Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 43 - 1968

This Year's Barbican cover This year the magazine changes radically in format, style, content and tone. The impression of the School given by the Barbican is almost unrecognisable to Old Boys of the Bradshaw era. Headmasters come and go, the older generation of teachers who spent most of their career at LCGS are retiring, no Oxford Letter, no mention of academic successes, scholarships or university places. NRB's offer of News from Old Boys is snubbed for "want of space" yet plenty of space is used on items of negligible merit. There is no identifiable leader or central figure in the School. They have completely lost the plot.

There are at least two articles in the magazine on the subject of Apathy, not to mention a letter to the editor questioning the value of the School magazine. They couldn't even be bothered to give it an issue number! An essay on Hiroshima jostles with poems about death. The old team games are still played but new fun sports emerge - tennis, sailing, even table-tennis. Travel and exploration is popular but the routine visit to Blois has become a bit passe. Times, they are a-changing.

The School Captain gives the game away when he talks of "the uncertainty of this establishment's future". In NRB's day it was known as the "School"; now it is an establishment. The demise of an "establishment" is perhaps easier to contemplate than the passing of the School. While there is nothing said about the School's future, clearly there is doubt in the minds of staff, boys and parents.

Note a change of mood over the chapel - perhaps a reaction against the legacy of Mr Bradshaw and a return to a more openly expressed ambivalence about the place of religon in society at large. Even the Chaplain sounds a little disheartened. Clearly there is a divergence of view with frightened traditionalists setting up overtly religous discussion groups and those optimists who see the future in terms of social awareness and direct action. And what have we here? A Humanist Group for those who want a sensible discussion rather than hymns and prayers! Humanists opting out of Morning Assembly? Good grief, what next! Boys expressing doubts about the place of religion in a school?

The trend is also apparent in the demise of the CCF and the RAF cadets. This is now seen as something from the past - a legacy from the World Wars - about which the boys know or care little, which is understandable. War to them is about the prospect of their own thermo-nuclear annihilation - we have recently had the Cuban crisis and the horrors of Vietnam are about to unfold. No wonder they are uncertain, confused and scared. Their focus has shifted to a view of life where individuals do their own thing, whatever that be, NOW, and not be burdened with the problems of the past and the problems being caused by the old generation currently in positions of power. Opting out was, itself, becoming an option. There were indeed plenty of problems and their fears were justified even if their reactions were unhelpful and defeatist. Thankfully the worst horror did not materialise.

What we have here is a reflection of the "The Sixties" culture. The rot is setting in. Nothing of the old values are worth striving for - they are being abandoned leaving a vacuum to be filled with ennui, loud music, self-indulgence and nihilism. The hippies are emerging, students are bewildered and confused. It will be years before this mood burns itself out and by that time LCGS will have gone. A new educational Jerusalem would take time and vision to build; the job is still in hand.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys



Mr Hoggins Mr Usherwood 1967 will be remembered by those in the school as the year we had the services of three Headmasters. Mr. J. L. Fanner, as recorded in our last issue, left us for Alleyn's School, Dulwich, after presiding over the Spring Term. Mr. H. Hoggins, until then our Deputy Head, took over with his customary efficiency for the Summer Term, until Mr. D. W. Usherwood arrived from King Edward VI School, Nuneaton, to administer us from September onwards.

We hope that Mr. Fanner is now settled in with his new school, we thank Mr. Hoggins for making the interim period so smooth and we welcome Mr. Usherwood, and wish him and his wife a very happy and successful stay with us. We were pleased to hear that their daughter, who was taken so mysteriously ill during her first term at our sister-school, is now almost fully recovered and back at school. Equally we welcome all other newcomers to our midst, members of staff, enumerated elsewhere, and new boys, of whatever age, alike.

