Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 35 - Spring 1960

The Original Barbican cover This number should have appeared in late 1959 but in fact did not appear until after Easter 1960. The reason for this was probably due a number of factors. The Chapel was being built in 1959 and there was considerable pressure to have it ready for opening before the retirement of Mr Bradshaw in July 1960. There would also have been some concern about finding a suitable successor. On top of all this Mr Bradshaw had some medical problem which may have delayed the drawing together of the material for the magazine. Mr Bradshaw eventually had to be hospitalised for some surgical work which necessitated his absence for many weeks during the winter months. The magazine having been delayed for about six months there was then a hectic period in the summer of 1960 with the return of Mr Bradshaw from hospital, the opening of the Chapel and then his retirement followed by the arrival of his successor.

Such was the pressure of events that it was decide to let the next Barbican slip to the end of 1961. The result was that in the period 1959/60 only one Barbican appeared instead of two. As a result some of the history of the school has been lost. One might have thought that the tumult of 1960 with all its happenings would have necessitated a special edition in the autumn of that year but it did not appear - probably due to sheer exhaustion on the part of all concerned - especially the staff.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys



School Captain: N. Silk
Senior Prefect: M. Allen

N. Silk, M. Allen, C. Chatfield, C. Cann, P. Gamby, J. Moon, C. Yarrow.
P. B. Sutherland, D. Jones, A. Perry, G. Swan, R. I. A. Swann.
M. R. Walton, G. Newman, H. Thompson, D. Williams, C. M. Britchfield, M. A. Coe.
G. Crouch, G. Burges, J. Sandercock, T. Senior.

Top Set: K. G. Baker, C. Deverell, L. A. Warnes.

Form Captains:
Transitus, E. G. Dixon; 5B, B. Baker; 5G, R. Steer;
Remove A, K. J. Francis; Remove B, I. Anderson; Remove G, N. Blake;
4A, J. Iles; 4B, P. Hill; 4G, N. Williams;
3A, J. Meardon; 3B, S. Lambourne; 3C, T. Parker; 3G, M. Pulley;
2A, R. Sabine; 2B, R. Lee; 2C, M. James.

Editors of the Magazine:
M. R. Walton, A. Gibson.


THE achievements of the School in 1959 may be said to justify the Grammar School, which many people attack and even more wish to reform. Academic success is often regarded as the sole criterion by which a school may be judged. However, not only has the School had a most successful year in exam results, but also in many other aspects. Above all, the Chapel is now nearing completion. Both the Sale in November and the Christmas Raffle were very successful. The cricket and rugby-football teams, inspired by the example of their captains, have shown qualities worthy of praise. A slowing down in the decline and fall of the School societies has been apparent, and the nadir may well be past, for we have seen a rise in the attendance of the societies and the foundation of the Science Club. The reports which give these achievements in greater detail support the argument of many people that the School is fulfilling ihe true function of the Grammar School.

The aim of this School is to prepare everyone who passes through it for a place in society: for a life that does not consist merely of examinations. It aims at broadening the mind and making school life as little like life in a factory for learning as is possible. To attain this, societies, teams, and projects such as the building of the Chapel are essential.
M.R.W., A.G.


PRIORITY over everything else must be given to the efforts during the past months by parents, staff and boys to raise money for the Chapel. The Autumn Sale and the Christmas competition were outstandingly successful and together produced about £1,000. We hope that all those who worked so nobly for so long will feel rewarded for their efforts.

The Chapel will be completed by the end of the term and arrangements for its dedication can now be taken in hand.

The past year has been one of considerable academic success. State Scholarships were won by M. Allen, D. Bennett, C. Chatfield, C. Deverell, J. E. Drake, N. Silk, H. G. Thompson. and L. A. Warnes.

Thompson has since won an exhibition in modern subjects (English and History) at Magdalen College, Oxford, and Silk has been awarded one of the fiercely contested Trevelyan Scholarships, which are tenable at Oxford or Cambridge.

Athletically it has also been a good year. We won the Senior and Intermediate trophies at the inter-school sports, and our rugby and cricket teams were outstandingly successful - due largely to good coaching.

Congratulations to Nicky Silk on playing regularly for Sussex at rugby in the County Championship, and to the seven members of the first fifteen who appeared one or more times for the Sussex Schoolboys side in the Christmas holiday matches. In the game against Hampshire, six of the Sussex team were drawn from the School.

"Chisel, saw and plane" and bricklayer's trowel are still very much in evidence. We hope that this will be the last time we shall have to record our "present discontents".

Again we have regretfully said good-bye to members of the staff. We thank Mr. John Mould, Mr. K. Clement and Mr. G. B. Gibbons for all they did for the School while they were with us and wish them happiness and success in their new spheres. We welcome Mr. G. Roberts, Mr. L. Shaw, Mr. M. Thatcher and Mr. K. Perkins, and hope their sojourn with us will be fully rewarding. We also thank those temporary staff who are helping us when help is badly needed, or have helped us during the past year.

Mr. E. Parkinson

We have lost Mr. Parkinson, who had been School caretaker for twenty-three years. His unexpected death came as a shock to us all. He was proud of the School he served and he will be sadly missed. It is difficult to imagine a more knowledgeable man, and his ability to deal with day-to-day problems from first aid to moving a grand piano was really amazing. As an example, one recollects September, 1939, when air raid shelters were being hastily constructed. Large concrete pipes, six feet in diameter, were arriving in sections but no one knew how to unload them until "Ernie" came along and, incidentally, won a pound bet. He was intensely loyal to any organisation he had served and he rarely failed to attend the yearly regimental reunion in Manchester of old acquaintances of the First World War, in which he won the Military Medal. The School has lost a devoted friend, and we offer our deep condolences to his family.


IT is believed that some Old Boys and present pupils might like to commemorate their stay at the School by presenting a chair - cost about £2 - to the Chapel. The name of the donor and the years spent at School would be inscribed on the chair. Offers should be sent to the Headmaster.


House Master - - Mr. Webb.
Masters - - Messrs. Norgrove, Stevens, Jackson, Matthews, Thatcher and Roberts.
House Captain - - N. Silk.
House Prefects - - M. Allen, P. Gamby, C. Cann, C. Chatfield, J. Moon, C. Yarrow.
Top Set - - C. Deverell.

