieh took place at the Middle Temple, he "replied" for the Society. Two judges were among the proposers.
Jack Burgess is now a qualified Notary Public and a partner in the firm in London which he joined on coming down from Oxford.
Clive Perry, after Oxford, is head of the Geography Dept. at Cranwell. In the spring he is leading a party of Cadets on a potholing expedition to Yugoslavia.
A.V.N.Rogers is an Air Traffic Controller in the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation. He considers his job well paid and interesting. Michael Bookman has returned from Kenya where he has spent five years on agricultural education.
Colin Dolloway has returned to Rhodesia on a three-year tour, again engaged in pest control.

David Deacon has moved from London to Gloucester in the course of his engineering apprenticeship.
Charles Hutton, Ministry of Supply, has moved to Leeds.
Denis Wickham (1930) visited the school. He lives at Grays, Essex, and is a Borough Librarian.
Jim Thornley removed a patient's stomach at the Middlesex Hospital during one of the worst of the August thunderstorms. He claimed that the patient was doing well. Jim is returning to Cambridge for a course at Addenbrooke's Hospital.
John Sayers, who left in 1953, is in the Royal Canadian Air Force.
John Bailey studied at the Westminster Catering Sahool, did National Service in Cyprus and North Africa, obtained an appointment at the Catering Office of the Pullman Company and is now assistant to the general manager of a catering firm which supplies 600 staff canteens of various large concerns.
We were unable to attend the wedding of Gerald Bean (Heathfield) to Maria Rosaria Silvestro in Rio De Janeiro nor the reception afterwards at the house of the bride's parents.

Reg Voice has joined Stan Pilbeam in Northern Rhodesia. Stan thinks Reg, as an accountant, will be kept busy because the Government has decided to take stricter measures concerning Income Tax.
Stan Pilbeam, as Government Pathologist, is busy because the Africans murder each other "with gay abandon". He states that the native regards wives as expendable and he had nine murder cases at which he was about to give evidence.
Barry Booth, who left in July, has accepted a post in the Mining Research Department at Isleworth. Objective? Preventing dangerous concentrations of dust.
John Halford, after taking his degree at Leeds, is now pursuing the course for a diploma in Education.
Graeme Martin, also at Leeds, has obtained a degree in Cotton Technology and is doing researah there. When he wrote, he was working in vacation in the family business in Scotland selling tweeds "to unsuspecting Americans".
John Turner, who was manager of a hotel in Evesham, decided that a hotel was not the place to bring up a young family and is now an Insurance Inspector at Yelverton, Devon.
A.L.James has qualified as a doctor.

Malcolm Cooper at St. Peter's Hall, plays tennis, cricket and rugger for the College and acted in a production af Strinberg's "The Father".
Paul Bishop is President of the J.C.R. at St. Catherine's, Oxford.
Rodney Michell is senior medical registrar at St. George's Hospital. His brother Brian resides in Paris sharing his time between music and teaching English.
J.P.Axell obtained his diploma in Civil Engineering at Brighton Technical College and is gaining the necessary three year's practical experience to become an Associate member of the Institute.
Bruce Charman is Secretary of Newport Hospital, Isle of Wight. Ross Wells, having finished at Oxford, is teaching at the City Grammar School, Chester.
Jimmy Horstcraft has returned from Hamburg University where he has been researching for a Ph.D. and is at Southampton. With him as students there are
John Fennor, John Cooper and John Price.
Ernest Hill is still an Education Officer in the R.A.F. at Catterick.
L.F.Martyne, who left during the war for an apprenticeship with Messrs. Ruston & Hornsby, Lincoln, gained a B.Sc. degree and qualified A.M.I.Mech:E. After an appointment at Slough he is now Chief Research Engineer in a London firm.