We would like to thank all those who have contributed to and helped with our new-look 'Barbican'; of the latter, mention must be made of the enduring patience of Miss Suter and Mrs. Worsell, in the office, who amongst all the minutiae of school administration found time to type most of what you will find in these pages; thanks, too, to Charles Cuddington and Baz Knight who have helped so much in the final preparations of this magazine and to Richard Cottingham for the time he has devoted to the line-drawings throughout the 1967 'Barbican'.
The Editor.

Changes of Staff

As Mr. Fanner took up his new appointment at the beginning of the Summer Term, Mr. Hoggins undertook the Headmaster's duties until the end of the School year.

The new Headmaster is Mr. D. W. Usherwood, Classical Scholar of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, who was Senior Classics master at King William's College, Isle of Man, and Warwick School before becoming Head Master of King Edward VI School, Nuneaton, Warwickshire.

Mr. W. H. Euston, Senior English Master since the School's foundation , retired at the end of the Summer term; Mr. Hoggins has contributed an appreciation elsewhere in this magazine.

Several masters left at the end of the Summer Term to take up other posts:
Mr. M. B. Holman (Physics) Eastbourne College of Further Education.
Mr. P. A. McCourt (English) St. Mary's R. C. College of Education, Twickenham.
Mr. D. G. Roberts (Geography) Owen's School, London.
Mr. G. P. Swan (Metalwork) joined Wiggins Teape & Co., Ltd.
Mr. P. A. Toy (Art) Brighton College of Education.

In their place we welcome Messrs. H. C. Gilbert and W. H. Nathan (English), Mr. T. A. James (Geography), Mr. M. G. N. Lee (Physics), Mr. G. Bland (Art), and Mr. A. T. Birchall (Metalwork). Mr. J. R. Elvin was in charge of Art during the Autumn term and continues in a part-time capacity, while Mr. H. A. Rees is assisting the Chemistry department.

Mr. J. S. Davey and Mr. D. B. Ives have returned to the Staff after a year as exchange teachers in America and Australia respectively.
Head Master.


Mr. W. H. Euston retired from his post as Head of the English Department in July, 1967.

Bill Euston "Bill" Euston was a member of the staff when the School opened in 1930 and was in charge of the English teaching in the School from that time. He saw the School population grow from a little over a hundred to reach over 600. The quality and value of his teaching can best be judged by following the advice, "ask the customers". These, one finds, were more than satisfied that they received teaching of the highest integrity backed by a genial firmness which required and obtained work of a high standard and sometimes of prodigious amount. All this work was corrected with meticulous accuracy and to see him, during the war years, cycling home with bulging suitcase on the carrier was to marvel that he would haul that load to the top of South Way and having arrived there would have the energy to deal with it.

Always readily approachable his wide interests were known and appreciated by most boys and staff. His fishing exploits, his expert knowledge of the workings of motor-cars, his extensive and informed gardening techniques, were all there to be recounted and drawn upon for the guidance of anyone who cared to seek his help and profit from his experience.

In his time he took part in most school activities. In the early years he was a leading figure in running School camps; he played soccer and cricket and was a high jumper of considerable achievement. It is to his expert advice that we owe the selection of the flowering trees which each spring and early summer beautify our quadrangles and other parts of the school grounds. That his gardening expertise was more than academic was proved during the war when, as Manager of the School Garden he produced vegetables for the school kitchen, such as cabbages, each one of which required a wheel-barrow for transportation!

Many School Societies owed some of their success to his interest and effort on their behalf. Possessing a robust sense of fun and a turn of phrase coloured by Anglo-Saxon terseness and simplicity, his essential kindliness enabled him to be witty without malice and ensured his popularity with masters as with boys. One marvelled at his phenomenal memory which helped him to achieve legendary fame as a master of the apt and accurate quotation. If these valedictory notes have induced some sense of gloom inseparable from the regret we feel at his leaving the staff, let us hasten to dispel some of it by the news that he has not left the town and we can still enjoy his cheerful company. We look forward to doing so on many occasions during what we know will be a well-deserved retirement, and one which we hope will be a long and happy one. All connected with L. C. G. S. will want to join in saying, "Thank you for years of devoted and disinterested service and for the privilege of your friendship".
H. Hoggins


So runs our motto. Through its practical application in academic, sporting and extra-curricula activities, the boys of Lewes County Grammar, both past and present, have built up the reputation of the school into one to be truly proud of. Nevertheless, such a maxim can never be exhausted in its employment and despite the uncertainty of this establishment's future, there is still plenty of room for its further application.

