Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 42 - 1967

This Year's Barbican cover This Barbican marks the end of the Fanner headmastership and an interregnum before the appointment of a new headmaster in September 1967 who will take the school from Grammar School to Comprehensive School. No doubt there is apprehension in the Staff Room who are uneasy about the likely changes that will take place. Many of the remaining older teachers will see it through until retirement but many of the younger ones with aspirations to teach in the more formal style are opting for the public schools. Meanwhile the boys continue much as before and are performing well. They will adapt to the new regime and will take it all in their stride - they have little option, anyway.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys



IT is with deep regret that we have to record the departure at the end of the Spring Term of the Headmaster, Mr. Fanner; he is to take up his new post as Headmaster af Alleyne's Grammar School. Our readers will readily understand our reluctance to suggest that Alleyne's is a better school, but we freely admit that it is a bigger one both in size and in the facilities at its disposal.

During Mr. Fanner's headmastership the School has undergone certain important changes. Numbers in the Sixth Form have increased enormously and the range of studies has been considerably widened to cater for their different needs and abilities. The list of examination results which this magazine annually records is proof of the effectiveness and success of this reorganisation of "O" and "A" level studies.

In sporting activities the Headmaster's enthusiasm for sailing has left its mark. There is now a Sailing Club and if its membership is small, it is exclusive, original in ideas and always experimental in outlook. Spectators in the vicinity of Piddinghoe Pond have watched with appreciation, in the early days of the Club's existenee, the crews' efforts to sail on, under and over the surface of the water.

Yet most will remember Mr. Fanner as a person, as an individual emminently affable and always approachable. Many a boy sent to face the "ultimate deterrent" in the Headmaster's study has been induced to face up instead to his own responsibilities, to accept them and to make a decision, however unpalatable to himself, based on the good counsel which he had received.

A man of unfailing charm, tact and ready sense of humour. Mr. Fanner has endeared himse1f to boys and Staff alike to an extent which will ensure that he is long remembered at Lewes with sincere affection. The School will be extremely sorry to see him go and takes this opportunity of wishing him every success in his new post.


IN July we said good-bye to three full time masters, Mr. W. G. Wilton, who is retiring, Mr. M. D. Nurton, going to be in charge of P.E. at another school in Sussex, and Mr. D. G. Pollock; and also two part-time staff, Mr. R. T. Back and Mr. B. W. Parsons. Mr. Back is now teaching art at the Girls' Grammar School and is still to be seen, we understand, at Piddinghoe, while the ever youthful Mr. Wilton has gone to teach at Oswestry for Mr. Gem. Richard Hames, who has now taken a full-time teaching job in a choir school as organist and choir master, is also greatly missed; his help with music has been invaluable.

We also said au revoir for a year to Mr. Ives, visiting Australia (and his in-laws), and to Mr. Davey, teaching for a year on exchange in North Carolina. We are g1ad to welcome in his place Mr. B. D. Toan, who has already shown us the vitality of American teaching methods.

In September Mr. P. O. Beale arrived; as School Chaplain he took over the chapel and the religious teaching throughout the School. Mr. C. G. Branson came to strengthen the P.E. department; we are very glad to have them both with us, and wish them a long and happy stay.

As it was decided not to hold the usual Speech Day in the Autumn Term, the prizes were distributed at the last assembly of the Summer Term; the prizewinners and the academic success of the School leavers are given in the magazine on another page.

Three awards have been made for presentation in the School :
(a) The Hugh Taylor Cup for Standards, presented by H. F. Tayler, Esq.
(b) The Charman Geography prize, presented by D. Charman, Esq.
(c) An Old Lewesians' prize, endowed by the O.L. Association at their April A.G.M., to be awarded at the discretion of the Headmaster.

Two members of the Sixth Form, R. M. Sabine and S. G. White, organised a dance on the last evening of the Spring Term which raised £7 for Oxfam.
The School lst XV had an unbeaten season, winning 10 matches and drawing one. The School won the Sussex Schools senior 7-a-side Shield.
J. R. Isbister played in the England' Schoolbays' XV (15 group) against Welsh Schoolboys on 23rd March.
T. Blacktin was selected to play for Eng1and v. Eire for the Football Association Schools International Cup.
D. C. Haffenden and C. Hunt were awarded E. Sussex Schools' Athletics Association Colours for the 15 group.
The School "B" Chess team has won the Brighton and district chess championship for the 15 group; the game has only been played in the School for about three years.
A. O. Braid (O.L. 1957-1964) has been awarded an Honorary Exhibition in Modern Languages at St. Catherine's College, Oxford.
The East Sussex Schools Athletics Meeting was held on 2lst May in the grounds of the School and Lewes Secondary Modern School. The School won the Intermediate and Senior Boys' Competitions.
R. Lewin was awarded E.S.S.A.A. colours for a record-breaking triple jump.
The Queen's Scout Badge was awarded to R. D. Bird and D. Upton.
The Bishop af Lewes preached to the Senior School.
The C.C.F. was inspected by Brigadier J. R. Mackenzie, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., on l4th July.
The Under 15 cricket XI reached the Finals of the E. Sussex Schools cricket knock-out at the Hove County Grammar, being defeated by the Knoll School for Boys, Hove.

The following camping activities took place in the summer holidays:
Senior Scout Troop went to the Lake District.
Junior Scout Troop went to Cornwall.
Expeditionary Group : Eight Fifth Formers gained the Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze Award. All passed in first aid, physical fitness, expedition, basic mountaineering.
The C.C.F. camps are reported elsewhere.