Paul Turton, who was a curate in Birmingham, is now in charge of a church in Livenpool.
E.D.Sutton is Assistant Econamic Adviser to the Bank of Montreal. Roland Hill left in 1934. He was commissioned during the war and afterwards became an Accountant with the Nyasaland Railways. Now he is Administrative Officer to the Police Training School in Tanganyika. When he wrote, he was about to ride in a couple of races of the Tanganyika Turf Club.
Derek Arms is engaged as a Civil Engineer in the construction of the St. Albans by-pass.
Colin White has been serving as an engineer on HMS Gambia, flagship of the East Indies Fleet. He wrote from Trincomalee.
John Dewdney wrote from a Territorial Camp. He is a Major in the R.E. In civil life he is still with British Railways in the Traffic Costing Service concerned with the economics of railway operations.
Roy Stevens has been appointed a lecturer in the Department of Education at Leeds University.
Bill Arnold has bought larger premises for his building business in Bournemouth.

Dick Faulkner is a director of a building trade supply firm at Isleworth.
Colin Wadey wrote from Uganda. He is about 60 miles from Kampala and is a Field Officer in charge of the agriculture of an area about as big as East Sussex.
David Caton wrote from St. Bede's College, Umtata. He is on the staff of a Theological Co1lege which prepares African natives for ordination.
J.S.Nicholson is Second Engineer on M.V. Eminence, Merchant Navy.
Tony Killick of our old Technical Section, went to Ruskin College on a T.U.C. Scholarship. He obtained the Oxford Diploma in Economics and Political Science and has now been accepted at Wadham College to read for a degree in P.P.E.
Bryan Parker is at Westminster Bank Head Office and has seen a lot of Gerald Filtress there.
Robin Allfrey has been engaged in Natianal Service after taking his degree in architecture at Liverpool.
Paul Lyons has obtained a post with the Mercantile Bank Ltd. as an Eastern Trainee.
John Woolmore is teaching at Cheltenham College, as is David Pincott at Colstons School, Bristol.

John Hersee, after four years teaching at Sheffield, is going to Clifton College to teach Maths.
John Towner, before going to Brasenose, spent eight months in France with the Abbé Pierre organisation rescuing down-and-outs" and alcoholics.
H.G.Green, who works for the Bank of Montreal, wrote to us from Prince Albert, a town af 20,000 and the home and constituency of John Diefenbaker, the Canadian Prime Minister.
Bill Manton wrote to us from a hospital at Watford where he is a M.O.
Bob Ford is still on the staff of the Forces Schoal at Hamm, Germany. They too have recently acquired a chapel.
Bernard Beetensen expects to take his degree at Bishops University, Quebec, next summer and then to pay a visit to England after an absence of six years.
Ken Perkins has completed the Staff College course at Quetta and has returned for a period of soldiering at home.
Tony Cottingham has passed out from Cranwell and is engaged to be married. Congratulatians.
Don Smith plays for Lewes at rugger and teaches at Newhaven.

Albert Hallet is still pursuing an apprenticeship with Messrs. Avro's in Lancashire. He has managed to get trips in Vulcans and Shackletons.
D.W.Hazeldon is working in the G.E.C. research laboratories at Wembley and bas had these with him: M.Short - now at Pennsylvania University - , R.W.Taylor and Graham Coles.
S.B.Taylor states he had great difficulty in deciding on a career but is very happy as an assistant charge engineer at a new electricity generating station at Greenwich. Route? Brighton Tech., Battersea Power Station, Beckenham Power Station, Greenwich.
E.C.Hill and Sammy Gates (Cantab), C1ive Perry and John Humphry (Oxan) and F.E.Wood (Southamptan) all hold commissions as Education Officers in the R.A.F.
David Wood has finished a Merchant Navy apprenticeship but hopes to get an appointment with the Kuwait Oil Company.
Michael Landen has been teaching in Prep. Schools since coming down from Oxford but may enter Canadian Government Service.
David Swaffer is a Deputy Housemaster at Wallingford Farm Training Schoal for "deprived" children and likes the work.