I would like to thank Mr. Norgrove for so generously volunteering to produce the school magazine this year. For too long our school has been without a periodical publication which does just credit to your activities and achievements and I am sure a vast store of literary talent has passed through these buildings untapped. So I do hope a fuller advantage of the school magazine is taken in the future, and that there is a greater realisation of its importance.
R. Precey, (School Captain)

PREFECTS, 1967-68

School Captain: Precey, R.

School Vice-Captain: Beal, C.R.

Senior Prefects: Knight, B. ; Tandy, A. D. C.

Prefects :
Anderson, P. ; Barnett, T. J. ; Benwell, N. H. (Chapel Prefect);
Cuddington, C. J. ; Farrell, M. G. (Chapel Prefect) ; Gann, S. J. O. ;
Gillett, W. B. ; Gregson, M. ; Harvey, M.C. ; Holcombe, D. J. ; Job, R. W. ;
Keene, S. M. ; Ketcher, M. ; Leeves, J. A. ; McCarthy, F. ; Motley, D. J. ;
Musgrave, P. C. (Chapel Prefect) ; Noble, L. J. ; Pettitt, P. M. (Chapel Prefect) ;
Robinson, D. J. ; Stream, J. M. Wake, H. H. ; Waters, H. J. ; Williams, D. C.

Library Prefect: Hollands, M. S.


Edgar Povey Award . . . . A. F. Rich
Rotary Club Service Prize . . . . D.B. Jeans
Lilian Fleming Prize for Biology . . . . S. C. R. Morling
Lewes R. F. C. Prize . . . . S. C. R. Morling
Barfoot Eng. Prize . . . . P.J. Courage
Beeforth Maths. Prize . . . . D. J. Bolton
Headmaster's Prize for Art . . . . R. P. Cottingham, S. Pettitt
Services Prizes . . . . S. J. Males, M. K. Brayne
Osborn Award . . . . J.A. Leeves
Old Lewesians' Prize . . . . M.E. Young
Toulmin Prize . . . . B. Knight
Larwill Craft Prize (Senior) . . . . J. H. Franklin
Larwill Craft Prize (Junior) . . . . D. H. Chalmers
Charman Geography Prize Music Prize . . . . S. J. Males
Music Prize . . . . D. J. Holcombe
W. Churchill Prize (Juniors) . . . . C. B. Edwards
W. Churchill Prize (Seniors) . . . . P. M. Still


VIA Mod. P. R. Miles ; VIA1 Sci. P. R. Best ; VIA2 Sci. S. J. Miles ;
VIB Mod. R. Precey ; VIB2 Sci. J. Palfreman
VH L. Hart ; VP I. H. Foyle ; VD M. J. Sutherland ;
IVA S. J. Cross ; IVB S. P. Buchanan ; IVC G. V. Weston
IIIA T. M. D. Cox ; IIIB G. F. Smith ; IIIC S. P. Swift
IIA R. F. M. Lewis ; IIB A. Tidmarsh ; IIC J. N. Ewin
IJ P. Earl ; IR E. J. Gay


Povey Work Shield . . . . Lewes
Bradshaw Games Shield . . . . Seahaven
Henderson-Oliver Cross Country Cup . . . . Uckfield
Wilfred Thompson Athletic Cup . . . . Martlets
Innes Swin=mming Cup . . . . Uckfield
Blunden Junior Games Cup . . . . Tie: Martlets and Lewes
Champaklal Tennis Cup . . . . Seahaven
Arnold Basketball Trophy . . . . Seahaven
Sinfield Swimming Cup . . . . M. Coe
Hugh Tayler Cup for standards . . . . Martlets
C.C.F. Reynolds Cup . . . . J Lamidy
Hoare Cup (Uckfield) . . . . A. F. Rich