THE achievements of Lewes House during the past year were little more than satisfactory. We collected two trophies on Speech Day, but one of those - the Junior Games Cup - we shared with Martlets. Our saving grace, beyond doubt, was the winning of the Innes Swimming Cup. Our clear victory was due to a wonderful team effort and, had the same House spirit prevailed in all competitive School activities, Lewes would have been second to none. The swimming success was also in part attributable to the industry of Mr. Jackson, who gave up much of his spare time to coach swimmers after sehool

Apart from swimming, our sports record was mediocre. The Juniors did well to win the Games Cup despite some rather spineless play, but neither their cricket nor their rugby came up to expectations. Their lack of life on the field of play was the more surprising because of the refreshing keenness they revealed in attending practices after school. The Seniors showed their customary spirit but lacked the necessary basic skill to achieve very much. At rugby they lost, drew and won in that order, while at cricket they were defeated by Uckfield but drew with Martlets.

It is with pangs of real despair, however, that I record that Lewes were well last in both the cross-country and the athletics. The House points system is arranged so that not only the brilliant but also the average athlete can help his House substantially; but, unfortunately, it is the same old story of too many members refusing to pull their weight! This was jusy as true in the classroom as on the playing field, for we lost the Work Shield to Seahaven. The minority of ten or so boys who consistently obtain low or negative House points were responsible for this defeat because we only lost by 0.008 point on average! These boys must pull their socks up. They know who they are and so do we.

On a happier note: Lewes House provided some excellent entertainment with their interpretation of Sheridan's The Scheming Lieutenant. The cast, producers and all those remotely concerned, are to be congratulated. Finally we welcome Mr. Thatcher and Mr Roberts to our fold. We hope that they, and the newcomers in the second form, will spend an enjoyable and rewarding time with us.

House Master - - Mr. Page.
Masters - - Messrs. Hall, Nicholls, Pope, Small and Toye.
House Captain - - P. B. Sutherland.
House Prefects - - Jones, Perry, Swan G., Swann R.

FOR Martlets House the past year has not been one of unqualified success, for from time to time a strange lethargy overtook the House, especially in the Work Shield competition.

However, in sport the House gained a considerable measure of success. The Senior rugger XV swept all before it, and the efforts of the Senior cricket XI were sufficient to secure the Games Shield for the House for the second year running. On the other hand the Junior XV, though far the strongest on paper, lost against Lewes; but Uckfield and Seahaven were dispatched in a manner more befitting the true talent of the team, which should provide a good basis for future Senior XVs. There was a fine spirit shown in the Junior XI, a team that included few of the School's "stars" ; nevertheless, all games were lost.

In the cross-country the House was second, and in the swimming sports second on the actual day, but overtaken by Seahaven on standard's points. The same thing all but happened in the athletic sports, but a splendid effort on the part of our athletes pulled us out of the fire and won us the trophy again for the second year running.

At the end af the Christmas term a play written and produced by M. R. Walton of Seahaven was performed. We offer him our sincere thanks.

The House can look back on creditable achievements, but with a little more determination and effort even better lie ahead. It is indeed encouraging to notice that at times during the past year a welcome spirit was shown in fields where most ability lay with other Houses. Keep this up Martlets and there is no limit to what can be achieved.

Una cum omnibus
House Master - - Mr. Euston.
Masters - - Messrs. Jones, Pett, Gem, Ives, Richards, Pratt.
House Captain - - M. R. Walton.
House Prefects - - Newman, Thompson, Williams, Britchfield, Coe.

A FEW years ago it was thought that Seahaven was entering upon a period of decline. However, this year's successes show that any such thoughts regarding the destiny of Seahaven are false. Although their losses at cricket and rugger gave the impression that the Seniors were struggling with one foot in the grave, the efforts of the Juniors removed any suspicions of decline and suggest, if anything, that Seahaven is experiencing a rebirth. By coordinated effort the Juniors won all their cricket matches, did extremely well at athletics and swimming, and were awarded the Junior Games Cup. They lost only at rugger, but, like the Seniors who, in spite of their Epicurean tendencies, fought hard against strong teams, made up for these losses in other ways. Their failure to win at rugger seems to reveal a predilection of the House for the less bloody sports - a delight to indulge in Edwardian sobriety rather than in medieval conflict - but although some people will say that this denotes a refinement of taste, the teams must practise harder to prevent further defeats.

It is far more healthy for a House to achieve success by communal effort than by the work of a few individuals. That Seahaven came a very good second in both the athletic and swimming sparts, first in the cross-country finals - thus gaining the cross-country cup - and won the most coveted trophy of all, the Work Shield, shows that the whole House and not merely a few boys were responsible for these successes. In view of this it is a pity that no members have written any original drama this year for the House Plays; but the response to an appeal for actors was immediate and most encouraging.

All round it has been a very good year for the House. Well done, Seahaven! Now look forward to even greater successes so that any Jeremiahs regarding the future of the House will be firmly and finally disproved.

House Master - - Mr. Tayler.
Ma.sters - - Messrs. Gourlay, Herbert, Knight, Lavender, Peirce, Perkins, Silk.
House Captain - - G. Crouch.
House Prefeczs - - Burges, Sandercock, Senior.

IN last year's House Notes members of Uckfield House were reviled by their Captain far having lost a lot of the fire and spirit which used to characterise Uckfield House.

However, this year, although we cannot boast of winning any of the House trophies, we have regained some of our former enthusiasm. Both our Junior and Senior cricket teams won two of their three matches and, in the athletic sports, we finished a plucky third, winning both the Junior and Senior Relays in record times. In the rugger line our Junior and Senior teams won only one match each, but considering that our Senior team was without its captain, Smith, even this was a good effort. As usual, not being a maritime House, Uckfield came last in the swimming sports, but the way in which members turned up to swimming practices, although many were by no means expert swimmers, was most encouraging.

In the caming year let us work hard in work time and play hard in play time, remembering both in the classroom and on the field our House motto: Voudoir c'est Pouvoir. If we do this and each one pulls his weight, I am sure that in the years to come Uckfield House will regain all of its former glory.

SUCCESSES - 1958 and 1959



R. S. Axell, D. H. J. Bennett, B. M. Blight, B. C. Catt (French), C. A. Catt, S. J. Dowsey, J. E. Drake (English and History), P. English (English), R. J. Fleet (Chemistry), S. J. Foster, R. F. Garner, J. G. Green, J. G. Gregory, R. J. Hayward, J. F. Hollands {English), K. K. Hopkins, P. Kelly (Latin), A. D. Moore (Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics), J. M. Nicholls, J. R. Norman, C. Olieff, D. M. R. Parker, P. Randell (Chemistry and Zoology), J. A. Sinden (Biology), G. Smith, A. L. Uren.

