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"The Barbican"

No. 40 - 1965

This Year's Barbican cover The Sixth form is expanding as the brighter pupils from the Secondary Modern Schools are admitted. This must have caused a fluttering in that hallowed dovecot, the staff-room. "School going to the dogs" -- "thin edge of the wedge" -- "slippery slope to oblivion" -- "never be the same again" -- "more means worse". The die-hards must have felt that their world was coming to an end. Furthermore these extra pupils, coming as they did with a different preparation for sixth-form work, are causing a radical rethink of how the resources of the school can best be used. The pressure on space alone must be a problem.

Yet the school seems to be doing very well with more university place and now many more going to CATs and Art Schools. Technology is no longer the poor relation of pure science. The Oxbridge entry is not great but that is probably more due to the absence of Mr Bradshaw than any diminution of the standards. Regretably there is no Oxbridge letter in this year's Barbican, though there are scattered titbits in the "Old Lewesians News Shots", which although it has no by-line looks suspiciously like a contribution from the hand of NRB himself.

The problems of the Chapel seem to have been kept out of the magazine. Maybe it is under new management who are going to make some changes. So far it appears to have had limited success.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys



THERE is something phoenix like about a school magazine; each year it is freshly created from the ashes of the past. Each year new names appear; lists of the names of academic and sporting rewards march across the pages in printed anonymity. House captains annually raise their cajoling, caustic or complacent voices. Societies celebrate their continued existence. The types of appeal are strangely similar: it is only their authors that vary, year after year. There is often interspersed in the lists of records and rewards, the reflection of a glow of nostalgic and affection for a fugitive past. Events recorded in the magazine have already happened; even to the reader most of its pages take on the air of history. Time is a great leveller and, just as in retrospect, a great battle can be sorted out by historians, so school life, which at times resembles a battlefield, can be made to reflect a comfortable rosy glow.

Reading through past editions of the magazine one comes across paragraphs like this written in 1940 by Mr. Euston.

"Early in January we tested the soil depth and analysed the soil of an area three-quarters of an acre in size of the new playing field. But it was some weeks before a frost which had penetrated 18 inches into the ground, eased up sufficiently to allow us to get along with the digging . . . "
"Now (in July) as a result of thorough work, timely planting and excellent fertility, we have a fine area of potatoes in full flower, two large beds of carrots and over 1,200 plants of savoy cabbage and Brussels sprouts set out and established in their permanent quarters".

1,200 plants flourish and potatoes are in full flower on a playing field only because Europe is engaged in a titanic struggle. Whatever may have been thought of the "permanent quarters" of these vegetables in 1940, time has succeeded in erasing their traces from the playing fields. Throughout the period of annual change recorded by the School Magazine, one name alone remained constant - that of the Editor since its inception in 1930 - Mr. Euston. After the war he transferred once more his undivided interest to academic pursuits. It may be his horticultural successes of 1940 can have a metaphorical application to his academic successes. Certainly considerably more than 1,200 assorted "savoys, cabbages and Brussels sprouts have been set out (by him) and established in their permanent quarters" since 1930.

However, even Mr. Euston is subject to time and with guileful benevolence he approached one of his junior colleagues - in his department - and with well chosen aphorisims, convinced him that the Editorship of "The Barbican" was the type of experience which ought not to be foregone. This colleague showing the benefits of his brief acquaintanship with the Head of his Department, quickly enlisted the help of a colleague in one of the Science Departments. Lord Snow's words at one of our annual prize givings were not spoken in vain; the bridge between the two cultures has at last been created - at least at Lewes Grammar School. Together they enlisted the help of ten 6th Formers and an Editorial Board was formed.

The policy of the magazine hasn't changed. How can it? It is still in great part the record of past events. However with an ever growing 6th Form, there is surely the necessity for a greater reflection of 6th Form opinion. Letters from Old Boys at present sprinkled throughout the Universities are being canvassed, as well as news and information of the subsequent careers of Old Boys who have gone into industry or commerce.

For the present the magazine is a mirror - perhaps clouded - of life today at Lewes Grammar School. In the final analysis, however, its strength and value depends entirely on your contributions.


MEMBERS of stafff who left us last summer have plunged into a variety of occupations: Mr Shaw to be head of the modern language department in a comprehensive school; Mr. Hughes to train teachers; Mr. Walker into a museum (as exhibitor not exhibit); and Mr. Hopkins to learn how to teach (he seemed to be doing quite well already). We send them our best wishes and are glad still to see Mr. Hughes on the touchline occasionally. Welcome in their place to Mr. C. W. Markwick, Mr. M. P. Voigt, Mr. W. G. Wilton, Miss A. L. Reid (from Australia via Canada), and Mr. R. Back, whose nautical skill will be put to .good use in the summer. We are also glad to receive into the school Mr. D. G. Talbot who has started economics as a school subject, and Mr. M. D. Nurton, a notable cricketer.

