Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 41 - 1966

This Year's Barbican cover The continuing slow transition from a "pure" grammar school to an "academic finishing school" continues with a selected entry at 11+ and a few late developers at 13+ followed by a larger number into a much expanded sixth form. The culture is gradually changing - but not as the die-hards thought, for the worse. The school does very well and most of the late entry are a match for most of the grammar stream. University places go up and the number with good A levels is the biggest so far. It is, in its way, helping to fill the new plate-glass universities and CATs that the country has created for the new technocratic age.

However it is far from the comprehensive model of education - talent is still being lost by not giving sufficient encouragement and self-esteem to a large number deemed to have "failed" at 11+. A bigger change being hatched in the deeper recesses of the Treasury will ensure that whatever the colour of the political party in power, the Education System would be comprehensive, eventually. A few isolated pockets of resistance have held out - the exceptions that prove the rule.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys



CERTAINLY it doesn't seem a year since the last magazine appeared, but in the interval the annual intake of treble-voiced First Formers have come flooding into the school - so I suppose it has.

Half submerged memories of last Summer Term recur - of cricket under lowering skies, athletics in the drizzle, of tennis matches where the balls spread a fine mist as they left the racket, of a seemingly endless succession of fat whale-backed clouds rolling sluggishly over the Downs.

Normally, as magazine contributions show, the Junior School tends to be subdued, at least from a literary point of view. Perhaps this is not surprising, for with the ever-increasing number of Sixth Formers, they are quickly made aware of their shortcomings both intellectual and physical. However, starting during the Summer Term, Graham Kerwin, a First Former, financed, produced, directed and dubbed by means of a tape-recorder, a film called "Nurton's Dream", in which members of the Staff were induced to take part. When the finished film was shown in the Christmas Term it proved to be a melodrama of the most inflammatory nature - Death by cold steel in the school corridors - Death by explosives in the laboratory - Death by Dalek - Sudden Death lurked everywhere. Its plot was convoluted, its dialogue at times parted company with the plot. Yet this vivid, imaginative, confusing, blood-thirsty and at times completely incomprehensible film is a striking testimony of that most ancient and universal of all anarchists - the schoolboy - and of the volcanic forccs that are only partially buttoned beneath his gravy-stained blazer.

In contrast to the previous term, Christmas Term began in a blaze of heat and blue skies. For weeks rugby practices and sunstroke seemed not irreconcilable. This lasted well into October until it began to look as if the summer, which had taken so long to mature, would never come to an end. First Formers were still getting lost in the corridors and being uncertain of their environment would stop and address Prefects as "Sir". Kerwin could be heard giving avuncular advice to them on the mode of address they should employ towards him (if they were spoken to first, that is). As autumn slid inexorably into winter they at last settled down and holidays became a distant memory or a future hope.


THE School has lost three of its Governors during the last year; two by death, namely the Chairman, Col. Styles, and Miss Dumbrell, and one by resignation through pressure of other work, Sir Richard Boughey. Our loss in the Chairman is great; we hope to be able to see Sir Richard back with us one day . . .

Staff changes include the retirement of Mr. H. F. Tayler, one of the few remaining founder members of the School; the appointment of Mr. P. G. A. Gem to the Headmastership of Oswestry School, and the resignation of Mr. C. W. Markwick and Miss A. Reid. We welcome Mr. A. J. Sadler, Mr. K. Doran and Mr. J. M. Farmer as full time masters, and Mr. B. W. Parsons as part-time craft master.

Mr. Tayler will be missed not only by present members of the School, but by all Old Lewesians; his particular combination of strict personal integrity and kindly judgement of others is all too rare, and . . . .will be hard to replace. We are g1ad to know he will continue to live and teach near here, and hope to see him often. He has presented us with a souvenir of himself, in the form of a silver cup for the house with the best performance in athlelics.

Mr. Gem has also presented an annual prize, the Winston Churchill Memorial Prize for History, in Senior and Junior Sections. . . . . All those who knew him will know what a loss he is to us, and hope that Oswestry will appreciate his flashing eye, jutting beard and charming family as much as we have.

Miss J. R. Larwill presented £150 to the School to endow a "Mr. and Mrs. Larwill prize for achievement or initiative in handicraft", which can be presented as both a Senior and Junior prize.

