Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 37 - 1962

This Year's Barbican cover The uncertainty of the inter-regnum appears to have dissipated. The new headmaster has been assimilated and is being carried along by the momentum of the Bradshaw tradition. Clearly he is not a man bent on imposing some new agenda on the school which will alter the course of its history. In fact, apart from his lady wife's music prize, the Fanners are barely mentioned. No doubt the entrenched forces of the die-hards on the staff and the governors will have ensured that he has little room for manoevre, for they too wish to stick with the status quo. Talk of abolishing grammar schools in favour of comprehensive schooling would hardly be a passport to advancement for an individual in either capacity. Conform or else.

Doubts are expressed about how the new Chapel is to fit into the life of the school. It is something of a novelty for a local authority grammar school for day-boys to have such an institution. LCGS is not a public boarding school trying to keep its pupils occupied for twenty-four hours a day - the pupils here have a seven hour day at school and lots to do in that small time besides chapel. Furthermore it is less easy to mold the minds of day-boys who have influences beyond the reach of school authority. The opportunity to impose a view on religous matters is not an option for LCGS. Hence the uncertainty and confusion about how it can be best used for a heterogenous group with widely differing views and backgrounds. Did NRB ever consider this aspect of the chapel? The obsession with fund-raising and building probably did not allow his mind to dwell on such problems. It would have suited NRB to have had a homogenous group of Anglican believers - but it was never to be.

A partial solution, not entirely to everybodies taste, was to invite speakers from other religous groups, catholics, free churches, jews and others (but not apparently humanists or free-thinkers). Far from solving the conundrum it appears to have led to resentment, confusion and disillusion. The problem was entirely due to the failure to think the project through in the first place. In Lewes, of all places, home of the Martyrs, religous diversity should have been considered at the outset.

One notes, with distaste, that it was considered necessary to make attendance at chapel for religous services compulsory. Such ideas had been abolished even at the more conservative Oxford colleges years before. The Jesuitical view that you can impose a faith dies hard. No wonder there was to be a growing dissent about Chapel from older boys as the years passed.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys


SCHOOL LIST, 1961-62

School Captain: D. J. Charman
Head Prefect: N. R. Thorp

M. P. Sadler, R. Daniel, J. E. Turner, C. Hoggins.
M. D. Burley, N. R. Thorp, D. A. Stenning, J. J. Greenland, J. C. White, T. Drake.
J. Beal, D. J. Charman, P. Whitfield, M. Waight, C. J. White, M. G. White, T. Facey, D. Hurst.
B. J. Knight, P. Clark, G. Kershaw, D. Cottingham, R. A. Pearmain.

Form Captains:
5A, N. Richardson; 5B, B Russell; 5C, D. Bray;
4A, C. Steel; 4B, C. Tomsett; 4C, R. Kennedy; 4G, T. Kernahan;
3A, D. Jeans; 3B, P. Muggeridge; 3C, C. Nunn;
2A, C. Williams; 2B, J. Lacey; 2C, R. Tinlin;
lA, T. Barnett; 1B.I, P. Linfield; lB.II, P. Butchers.


OUR Thirty-seventh number of The Barbican promises to be considerably fatter than usual. After the customary soliciting from the platform and the traditional lack of immediate response, more and lengthier contributions came flooding in for Christmas.

The trouble is, the School is so incredibly vital: the list of activities goes on increasing, and we mount more expeditions than the Romans. Gaul, Germany, Helvetia and Ultima Thule - not to mention the wilds of Wales have all been overrun in the past year. And the same is true at home: a History Society with nearly a hundred members, culture booming (or blooming) in the Aesthetics, tremendous enthusiasm in the new Railway Club, and a whole host of small and select goings-on whose record will be found in the report "Occasions Various". At least we are socially alive, which, as a future Magdalen scholar has somewhere put it, is presumably a good thing.

I am happier - though not yet ecstatic - about original contributions. Far more have come in than last year, and the House Competition idea seems to be working; but in spite of some good efforts, the average literary quality is still too low. In one way it is gratifying to receive a good flow of contributions from VIC and IVG, but cannot we have more from the A forms , where presumably the ablest boys are? Nor do the scientists of VIa and VIb yet bestir themselves as I feel they should for their own good.