Anthony Bannister, James Rusbridger, John Livingston (O.L.) have had their contributions accepted for Martlet, a magazine of creative work from East Sussex Schools.
I. Pettitt has been selected to play Lawn Tennis for the Sussex County junior team, and is the youngest player ever to be selected.
In the Autumn Term eight members af the VI attended the C.E.M. Brighton VI Form Conference on "Religion and Politics".
Mrs. Bulman gave an illustrated talk on Israel to the Upper School.
A Harvest Festival collection for "Save the Children" and "Christian Action" raised £17 1Os. Od.; the School also distributed food parcels to members of two local homes, one for the blind and one for old people.
On the 28th October the Deputy Mayor presented the School with framed copies of the document of friendship signed by the Mayors of Blois and Lewes; a recorded message from the Mayor of Blois was played.

Finally, the School congratulates Professor Briggs on becoming ViceChancellor Elect of the University of Sussex. We welcome Mrs. E. Boyden as a Governor in place of Professor Briggs, who has had to resign in view of his many other commitments.
Both Jeremy Greenland (O.L. 19551962) and Andrew Sutherland are serving their third year in V.S.O., Jeremy as a graduate in Burundi and Andrew as a cadet in Sarawak.

Our congratulations to the O.L. First Class Honours graduates: C. C. Christopher in Chemistry at Manchester and P. J. Whitfield in Zoology at Cambridge; and to M. Wenham on being awarded his Ph.D. at Bangor. Quentin English doing postgraduate research at the University of E. Anglia has got his M.Sc. and is going on for the Ph.D.
2/Lts. P. Morling and J. Parker have passed out from Sandhurst, and have been commissioned in the Royal Corps of Transport and the King's Own Northumberland Borderers respectively. We trust that N. Williams, whose training at Sandhurst was held up by a bad motoring accident while on an expedition in Turkey, will follow suit this term; he is destined for cammunications.

PREFECTS, 1966-67

Autumn Term 1966

Head of School: M. E. Young

Head Prefect: A. F. Rich

Senior Prefects: A. C. Culley, D. B. Jeans, B. K. Wilson

Prefects: W. J. Bartholomew, P. R. Best, M. K. Brayne, C. P. Brown, P. J. Bryant, J. H. Carder, P. A. Clarke, M. J. Coe, P. J. Courage, B. C. Ford, B. Knight, J. Lamidey, S. J. Males, P. R. Miles, S. C. R. Morling, G. D. Pratt, M. J. Relf, S. G. White, M. D. M. Woollar

Spring Term Appointments

Head of School: A. F. Rich

Head Prefect: D. B. Jeans

Prefects: N. Garley, M. H. Lawrence, A. D. C. Tandy


Universities and C.A.T.'s

D. T. Greenland - Open Scholarship to Brasenose College, Oxford (Law)
T. F. Pope - - - Open Exhibition to St. Edmund Hall, Oxford (Languages)
R. Humphrey - - - The Queen's College, Oxford (History)
T. C. Ridley - - Trinity College, Cambridge (Law)
N. J. Russell - - Churchill College, Cambridge (Natural Science)
P. A. R. Ade - - University af Surrey (Physics)
D. Beattie - - - Reading University (Sociology)
A. D. Borley - - Bartlett School of Architecture, London University
D. J. Briggs - - Sheffield University (Geography)
C. Chapman - - - London School of Economics (Law)
R. J. Devenish - York University (English)
P. Ferguson - - - University College, London (Law)
J. Freyne - - - - City University (Industrial Chemistry)
H. Gilbert - - - Bristol University (Geology)
P. Hayler - - - - Nottingham University (Geology)
F. Jaeger - - - - Southampton University (Philosophy)
T. J. Jarvis - - Loughborough C.A.T. (Industrial Chemistry)
R. Lee - - - - - Queen Elizabeth's College, London (Maths and Physics)
J. R. Logsdon - - Bristol University (Physics)
C. S. Major - - Wye College, London University (Agricultural Science)
A. G. Massey - - Durham University (Geography)
C. T. S. Miles - Southampton University (Chemistry)
D. A. Muddle - - University of Bath (Applied Biology)
V. P. N Newman - Newcastle University (Chemistry)
R. P. R. Noel - - Keele University (History and French)
N. Pitcairn - - - St. David's College, Lampeter (French)
I. J. D. B. Robertson - Newcastle University (Chemistry)
R. M. Sabine- - - Southampton University (Chemistry)
G. H. Sharp - - - Northampton C.A.T. (Civil Engineering)
A. Smith - - - - Keele University (Physics and Chemistry)
B. Upton - - - - Southampton University (Geography)
B. C. White - - - Northampton C.A.T. (Mechanical Engineering)
B. Yare - - - - St. Andrew's University (Astronomy)

Technical Colleges - Degree Courses

R. Cottington - - - Brighton College of Technology (Pharmacy)
R. P. Curry - - - High Wycombe Technical College (B.A. Sociology)
B. A. J. Funnell - Brighton College of Technology (Dip.Tech., Mech.Eng.)
R. R. Kennard - - - Brighton College of Technology (Quantity Surveying)
R. W. Osborne - - - Bristol College of Commerce (B.Sc.econ.)
A. G. Pett - - - - Portsmouth College of Technology (B.Sc. Gen.)