M. J. B. Allen (English, History), R. S. Axell (Geography), K. J. Baker, G. J. Beal, D. H. J. Bennett (Chemistry, Zoology), E. Bone, D. J. Browning, C. Chatfield (Physics, Chemistry), C. Deverell (Physics, Chemistry), J. E. Drake (History), P. English (English), P. Gamby (Physics), P. F. Heming, A. J. Kyrke (History), K. L. Lyons, J. Moon, G. M. Newman, P. A. Noel, A. M. Paris, A. R. Perry, N. Silk (Biology), A. R. Simms, H. G. Thompson (English, History), M. J. Tibble, M. R. Walton, L. A. Warnes (Physics, Chemistry), B. S. Welford, M. W. Wenham (Biology), D. Williams, T. J. Riordan.


M. Ash, P. Beactie, M. Carder, R. Cheesman, A. Chidgey, M. Cox, G. Crouch, P. English, A. Gibson, J. Gilbert, D. Helsdon, K. Henfrey, C. IrwinChilds, M. Letton, A. Lewis, R. Moon, V. Muller, A. Mylett, J. Opienski, M. Palmer, G. Porter, J. Sandercock, J. Senior, N. Shephard, P. Sutherland, R. Swann, K. Tucknatt, R. Whittle, C. Yarrow, K. Aehard, C. Armstrong, R. Best, C. Britchfield, W. Butcher, F. Cull, J. Firth, M. Flowers, R. Flowers, A. Hammond, D. Hunt, C. Metcalfe, I. Pickup, J. Roberts, C. Rushbridge, D. Smallwood, A. Smith, R. Smith, D. Stevensan, R. Vears, J. Wild, P. Cromptan, A. Foord, I. Howell, D. Kilborn, P. Styles, D. Warner.

G. F. Badger, S. B1ann, M. Burley, R. Cansdale, R. Carvill, D. Charman, B. Ellis, A. Fry, R. Fehler, C. Garner, R. Goodyear, J. Greenland, N. Hodges, B, J. Knight, M. Lambert, G. G. Lowles, R. Pearmain, J. M. Price, R. Reeves, M. Sadler, R. Daniel, R. Sinden, R. Skinner, H. Steel, J. Taylar, Iv'. Thorpe, D. Welch, C. Spieer, S. Facey, B. Fears, M. Firth, J. M. Green, B. Guy, P. Herman, F. G. Howard, D. Hursx, R. Hyde, R. J. Izzard, R. P. Knight, J. Miles, R. Shaw, K. Slater, G. Thatcher, J. E. Turner, M. J. ihomas, A. Blake, P. Gatward, B. Holder, J. Punter, R. Rowlands, A. Baldwin, C. Bourne.


M. J. Allen - - State Scholarship.
D. H. Bennett - - State Scholarship, Sheffield University (Medicine).
D. Browning - - Guys Hospital (Medicine).
R. Bray - - - FitzWilliam House, Cambridge.
B. C. Catt - - Edinburgh University (Modern Languages).
C. Chatfield - - State Scholarship.
C. Deverell - - State Scholarship.
J. E. Drake - - State Scholarship, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge (Law).
P. E. English - - University College, London (Law).
R. J. Fleet - - State Scholarship (1958), St. John's College, Cambridge (Science).
S. J. Foster - - Bristol University (Vet. Surg.).
A. D. Moore - - State Scholarship (1958), University College, London (Engineering).
P. Randell - - State Scholarship (1958), St. John's College, Cambridge (Science).
N. Silk - - State Scholarship.
H. G. Thompson - - State Scholarship.
M. J. Tibble - - King's College and Westminster Hospital (Medicine).
L. A. Warnes - - State Scholarship.
M. W. Wenham - - University College, Bangor (Forestry).
A. Killick (1947-9) - - State Scholarship, Wadham College, Oxford.
C. W. F. Newman (1953-6) - - Blackstone Scholarship, Middle Temple.

R. S. Axell, G. J. Beal, P. A. Noel, D. A. Smith, B. S. Welford, P. H. Beattie.


THE "EDGAR POVEY" TROPHY - - - - - - P. English
THE "LOMAS" PRIZE FOR FRENCH - - - - - A. R. Simms
THE "LEWES R.F.C." PRIZE - - - - - - - N. Silk
SERVICE PRIZES - - - D. G. Jones, A. M. Paris, N. Thorpe


VIA - - - - M. J. Allen, C. Chatfield, C. Deverell, D. H. Bennett, J. E. Drake, N. Silk, H. G. Thompson.
VIB - - - - M. A. Coe, J. R. Sandercock, M. F. Carder, A. Gibson, J. Whittle.
VIE - - - - R. L. Smith.
TRANSITUS - - - J. M. Price, M. P. Sadler.
VB - - - - K. N. Slater, P. C. Herman, D. E. Hurst.
VG - - - - A. B. Blake, P. N. Gatward.
REM A - - - J. E. Grinsted, P. J. Whitfield.
REM B - - - B. Baker, A. J. Nunn.
REM G - - - G. Burton, C. E. Farley.
IVA - - - - A. J. Braid, M. F. Fuller.
IVB - - - - T. T. Christopher, D. P. Allvey.
IVG - - - - E. Grinsted, B. Lewis.
IIIA - - - C. A. Lauer, J. E. Etherton.
IIIB - - - - R. C. Booth, J. R. A. Noakes.
IIIG - - - - R. J. Paple, H. J. Masters.
IIA - - - - D. T. Greenland, T. F. Pope.
IIB - - - - A. J. Stewart, D. I. Beattie.
IIG - - - - I. R. Stopps, R. M. Sweetman.


Povey Work Shield - - - - - - - Seahaven House
Bradshaw Games Shield - - - - - - Martlets House
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup - - - - Seahaven House
Wilfred Thompson Athletics Cup - - - - Martlets House
Innes Swimming Cup - - - - - - - - Lewes House
Blunden Junior Games Cup - - - - Lewes-Seahaven Houses
Sinfield Swimming Cup - - - - - - - P. W. Izzard


A FRUSTRATING term due to our glorious climate. With the swimming bath being used on lst October, it is not strange to record that the lst XV did not play a match until 24th October. The grounds were so hard that it was not safe to risk boys' limbs. This had an adverse effect on play in that boys were loathe to tackle after a month of "touch" rugby.