Finally my gratitude to VIa and VIb Mod., in particular to Sadler, Thorp and Carey, whose initials are widely scattered through this issue.


WE offer our congratulations for these achievements since our last issue:
P. J. Q. English - - Open Exhibition in Natural Science, Fitzwilliam House, Cambridge.
J. J. Greenland - - State Scholarship in Modern Languages, Lincoln College, Oxford.
N. P. Sadler - - Open Demyship in Modern Subjects, Magdalen College, Oxford.
P. B. Sutherland - - Lincoln College, Oxford.
L. Charman and N. R. Thorp - - St. Edmunds Hall, Oxford.

Lack of space prevents mention of the many other university places gained, details of which are given in the Speech Day report. We also congratulate T. Neill on becoming a Queen's Scout, and C. Lauer on gaining a distinction in Grade 8 of the Associated Boards examination (piano).

Among the various activities of Old Boys, we must of course mention N. Silk's rugger blue for Oxford. E. Warner's success in gaining a Diploma of Technology Electrical Engineering may inspire others to following along this avenue of education, whose demands and prestige are equal to those of a university degree. D. Wicks has sung a leading part at Glyndebourne; we hope to hear him there again in future.

Regretfully we have said farewell to Dr. Sinclair and to Mr. Griggs; we hope that Mr. Gem and Mr Jackson will return to us next September, and we are glad to welcome Mr. Hallums, Mr. Davies and Mr. Marshall in our midst.

N.R.B. is not seen at the School as often as we should like, but is nevertheless about in Lewes a great deal; those who knew him of old may, however, find it hard to recognise him when encased in his present gleaming vehicle.

There are no changes yet visible at the School swimming pool; big things are planned and the preliminary stages of the work are well advanced. A notice appears elsewhere on this.

A glance through the following pages shows that the year, though lacking the dramatics of its predecessor, has been full of varied activities; the continuance and increase of these testifies to the vitality of the School and equally to the devotion and energy of the staff. Some features are new: for the first time for many years we report on a School play; our first report of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme includes an account of a visit from Sir John Hunt himself; a School party has also visited Stepney for a week, which may be the beginning of a growing feature of school life.

Some memories stand out on looking back through the year. Our very successful play, particularly its magnificent trompe l'oeuil scenery. The Oxford and Cambridge rugger match, which we hope will become an annual holiday known as "Silk's Day"; your contributor was prevented by illness from visiting Twickenham but enjoyed on the screen a magnificent close-up of a fight between Silk and a member of the Cambridge team. The Sale for the swimming pool fund, supported superbly by parents, boys and staff, and as a sideshow a fast and gripping rugger match against Chichester High School. Speech Day, including the Headmaster's Report and a parody of a Headmaster's Report. May the coming year flow as smoothly and as swiftly.

Silverware Our cover photograph shows the Chapel chalice and paten referred to in the article "The Chapel" in this issue; the photograph is by Mr. Derek Ives.


Our guest this year was Sir John Wolfenden, headmaster's headmaster (a species of arch-angel), and a most lively speaker. He can so obviously speak and write on virtually any subject, even virtue itself; and those who came to gather seeds of wisdom were in no ways disappointed. Sir John's wife was regrettably unable to be present, and so her allotted function of distributing sixty prizes and suffering sixty handshakes was most graciously undertaken by the Mayoress, Mrs. Yarrow.



(Subject names denote Distinctions)
> K. C. Achard, G. D. Burges, R. Cheesman, B. R. Ellis, A. J. Fry (Biology), R. G. Goodyear, P. C. Herman (Biology), N. A. Hodges (Biology), J. M. Price (Pure Mathematics), J. Hunter, R. Reeves (Physics), R. E. Sinden (biology), R. J. Skinner, R. H. Sowerby, C. R. Spicer, M. W. Thompson, A. B. Blake, T. A. Facey, J. E. Turner, G. F. Badger, M. D. Burley, R. A. Carvill, D. J. Charman, J. J. Greenland (French, German), D. E. Hurst, B. J. Knight, J. H. Opienski, R. P. Pearmain, A. W. Robson, M. P. Sadler, C. S. Sempill, N. G. Shephard, N. R. Thorp (German), D. B. Welch, M. R. Welch.