The School lst XV has an unbroken record of wins this season and is mentioned in Rugby World.
T. R. Drake played for Cambridge in the university match at Twickenham on 7th December; the school was awarded a holiday in celebration.

County Youth Athlelics Colours were won by R. Billingham, T. Blacktin and M. Woodall, whi1e W. J. Bartholomew became National Champion at the intermediate shot while representing Sussex in the English Schools Athletic Championships, with a distance of 52 ft. 7 ins.

During the year Miss Mitzi Lawton played a concert of Beethoven, Debussy and other piano music to the Sixth and Fifth Forms; the same pupils heard a talk on the steel industry by Mr. W. A. Gibson Martin of the British Inon and Steel Federation; Messrs. Bredan's held a successful paperback exhibition and sale in the entrance hall; chapel preachers included a Russian orthodox priest, Fr. Sergei Hackel, and Canon J. D. Pearce-Higgins, Chairman af the Modern Churchman's Union, while another senior chapel afternoon was devoted to "The Seventh Question", a film on the church in East Germany. Members of the Sixth attended the annual S.C.M. Sixth Form conference at Brighton College, on the thetne: "Does it matter what I believe?"

Later preachers who aroused interest were the Unitarian Minister of Lewes, the Rev. Basil Viney; Rabbi I. N. Fabricant; the Rev. Max Gadden, Rector of Glynde; Prof. D. J. Wiseman, Professor af Assyriology in the University af London; and a team af ordinands from Cuddesdan College.

Robert Dean was certified as a blind person in December 1965, having been attacked by a rare disease of the primary optic nerve in the summer. He began at The Royal Worcester School for the Blind in January, and the School col1ected over £24 for him to buy necessary equipment for continuing to study.

The collections at the Carol Services at Christmas came to £20, which was given to the Muscular Dystrophy Society.


COLONEL Herbert Walter Styles had served on the Governors for twenty years, and for many of them was Chairman. Not a man to undertake duties lightly, he was a frequent visitor to the School, never arriving without a gift for the library, and was always available to the Headmaster far discussion or advice at any time. His help was particularly valuable while the Chapel Fund was being collected; his support was untiring, and he not only gave munificently himself, but was responsible for bringing about support from other people and from various charitable organisations. He was equally generous of himself, as well. as time and money, while the swimming pool was being modernised at a later date.

Belonging to a class and a generation who looked on it as their duty to give unsparingly for the good of the community, Col. Styles lived up to this noble ideal throughout his life. After Eton and Oxford (where he rowed in the Exeter College boat with Geoffrey Fisher, later Archbishop of Canterbury), he served in the Royal West Kent Regiment before and during the First World War, and was invalided out in 1918. Later Conservative Member of Parliament for Sevenoaks from 1923 to 1929, he knew many famous men, and had a fund of reminiscences, with his own individual impersonations, of Sir Winston Churchill, Lord Nuffield, Lloyd George, and many others. Settling in Sussex in 1934, he commanded the local Battalion of the Home Guard, in the second war, and was made an honorary Lieutenant-Colonel of the Royal Sussex Regiment; other activities included philanthropic work, especially on behalf of ex-service men.

This wide experience of men made him an excellent judge of character, and his views, whether on appointing masters or dealing with personal problems of boys, were always understanding, shrewd and generous. Not always in sympathy with the new ideas of the younger generation, he was prepared to tolerate what he found hard to understand. In his last years ill-health hampered his activities for, without lessening his interest in, the School, he had loved and served for so long; his death at 76 cannot be mourned as premature, but the loss to us is none the less. Our sympathy is with Mrs. Styles and her son and daughter.


Headmaster's XI 98 - 8 (Nurton 40 n.o.)
School XI 132 (Bethall 37 n.o.)

