Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 39 - 1964

This Year's Barbican cover A much improved Barbican. Lots of things are going on and there is quite an up-beat tone. Clearly the School is doing very well - though one notes the small size of the Oxford contingent and the absence of the Oxford Letter. This is almost certainly due to the lower numbers going to Oxford over the last few years and the fact that Mr Bradshaw's influence has, understandably, waned since he retired in 1960. Otherwise, though, the School is functioning admirably by the standards that he set in earlier years. The multitude of extra-curricular activities is surprising to us of the wartime generation.

The early years of the Sixties, the "never had it so good" years, were indeed very good for most people and the country was full of optimism for the future. Wages were rising, Minis and washing machines and other desirable possessions were coming to the masses. The economy was, albeit temporarily, in reasonable shape, interest rates still low. This new purchasing power is reflected in the multitude of local and foreign trips that parents could now afford for their off-spring. Those of us who were at school in the war and immediate post-war era, when there was a dire shortage of everything, can now realise what they missed! We also missed having young, energetic teachers who could organise and carry forward the range of school activities that we see here; most teachers in those war years were middle-aged and some, out of retirement, in their late 60s and 70s.

However, as we shall see, these halcyon days were not to last. Economics would catch up and cut-backs would bite. The need to rebuild our out-of-date industrial base and reform the education system would cost much money and involve much reorganisation and heartbreak especially among those who would cling to the past . . .

The Chapel is now maturing and there has been a multitude of outside speakers in to ginger up the otherwise uninspired fare. It would seem that the "present apathy and lack of response", in spite of their best endeavours, rankles among the dedicated chapel devotees.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys



THE THIRTY-NINTH ISSUE of "The Barbican" has grown bigger: Whether its increased size is healthy tissue - good bone and muscle - or mere obesity you, the reader must decide. Certainly the official accounts of school activities are longer and, I hope, livelier. The activities themselves - to instance only the revitalised Vlth Form Society with its average attendance of over 80 members - are evidence of a robust vitality. Each individual boy or master, tends only to think of those activities - sports or clubs - he is himself engaged in. It is when the records of the multifarious interests of the School are assembled for publication that one realises what a power-house of energies a good grammar school can be.

Twenty-five original contributions, chosen from nearly a hundred submitted, are published in this issue. Again, I feel that their quality is an improvement on past performances. To decide whether or not a contribution is good enough to publish is, and must be, an invidious task.

I hope those whose work has not found a place will try again. Several contributions that have gained "recommended" House points were excluded only because the Magazine was already over-length.


We have many changes to record among members of the staff this year: Mr. M. Thatcher and Cdr. C. E. P. Simpson have both forsaken the peaceful seclusion of our workshops for the hurly-burly of Services Schools overseas; Mr. Thatcher in Germany which he finds congenial and Mr. Simpson in Cyprus, though so far he has been considered too valuable to be risked in those troubled waters. They are replaced by Mr. D. A. T. Batehup and Mr. G. Swan an old Lewesian, whom we are glad to welcome back into the community. Mr. K. C Venables has gone to try teaching in a secondary modern school in Sussex, and we have Mr. D. Isaacs with us for two terms before dashing off to South America. (There must be something about us which prompts so many people to go as far away as possible.) The Art Department is being enthusiastically supported by Mr. D. Hopkins, straight from Brighton College of Art, and our usual links with France and Germany are maintained by J. M. Mazin and E. R. H. Schmieding. Best wishes to those who go, and a warm welcome to those joining us.

Miss Dorothy Dusart also retired, after 26 years of devoted service to the School at the end of the Summer Term of 1963. She was presented with a television set, the gift of pupils and old Lewesians, and an electric kettle, the gift of the staff, thus ensuring her spiritual. and bodily comfort in retirement. We are all deeply grateful for all she has done for the School, and are happy to see that she comes to all school celebrations. We are glad to welcome Miss Doris Suter in her place; Miss Suter has long experience as a school secretary at New Mills Grammar School in Derbyshire, and does not find us very different down here! We are sorry to lose Mrs. K. Thomas, whose eagle eye has kept our accounts straight for several years.

With much sorrow we record the death of two members of the School, J. S. Capon and D. J. Evans. An obituary notice appears later in this issue.

The following prefects have been appointed during the,year:
R. B. Caves, A. J. Dickinson, M. Fuller, H. M. Rix, J. A. Seagrave, A. J. Braid (Head of School), G. C Carey (Head Prefect), R. S. Bliss, D. E. Colbourne, T. G. Coleman, A. Davidson, I. Drummond, F. J. Gutierrez, D. A. Harrison, M Herbert, P. Hill, J. F. Iles, J. A. Livingston, I. Mackay, R. M. Parker B. D Phillips, W. K. Southerden, G. W. Sutherland, P. R. Waight, J. M. Watmore, D. A. S. Everest, N. Richards.