D. Babstock, B. Baily, R. L. Bevan, A. J. Braid, J. Brinkhurst, N. J. Butcher, G. J. Carey, T. T. Christopher, B. J. Coney, R. A. Coombs, A. J. C. Dickinson, K. J. Francis, M. F. Fuller, F. E. Gard, R. J. Gorringe, R. J. Haney, M. G. Hayler, D. P. Highwood, D. Hunt, J. M. R. Hurst, M. C. Loveridge, J. M. Morley, P. W. Morling, M. I. Page, R. C. Pritchard, J. R. Seagrave, B. J. Wood, D. P. Allvey, I. S. Anderson, M. Brown, C. Brunt, I. R. Carpenter, D. R. Coote, J. C. Crawford, R. J. Gregory, E. A. Grinsted, R. C. Haffenden, R. E. Hamblyn, R. G. Henderson, D. Kemp, T. M. Kilkenny, T. E. Mitchener, A. D. Muddle, R. W. Park, J. W. Parker, R. A. Perry, R. J. Waller, P. J. Walton, C. M. Webb, M. J. Ashby, B. G. Coates, D. P. Davis, R. J. Dedman, R. A. Field, R. Palfreyman, A. Preece, R. F. Shopland, G. W. Sutherland.

M. C. Ash - -University College London (French).
G. F. Badger - - Reading University (History, English).
M. Carder - - London School of Economics.
R. Cheesman - - Sir John Cass College, London University (Nat.Science).
M. A. Coe - - State Scholarship (1960), Postmastership, Merton College, Oxford (Medicine).
P. J. Q. English - - State Scholarship (1960), Exhibition, Fitzwilliam House, Cambridge (Nat. Science).
A. J. Fry - - Birmingham University (Biochemistry).
A. Gibson - - Magdalen College, Oxford (English).
J. Gilbert - - Southampton University (Geography).
R. A. Goodyear - - King's College, London (Engineering).
T. Greenland - - State Scholarship.
D. Helsdon - - Birmingham University (Commerce).
P. Herman - - Wye College, University of London (Agriculture).
A. Mylett - - King's College, London (English).
J. R. Sandercock - - State Scholarship (1960), Postmastership, Merton College, Oxford (Physics).
J. A. Senior - - Durham University (Engineering).
R. Sinden - - Durham University (Zoology).
N. Shephard - - Southampton University (Modern Languages).
R. J. Skinner - - Imperial College of Science, London (Engineering).
P. B. Sutherland - - State Scholarship (1960), Lincoln College, Oxford (Modern Languages).
R. I. Swann - - State Scholarship (1960), Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge (Medicine).
J. Whittle - - State Scholarship (1960), Churchill College, Cambridge (Natural Science).
A. B. Blake - - College of Air Training, Hamble.
M. R. Welch - - Training College Course

B. R. Ellis, R. Hodgsan, R. J. Sowerby, M. P. Leigh.


R. C. Adams - - Honours in Mechanical Sciences Tripos Part II (Cambridge).
J. C. Jenkins - - First Class in Final Honours School of Jurisprudence, Oxford.
A. J. Killick - - State Scholarship Mature Student; Second Class in PPE, Oxford (1961).
D. P. V. McLaughlin - - Scholarship to L'Institut d'Etude Politoques, Sorbonne, Paris.
G. A. Brooker - - Distinction in Postgraduate Special Subject in Physics, Oxford.
M. A. Short - - Doctor of Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania.
J. Lohoar - - Postgraduate Agricultural Scholarship to Louisiania University.
D. Norman - - Agricultural Scholarship, Canada:
G. Newman - - Squire Scholarship in Law, Cambridge.