These prefects have been appointed during the year:
Summer Term: D. MacLean I. D. Page, R. J. Pople, K. C. Sharp.
Autumn Term: M. Herbert (Head of School) N. Southerden (Head Prefect), R. P. Bennison, R. E. Billingham, R B. Clark R. D Clark T. Cutlack, M. W. Drakeford D. T. Greenland R. C. Hunt C F. Lauer M. J. Meardon, M. G. ,Nash, T. F. Pope, P. B. Richards, N. J. Russell, M. H. Short, I. R. Stopps, S. R. Symonds, T. C. Ridley.
Spring Term: N. Beck A. H. Herman, D. J. Jeffery, A. M. Jepson, J. L. Stevenson, G. Williams.

Congratulations to these boys on their achievements:
J. F. Iles: Postmastership to Merton College, Oxford.
C. F. Lauer: Exhibition to Worcester College, Oxford.
M. J. Meardon: Royal Marines Scholarship.
N. J. Russell, R. P. Bennison and R. E. Billingham; selected for Sussex Schools XV.
D. E. Welch: selected for E Sussex Schools Intermediate Cross Country team.
T. Hughes and E. S. Stobart, C.C.F. London-to-Brighton walk in 15 hours 25 minutes.
R. A. Steadman, prize for the best individual performance, under 15 XV final.
S. S. R. Smith, on being accepted for Voluntary Service Overseas in a hospital in equatorial Africa.

Congratulations also to Nick Silk, on being capped for the England XV against Wales and Ireland, in addition to his successful season as Captain of Sussex.
Mr. D. A Reynolds (O.L.) has presented a cup for the most efficient member of the C.C.F.
Mr. Richards and the choir repeated their polished performace of Faure's Requiem at the end of the summer term and gave their normal Carol Service at Christmas. For the parents' service, the seating traditional in college chapels was adopted, and proved excellent for listening to the choir in the gallery.
The annual raffle was this year devoted to charity ; £400 was raised which was divided equally between Oxfam, the Searchlight Cripples' Workshop, the Pouchlands Old People's Home, and the East Sussex Association for the Blind. In addition, the collection at the parents' carol service enabled £21 to be sent to the Shaftesbury Homes for Handicapped Children; and nearly 40 parcels were distrihuted among old people in Lewes at Christmas.
O. P. Bourne (O.L.) gained the highest mark ever awarded in seamanship at H.M.S. Raleigh, an R.N. training establishment; to recognise this feat, their Lordships presented the school library with four books of a decidedly nautical type.

The 700th anniversary of the Battle of Lewes was officially celebrated on 14th May, 1964; the School's celebrations took the welcome form of two day's extra holiday. No boys were asked to impersonate serfs in a reconstruction of the battle, as had been feared.

We have fared leanly for lectures and concerts this year: Major-General R. H. Barry spoke to the Upper School on defence, and we have had recitals by Miss Mitzi Lawton on the piano, and a brass quintet, whose most popular instrument was constructed of a curtain rod and funnel. The newly-formed Film Society will no doubt provide more for us next year. Notable among our preachers have been the Bishop of Lewes and Chichester, Canon Pearce Higgins, and Fr. Hackel of the Russian Orthodox Church, whose description of the Church in the Soviet Union was strikingly paralleled by a film, "Question Seven", dealing with the church in Eastern Germany.
The cover of this issue is from a scraper board by Derek Coleman.


Mr Larwill

Fred Larwill was on the staff from the opening of the school and those who were here then will remember his patience in the woodwork shop and his many-sided skill when camping; they can still find about the school traces of his unfailing devotion in making what could not be bought, in those days of scanty equipment. Even after retirement, he remained on the staff to invigorate work in the library; people in the school now will know his unvarying cheerfulness and courtesy, even when almost immobilized by a slow and painful disease. Two days before he died, at the beginning of the summer term he telephoned the school to apologize for not coming in as usual, and to say he hoped to be back at work soon; it was typical of his dutiful and selfless attitude.

2nd October, 1964

THE HEADMASTER, in his report, stressed continuity and change in the life and organization of the school. Reviewing the events of the year he spoke of the value of loyalty to and pride in the community and regretted that these qualities were not always obvious in some members of the school.