Technical Colleges - Diploma Courses

R. K. Alexander - - Hatfield Tech. College (Computer Programming)
D. Babstock - - - Portsmouth College of Technology (Interior Design)
T. I. Blacktin - - - London School of Estate Management
T. J. Davis - - - National College of Agricultural Engineering
M. R. Fifield - - - Camborne School of Mines (Mining Engineering)
M. Gurr - - - - Leicester College of Technology (H.N.D., Mech.Eng.)
T. C. Keeley - - - Brighton College af Technology (Librarianship)
J. C. Letton - - - Southampton College of Technology (Yacht and Boat Yard Management)
N. L. Marshall - - - Willesden Technical College (Quantity Surveying)
C. J. Payne - - - Brighton College of Technology (H.N.D., Chemistry)
E. A. Unstead - - - Brighton College of Technology (Librarianship)
A. Voyce - - Oxford College of Technology (Town & Country Planning)
D. B. Walters - - - Essex Institute of Agriculture, Writtle
S. D. White - - S.E. Essex Technical College (H.N.D., Applied Biology)

Colleges of Education

P. C. Dunn - - - Northumberland College
C. J. Hiscock - - - Trent College
J. O. Lecky - - - Brighton College of Education
R. M. Parker - - - Dudley College
R. J. Rooke - - - Newlands Park College
D. G. Welch - - - Loughborough College of Education

Other Colleges

T. E. Cook - - - Dip.A.D. (Brighton College af Art)
J. B. Curry - - - Teacher's Diploma (New College of Speech and Drama)
P. R. A. Morgan - - - Royal Naval College, Dartmouth
J. E. J. Sharwood - - Royal Naval College, Dartmouth


EDGAR POVEY AWARD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N. Russell
ROTARY CLUB SERVICE PRIZE - - - - - - - - D. R. Coleman
MRS. LOMAS' PRIZE FOR FRENCH - - - - - - R. J. Devenish
LEWES R.F.C. PRIZE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M. E. Young
MRs. FANNER's PRIZE FOR MUSIC - - - - - - M. D. Harvey
BARFOOT ENGINEERING PRIZE - - - - - - - P. J. Courage
BEEFORTH MATHS. PRIZE - - - - - - - - - - - - C. J. Cuddington
HEADMASTER'S PRIZE FOR ART - - - - - - - A. Borley and T. E. Cook
SERVICE PRIZE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B. Upton
OSBORN AWARD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W. J. Bartholomew
OLD LEWBSIANS' PRIZE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N. R. Pitcairn
TOULMIN PRIZE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F. W. Jaeger
(Senior) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J. R. Curry
(Junior) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - G. Duerden
CHARMAN GEOGRAPHY PRIZE - - - - - - - - B.Upton


VIA MoD. - - R. Humphrey, A. Massey, A. F. Rich.
VIA 1 ScI. - - D. B. Jeans.
VIA 2 ScI. - - P. A. R. Ade.
VIB MoD. - - P. R. Miles.
VIB 1 ScI. - - P. R. Best.
VIB 2 ScI. - - J. T. Maynard-Smith.
VI - - - - M. C. Harvey, A. F. Lancaster.
VH - - - - R. G. Cornes.
VP - - - - P. D. Ward.
VD - - - - D. Ness.
IVA - - - - E. J. Pawson, M. H. Ryle.
IVs - . - - - T. Healey, F. R. Watson.
IVc - - - - L. Hart.
IIIA - - - - G. Duerden, M. C. Lower.
IIIB - - - - I. Lamborn
IIIc - - - - I. J. H. Yaxall.
IIA - - - - T. M. D. Cox.
IIs - - - - M. A. Burrell, A. R. Stewart.
IIc. - - - - W. A. S. Page, S. C. Ridout.
ID - - - - N. G. Higgs, A. Terrill.
IJ - - - - R. F. M. Lewis, S. M. Reeve.
IR - - - - D. J. Best, A. Henriques.


Povey Work Shield - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Uckfield House
Bradshaw Games Shield - - - - - - - - - - - - Martlets House
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup - - Lewes House
Wilfred Thomson Athletic Cup - - - - - - - Martlets House
Innes Swimming Cup - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Uckfield House
Blunden Junior Games Cup - - - - - - - - - A tie between all Houses
Champaklal Tennis Cup - - - - - - - - - - - - Uckfield House
Arnold Basketball Trophy - - - - - - - - - - Lewes House
Sinfield Swimming Cup - - - - - - - - - - - - M. J. Coe
Hugh Tayler Cup for Standards - - - - - - Lewes House


YET ANOTHER GENERAL INSPECTION is behind us - this year we were inspected on Thursday, l4th July, by Brigadier J. R. Mackenzie, C.B.E., D.S.O., M:C, - and the season of indoor training is on us again. While we are imprisoned on dark and dreary evenings in Room 22 with field craft or map reading lessons, we can think back to a far more invigorating spring and summer training session. Late April saw us desert North Wales, our haunt for adventure training of the last five years, and move to new stomping grounds in the Lake District - it snowed and it rained and inevitably the 3-tonner broke down, but a report on this is to follow. Half term brought a Junior Cadets' Camp in the School grounds with our stalwart, Pilot Officer Swan, organising everything from camp cooking a la carte to cricket practice, when cadets had still some quota of energy remaining after a day of tramping the local countryside.

C.Q.M.S. Lamidey and Cadet Rigby attended the Queen's Birthday Parade at Sandhurst an 4th June and were greatly impressed. Here perhaps is a fitting place to congratulate Lamidey on his award of an Army Scholarship to Sandhurst in 1967 - Rigby, we should mention, nearly "made it", too.