THE "EDGAR POVEY" TROPHY - - - P. B. Sutherland
THE LEWES R.F.C. PRIZE - - - P. B. Sutherland
THE "HOARE" CUP (Uckfield House) - - - J. A. Senior
SERVICE PRIZES - - - G. F. Badger, R. Carvill, G. Carey, R. Cheesman

VI.A.MOD. - - M. P. Sadler
VI.A.SCI. - - J. Price
VI.B.MOD. - - P. Clark, T. Drake
VI.B.SCI. - - J. Grinsted
VI.E. - - J. E. Turner
VI.C. - - A. J. Breese
TR. - - A. Braid, G. Carey, T. Christopher, M. Fuller, F. Gard
V.B. - - C. Webb
V.C. - - G. Sutherland
Remove A - - J. Iles, J. Watmore
Remove B - - G. Gladden
Remove C - - P. Cantell, D. Harrison
IV.A. - - J. S. Capon
IV.B. - - D. Barnett, A. Crane
IV.C. - - M. Williams
IV.G. - - L. Hackman
III. A. - - H. Gilbert, D. Jeans
III. B. - - R. Osborne
III.C. - - M. Gurr
II.A. - - P. R. Best, C. Miles
II.B. - - M. Relf
II.C. - - J. Pretty, S. White


Povey Work Shield - - Uckfield House
Bradshaw Games Shield - - Martlets House
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup - - Martlets House
Wilfred Thompson Athletic Cup - - Martlets House
Innes Swimming Cup - - Lewes House
Blunden Junior Games Cup - - Martlets House
Sinfield Swimming Cup - - J. Sowter


THE sun was shining because it was Sports Day - we have an arrangement. The afternoon will be remembered for action, for records that were broken, for feats of sweating gallantry. But it is the scene, the atmosphere, which remain with me. This summer day is part of the idyllic ritual of school. Something to remember in idleness. Old men do not forget. [Don't you believe it!] Chairs, which boys have carried to the field for visitors to sit on, are incongruous relics of school encrouching upon nature. The megaphone tins the results and scratches them on open air to be programmed by the audience. No one can distinguish a word. Everyone claps - just in case.


Martlets won the sports with 426 points. Lewes came a close second [?] with 305 points. A long way behind were Uckfield with 302 points and Seahaven with 293 points.
M. P. Sadler.

100 yards: 1, Stenning (M); 2, White, M. (S); 3, White, C. (S).
220 yards: 1, Stenning (M); 2, Charman (S); 3, White (S) - Time 24.8 secs:
440 yards: 1, Clark (U); 2, White (S); 3, Sawter (L) - Time 54.5 secs.
880 yards: l, Sowter (L); 2, Hughes (S); 3, Fry (M).
1 Mile: 1, Hughes (S); 2, Skinner (U); 3, Reeve (M) - Time: 5 mins.
Relay: 1, Martlets; 2, Uckfield; 3, Seahaven.
Putting the Shot: 1, Dr.ake (M); 2, Sutherland (M); 3, Butcher.
Discus: 1, Goodyear (M); 2, Burges (U); 3, Whitfield (S).
Javelin: 1, Webb; 2, Knight; 3, Perry - Distance: 151 ft. 3 ins.
High Jump: I, Stenning (M); 2, Drake (M); 3, Welch (L) - Height 5 ft.
Long Jump: I, Clark (U); 2, White (S); 3, Burley (M) - Distance: 20 ft. 4 ins.

100 yards: I. Edwards (M); 2, Everest (M); 3, Golman (U) - Time: 11.6 sees.
220 yards: 1, Seal (L); 2, Everest (M); 3, Drummond (U) - Time: 26.2 secs.
440 yards: 1, Neill (M); 2, Southerden (L); 3, Russell (M) - Time: 58. secs.
88G yards: 1, Neill (M); 2, Buerey (U); 3, Yarrow (L).
Relay: 1, Martlets; 2, Uckfield; 3, Lewes.
Putting the Shot: Holder (S); 2, Yarrow (L); 3, Cutlack (U).
Discus: 1, Meardon (S); 2, Neill (M); 3, Watmore (M) - Distance 124 ft.
Javelin: I, Seal (L); 2, Crouch (L); 3, Frazer (S).
High Jump : I, Amy (S);. 2, Russell (M); 3, Buery (U) - Height 4 ft. 9 ins.
Long Jump: I, Everest (M); 2, Coleman (U); 3, Holder (S) - Distance 16 ft. 2 ins.

100 yards: 1, White (M); 2, Jarvis (L); 3, Ford (U).
220 yards: 1, White (M); Z, Sutherland (M); 3, Jarvis (L) - Time 27.8 secs.
440 yards: 1, Wilson (M); 2; Gilbert (U); 3, Massey (L) - Time 63.1 secs.
Relay: 1, Martlets; 2, Uckfield; 3, Lewes; 4, Seahaven.
High Jump: 1, Massey (L); 2, Leckey (U); 3, Scott (M) - Height 4 ft. 1 in.
Long Jump: 1, White (M); 2, Ford (L); 3, Bensusan (U) - Distance 14 ft. 2 ins.