During the last five years, the academic achievements had on the whole improved, especially in the work of the Sixth Form, the size of which as a fraction of the school had doubled, and was now nearly one third. This and especially that part of it due to the rapidly increasing intake into the Sixth from Secondary Modern Schools, was excellent, but created great problems of organization and space. He outlined the ways in which he hoped the Sixth Form could be best dealt with, and hoped that the vital building programme would not be too long delayed. New features of the school life included the establishment of a School Council, the use of a language laboratory, and the start of economics as a school subject.

Sir Hugh Casson, the distinguished architect, made the whole audience laugh more continuously than has ever been the case on a speech day. Apart from its high entertainment value, his speech emphasized the need for using one's eyes to observe one's surroundings, and thus be able to prevent the ever-present spread of visual squalor. Sir Hugh was thanked by the Head of School.



(Subject names denote Distinction at Special Level)
A. J. Barford (Geography), R. C. Booth, J. E. Cloke, D. E. Colbourne (Applied Mathematics), T. G. Coleman, A. P. Davidson, I. A. Drummond, J. E Etherton, G. P. Gladden (Chemistry), J. F. Iles (Biology), W E. Jones, C. S. Major, R. McHugh (Biology), T. Moon, M. G. Nash, J. R. A. Noakes, I. D. Page (Applied Mathematics and Chemistry), R. M. Parker (Chemistry), K. C. Sharp, R. H. Woodroffe, D. J. Blackwell, P. Cantell, P. R. Hill, K. Mileham, A. R. Morris, R. J. Pople, N. R. Richards, N. E. Richardson, S. R. R. Smith, N. B. Stickells, R. G. Weston, B. M. N. Wilson, P. R. Ansell, R. S. Bliss, B. J. Clifton, R. P. Curry, R. Davis, G. W. J. Frost, T. W. Greenfield, F. J. Gutierrez, D. A. Harrison, M. Herbert, C. J. Hodges, D. R. Hughes, C. A. Lauer, J. A. Livingston, D. R. McLean, R. D. Meyer, P. Mullin, P. T. Murphy, B. D. Phillips, P. A. Reeves, W. H Southerden, P. R. Waight, J. M. Watmore, J. R. Wilson, P. K. Hurford, D. A. S. Everest.

A. M. Allbuary, C. Chapman, T. J. Cornford, R. J. Devenish, I. L. Dunn, P. C. Dunn, H. P. Gilbert, N. O. Greenland, M. E. Gurr, R. Humphrey, R. F. Hunter, D. B. Jeans, C. H. Lisk, J. R. Logsdon, A. G. Massey, C. T. Miles, P. L. Muddell, V. P. Newman, R. P. R. Noel, R. W. Osborne, N. R. Pitcairn, A. Rich, R. M. Sabine, A. K. Smith, J. A. Sutherland, G. E. Thompson, B. Upton, B. K. Wilson, M. E. Young, D. G. Welch, N. F. Berwick, A. D. Borley, T. E Cook, J. F. Coombes, R. Cattington, T. J. Davis, A. E. V. N. Goddard, T. G. Hay, P. Hayler, C. C. James, A. R. Jenner, P. M. Muggeridge, M. T. Parker, A. G. Pett, I. J. D. Robertson, P. C. Ticehurst, A. S. Tindley, B. C. White, S. D. White, A. Why, B. Yare, D. J. Briggs, D. R. Coleman, G. B. Firth, A. D. Ford, G. F. Hunt, K. H. Hunt, L. W. Keeley, R. Lee, P. R. A. Morgan, E. S. Stobart, M. R. Taplin, P. Ferguson, J. R. Curry, A. Drinnan, D. C. Fears, R. J. Pickwoad.

J. R. Seagrave - - Open Scholarship to Brasenose Coilege, Oxford (Modern Studies).
T. W. Greenfield - - Open Exhibition to Southampton University (Modern Languages).
A. J. Braid - - St. Catherine's College, Oxford (Mod. Languages)
G. C. Carey - - St. Edmund Hall, Oxford (Theology).
M. Fuller- - St. John's College, Cambridge (Mathematics).
F. Gard - - Queen's College, Cambridge (Mathematics).
D. Blackwel - - Sheffield University (Mathematics and Physics).
R. C. Booth - - Newcastle University (Architecture).
J. Cloke - - Southampton University (Chemistry).
D. E. Colbourrie - - Manchester University (Mechanical Engineering).
A. Davidson - - Manchester University (Metallurgy).
A. Dickinson - - Bristol University (English).
G. Gladden - - Bristol University (Chemistry).
D. Harrison - - St. David's College, Lampeter (English).
P. Hill - - King's College, London University (Electrical Engineering).
J. M. Hurst - - Southampton University (Modern Languages).
P. Mullin - - Durham University (Geography).
P. T. Murphy - - London School of Economics (Law).
R. McHugh - - Imperial College of Science, London University (Zoology).
J. R. A. Noakes - - Durham University (Chemistry).
I. Page - - Bristol University (Chemistry).
R. Parker - - Southampton University (Chemistry).
R. Woodroffe - - Manchester University (Mechanical Engineering).
H. Rix - - York University (English).