Although frustrating, it was an interesting and successful term, the only match being lost by a depleted side at Chichester. We hate making excuses, but the referee did make an extraordinary decision when Swan made what would have been the winning conversion. The strength of the side was firstly in the pack, which was magnificently led by Silk, and secondly on the wings, where Cann and Goodyear were very effective. The latter was the most improved player in the team. Burges never quite produced the same fire as last season, while Lewis and Baldwin were handicapped by injuries. Swan was his usual mysterious mixture at full back, being very good at times and appalling at others; his unorthodox play often baffling his own side as well as the opposition.

Crouch at times was masterly and ably supported by Senior in the front row. Gamby and Sutherland were consistently good and formed the hard core with their skipper. Everyone who played in the pack did so with tremendous verve and often skill, but Charman would do far better if he indulged in less self-criticism. The Junior members will profit greatly from the experience gained this year. The 2nd XV were small and, although possessing a fair degree of skill, they found the handicap too great. They would, however, have had more success if they had observed the basic principles of defence in falling on the ball and tackling. No one in rugby football can stop a forward rush by a counter-dribble.

The following played for the two teams:
lst XV. - Swan, Goodyear, Burges, Gann, Pratt, Burley, Lewis, Baldwin, Senior, Crouch, Charman, Sutherland, Gamby, Silk, Holder, Drake, Tyrell, R. L. Smith, Reynolds, Fry.
2nd XV. - Paris, Beal, Grinsted, Soffe, Russell, B. J. Knight (Capt.), Edison, Reynalds, R. P. Knight, R. L. Smith, Stevens, Perry, Gilbert, Daniel, Hoggins, Whitfield, Clark, Cutlack, Britchfield.
lst XV Colours were awarded to Burges, Cann and Goodyear.
The following were chosen to represent the Sussex Schools XV:
Silk, Cann, Goodyear, Crouch, Gamby, Sutherland, Swan.


lst XV record: P.9; W.7; D.1; L.1;
Pts. for 215; Pts. against 50.

v. Lewes Club "A" - - - - - - - - - - 65 - 6
v. Chichester H.S. - - - - - - - - - - 38 - 0
v. Worthing H.S. - - - - - - - - - - 17 - 3
v. Chichester H.S. - - - - - - - - - - 12 - 13
v. Christ's Hospital 2nd XV - - - 34 - 8
v. Eastbourne College 2nd XV - - 23 - 3
v. Bec School - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 - 6
v. Worthing H.S. - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - 5
v. Old Boys - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 - 6

2nd XV: P.6; W.2; L.4.


THERE have been smaller attendances this term than previously, even after practices were changed from Fridays to Mondays to avoid clashing with other School activities. Lack of incentive (in the form of fixtures) may account for this state of affairs. Nevertheless the standard of play of the "regulars" has improved tremendously, and they are now playing a very fast and skilful type of basketball.

The Staff v. Boys match earlier this term resulted in a narrow win for the Staff. The pace of the match was very fast, and the downfall of the Boys' team was due mainly to their failure to shoot accurately from outside the "zone". The return match should prove most interesting and the result will, I believe, be much closer than last time.


lst XI
P.9; W.6; D.1; L.2

lst XI-130/7 dec. Hove C.G.S.-59/9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Drawn
lst XI-100/8 dec. Eastbourne G.S.-63 - - - - - - - - - - Won by 37
Hastings G.S.-75. lst XI-79/4 - - - - - - - - - - Won by 6 wickets
Eastbourne G.S.-105/8 dec. lst XI-109/4 - - Won by 6 wickets
lst XI-101/9 dec. Varndean-45 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Won by 56
Bexhill C.G.S.-91/6 dec. lst XI-97/5 - - - - - Won by 5 wickets
lst XI-74. Worthing H.S. 23 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Won by 51
Skinners-69. lst XI-62 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lost by 7
lst XI-71. Bec-72/4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lost by 6 wickets

Despite the glorious summer the number of games played was fewer than normal. The reasons for this were the wet first Saturday, the defection of Brighton Grammar School, the impossibility of obtaining a fixture on Cup Final Day and the pointlessness of playing a staff match without Smith and Silk.

Although the batting was reasonable without being brilliant, the side depended almost entirely on the bowling of Smith and Silk. As the season wore on and Smith's effectiveness declined, it was obvious that Axell should have been used more. In the farcical tragedy at Tunbridge Wells, when the last two, with little idea of batting, put on 40 after 9 were out for 29, any change would have been a good thing. Silk at times bowled beautifully and deserved his figures. Smith's 28 maidens in 95 overs with only 17 wickets are evidence that very few of his deliveries were pitched on the wicket.

Axell and Holding batted very well at first but declined as the season went on. Bleach showed promise and Divall had his moments. The fielding was excellent at times. Swan did well behind the stumps and played several invaluable innings in his own inimitable style. Silk, from the No. 11 regions, topped the averages and could make many runs in future. On the perfect pitches at Eastbourne and Hastings the side looked good, but at home, against Bec, with Smith and Silk missing, the picture was rather different. Axell is to be congratulated an several good performances for the Sussex Schools' side. Thanks are due to Mr. Goldsmith for all his hard work and interest and to those boys who umpired and scored.


F0R once Sports Day was blessed with fine weather. While parents and visitors viewed the Chapel, the athletes warmed up and the programme got under way - even if a little behind schedule. Seahaven had a lead on standard points but the efforts of Martlets boys soon whittled this down. As thc afternoon progressed the meeting developed into - or as the other Houses would say - degenerated into a ding-dong battle between Seahaven and Martlets, which Martlets just managed to win.

The athletics were enlivened by a "flying" display on the R.A.F. section's glider. This took off from the cricket pitch and the anguished groans of the cricket lovers were drowned by the admiring applause - or was it sheer amazement that the thing actually flew! - of the spectators.

Five new records were made: Ayling (M.) in the Junior 440 yards; Smith (S.) in the Colts' Shot; Burges (LI.) in the Senior Discus; White (S.) in the Colts' Javelin and Page (S.) in the Colts' Long Jump. All relay records were broken. This and the success of the School athletics team earlier in the year show that the general standard of athletics at the School is as high as, if not higher than, that of previous years.


FORTUNATELY the threatened rain of the morning did not materialise, and instead, much to everybody's surprise, the conditions were admirable. The sun shone weakly on a course that was, on the whole, firm and dry. When at length the bedraggled athletes returned, it was realised that the ditches had been well filled by the recent heavy rains. This added hazard did not deter the runners, and a very fast pace was maintained throughout the race.