Congratulations to the following boys on their achievements:
J. A. Seagrave: Francis Joseph Humphreys Open Exhibition to Brasenose College, Oxford.
T. W. Greenfield: Open Exhibition to Southampton University.
T. G. Coleman: R.A.F. Cadet's reciprocal visit to Canada (summer, 1963) and Flying Scholarship (Easter, 1964).
R. P. Bennison: Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award.
J. A. Seagrave and P. Waight, who appeared in a discussion programme on Southern Television, and M. Vincent, who took part in a B.B C. radio discussion. D. G. Welch, selected to run for Sussex in the InterCounty Championships, March 1964.

An anonymous donor has endowed two new prizes: the Osborne Award for industrious work irrespective of intelligence, and the Arnold House Basketball Trophy. We are also grateful to Dr. Stephen Toulmin, of the Nuffield Foundation Unit for the History of Ideas, for presenting a prize for a member of the Sixth Form showing the greatest interest and achievement in a subject outside his chosen specialism.

The portrait of Mr. Bradshaw, commissioned by the Governors and painted by Mr. S. Morse-Brown, was unveiled by Lady Bourne at a short ceremony on June l lth, 1963. Mr. Pettitt, who is both an old Lewesian and a school governor, Mr. Bradshaw and the artist all spoke briefly. The portrait now challenges quizzically everyone entering the main door of the School.

Various speakers and outings have entertained sections of the School. We have heard careers talks on the R.N., the R.A.F the C.E.G.B. and chartered accountancy; Mr. Hills, late headmaster of Bradfield College has discoursed upon The Times, and Professor R L.E. Boyd of University College, London, performed a remarkable feat on September 30th by giving a sermon in chapel arguing with the Science Sixth on religion for the rest of the afternoon and then addressing the Science Society on Space Research, in which he is actively engaged. A small party was able to visit the production of Shaw's "St. Joan" at the Chichester Festival Theatre in the Summer Term of 1963 while larger ones went to the Oxford v. Cambridge rugby football match at Twickenham in December; and to the Fawley oil refinery in March 1964.

The Gideon Bible Association has presented every member of the School with a Gideon New Testament and Psalms; three local members visited the School in July to make the presentation and explain the Gideon organisation.

The School Choir and the indefatigable Mr. Richards have gone from strength to strength. The best carol service we have ever heard in the chapel was given three times in December, and included for the first time works composed by a member of the school, Richard Hames. Equally enjoyable have been their contributions to a service for Education Week in November, and to the first Old Lewesians' Service at their annual dinner on March l4th. The grind of work has been relieved by the School review, which sounded highly appreciated from a listening-post near the Hall; and by Danny Kaye's film, "Knock on Wood", at the end of the Christmas term. New Buildings

We ought to record the fact that one of the moving spirits of a new pop group Count Downe and the Zeros is an Old Lewesian D. Green (1955-59).

The cover photograph of part of the School is by M. Knickle, (3.A.)


THIS year our Chief Speaker was the distinguished scholar and novelist, C. P. Snow. Readers of his books will know him as a thinker much concerned with the very real novelty of the problems posed to the post-war world by the incredibly rapid advance of science and its products. In particular Sir Charles spoke with wisdom and warning of the dangerous breakdown of communication between the scientist and the humanist; and how man's mere survival, much more his apotheosis, depended on the restoring of this communication. He was concerned, too, with an allied problem, whose solution was equally imperative - the unnatural and dangerous division of our people into an intelligentsia (so called) of 20 % and the Rest condemned at 11 years of age to consider themselves, and be considered, as Second-class Citizens. This he saw as the supreme educational folly of post-war Britain.



(Subject names denote Distinction at "S" level)
D. Babstock, B. Baily, R. L. Bevan (Pure Mathematics), J. Brinkhurst, P. Caulfield, T. T Christopher, B. J. Coney, R. A Coombs, M. F. Fuller (Pure Mathematics Applied Mathematics), F. E. Gard (Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics), E. A Grinsted, R. J. Gorringe, M. G Hayler, D. P Highwood, D. Hunt (Biology), M. C Loveridge, A D. Muddle, A. J. Tyrrell, C M Webb, B J. Wood (Biology), D. P. Allvey, A. J. W. Perry, D R Shepherd (Geography, Geology), P. C Tantram, I. S. Anderson, I. F. Bell, A. J. Braid, G. J. Carey (History), R. P. Caves, A J. C. Dickinson, K. J. Francis, J. M R. Hurst, P. D. McIntyre, J M. Morley, A. L. Morris R. Palfreyman, J. W. Parker, R. A. Perry, H. M. Rix, J. R. Seagrave (Geography), M. J. Watts.