Colleges of Advanced Technology and Technical Colleges
A. J. Barford - - London School of Estate Management.
R. Bliss - - Portsmouth Technical College (B.Sc. Econ.).
P. Cantell - - Birmingham C.A.T. (Electronic Engineering).
R. J. Pople - - Northampton C.A.T. Opthalmic Optics).
N. Richards - - Sir John Cass College (B.Sc. General).
N. Stickells - - Northampton C.A.T. (B.Sc. Engineering).
B. Wilson - - Brighton College of Technology (Dip. Tech, Electrical Engineering).
T. Moon - - Portsmouth Technical College (B.Sc. General).
D. R. Hughes - - Polytechnic (H.N.D. Business Studies).

Art Schools
P. R. Ansell - - Bath School of Art.
G. W. Frost - - Brighton School of Art.
I. Mackay - - Brighton School of Art (Architecture).
K. Mileham - - Brighton School of Art (Architecture).

Training Colleges
R. Davis - - Nottingham Training College.
F. Gutierrez - - St. John's College, York.
R. Weston - - Dudley Training College.
R. Hames - - Royal College of Music.
J. W. Parker - - Royal Military College, Sandhurst.

Some Old Lewesian Successes
J. R. Sandercock - - First Class Honours in Physics Finals, Oxford.
P. W. Morling - - Admitted to Royal Military College, Sandhurst.
N. O. Williams - - Admitted to Royal Military College, Sandhurst from Welbeck College.
P. T. Whitfield - - First Class Honours, Sci., Prelims, Cambridge.


LEWES R.F.C. PRIZE - - N J. Russell
SERVICE PRIZE - - M. Fuller, D. Harrison, P. Mullin, S. R. Symonds.
OSBORN AWARD - - L. W. Keeley

Sc. VIA 1 - - - G. P. Gladden, I. D. Page.
Sc. VIA 2 - - - N. Richards.
Mod. VIA - - - B. D. Phillips, P. E. Waight.
Sc. VIB 1 - - - R. C. Baker, S. C. Wright.
Sc. VIB 2 - - - R. J. W. Jeans.
Mod. VIB - - - R. E. Billingham.
VL - - - A. Drinnan.
VC - - - D. R. Coleman, P. Ferguson.
VG - - - B. White.
VS - - - D. B. Jeans, J Sutherland.
IVA - - - P. R. Best, P. R. Miles.
IVB - - - W. F. Thompson.
IVC - - - W. J. Bartholomew, A. P. Bond.
IIIA - - - C. R. Beal, S. J. O. Gann.
IIIB - - - M. J. Cornford, M. Ketcher.
IIIC - - - R. G. Cornes.
IIA - - - D. G. Beal, R. P. M. Lacey.
IIB - - - R. A. Gard, N. R. Packham.
IIC - - - D. N. Mansbridge.
IR - - - B. R. Parkhurst.
IJ - - - S. J. Goss.
ID - - - M. C. Lower.


Povey Works Shield - - - Uckfield House
Bradshaw Games Shield - - - Uckfield House
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup - - - Martlets House
Wilfred Thompson Athletic Cup - - - Uckfield House
Innes Swimming Cup - - - Uckfield House
Blunden Junior Games Cup - - - Seahaven House
Champaklal -Tennis Cup - - - Uckfield House
Arnold Basketball Trophy - - - Seahaven House
Sinfield Swimming Cup - - - M. Herbert, A. H. Herman

News Shots

WE START WITH A BANG. In World War I the first shot on land was fired by 1st Regiment, Royal House Artillery. Ken Perkins, who now commands E. Battery in Germany took a gun to the spot in Belgium where the shot was fired and celebrated the 50th anniversary by firing another (1914 + 50 = 1964). R. E. Lawson who served in North Africa, escaped from a P.O.W. camp in Italy, captured the Luftwaffe Barracks at Osnabruck and has soldiered since in Africa; is serving at Norton Fitzwarren in Somerset.