THE swimming pool, a splendid piece of work when it was built and paid for by the School in the 1930s, is now badly in need of modernisation. A filter and chlorination plant, renovated surroundings, a changing room, toilet, and first aid facilities can be provided at a reasonable cost. Other desirable changes, such as enclosing or enlarging the pool, are prohibitively expensive.

The County authorities have agreed to grant £ 1,700 towards the cost of. the filter and chlorination plant. The money for any other improvements to be raised by the School. Plans have been prepared by Mr. David Ashdown, A.R.I.B.A., in consultation with the swimming pool committee and numerous parents, whose expert advice has been most helpful. Contracts have now been placed for the engineering work with Messrs. T. W. Barfoot, and for the building with the Ringmer Building Works, both firms with a long and close connection with the School. Work will start in the spring, and it is hoped to have the pool ready for use at approximately the normal beginning of the swimming season.

The total cost will probably be in the region of £3,800, so that the School must raise about £2,100; nearly half of this money has already been subscribed. Many individuals and groups of parents have raised money by ingenious means, and everyone in the School is truly grateful for this devotion. A full list will be published later. Over £500 was raised at a Sale of Work held in the School on November l7th. The parents contributed produce and home-made articles of the most varied kind, and many local shops and industries, together with other friends of the School, gave other items for sale. The boys, under the energetic direction of many members of the staff, both manned tihe stalls, which filled the assembly hall almost to the exclusion of buyers, and ran a great variety of shows in the class-rooms. Enormous crowds queued up outside the door before opening time, some coming from as far as Hastings; the crush was terrific, the enthusiasm enormous and the goods all sold by the conclusion of the afternoon. A truly heart-warming event.

We still have to raise another £1,000, and plans are afoot for further large events of this kind. Individual contributions, however, will of course be very welcome, whether large or small, and should be sent to the Headmaster.


THOSE hardy perennials, the House Plays, have come and gone once more: a brief flowering but a very welcome one at the end of the long Christmas term. The School was in festive mood this year, and so indeed were the actors. Note that last word, I've never written a truer one. It is a constant source of wonder to me that so many boys can be found with enough natural ability really to act on the stage - none of your self-conscious shufflings and mumblings; They speak out and pose and posture with the best.

By George Bernard Shaw (with a little assistance from T. Drake)

Excellent stuff this was, well produced and well acted: a performance very far from deserving the modesty with which it was announced. Anticlimax and bathos were admirably timed; in fact the timing (apart from the sound effects) was first-rate throughout. The jokes (Drakean additions I suspect) were sufficiently blue to amuse without shocking. Harrison as Fitz, Stenning as Lady Magnesia and Drake as Adolphus Bastable were outstanding and deserve every praise. The rest of the cast were also good, though Wild's dialect (as the policeman) was suspect - and unnecessary? - and Phillips as the Landlord, with a difficult part, played it perhaps a little too boisterously. This has my vote as the best of the four plays.

By B. Hughes and P. Whitfield

This, too, was good-but somewhat inconsequential. It did not quite succeed, and I suspect was under-rehearsed. The quality varied from very good, e.g. the opening atmosphere was very skilfully created, and the newscaster's (horrible word ! ) material was good and well delivered, and the slapstick with the weather report was first-rate; and rather poor, e.g. the timing was bad (much too slow), the epidiascope was not powerful enough to show a visible picture and, soon after the beginning, there was that slight contretemps with the curtain and the lights.

Parker as Sir William Frederick MacFleaknee showed a very fine touch in a comic role, and his death spasms were particularly enjoyable! Beal was a confident and competent Pedrozkovitch, Treadrea a most seductive Lady Agnes, and Shopland an efficient Bill "Paddington". An enjoyable show but it needed polishing.