AMID a plethora of sunshine and mildewy staff plimsoles the School XI won the toss and Stevenson the captain elected to bat on a none-too-firm a pitch. "Ah!" said the experts, " Keen will be able to 'do' something on this, Leekey and Jeans will have to take it easy at first." Undaunted by comments from would-be humorists, the opening stand succeeded in reaching thirty before being parted, Leckey being first to go, scooped up, as is his nature, by Mr. Nurton, personifying grace, beauty and Oxfordshire at leg slip. Despite rude comments and other distractions from the uncommonly restless spectators, the School continued their jaunty way. Mr. Keen was rested after sending down six overs for nine runs, Mr. Markwick being taken off after conceding the same number of runs off his first two overs. An unusually economical Mr. Holman replaced the luckless Mr. Markwick as did that intrepid "tweaker" Mr. Bateup relieve Mr. Keen at the other end. Before one could utter "strike my barrel" Mr. Bateup had captured three wickets for the now enthused Headmaster's XI. Mr. Nurton crowded the bat, but unfortunately chose to do it to Gilbert and Bethell, the two hardest hitters in the School. They seemed to blast the School out of comparative difficulty until the fiendish Nurton pulled a leprechaun on us in the form of Mr. McCourt, who in his first over had Gilbert excellently taken by Mr. Pett, and concluded with a wicket-maiden. Rumour has it of course that he was bowling with a brilliantly disguised potato. None the less, the School were in further trouble when Mr. Nurton joined the attack and snatched three vital tail-enders, much to his delight no doubt. It only remained for Steve White, the Sussex slogging champion, to disturb Mr. McCourt's beautiful analysis with a six and two fours, and the School were all out for a respectable 132, made in 105 minutes.

The beginning of the staff innings was just as disastrous as the tea (one biscuit and a mug of orange juice) had been, being six runs for three wickets after twenty minutes play. Miles (what does he do on the staff?) being well caught at slip, Mr. Taylor unfortunately run out and Mr. Norgrave unluckily getting a "good 'un" from Steve White, which scattered the wicket marvellously. By now Mr. Pett and Mr. Holman made a good stand until the fall of Mr. Holman signalled the arrival of Mr. Nurton. Looking as immaculate as ever in his lace-to-toe boots (no studs) and his semi-professional hug-the-knees sweater, he proceeded to play some strokes, some of which we wou1d all dearly love to play some day. Mr. Nurton went on to make 40 not out, top score of the day. Meanwhile White was again causing concern on the Headmaster's front by snapping up two more cheap wickets, those of Mr. Isaacs and Mr. Keen. Yet we were still to be denied a victory because Mr. McCourt came in swinging his shillelagh to strike a bold six not out in the remaining twenty-one minutes. So the match was yet another draw, the staff finishing up at 98 runs for 8 wickets. A fair result.


Captain: JOHN MEARDON -- Secretary: DAVID WELCH.

IN AN INCREDIBLY SUCCESSFUL SEASON two School records were equalled and no fewer than thirty-six new ones were set. Pride of place must go to Will Bartholomew, who became the first boy from the School to win a national title in Athletics when he won the English Schools Intermediate Shot Put. By providing three boys, Bartholomew, Mick Woodall and Steve Morling, to the Sussex team at these Championships, the School again set a new best. The three previously named, plus Ron Bennison, represented the Sussex A.A.A. in an inter-county meeting in August.

The season opened with easy victories by the School against Haywards Heath G.S., East Grinstead G.S. and Mayfield College. At the East Sussex Schools Championships we were fortunate enough to gain first place in all three age groups, a fine achievement by the boys concerned. The School supplied five winners for East Sussex at the Sussex Schools Championships, another best performance. We also came a very close second to Varndean G.S. in the new Eastbourne Carnival Trophy Meeting. John Meardon and David Welch deserve much credit for the way in which they ran and organised the team. Colours were awarded to John Meardon, David Welch, Dave Beattie, Mick Woodall, Ron Bennison, Roger Billingham, Will Bartholomew and Steve Morling.


This year the Language Lab seems to have progressed in its use and popularity. I have seen First Formers running, yes running, to French periods. It does make a pleasant change to some rooms in the school (no numbers mentioned). Is the attraction the female contingent in the Technical College?

When the Lab first arrived it was regarded with suspicion and the object was to be last in. Now participants have realised that if you are in first it is better. Don't get me wrong, this is no love of French, but just a desire to be finished quicker. Altogether the Language Lab makes French more interesting. It is a novel amd useful way of learning and teaching French.
M. Vincent.


They always arrive with apprehension,
Apprehension governed by hope, a hope
That perhaps "they", the crowd or
Audience, or what-have-you, don't know
Much about music, or haven't heard
Too many good groups before.