Geoff Ford, Group Captain, has left the Air Ministry for H.Q. R.A.F. Germany where he is not too far from brother Robert, who is headmaster of a Services School there. Brian Colvin still reigns as O.C. R.A.F. White Waltham. Tony Cottingham has flown on a good will mission over New Zealand, and Australia and did a low-level flight over the house of his Great Aunt in Kangaroo Island, South Australia. He has just commenced a course as a Test Pilot at Farnborough.

David Irvine came to see us - without apprehension we believe. He was our first R.N. Scholarship winner. He had been chasing lesser breeds in the Persian Gulf area and has now been posted to H.M.S. Blackpool. Michael Vining-Wilson has resigned his R.N. Commission and is back in civilian life.

Ian Sloane has moved from Khartoum and is British Vice-Consul. at Algiers. Ian Winchester is still at the British Embassy at Vienna and Chris Howells at the Foreign Office.

Which reminds us that at the Merton celebrations, on the 700th Anniversary of the foundation of the College we ran into Chris Howells, Cedric Andrews (B.O.A.C. pilot), Clive Perry, Nick Silk, and Ron Charlwood. Reggie Maudling and the Director of the B.B.C. were also there but they have not the good fortune to be Old Lewesians. There may have been other Old Lewesians among the 1,500 present on each of successive nights. But we cannot remember seeing them. Old age or champagne ad lib from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.- whichever you like. We do remember their quite charming wives.

Ron Charlwood is a G.P. at March in Cambridgeshire. Clive Perry, who works for a publishing firm, has moved from Shrewsbury to Reading. Mention of Nicholas Silk evokes hearty congratulations on his membership of this year's England XV, our first Old Boy to get a Rugger cap. Again, a reminder that in this season's successful Sussex Rugger XV, in addition to Nick Silk (skipper), George Swan and Colin Pratt have also appeared.

At Christmas our former master Keith Eastman, now in charge of mathematics at City of Norwich School, had as guests his brother, brother's wife and son and "a lovely litter of seven pups". "We were pretty well exhausted" he says. I should think so.

Nicky Buck who married Jimmy Lohoar's sister Jean is in practice as a vet at Cullompton Devon. He has a "model baby" Sally and still plays Rugger. Jimmy after Cambridge and U.S.A. is also married and has a post at N.F.U. Headquarters in London.

In The Times report of the memorial service to T. S. Eliot in Westminster Abbey, we noted amongst the V.I.P.'s and literary celebreties present the name of Andrew Mylett, representing Constable & Co. Andrew works for these well known publishers. Last summer he went to Sardinia and stayed with Robert Graves (goodbye to all that) and there met Kingsley Amis (Lucky Jim) who was a fellow guest.

Eric Gordon, after the war in R.N. and then Oxford, served in Kenya in the Colonial Service and rose to Assistant Commissioner. Tired of Jomo and his pals he resigned and became a Squadron Leader, Education Branch in R.A.F. He has now left to become Assistant Registrar at Southampton University.

Congratulations to Robert Treadaway on his marriage. He is teaching in a Catholic Grammar School in Hull. Ivor Churches, one son and four daughters, has left Middlesbrough to go to Dundee as a lecturer at the Technical College there. Martin Preece, two boys and two girls, is still headmaster of Mill Hill School, Leicester. Tony Pullinger after serving successively with the Ministry of Agriculture the Forestry Commission and the War Department, is now a Valuer for Surrey County Council.

Frank Pett, who joined the Army as a Boy Technician finished his training, has been promoted Lance Corporal and is serving.with the Royal Signals Troop of the Scots Grays in Germany. Our former English master, Hugh Davies has returned from headmastering in the West Indies and has been appointed Head of a large Secondary School at Chatham. Denis Thomas, three sons, two at Dulwich College produces the occasional book in the intervals of working for I.T.V. His brother Brian is deputy House Governor of Great Ormond Street, Hospital. Brian's wife is a doctor at Kings College Hospital.

Geoffrey Ashburner took his yacht, sloop, battleship, or whatever it is cruising round Brittany with the Gravetts as crew. They just failed to drown Guy. Guy Gravett appears to cover much of the world on photographic assignments. David Helsdon, who now lives in London, won a competition for an original short story. He hopes to make a career as a writer. Peter Sutherland, in his last year at Oxford is torn between Law and School mastering. Brother William hopes to train as a P.E. master. Robert Snelling has moved from Dunstable and is teaching in Hertfordshire. Congratulations on the birth of his son-the first.