Annual Camp is the subject of a subsequent report; sufficient to say it was in the land of the Norfolk Postmen on the Thetford Chase, and many were the calls heard of "Ai yer gotta loight boy." This was the scene of our farewell to 2/Lt. Nurton, who left the School at the end of term to move to St. Albans School. We shall remember his cheerful mien, his kindly manner, his non-military approach and his traditional Army driving. Our best wishes go with him to his new, and large, contingent.

About 20 new cadets joined us at the beginning of this term. They have entered into things - even a wet and windy October field day - with great vigor which promises well for their future in the contingent. Even a sample meal from the compo boxes seemed neither to dampen their ardour, even less their noise as they savoured the spirit of field cooking.

Finally, Exercise "Champagne" - another Continental exercise. On Saturday, 29th Otcober, a group of 12 seniors and P.O. Swan and Capt. Roberts made their way to the Loire valley. Two years ago we went to Belgium - it was cold for camping so what better this year than to go farther south and "look for the autumnal sun"? We found it for the first two days of camp and then lost it entirely - rain - six inches of snow, and frost followed. Anyway, we were all back in Lewes for the anti-Popery displays, and the account of one of the teams which follows is eloquent description of impressians of France in autumn as seen through the eyes of two of the hardy band.

Now we await the result of our Proficiency exam in December, and the outcome of our negotiations with the Norwegians as to whether we can undertake adventure training in Norway at Easter and the overhaul of the diabolical electrical system in the camping store.

Thanks from the contingent must go to P.O. Swan for all his very hard (not to say vociferous) work in the past year; to Mr. Nicholls, still patiently giving us of his time, and to a small but keen and loyal band of N.C.O.s.


C.S.M. Steve Morling.
C.Q.M.S. John Lamidey.
Sgt. Brian Baldy.
Cpl. Dave Robinson.


Cpls. Nigel Packham, Ralph Winsor.
Congratulations to Cadet Terrill on being awarded the Reynold's Cup as best all-round cadet of the year.



Arduous Training, 1966 - Lake District

THE CAMP started badly for half the arduous trainees when they were forced to spend the night halfway up the A1 in a lay-by in the back of a vintage 3-ton truck (this due to the horseless carriage making many and loud noises from the direction of the engine). Thanks, however, to the M.T. section at R.A.F. Witterham we were able to continue after some 12 hours delay, arriving at the camp site near Cockermouth in the early hours of the next morning. The remainder had arrived in the comfort of a brand-new Land Rover (why on earth did they give it to us?) and had already surveyed the local area suffiently to organise a little exercise, which was undertaken by all after pitching camp.

The next two days were taken up with typical D.G.R. exercises, taking in much of the beautiful scenery and bogs, most of them starting with, ending up with, or a break was taken for, a visit to one of the many and delightful local hostelries.

Mr. Nurton had just obtained, at great expense, a new camera and had taken over the job of camp cinematographer from Mr. Davey who was conspicuous by his absence. Mr. Swan, meanwhile, swarmed around in his usual efficient manner.

The usual two-day exercise started one day late due (i) to a fairly heavy snowfall, and (ii) to the fact that two team leaders who shall remain anonymous but let us call them Steve and Terry had spent a fruitless and exhausting evening in Maryport surveying the local scenery arriving back at the camp late and with the aid of a taxi.

When it did start however it was, enjoyed by all, especially Mr. Swan's party, who on the second day traversed Striding Edge and conquered Helvellyn in a force 8 gale, a fact which, had it been witnessed by Mr. Herbert would have caused him unbearable pain.

The end of this exercise unfortunately marked the end of the camp; the exercises had taken in all of the lakes measuring more than about half a mile, a thoroughly good and somewhat geographically edifying time was had by all. Thanks must be given to those who gave up their time for the relatively few cadets who came. Thanks turn ta 2/Lt. Nurton, P.O. Swan and last but not least Capt. Roberts.


THIS year has been as different for the cadets as any other; new faces have appeared and old ones have left, notably those of 2/Lt. M. D. Nurton, who has left to take up a new post at a public school (and, let's face it, their need is greater than even ours !). We wish him the best of luck; and Under Officer Ray Sabine, whose service to the cadets will be remembered for a long time, not only by the R.A.F. section but by the Corps. as a whole.

We have had our usual selection of week-end camps, organised by Mr. Swan, and our Annual General Inspection. This was very carefully arrangad to put on a good impression and cover up our incompetence (have you ever tried marching while holding a rifle to your side with two fingers only?). It was decided not to have a march past as in previous years, but to show a demonstration drill squad instead. This went off well, the C.S.M: only made two mistakes - deliberate mistakes, of course, "just to keep yer on yer toes!" It was remarked that the Guard of Honour was the best for some time, thanks to Cdts. Duerden, Terrill, Rigby and Cpl. Robinson for their very smart drill. The exercise that followed, "Inspecting Officers, for the entertaining of", was the usual fiasco, but he didn't notice. Alexander got on the wrong end of a thunderflash, thrown over the Cockshut bank in the vague direction of the enemy by an unidentified defence radio operator.