R. C. Baker, D. I. Beattie, R. E. Billingham, A. G. Burton, J S Capon, M. D. Chalmers, R. D. Clark, P. Crees, A. D. Frost, D. T. Greenland, D. J. Hurst, R. J Ilersic, D. J Jeffery, T. B. Kempshall ,T. N. Martin, M. J. Meardon, A. C. Moon, D. Muzzell, T. F Pope, T. C. Ridley, N. J. Russell, R. W. Smith, C. J. Steel, P. R. Stephenson, A. J. Stewart, I. R. Stopps, S. R. Symonds, M. M, Ternouth, A. J Voyce, A S. Woodward, D. Barnett, N. Beck, R. B. Clark, R. E. Couser, P. J. Cox, A E. Crane, J. H. Culligan, D. J. Evans, J. S. Gorrett, A. H. Herman, A. H. Hughes, R. C. Hunt, E W. Lawson, E. J Mears, C. J. McBain, B. A. McPhee, G. H Sharp, M. H. Short, R. G. Smith, T. J. Steggall, D. C. Sutton, R. C. Valpy, G S. Ward, M. G. Williams, R. A. Campbell, T. J. Cutlack, L. A. Hackman, R. J. Hayward, R. P. Henning, A. B. Ibbotson, R. J W. Jeans, R. J. Kennedy, K. E. Noble, F. R. Palmer, B. Paterson, T. C. Robbins, C. E. Taylor, B. Taylor, R Acott, D. J. Bosworth, P. J. Camus, B Dennis, M. W. Drakeford, G. A. Edwards, P. J. Lane, D. H. Reeve, R. A. Ross, B. M. Woollard, C. M. Hicks.

M. R. Baker - - Reading University (History).
T. R. Bleach - - Liverpool University (History).
J. Brinkhurst - - Manchester University (Mechanical Engineering).
T. T. Christopher - - Manchester University (Chemistry).
P. J. Clark - - University College London (History).
R. A. Coombs - - Sheffield University (Honours in Natural Science).
T. R. Drake - - State Scholarship to Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge (Law).
D. G English - - Merton College Oxford (Chemistry).
J. E. Grinsted - - State Scholarship to Churchill College, Cambridge (Biochemistry).
R J. P. Gorringe - - Wye College, London University (Agriculture). .
M. Hayler - - Queen Mary College, London University (Mechanical Engineering).
D. Hunt - - Birmingham University (Biochemistry).
A. Muddle - - Leicester University (Mathematics).
A. J Perry - - Wye College London University (Agriculture).
D. Shepherd - - Leicester University (Geology).
P. J. Whitfield - - State Scholarship and Exhibition in Natural Science at Fitzwilliam House, Cambridge.

Colleges of Advanced Technology
D. P. Allvey - - Northampton C.A.T. (Dip.Tech. in Civil Engineering).
D. P. Highwood - - Bristol C.A.T. (Dip. Tech. in Applied Biology).
F. G. Howard - - Chelsea C.A.T. (B.Pharm.).
B. J. Wood - - Chelsea C.A.T. (B.Pharm.). Colleges of Art
A. L. Morris - - St. Martin's School of Art.
J. N. Palfreyman - - St. Martin's School of Art.
R. A. Perry - - Camberwell School of Art.

Technical Colleges
B. Baily - - Brighton College of Technology (Dip. Tech. Applied Physics).
P. Caulfield - - Portsmouth Technical College (B.Sc.General).
K. Francis - - Portsmouth Technical College (B.A. General).
E. Grinsted - - Portsmouth Technical College (B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering)
M. Loveridge - - Portsmouth Technical College (B.Sc.General).
P. Tantram - - Brighton College of Technology (Diploma in Electrical Engineering).
A. Tyrrell - - Brighton College of Technology (B.Sc. in Chemistry).

Teachers' Training Colleges
P. Downey - - Strawberry Hill College, Twickenham.
R. Gregory - - St. Luke's College, Exeter.
B. R. Hughes - - Loughboraugh College.
P. D. McIntyre - - Strawberry Hill College, Twickenham.

Some Old Lewesian Successes
P. English, Ford Foundation Fellowship in Criminal Law, North-Western University, Illinois, U.S.A.
S. G. Fleet, M.A., Ph.D., Fellow of Fitzwilliam House, Cambridge; University Demonstrator in Mineralogy and Petrology.
N. Silk, Captain, O.U.R.F.C.
D. Wicks appeared at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden and at Glyndebourne.


LEWES R.F.C. PRIZE - - D. Reeve
OSBORN AWARD - - T. Cutlack
THE "HOARE" CUP (Uckfield House) - - P. J. Clark

Sc. VIA 1 - - F. E. Gard, M. F. Fuller, D. A. Muddle.
Sc. V1A 2 - - D P. Allvey.
Sc.VIB 1 - - I. D. Page, G. P. Gladden, J. F. Iles.
Sc. V1B 2 - - P. Hill, N Richards.
Mod. VlA - - A. J. Braid, R. Caves, A. J. C. Dickinson.
Mod. VIB - - P. R. Waight, J. A. Livingston, T. W. Greenfield.
VA - - D. T. Greenland, P. Crees, T. C. Ridley, N. J. Russell.
VB - - A. Crane, D. C. Sutton.
VC - - R. T. Kennedy.
VG - - M. W. Drakeford.
IVA - - D. B. Jeans, R. Humphrey.
IVB - - J. Sutherland.
IVc - - J. Curry.
IIIA - - P. R. Best, P. R. Miles, B. Knight.
IIIB - - W. F. Thompson.
IIIc - - W. J. Bartholomew, A C. Booth.
IIA - - S. J. O. Gann, D. J. Motley.
IIB - - P. M. Coley, R. Precey.
IIC - - D. J. Holcombe, P. D. Ward.
IA - - D. G. Beal, M. Vincent .
IB 1 - - D. J: Bolton, I. R. Graham.
IB 2 - - T. Hill, R. T. Winsor.