Robin Swales, after a degree in History at Bristol, was awarded a research scholarship which entailed a long period in the Institute of Historical Research in London. Subject? "The local politics and parliamentary representation of Sussex, 1524-58". He then worked for the "History of Parliament Trust" which is compiling a history of that body and combined with this work a Tutorship at the School of Oriental and African Studies (London University). He has now joined the stafi of the University of Saskatchewan at Regina. He has one son. Robert Whittle at Cambridge is now working for a Ph.D. Congratulations on his marriage. Peter Bell was married in the Cathedral at Singapore arid Diarmid McLaughlin (European Iron and Steel Community) in Brussels. We were not able to attend, but sent congratulations. What about an Old Lewesian expenses account to send the writer as offiicial representative?

Robert Sinden who took a Hons. Degree in Zoology at Newcastle has remained there working for the Medical Research Council. Brother John, after Forestry at Bangor obtained the Masters degree in Forestry at Michigan and an American wife. Now they have a daughter. Congratulations. At H.M.S. Sultan, where we were interviewing Dartmouth candidates, we met Jack Franklin, Headmaster, Bungay Grammar School, and Ted Wynter, Headmaster, Haywards Heath Grammar School. Congratulations to Pat Goodsell. After ending his R.N. service as a Chief E.R.A. and study at Lincoln Theological College he was "Gospeller" at the ordination service at Canterbury Cathedral and is now in Orders at Thornton Heath.

Ken Hills is managing director of Ginns, the publishers, in London and is living at Berkhamsted. He ran into Ken ("Fish") Payne, his exact contemporary at school. "Fish", after teaching English to Glubb Pasha's Arabs, like his leader, was hounded out of Jordan and had an Italian interlude. He is now Director English Cultural Studies in Brazil at Rio de Janeiro. He is author of a successful book on "English for Foreigners". Congratulations to Andrew Paris and David Brownings both of whom have passed their final medical exam. Andrew has recently married and has remained at his hospital as house physician. Guy English rowed "bow" in the Merton first boat, which made a bump each night in Summer Eights. A card from John Towner (no address) revealed he was in Northern Japan.

Geoffrey Brooker has completed seven years at Oxford in which he gained a first in Physics, a D.Phil. and was a demonstrator at the Cavendish Laboratory. He has now gone to Harvard researching (brain drain). He says he still plays the piano occasionally, has a sporadic interest in photography and avoids exercise on all possible occasions. Congratulations to John Sandercock on his first at Oxford and half Blue for basketball.

Chris Davey, after Oxford, is working in Manchester. Ross Wells has left the Kikuyu and gone to a new school in Mombasa. From his house he can see the white breakers of the lndian Ocean and inside the house - even in his bed - millions of ants. The coconut tree and palm wine supply the main needs of the natives, who are indolent and backward. Peter Harman attended the annual conference of the National Union of Students at Margate - representing Wye College - and there met Poll, Sowerby and Pearmain, all representing their respective institutions.

From New York and "out of the blue" we heard from Dennis Shearman. The letter was prompted by thoughts before going to bed and was not the outcome of a nightmare, though he claims to remember the power of the headmaster's right arm. (It was - as in cricket - the flexibility of the wrist that mattered). Dennis entered advertising as a writer and by 1960 was director of an advertising agency in London. In 1963 he decided to see what the Americans "had got on us" in advertising and left for New York. He intends after, appropriate experience, to return to England. While in London he played rugger for Blackheath.

Congratulations to Ivor Wycherley and Jack Pettit, both of whom are now Governors of the school. Jack is also an active chairman of Seaford Urban District Council. After representation for three years in the Oxford XV by Nick Silk we hoped to get a consolation prize in the Light Blue side. Poor Tim Drake started the season in the Cambridge XV, snapped an Achilles tendon and was out of rugger for the rest of the term. Congratulations to John Meardon still at school, on getting a Royal Marines Scholarship. There are only a handful.

Arthur Kirk flew as many as 80,000 miles in a year with Alitalia. He has now joined Pakistan Airways. Denis Crouch (was it Denis? The Peacehaven not Hove edition) last wrote to us in the war as a Staff Captain in North Africa. He entered the Civil Service at 16 in the clerical grade. We understand he is now an administrative officer. Good going. Paul Wright, when last we heard, was in a research post, Mathematics Department, Cambridge, working on a computer. We suggest to the O.L. Association the need of a legal defence fund. Last "News Shots" brought threat of a libel action from a lady. We had called her husband by his school nickname. The O.L. in question played for East Africa at rugger was Superintendent i/c of Kampala C.I.D. and stirred up the wrath of the native government by locking up members of their Youth Wing as fast as they were released from custody. Now guess his name. He abandoned the native government to preserve his integrity and is now training in England as a probation officer. He told us that Ken Funnell had left Uganda for Tasmania. (Nota: We believe she has forgiven us.)