Lewes House 1966-67

Senior House Master: Mr. H. J. Webb
House Masters: Messrs. Batehup, Doran, Farmer, Norgrove,
Roberts, Talbot, Taylor, Voigt
House Captain: B. Knight
Prefects: N. Garley, M. Relf, D. Tandy, M. Woollard

Lewes House, succeeded once more in carrying off the Work Shield, and in the field of sport we were only just unsuccessful in respect of the Swimming and Tennis, and the Junior Cross country, Rugby and Cricket. The juniors have been the most enthusiastic members of the House; the first-formers in particular have played their part in the House extremely well. Honourable mention must be made here of Purdie for his organisation of most of the Junior activities. In the Senior games we owed most to Tandy and Relf; a word must also be said for Garley and Woollard for their services to the Senior Rugby and Cricket.

This year we have said goodbye to Mr. Roberts, now head of the Geography Department at Owens School, London, and to Malcolm Young and Brian Wilson, both one-time Captains of Lewes House, who are now at Oxford. But we welcome back Mr. Davey after his year in America.

Now for the future. It is most important that every member of the House realises that it is up to him to do something for the benefit of the House, and not to sit back and let others do the work: In those areas of sport where we have been successful it is vital that we should keep up our standards and where we are not so successful we must make every effort to pull ourselves up by our bootlaces.
B. K.

Martlets House 1966-67

Senior House Master: Mr. R. B. Page
House Masters: Messrs. H. Pope, J. Nicholls, C. Branson,
J. Elvin, A. Birchall, T. James
House Captain: M. C. Harvey
Prefects: T.J. Barnett, W.B. Gillett, M. Ketcher

In attempting to compile some sort of account of last year's efforts by Martlets House, it was found that there was remarkably little record in the House book. There could be several reasons for this -- the book may have been misplaced, my predecessor may have been preoccupied with such ceaseless striving for the House that he had no time left to make written records, or the results may have been so disheartening that he could not face such a task. The latter possibility it would appear was not the case.

As usual the year started with the Basketball, in which we were unsuccessful. In both the soccer and the rugby Martlets finished with a victory, a draw, and a defeat; despite winning individually the three races through Haffenden, Hunt and Adams in the cross-country we achieved the unusual by coming fourth.

In the Summer Term, however, Martletians performed admirably to win all three cricket matches but were robbed of a share in the Games Shield by the drawn rugby game against Uckfield. We won both the Athletics Cup and the Standards Cup. This resulted directly from the reviving house spirit, fostered by Mr. Swan in his last term at the school. In both swimming and tennis we were third. After winning three rugby and two cricket matches, the Juniors succeeded in gaining a share in the Junior Games Shield, further contributing to a refreshingly successful year for the House.

There is no reason why last year's achievements should not be emulated. Prospects for rugby, cricket and cross-country are particularly good and should enable the House to continue its upward surge out of the mediocrity of recent years.
M. C. H.

Seahaven House 1966-67
'Una cum omnibus'

Senior House Master: Mr. Pett
House Masters: Messrs. Jones, Richards, Ives, Farmer, Lee, Gilbert
House Captain: Precey (Winter Term); Beal (Spring Term); Cuddington (Summer Term)
Prefects: Anderson, Benwell, Gregson, Job, Keene, McCarthy, Noble, Pettitt, Stream

Under the guiding influence of Dave Jeans, Seahaven house seniors had a very successful year winning the Senior Games Shield, the Basketball Cup and the Tennis Cup. However, the juniors, not through lack of effort, but through lack of size and ability, failed to win anything. The whole house proved to be very enthusiastic on the day but not quite so with regard to standards - meetings and practices.