By the unceasing process of evolution, Annual Camp evolved; this year at West Tofts Camp, Thetford. This was as eventful as ever, especially on the assault boats when our ever resourceful C.O. jumped from a small rubber dinghy towards the shore. Not being a scientific sort of chap he forgot about equal and opposite forces. . . Seeing this fine example, several cadets plunged from their craft, voluntarily or otherwise, into the four-foot-deep river, while the N.C.O.s beat a hasty retreat to avoid insurrection. By the time this is in print some of the more senior cadets will have returned from a trip to France (we hope) over the half term. The plans are so secret that the organisers know as little as we do, but the route is via Paris to Blois. If past statistics are anything to go by, 75 per cent of the party will probably "accidentally" get lost in the French capital. Oh, well, c'est la vie! See you in the Louvre or the pokey!


LAST YEAR'S MEETINGS took on a slightly different pattern. The accent was on badge work. Successes were gained in the following: Camper, Cook, Backwoodsman and Swimmer. There was also more lunch time testing for tenderfoot, first and second class badges.

The troop also felled some large trees on Dave Taylor's farm, commonly known as the "Bonkeridge" and in Tim Cox's garden. We were responsible for blocking the road and almost removing one of the G.P.O.'s telegraph poles.

There were three main camps in the year. The first for P.L.s and Seconds only was held at Offham by kind permission of Mr. Harmer. This was a great success. The whole troop went to Whitsun camp for a few weeks later. The equipment was transported in a Cadet lorry (we were on friendly terms !). The camp was at the "Bonkeridge". There was a reeord amount of testing. Summer camp was spent at Crackington Haven in Cornwall. Mediocre weather did not mar our enjoyment and everybody had a thoroughly good time. The standard of camping was high. Otters and Falcons tied as winners of the inter-patrol competition. At the Conyboro Jamborette we staged a hair-raising feat of pioneering. Mick Coe and Dave Taylor were lowered onto a platform, cycled down a ramp and crashed through a flaming hoop at the bottom. The whole construction had been erected in 10 mins.

As usual we staged field days each term at Offham, Kingston and the Downs round Lewes Golf Course.

This year we had a very strong team of swimmers led by Mick Coe and we regained the swimming trophy of the Lewes District.

Mr. Ives was Scoutmaster for the year but due to causes beyand his control he left for Australia in September and Mr. Farmer took over. We said good-bye to Mick Coe, and Tim Knight became troop leader.

We give best thanks once again to all who helped to organise the troop and to everyone who gave us their assistance in our various activities and fund-raising.
STEPHEN GARLEY (P.L. of Beavers).


THE SENIOR Scouts have enjoyed another successful if somewhat inactive year. Congratulations must be extended to "Yogi" Upton for getting his Queen's Scout, this is our first one for several years.

On 20th September we said goodbye to Mr. Ives for a year, and we have not had so much as a postcard from him since!

The climax of the year was the expedition to the Lake District in which four members took part, namely Alan Pett, Chris Frost, Neil Garley and Tim Knight, together with Steve Symonds and Adrian Frost, two ex-members of the troop. We spent the first week in Borrowdale during which we climbed Great Gable and Scafell Pikes and others. On l3th August we were caught in the Borrowdale floods; there was 16 inches of running water in ane of the tents when the River Derwent rose 12 feet in about half an haur. The sight of Neil Garley wearing only his underpants and the remains of a trilby, begging shelter in the nearby farmhouse was nearly enough to give one housewife hysterics. The following morning, having spent the night in a spare bedraam at the farmhouse, we gave what assistance we could to the farmer who was attempting the almost impossible task of clearing up. Then we moved on to Patterdale, where we spent the second week. There our climbs included Helvellyn and High Street.

The expedition log, written by Alan Pett, has won the Robert Giles Trophy for the second year running.

Following last year's success, we entered three teams in the Downsman Hike; all of them finished, and the "A" team, consisting of Roger Bird, Chris Frost and Neil Garley, came second out of about 60 teams. Various incidents had to be tackled during the 35-mile hike, which included a descent of one of the Seven Sisters and a crossing of the River Ouse by raft.

In all it has been a most successful year; in quality if not in quantity of achievement.


I must begin by thanking Mr. Gem for all the work he put into the running of the School Chapel. I do not think the School really appreciates the planning needed in the preparation of services, and after Mr. Gem had responded to the call of Oswestry the lot of Chapel administration fell into the capable hands of Mr. Davey and Mr. Pollock.

For two terms Mr. Davey fol1owed in Mr. Gem's task of trying to make people think in Senior Chapel! The system of sixth formers talking on Friday mornings - but with only a few making regular appearances. Mr. Pollock took over Junior Chapel for the same two terms and we were sorry when he had to leave after such a short stay.

During the summer holidays Mr. Beale, our new permanent Chaplain, arrived in this country after a headmastership in Gambia. We wish him every success and hope that his new ideas will prove beneficial.

However, the general feeling in the senior schaol is that Chapel is losing its meaning; and that purely theological sermons tend to be boring while practical talks are helpful. This was perhaps demonstrated by the response of the School to a service dedicated to the "Save the Children Fund" and to "Christian Aid". In response to the collections of this service a total of £18 was received and a deathly silence - a rare event in Chapel - descended after the poignant talk of M. Young. Silence is a sure sign that the point is taken - a classic occasian when haunting facts mean more than religious theory. In the sixth form the time is ripe for the formulation of personal philosophies. It is hoped, therefore, that more will come forward on Friday mornings to air their principles and theories. The success of the Chapel entirely depends upon the people inside. If one goes to Chapel thinking that one will be bored whatever the subject of the service, obviously its worth will be negligible. However, if one goes with an open mind with the intention of forming personal ideas, the impact of its worth will definitely be felt.