David Norman, married in U.S.A., is still at Oregon State University in the Department of Agricultural Economics. David Hunt is at Chelmsford with Messrs. Strutt and Parker, Lofts and Warner land agents. Trevor Beeforth has left industry and is a lecturer at Bristol College of Science and Technology soon to become the University of Bath. Peter Noel is married and teaching in Essex.

Peter English obtained a Ford Foundation Scholarship to study criminal law in Chicago. He now holds a combined post, teaching law at the National Police College and University College, London. Ian Wesson qualified at St. George's Hospital. He is now on the staff (R.M.O.) at Wimbledon Hospital. From a card we learnt that Richard Scott is working in Huntingdon and has two children, a boy and a girl. Philip Ridley has risen to Assistant Secretary in the Civil Service (Board of Trade). Now we understand the 15 per cent. import duty, Richard Yarrow is teaching at Woodhouse Grove Grammar School, North Finchley. We believe Christopher is still studying forestry in U.S.A. Which reminds us that Mike Burley, medical student at St. Mary's Hospital, went lumbering in Canada in the summer vac. Lumberjacks there appear to get more than doctors here.

Christopher Cann has married and has taken up a post in the Bank of Montreal, Toronto. Paul Thain is "happily situated with the Milk Marketing Board in Worcestershire". Paul was at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. Congratulations on his marriage. David Lacey has left the Brighton Evening Argus and joined the staff of The Guardian. Future O.L. editor of The Times? Jeremy Wheeler is managing a branch office for a firm of solicitors and at the same time studying for an external. London degree. Martin Wenham is researching in botany at Aberdeen University. Michael Britchfield, Admiralty Civil Servant, has been posted to Rosyth. He spends his time (spare) climbing and sailing on the Forth.

A card from David Jones (left 1960) revealed that he was at King's College, London. Eric Barfoot is nearing the end of his service in the R.A.F. in Borneo. Anything for a nice quiet life. We were glad to meet Nigel Thorp, who before going up to Oxford did a year in V.S.O. in Thailand. Graham Wood still "soldiers on" with a commercial firm in Malaya - And the grammar schools were once accused of producing only "timorous clerks".

Stan Pilbeam was one of our Old Boys who found the new African governments not to his liking. He left and is at a hospital at Sale, Victoria, Australia. A card from John Philips revealed that he is living in Buckinghamshire and has a family. How many, John-two, four, six, eight, etc. ? Ron Dusart at Kuwait sent us a card containing greetings in Arabic. Of course, no trouble at all. Alan Stuart still thrives in insurance in Ontario.

An interesting letter from Timothy Scorer described life at Huron College, University of Western Ontario. Government financial assistance takes the form of loans - to be repaid after university. Peter Izzard joined the R.A.F. as an aircraft apprentice and is now a Flying Officer and has qualified as a navigator: His brother is doing well in the Navy. J. M. Dorling has gained a Ph.D. at Iowa State University.

Passing through Thame last September, we called at the parish church, where Robert Faulkner is vicar. From the church notice board we see that the curate's name is Bradshaw, so it must be a well-run parish.
"And so to bed", as Samuel Pepys so often said.


AS THE Auditorium lights dimmed a scuffle broke out in the Producer's box and a body was hurled over the edge. After this auspicious beginning the curtains opened on a typical Monday morning assembly array of masters; ranging from one familiar figure who clapped frenziedly as the games results were announced to another who remained behind a newspaper throughout the proceedings. An attempt to say a few words about The Raffle was cut short by shots from the gallery and Fergusson stumbled forward to give a wonderfully incoherent introduction to a new society open to everyone (whether taken by Mr. Voigt or not).

Wright then recited a tongue twisting "Ode to a Gnu" following which Hurst came forward to fire a "six-gun banana" in all directions, the climax coming when the chamber was empty and he reloaded with the centre from a fresh banana and retired shooting out the lights.

As a reminder of the extinct Children's Hour we were presented with a performance of " The House at Pooh Corner". Herman, the narrator, followed the original text faithfully. The parts of Pooh, Piglet, Eyore and Christopher Robin were taken by O'Brien, Billingham, Drakeford and Farrell who stepped up to the microphone to deliver each of their lines. This produced a disjointed effect, emphasising the ludicrous nature of some of the dialogue but the piece was too long and it became tedious towards the end.

Frost sang a West Indian song "Mandy" accompanied by Sharpe with a guitar. This was well performed but its slightly sad although ironical mood fitted uneasily with the surrounding items.

The announcement of the sketch, "Noddy and the Drug Pedlars", was a cue for roars of laughter and Young's melodramatic introduction to the plot (involving special agent 00 Gudge, Mr. Plod and others) was very good but the actual sketch relied heavily on puns, it was nevertheless cheered loundly by the gallery.