With the retirement of Mr. Euston last year, Seahaven experienced a great loss. We wish him all happiness amongst his Cox's orange-pippins and strawberries and thank him for his invaluable contributions not only to the house but also to the school itself. For thirty years he guided the house to many triumphs and he was an outstanding example of "DARE NEC COMPUTARE". We are already feeling his loss. We can only try and follow his standards under the extremely able leadership of Mr. Pett.
R. P.

Uckfield House 1966-67

Senior House Master: Mr. C. Silk
House Masters: Messrs. W. M. Gourlay, K. Herbert, E. M. Keen,
A. F. Knight, E. Lavender, W. R. Peirce, W. D. White
House Captain: P. C. Musgrave
Prefects: D. J. Holcombe, J. A. Leeves, H. H. Wake, H. J. Waters, D. C. Williams

Uckfield House made an impact on the sporting scene during the past year, finishing winners in Cross-Country, Swimming and the unofficial soccer tournament and joint-first in the Junior Cricket.

However all was not bright. We came last in the Tennis Tournament, where the standard of recent years was not maintained, the young and inexperienced junior Rugby team could win only one of their matches and though the seniors did not fare much better they fought hard, especially in their 6-6 draw with Martlets. Better things are to be expected from the rugby teams this year, however, with the arrival of several good new seniors. The seniors were also disappointing at cricket in view of their First XI talent, though the Juniors helped improve this by determined effort. Praise is especially due to Williams, their Captain, who scored 40 and 36 against Seahaven and Lewes.

Our retention of the swimming cup yet again shows Uckfield's superiority in this sport, especially in breast-stroke and diving. Thanks are due to Mr. Herbert for his decisive encouragement to the House and for organising and training the teams, and encouraging the achievement of standards.

In Athletics we came second to Martlets. The gap of 30 points was rather more than it should have been, had every individual shown a real desire to win. In Cross-Country the Junior team came third and the Inters last. But the splendid packing of the seniors, (8 in the first 17) and Lewes Senior's poor team positions gave Uckfield the cup for the first time in several years. With the same enthusiasm there is no reason why we should not win again next year.

At soccer, Uckfield showed its latent talent, convincingly winning all 3 matches. Many thanks are due to Woodall for his hard work in organising this tournament.

Lastly, in Basketball, the seniors, though trying hard, came only third.
P. C. M.

1st XV RUGBY REPORT 1966-67

Captain: M.Young (Winter term), S Morling (Spring term)
Vice-Captain: R. Precey (Spring Term)

Played 20 -- Won 6 -- Drawn 3 -- Lost 7 -- For 107 -- Against 115

v Judd School (H) Lost 16-17
v Chichester High School (A) Won 19-3
v Worthing High School (A) Won 8-3
v Haywards Heath G. S. (H) Won 18-0
v Reigate G. S. (H) Won 9-3
v Ifield G. S. (H) Won 33-6
v Skinners School (A) Won 10-5
v Harlequins 'A' XV (H) Lost 0-8
v Guys Hospital (H) Lost 6-9
v Portsmouth G. S. (H) Lost 0-6 '
v Eastbourne College II (A) Drew 3-3
v Hurstpierpoint College (A) Drew 11-11
v Bec School (A) Lost 0-9
v Alleyne's G. S. (H) Won 6-3
v Eastbourne G. S. (H) Drew 0-0
v Eastbourne G. S. (A) Won 9-0
v Worthing High School (H) Lost 0-9
v Thomas Bennett School (H) Won 13-0
v St. Mary's G. S. (A) Won 3-0
v Old Boys XV (H) Lost 6-20

The season 1966-67 saw the gradual change in rugby tactics encouraged by the alteration to the Laws. The light pack that the School was to field, was able to compensate for its lack of scrummage possession by greater possession from the loose. An end of season analysis that shows a 50% success ratio, which coming after the previous season's excellent team result, is indeed creditable when one bears in mind the number of players who left School. The limited possession won by the forwards was not always used to advantage by the backs, who were at times, too preoccupied with diagonal running.