Morse (Uckfield) ran a good race, coming first in the Seniors. The winners of the Colts and Juniors, Nunn (Uckfield) and Thomas (Martlets) also ran well. In spite of Uckfield's gallant showing in the Seniors and Colts, Seahaven carried off the honours by a comfortable margin, 1,201 points compared with Martlets' 1,064, Uckfield's 829 and Lewes's 731.

Last but not least, our vote of thanks must go to Mr. Page, other members of the staff, and boys, for helping to organise this annual event.


THERE have been a few changes in the troop during the past year. Mr. Gibbon left in the summer, and we were pleased to welcome in his stead Mr. Shaw, who is already playing a considerable part in troop activities. Early in the year John Wild left to take up accountancy and we were pleased to have Graham Badger from the Seniors as Troop-Leader. We wish John every success in his career.

I think that we can now say that the division of the troop into Boy Scout and Senior Scout Patrols has become accepted by both parties. As it seems to be successful, there is no reason, providing we have sufficient manpower, why the situation should not be permanent.

Mr. Ives and the Seniors have now found themselves a home. We are most grateful to the Territorial Association for allowing us to use the former married quarters of the old Naval prison. Here each patrol has a room of its own and the use of a kitchen. They also enjoy the civilising company of the Rangers, who use one of the lower rooms. A great deal of time and energy has been used to make these Headquarters comfortable, either by painting and distempering or in acquiring furniture from kindly people who offered it. Side by side with this hard work sailing in the cadet has continued both at Piddinghoe and at Seaford, but perhaps the greatest of the achievements of the Senior patrols has been the making of tents and groundsheets for this year's expedition to the Pyrenees. This equipment has been tested and is a success.

The Boy Scout troop has continued to make good progress in spite of losing the older boys. Shooting is now a part of the weekly programme, and we are grateful to Major Mortimer, who takes one patrol each week. We again shared the First Aid Class with the Duke of Edinburgh's Award candidates and are grateful to Mr. Waters for his instruction. Recently a course has started for the Fire Fighter Badge at the Lewes Fire Station. The river and the Cockshut again provided us with plenty of pioneering in the summer.

The Summer Camp was held in the grounds of Chatsworth Park in Derbyshire, and was an extremely happy occasion. The troop appreciated the complete change of scenery and made itself comfortable in its rock-strewn surroundings. Such was the variety of the ground and country that wide games seemed to organise themselves, and the troop divided itself every fine evening into Teds and anti-Teds. Apart from normal camp routine, which seemed to go smoothly enough, there was a whole day expedition to the Blue John mines and the Peak Caverns at Castleton. Some patrols went to see what a large industrial town looked like, and visited Sheffield. The smallest member of the troop clambered on to a tram just to see what travelling in such a vehicle was like. He was asked by a smiling West Indian where he wanted to go. "To the outskirts," said the boy. " I don't know where that is, but no doubt tuppence will get you there," said the delightful conductor. We were glad to have Mr. Allom and Hugh Sowerby with us. Hugh did a good job as Quartermaster at quite short notice.

When the main camp was over the Seniors remained to hike over Kinderscout. This venture was a success and sowed the seeds for this year's ambitious expedition.

We are most grateful for the work done by parents both on the committee and an other social occasions, including the two dances and the Parents' Evening. Without their assistance the running of the troop would indeed be a burden.


ALTHOUGH the year started disappointingly for the School Society it certainly finished with some exciting entertainment.

The film "Rocketship XM" was scheduled to be shown at the beginning of the Spring Term but unfortunately it had to be cancelled due to heavy fog. This disappointment was partly alleviated by the showing of the film "Now It Can be Told". This film told us of the training given to Secret Service agents during the war and actually took us into the heart of Occupied France.

The most interesting outside lecturer we had was a police inspector who again told us "Crime does not pay". After seeing his fingerprint kit brought into use on some erstwhile "crooks", and being shown how photography plays such a large part in collecting evidence, we were quite sure that the age-old adage still applies.

During the year we had the usual searches for knowledge - "Brain of Lewes" and "Top House", the latter being won by Lewes after a very close fight with Martlets.

The piece de resistance however this year was the House Plays. Admission to the plays this year was restricted to boys wishing to see all four plays, for it was felt that this would be fairer to the House performing their play last.

Lewes started the ball rolling with a play entitled "Underground", set in Occupied France during the last war. The scene was set in a disused cellar and the story told of the detection and finally the death of a German spy who had infiltrated into the leaflet-printing section. The play will not be remembered for the adequate acting but for the method of distribution of the leaflets. This was done by handing the leaflets to a hand when it appeared through a hole in the wall. How many mothers found they were one glove missing that day?

A court room with witness box, judges' and counsels' benches was the setting for Seahaven's play entitled "The Man who Thought for Himself". The prisoner was accused "of thinking for himself", but after some inspired wizardry from a little imp (played by Howe from the Second Form) the court, judge and counsel included, found themselves guilty as well. I wonder, did Henfrey's frequent drinks from bottles bearing the name of a local brewery influence the verdict at all?

Martlets play, "Safe at Last" was in the Agatha Christie tradition. Until the last we were not sure who were the "Cops" and who were the "Robbers". We had a murderer, a detective, a head keeper of a mental hospital (rather appropriate on the next to last day of term), and finally a village constable to confound our wits. All these characters combined to deprive a retired colonel (admirably played by N. R. Thorp) of his silver. We were not surprised to find they succeeded when we realised who were glaying the parts, namely J. Greenland, R. Swann, R Phillips and F. Pitt.

As befitting Uckfield House, their play, "Witches' Brew", was set in a country inn in the back of beyond. The landlord and his friend find that they are losing their regulars to the local squire's illicit still in a shed on the common. The miscreants are enticed to frequent the inn again after being frightened by a sabbath of witches on the common. Was it the illicit still that attracted the Scouts, ably led by a ginger-bearded Scoutmaster, who were mistaken for the witches? We shall never know!

The plays this year were certainly the best for some years, and the Chairman would like to thank all the producers for making this a memorable afternoon of "House Plays".