Next members of the Upper Sixth turned from their usual targets to themselves in a sketch following the status seeking progress through the Sixth Form of Little Willie (Waight). Sutherland was narrator and a chorus of fellow members, in Herbert, Laur and Philips extolled the virtues of The Life, in a style resembling a cross between an I.T.V. advertisement and "West Side Story". Helping the hero on his way to "status peak " level (Head Prefect) and disillusionment were a Chaucerian character with some down to earth advice and a bearded fakir giving the Aesthetics society the benefit of his comprehensive range of questions. The conclusion of this very successful sketch was rather weak.

Morling, accurately reproducing the manner of a disc jockey, ran rapidly through a list of the Top Ten more or less apt titles in the staff Hit Parade, ending by introducing the "Members," playing "Route Sixty-Six" with Franklin singing. Their selection included "Hangover Blues", written by a Fifth former and two other pieces. The next sketch, involving a confusion during a telephone conversation between a man's wife and car, with a tedious list of component analogues was extremely clumsy.

In a skit on Perry Mason, played by Smith, the counsel for the prosecution was driven to confessing to the crime. The sketch was clever and some points were very funny, but it was made slightly awkward by lack of good linking dialogue.

In a new version of the "Tale of the Billy Goats Gruff" a hip-talking mountain troll outwitted the three goats, who were all killed depriving us of the expected happy ending.

Smith and Culligan on piano and base-guitar then played three pieces (including "Lullaby of Birdland" and "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" ) accompanied by Curry on drums. These were all good, although in volume they came as an anti-climax after the "Mebmers".

Not content with the death of the goats the producers next had the cast of Bill and Ben liquidated. The dialogue and action in this sketch were limited but the combination of Sutherland's earnest narration and the ridiculous antics of Meardon and Herbert as the Flowerpot Men was very effective and for some fortunately obscure reason the battering to death of Slowcoach (Cutlack) provided a hilarious moment.

The basis of the final sketch was the inspection of the school with a view to replacing some masters with teaching machines. The four notorious Smiths (led by Short) of the Second Form planned to make the visit as successful as possible. When the inspector, Herbert arrived he was told that he was unable to see the Headmaster (occupied in a Logic Lesson) he toured the school on his own. Having seen several masters engaged in the characteristic activities he arrived in the dining hall and stood by the milk crates at the beginning of break.

A mass of boys suddenly converged from all directions on the milk and the inspector disappeared beneath a mound of bodies and flying straws. After trying to recover from this outside, only to narrowly escape Mr. Silk giving a demonstration of a battle charge on his bicycle, he accepted the offer of a drink of absolute alcohol putting an end to his torment.

The timing of the whole review was very good and less successful patches were passed over rapidly.

(With apologies to Lord Byron)

The schoolboy stood at the pearly gates,
His face looked worn and old;
He stood before the man of fate
For entry to the fold.

"What have you done", St. Peter asked,
"To gain admission here?"
"I've schooled at L.C.G.", he said,
For many and many a year".

The pearly gates swung open wide;
St. Peter tolled the bell.
"Come in" he said, "and choose your harp.
You've had your share of Hell".

N. BECK, VIA Mod., Lewes


THE SIXTH FORM SOCIETY continues to enjoy its new lease of life, donated last year by Mr. Davey and his Committee. This year Mr Hallums took over the Chairmanship and the 'hot-seat', and has shone visibly in his control of procedure especially in Debates, where it is vital to keep the ball rocketing from one side of the house to the other. Attendances varied greatly, soaring twice to an all-time high of 96 (exceeded only by "extraordinary" meetings with the Fifth and Girls Grammar School) and dropping twice to 50 though never below this figure.

The inaugural debate of the Society's new year that "The House System of this School is a Futile System" was not as good as that of last year's about the Chapel, mostly because it failed to stir so many violently opposing opinions but on the other hand we have not yet had an unsuccessful meeting. A United Nations, a big gate-puller last year, was again demanded, and although more definite rules imposed a better order than last year's farce, it could still do with more realism and competition.

Last term we visited Haywards Heath Grammar School, only to find that their hitherto vigorous Debating Society had crumbled to nothing, it would seem that the flourishing nature of our Society is contrary to the apathetic trends of our time. I would however like to see much more animation and rebellion in our meetings for if the Sixth Form Society is not to become the entertainment of the many by the few, far more people must start stirring things up, putting forward ideas and participating in debates. The Committee can put on a show for you, but it's your Society, not theirs.
P. Waight, Secretary.

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