They unpack. They set up the equipment
That is essential to their noise, and
Then they feel better. At least they have
Something to show. Dancers arrive, and
On goes the guitar. Unnecessary but a useful
Status symbol.

Nervously they strum chords or melodies, or
Tap tight skins, and watch reflections on
The cymbals.
How about a drink? Everyone agrees.
All follow as sheep. Frantic jokes fly.
Jokes that are intended to make the dancers
Feel as if they are missing something.

Back to the stage, and hive of wires.
Guitars are shouldered, nerves harnessed
And bravado secreted in the form of sinful smiles.
Me nervous.? You're joking. I got over that
Three months ago.
Microphones? O.K. More grins and good lucks.
One, two, one-two-three-four . . .

(No apologies to any poet).
J. Leckey ( 6A Mod., Uckfield).


A CONSIDERABLE TIME has elapsed since Bertolt Brecht's "The Caucasian Chalk Circle" was staged by the School and I have now been asked to write a piece on it. I make no apologies for avoiding the tasks a dramatic critic might normally set himself.

What may a visitor to a school play expect? From the recent history of school plays he may expect a high standard of set and costumes, and in this production Peter Toy and David Batehup with their many helpers from both inside and outside the School surpassed themselves. The single set took on many different aspects with the well-conceived lighting plan in the capable hands of John Davey and his team. Richard Hames's music, written specially for the play, and his musicians were also most effective. John Meardon, the first boy to take on the task of Stage Manager, also played a notable role in the play's success. An even and high standard of acting can hardly be achieved by such a large cast (but what a good choice of play for giving as many as possible stage experience!), but outstanding performances were given by Peter Waight as Azdak, Martin Herbert as The Singer and Bridget Phillips as Grusha.

There may be those who worry about Brecht's theatrical theories and his Marxist message. Peter Taylor does not. He sets out, I feel, with a threefold intention: To have his players enjoy themselves, to teach them some stagecraft, and, above all, to entertain his public. It is clear that he succeeds in all three. I found it an exhilarating and exciting evening and would echo The Singer's words :--
"And after his evening Azdak disappeared and was never seen again. But the people of Grusima did not forget him and often remembered his time of Judgement as a brief Golden Age that was almost just."
M. J.N.


THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING was held at the School on 27th Marcrh, 1965, at 6 p.m. A service was held in the Chapel, conducted by the Headmaster; Mr. Tayler read the lesson and the Rev. D. L. Caton (O.L.) gave the address. Dinner followed, and at the meeting afterwards Mr. Geoflrey Baird was elected Chairman of the Old Lewesian Association. It was decided to hold a dance in the Scool far younger members of the Association to which the Sixth Forms would be invited. This was held on l5th January, 1966; the Internatianal at Twickenham, the atrocious weather and the start of university term reduced the numbers, but those attending enjoyed a strenuous and convivial evening.

A vast deal of O.L. news, collected mainly through Mr Bradshaw's indefatigable correspondence and his frequent visitors, has been sent to members. Some notes of interest to present members follow: -

Tim Drake, Cambridge rugger blue 1965; John Drake, Nick Silk and George Swan have all played for Sussex in the County Championship.

Guy English rowed in the Merton 1st boat and Nigel Thorp coxed the Teddy Hall lst torpid.

Robert Goodyear played rugger for K.C.L., qualified as a civil enginesr and got married.

Roger Bliss has abandoned teaching far Heinz, and Charles Sempill has abandoned the plastics industry for something more congenial.

Martin Ternouth has represented London University at chess, and Alan Burton at bridge. Sandy Davidson is rumoured to have forsaken Manchester University for Imperial College, and Woodroffe for Brighton Co1lege of Technology (brain drain from North to South?).

Martin White, having graduated in Zoology at Leicester, is now a member of t.he British Antarctic Expedition.

David Jackson, after his First in physics, is doing research with Professor Salem in London. John Sandercock is doing it on his own at Oxford, devising electronic analogues for the human brain (they walk about like tortoises, apparently).

Mick Sadler appeared at the Edinburgh Festival, and may soon be seen in the Richard Burton-Elizabeth Taylor production at the Oxford Playhouse; all this in addition to tutoring and research at Magdalen.