School Seven 1966-67 The highlight of the season was the winning, for the second successive year, of the Sussex School Sevens competition at Crawley. In atrocious conditions the School side beat Christ Hospital VII by 5-3, Jeremy Stream converting, just, a try scored by Stephen Morling. The losing side were to gain revenge in the South-Eastern Schools Sevens at War~ingham, when they beat us in the quarter-finals. The match against the Old Boys XV held just before Easter was once again a most enjoyable and entertaining match. The speed, strength and skill of the ex-Lewesians overcame the youthful enthusiasm and fine tackling of the home side to the tune of 20 points to 6.

Malcolm Young played for the combined Sussex and Hampshire side against Surrey and Eastern Counties. He, Ian Bullock and Stephen Morling also played for the County side against Hertfordshire and Hampshire. Rugby colours were re-awarded to Malcolm Young, Stephen Morling, Brian Ford, Robin Precey. New colours were awarded to Jeremy Stream, Martin Ketcher, Chris Beal, Ian Bullock, Michael Coe, and Chris Brown.
D. W. H.

Team Photo


The last year has seen a number of variations in worship following discussions held with members of staff and senior pupils. To introduce more of a dialogue, some morning Prayers and Services have been given over to answering questions. Last term Bishop A. Reeves answered questions about Vietnam and the Rev. C. Culshaw questions on Indian famine. We have had speakers on the subject of "My Faith and My Work" who have included a computer salesman, a psychologist and a prison chaplain. The Bishop of Lewes came to speak and returned later to an informal meeting.

Junior services are weekly and have mainly been taken by members of staff. There have been some films and an illustrated talk on the chapel by Mr. Gourlay. Senior services are no longer weekly but are held at the beginning and end of term, on Remembrance Day, on Festivals such as the Harvest, and otherwise to suit visiting speakers. Sixth Formers have continued to take Friday Prayers and we have heard a real variety of addresses. At times a series of talks has been given when attendance has been voluntary. Gift parcels have been received and distributed to local old people. Collections have gone to various charities.

The Chapel will no doubt continue to be a subject for controversy and discussion and this is welcome, for if it is to thrive it needs to show its relevance to our whole lives and to the wider society outside the school. I have greatly valued the support of Headmasters, members of staff and pupils for their frank and kindly suggestions.
P.O. Beale, Chaplain


Piddinghoe Pond After the usual hectic winter activities of restoring the boats to their former smartness the season got under way soon after Easter.

The combined fleet of the girls' and boys' schools now consists of five "Graduate" dinghies, and a Lymington scow which became the proud part-possession of the group on Mr. Fanner's departure, and has on occasion disproved the general opinion of its absolute unsinkability.

Throughout the Summer and Autumn, afternoons were spent most enjoyably at Piddinghoe pond, sailing in conditions ranging from the lightest breeze to the more testing of gales, and much valuable experience was gained by beginner and expert alike. Messrs. Richards, Lavender and, on occasions, Webb, were on hand to provide instruction and assistance - most necessary at times.

Besides its general success and enjoyment, the season was marked by some outstanding achievements. Two of the Graduates were entered in the East Sussex Schools Regatta held for the first time on the sea at Seaford. D. Long (helm) and C. Legg (crew) and J. West (helm) and J. Leahy (crew) did remarkably well to finish fifth and sixth respectively out of an entry of twenty-five. Later in the term the former pair entered the National Schools' Regatta held at Berwick-on-Tweed, and achieved the splendid overall place of second in their class. In four days of racing they missed victory only by the narrowest of margins. Both were awarded County Colours.