Lastly, I would suggest that if the dissatisfied critics of Chapel offered alternatives of service, changes perhap's could be made. The Chapel was not only built to serve God - its purpose must also be to serve the School.


THE AESTHETICS SOCIETY, in common with its founder, has often looked near to death between spasms of productive genius but has always refused to expire. Mr. Gem has departed to a higher level of existence, so it seemed only fitting that his enthusiastic contribution to the intellectual and artistic appreciation of generations of Sixth Formers should be remembered. The Society is now the "Gem" - everyone understands at least one meaning of this tit1e. I regret to have to admit, though, that its hold on life is equally tenuous. There is a small group of the faithful and a larger group of unpredictable - the degree of unpredictability depending upon whether a sudden plague of athleticism draws off all those who possess corpus sanum as well as mens sana. This happened when the only outside speaker was invited - a priest talking on the stirrings of reform which are reshaping the monolithic structure of the Roman Catholic Church.

The programme has included talks on African Art, T. S. Eliot, Existentialism, French Impressionism in Art and Poetry, a Christian and Humanist dialogue, which overflowed into a second meeting, and an enquiry into whether "a wife really matters". Those who did not attend this may be relieved to hear that Mr. White's considered opinion is that test tubes cannot provide adequate replacement for maternal function.

If there was a reward for the most erudite question of the term, it shauld go to the member who asked: "Mr. Chairman, would you not say that Sartre was an essentialist rather than an existentialist in his theory of music?" The Chairman, although he was meant to be the philosophic expert, hesitated, at a complete loss, when he was saved by the opportune arrival of Mr. Gem relaxing after a brief return to his old pulpit.

A great debt is due to the Staff who have spoken so well and attended so regularly.


THE DEATH OCCURRED On 28th October of Monsieur Robert Piolé, who will always be remembered as the founder of the Blois-Lewes link. It was in 1946 that he began looking for an English school with which to exchange, and having first considered Folkestone and then Winchester, he finally made the acquaintance of the late Mr. Donald Auld who enthusiastically responded to his lead. The award of the O.B.E. came as a fitting mark of appreciation for this initiative, and even after his retirement from teaching Monsieur Piolé continued to make his English colleagues welcome in Blois and actively supported the Lycée in planning programmes. His energetic work in the flourishing local branch of the Association France-Grande Bretagne was a further token of his dedication to Anglo-French understanding, and we pay tribute to a man of culture, vision and humanity who will be sadly missed. Mr. H. E. Pope attended the funeral on 29th October to express the sympathies af the School and the municipality of Lewes, on behalf of whom two wreaths were laid on the grave situated near that of Mr. Auld.

The year of Monsieur Piolé's death saw the 20th consecutive annual exchange between our two schools, a civic exchange, and the establishment of a new Twinning Committee in Lewes; there could hardly be a more eloquent tribute to the pioneer inspiration and the perseverance of Monsieur Robert Piolé.


THIRTY-SIX LEWESIANS went to Blois this year, for the twentieth consecutive exchange between our two schools. Many of the party were second - or third-formers going for the first time. We spent the first ten days en famille, while the lycée was still on holiday, the rest of the stay being taken up with excursions. As last year, we attended "Causeries" or talks before certain trips; in order to familiarize ourselves with the vocabulary we would meet, and to learn something of the background to the visits.

While some of the trips were established favourites; such as the Chocolate Factory and the Wine Caves, we broke quite a bit of new ground this year. One day we spent in Tours, with a visit to Amboise Château on the way. Chambord proved well worth an excursion if only because of the working model-artillery, the playthings of the young French King. It was unfortunate that we were unable to see the pheasant-rearing or asparagus growing because of bad weather. Owing to the presence of the municipal delegatian from Lewes not everyone was able to visit the Wine Caves. Those who had been before were shown round Chaumont Château by Rich and Williams, who also paid for drinks all round (with money provided by the lycée). This year we were fortunate in being able to watch the schaol play, "Topaze" by Pagnol, which was very well acted and very amusing for those who could follow it. The producer was M. Jollet, whom we are pleased to welcome as this year's Assistant.

The climax of a most enjoyable stay came with the Ball, after which we had a whole day to recover before returning to England, Lewes and School.


OUR FRENCH FRIENDS were led this year by Monsieur and Madame Andre, whom we welcomed for the first time, and we were glad once again to have Monsieur Marc Jollet, who first came as a pupil from the Lycée Augustin Thierry and is now our French Assistant for 1966-67 before completing his English degree at the University of Tours.

The usual visits were made to London and parts of West Sussex. One party saw the Victory at Portsmouth, and during a tour of East Sussex we visited Bateman's at Burwash and the 1066 commemoration displays at Hastings. The replica of the Bayeux tapestry attracted considerable attention; the Triodome and its splendid embroidery had to compete with the proximity of fun on the pier, and our expenditure on entrance fees was not altogether justified. During the three weeks of the French stay a civic delegation came from Blois and were especially welcomed at a dinner in the Town Hall. On the Saturday morning the sun shone upon a street-naming ceremony performed by Monsieur Petre, so that we now have a Blois Road to match the Rue de Lewes of our twin town.

The "treaty" of friendship signed some years ago was ratified this year and commemorated in documents of which copies were presented, framed, to the School in a short ceremony on Friday, 28th October, the very day of the death of the founder of this link, Monsieur Robert Piolé. We have to thank the Mayor of Lewes, Alderman Baker, and Council1or Day, who actually made the presentation in the Mayor's absence through illness, for this pleasing gesture of solidarity with us in the developing link with Blois.