Povey Work Shield - - Uckfield House
Bradshaw Games Shield - - Uckfield House
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup - - Seahaven House
Wilfred Thompson Athletic Cup - - Seahaven House
Innes Swimming Cup - - Seahaven House
Blunden Junior Games Cup - - Seahaven House
Champaklal Tennis Cup - - Uckfield House
Arnold Basketball Trophy - - Seahaven House
Sinfield Swimming Cup - - A. H. Herman


ANOTHER most enjoyable revue was staged in the Christmas Term, dominated by the talent of Messrs. Parker, Waight and Harrison.

Twenty-five "turns" made up the very varied programme which turned out to be rather like the curate's egg - but even the not-so-good parts were enjoyed vociferously, by a delighted school. One got the impression that some sketches were under-rehearsed, e.g the "Beatles" didn't quite come off: miming a well known song can be very effective but it does need to be perfectly timed if is it to succeed. Talking of under-rehearsal I heard afterwards that one of Waight's odes was learnt by heart in the lunch hour preceding the revue! - if that is so more power to his elbow, his two "odes" ("The 'Chemstry Lab' " and "Botany") were really first-class and were put over with faultless timing.

Pete Hill, Curry Senior and Junior, and Jenner provided two sessions of pop music, and drew the loudest cheers: pity Hill forgot the name of the bit he'd just played! I don't deny this group's undoubted talent and admit to be more cube than square, but for my money the finest entertainment was the climax of the show: the "Revolt". This was a remarkably funny impression of what might happen if the School rebelled against the staff. Room after room was taken by assault and master after master was shown overwhelmed. The mimicry of Parker, Herbert and Harrison was superb and as the staff in the audience recognised their "colleagues" delighted guffaws went up - perhaps a little hollow from those who recognised themselves! I think the mimicry could have been taken quite a lot further without giving offence.

Of the other performances Willy Sutherland, Jock Drummond and Bliss were outstanding. Three cheers too for the censor, Mr. Davey, who had an invidious task but clearly did not wield his "axe" so narrow-mindedly as to spoil the show. Good stuff and good clean fun: well done!


This Easter Term sees the Railway Club entering its third year and since its inception a wide range of activities has been covered, especially in the last twelve months. We started the year with an outing to the Motive Power Depots of Three Bridges and Redhill, which was much enjoyed. During the Easter term we had some entertaining talks mostly by members of the Committee. We did, however, have two outside speakers, Mr. Marshall and Mr. Lelow both of the Southern Region of British Railways. In conjunction with his talk, Mr Lelow (who is shedmaster of Brighton motive power depot), invited us to Brighton in order to explain his works more fully. The term ended with two short films "Train Time" and "Little and Often".

As is customary, activities were suspended during the summer term, but a committee meeting was held at the end of term to discuss the future programme of the club. We also said goodbye to our board editor Richard Coombs and welcomed his successor Marchant. In the summer holidays we had an outing to Swindon, our most ambitious and possibly our most successful venture yet.

The autumn term was given over entirely to talks by members of the club. The last two meetings were particularly successful, being composed of slide shows given by Wenham, Carey and Seagrave. The slides were of high quality and were much appreciated by members.

I would like to take this opportunity to express the gratitude of the chairman (Fuller) for the great deal of hard work which the committee Marchant, Moon, Seagrave and Carey, has done to keep the club running efficiently during the past year. Last years' notes ended with our Chairman expressing the hope that our membership would double. Although it has not done so this year, we are confident that membership will continue to rise. We hope to have more films, and outings in the future and we ask those who are at all interested in railways to attend our meetings.


THE first day of the Easter Term 1964 is a poignant one, for it does not mark a beginning but an end, the end of the Uckfield Flyer. It is sad to note that this familiar train - four well-worn green coaches swathed in quietly-hissing steam hauled by a brown (formerly black) locomotive, also oozing steam profusely at every possible place - is now no more than a memory.

As far as school was concerned, the Flyer was synonymous with the train which was officially described as the 7.39 a.m. Tonbridge-Brighton, for this was the train that was responsible for conveying that part of our school which resorts in the evening to Buxted, Crowborough and other remote corners of the Sussex Weald, and it might well have been adopted as the mascot of Uckfield House. This was the train that was late when several dozen boys made the time honoured excuse to form-masters; this was the train that used to keep the Seaford boys waiting at the signals outside Lewes station; this was the train that assaulted our ears and wrapped us in smoke as we passed the station on our way to school by bicycle or on foot. We cannot deny that the Flyer was part of our school life. Therefore, it is only right that we should remember this train without prejudice and at least with respect if not with affection.