Geoffrey Carey is still playing with trains - full-sized ones now, though - in the Croydon Office of B.R. Southern Region.

Alan Ravani won the Stanhope Gold Medal, which he received at Buckingham Palace; for the bravest rescue of the year. This should be recognised here, however belatedly.

Peter Sutherland, after Oxford, is now articled to a London solicitor. David Helsdon is an instructor at the Continental Telephone Exchange in London, a job which leaves him time for his writing. Mike Walton follows the same interest.

Martin Price, now graduated in physics at Imperial College, is in Singapare teaching for a year, as a graduate V.S.O.

Quentin English is working for a research degree at East Anglia, after Cambridge.

At Sandhurst, congratulations to Jim Parker on his promotion, and to Peter Morling on half colours for basketball.

1st October 1965

OUR SPEECH DAY held two innovations: the prescence of the senior school and their parents only; and a speaker drawn for the first time from many years from industry. Mr J.C.H.McEntee, A.R.C.S., B.Sc., Director-General of the Chemical Association, gave us a thoughtful and thought provoking address on the importance of industry to all our citizens, not only in earning our place in the world but as the nursery where new ideas grew into practical products, with political and military consequences as well as economic ones. Mrs. McEntee presented the prizes with charm and aplomb, and the Head of School made a well-turned speech of thanks.

The Headmaster in his report congratulated the School on the record number of academic successes gained: 42 university places, with a total of 55 degree-course places in all, as well as training college and Architectural places and a Dartmouth Cadetship. He emphasised the importance of practical courses in further education; and the way in which the traditional emphasis in grammar schools on "pure", as opposed to "applied", knowledge should now be modified.

The day concluded with a service of evensong in the chapel.



Advanced Level in Two or More Subjects
(Subject name denotes Distiction at Special Level)
R. C. Baker (Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics), M. A. T. Barna, D. Barnett, A. G. Burton (Pure Mathematics), R. E. Clark, R. D. Clark, R E. Couser, P. Crees, A. D. Frost, J. S. Gornett, A. H. Hughes, R. C. Hunt, E. J. Mears, D. Mussell (Physics), N. J. Russell (Biology), G. H. Sharp, I. S. Sinclair, R. G. Smith, I. R. Stopps, D. C. Sutton, S. R. Symonds, M. M. Ternouth, G. S. Ward, M. G. Williams, S. C. M. Wright (Physics), R. P. Bennison, R. S. Campbell, P. J. Cox, P. R. Davis, T. E. Dyer, B. Harvey, C. M. Hicks, R. J. W. Jeans, P. J. Lane, D. A. Muddle, J. L. Stevenson, M. J. Woodling, D. I. Beattie (English Literature), N. Beck, R. E. Billingham, M. D. Chalmers, J. H. Culligan, D. T. Greenland, A. H. Herman, D. J. Hirst (English Literature), R. K. Howard, R. J. Ilersic, D. J. Jeffrey, A. M. Jepson, M. J. Meardon, A. C. Moon, C. J. O'Brien, T. F. Pape (French), P. B. Richards, T. C. Ridley, T. G. Robbins, M. H. Short, G. C. Smith, R. W. Smith, P. R. Stephenson, J. A. Stewart, C. E. Taylor, A. J. Voyce, R. K. Ware, A. S. Woodward, R. S. Trask.

Ordinary Level in Five or More Subjects
B. J. C. Batchelor, P. R. Best, R. D. Bird, C. Bleach, P. Blundell, M. K. Brayne; R. K. Bristow, P. J. Bryant, J. H. Carder, P. A Clarke, M. J. O. Coe, P. J. Dann, R. A. Dean, B. C. Ford, J. H. Franklin, R. D. Fricker, R. J. Gurr, J. E. Hopkins, B. Hunt, B Knight, J. Lawrenson, R. S. Lewin, P. R. Miles, S. C. R. Morling, M. J. Relf, M. N. Smith, R. A. Steadman, C. R. Swanborough, C. R. Williams, W. J. Bartholomew, J. Bethell, A. P. Bond, A. C. Booth, C. I. Frost, M. J. Hall, J. R. Leahy; D. A. Lloyd, C. I. Measures, N. A. Reed, B. R. Smith, B. W. Baldy, C. P. Brown, M. P. Devenish, N. Garley, N. M. Innes, D. P Keble, J. M. King, J. L. K. Lacey, J. Lamidey, M. H. Lawrence, S. J. Males, B. A. Mockford, J. Pretty, A. D. Tandy, W. F. Thompson, D. W. Cornell, R. C. Whiteman.