Another satisfying result must be recorded, although not strictly sailing, nevertheless of a nautical nature. To the elation of our members of the school, an East Sussex Schools Canoe Race was initiated and happened to coincide with the School Sports Day. The course, on the River Ouse from Newhaven to Hamsey and back tempted two crews from the school, E. Fitch and D. Moore representing the Sailing Group and J. Lamidey and D. Robinson representing the C.C.F., using two C.C.F. crews. Having done little canoeing before, all four were greatly surprised to be placed second and third (the sailors proving their supremacy over the soldiers by a few yards) and first overall, for which they received a handsome pennant.
D. Moore


This term saw the start of a somewhat altered school society. At its first meeting the aims of the group were put forward ". . . . To increase the interest of the school in the Christian Faith and in present day world problems. . . . . " This was followed by the Fact and Faith film "Time and Eternity. " Since that meeting, we have been having a series of discussions, one every fortnight, on relevant topics of today. Such subjects as "Drugs and Addiction", "Man in Society - Conform or Drop-out" and 'What is a Christian?" have been discussed, and recently a recording of an American Professor's talk on Humanism was played to the Society. We were very grateful to one of the student teachers, Mr. D. Bain, who towards the end of the term gave an interesting talk on social work in Brighton. Despite the efforts of some members the meetings were far from overcrowded, and so we hope and pray that next term we shall see some new faces.


In the summer of 1967 there started a mild revolution, about which the majority of the school either did not know or did not care; a revolution against selfishness, against the "Blow you mate, I'm all right, Jack" attitude. The Social Service Organisation was born! Work began immediately on the garden at the Blind Home, in Lewes; hedges were cut, lawns mown and undergrowth cleared. However the darker and colder evenings of the Autumn term drove us indoors to find that the Home's larder needed repainting. A loyal band of six helpers set about fulfilling the task and now after six industrious Saturday mornings at work the commission is nearly completed. The Organisation, eager to expand, set up a branch to work in the Seaford and Newhaven areas earlier this term; this department among other jobs has cleaned innumerable windows for old people. There are many in need of help; there are few to give it. We hope soon to establish branches in the Heathfield and Uckfield areas but for this local helpers are needed. Would you be willing to participate at any time, in any way? For further information see either N. Benwell or myself. Mercy "is twice bless'd; It blesseth him that gives and him that takes".
M. Farrell

March 1942-July 1967

The "Cadets" started as the 3rd Platoon of the 2nd Company of the Royal Sussex Cadets and during its 25 years had only four O.C.s., Captains P. L. Wormall, H. M. Davies, A. J. Hall and D. G. Roberts, which is in itself a tribute to the keenness of these former members of the staff, (and for 23 years Mr. J.A. Nicholls acted as second in command or lecturer to the Corps - a truly magnificent stint ! ) The first Cadet to be accepted after the war for training at Sandhurst was Peter Galen and shortly after his acceptance there was a period when there were four O. Ls. together in residence at Sandhurst.

To write a history of the 25 years would be a major task, so perhaps readers will find the reports on the last year of the Army & R.A. F. sections, a fitting obituary.

Although this was the last year of the C.C. F. it was by no means the Ieast. Members of the contingent travelled to all corners of the known world, France, Sweden, Norway, Singapore and Alfriston, undergoing every hardship with never a murmur - no word of protest, as we were forced at gun-point to spend the night in freezing snowholes miles from civilisation. The first memorable exercise of our last year was in November; it was code-named 'Champagne', and took the form of a week's camp at Les Grouets, near Blois in France. After hitching in pairs from Paris to Blois overnight we set up our tents by the roadside, since the intrepid Capt. Roberts had apparently been unable to find our pre-arranged site. A 5' fall of snow made memorable the picture of our sleep-drugged leader standing barefoot in the snowstorm, amazed, in his pink-striped pyjamas. We shared an Easter Camp in Norway with the RAF cadets, reported elsewhere. A weekend camp was held on the school field at half-term in February for the juniorso This was enjoyable and instructive to those who attended and it is a pity that they will not be able to go on similar, or more adventurous camps again. The summer term was a time of uncertainty as to the future of the contingent, as Capt. Roberts and P.O. Swan were to leave. To the great disappointment of all the cadets, no-one could be found to assume their duties.

All our thanks are due to Captain Roberts and P.O. Swan for putting so much time and effort into the force, and for their example and friendship to all cadets. Our thanks also go to Mrs. Roberts for her splendid cooking at various camps. We all sincerely hope that she has successfully overcome her recent ill-health.