If the Flyer is remembered for any two qualities they must surely be antiquity and lack of punctuality, but we must not be hasty in our censure. For some unknown reason that unseen force, the Motive Power Superintendent, decreed from somewhere in the depths of London that this train should always be formed of stock at least 35 years old. Considering this unfair deal, credit must be given to the railwaymen who ensured that the train even reached Lewes, which on some occasions seemed extremely doubtful. It all depended on the locomotives, each one of which differed in performance and temperament. Until 1959 we had the services of the former South Eastern and Chatham express locomotives, which performed valiantly until the battle against age and poor maintenance became too much for them. One now has a place of honour in the Museum of British Transport at Clapham, while their place on the Flyer was taken by locomotives no younger than themselves, made up of spare parts at Woolwich Arsenal during the First World War and hard at work ever since. Number 31408 of this class worked the last Flyer on 3rd January and distinguished itself by arriving at Brighton on time after leaving Tonbridge 11 minutes late.

Now the train is hauled by a diesel, a through train from London with modern coaches. Those narrow coaches with cream and brown interior panelling and steamy atmosphere have been replaced by more comfortable stock, and it bears no relation to the Flyer. We shall not hear the shrill whistle again; small boys will not rush into the smoke on the bridge. Whether we liked or grumbled about the Flyer, we shall miss it, and only when we miss it shall we realise that it was part of our English heritage. We have lost the Flyer for ever, the Flyer is dead. I hope that even the most hardened traveller will pause to mourn for a moment and remember with pleasure the train he used to know.

G. J. Carey, Uckfield House


THE term's meetings opened with a demonstration entailing a collection of St. Bruno tins (by courtesy of Mr. White) and Smarties, hopefully called a computer, by Clark, Hunt, Russell and Ternouth. The meeting would have been more successful if the speakers had prepared their talks more thoroughly but even so the audience, mostly from the lower school enjoyed the practical demonstration of how the computer could be taught to defeat its teacher at a simple game.

We were honoured by the visit of Professor Boyd, who-gave an excellent talk on a film of the Ariel satellite and then answered questions on the satellite and space exploration. So large was the attendance that the meeting was held in the assembly hall.

The next meeting consisted of a film on hydro-electric power and the aluminium industry, to which several geographers came.
Davidson gave a talk on metallurgy, which was somewhat restricted to crystal structure.
A film and slides and transistors and semi-conductors followed and the last meeting of the term was a practical demonstration of VHF radio and a homemade oscilloscope for the more electrical minded physicists of.the school.
A vote of thanks must go to Ternouth for his varied, if not always comprehensible posters.


THE Photographic Society has now been running a year. Overall it has proved a and many interesting meetings have been held. Among the most noteworthy of the meetings were Mr. Lavender's on photography in colour, Mr. Richards talk "From Pose to Print", a practical synopsis of the complete photographic process, and Mr. Ives talk on "Composition in Black and White". Members of the committee have given talks from time to time.

Attendances during the Autumn term have been rather low, possibly a result of the many other activities taking place. Meetings are held on Thursday nights, once a fortnight, and anyone interested in photography is welcome to attend.

The darkroom has received considerable use during the year, the equipment being purchased with a grant which the Society received from the Raffle Fund. Mr. Pope very kindly gave us the use of his enlarger. The darkroom facilities are available to any member of the school and it has been the aim of the committee to provide instruction for those with no photographic experience.

An outing was made in February to Kodak's factory at Harrow and another during the Autumn term to the Photographic Department of the East Sussex Constabulary, both of which proved very informative.


ON Thursday, October l7th, a party of 36 boys and two masters set off for a trip to the Shell-B.P. oil refinery at the Isle of Grain, Kent.

We started at 9.05 a.m. with the sound of Housewife's Choice in our ears through the crowds of boys left behind. We made good progress, and soon we were well into unfamiliar countryside. Just out of Rochester we crossed over the M2 motorway and saw on our right the new Medway Bridge looking every bit as grand as expected. Soon we were in sight of the tall bunsen burner characteristics of all refineries, and before long we were met and taken along for morning coffee and biscuits at the works restaurant. Then away we went to see a brief film of how a refinery was run. After this we toured round the oil tankers and some of the refining plants, in our coach.

At about 1 p.m. we returned to the restaurant for an excellent meal, but before long we were on our way again this time to see the laboratories, power house (the most noisy part of the refinery) and the oil drumming area. We ended our day in the restaurant again having tea, where we saw that we were not the only party touring the refinery. Finally we set off home at 4.00 p.m. to the sound of some rather unprintable songs at the back of the coach, and arrived back at Lewes at 6.20 p.m. after an enjoyable and interesting day.

We are all grateful to Messrs. Gourlay and Davey and the Shell-B.P. company for arranging the trip.



This was the itinary followed by 45 members of the School for a memorable fortnight last summer. Our guides through this wonderful land of mountain peaks friendly people and leather shorts were Messrs. Norgrove, Roberts and Davey, the latter meeting us in Munich after an extensive European safari with his trusty steed SPN 477. We are grateful to them for making the trip both possible and enjoyable.

Fred Palmer and company at the School Gate Our accommodation was in Youth Hostels, and four more varied hostels it would be hard to find. The cavernous building at Berchtesgaden was not vast enough to dispel the noise of hordes of German schoolchildren; the modern hostel at Munich played us sweet music early in the morning but was unable to provide sufficient knives and forks while the warden seemed to have some rooted objection to our having slept in the beds. At Salzburg the warden cut a traditionally Austrian figure with his long white beard and leather shorts, while the hostel rang not this time with young German but with young Cornish voices.