J. F. Iles - - Postmastership in Natural Sciences, Merton College, Oxford.
C. D. Lauer - - Exhibition in Modern Languages, Worcester College, Oxford.
J. Livingston - - St. John's College, Cambridge (Architecture).
M. G. Nash - - Christ's College, Cambridge (Natural Sciences).
B. D. Phillips - - St. Edmund Hall, Oxford (Modern Languages).
R. G. Baker - - Birkbeck College, London (Mathematics).
M. A. Barna - - Sussex University (Biological Sciences).
R. P. Bennison - - Queen Mary College, London (Geography).
R. E. Billingham - - Southampton University (History).
A. G. Burton - - Imperial College of Science (Mathematics).
R. B. Clark - - Leeds University (Pharmacology).
R. D. Clark - - Queen Mary College, London (Physics).
P. J. Clifton - - University College of Bangor, Wales (French and German).
D. E. Colbourne - - Manchester University (Mechanical Engineering ).
R. Couser - - Southampton University (Engineering Science).
P. Crees - - Nottingham University (Chemistry).
P. E. Dyer - - Hull University (Applied Physics).
A. D. Frost - - Nottingham University (Agricultural Science).
B. Harvey - - Royal Holloway College, London (Physics).
M. Herbert - - Reading University (French and Italian).
A. H. Herman - - Leeds University (Law).
D. Hirst - - St. David's College, Lampeter (English).
C. Hodges - - Manchester University (Law).
R. J. Ilersic - - St. Andrew's University (Law).
D. J. Jeffery - - Southampton University (French and German).
P. J. Lane - - Queen Elizabeth College, London (General Science).
D. McLean - - Nottingham University (Law).
A. R. Morris - - Bristol University (Economics and Accountancy).
R. Palfreyman - - Leeds University (General Arts).
M. A. Short - - Lancaster University (English).
S. R. Smith - - Liverpool University (Medicine).
W. H. N. Southerden - - Manchester University (Drama).
P. R. Stephenson - - Birmingham University (German and Latin).
J. Stevenson - - Leicester University (Combined Sciences).
D. C. Sutton - - Imperial College of Science, London (Aeronautical Engineering).
S. R. Symonds - - Newcastle University (Physics).
R. G. Trask - - University College of Swansea, Wales (Chemical Engineering).
P. R. Waight - - Bristol University (English and Philosophy).
R. Ware - - King's College, London (French).
J. Watmore - - London School of Economics (Law).
M. G. Williams - - Wye College, London (Agriculture).
S. C. Wright - - Southampton University (Electronics).

Colleges of Advanced Technology (Dip.Tech. courses)
P. J. Cox - - Northamptan C.A.T. (Industrial Chemistry).
R. A. Campbell - - Welsh C.A.T. (Statistics).
C. M. Hicks - - Royal C.A.T., Salford {Electronics).
A. Hughes - - Loughborough G.A.T. {Industrial Chemistry).
R. C. Hunt - - Loughborough C.A.T. (Industrial Chemistry).
K. Lawson - - Northampton C.A T. (Electronics).
D. Muzzell - - Birmingham C.A T (Building).
I. S. Sinclair - - Northampton C.A.T. (Applied Physics).
I. Stopps - - Loughborough C.A.T. (Mechanital Engineering).
G. S. Ward - - Loughborough C.A.T. (Industrial Chemistry).

Technical Colleges - Degree Courses
R. W. Chalmers - - North-Western Polytechnic (B.A. General).
E. J. Mears - - Sir John Cass College (B.Sc. in Chemistry).
M. M. Ternouth - - Sir John Cass College (B.Sc. General).

Technical Colleges - Diploma Courses
E. Lawson - - S.E. Essex Technical College (Applied Biology).
D. A. Muddle - - Brighton Technical College (Applied Biology).
R. W. Smith - - Ealing College (Applied Languages).
R. Valpy - - Brighton Technical College (Business Studies).
M. J. Woodling - - Brighton College of Technology (Computer Programming).