Thanks also to the N. C . O. 's and to cadets past and present who made it all possible.
Nigel Rigby and Dave Robinson


The year began as usual. All the senior N.C.O. s had left, Parades were sparse, but teaching came to the forefront. The proficiency group made great progress thanks to Mr. Swan, who had the help of the two N.C.O.'s and senior cadets. 1967 was the grand finale of the section. Plans for Norway reached financial level and corporals became sergeants much to the disgust of the other ranks. Then outdoor exercises became the "in thing". Tramping the Downs to Alfriston at night was difficult! Led by one N.C.O. the junior group reached camp by 1 a. m. The seniors arrived at 9 a. m. next day ! Norway followed the examinations. "Arduous" it was. The only thing arduous was a hill of 1 in 2 ( ! ) and "snow-hole sleeping", Mr. Swan's brainchild but surprisingly successful. One collapsed with Mr. Roberts, of course, inside. Leaving was hard; the land was beautiful. But home we came. School-leaving was in the air that week. Gliding courses were spoilt by the weather but examination results were rewarding - everybody passed ! Rubber dinghies were the next craze. ~ The idea was to sleep and live in them for a weekend. We tried it, to Mr. Toan's delight. N.C.O. selection tests also began. Cadet Crooke was in a one-man dinghy. But it sank ! Then the ten man dinghy's roof caved in. Rain water. Summer sports reduced parades to a few cadets. A gift for both leaders made the end of the section complete, except for one uniform. That uniform went to Singapore. He started from his small village to travel the world via Cyprus, Bahrein and Gan, a tiny island in Mid Indian Ocean. Singapore was hot to say the least. Bustling city - nearly run over - but conditions are generally squalid. The harbour was choked and littered with sunk junks 1 Returning by VC 10 was an experience - a great 'plane. The N.C.O. awarded that flight was your lucky author. But the future could hold promise. With another pair of gallant, devoted sadistic leaders an R.A. F. section could thrive again. Many thanks to Messrs. Swan and Roberts and my fellow N.C.O. s for administrating a fantastic final year.
(Ex-N. C. O. ) R. Winsor 6B Sc.I


The J.S.C. was formed on the return of Mr. Davey to the school last term. The object of the meetings is to explore the fields of science which are not normally covered in school time. There have been five meetings dealing with chromotography, radioactivity, photography, engines and a display of chemical magic. The highest attendance was 40 at the entertaining chemical magic display. Speakers at the meetings have included 6th formers and members of the school staff. (For which Mr. Gourlay was responsible) .
I think that the junior school has found the meetings to be both enjoyable and instructive.
D. J. B.


Although referred to as the "heathens", the members of the Humanist Group probably think more about religion than most people in the school. Not only religion: the topics discussed during the morning meetings range from the latest political developments to heart transplants.

The group was founded about a year ago by Terry White. Rather illogically, practically everyone in the group would not call himself a Humanist. Nearly all are atheists or agnostics but do not go as far as Humanists in that they are not actively opposed to the established Church. All are pacifists or at least against war.

People usually join after opting out of chapel. While we do not want to be swamped by people who are sick of singing hymns etc. (they can opt out without joining our group) we extend an invitation to anybody who feels that a period of discussion on topical subjects in the mornings is more profitable than assembly. Preferably they should be able to take an active part in the discussions, and the more controversial their views the better.
S. H.


Mr. Bradshaw very kindly sent us, as is his annual habit, accounts of the doings of some hundred Old Boys, who have been in contact with him of late. It was our original intention to include these in this magazine, but we regret that considerations of space have on this occasion made it impossible to print even a selection of them. However, we understand from Ken Geering, that a Newsletter is in the offing and we have made it possible for Mr. Bradshaw's notes to be duplicated and circulated as an appendix to the Newsletter. We know that many Old Lewesians enjoy seeing the "Barbican", and reading of the activities of others in our columns. We therefore sincerely hope to be able to accommodate a full Old Boys' feature in future magazines.

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