By Mick Sadler

An entertaining twenty minutes, and it nearly came off. A pastiche (good word that!) on the modern theatre. One wonders whether House captains should not lower their sights a little (towards 4A perhaps?) and present entertainment for boys rather than edification for intellectuals. A confused introduction, with much play upon MacBeth, MacDuff, Hamlet, etc., was followed by an equally confusing playlet. I liked the idea of appealing to the audience to come forward and take part, but the technique used was poor: the potencial cast, I feel, should have risen as one man, strode down the hall and mounted to the stage in full view of the audience. Sadler wrote it and it was full of Sadlerian touches; the humour was somewhat adult. The rope trick was a good touch, so were the comic policemen, and the lighting was very good. But the denouement was far from clear: who died? Did anyone die? Is a new death planned? Does it matter anyway? Was the collecting box left by the policeman for collecting blackmail or contributions to the police orphanage?

Hyde was good as the Mistress with the Meccano, and Fuller as the butler and Hunt as Sgt. Clumpwhistle were very competent.

By B. Knight

Good stuff this, but it could have been better. It fizzled at the end, and would have been very much improved by a larger number of "supers" to make up the population. There was a clever idea here - too clever for me I fear, for I couldn't quite see what it was all about. I began by thinking it was vaguely anti-Semitic, then discarded that idea in favour of a general parody of modern life in under-developed countries, and the ideological conflict for world opinion. But then I'm old-fashioned; if there is to be a moral I like it really hammered home hard. As Noah, Pearmain was quite devastatingly repulsive - don't misunderstand me, this is high praise; I'm sure he was meant to be. The Red, Yank, and British Archangels were equally good (Colbourne, Bleach and Knight), and Clark as Noah's son George played his part, whatever it was meant to be, quite competently. Kershaw, too, was a fine figure of a woman. I didn't understand the play, but why worry anyway? It was rnost enjoyable

Michaelmas 1961
Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entrate

OXFORD a divided into two groups, those who work and those who pretend to work. In the former are the enigmatic personages: John Moon (Physics), Chris Deverell (Chemistry), Dick Yarrow (Physics) and Chris Davey (Chem. Pt. 2). Honi soit qui mal y pense.

The latter group is heralded by an accomplished bunch of Freshers: Mike Coe (Medic.), studious John Sandercock (Physics), rotating on social axes; Pete Sutherland (Mod. Lang.), grocer, general stores and rugger; Alan Gibson (English), ginger and dead serious; and finally Steamer (M. R. Walton), who, back from sundry traumas in Italy, has now abandoned his beard and has fallen in love with the Nine Muses (Strafford - a skeleton in the cupboard). From his garret in the Turl he has embarked upon Anglo-Saxon with a sad heart and is to be seen hurrying past Blackwell's with intense gaze and transcendental gait. He regularly gives Mick Allen coffee.

In the van of the second year is Nick Silk, who followed a rigorous timetable in a desperate attempt to mediate between the conflicting claims of Hippocrates and the rugger ball; the pig's bladder has momentarily triumphed in a well-deserved Blue; invariably seen with an aged bike beneath him and the long hideous Merton scarf around his neck.

Howard G. Thompson is now perfecting his style in the 18th century wing of Magdalen overlooking the deer park. This room is a yardstick to the man, with a skull on the mantelpiece, lifted from St. Mary's graveyard one dark night, and a military portrait by the occupant of a Napoleonic general, who may be a Thompson with fulfilment. Thomp is never to be found in his room but in the protean company of beatnik intellectuals; nobody knows in fact whether these are mere recreation for him or aspects of an intense political life.

Pete Gamby, an arden physicist, nevertheless presents a beautific smile to all his friends, hiding behind this affable exterior the grim concentration of a basketball secretary and the power of a rugger man.

Mick Allen, mystical intellectual, eats Indian curry and professes to be writing a treatise on hypomania with a Harley Street specialist, but is usually found escorting undergraduettes to theatre or cinema. His room mate says he bikes with great gusto, washes with great gusto, talks with great gusto and is violent at parties.

Hoc malignati anno, proximo malignabunt.

Cambridge - February l5th, 1962

THERE is an unchanging conservatism about Cambridge, an environment conducive to the country-look of twill trousers, corduroy jackets and "chukker boots". The city is rarely wrenched from a drowsy, meditative mood, and as hard as some people try they are unable to shatter the pervasive image of quiet dignity.