Colleges of Art
J. H. Culligan - - Kingston College of Art (Architecture).
A. C. Moon - - Brighton College of Art (Architecture).
J. A. Stewart - - Brighton College of Art (Architecture).

Teacher Training Colleges
P. A. Blight - - Cheltenham College.
A. M. Jepson - - Christ Church College, Canterbury.
P. Richards - - St. John's College, York.
G. C. Smith - - Madeley College, Crewe.
G. W. Sutherland - - St. Luke's College, Exeter.

J. Meardon - - Royal Marines Cadetship.

Old Lewesians
J. Sinden (1952-58) - - Doctorate of Philosophy, University of Wales (Forestry).
D. W. Jackson (1959-62) - - First Class Honours, Physics, Queen Mary College, London.
G. Smith (1957-62) - - R.A.F. Cadetship at Cranwell after apprentice training.



The Prizemen

WOOLMORE PRIZE FOR SCIENCE - - - - - - J. F. IIes, S. C. Wright
LEWES R.F.C. PRIZE - - R. Bennison
DAVID STEVENS' READING PRIZE - - - - - - - M. Herbert
SERVICE PRIZES - - N. Beck, G. B. Firth, L. W. Keeley, R. A. Rass, Upton
OSBORN AWARD - - R. Billingham
TOULMIN PRIZE - - R..Devenish
LARWILL CRAFT PRIZE (Senior) - - J. R. Curry;
LARWILL CRAFT PRIZE (Junior) - - D. N. Mansbridge, D. F. Newton

Form Prizes
VIA Mod. - - - - D. T. Greenland, J. Meardon, T. Ridley.
VIA Sci. - - - - R. G. Baker, P. Crees, N. J. Russell, I. R. Stopps.
VIA Sci. - - - - J. Stevenson.
VIB Mod. - - - - R. Humphrey, A. F. Rich.
VIB 1 Sci. - - - - D. B. Jeans, B. K. Wilson.
VIB 2 Sci. - - - - A. Borley, T. Davis.
V. I. - - - - P. R. Best, B. Knight, P. R. Miles.
V. H. - - - - W. F. Thompson.
V. P - - - - W. J. Bartholomew, A. C. Booth.
V. M. - - - - B. W. S. Prior.
IVA. - - - - T. J. Barrett, S. J. O. Gann.
IVB. - - - - P. Daw.
IVC. - - - - A. J. C. Chandler.
IIIA - - - - T. Hill, P. A. Neighbour.
IIIB - - - - M. D. Harvey, J. A. Risbridger.
IIIC - - - - N. M. Broxup, L. Hart.
IIA - - - - R. C. Best, S. J. Goss, B. R. Parkhurst.
IIB - - - - P. J. Clayton.
IIC - - - - S. Meager.
IJ - - - - D. N. Carey, C. B. Edwards.
IR - - - - T. M. D. Cox.


Povey Work Shield - - - - Lewes House
Bradshaw Games Shield - - - - Lewes, Seahaven and Uckfield Houses
Henderson-Oliver Crass-Country Cup - - - - Martlets House
Wi1fred Thomson Athletic Cup - - - - Seahaven House
Innes Swimming Cup - - - - Uckfield House
Blunden Junior Games Cup - - - - Martlets House
Champaklal Tennis Cup - - - - Uckfield House
Arnold Basketball Traphy - - - - Lewes House
Sinfield Swimming Cup - - - - A. H. Herman


LAST YEAR I did not take the Editors of this magazine seriously; to be honest, I thought that they were imposters. It seems that they were not - and are not.

I should be reporting two years' activity in Chapel as a result of this aberration, but you will forgive me if I don't. Post-mortems (if that is the plural of a post mortem) are notoriously deadly and bore stiff, and I am not efficient enough for the rigors (sic) of such a discipline.

As chaplain, confirmed in 1964, it was hard to know what position best to adopt as being the one most likely to reach the majority of the boys in the School. I decided that although my own views rather naturally seemed to make most sense to me, it would be quite improper not to allow very ample scope for the propagation of the views of others.