Chairman - - Mr. Webb
Secretary - - H. G. Thompson

IT had become increasingly obvious over the last year that the Society was in drastic need of overhaul. The situation had, in fact, reached the stage where no member of the staff was willing to undertake the Chairmanship under the existing rules. As a result, a few members of the third year sixth, with the permission and co-operation of the Headmaster, reorganised the administrative system. The supposedly democratic lunch-hour meetings which were dominated by the vote of members who were never seen again, were abolished, as were parlour games and other dismal impromptu items. A programme was drawn up, suggestions from members always being welcome, and Mr. Webb was invited to take up the post of Chairman.

When these affairs had been concluded the first meeting of the term was held. An encouraging high number of members attended this political meeting. Considering the results of the General Election that followed a few days later, the Liberal Party was surprisingly awarded overwhelming support from the Society, perhaps on account of Mr. Baker's speech.

The next meeting was a debate on the possible shortcomings of modern dress, and this was followed by a talk given by Mr. Page on his experiences in the S.O.E., a group specialising in information and sabatage. He brought with him a fascinating collection of S.O.E. gadgets and startled all by discharging a number of blank cartridges.

The Society next gathered to hear Mr. Armfield Bindon talk on art and, culture in Africa. A wandering painter (round the world fifteen times!) and lecturer, he gave a racy and informative talk illustrated with slides.

The final meeting, as it transpired, was a debate upon advertising, methods which was not, probably on account of examinatians, well attended. There was to have followed a film meeting with the girls' school, but at the last mament the film proved unobtainable.

In conclusion it would seem that new methods have produced some encouraging results. One must hope that the attendance at the last meeting was not indicative of a decline into the melancholy standards of the year before, since it would be a pity if the Society was to vanish from Schaol life.


This been another good year and, as three regular members of the Society collected distinctions for themselves at "A" level, this should give us all reason to rejoice and be glad.

As usual, the main event of the year was our annual expedition - this time to Malvern and the surrounding country - for four days at the very end of the Easter holiday.

D.L.S. took the main party by train and met up with P.G.A.G, who had taken three members down by car. The party assembled just outside the Priory and viewed with gloom the heavy rain that had been falling all day. It rained with such malevolent persistence that we were forced to the local cinema for two hours. However, it did not ease up until we got to the Youth Hostel, where we were to stay for the whole of the trip. It proved to be a good one with yet another of those admirable and helpful wardens who help to make the whole system so much more humane than it might otherwise be.

We had oor usual settling-in problems. Walton (VI) suffered a severe military defeat - dare we say - at the hands or rather at the pillow of a certain member of staff, and Kyrke (VI), after some strange emotional outburst, the cause of which we had better gloss over, found most of his bed outside the window rather earlier in the morning than he might have wished. Haec olim meminisse jurebat. The twenty of us were soon thoroughly at home.

The first day we went to Hereford, Leominster and Ludlow. Memories remain of the cathedral with its splendid Norman work "enriched" by Gilbert Scott's brassy aberrations, of Leominster with its exquisite double here - the earlier one must be one of the best bits of very early Romanesque work in Northern Europe, and the great castle at Ludlow from the tower of which we could see the River Teme in full flood beneath us.

The next day we set out for Tewkesbury, which was almost surrounded by flood water. Both the abbey and its vicar left an indelible impression, the former for its rare and beautiful columns, the latter for his views on the Low Church - "that church (not the abbey) is so low they have to crawl in under the door," and also for the fact that he was in the habit of seeing "celestial monkeys" - sic - during divine service.

But it was Walton's day. Beneath a grille in the floor in the east end were discovered, in a glass case, the bones of "false, fleeting, perjured Clarence". Match after match was struck whilst these relics of medieval chivalry were devoured - visually. I failed to smell the malmsey, but the odour of history was, one must admit, delectably strong.

After luncheon we set out on a lengthy walk to find the small Saxon church of Deerhurst. This is locked and one has to pay an admission fee. The church is apparently run by an old woman, who chuckled and mumbled and over whom we have since learned neither vicar, nor chancellar, nor bishop, seem to have any control. All was confusion until M. Coe temporarily relieved the lady of her keys thus disposing of the iniquitous business of paying to see the church. One hopes sincerely that there are not many churches in the land where one has to pay for the privilege of entering.

We came home to Lewes the next day. Everyone had enjoyed it.

We have also paid our annual visit to Cowfold Monastery, where we were most courteously received. This is an admirable experience for anyone who has even the slenderest interest in the monastic life.

We have had a visit to the Lewes Iron Foundry, to many of us a satanic place, with tne baleful glower of hot metal illuming the dismal interior of the works.

As I write a visit to Canterbury is being concocted, which I will report in our next review.

We have, of course, had our usual evenings devoted to talks. One on brass rubbings which members had taken in the district was a particular success, as well as talks on Edward VI; Sarah Duchess of Marlborough; Mary of Scots; Mary Tudor and Elizabeth Tudor.

The final meeting of the Christmas term was a tea, to which certain members of the Society who have been particularly faithful in their attendance at meetings, were invited. At this meeting, plans were laid for next year. It has certainly been another gaod year, and if forms like Remove A and B - to name only two - continue their support, the future will be assured. We cannot leave the affairs of this sober and august Society without feeling it to be our duty to report a quite deplorable lapse on the part of two members of the staff - and the History Staff at that. Whilst other more responsible pedagogues are trying to instil into the young the need to be socially acceptable and couth, these two have produced (temporary) beards, one the colour of varnished pitch pine; the other, still more desperate, that of an ageing field rat. We can only hape that this ugly fouling of their own nests will not lead others to this sort af exhibitionism.

Finally, a farewell, Messrs. Walton, Williams, Allen, Newman and Thompson, who have for so long been active and (before they grew too melancholy to be so) cheerful members of the Society are all due to leave us. It is upon such as them that the Society has been so surely and well built.


THE German trip was orgapnised and led by Messrs. Norgrove, Jackson and Cosham. The principal towns visited were Stuttgart, Lindau on Lake Constance, Tuttlingen and the University town of Tubingen. We left on the l7th of August and returned on the 3lst. These are the bare bones of what must be considered the most successful of the three trips of recent years; 36 boys went on the trip and were able to enjoy varied visits to the Mercedes-Benz works and the Television Transmitting Tower in Stuttgart, the Hohner Accordion works and the Kienzle watch factory in a small town near Tuttlingen; a trip to the German alpine village of Oberstdorf was rather spoilt by low cloud, but a fairly fine Sunday ensured a successful excursion for the day to Bregenz in Austria. The weather, one day apart, was extremely kind, so that the party soon learned to appreciate the amenities of the open-air swimming baths which even the smaller German towns boast. Undoubtedly the luxury coach hired to us by the German railways made the big difference between this and former trips, for by this means we were able to visit far more places than have been outlined above and, of course, one sees far more of a country from the roads than one can from a railway carriage. The Youth Hostels we visited were all good from the point of view of accommadation, although as usual the food provided varied considerably. There can, however, be no doubt that this form of holiday, despite certain unimportant disadvantages, presents far greater value for money than do hotel visits. I would finallv like to take this opportunity of recording my personal gratitude to Mr. Jackson and Mr. Cosham for their considerable contribution to the success of this year's trip.