For our journey through Austria to Munich we had the services of a German Railways bus, which must have caused a number of heart attacks to motorists coming from the opposite direction on the narrow Austrian roads.

In common with the rest of Europe, we suffered from the pervisity of the weather. The sun rapidly disappeared as soon as we arrived in Berchtesgaden and hardly reappeared while we remained on German soil. Salzburg, on the other hand, famed for rain surprised us all with a weekend of perfect weather but we had no other entirely dry days in Austria either.

As this account is not intended as a brochure for intending travellers there is no point in writing lavish descriptions of the wonderful country through which we passed. Our most vivid memories are probably the impressive stillness of the Konigssee; the spectacle of the towers and domes of Salzburg, floodlit and surmounted by the castle which was itself bathed in pale blue hght; fruit and flies in the market on the Brenner Pass, where Mr. Davey's photographic efforts nearly provoked an international incident; the new Europa Bridge near Innsbruck and the wonderful. collection of scientific exhibits in the Deutsches Museum at Munich. Above all we have vivid memories of our subterranean journey through the salt-mine at Hallein with its breath-taking wooden slides, narrow damp passages and illuminated lake. This was an unforgettable experience and it still surprises me that the seats of our trousers did not ignite as we sped down the slides at incredible speed to the next gallery.

We left Germany on the Ostend train from Munich and had a smooth crossing to Dover, where the coach was waiting to bring back to Lewes a tired but happy party.


A MEETING PLANNED FOR JULY, 1963, had to be cancelled owing to lack of support, but the Annual General Meeting, preceded by a chapel servlce and dinner, was held at the School on Saturday, l4th March, and just under 100 members attended.

The meeting approved the draft constitution; re-elected I. Wycherley as Chairman, V. H. Maywood as Treasurer, and K. Geering as Secretary; elected six members of committee and an Honorary Auditor; and voted enthusiastically for an annual dinner at the School in future, to be combined with the A.G.M.

The chapel service, based on evensong, was conducted by the Rev. Paul Bishop, O.L., and the Headmaster [Mr Fanner]; the lessons were read by Mr. Hoggins and Mr. Taylor, and the School Choir won acclaim for their performance of the canticles and anthem.

Mr. Bradshaw had hoped to attend, but was unfortunately prevented by illness; Mr. Jarvis, [a former deputy head] however, was present, and several members of staff.

We much regret to announce the death of G. F. Kenwood (1944-45) in the recent air disaster in Austria.

The following characteristic O.L. notes were compiled by Mr. Bradshaw and we reprint them unchanged.


The Navy
Gerald Cook, Captain, R.N., "To Warrior, i/c C.O.F. (Captain of the Fleet) Home Fleet" (see London Gazette).
M. V Wilson, Lieutenant, R.N., H.M.S. Plymouth Far East.
David Irvine, Sub-Lieutenant, R.N., H.M.S. Fiskerton, Persian Gulf, we believe.
C. P. Bourne (1954-9) scored 93.3 % on passing out from Seaman's Training at H.M.S. Raleigh, the highest score ever recorded. The Admiralty celebrated by presenting the School Library with four books.
T. J. Harris has completed a four-year course as an Electrical Artificer, R.N.
Michael Britchfield, Civil Service, but at the Admiralty.

The Army
Peter Galer Major, lst Royal Tank Regiment, B.E.P.O. 30.
Frank Pitt training as an army technician
Ken Perkins, Major, R.A., is in Malta and still plays rugger, but has cut it down to once a week (he must be about 38):
Several boys from the School C.C.F. have gained admission to Welbeck.

The R.A.F.
Sam Gates, Squadron Leader, is on the staff at Cranwell.
Geoff Ford, Group Captain at the Air Ministry.
Tony Cottingham, Flight-Lieutenant Wittering on Victor 2s but expected to make a "flying visit" (both senses) to Australia and New Zealand in February.
Brian Colvin, Wing Commander, in command R.A.F., White Waltham.

Diplomatic Service
Ian Winchester is at the Embassy at Vienna. Hence calm in Austria.
Ian Slone, Embassy; Khai-toum - too hot.
Chris Howells and Jack Towner - Far East somewhere.
David McLaughlin, Staff of European Coal and Steel Committee, Luxembourg.
David Blaber is engaged on one of the European Committees. Now we know why De Gaulle kept us out of the Common Market.