As a result, apart from the day to day services in Chapel and the yearly old friends such as the Carol service, we have had in Chapel on Mondays priests, chaplains, ministers and representatives of all sorts and conditions of both Christianity and Theism, Jesuit, Russian Orthodox, Anglican, Anglican Francisan, Methodist, Baptist, Congregationalist, New Church, Quaker, Salvation Army, Plymouth Brother, Unitarian and Jew.

Some of these have been the cause of great interest to some and great scandal to others. The scandalised have been almost exclusively those who take a more fundamental view of the Gospel and from some of those folk but by no means all, I have had some pretty corrosive criticism. I must admit I have utterly ignored such criticism and the views of those whom I have asked - four score or more - confirm that I was right so to do.

A Chaplain ought to be both Catholic and Protestant so it seems to me. His catholicism should need no defence in a seat of learning in the twentieth - of all - centuries, and yet a "teaching" ministry in the best protestant tradition is equally desirable in a school.

Teaching what? There's the rub. Chapel is not a classroom though as one who has virtually used it as such I blush to write it. The old adage that Christianity is caught and not taught is none the less true for being an old adage. If there are enough people in love with Christianity and they are patently seen to be both better and happier people, all would be well. Sadly, it is not like that: some are better, some are happier, some are supercilious prigs, some are totally unexceptionable, some have been "saved" (so they tell us) but seem to be able to disguise the fact with remarkable skill.

What so many preachers have said in chapel, I think you would agree, is not irrelevant or unhelpful, it is simply that the results of their teaching seen in terms of so many so-called Christians, seems to be in so many ways identical to so many non-Christians. That this ought not to be so is obvious, that this is so is a tragedy. It is of course true that the fowls of the air are pretty plentiful in the 20th century and, what is more, the ground pretty stony in places, but this is no excuse. Christianity is not a Club or Society, it is a vocatian in which all men fall short and some of us very short indeed, but this falling short does not invalidate the nobility of the vocation.

There is not much support from some members of the community (rather charitably expressed, I feel). I have noted and I expect you have too, that five Science Graduates are regular attenders of Chapel. The School captains that we have had on the Science side have all been most co-aperative about Chapel. It makes a difference, you know.

Generally it seems to me that the School has been remarkably forbearing. Very few have kicked me either literally or metaphorically, about compulsory Chapel. I would like to thank them for their courtesy. One day they may even enjoy singing. I can tell you that from where I sat the view during the hymn was too often reminiscent of MacFisheries slab after a good haul - pictorially not intellectually !

Some Sixth Formers deserve our particu1ar thanks, especially those who have taken services. One hopes that those who took part in this way feel that their efforts were worth the nerve-strain involved.

Finally, here are a few facts and figures extracted by the Gallup/Gem method which may be of interest.

The views of some Sixth Formers both on the arts and science side were asked for. I would assume that they were representative of The Sixth as a whole.

1. Would you call yourself a Christian? ("Don't cares" not allowed). Yes-57. No-29.

2. Would you like to see Chapel voluntary on Weekdays? Yes-68. No-13.
On Monday for the weekly service? Yes-48. No-37.

3. Do you approve of the Sixth Form taking the service on Friday morning? Yes-62. No-9.
Only 1 in 4 wanted this system extended to other days.

4. Are the choices af hymns acceptable? Yes-52. No-9. Don't care-20.

5. Do you prefer formal, set prayers or informal ones? Formal-11. Informal-51. Don't care-9.

6. Do you appreciate the short talk at the service on weekdays? Yes-50. No-11. Don't care-21.

7. Do you appreciate the weekly service on Monday and find it helpful? Yes-39. No-24. Don't care-18.(This seems a depressing result).

8. There was a 5 to 1 vote in favour of having men from other denominations in to speak.

9. The most popular outside speaker was the Rev. Donald Carpenter.

10. The daily service consists at present of: Hymn, Prayer, Reading, Short Talk. Put these in the order in which you find them most valuable and helpful.
Reading 8 votes. Prayers 13 votes. Hymn 14 votes. Talk 42 votes.
(This does not seem to tie up with Questions 4, 5 and 6, but there it is!).

I wish my successor your co-operation. It is this that will give him his inspiration; it is the lack of it that will . . . . well imagine for yourselves what it would be like.

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