TWO years ago I reported progress in the Meteorology interests of the School. A large noticeboard had just been installed in the corridor, and we had acquired an elaborate new collection of recording instruments which have since been housed in the west quadrangle. The science had achieved a place in the School life after graduating from rather humble beginnings - a small inconspicuous wooden board - and not a thormometer to its name. Since then, I am pleased to say, the full vigour of the organisation has never lapsed, despite the commitments of its most prominent members to other things. We have had our setbacks of course; the barometer half of the automatic recording thermobarograph has never worked satisfactorily, and in a severe gale lately our Stevenson Screen was blown over and some of the glass instruments inside were broken. I am told, however, that since then the barometer has been functioning normally.

Though, of course, there is widespread interest in Meteorolagy amongst the members of the School, it would prohably be difficult to form a Society on it, like the Young Farmers or the Historians, or other similar specialist gatherings, but an opening in this direction is suggested by the recent inauguration of the Science Club. The second meeting was devoted entirely to the topic af thunderstorms. This indicates the possibility of a future merger between the organisation and the Science Club, for the material of the subject of Meteorology should provide excellent scope for interesting discussions.

An article written on Meteorology in 1959 would be incomplete without drawing attention to the remarkable weather of this year. The winter months, early in the year were not outstanding, but between May and October most sunshine, high temperature and drought records in England were broken. The long, hot summer was to be followed by a stormy autumn; the anticyclones which had persistently drifted N.E. from the Azores and anchored over the British Isles, were not to be seen on the chart. Instead, a succession of vigorous depressions brought wet and windy weather. The unstable air around the centres of these depressions produced a lot of hail and thunder in November, as much in fact as the average for July and August put together. One thunderstorm ran onto the coast at Seaford on a S.W. gale and was severe by any standards, quite the most extraordinary storm of my experience. Later, on the 6th December, a violent depression moved N.E.into the Bay of Biscay and a French weather ship recorded a wind speed of 110 m.p.h: Force 15 on the Beaufort Scale. There were waves 80 ft. high and the barometer tumbled to 27.99 inches. I have never before heard of such a fierce storm in the vicinity of our coasts.


F0R a long time now, out of all the after-school activities, nothing has been devoted exclusively to the cause of science. There used to be a Science Club once upon a time, but this was amalgamated with its contemporaries into the present-day School Society. However, this Society did not fulfil the needs for wider scientific discussion than the classroom could provide, and so for this purpose a Science Club has been formed again.

Three meetings were held in the autumn term, each lasting an hour. The inaugural meeting contained a speech by Mr. Hoggins and a film on the element Titanium. The second meeting was a lecture on "Thunderstorms", given by K. G. Baker. This lecture followed the normal pattern, an explanatory talk, illustrated on the blackboard, followed by the showing of pictures on the epidiascope with comments upon them. There should have followed questions and a sort of spontaneous discussion, but this was not forthcoming, and it seems that the Club has not yet acquired this technique. Much the same could be said for the last meeting, which was two talks, one given by John Moon about the adventures of "Low-Temperature Physics", the other by Peter Gamby on "The Production of High Pressure in the Laboratory". All meetings were held in the new Physics lab, which contains excellent facilities for speakers.

Naturally it is difficult to select some scientific material and present it in such a manner that it is both informative and absorbing to the scientists and artists alike, and this requires a certain skill which is only the reward of constant trial and practice. But this is a challenge, for it is much better that the Club should rely on the resources of its members than be content with presenting films and lectures by members of the staff all the time - a sign of decadence in such a Society. It is hoped that this is appreciated, for only by the keen efforts of members of the Club to meet this challenge will the virility of the Club's future be ensured.


NO account of our activities appeared in the last issue of Barbican. The following brief notes are intended merely to complete the record.


Messrs. K. Herbert, D. B. Ives, D. L. Stevens and Herr R. Seiz accompanied a party of eight boys to the Youth Hostel at Crianlarich, where they were joined by three others. From Crianlarich the party moved on by rail to Glencoe Hostel and thence by bus and on foot to Loch Ossian Hostel. A party of three boys also visited the deserted Benalder Cottage.

Ascents included:
Beinn Dubhchraig (3,204 ft.)
Stob an Fhuarain (3,120 ft.) Carn Dearg (3,084 ft.)
Sgor Gaibhre (3,128 ft.)
Sgor Choinnich (3,040 ft.)

In August, 1958, Mr. Herbert attended at Plas y Brenin, the Capel Curig centre of the Central Council for Physical Recreation, a course in mountain activities which included mountain walking and camping, rock climbing and canoeing.

APRIL 1959

The party consisted of Messrs. K. Herbert and D. L. Stevens, leading M. Alcock, J. P Braddock, C. M. Britchfield, A. G. Chidgey, R. M. Daniel, R. D. Flowers, R. M. Gant, J. F. Gilbert, M. Herbert, I. G. Pickup, R. H. Sowerby and M. J. A. Thomas.

Loch Ossian Youth Hostel served as our base, and food and fuel for twelve days were dumped there. The party split into two groups, each group journeying away from base for up to three nights and staying in deserted buildings at Staoineag and in the Lairig Leacach above Loch Treig, at Benalder Cottage on Loch Ericht, and at Glen Nevis Youth Hostel.

Ascents included :
(From Loch Ossian)
Chno Dearg (3,433 ft.)
Carn Dearg - Sgor Gaibhre - Sgar Choinnich

(From Benalder Cottage)
Beinn Bheoil (3,333 ft.)
Sron coire na h-iolaire (3,128 ft.)