WITH THE departure of D. Greenland, the post of Secretary was conferred on Roger Devenish. Mr. Roberts' unflagging energy also contributed to this new lease of life in no small way. Mr. Devenish's excellent exposés [and] subtle humour were well appreciated as was the introduction of some literary gems in the Society's minutes.

The impact the Society made can be judged by the fact that the first gathering was duly recorded in the local paper accompanied by a photograph of Mr. Webb disguised as Cliff Richard.

The most outstanding meeting of the term, judged by the quality and not quantity of those attending, was a formal debate on the Welfare State producing national and individual apathy. Economic, religious, moral, scientific and political motivations were all expounded by the experts in these fields.

The remaining six meetings in the term included a film and a tennis-cum-social meeting with Micklefield School, Seaford. The other meetings were a perfect example of that oft preached educational exercise called freedom of expression. Every type of programme was devised in order that the scientists, psuedo-scientists, artists, and modern students could contribute. This mixture of serious and humorous, stimulating and frivilous contributed to the ultimate growth of the Saciety.

As the previous Chairman reminded the Society, the original development of the Society was to lessen, even though in a minor capacity, the change from the protected atmosphere of schaol life to the more hostile surroundings of the University Common Room or the environment of social employment. "Six Soc." as it is affectionately known, encourages sixth formers to express their ideas before an often critical audience.


THE FOLLOWING ENTRIES were all submitted last summer term as entries for the "Martlet", a magazine dedicated to creative writing in East Sussex. They were not accepted by the Selection Committee. Of course the writers and the Editorial Board of the School magazine were disappointed, for the quality of the entries is good. It is not surprising that when the "Martlet" was printed some weeks ago it was read with critical and appreciative eyes. We were disappointed. If creative writing is the life blood that pumps vigour through the vast sprawling body of English language the "Martlet" reveals a state of anaemia in creative writing in East Sussex.

Surely if "creative" writing means anything it must mean imaginative, emotional and intellectual involvement in ideas. Such writing for a teenager is often full of technical imperfections but it is alive. It reveals his own world of shifting emotions, his attempts to cling to and master ideas and principles and to make them his own. His rhythms and word patterns, like his ideas, are never static but restless, dynamic and at times very beautiful. Such writing is frequently revolutionary; it should never be complacent or flaccid.

The selection printed here covers the age groups from twelve to eighteen years, It shows a mounting awareness of words and ideas, a growing appreciation of a very complex world.

Members of the Editorial Board think that they are good and they invite your criticism or appreciation, which will be printed in the "Intermag" next term.


The moonlight tumbled over the hills like a silver waterfall;
And the flowers bowed down to welcome the grey light;
The hills and valleys rolled away,
And the ponds seemed like molten silver.

The chalk pit was a pool of pitch,
And mingled with the wind whining through the trees
I could hear the sea crashing onto the rocks.

As the first streaks of dawn appeared in the sky,
Everything was bathed in red light;
The cock's fierce cry split the air;
And the moon sank into the hill.

J. N. CARTER (lR), 12 years.


Light floats on water on the sun-scorched heath;
The sun burns scalding in the blue noon sky;
Gone is the early dew; my dust-dry breath
Comes quick amid the summer's hot, red beauty,
And fades away. Thin whispering fills the hush -
Quick movements in the thirsty grass, where snakes
Lead aimless lives beneath each broken bush;
Short shadow lives, fast past and soon forgotten.

A voice is speaking in my ear but, deaf,
I do not know what it is saying; blind,
I only see a falling cypress leaf;
Although a hand points urgently. Harsh shouts
Fill all the hearing world. Sun strikes into my eyes;
I have no ears; encased in glowing light
I do not want your anguish or your cries.
I turn my head to where the finger points.

My eyes see flickerings on the green steel water,
My ears sing, dizzy in the light air's heat;
The boat which they push out is far too short; her
Prow, it seems to me, is not all there -
An optical allucion. [sic] To what alluding?
Nothing could be big enough on such a day
As this, when sun pours forth heat, flooding
The silken air with soft, slow-moving shadows.

They bring a body in, dead, slowly swinging
Between two pairs of tightly grasping hands.
It is the body of a man they bring in
To where the silver lake meets silver mud.
Two blind blue eyes it has, and one unspeaking mouth
A mouth that tells a sad and silent story
Of sorrow, rejection and of twisted truth,
Born from the wreckage of a shattered mind.

They also find a small, wet scrap of paper
Blowing alone upon the dirty path,
That told us of a death and an escape; a
Sad escape in sad, eternal deach. . . .
I turned and walked away, holding a thought
Within my head, a thought that echoes back
Whenever whirling wind is trapped and caught
Against the broken bushes on the heath.

M. RYLE (4A), 14 years.


The silver sixpence of the climbing moon
Rims chimney pots, rises without a pause
Over the roof-ridge, charms from their tangled gloom
Forests of televisian aerials.
The icy milktops of the Milky Way
Dance sprightly, brightly to the street-lamp light;
Roadsweepers mount their brooms, and stealthily
The lime-eyed cats prowl out to croon the night
Against the chalky blackboard of the sky.
The clouds of crumpled newspapers drift by,
Snatching the wind; loud dustbin-lids far hurled
Cacophonise the harmony of the spheres;
And down the golden stairway to the world
Slip schoolboys sliding on the banisters.