Other Fields
Nick Silk captained Oxford at Twickenham and played in the England final trial afterwards.
John Sandercock got a half-blue at Oxford for basketball - so we were told. The only native in the side. The rest were Yanks.
In The Times we read the Uganda XV which played against the combined Oxford and Cambridge XV last summer was captained by Constable - our "Fatty" we believe. Nick Silk should know.
Richard Yarrow has left Oxford and is teaching at a London Grammar School.
Ian Wesson is on the staff of St. George's Hospital, but he was in Lewes at midnight on 5th November. Rowdy Medicals.
Max Permain, Agricultural Officer at Jinja, Uganda.
Keith Bacon, hotelling at Devizes we believe, from postmark of Christmas card.
David Joslin, still running his farm near Tunbridge Wells.
Peter Jones, teaching in a London Comprehensive School, after Reading University.
David Browning, still studying to be a "sawbones" at Guy's. Brother George in Australia, has given up farming for the Church.
Roy Oxley librarian at Belper the only ray of culture.
Freddie Cosstick mumps on the day of Varsity Match!!!
Peter Laker, Sports Correspondent of The Daily Mirror. Ran into him (metaphorically) on Victoria Station. He was going to Cardiff to the Wales v. All Blacks match. We weren't!
Bob Butchers, Racing Correspondent on the same paper. Not a tip of any sort. Only a drink in "Shelleys".
Eddie Wood, Rolls-Royce engineer at Derby.
Which compels us to introduce a sad note. Colin Dicker, who was having an exceptionally successful career with B E.A. and had been working on the new "Trident", has been killed in a car accident. We offer our deepest syrnpathy to his wife, parents and two young children.
Ran into Cedric Andrews outside Lewes Station. He still flies for B.O.A.C.
Derek Burdon is Vicar of Coombe Bissett, Wilts, and lectures at Salisbury Training College as Chaplain.
John Barton, sorry, Dr. Barton is a lecturer at Bristol University.
Which reminds us that Stephen Fleet, sorry, Dr. Stephen Fleet (a plague on Doctorates), has been made a Fellow of Fitzwilliam House, Cambridge. Our first Oxbridge Fellowship. Very pleased we are. No doubt he is.
John Hersee is a House Tutor at Clifton College.
John Woolmore has left Cheltenham to take over the Chemistry Department at Peter Symond's School, Winchester.
Peter Noel is spending a year teaching in St. Nazaire in France.
Peter Sutherland has broken his course at Oxford to go to France for a year too.
Paul Tompsett, G.P.O. Engineering Department, Transmission Seetion.
Roger Moon after Manchester, Civil Engineering at Worthing.
Graeme Martin, one of our few Scots. Successful manufacturer in Leeds.
Derrick Buller-Sinfield owns a large garage (Volkswagons) at Mirfield, Yorks. Drives in car rallies.
Mike Burley has abandoned Economics and is now studying medicine at St. Mary's Hospital Cause and effect?
Pat Goodsell has left the Navy and is a student at Lincoln Theological College
Philip Ridley promoted Assistant Secretary at Board of Trade. Visiting Australia and New Zealand this February.
Jack Henshaw lives at Chailey but is still at the Ministry of Agriculture, we believe.
Paul Thain is at the Royal Agricultural College Cirencester
George Swan we noted as full-back for the Sussex Rugger XV.
Michael Wells is Senior Registrar at Sheffield Royal Infirmary. He hopes to follow Paget Davis to the Consultant grade.
Howard Thompson after Oxford is working for Granada TV.
Mick Sadler, still at Oxford, has written a review which has had a run in Edinburgh.
Clem Berry, with sinister intentions, hoped that Dennis Thomas Agricultural Correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, was our Dennis. It is not so. Ours writes for I.T.V.
David Pincott, "Osborne" in the 1948 production of "Journey's End", is a Housemaster at Colston's School Bristol.
David Lacey is Sports Editor of the Brighton and Hove Gazette.
Colin Wadey, after six years in Uganda, is County Organiser of Young Farmers' Club in Leicestershire.
Tony Reynolds is Head of the Geography Department, and
Colin Oxley of the History Department, and
Ted Wynter Headmaster of Haywards Heath Grammar School - obviously all offshoots of Lewes.
Ron Dusart has been home on leave from Kuwait, where he is an oil engineer.
John Irwin-Childs is Control Engineer at Brighton Power Station. He is marrying in April Good luck!
Bryan Geraghtey has completed his legal qualifications and has been admitted solicitor.
We still hear from Peter Osborne, who was smashed-up in Korea and had to resign his regular army commission
John Halford is teaching at Shoreham Grammar School
Geoffrey Ashburner, successful businessman of Buckinghamshire, called in to see us. Recreation yachting.
Peter English is studying criminal law and crime in Chicago. A most appropriate place he says. Congratulations. After London University he got a Ford Foundation Fellowship.
Martin Preece, still Headmaster of Mill Hill School, Leicester.
Chris Yarrow still studying forestry in Bangor.
Robert Snelling is Divinity Master at a school in Dunstable.
Dick Rees flourishing as a vet in Lewes.
Ron Smith, heard him at the Winter Gardens, Eastbourne, with the London "Phil" and several times on the B.B.C.
Dennis Wicks, in the cast of "Tosca" with Callas and Tito Gobbi at Covent Garden (Radio Times, 24.1.64).
Chris Davey has left Oxford and is a scientist in Essex.
Desmond Carpenter is teaching at a Comprehensive School in Fulham and enjoys it. He started as a Civil Servant.
Alfie Rogers, teaching with enjoyment in New South Wales.
Nigel Thorp at Oxford after a year in Thailand on V.S O.
Timothy Scorer at Uron College, London, Ontario, reading for an Honours History Degree.
Robert Ford, Headmaster of Kent School, Hostert, Germany.
Eric Gordon, back from Kenya after reaching the status of District Commissioner. Now at Gerrards Cross.
Peter Bull is in Singapore. Occupation unknown.
Alan Stewart flew home from Ontario far dental treatment in Lewes - and for other purposes.
David Norman married in Canada. Brother John also married at Iford.
Ivor Churches, still teaching at a Technical College in Yorkshire.
Alex Green banking at Calgarey.
Graham Wood is now married. Business post at Kuala Lumpar.
Ron Wells still teaching the backward races of Jomo Kenyatta.
Brian Knight, at Reading, has played for the University at Rugger.
Alan Pilbeam is teaching at Thomas Rich's School, Gloucester.
Michael Short, back home after six years in U.S.A.- A scientist who has returned.
Tony Burgess, lives at Colchester, in business in "The City", studies Gastronomy on the Gironde. <<BR>Which reminds us that several Old Lewesians have gone back to Les Andeleys, where we camped in 1933, and still find the surroundings and memories delightful.
Chris Chatfield got a "first" in maths at Imperial College and is now researching in statistics. Another "doctorate" we suppose.
Stan Pilbeam, Chief M.O. Blantyre, says "who trusts an African Government wants his head examined".
The number of Old Lewesians who are leaving Africa seems to suggest others think the same.
Last we heard from Peter Gamby he was hoping to go from Oxford on a scientific expedition of two years to the Antarctic-probably after effects of last winter.
Richard Field has left the Bank of England for the Church; froro mammon to righteousness.
Peter Harman is reading for a degree in Agriculture at Wye College,
Michael Blunden (1954-60) went to Norwood Technical College and from there to the British and Commonwealth Shipping Company; when he wrote he was Second Radio Officer in the Clan MacTavish in the Indian Ocean on his way to Melbourne.
Jack Franklin (1930-35) is Headmaster of Bungay Grammar School, Suffolk.
David Caton is Vicar of Stapleford in Cambridgeshire.
Nicky Buck - congratulations on his marriage and on qualifying as a vet. He is now in practice in Devonshire
Tony Killick entered School at 13+ on the Technical Section arid so left at 15. Eventually fought his way to Oxford, where he took a degree in P:P.E. When he wrote he was about to go to Ghana as a lecturer in economics at the University there.
Tailpiece (heard at Old Lewesians' London dinner last February); "Ah! I remember you. Police record, hadn't you?" "That is right. Good qualification: I am a police surgeon now".