G.R.Cooke, who left twenty years ago, is on the advisory staff of the Midland Electricity Board.
K.J.Yates is a research chemist for Dunlops, Birmingham, in emulsion paint and plastics.
Brian Payne is in the Metallurgical Dept. of Messrs. Humber, Coventry, and has played for Rootes R.F.C. for the past five seasons.
Christopher Allan is using his mathematical degree gained at Oxford on problems in guided missiles at Armstrong Whitworths, Coventry.
Ken Hills seems to fly everywhere from Ghana to Guatemala promoting the overseas sales of Messrs. Ginns' publications. Which reminds us that Dick and Phillip Camplin called to see us. Dick was about to do a world trip for Unilevers. He is a director of one of their subsidiary companies.
R.W.Thomas is Senior Chemistry Master at Ashford Grammar School, Kent.
M.V.Wells is Medical Registrar at Derby Royal Infirmary.
Eric Gordon is still a District Officer in the Colonial Service in Kenya.
Martin Bolland is in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Graham Wood has left Malaya for Sarawak, where he is manager of three branches of Messrs. Harper Gilfillan & Co. There is no Income Tax there !
Ian Sloane has returned to the Foreign Office after National Service in Germany.
John Brown is a parson, now in Bolton.
Lastly, we thank all Old Boys who sent us Christmas cards.


January 2lst, 1959.

Dear Sir,
We note with great satisfaction that as a result of the labours, adbeit disconcerted, of yourself and the authorities, you are now the possessor of some walls. Inspired by this thought, it has occurred to us that the second initial of your signature might well stand for either Romulus or Remus. Not that we wish to suggest by this that you have ever floated other than willingly down the Cherwell, or that at Oxford you were subject to the loving care of wolves, rather than bulldogs; but we do submit that, given the choice of names, Romulus would appear, in view of your achievement, to be the more likely of the two. We therofore trust that you have by now succeeded in suitably stifling the Remus in authority.

However this may be, we feel it is time to broach the subject of our ietter in turning the limelight first on Diarmid McLaughlin, who has been engaged in a less substantial kind of building - namely behind the scenes at the University Dramatics Club. He has in addition been devoting much thought to the decoration of his rooms, possible speeches at the Cambridge Union and even occasional work. We understand that Paul Wright has been emulating him in this last respect, as well as acquiring some reputation as a gastronome - dare one say a gourmet? But we have not ascertained whether as such he owes anything to the agricultural efforts of Brian Honess, who was sent here from Reading by the Colonial Service for a year's education. Jimmy Lohoar, another farmer, has made a remarkable comeback to health and in particular to the College rugger field. In this, John Wilkinson maintains a steady effort to keep him within the traces, while he himself has taken part in the University Freshers' Trial.

In contrast, the remaining scientists have indulged in more leisurely pursuits. Deric Shrubb - a Major Scholar - and Richard Adams, although both engineers, nevertheless surrender at week-ends to the joys of unpowered water transport with the University Cruising Club, while Richard Scott, a chemist, harnesses the physics of muscle-power for punting. As for Stephen Fleet, to whom, as a physicist, this recreation is more appropriate, he is ostensibly doing research - particularly into the question of whether a crashhelmet constitutes an article of academic dress - as well as lavishing the fruits of his training on others. Having acquired, through a different kind of training, a modicum of co-ordination at the organ-consale, Peter Britton, despite his endeavours to apply this to aeroplanes in Canada, finally arrived at Cambridge intact. He now regales his donnish neighbours with music and electronics.

It might occur to you, Sir, on comparing this with previous letters, that we at Cambridge are getting nowhere fast. Aware, however, that this is a quality often attributable even to the surest forms of transport, we would remind you that - to return, inappropriately, to our analogy, Rome was not built in a day. But then, admittedly, the Romans had seven hills to contend with, unlike, at Cambridge.

Your assiduous scribe,

{Oxford, the home of lost causes, has failed to produce a letter for this edition - Editor}.

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