R. J. DEVENISH (6A MOD), 18 years.


A LONG journey was ahead of us in our search for spaghetti and sunshine. Leaving the School at 2 pm on 22nd August, little did we know that it would be taking an extra five hours due to landslides in Northern Italy. We arrived in Calais at 7 pm after a smooth crossing from Folkestone (not even Mr. Roberts being sick), and boarded the Calais-Basel express. In Basel the next morning many were feeling the aches and pains of sitting in upright seats all night. After breakfast our journey continued to Rome, during which we passed through interesting and varied scenery. Indeed one member of the party may have appreciated the real beauty of the scenery had his eye been taken from his camera view-finder for a few seconds.

We arrived in Rome at 11 that evening, 33 hours after setting out. A hot meal was awaiting us at our hotel, which proved to be comfortable and hospitable throughout our stay. The next morning many of us were about early exploring some of the sights and sampling Italian ice-cream.

For the next three days our only instructions were to be at the hotel in time for meals and in bed at a "reasonable" time. I found this ample time to see most of the sights and swim at the Rome Lido - where someone was heard to remark that the water is "twice as rough, salty and warm as the English Channel." I also met some very unusual people. They varied from American sailors and Midland car workers to Egyptian Chiropodists and homesick Turks. On Saturday, 27th August, we left Rome and travelled by train to Venice. We were all a little sick of Italian trains (and Italian packed lunches) by the time we arrived in early evening. Surprisingly there was no smell, due I expect to the cooler weather. The journey to the hotel by boat proved to be a novelty to all. The hotel had a typical American interior which may explain why thirty noisy Americans on a "shotgun" tour of Europe enhanced the floor above us for one unforgettable night.

Again, as in Rome, our only instructions were to enjoy ourselves. This we did sightseeing, and swimming at the Venice Lido. The climax of the holiday was a night trip by gondola, an experience that will be forgotten by none.

On 30th August we left Venice for our journey home, all arriving safely the next day. We have Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and Timothy to thank for such a well arranged, enjoyable and worthwhile holiday. Indeed, if Mrs. Roberts had not been constantly counting us, various members of L.C.G.S. Italy party would have been stranded in all parts af Europe.

Our holiday had given us an appetite for spaghetti and sunshine and many of us, I am sure, will be going back far more.


THIS year's play directed by Michael Voigt was a complex one presenting many problems to the cast of eight. Previous school plays have tended towards the spectacular, with excellent stage sets, carefully designed costumes and props which provided an excellent visual background against which any inadequacies in acting ability were less noticeable. This year such inadequacies had less chance of being hidden; drab army uniforms, a one set bamboo hut provided scanty cover for poor acting. Focus of attention was therefore concentrated on the actors and their character interpretations. Yet, while they stood to lose everything if they were inadequate in their respective parts, I am glad to say that they were always adequate, often really good and, at times, brilliant.

The seven British soldiers on a routine patrol in the Malaysian jungle weren't heroes; they would have preferred to have been anywhere else but in that bamboo hut. A raw and undisciplined set of conscripts, two non-commissioned officers, both professionals, and a Japanese prisoner provided drama, tension and a searching examinatian of human ideals and motives when opposed by the grim logic of war.

Philip Courage as Sgt. Mitchem had perhaps the most difficult part of the play. How does a 17-year-old boy, and a young-looking one at that, take the part of a hard-bitten army sergeant? Yet to his credit there were many times when his interpretation fused character and dialogue together.

You perhaps remember the time when he and Cpl. Johnstone returned from an outside patrol to find Bamforth and MacLeish fighting? His rage seemed genuine and his command and contempt obvious. His interpretation showed a man sickened by war and what he had to do in it - and if he did not quite manage to suggest the forceful man of action, prepared to kill a prisoner in cold blood in an attempt to save seven, I doubt very much if there was anyone in the School who could have done it.

Chris Brown as Cpl. Johnstone played the character as one proud of being a tough and professional soldier, intolerant and contemptuous of conscripts and of anyone who disagreed with him. His stage hatred of Pte. Bamforth was violent and at times incandescent.

Roland Boorman as Pte. Bamforth. With respect to everyone else in the cast, this was the outstanding performance. He looked like a Cockney, and his snarling, truculent, bawdy, sneering character transformed the play. The very intensity of his performance, I think, raised the acting level of everyone. I cannot remember ever having seen a boy who became so imaginatively involved in his part, managing effectively to portray cynicim for human ideals and contempt for army "bull" yet, at a crucial point, an implacable and entirely believable determination not to allow a prisoner of war, a human being, to be murdered in cold blood.

Of the four remaining British soldiers, each managed very satisfactorily to establish his identity on the stage. L/Cpl MacLeish was played by Martin Crees as a dour Scot too easily and consequently frequently upset by Bamford.

Pte. Evans, played by John Lamidey, as a Welshman whose patently over simplified ideals, provided a target for Bamforth's cynicism.

Pte. Smith, played by Michael Woollard - a small part but very well established - as a rather quiet, indestructible family man impervious to what either Bamforth or the Army tried to do to him.

Pte. Whitaker, played by Martyn Relf, who managed very adequately to suggest the type of individual who would lose his nerve at a crucial moment.

Yet having praised them individually one must not forget the excellence of their group performance - considerate of each other's lines and timing, all collectively helpful in establishing the play as a memorable experience.

Last of all congratulations to Nigel Rigby as the Japanese soldier who, without saying a single word from his unsuspecting entrance to his panic stricken demise, managed to suggest fear, servility, gratitude, bewilderment and final terror.

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