. . . . . Credit must be given to Mr. Gem for the unceasing efforts which he has made to present the Christian faith with as much freshness and variety as possible in order to relate the teachings of Christ to the contemporary situation. This has been evident both in the addresses he has given himself and in the variety of people he has invited to speak.

Mr. Gem gave an excellent series of addresses from St. John's Gospel at our morning services during the Christmas term, and on Wednesday mornings during the same term the Headmaster gave an equally useful series of expositions on the parables of Jesus Christ. On Monday afternoons we have had a wide range of speakers for our longer senior services. During the Easter term we had a spate of school chaplains, including those from Lancing, Brighton, Hurstpierpoint and Eastbourne Colleges. In the Christmas term we heard three ordinands again, from Chichester Theological College this year. Orie was particularly good, even though he continued for ten minutes beyond his allowed time. Another outstanding sermon was that given in the Summer term by the Rev. H. A. Hamilton from the Union Church, Brighton. His subject was the necessity of being able to receive as well as to give. Many members of the fifth form condemned themselves on this occasion by showing a deplorable lack of interest in a sermon of such high quality. . . . . .

An unusual visitor was the Rev. B. Wilmot, a minister of the New Church, who told us something about this little-known Church, which was founded in the eighteenth century by Emmanuel Swedenborg. Members of staff have preached on other occasions, the Headmaster has given us his customary address at the beginning and end of term, arid we have made the acquaintance of the new Methodist minister at Lewes, the Rev. M. Logan.

We have had gala occasions at the end of the Easter and Christmas terms. The former comprised of a series of readings on the theme of the original perfection of mankind and his present need of redemption. The highlight of this service was the singing of Haydn's chorus "The Heavens are Telling" and Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus" by a choir that included the whole of the First and much of the Sixth Form. At the end of the Christmas term the carol service was the climax of our worship. As usual it was sung three times for the benefit of juniors, seniors and parents, the latter service being held in the evening by partial candle-light. Mr Richards coaxed the choir to a high standard and the service was noteworthy for the fact that they sang a "Medieval Diptych", the music for which was composed by our organist, Richard Hames of 6A Mod. This public performance was a tribute to his great musical talent and indefatigable striving for perfection which has enriched the daily worship in chapel throughout the year.

The Sixth Form have continued to make a vital contribution to our worship by their own addresses and prayers on Friday mornings. The value of these services is incalculable, for not only does it help to dispel the illusion that religion is no concern of the young but it often brings a fresh approach to old subjects and helps the speakers to consolidate their ideas. It would be unfair to mention any individuals by name, but I would like to record our gratitude to all. who have contributed in this way.

There were celebrations of Holy Communion at the end of the Easter and Summer terms, the former taken by the Rev. Strangways and the latter by Bishop Warde. I regret that it was not possible to hold similar s

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