Last term was undoubtedly the most eventful in "efforts to shatter". A few uncontrolled angries became incensed with the apparently quaint idea that they had to change the present, clear away the dust, and mould and forge the future. We witnessed, perhaps justified, but undignified intrusions in the Union - women forced their way to the Chamber, only to be met by violent outbursts of divergent views. Again that quaint little section of society made up of "semi-bearded" jeaned and diminutive gentlemen, raised a ludicrously plaintive note by marching through the streets without gowns.

How then have Lewesians been conducting themselves amid such reactionary affairs? Peter Britten, while doing a Diploma in Education at St. John's, is this term "out on the job", gaining practical experience for a term. However, St. John's still holds two Lewesians, Peter Randell, in his second year reading medicine and Robin Fleet - the former always ready to ofter coffee and existentialism, the latter generally seen only crossing the court.

John Drake, a third year lawyer at Caius, apart from being in the senior university trials, also plays rugby for college, and keeps in a super-state of fitness by doing athletics as well. Richard Swann, a freshman at Caius, is reading medicine while also giving technical advice in college amateur dramatics. Among the other freshmen: Robert Whittle is at Churchill reading Natural Sciences and appears to spend most of his time underwater at the Leys School Baths, but there is talk of graduation to the big, wide ocean, and the revelation af profound mysteries! Quentin English is also a natural scientist and last term his presence was noted on the river, coxing one of the "Fitzbillie" boats - this term is either one of discontent or redundancy. George Newman is at St. Catherine's reading law, when not working on the J.C.R. Committee and the committee of the College Literary Society.

Among others, chiefly research students, there is Lionel Warnes at Selwyn, who is rarely seen without his bicycle, travelling at a high speed somewhere, and David Shrubb, whom we should like to congratulate on his marriage to une petite fille francaise - his time unquestionably being rather full.


DESPITE the prejudice built up against cross-country throughout the whole of the School, a cross-country club has been formed under the guidance of Mr. Hallams. Inspired no doubt by the success of the School in its first attempt at team-running last season, the School was third in both East Sussex and Sussex School Championships, the club has "claimed" about 20 members, and several matches with other schools have been fixed. Perhaps it would be an understatement to say that there is always room for new recruits.

This has been the first full season of cross-country running, and the results obtained have exceeded our expectations. Hughes, Clark, Waight, Price, Coney and English have run with distinction in helping record team victories in the Sussex A.A.A.Youth Championships, the East Sussex Schools Championships, where incidentally Hughes was the individual winner, and finally the Sussex Schools Championships. The Juniors and Intermediates have also run well, finishing twelfth out of forty-six teams and tenth out of twenty-nine teams respectively in the Sussex Schools Championships. Congratulations are extended to Hughes and Price on gaining their County vests, and to Waight, who is a reserve. School colours were awarded to Hughes, Clark, Price, Waight, Coney, English and Neill.


THE building is finished, the teething troubles over, we have settled into a steady routine of worship; a brief morning service alternating with the assembly hall, a longer service with sermon once a week each for the senior and junior school, prayers during the lunch hour and after school, a Communion Service at the end of term. How far has this pattern of worship, unique in a school of this kind, penetrated into the life of the School? Has it already become for some an empty ritual? The building of the chapel was a magnificent achievement; there remains for us now the far harder task of using it properly.

The impact of the chapel on the School must depend to a large extent on the quality of the preaching. Several members of the staff have preached, and we hope will continue to do so frequently. Last summer the prefects conducted several junior school services completely, including the sermon. This is an admirable thing to do both for them and for the School, and we hope it will become a regular feature of our worship. The bulk of the sermons, however, came from visitors, and while one or two have proved that it is not only in old pulpits that dry rot is a menace, and while one preacher to the junior school seemed to be in imminent danger of vertical take-off, there remain many inspiring memories; to name a few : the impressive and burning sincerity of our two Franciscan visitors, the Celtic eloquence of the Chaplain of Sussex University and the Rev. Donald Carpenter, and the Bishop of Lewes's brief but profound and moving words when he conducted the Communion Service last July.

It will be news to many members of the School that a silver chalice and paten, austere but beautiful, have been designed and made by Mr. Gourlay, and presented to the chapel by Mr.W.S.Eade (O.L. 1930-34).

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