This was undoubtedly our most ambitious venture to date. The Benalder Cottage journey, for example, involved carrying spare clothing, bedding, stoves, fuel and food over a 2,200-ft. pass and ten miles of peat, bare rock and snow. The real enjoyment of the expedition, however, derived not from mere physical achievement, but from something less tangible. Cold blue skies, bright sunlight, dazzling snow, crisp-frozen underfoot; the ripple of movement as a herd of red deer canters along the skyline; the eagle wheeling, wings motionless, over the gaunt corries of Ben Alder; the whirring wings and raucous "go back" of a flushed grouse; the rattling belch of ptarmigan, invisible against the snow; the scent of newly-felled pines; more prosaically, the aroma of frying bacon and the purr of the Primus; all "these" like Rupert Brooke, "I have loved". That love must explain - to those who demand explanation - our endurance of frozen fingers and wind-burnt cheeks, aching muscles and clammily damp clothes. Some of us even plan to go again!


IT is regretted that owing to the serious illness of the Headmaster necessitating a major operation and several weeks in hospital, any detailed notes on the Chapel, and Old Boys' Notes have had to be postponed until our next issue.

We are happy to report at the time of going to press (lst March) that the Headmaster has left hospital and is well on the road to recovery. He expects to return to School about the middle of March.


The Editor,
THE Barbican.
December, 1959.
Dear Sir,
The Old Lewesians now at Oxford feel especially close to Lewes this year, the last that our Headmaster will spend at the School. We thank him for all that he has done for us, particularly in connection with the Chapel, now an impressive reality, and wish him a long and happy retirement. We sincerely hope that he will be able to visit us during the Hilary Term.

The mists of Oxford were especially thick during the Michaelmas Term, but nevertheless the Old Lewesians have continue to fulfil their destinies.

Maurice Hobden, now married, is reading for a D.Phil at Keble. He is plunging into the depths of physics in search of low temperatures [in fact he had finished at Oxford in November 1959]. David Morgan is in his second post-graduate year at Magdalen, where he has been giving tutorials to the satisfaction of all parties. Unfortunately he has spent some time recently in hospital and has had an operation far a slipped retina, but it seems to have been successful.

John Creasey is the only undergraduate left at St. Catts. He is [still?] in the process of founding the Procrastination Society, and is doing business with the Royal College of Arms; he is also in his last year of reading Geography. The two activities seem inconsistent, but the aim of the Society resolves everything: to catch up with yesterday. At St. Peter's Hall Malcolm Cooper, another third-year geographer, has also decided to cateh up. To this end he is playing less rugby, writing less for Cherwell (a University newspaper), editing no more advertisements, acting in no more plays, and organising no more Balls. What he is now doing with all his spare time is not known. Geoffrey Brooker, a Pembroke scholar, is the third of the third-year lambs. He is enjoying his physics, for which he won a College prize last year, and commutes between his lodgings on the Northern By-Pass and the laboratory, where he creates and studies and destroys machines of plasticine and string, to some purpose.

At Brasenose, John Towner reads French, sculls, rows, and plays rugby. He has devoted much time to Boys' Clubs and is President for the year of the University Association for Youth Work. Keith Geering is at New College reading chemistry, which, he says, is complicated. He is playing the odd game of rugby but prefers sitting down. Chris Davey, another chemist at Keble, has succeeded in sitting down and taking exercise simultaneously by rowing in a College eight in both Torpids and Summer Eights. Also in his second year at Keble is David Tisdall. He was awarded a Distinction in Law Moderations in the Hilary Term, and is going from strength to strength. As befits a lawyer, he is playing both chess and bridge.

John Fermor came up to read for a Dip.Ed. this year. It is said that he spends a great deal of time thinking, but is nevertheless contented. Richard Yarrow, a Freshman at Keble has already lived through an heroic accident on the soccer pitch and through his first term of Natural Sciences.

Your correspondent is attempting unsuccessfully to live the balanced life; but on consulting the philosophers has been told that the phase is meaningless.

Despite the fact that most of the information in this letter was volunteered by the subjects of it, and must therefore be considered unreliable, it is clear that life here is neither nonsensical nor meaningless. We hope that others from Lewes may come up to analyse it next October.
Ex collegio Beatae Mariae Magdalenae.

{Our correspondent is also rumoured to have gained a Distinction in Law Moderations on which we congratulate him. Likewise on being invited to play for the University at golf - even though the invitation was intended for another member of the College of the same name. Natural modesty - or discretion - led him to decline: Ed. Barbican}


24th February, 1960.
Dear Sir,
True to the spirit of our last letter, we had thought of comparing you, in this memorable year, with some hero of Ancient Rome (what did Romulus do when he retired?). But we decided, lest our erudition be misunderstood on this occasion, to say what we have to say "in accents clear and still" though our style may not always achieve the "excellent tone" of the bell which will shortly be summoning the School (not merely, we trust, "a saintly band of white-robed Scholars only") to service in the new Chapel. Nevertheless we hope that our English will at least be adequate to this milestone-year along the School's road into the future. For it will mark both a sad retirement, bringing to an end a devoted Headmaster's three decades of service to the School, and also the completion, in particular, of that building for which he so courageously persevered. Indeed the Chapel will surely stand for many more decades to come as a reminder not only of the self-sacrifice of those whom it commemorates but also of that tradition which inspired them, the tradition for which you as Headmaster always strove, and which has made the School what it is. It is, as the editor of your last issue so admirably pointed out, not bricks and mortar, nor even flesh and bones, but the "soul" of a School such as ours - that tradition, that spirit, that set of standards and beliefs shared by every individual member of it - which alone can assure it a worthy and lasting posterity.

To mark this occasion, however, we intend to depart at least from our own tradition of chronicling the woes and misdeeds of ourselves and our fellow Denizens of the Fens. While noting with pleasure that our numbers have now been swelled by the arrival of Roger Bray (fresh from graduating at Manchester), Drake, Robin Fleet and David Lee, we must confess that owing to our group's diversity of interests we feel unsafe in assuring you of anything about its members other than their continued existence. The one activity which we had planned to pursue in common - a dinner at which, Sir, we had hoped to entertain you - had in the event to be cancelled (so, at least, we told the caterer) as the total number of those attending would have come to exactly thirteen. In fact, of course, the news of your unfortunate illness was a great blow to us.

But time flies - or should we say space threatens - and we must turn our mind to signing off. This is always the most difficult part of a letter and not least on this occasion. What can one say? In this, the last of our many letters to you, we can but sincerely wish you a long and golden retirement, a rich harvest of happiness, the knowledge of a job well done, and a worthy successor to continue it. You leave behind you the example of a Headmaster whose life was the embodiment of that ideal for which he strove - Dare nec computare.

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